Science Practice Questions
Science Practice Questions
Science Practice Questions
1. The venous blood returning via the superior vena cava (SVC) and inferior vena
cava (IVC) enters the heart at the:
(A) Left atrium (LA)
(B) Right atrium (RA)
(C) Left ventricle (LV)
(D) Right ventricle (RV)
2. The mechanism by which the epithelial cells of the thyroid concentrate iodide
is termed:
(A) Diffusion
(B) Hormonogenesis
(C) Active transport
(D) Absorption
3. Flood field nonuniformity in reconstructed SPECT images can result in:
(A) Star artifacts
(B) Ring artifacts
(C) Hot spot artifacts
(D) Cold spot artifacts
4. Tc-99m Sulfur colloid can be used in all of the following types of imaging
(A) Bone marrow imaging
(B) Gastrointestinal bleeding imaging
(C) Liver imaging
(D) Brain imaging
5. Figure2.1 presents the diagrams of end-systolic (dashed line) and end-diastolic
(solid line) shape of left ventricle cineangiogram. The drawing a represents
normal left ventricle wall motion. What left ventricle abnormality corresponds
to the drawing b?
(A) Hypokinetic left ventricle
(B) Hyperkinetic left ventricle
(C) Akinetic left ventricle
(D) Dyskinetic left ventricle
Fig.2.1 End-systolic (dashed line) and end-diastolic (solid line) shape of left ventricle cineangiogram
(Illustration by Sabina Moniuszko)
14. Scintigraphy is the gold standard measurement of gastric emptying for diagnosis of gastroparesis. All the following symptoms are common among patients
with gastric dysmotility disorders EXCEPT:
(A) Nausea and vomiting
(B) Early satiety
(C) Abdominal bloating
(D) Tachycardia
15. Figure2.2 presents the schematic drawing of normal heart conduction system.
The label a represents:
(A) The left bundle branch
(B) The right bundle branch
(C) The sinoatrial node
(D) The atrioventricular node
16. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has provided complete guidelines for retention of all records generated in a nuclear medicine department.
Which of the following documentation should be kept indefinitely?
(A) Misadministrations records
(B) Patient dosage records
(C) Personnel monitoring records
(D) Sealed-source inventory records
26. All of the following are recommended means of reducing radiation exposure
(A) Use of remote handling devices
(B) Applying shielding
(C) Wearing film badge
(D) Limitation of time
27. One of two or more different nuclides having the same mass number is called:
(A) Isomer
(B) Isotope
(C) Isobar
(D) Isotone
28. All of the following quality control (QC) tests are performed in nuclear medicine department to assess the reproducibility of radiation counter EXCEPT:
(A) The relative error
(B) The chi-squared test
(C) The reliability factor
(D) The constancy test
29. A radioactive source produces exposure of 30 millirem per hour (mR/h) at
2-m distance. If the distance is increased to 5-m what is the new exposure rate?
(A) 4.8mR/h
(B) 5.1mR/h
(C) 5.6mR/h
(D) 6.1mR/h
30. Excessive free pertechnetate in Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP)
preparation will result in increased tracer accumulation in the:
(A) Thyroid and stomach
(B) Thyroid and kidney
(C) Thyroid and bowel
(D) Thyroid and liver
31. All of the following symptoms can be related to thyroid dysfunction
(A) Weight loss
(B) Weight gain
(C) Back pain
(D) Irregular menstrual cycles
32. Extravasation of the tracer at the site of injection when performing bone scintigraphy may result in visualization of the:
(A) Thyroid
(B) Stomach
(C) Kidney(s)
(D) Lymph node(s)
33. The basic unit commonly used for expressing amounts of binary-coded information is called:
(A) The bit
(B) The byte
(C) The word
(D) The sequence
34. Tc-99m-labeled erythrocytes and Tc-99m sulfur colloid are two commonly
used techniques to detect:
(A) Active bleeding
(B) Hemangioma
(C) Melena
(D) Hematemesis
35. Presented images (Fig. 2.4) are example of what type of nuclear medicine
(A) Dynamic study
(B) Static imaging
(C) Dual point imaging
(D) SPECT study
41. Soaps are detergent-based products and are available in various forms including bar soap, tissue, leaflet, and liquid preparations. Which of the following
statements regarding soaps and handwashing is false?
(A) Handwashing with plain soap can result in increases in bacterial counts on
the skin
(B) Plain soaps have minimal antimicrobial activity
(C) In many studies, handwashing with plain soap failed to remove pathogens
from the hands of hospital personnel
(D) Plain soaps cannot be contaminated
42. Cinegraphic loop viewing of dynamic images of the gastrointestinal bleeding
(A) Help to localize the site of bleeding
(B) Eliminate the need of angiography
(C) Have prognostic value
(D) Is time consuming
43. Calibration, sensitivity/constancy, efficiency, chi-square, and energy resolution
are quality control procedures performed to ensure proper operation of the:
(A) Survey meter
(B) Dose calibrator
(C) Gamma-camera
(D) Well counter and uptake probe
44. Which of the following gastrointestinal structures is more variable in location
and more prone to overlap with vascular structures?
