Section A
Section A
Section A
The A2 exam worth 25% of your final A-level grade and is made
up of 2 separate sections
Question 1
A question that requires students to describe and evaluate the
development of their skills over the course of their AS
Production work to their A2 Production work.
The question will ask students to focus their answer on ONE
OR TWO of the following issues:
Digital Technology
Research and Planning
Using conventions of real media texts
To Prepare:
In this space write at least one example of something specific you
did with this technology and explain how it helped you
At AS we used Premiere Pro to
At AS we used Facebook..
How it helped us
At A2 we used Facebook in a
different way
At AS we used
Fireworks/Photoshop to
At A2 we used
Fireworks/Photoshop in a
different way
How it helped us
At AS we were creative coming up
with ideas by
At AS we chose costumes by
At AS we copied conventions of
the genre for example
levels, power points to plug in equipment, health & safety, availability etc.
Plus you have sourced more interesting, exciting locations.
WHAT EFFECT did research and planning have on your final work
WHAT would you NOT have been able to do without research and
How it helped us
At AS we used questionnaires to
WHAT EFFECT did post production skills have on your final work
WHAT would you NOT have been able to do without post production
Post production
At AS we used Adobe Premiere...
How it helped us
At A2 we improved our
understanding of Photoshop by
At A2 we improved post
production feedback by
become more creative. If you did add sound / dialogue on, then give an
example of where you did this and why. If you did, you could explain how
actually, not being able to manipulate or cut the sound made the process
more difficult as you had to ensure all the miming of the lyrics complete
matched, at the right pace etc. Give example of how you did this or
problems you encountered and how you solved them. ]
Conclusion At AS, you were still learning about the concept of genre,
and felt as though conventions were very much easily identifiable and set
in stone. Many of you ensured that you followed lots of your genres
conventions in your AS work. However by the time you reached A2, you
learned that genre is much more of a fluid concept, less easy to define,
especially within music, and this led to you being confident enough to
both follow and challenge conventions of your genre, pushing the
boundaries throughout which impacted your creativity.