Believe in The God
Believe in The God
Believe in The God
“When I am ready to launch a project and I think I have all the answers, I can be
sure of this: Some of my answers are wrong.”
- Louis Kahn
“My proposal is the statement that the universe is a closed system. We don’t
need to suppose there’s something outside the universe which is not subject to
its laws. It is the claim that the laws of science are sufficient to explain the
universe….. Even if we had a TOE (A Theory of Everything), we would still be
left with one final question. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and
makes a universe for them to describe?”
- Stephen W. Hawking
Genuine healthy pride and authentic humility are not opposites – they are one
and the same – only different sides of the same coin of human value.
Human beings are creatures designed to breathe the air of healthy, humble
pride. In our heart of hearts, we sense a spiritual surge of greatness and glory.
“You don’t want to admit it, but the real truth is that human being is this way
because there is God and we are reflections of God, just as surely as moon is
the reflection of the sun.”
- Abraham Kaplan
“You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to be important. God can manifest his
glory through you if you’ll stay humble throughout your success.”
- Dr. Ben Carson
We may not be aware of God’s presence, and if we were aware of it, we may not
acknowledge it. Nevertheless, He is there – believing in you.
So don’t be surprised if the God who believes in you meets your mind or changes
your mood.
The difference between the possible and the impossible often lies in someone’s
determination and self-confidence.
Our self-image is the inner program that charts our course, determines our
choices, predetermines our reactions to what happens to us, even shapes our
belief system, or generates our doubts.
The image we perceive of our parents, our role models, will no doubt affect the
way we view God and profoundly, permanently shape our self-images, for good –
or ill.
Our faces are sculptured, shaped – and silently but surely engraved by the
thoughts we think and the feelings we harbor.
You will be proud of the kind of person you are, but humble in the knowledge that
God’s spirit living and burning within you is the source of your goodness.
What you and I and every person need to put and preserve positive pride in our
lives are personal relationships that:
• AFFIRM our Dignity,
• PROTECT our Dignity,
• RESTORE our Dignity, and
• SUSTAIN our Dignity.
The truth is that relationships that regularly record fresh mental impressions of
your values as a person are the only reservoir of energy to sustain your self-
Surely no award or recognition can compensate for the safe, satisfying and
sustaining source of strength that positive relationships supply to a human
being’s thirsty soul.
Effective relationships start with a respected and respectful naming of the name.
“Find a need and fill it. Find a hurt and heal it. Find a problem and solve it.”
Positive words are symbols to stimulate your self esteem. Certainly, the
incredible power of language is a divine gift designed to deliver dignity. Rightly
used, healthy language communicates respect, and builds satisfying
relationships that strengthen mutual self-esteem.
Whoever you are – mother, father, student, teacher, employer – you have access
to power of positive words today:
• Think of all the positive affirmations you can give yourself today.
• Think of all the positive affirmations you can give your spouse today.
• Think of all the positive affirmations you can give your coworkers today.
• Think of all the positive affirmations you can give your children today.
Embrace the gift of language, for words are meant to be tools to create – positive
relationships that meet everyone’s honest need for respect.
The creative use of words sustains the positive relationships between ourselves
and other persons. As a result, God becomes available as well as loveable.
Relationships are perishable. Without steady and strong nourishment, they can
wither and die.
There are so many distractions to the person with eyes and ears, plus a variety
of body organs, each with their separate demands. The competition for my time,
attention and devotion is fierce. The stress generated in me is enough to put
static into the communication lines with the External Silent One.
A bird was designed to fly; a fish to swim; and persons to enjoy God in a garden.
Gardens soothe the tranquility. And tranquility makes spiritual communication
tension with it. The bigger the change, the tighter the tension. The broader the
transition, the deeper the stress.
It’s no wonder that we need to take the time to retreat, readjust our mental
attitudes, and restore our self-esteem.
The truth is you desperately, urgently need one day in seven to rest the heart,
the soul, the mind, and the body. So choose, then, to use one day as the day of
rest and renewal.
This successful, busy man sets one day aside to revitalize their faith and their
family. In other words, preserve, empower, and enrich the most important
relationship in your life.