(A) Stomach
(B) Small bowel
(C) Colon
(D) Rectum
45. Images presented in Fig.2.5 were acquired during routine bone scintigraphy
and they should be labeled:
(A) (a) and (b) posterior views
(B) (a) anterior and (b) posterior view
(C) (a) posterior and (b) anterior view
(D) (a) and (b) anterior views
56. The relationship that states that electromagnetic radiation intensity is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance from a point source is called:
(A) Inverse square principle
(B) Inverse square rule
(C) Inverse square law
(D) Inverse square protection
57. Tl-201 as thallous chloride at neutral pH with respect to biochemistry and
physiology is considered to behave similarly to:
(A) Sodium
(B) Calcium
(C) Potassium
(D) Gallium
58. The Pulmonex Xenon System is commonly used to perform lung ventilation
studies. Which part of the xenon trap system is responsible for trapping the
(A) The Drierite
(B) The mask
(C) The charcoal filter
(D) Soda lime crystals
59. What is the effective half-life of an isotope, that has a physical half-life of 18h
and a biological half-life of 10h?
(A) 2.5h
(B) 6.4h
(C) 7.5h
(D) 9.2h
60. Tc-99m-labeled leukocytes and Tc-99m sulfur colloid accumulate in the reticuloendothelial cells of the bone marrow. The distribution of marrow activity is
similar in all of the following conditions with the exception of:
(A) Pagets disease
(B) Bone fracture
(C) Osteomyelitis
(D) Shin splint
61. If the medication is injected at a 45-degree angle using a 5/8in. needle with a
25 gauge, the injection is called:
(A) Subcutaneous injection
(B) Intramuscular injection
(C) Intradermal injection
(D) Intravenous injection
62. Tc-99m-labeled red blood cells (Tc-99m RBCs) and Tc-99m-labeled sulfur
(Tc-99m SC) can be used for the detection of gastrointestinal bleeding. Which
of the following statements correctly describe their properties?
(A) Tc-99m RBC is rapidly cleared from intravascular space
(B) Tc-99m RBC do not contribute to observed background activity
(C) Tc-99m SC is rapidly cleared from intravascular space
(D) Tc-99m SC use is limited for the detection of gastric bleeding only
63. The Positron emission tomography (PET) blank scan should be acquired and
(A) Daily
(B) Weekly
(C) Monthly
(D) Annually
64. In the radionuclide localization of acute gastrointestinal bleeding, two radiopharmaceuticals Tc-99m-labeled red blood cells and Tc-99m-labeled sulfur
colloid are commonly used. Tc-99m RBCs have a stable persistence within
the blood pool. On the contrary, Tc-99m SC is rapidly cleared from intravascular space with a HALF-TIME of approximately:
(A) 3040min
(B) 2030min
(C) 23min
(D) 310s
65. Images presented in Fig.2.7 were acquired during routine whole body bone
scintigraphy after intravenous 25.7mCi of Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate
(MDP) administration. Which of the following statements is most consistent
with the finding from the scan?
(A) Normal scan
(B) Ribs fractures
(C) Bone metastasis
(D) Pagets disease
66. The increasing mean age of the US population and emerging new technologies
will likely increase the demand for all of the following nuclear medicine procedures EXCEPT:
(A) Tumor scans
(B) Bone scans
(C) Cardiac scans
(D) Ventilation/perfusion scans
67. The major types of radiation listed by decreasing mass are:
(A) g, a, b
(B) a, b, g
(C) a, g, b
(D) g, b, a
68. The shield and the decay method are two different approaches to evaluate:
(A) Effective dose measurement
(B) g-Camera linearity
(C) Half-value layer thickness
(D) Dose-calibrator linearity
69. If a study of 40 frames is acquired in BYTE mode on 128128 matrix, what is
the memory used if the acquisition is stored in WORD mode?
(A) 327,680 words
(B) 655,360 words
(C) 655,360 bytes
(D) 327,680 bytes
70. Sludge in the gallbladder is a common ultrasonographic finding in patients
with chronic understimulation of the gallbladder. Sludge is:
(A) Lithogenic bile
(B) Acid chyme
(C) Bile soap
(D) Surfactant
71. Measurements used to assess the patients condition are called the vital signs,
and consist of the following vital parameters EXCEPT:
(A) Blood pressure
(B) Respiration rate
(C) Temperature
(D) Height and weight
76. According to the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) recommendations, all of the following can result in reducing radiation exposure and
obtaining high-quality diagnostic images EXCEPT:
(A) Radiopharmaceutical selection
(B) Individualized dose adjustment
(C) Applying iterative reconstruction
(D) Improving report turnaround time
77. The maximum permissible limit of Al+3 in Tc-99m eluate is set by:
(A) U.S. Pharmacopeia
(B) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
(C) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
(D) Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM)
78. Leak testing on sealed sources, e.g., dose calibrator standards, spot markers,
etc. must be performed at intervals not to exceed:
(A) 1 week
(B) 1 month
(C) 6 months
(D) 12 months
79. When performing a bone scan with Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP),
the technologist sets the pulse height analyzer to 20% window. What is the
acceptable energy range in this setting?
