Lab 10 Bacterial Growth Curve
Lab 10 Bacterial Growth Curve
Lab 10 Bacterial Growth Curve
Figure 1: Growth curve for an hypothetical population. Note the four phases of growth: lag; exponential; stationary and
Construction of a complete bacterial growth curve requires that aliquots of a 24-hour shake-flask culture be measured
for population size at intervals during the incubation period, however, such a procedure does not lend itself to a regular
laboratory session. This experiment is designed to include only the lag, log and possibly stationary phases of population
growth. Upon completion of this experiment, you will plot the data collected during this experiment by using two
values for the measurement of growth. The direct method requires that you use serial dilution to plate out cells at 30
minute intervals in order to calculate the number of colony forming units (CFUs) at a given time. The indirect method
uses spectrophotometric measurements of the developing turbidity at the same 30-minute intervals, as an index of
increasing cellular mass (assumed to correlate with an increase in the number of cells).
You will determine generation time with indirect methods by using data you collect, once it has been plotted onto a
graph like the one shown below. Indirect determination is made by simple extrapolation from the log phase as
illustrated in the figure below. Select two points on the optical density (OD) scale, such as 0.4 and 0.8, that represent a
doubling of turbidity. Using a ruler, extrapolate by drawing a line between each of the selected optical densities on the
ordinate and the plotted line of the growth curve. Then draw perpendicular lines from these end points on the plotted
Lab Exercise 10: Bacterial Growth Curve & Serial Dilutions
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line of the growth curve to their respective time intervals on the abscissa (Figure 2). With this information, determine
the generation time using the formula GT =t(O.D. 1) - t(O.D. 2).
Figure 2: Graphical representation of the indirect method of measuring bacterial growth, optical density plotted vs. time.
Generation time is determined using two points within the exponential portion of the growth curve where the population
doubles in size, in this example: GT =t(O.D. 1) - t(O.D. 2) = 263 minutes - 222 minutes =43 minutes, so the generation time of this
hypothetical population is 43 minutes.
In this experiment you will be determining the generation time of a bacterial culture. Because of the amount of
time needed for these cultures to reach the stationary phase of growth, the cultures will be started before class
begins. You will receive instruction as to when the cultures were started, what organism was used for the
inoculation, and what media these organisms were inoculated into. The class as a whole will be testing Escherichia
coli with each table having a culture started at different times. In this way, we hope to collect data that can be
plotted together and yield a growth curve sufficient to determine the generation time of this organism.
These cultures will be incubated throughout the experiment in a shaking incubator. The incubator will be set to
the optimal temperature for your specific bacterial species and will shake in order to keep your culture properly
aerated. These conditions will allow for optimal growth of your culture via aerobic respiration. You will take
control of this culture when lab begins.
At thirty minute intervals, you will take measurements of the cultures growth. You will do this directly using
serial dilutions and spread plating, and indirectly using OD readings. This means that you will be performing
the protocols outlined below at thirty minute intervals.
1. Take metered spectrophotometric readings of a growing culture.
2. Perform serial dilutions and spread plating at metered intervals.
3. Plot growth data and determine generation time of a bacterial species.
Team Supplies
Class Supplies
bacterial culture
shaking incubator
Spec20 spectrophotometer
sterile broth to zero the Spec20 spectrophotometer
ice bath
16 nutrient agar plates
4 test tubes containing 9.9 ml H2O
16 test tubes containing 9.0 ml H2O
200l mechanical pipetter and tips
1000l mechanical pipetter and tips
waste container for used tips
glass Petri dish and alcohol
spreader, plate spinner
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Spread the bacterial inoculates onto each of the four plates using the protocol outlined in the figure below. Note:
heat is not the sterilizing step in this procedure- alcohol is. The only reason you are using heat is to remove the
alcohol once it has sterilized your spreader.
Note: There may be some residual liquid on the spreader even after you have flamed it. This is water, not alcohol.
Do not worry about removing it- its sterile. If you leave the spreader in the heat for longer than it takes to ignite the
alcohol, the spreader will be too hot to spread the culture without killing the cells.
Be sure also to keep a safe distance between the dish of alcohol and the flame so you do not cause the alcohol to
ignite in the dish. Never put a hot spreader into alcohol as the flash point of alcohol is relatively low (~56o F) and it
will easily ignite.
After you have spread the inoculates onto the Petri dishes, leave them agar side down in the 37C incubator.
Incubation Time
(min. past)a
Optical Density
CFU Counts
This column records the actual number of minutes passed from the time zero inoculation.
The following questions can be completed after Lab Exercise 14: Data Analysis and Presentation I.
2. Plot the CFUs/ml on the Y axis and incubation times on the X axis of the provided semi-log paper (you may also do
this using computer software). Plot the OD600nm on the Y axis and incubation times on the X axis of the provided
graph paper.
3. Identify the log phase for each of the graphs and determine the generation time of your bacterial culture using
both the indirect and direct methods described in the introduction to this lab exercise. Remember that the log
phase is represented by the straight-line portion of the curve.
1. Does the term growth convey the same meaning when applied to bacteria and to multicellular organisms? Explain.
2. Why do variations in generation time exist:
a. among different species of microorganisms?
b. within a single microbial species?
3. Is generation time a useful parameter to indicate the types of media best suited to support the growth of a specific
organism? Explain.
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