Approximate Computation of Inductors With Variable Coil Turn Space Factor For Through-Heaters Using MATLAB
Approximate Computation of Inductors With Variable Coil Turn Space Factor For Through-Heaters Using MATLAB
Approximate Computation of Inductors With Variable Coil Turn Space Factor For Through-Heaters Using MATLAB
The paper presents an approximate computation of inductors with variable coil turn space factor for through-heaters using
Matlab GUI (Graphical User Interface), that calculates the electric parameters of the inductor and goes step by step with the
computation finding the geometry of the inductor for a given workpiece. We develop a Matlab GUI that requires certain input
values in order to compute the requested output variable. The paper discuss an approximate computation of inductors with
variable coil turn space factor for through-heaters having given a cylindrical billet as workpiece, but the same principle can be
applied to other shapes of workpiece.
Keywords:- induction heating, Matlab, electric computation of the inductor, geometry computation of through-heaters.
Uniform distribution of the temperature, inside the billet, was and will remain an important topic in all kinds of mass
heating. A considerable time reduction of heating, and thus reduce the length of the inductor can be done by using an
inductor with variable coil turn space factor kspace [1], and making it bigger at the end of unloading area. The coil turn
space factor is equal with: kspace=a/b as shown in Figure 1.
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Two of the most common billet-heating are progressive multistage horizontal heating and static heating. Progressive
multistage horizontal heating goes especially for small and medium size billets (usually less than 150 mm in diameter).
The billet is progressively heated at predetermined positions inside of the induction heater. When heating large steel
diameter (200 to 300 mm and larger), it is usually proper to use a static heating with a vertical coil arrangement or a
combination of progressive multistage horizontal method for preheating and the static vertical method for final heating
[3]. Billet-heating in inductors with variable coil space turn factor is done usually with two or more billets, which are
moved through a single coil or multicoil. In practice the coil turn space factor, implicitly the multicoil number, doesnt
exceed the number four. In most of the cases the limit is three and in some cases even at two different coils turn space
factor for the whole inductor [4]. Well consider the case of three different coil turn space factor as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 2D drawing of considered inductor with the sectors lengths of the three different coil turn space factor
To make an approximate computation of inductors with variable turn space factor for through-heaters, for above given
billet geometry and electric parameters, we used the following equations to find out the geometry of the inductor:
a 21 (0,2....0,3)a 2 a 22
a 23 (0, 4....0,6)a 2
a11 a 21 a
a12 a 22
a13 a 23 a
a (a1 a 2 ) / 2
where, a21, a22, a23 are the sectors lengths that is separating the billets loading measured in meters [m] and a11, a12, a13
are the inductors sectors lengths for the three different coil turn space factor measured in meters [m]. After the
computation of the sectors lengths of the billet loading and of the inductor, we can compute the heating time for each
sector of the billet loading.
For the first sector:
t1 a 21 t k / a 2
[s ]
The time for the second sector:
t 2 (a 21 a 22 )t k / a 2
[s ]
t3 t k
where, tk is the heating time measured in seconds [s]. Magnetic field intensity on each sector of the billet loading can
be approximately computed, if we consider that the outer magnetic field of the inductor HA is equal with zero.
In this case the current on each sector of the billet loading will be:
I 21 a 21 H e1
[ A]
I 22 a 22 H e 2
[ A]
I 23 a 23 H e3
[ A]
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where, He1, He2, He3 are the values of the magnetic field intensity on each sector, and they will be computed knowing
the total power on each sector and also their resistance. The resistance and the reactance of the first sector, measured in
ohms [], will be computed with the formulas:
r21 D 2 3,6 10 6
f / a 21
The total power and the reactive power will be computed with the formulas:
P21 p1D2 a 21 I 21
r21 (a 21 H e1 ) 2 r21 [W ]
[Var ]
And from above relations (15) and (16), the magnetic field intensity will be:
H e1
a 21
[ A / m]
[ ]
P22 p 2 D 2 a 22 I 22
r22 (a 22 H e 2 ) 2 r22 [W ]
a 22
[Var ]
[ A / m]
The same algorithm of relations will be used also for sector three, as per sector two relations.
The average intensity of the magnetic field, for the whole length of the sector will be:
a H a 22 H e 2 a 23 H e3
H e 21 e1
[ A / m]
1' ' H e1 / H e
H e2 / H e
H e3 / H e
where, 1, 2, 3 represent the number of windings per unit length of each sector,
A check is needed to see the allocation of windings:
a111' a12 2' a13 3'
where, is the number of the windings of the inductor, determined at equation (26). If the number of windings, from
equation (31), is bigger compared with the number of windings from equation (26), then the number of windings from
equation (29) and (30) needs to be decreased.
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Figure 3 Computation of heating time tk for given data f=1900Hz, D2=0.07m and t0=25s
Figure 4 Computation of average power output PT for given data G=4.5kg and t0=25s
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Figure 7 3D model of computed inductor along with the 3D model of given billet
Figure 7 and Figure 8 are showing the resulted 3D and 2D geometry of the inductor, computed for induction heating of
suggested billet. Having the approximate computation of the inductor with the three different coil turn space factor and
also its electric parameters, a proper further checking will be a simulation of billet induction heating.
Figure 8 2D drawing of computed inductor along with the 2D drawing of given billet
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Temperature uniformity inside the billet is a request in almost all mass induction heating. The paper presents an
approximate computation of an inductor with variable coil turn space factor that starts from the billet data and the
frequency and voltage of the installation. The method Matlab GUI has the advantage of flexibility and fast results
output. Another aspect that needs to be considered is that Matlab GUI method is very easy to use, no need to go in
details. All the equations are done in background; you just get the results. After the computation of the inductor for
proposed billet, a linked simulation of billet induction heating will give further information for designing the proper
[1] V. Rudnev, D. Loveless, R. Cook, M. Black, Handbook of Induction Heating, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York,
Basel, 2003
[2] A.E. Sluhoskii, S.E. Rskin, Inductoare pentru nclzirea electric, Ed. Tehnic, Bucureti, 1982
[3] V.Rudvev, How do I select inductors for billet heating, Heat Treating Progress, May/June 2008
[4] V. Rudvev, K. Schweigert, Designing induction equipment for modern forge shops, Forging, Winter, 1994, 5658
[5] H. Brian, T.V. Daniel, Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier Ltd., 2002
[6] K. Andrew, Basic of MATLAB and Beyond, CRC Press LLC, 2000
[7] H. Brian, L. Ronald, R. Jonathan, Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced, Cambridge University
Press, 2001
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