(A) 126154keV
(B) 112168keV
(C) 120160keV
(D) 130150keV
80. Abdominal pain during hepatobiliary scintigraphy with sincalide infusion:
(A) Is predictive of the gallbladder disease
(B) Is determined by the method of sincalide infusion
(C) Is determined by the dose of radiopharmaceutical
(D) Is predictive of the postcholecystectomy complications
81. All of the following organs belong to the urinary system EXCEPT:
(A) The bladder
(B) The urethra
(C) The urethers
(D) The uterus
82. The presence of a focal defect on rest images that was not seen on stress images,
or the presence a focal defect on stress images that appears more severe on rest
images is called:
(A) Reverse redistribution
(B) Viability image
(C) Pseudo aneurysm
(D) Cardiomyopathy
83. Every received package holding radioisotopes must be logged in properly. The
incoming package logbook must include all of the following data EXCEPT:
(A) Product name
(B) Date
(C) Drivers name
(D) Received activity
84. The inferior wall of the left ventricle commonly demonstrates a decreased count
density most likely caused by photons attenuation. All of the following can
cause attenuation artifacts in the inferior wall of the left ventricle EXCEPT:
(A) The left diaphragm
(B) The right ventricle wall
(C) The right ventricle blood pool
(D) The right diaphragm
85. Display on the Fig. 2.9 presents reconstruction reoriented single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT MPI) data and created:
(A) Short axis slices
(B) Vertical long axis slices
(C) Long axis slices
(D) Horizontal long axis
86. Which of the following diagnostic examinations will deliver the smallest estimated dose to the fetus?
(A) Abdomen CT
(B) Pelvis X-ray
(C) Interventional fluoroscopically guided procedures
(D) Lung perfusion scan
87. The distance that the positron passes from its origin to the point of the annihilation is called:
(A) Positron attenuation
(B) Positron range
(C) Travel range
(D) Annihilation delay
88. Photomultiplier tube (PMT) consists of a photocathode and a series of dynodes
in an evacuated glass enclosure. PMT converts:
(A) The light photons into an electrical signal
(B) An electrical signal into light
(C) An electrical signal into heat
(D) Heat into light
89. 850milligrays (mGy) are equal to:
(A) 0.850rad
(B) 85rads
(C) 85,000rads
(D) 8,500,000rads
90. Attenuation artifacts of tomographic myocardial perfusion imaging may
decrease the diagnostic accuracy of the technique, predominantly due to:
(A) Increase in false negative
(B) Increase in false positive
(C) Increase in true negative
(D) Increase in true positive
91. Kupffer cells of the liver are responsible for the radiopharmaceutical:
(A) Extraction
(B) Excretion
(C) Phagocytosis
(D) Breakdown
92. If the time between two successive R points is 1s, a beat length acceptance
window of 100% allows accumulation of data from cardiac beats:
(A) Having a duration 1,000ms
(B) Having a duration 11,000ms
(C) Having a duration 5001,500ms
(D) All duration beats will be accepted
93. Compton scatter from the patient overlaps into the energy levels located:
(A) Around the energy peak
(B) At low energy side of the energy window
(C) At high energy side of the energy window
(D) At all levels of energy window
94. A defect that is present on stress images, and not seen or present to the lesser
degree on resting images is called:
(A) Reversible defect
(B) Reverse defect
(C) Fixed defect
(D) Transient defect
95. Figure2.10 presents the schematic diagram of the hepatobiliary tract. What
part of the hepatobiliary tree represents label b?
(A) Sphincter of Oddi
(B) Cystic duct
(C) Common bile duct
(D) Common hepatic duct
97. The increasing distance between the origin of the positron and the location of
the point of annihilation results in:
(A) Attenuation artifact
(B) Motion artifact
(C) Decreased image resolution
(D) Increased image resolution
98. The process of restricting the detection of emitted radiations to a given area of
interest is called:
(A) Attenuation
(B) Collimation
(C) Scattering
(D) Pooling
99. How much activity will be remaining at 2:30p.m.if the dose of Tc-99m
methylene diphosphonate (MDP) is calibrated to contain 25mCi at 12:00p.m.
on the same day?
(A) 19.5mCi
(B) 18.7mCi
(C) 17.3.0mCi
(D) 15.7mCi
100. Which of the following pharmacological stress agents is not approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for stress testing in the USA?
(A) Dobutamine
(B) Adenosine triphosphate
(C) Adenosine
(D) Regadenoson
101. The brain consists of two hemispheres and each hemisphere has four lobes.
Which of the following structures is NOT the brains composition?