My advice to you is forget the “If Onlys”. Put them behind you. For that is where
they are. They are in your past unless you allow yourself to bring them from the
past into the present and into your future.
Replace useless self-pity with an inspiring dream of what you can do to become
the kind of parent that your child will be proud of.
“Self-esteem and happiness are not one and the same. Keeping a child happy is
as simple as giving the child everything he or she wants. … In the process,
however, I will have no choice but to completely destroy the child’s self-esteem.
Self-esteem, you see, is composed of equal parts initiative, resourcefulness,
imagination, autonomy, and determination. Self-esteem is an attitude of “I can do
it myself.”…. Such an attitude develops not as a result of parents doing things for
you, busying them in the pursuit of your happiness, but as a result of parents
who expect you to do for yourself, take responsibility for yourself, and pursue
your own happiness.”
- John Rosemond
It is no disgrace to disagree and depart from your family’s traditions if you can
bring a brighter faith and a healthier love and a more honorable religious tradition
into the bloodstream of your family. We honor the ongoing family name when we
make corrections that upgrade it.
“I would like people to bring prayer back again into their families; because love
begins at home. And it begins by praying together. The family that prays together
always stays together and they stay together united in love for one another, and
they never allow anything to break that unity and peace.”
- Mother Teresa
There is a divine destiny to your life. Discover it. Be proud that God has honored
you with life and a future filled with possibilities.
Build your family relationships and make them strong. They will rescue your
wounded spirit again and again. No other relationships, save your relationship
with God will pay such rich dividends to your spirit.
“Life is what you make of it. You have a commitment and you can’t give up. You
are somebody. You must love yourself! You can make it. Life does not serve you
beautiful pieces of cake all the time. But that’s life. So know who you are.”
Respect Life! Reverence Life! Restore Life! Revise Life! Release Life!
Value your self and your life highly. This isn’t as self-centered as it may seem.
For when you value yourself, you will, in turn, value others. We project our own
values onto other persons.
Few persons have contributed more to an understanding of the roots and fruits of
anger than psychiatrist Dr. Gerald Jampolsky. He saw – and sees – anger as an
expression of fear.
It takes more inner strength to forgive than it does to inflict revenge. And
remember, God has declared that justice is His right to exercise. Forgiveness, on
the other hand, need not imply compromise with wrongdoing. Only the strong,
self-assured, self-confident will have the inner power and patience to become
“peacemakers”. Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the proponents of non-
violence understood that.
Every person’s inalienable right to be free is justified by his humanity, a high and
holy privilege to enjoy the dignity that is their divine birthright.
Stress, the big killer, moves in and takes over when the preventative shield of
life-giving enthusiasm has never been injected in the emotional system.
“All people need smiles! Joy is the best medicine for them. When you come to
them in their sorrow and suffering and their pain and you really make them
happy, love brings new life in their life.”
- Mother Teresa
Keep thinking positively and you’ll develop a personality that can restore life.
If we want to discover real dignity we must learn to be meek and humble of heart.
The ‘Ten Commandments’ have been violated ever since they were written,
however, they are indestructible. They are broken often, but they are not
We need wisdom to make the right decisions when we are faced with the choices
that carry lasting consequences. Some choices are so important that wrong
selections leave scars that can’t be covered.
This command is meant to extend and expand our love life, to eliminate
loneliness, not pleasure, from our lives.
Real identity is discovered when you are loved by someone you trust enough to
fully disclose yourself – body, mind, and soul. The lover tells you more about
yourself, and the better you know yourself, the better you can love yourself.
Intimacy is God created prescription to full blown joy! The pleasure comes to full
flower when you find a friend with whom you can laugh and cry; talk honestly and
openly; be happy; sit for hours and say nothing or scream in ecstasy or
The deepest need is the need to be needed. This need – in your life and mine
– is safely, perfectly satisfied in safe intimacy.
Love that flows free, pure and precious is life-giving. Love is wellspring of
enthusiasm! Optimism! Creativity! The joyous spring of love must never, ever be
cluttered with litter or polluted with foreign elements.
