Flare and Gas Flaring
Flare and Gas Flaring
Flare and Gas Flaring
MULTIPOINT GROUND FLARE -FLARE TIP -- The tip includes a flame retention device along with a pilot. The u
pper portion is typically
constructed of 310SS and the lower portion of carbon steel. Flare Tip in
cludes Pipe Tip and Sonic Tips.
The pipe flare is the most basic type of flare tip. It is sometimes call
ed a "utility flare".
FLARING -- Flaring is the controlled burning of natural gas in the course of rou
tine oil and gas production
operations. This burning occurs at the end of a fl are stack or boom.
FLASH BACK PREVENTION SYSTEM -- Flashback protection (the possibility that the f
lame will travel upstream into
the system) should be considered for all disposa
l systems because flashback can
result in pressure buildup in upstream piping an
d vessels.
FLAME ARRESTORS -- lame arrestors are used primarily on atmospheric vents and ar
e not recommended on
pressurized systems. Because of the acceleration of the flame, t
he flame arrestor
must be installed approximately 10 pipe diameters from the exit,
which prevents
the flame from blowing through the arrestor.The length of the tu
be and surface area provided
keep the metal cool.
FLUIDIC SEAL -- Fluidic seals are an alternative to gas seals. Fluidic seals use
an open wall-less venturi,
which permits flow out of the flare in one direction with very l
ittle resistance but strongly
resists counterflow of air back into the stack. The venturi is a
series of baffles,
like open-ended cones in appearance, mounted with the flare tip.
FPSO -- Floating, production, storage and offloading is a type of oil platform
GAS PROCESSING PLANT -GROUND FLARE -- Ground flares, where the flare tip is about two to three meters
above ground,
which is fenced off with a high heat-shield fencing, which also
acts as a safety zone.
The ground flare is not visible in the day. At night, it may cas
t an orange glow in the night
sky, depending on cloud cover.
IGNITION SYSTEM -ISBL -- InSide Battery Limits,with reference to the initial development of proce
ss plant projects in the construction industry.ISBL is considered
as the process area where the real product is created.
KNOCKOUT DRUM (Relief Drums or Flare or Vent Scrubbers) -- The knockout drum rem
oves any liquid droplets that carry over with the gas relief sent to the flare.
LEL/LFL --Lower flammable limit (LFL) or Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is minimum
vapor concentration in air which a mixture will burn when an
ignition source is present. Upper flammable limit (UFL) or Upper Explosi
ve Limit (UEL) is maximum vapor concentration in air which a
mixture will burn when an ignition source is present. Concentration of m
ixture of vapor in air below LFL/LEL (too lean) or
above UFL/UEL (too rich), mixture will not burn even an ignition source
is present.
Therefore, flammable range or explosive range is concentrations between
MIDSTREAM -- The midstream sector involves the transportation (by pipeline, rail
, barge, oil tanker or truck), storage, and wholesale marketing of
crude or refined petroleum products. Pipelines and other transpo
rt systems can be used to move crude oil from production sites to
refineries and deliver the various refined products to downstrea
m distributors.
MOLECULAR SEAL -- Molecular seals cause flow reversal. They normally are located
below the flare tip and serve to prevent air entry into the stack.
Molecular seals depend on the density difference between air and
hydrocarbon gas. Light gas is trapped at the top of the U-tube. A continuous st
ream of purge gas is required for proper functioning of the gas seal
OSBL -- OutSide Battery Limits, with reference to the initial development of pro
cess plant projects in the construction industry.OSBL is considered
as the non-process/infrastructure.
PILOT BURNER -PILOT FLAME -PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE -PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE -PURGE GAS -- Purge gas is injected into the relief header at the upstream end an
d at the major branches to
maintain a hydrocarbon-rich atmosphere in each branch, into the
off-plot relief system,
and into the flare stack.When there is enough PSV leakage or pro
cess venting to maintain the
desired backpressure, no purge gas is injected.
RAW NATURAL GAS -- It is the gas extracted from underground gas fields and broug
ht up to the surface by gas wells.
Raw natural gas typically consists primarily of methane,
the shortest and lightest hydrocarbon molecule alongwith other hydrocarbons, ac
id gases, liquid hydrocarbons, water and other gases (N2 and He) with a very sma
ll amount of mecury.
REFIENRY -- A refinery is a production facility composed of a group of chemical
engineering unit processes and
unit operations refining certain materials or converting raw mat
erial into products of value.
REVAMPING -- (REVAMP - give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to)T
his is a term used to describe the act of improving,
modifying, or re-structuring a process in order to obtain improv
has vertical tension tethers, a spar has more conventional mooring lines.
Spars have to-date been designed in three configurations: the "c
onventional" one-piece cylindrical hull, the "truss spar" where the
midsection is composed of truss elements connecting the upper bu
oyant hull (called a hard tank) with the bottom soft tank
containing permanent ballast, and the "cell spar" which is built
from multiple vertical cylinders.
10.Condeep platforms
11.Normally unmanned installations (NUI)-->These installations are then added to
the sea water.(sometimes called toadstools) are small platforms,
consisting of little more than a well ba
y, helipad and emergency shelter.They are designed to be operated
remotely under normal conditions, only t
o be visited occasionally for routine maintenance or well work.
12.Conductor support systems-->These installations, also known as satellite plat
forms, are small unmanned platforms consisting of
little more than a well bay and a small process
plant. They are designed to operate in conjunction with a
static production platform which is connected to
the platform by flow lines or by umbilical cable, or both.