(A) The frontal lobe
(B) The lateral lobe
(C) The parietal lobe
(D) The temporal lobe
102. The methylxanthines competitively inhibit the adenosine receptors and can be
a source of:
(A) False-positive studies
(B) False-negative studies
(C) True-positive studies
(D) True-negative studies
103. All of the following single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
quality control procedures can be performed by the technologist EXCEPT:
(A) Center of rotation (COR) calibration
(B) Multiple head registration (MHR) validation
(C) SPECT phantom
(D) Uniformity correction matrix
104. A patient referred for Tc-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) renal scinti
graphy should:
(A) Stay NPO (nothing per oral) for 6h
(B) Be well hydrated
(C) Follow low carbohydrate diet
(D) Avoid iodine containing medications
105. Figure 2.11 shows four different I-123 thyroid images where image (a)
demonstrates a normal thyroid gland. The findings from image (b) are more
consistent with the clinical diagnoses of:
(A) Hypothyroidism
(B) Graves disease
(C) Multinodular goiter
(D) Autonomously hyperfunctioning thyroid nodule
106. According to the criteria defining unrestricted areas and listed in Nuclear
Regulatory Commission-10 Code of Federal Regulations (NRC-10CFR) Part 20
Section1301, all licensees must perform procedures so that a dose in any unrestricted area does not exceed:
(A) 0.001rem in any 1h
(B) 0.002rem in any 1h
(C) 0.004rem in any 1h
(D) 0.005rem in any 1h
107. The product of the physical half-life and the decay constant is equal to:
(A) 0.5
(B) 0.693
(C) 0.6932
(D) 1
108. The survey meter, also known as the Geiger-Mueller detector or Geiger
counter, is a radiation detector filled with:
(A) Water
(B) Gas
(C) Lead
(D) Scintillation crystals
109. At the time of preparation, a macroaggregated albumin (MAA) kit contained 30.5mCi of Tc-99m. How much activity will remain after 5h and
(A) 7.2mCi
(B) 10.5mCi
(C) 16.2mCi
(D) 18.5mCi
110. Technetium-labeled blood cells can be used in all of the following types of
nuclear medicine scintigraphies EXCEPT:
(A) Hemangioma imaging
(B) Osteomyelitis imaging
(C) GI bleed scan
(D) Meckels diverticulum scan
111. Obstruction of the passage of food through the mouth, pharynx, or the esophagus is called:
(A) Dyspepsia
(B) Dystrophia
(C) Dysphasia
(D) Dysphagia
112. Patient preparation for some of the nuclear medicine scintigraphies is essential. For all of the following NM imaging procedures, the patient has to remain
NPO (nothing per oral) after midnight EXCEPT for the:
(A) Gastroesophageal reflux study
(B) Gastric empty scan
(C) Liverspleen scan
(D) Hepatobiliary scan
113. The battery check, sealed source check, and calibration are three different
quality control procedures performed to ensure proper operation of the:
(A) Geiger-Mueller detector
(B) Well counter
(C) Thyroid probe
(D) Glucose meter
114. The form of targeted radionuclide therapy that uses a monoclonal antibody to
deliver localized radiation is called:
(A) Radioimmunotherapy
(B) Radiochemotherapy
(C) Radiation therapy
(D) Antibody therapy
115. Curves of cortical kidney activity are displayed in Fig.2.12. Graph (a)presents a normal pattern with a prompt increase in activity and spontaneous washout. Curve of cortical kidney activity displayed on graph B is described as:
(A) Dilated nonobstructed pattern
(B) Blunted response pattern
(C) Obstructed pattern
(D) Golden pattern
121. The most proximal part of the conduction system of the heart that exhibits the
most automaticity is called:
(A) The Purkinje fibers
(B) The bundle of His
(C) The sinus node
(D) The atrioventricular node
122. All generic names for monoclonal antibodies end with the suffix mab. Most
frequently, the monoclonal antibodies are derived from:
(A) Mouse
(B) Fish
(C) Rat
(D) Human
123. To ensure the proper operation of the dose calibrator, all of the following
quality control procedures must be performed on the unit EXCEPT:
(A) Accuracy
(B) Constancy
(C) Battery check
(D) Geometry
124. Human antimurine antibody (HAMA) is being produced when:
(A) A murine immunoglobulin is injected into a mouse
(B) A murine immunoglobulin is injected into a human
(C) A humane immunoglobulin is injected into a mouse
(D) A human immunoglobulin is injected into a human
125. Figure 2.13 displays the images obtained from 15-year-old-child 3-h post
injection of Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate (MDP). What is the cause of
the activity shown by the arrow?
(A) Growth plate
(B) Sports injury
(C) Bad tagging
(D) Osteoporosis
Fig.2.13 Bone scan images obtained 3 hrs post injection of Tc 99m MDP
126. How often every organization is responsible for notifying each employee of
his cumulative radiation dose?
(A) Every week
(B) Every month
(C) Every 6months
(D) Once a year
127. When comparing the mass of an atom to the sum of the individual pieces of
the atom, there will always be:
(A) Less mass than expected
(B) More mass than expected
(C) No difference
(D) Impossible to estimate
128. The quality control procedure performed on the dose calibrator with all the
dose configurations used in the nuclear medicine department is called:
(A) Accuracy
(B) Linearity
(C) Geometry
(D) Constancy
129. If a 15mCi of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) dose is needed for positron
emission tomography (PET) scan at 1:00p.m., how much activity should be
prepared at 10a.m.?