Two strong influences for preserving marriages, more reliable than premarital
living together, are a shared belief in marriage or in the beliefs or philosophy or
religion that the couple share.
“Who steals my purse steals trash, twas something, tis nothing. But he that
filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him, and
makes me poor indeed.”
- Shakespeare
This is His strategy for stretching our thinking until we leave the calm, snug,
safety of our comfort zone and break loose, move out, step ahead, and become
more than we have ever been before.
Faith, focus, and follow-through are wise words to guide the opportunity
thinker…. Don’t let any and every new opportunity distract you from focusing on
what you do best. Now if you decide to go for it, there is a final inspection: Ask
yourself if you are prepared to follow through and pay the price.
Most failing opportunity thinkers fail not because they lacked opportunity or talent
or training or resources but because they didn’t give their opportunity their whole
hearted effort.
Tough times are encountered by almost anyone who is seriously pursuing any
goal. When problems or pressures mount, you simply retreat, regroup,
reorganize, and reprioritize your resources, but you don’t get discouraged and
quit. Cycles come and go, but your eye never loses sight of your ultimate goal.
God loves you! He has a plan for your life! He has given you talents.
Develop them. He has given you some gift. Discover it! He is giving
opportunities. Seize them. God’s waiting to provide you with all you need!
This is your inheritance. No man can take that from you!
The key to winning friends, influencing people, and earning the precious and
powerful wealth of respect: Be Positive! Be Optimistic! Be Careful! Instead of
putting people down, pray them up.
The world of religion can be so beautiful when preachers, evangelists, authors,
and theologians look for areas of agreement with other faiths.
There are intellectual elite who consider themselves the mental lords of society.
Academic arrogance can look down with disrespect upon the men and women
whose educational backgrounds fall far short of the lofty achievements of those
in the academic aristocracy.
“Anything that offers hope has the potential to heal, including thoughts,
suggestions, symbols, and placebos.”
- Dr. Bernie Siegel (‘Love, Medicine, and Miracles’)
Let’s start an inspiring revolution of the human spirit on the planet earth! Let us
make a decision to allow ourselves to become channels of God’s encouragement
to our fellow human beings. We will go around boosting the spirits and elevating
the self-image of people who have been bruised by failures, frustrations, and
fracturing experiences of life.
Decide to be a kind, honest, and generous person. Yes, you may lose the
support of some negative persons. Let them go. Pay the price. After all, they
probably aren’t the people that you respect the most.
We must remember that there is one gift God never removes from us: ‘our
freedom to choose our reaction to what happens to us’.
• Someone who is quick to forgive me after I have stumbled, erred, missed
the mark, and sinned.
• Someone who is honest enough to tell me the truth when other people
would yield to false flattery.
• Someone I can trust with my deepest secrets.
So go out and seek the glory and honor that only God can bestow: The God of
Beauty. The God of Hope. The God of Peace. The God of Love. The God of
Creativity. The God of Possibilities. The God who believes in you.
Being accountable means accepting responsibility for my own actions, for the
consequences of my own behavior.
The primary way in which we show respect to others is to step out of the state of
anxious self-concern - long enough to give others our attention – to listen, to
understand, to care.”
[From Report of California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and
Social Responsibility]
“The greatest problem facing modern man is the dampening of the human spirit
that causes many people, especially in the countries of Western civilization, to
lose their pride in being human and doubt that we will be able to cope with our
problems and those of the future.”
- Rene Dubos [‘Celebrations of Life’]
A positive religion that causes you to respect yourself will turn you into a person
who respects others.
When you discover the beauty in yourself you will begin to discover the beauty in
others. And conversely, when you are able to discover the beauty in others, you
will begin to discover the beauty in yourself.
Choose to live a life you can be proud of. Let your personality radiate with the
self-esteem that is the presence of God within you, and your pride will become
the praise of thanksgiving offered to God.
People who never change their minds are either perfect or stubborn. I’m not
perfect, and I don’t want to be stubborn. So I can reverse myself and not be
ashamed or embarrassed to do so!
I’ve learned how, when, and what to yield. Credit and honor included. After all,
God can do tremendous things through the person who doesn’t insist on getting
all of the credit.