Why Study Public Finance Ch1
Why Study Public Finance Ch1
Why Study Public Finance Ch1
Once these services are provided, all citizens benefit; thus, there is an incentive to free
ride on the providers of these services. When the government provides these services, it
can tax citizens for their provision. There may be national security concerns related to
private provision of some goods and services, especially those performed by the military
(although the military does contract with private firms to build equipment).
The government can also pay a private entity to provide goods and services, and is more
likely to do so when the market is likely to produce efficient quantities of those goods
and services. For example, the government contracts with construction companies to
build roads. When there is an existing market or industry for a given good or service, it
may be cheaper for the government to purchase these goods and services than to produce
them itself. Competition in markets encourages private providers to produce goods and
services efficiently, while government may lack the discipline of the market for the
production of goods and services. If the good or service is privately provided in an
industry that is not perfectly competitive or one in which there are uncorrected
externalities, that is, one in which there is some market failure, then the governments
purchase of those goods and services would not be efficient. However, direct provision
by the government can also suffer from efficiency failures.
4. Why does redistribution cause efficiency losses? Why might society choose to
redistribute resources from one group to another when doing so reduces the overall
size of the economic pie?
Redistribution can cause efficiency losses if there are behavioral responses to the
redistribution system. For example, a very high tax on labor income may cause some
workers to reduce their amount of labor. Similarly, generous unemployment benefits may
induce some who are out of work to remain unemployed. Despite these possible
efficiency losses, we (collectively) choose to redistribute wealth. Some reasons for
redistribution are that people have a taste, or preference, for a certain degree of economic
equity; that the existence of a large or visible underclass is somewhat discomforting or
threatening; that people are risk averse and so are willing to pay for a safety net in case
they or their families ever need assistance; and that humans are naturally empathetic.
5. Consider the four basic questions of public finance listed in the chapter. Which of
these questions are positivequestions that can be proved or disprovedand which
are normativequestions of opinion? Explain your answer.
The four basic questions of public finance are:
1. When should the government intervene in the economy?
The word should suggests that this is a question about which opinion will vary, so it is
2. How might the government intervene?
The wording of this question suggests the government might intervene in different
ways, so this question is normative. A positive question would ask How does the
government intervene? We could answer that question by observing verifiable evidence
or data.
Whether or not social welfare increases depends on societys tastes for redistribution. In
this example, it costs $5 to reduce Bills wealth and increase Teds, which is an
efficiency loss. However, if society is concerned about equity, total utility may increase
when wealth is equalized. For example, if Bill and Ted exhibit diminishing marginal
utility in wealth, and Bill is wealthy while Ted is poor, Bills loss in utility from losing
$40 may be less than Teds gain in utility from receiving $35. In this case this
redistribution increases total utility, one possible measure of social welfare.
10. In the United States, the federal government pays for a considerably larger share
of social welfare spending (that is, spending on social insurance programs to help
low-income, disabled, or elderly people) than it does for K12 education spending.
Similarly, state and local governments provide a larger share of education spending
and a smaller share of welfare spending. Is this a coincidence, or can you think of a
reason for why this might be so?
Local control is often considered more important for education than for other services,
because there may be regional variations in curriculum preferenceswhether to teach the
theory of evolution, for example. There may be fewer regional variations in preferences
related to social programs, however, so people may be more willing to give up local
control over these programs. Another possible explanation for federal control of social
welfare programs is jurisdiction shopping. If social insurance benefits varied
substantially among states, people might move from one to another in order to avail
themselves of more generous benefits.
11. The urban African-American community is decidedly split on the subject of
school vouchers, with their leaders comprising some of the most vocal proponents
and opponents of increased school competition. Why do you think this split exists?
This community contains a disproportionate number of poor families, with many students
attending substandard schools. Proponents of the voucher system may believe that it will
allow them to send their children to better schools or that competition will encourage
their local schools to improve in order to retain students who would have a choice of
schools under the voucher system. Opponents may view it as a threat to neighborhood
schools, fearing that if students take their vouchers and leave, inner-city schools may
become even more impoverished. Philosophically, some proponents believe that market
competition can solve a wide variety of problems, while some opponents are suspicious
of the market system, possibly viewing it as an institution that favors those with more
money to spend in the marketplace.
12. Many states have constitutional requirements that their budgets be in balance
(or in surplus) in any given year, but this is not true for the U.S. federal government.
Why might it make sense to allow for deficits in some years and surpluses in others?
Time-series graphs illustrate one striking reason to allow for deficits: during World War II
the Federal government spent far more than it took in. Like a family, a government
sometimes faces unforeseen emergencies that require it to borrow. Had the United States
been constrained by a balanced budget requirement at the time of World War II, the
outcome of that war may have been very different. The family metaphor is relevant for a
second reason: borrowing allows an entity to pay over time for a durable good that is
being consumed over time.
It makes sense for most families to take out a mortgage to purchase a home, because that
purchase delivers benefits over many years. Similarly, many government investments
yield long term benefits. Surpluses and deficits may also have beneficial macroeconomic
13. Why might the government get involved in regulating economic and social
activities? How, besides regulation, does government influence these activities?
When activities entail external costs, the government may wish to curtail them; when
they confer external benefits, the government will want to encourage them. Taxing an
activity or a product consumed as a complement to that activity tends to reduce the
activity. Subsidizing an activity or related product tends to increase the activity. The
government might also engage in campaigns to influence behavior without taxing or
subsidizing it. Anti-litter campaigns are an example of this approach.
In-class Projects or Demonstrations
Federal Budget Shares and Positive vs. Normative Questions
1. How does the federal government allocate its budget?
On the first day of class (before most students have read the text), ask students
individually or in small teams to allocate 100 points among the federal budget
categories, showing the proportion of the budget they think is actually spent on each
category. This is a positive question; initial guesses can be verified against the data in the
2. How should federal government dollars be spent?
After the first exercise, ask small groups of students to set an ideal budget (again based
on 100 points so that their allocations can be easily translated into percentages), then
require each team to justify its allocations. Part of this exercise forces students with
differing priorities to negotiate over the 100 points. The exercise also encourages them to
use economic theory to justify their allocations.