(A) 4.8mCi
(B) 11mCi
(C) 21.2mCi
(D) 46.6mCi
130. The hematologic toxicity of Y-90 Zevalin therapy is common. All of the following can be a sign of hematologic toxicity EXCEPT:
(A) Fever
(B) Bruising
(C) Anemia
(D) Arrhythmia
131. Pulmonary embolism (PE) usually is due to embolism of a thrombus (blood
clot) The other possible embolic materials include all of the following
(A) Air
(B) Globules of fat
(C) Amniotic fluid
(D) Saliva
132. The summed difference score (SDS) is derived as the difference between
summed stress score (SSS) and summed rest score (SRS) and represents:
(A) The reversibility of perfusion defects
(B) The myocardial viability
(C) The extend of the scar tissue
(D) The left ventricle (LV) dilatation
133. The measure obtained by taking the counts per minute detected by the instrument and dividing them by the actual disintegrations per minute from the
same source is called:
(A) Counter accuracy
(B) Counter efficiency
(C) Counter reliability
(D) Counter reproducibility
134. Many sulfur colloid kits contain ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), the
chelating agent that binds the Al+3 ions and prevents:
(A) The disintegration of the colloidal particles
(B) The aggregation of the colloidal particles
(C) The phagocytosis of the colloidal particles
(D) The migration of the colloidal particles
135. The myocardial perfusion defect can be estimated by analyzing the stress-
label (a) and the rest-label (b) images. The bulls eye polar plot images
presented in Fig.2.14a,b indicate the presence of:
(A) Irreversible defect
(B) Reversible defect
(C) Scar tissue
(D) Apical thinning
136. Different level of radioactivities are handled in different areas of the nuclear
medicine departments. Radioactivity in the range of microcurie levels are
carried out in the section of NM department designated as:
(A) Warm area
(B) Hot area
(C) Lukewarm area
(D) Cold area
137. The minimum amount of energy needed to overcome the forces holding the
atom together is called:
(A) Holding energy
(B) Binding energy
(C) Kinetic energy
(D) Thermal energy
138. The center of rotation (COR) of gamma-cameras is a key quality control procedure performed to assess capability of the nuclear medicine cameras to
(A) SPECT imaging
(B) Planar imaging
(C) Dual phase scanning
(D) Dynamic scanning
139. A voiding cystogram is scheduled to be performed on a 5 year old child.
Approximately how much saline (0.9% NaCl) should be infused into the
patients bladder during the procedure?
(A) 330ml
(B) 270ml
(C) 240ml
(D) 210ml
140. Regadenoson is an A2A adenosine receptor agonist that dilates the coronary
arteries. Lexiscan is supplied as a single use pre-filled syringe containing
(A) 0.04mg/ml
(B) 0.08mg/ml
(C) 0.4mg/ml
(D) 0.8mg/ml
141. The part of the large intestine, on the right side of the abdomen that extends
from the cecum to the transverse colon, is called:
(A) Sigmoid
(B) Appendix
(C) Ascending colon
(D) Descending colon
142. Dose misadministration reports sent to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) must include:
(A) Patient name, age, gender
(B) Patient name, age, gender diagnosis
(C) Patient name, age, gender diagnosis, address
(D) Information whether the patient or a relative was notified
143. The xenon trap machine and aerosol nebulizer are employed to perform lung
ventilation studies. Which of the following quality control procedures are
performed on the Xenon trap machine?
(A) The Drierite freshness test
(B) Soda lime crystals hygroscopic test
(C) Charcoal filter consistency test
(D) Xenon leak test
144. According to the TechneScan MAG3 package, filtered air added to the reaction vial immediately following the addition of Tc-99m pertechnetate:
(A) Oxidizes excess stannous ion
(B) Reduces excess stannous ion
(C) Evens out the pressure inside the reaction vial
(D) Speeds up the formation of Tc-99m mertiatide
145. Figure2.15 displays the images obtained during bone scintigraphy and shows
arrow-excessive bladder activity, which can obscure underlying bone pathology. To obtain better quality images, technologist should:
(A) Repeat images after voiding
(B) Take lateral views
(C) Use masking technique to exclude bladder from the image
(D) Use lead plate to shield the bladder
153. Co-57, Ge-68, and Ba-133 are sometimes called mock isotopes. Which of
the following trios of isotopes do they imitate?
(A) Tc-99m, I-131, Co-60
(B) Tc-99m, F-18, I-131
(C) Co-60, Xe-133, F-18
(D) Xe-133, Ga-67, Sm-153
154. A lone cold nodule in an otherwise normal thyroid gland warrants:
(A) Surgical removal
(B) Fine needle aspiration biopsy
(C) Radiation therapy
(D) Chemotherapy
155. The images shown in Fig.2.16 are acquired during routine bone scintigraphy.
What is wrong with these pictures?
(A) Wrong labels
(B) Bad tag
(C) Wrong radiopharmaceutical
(D) There is nothing wrong with these images
156. Oxygen radiosensitizes human cells to the damaging effects of radiation by:
(A) Promoting cellular growth
(B) Promoting cellular division
(C) Promoting free radical production
(D) Promoting cellular healing
157. In Compton scattering, the incoming photon scatters off an electron that is
initially at rest. The electron gains energy and the scattered photon possess:
(A) Lower energy, shorter wavelength
(B) Lower energy, longer wavelength
(C) Higher energy, shorter wavelength
(D) Higher energy, longer wavelength
158. The gamma-camera is the most widely used imaging piece of equipment in
nuclear medicine. The performance parameters of a routine gamma-camera
quality control (QC) program include all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) Spatial resolution
(B) Peaking linearity
(C) Energy resolution
(D) Flood uniformity
159. A nuclear medicine department receives 375mCi of Tc-99m in 4.5ml bulk
vial. If the macroaggregated albumin (MAA) kit is to be reconstituted with
30mCi in 3ml, how much saline should be added to the kit?
(A) 1.64ml
(B) 2.64ml
(C) 3.0ml
(D) 3.6ml
160. Esophageal activity can mimic ectopic thyroid tissue on a thyroid scan. To
avoid misinterpretation:
(A) Perform imaging with low energy, all purpose (LEAP) collimator
(B) Repeat images after water ingestion
(C) Repeat images with two markers
(D) Repeat the scan in 2weeks
161. The mediastinum is the space in the thoracic cavity behind the sternum and in
between the two pleural sacs that contains all of the following anatomical
structures EXCEPT:
(A) Thyroid
(B) Aorta
(C) Trachea
(D) Esophagus
162. To reduce radiation exposure to the patient undergoing radioactive iodine (RAI)
treatment, all of the following recommendations will be helpful EXCEPT:
(A) Patient should be well hydrated
(B) Patient should urinate frequently
(C) Patient laxatives
(D) Patient should use antiperspirant medications
176. All of the following are types of radioactive material licenses EXCEPT:
(A) Specific
(B) Broad
(C) Wide
(D) General
183. The short axis cardiac tomogram is displayed with the orientation as if the
viewer was observing the heart from the:
(A) Base
(B) Apex
(C) Lateral wall
(D) Inferior wall
184. All of the following can cause erroneous standardized uptake value (SUV)
measurements EXCEPT:
(A) Patient size
(B) Injected dose
(C) Plasma glucose level
(D) Time of measurement
185. Presented below images were acquired 25min after intravenous administration of 19.9mCi of Tc-99m sestamibi. What type of nuclear medicine scintigraphy is displayed in Fig.2.19?
(A) Thyroid scan
(B) Parathyroid scan
(C) Salivary scan
(D) Brain scan
Fig. 2.19 Nuclear medicine scintigraphy obtained after intravenous administration of Tc-99m
186. An individual responsible for the daily implementation of the radiation safety
program in accordance with directives from the Radiation Safety Committee
(RSC), license provisions, and regulatory requirements is named:
(A) Senior Technologist
(B) The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
(C) Nuclear Medicine Physician
(D) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
187. Samarium-153 (Quadramet) is a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical used to
(A) Polycythemia vera
(B) Medullary thyroid carcinoma
(C) Dyspnea in lung Ca
(D) Pain in bony metastases
188. Increasing the thickness of the scintillation detector will result in the
(A) Increased sensitivity and increased resolution
(B) Increased sensitivity and decreased resolution
(C) Decreased and increased resolution
(D) Decreased and decreased resolution
189. If generator elute contains 635mCi of Tc-99m, what is the maximum amount
of Mo-99 allowed? (0.15mCi Mo-99 per mCi Tc-99m)
(A) 95.3mCi
(B) 64.2mCi
(C) 0.54mCi
(D) 0.15mCi
190. Dual time-point imaging (DTPI) can improve accuracy of positron emission
tomography (PET) imaging. DTPI technique is a specialized protocol in
(A) Flow study is performed followed by static imaging
(B) Two days delay imaging is performed
(C) Dual-isotope technique is applied
(D) Delay imaging is performed
191. Most patients with overt hyperthyroidism have an assemblage of symptoms
which include all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) Anxiety
(B) Tremor
(C) Weight loss
(D) Decreased appetite
Background cts
Thigh cts
( A) 25%
(B) 28%
(C) 32%
(D) 68%
200. A significant enlargement in left ventricular (LV) size on the stress myocardial
perfusion imaging (MPI) as compared to the rest images is called:
(A) Transient Ischemic Dilation
(B) Cardiomegaly
(C) Hypertrophy
(D) Hibernation
209. Large I-131 therapy dose stored in a nuclear medicine department produces
an exposure of 80 mR/h. What thickness of lead is required to reduce the
exposure rate to less than 1mR/h? HVL for I-131 is 0.21mm.
(A) 1.0mm
(B) 1.5mm
(C) 2.0mm
(D) 2.1mm
210. The primary route of excretion of Tc-99m hexakis 2-metoxy isobutyl isonitrile
(Sestamibi) is:
(A) Skin
(B) Hepatobiliary tract
(C) Urinary tract
(D) Respiratory tract
211. The myocardium, in a typical fasting state, primarily uses as a substrate:
(A) Glucose
(B) Free fatty acids
(C) Proteins
(D) Aminoacids
212. Single isotope dual phase technique commonly applied in parathyroid
imaging is based on the observation that:
(A) Tl-201 washes out more rapidly from the thyroid than from abnormal
(B) Tl-201 washes out more rapidly from the abnormal parathyroid than from
(C) Tc-99m MIBI washes out more rapidly from the thyroid than from abnormal parathyroid
(D) Tc-99m MIBI washes out more rapidly from the abnormal parathyroid
than from thyroid
213. The usefulness of F-18 FDG PET in infection imaging is based on the fact that
granulocytes and macrophages in infectious foci:
(A) Have high glucose consumption
(B) Have high insulin production
(C) Have high mitotic rate
(D) Have short life span
214. Before FDG administration, the patient relaxes in a waiting room to minimize
muscular activity, and in so doing minimizes any physiological uptake of FDG
in the muscles. Hyperventilation may cause increased uptake in the:
(A) The diaphragm
(B) Leg muscles
(C) Arm muscles
(D) The peritoneum
215. Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses
energy by emitting ionizing radiation. The emission is described as spontaneous meaning:
(A) The nucleus decays without collision with another particle or atom
(B) The nucleus decays after collision with another particle or atom
(C) The nucleus decays without collision with shielding material
(D) The nucleus decays after collision with shielding material
216. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is 32 amino acid polypeptide secreted by the:
(A) Brain
(B) Heart
(C) Kidney
(D) Thyroid
217. A two-dimensional illustration of a three-dimensional allocation of the
radiotracer in the myocardium which allows visualization of perfusion defects
in a compressed format is known as:
(A) Short axis display
(B) Counts profile
(C) Volume curve
(D) Polar map
218. Side effects of the antithyroid medications include all of the following
(A) Agranulocytosis
(B) Granulocytopenia
(C) Aplastic anemia
(D) Thrombocytosis
219. When tested Tc-99m sulfur colloid kit with TLC for free Tc-99m, the
technologist noted: strip with free Tc-99m migrated to the solvent front
reads 650 cpm, and strip containing Tc-99m sulfur colloid remaining at
the point of origin reads 18350 cpm. What is the radiopharmaceutical
impurity of this sulfur colloid kit?
(A) 3%
(B) 5%
(C) 95%
(D) 97%
220. The dose for cardiac first pass imaging studies must be contained in a volume
not exceeding:
(A) 0.5ml
(B) 1ml
(C) 2ml
(D) 3ml
1. D Right atrium (RA)
Blood received by the right ventricle from the right atrium is propelled into the
pulmonary artery and the pulmonary circulation. Oxygenated blood is returned
by the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. The left ventricle ejects blood into
systemic circulation.
(Early and Sodee 1995)
2. C Active transport
Thyroid concentrates iodine from the blood stream in a gradient 20:1. The trapping mechanism operates through the Na+/K+ pump.
(Early and Sodee 1995)
3. B Ring artifacts
If the counts in one pixel of the image are falsely decreased, then information
at that location will be back-projected at the decreased level. The result in the
reconstructed image will be a ring artifact, with the radius of the ring equal to
the distance of that pixel from the COR.
(OConnor 2010)
4. D Brain imaging
Tc-99m sulfur colloid can also be used in esophageal transit time, gastroesophageal reflux, and gastric empty study.
(Shackett 2008)
5. A Hypokinetic left ventricle
Hypokinesis seen there on the anterior and apical surfaces refers to
decreased contractile function of the left ventricle, e.g., during a severe ischemia. The heart muscle in the distribution of the involved vessels is often
hypokinetic due to the diminished blood supply.
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
6. C As Low as Reasonably Achievable
It indicates making every reasonable attempt to maintain exposures to ionizing
radiation as far below the dose limits as practical.
(Saha 2004)
7. D Provides good tissue penetration
Tc-99m is a pure gamma emitter so no particle radiation is being produced;
Tc-99m half-life is so long that body efficiently excretes it before it can have
any real negative health effects.
(Christian etal. 2004)
63. A Daily
The blank scan has been compared with the daily uniformity flood used for the
(Saha 2005)
64. C 23min
As a result of rapid intravascular clearance 1015min after administration, SC
has completely cleared from the blood pool into the liver, spleen, and, to a
lesser extent, the bone marrow.
(Howarth 2006)
65. A Normal scan
In normal circumstances, the regions of high stress, e.g., sacro-iliac joints or
active growth appear as a hot areas when compared with the neighboring areas.
(Early and Sodee 1995)
66. D Ventilation/perfusion scans
The advent of the new faster computed tomography (CT) scanners is responsible for shifting from nuclear medicine V/Q scans to the use of multidetector
CT scans which are easier to read and are more specific.
(Mettler etal. 2008)
67. B a, b, g
The alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons, a beta particle is
a high-velocity electron, and gamma rays are photons, not particles but the
postemission products.
(Saha 2006)
68. D Dose-calibrator linearity
In the decay method, 100200 mCi of Technetium-99m in the glass vial is
assayed. The time the measurement is taken and the activity are recorded. This
same procedure is repeated at various time intervals for the next 36h after the
initial assay.
In the shield method, 100200mCi of Technetium-99m in the glass vial is
assayed and the activity is recorded. In the next steps, the activity of the source
vial is assayed in tube/tubes combinations and the measured activity is multiplied by the calibration factor for each of the tube/tubes combinations.
(Early and Sodee 1995)
69. A 327,680 words
(Appendix A, Formula24)
78. C 6months
The wipe sample must be taken from the nearest accessible point to the sealed
source where contamination might accumulate.
(NRC 2000)
79. A 126154keV
(Appendix A, Formula22A)
80. B Is determined by the method of sincalide infusion
Rapid sincalide infusions often cause nausea and cramps.
(Ziessman 2009)
81. D The uterus
The uterus is a part of the genitourinary system or urogenital system which
includes the reproductive organs and the urinary system.
(Frohlich 2001)
82. A Reverse redistribution
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
83. C Drivers name
A record of each shipment of licensed material should be kept for a period of
3years after shipment.
(NRC 2004)
84. D The right diaphragm
In patients diagnosed with Situs inversus totalis, the right diaphragm can cause
the inferior wall defect.
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
85. B Vertical long axis slices
In this view, the heart is in horizontal position and the apex of the heart is to the
viewers right. The tomogram is displayed with slices beginning at the septum
and progressing to the lateral wall of the left ventricle.
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
86. D Lung perfusion scan
Interventional fluoroscopically guided procedures may give fetal doses in the
range of 10100mGy, X-ray of pelvis 14mGy, CT of 849mGy, and lung
perfusion of 0.9mGy.
(ICRP 2010)
96. C 50rem/year
(Consultants in Nuclear Medicine 2010)
97. C Decreased image resolution
(Christian etal. 2004)
98. B Collimation
A collimator consists of a lead (Pb) plate containing a large number of small
holes and is used to improve the spatial resolution of a gamma-camera.
(Early and Sodee 1999)
99. B 18.7mCi
(Appendix A, Formula25)
100. B Adenosine triphosphate
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is considered by biologists to be the energy
currency of life. It is the high-energy molecule that stores the energy we need
to do just about everything we do.
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
101. B The lateral lobe
(Early and Sodee 1995)
102. B False-negative studies
Methylxanthines is a common, naturally occurring group of stimulants.
Caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine the active ingredients of coffee,
tea, cocoa, and cola beverages are in this group.
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
103. A COR calibration
COR validation, not COR calibration, can be performed by the technologist.
(Halama 2010)
104. B Be well hydrated
The patient should be well hydrated orally: 10ml/kg of water or juice 30min
before imaging is recommended.
(Sfakianakis etal. 2009)
129. D 46.6mCi
(Appendix A, Formula25)
130. D Arrhythmias
Since a Y-90 Zevalin administration results in serious and prolonged
cytopenias, the Zevalin therapeutic regimen should not be used to patients
with significant marrow involvement and/or impaired bone marrow
(Goldsmith 2010)
131. D Saliva
Most thromboemboli originate in the deep veins of the thigh. Stasis, hypercoagulable state, and intimal injury are important factors in the development of
(Thompson and Hales 2010)
132. A The reversibility of perfusion defects
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
133. B Counter efficiency
Counter efficiency=cpm/dpm100. The disintegrations per minute are calculated based on the activity of the source.
(Early and Sodee 1995)
134. B The aggregation of the colloidal particles
A chelating agent (chelator) is a chemical that form complex molecules with
certain metal ions so as to prevent ions from reacting with other ions or
(Vallabhajosula etal. 2010)
135. B Reversible defect
A defect that is present on the stress images and is not seen on the resting
images is called reversible defect. Defect reversibility usually is a sign of
myocardial ischemia. In our case, polar plot display indicates the presence of
myocardial ischemia of the infero-basal wall.
(Christian etal. 2004)
136. C Lukewarm area
The thyroid uptake room, the radioassay laboratory, and the computers room
are examples of lukewarm areas. The cold areas are open to the public since
no radioactivity is handled in these areas.
(Lombardi 1999)
173. C Filtering
(Christian etal. 2004)
174. B Atropine
Administration of atropine at the end of dobutamine infusion helps in achieving of 85% of aged predicted target heart rate (THR).
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
175. D There is nothing wrong with these images
Liverspleen images in Fig. 2.18 show normal homogeneous uptake of
radiotracer in liver and spleen. Minor uptake of Tc-99m sulfur colloid is
commonly seen in vertebrae and ribs during liverspleen scan.
(Christian etal. 2004)
176. C Wide
A specific license is given to the named persons for specific use of radioactive
materials. General and broad licenses applied to, e.g., some laboratories and
large medical centers accordingly.
(Halama 2010)
177. C Neutrons and protons
A nucleon is a collective name for two particles: the neutron and the proton
and they are components of the atomic nucleus. The nucleons are made of
three quarks.
(Christian etal. 2004)
178. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
In the USA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
requires that MSDS be available to employees for potentially harmful substances handled in the workplace.
(OSHA 1994)
179. C 0.37min
When there is huge difference between the biological half-life and the physical
half-life, shorter of both becomes the effective half-life.
(Appendix A, Formula18)
180. C Radium 223
The alpha emitter radium-223 is a bone-seeking radionuclide studied as a
novel treatment for patients with bone metastases. Ra-223 showed minimal
toxicity in a phase 1 study.
(Saha 2004)
218. D Thrombocytosis
Thrombocytosis is the presence of high platelet counts in the blood often
symptomless but it can predispose to thrombosis in some patients.
(Andreoli etal. 2001)
219. A 3%
(Appendix A, Formula32B)
220. B 1ml
(Zaret and Beller 2005)
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