Efficiency and Performance Evaluation of IERF MANET Routing Protocol

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Efficiency and Performance Evaluation of IERF

MANET Routing Protocol
Dr. P. R. Gundalwar1, Dr. V. N. Chavan2

Dept. of MCA, VMV, JMT & JJP Science College, Wardhman Nagar, Nagpur (MS), India

Dept. of CS & IT, S. K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Nagpur (MS), India



Networking and internet has become one of the most

influential forces for making communication easy and
inexpensive around the globe instantly which plays a vital role
in data communication network. The performance of routing
algorithm checks the ability to select the best route and
minimum energy consumption depending upon the battery
level and reliability pair between two neighbors. The AODV
protocol is modified and referred as IERF protocol. The IERF
protocol is enhanced using C++ in NS-2.35 simulator that
avoids any extra overhead that might be acquired either by
using HELLO messages or adding some additional headers. A
reserved space in message format is used energy and route
failures measurement. A simulation is modeled with various
configuration parameters and performance metrics used for
evaluation of different protocols including AODV. The
efficiency and performance of the newly designed IERF
protocol is superior to other existing MANET protocols.

The AODV protocol is modified and referred as IERF

protocol. The route reply message RREP packet format and
routing table of a mobile node of AODV is modified using
C++ in NS-2.35. The AODV packet format is modified by
adding values to the reserved bit field. This is shown in
Figure 1. In this protocol, the first six bits in the reserved
field of AODV packet format [1],[3] are used to include
mobile nodes balance battery energy and route failures
parameters between mobile nodes are used. The source
mobile node determines the best path based on the values of
balance battery energy range and number of route failures
between mobile nodes. The first 3 bits from the reserved bit
field of the RREP packet are used for energy and referred as
energy bits shown as EO, E1 and E2 in Figure 4.5. Similarly,
remaining 3 bits after energy bits are used for route failures
and referred as failures bits shown as F0, F1 and F2 in
Figure 2. The energy bits is used to calculate the balance
battery energy at each mobile node and failures bits to
calculate route failures between mobile nodes along the path
to reach the destination. The summation of energy values of
all mobile nodes along the accumulated path and failures
values between the mobile nodes are incorporated in
determining shortest route criteria. The balance battery
energy range (BBER) and number of route failure values are
assigned with energy bits and route failures bits is given in
Table 4.2.
Table 1: Energy and route failure bits

Keywords:- NS-2.35, MANET, AODV, IERF, RPF, PA

Ad hoc Network is a dynamic distributed self organize
network system of wireless nodes wherein the nodes move
independent of each other without a central control
infrastructure. Ad hoc networks may operate autonomously
or may be connected to the Internet. Each node acts as a
router to find out the optimal path to forward a packet over
bandwidth-constrained wireless links. Mobile Ad hoc
Network (MANET) is emerging technology for civilian and
military applications [1]. Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) has proposed various protocols in two broad
categories of routing, used in ad hoc networks, are proactive
routing and reactive routing. Some of the proactive routing
algorithms are Destination Sequenced Distance Vector
(DSDV), Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) etc., and
reactive routing algorithms are Ad hoc On Demand Distance
Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc
On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) etc. The
Improved Energy and Route Failure (IERF) protocol is
designed and developed by using AODV protocol equipped
with features for minimizing battery energy and route
failures. The simulation model is developed in NS-2 (2.35)
network simulator on LINUX Ubuntu 12.04 platform. The
performance metrics packet delivery rate, packet loss rate,
routing overhead, energy consumption, throughput, delay,
load and hope count are used for performance evaluation of

Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

Binary Value
Number of Balance Battery Energy Range
assigned to energy Route
bits and failure
1 to 2
Discharged BBER < 10%
3 to 4
10 % BBER < 20%

5 to 6

20 % BBER < 30%

7 to 8

30 % BBER < 40%

9 to 10

40 % BBER < 50%

11 to 12

50 % BBER < 60%

13 to 14

60% BBER < 70%

15 to 16

70 % BBER

Page 283

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014









Destination IP Address
Destination Sequence Number
Source Sequence Number
Originator IP Address

Figure 1: Modified AODV Route Reply Packet


A source mobile node needs to send a packet to a destination
mobile node when a routing table does not have any entry for
the destination. A source mobile node broadcasts a route
request message RREQ packet to all its neighbor mobile
nodes. When a neighboring mobile node receives the route
request message PREQ packet, it set a receive route entry to
the source mobile node from which the route request
message RREQ packet was received. This reverse route entry
guides to route a route reply message RREP packet to the
source. If the intermediate mobile node does not have a route
to the destination, it will then rebroadcast the packet to all its
neighbors. This process continues until the packet searches
the destination. The destination sends a route reply message
RREP packets to all mobile nodes along the path update the
energy bits and route failures bits in the reserved bit field.
The working of timer setting for time to live (TTL) and
duplicate sequence number checking mechanism is followed
similar to AODV [6],[7]. The flowchart in Figure 4.6
describes the flow of routing control for route discovery and
route maintenance.

ISSN 2278-6856

The simulation environment is configured with varying
number of mobile nodes, traffic connections, mobile node
speed, pause time, and packet size. . This is shown in Table
2. The simulation experiment is performed with 90 mobile
nodes, 18 traffic connections, 50 m/sec mobile node speed,
20 sec mobile node pause time, and 128 bytes packet size in
500 x 500 m2 topology area for 300 seconds simulation time.
These parameters are fixed using successive approximation
method by designing and executing twenty varying values of
each parameter in identical simulation environment. The
simulation study included three reactive with different
approaches, one proactive, and one designed routing
protocols. The protocols are used in simulation study [1],[5]
Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector AOMDV
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)
Improved Energy and Route Failure (IERF)
The performance metrics [5],[8] used are:
Packet delivery rate: Packet delivery rate is a ratio of data
packets delivered to the destinations to those generated by
the sources. Packet loss rate: Packet loss rate is difference
between the numbers of data packets sent and number of data
packets received. Routing overhead: Routing overhead is
total number of routing packets transmitted for route
discovery and maintenance during the simulation time.
Energy consumption: Average energy consumptions per
node, as energy is a limited resource in ad hoc network.
Throughput: Throughput is a measure of number of packets
successfully transmitted to their final detonations.
Delay: Average delay is an average measure time between
packets sent and receives.
Routing load: Routing load is a ratio of routing packets over
data packets received.
Hop Count: Hop count is a average number of hops that
successful messages reach to their final destination from a
Table 2: Simulation Setup
Simulator : NS-2.35
Topology Area
500 x 500 meter2
Traffic Application
Transport Protocol
No. of Mobile Nodes
No. of Traffic Connection
Mobile Node Speed
50 m/sec
Mobile Node Pause Time
22 sec
Packet Size
128 bytes


Figure 2: Working of IERF Protocol

Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

IERF offers lowest energy consumption, average delay, and

average hop count in both UDP/CBR and TCP/FTP traffics
since the size of the control packets for reactive protocols are
smaller than proactive ones. The foremost reason behind that
the IERF protocol applies routing strategy embedded with
reliability pair factor (RPF) and path accumulation (PA) [2]Page 284

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014
IERF offers highest throughput and lowest energy
consumption among other considered protocols in TCP/FTP
traffic is due to delivery of more packets successfully from
source to destination node by selecting the path based on
energy level of nodes along with the shortest route. The
increased throughput obtained through IERF is due to the
fact that it increases forwarding of packets by selecting the
neighbor nodes having maximum battery energy range along
with the hop count for the transmission of packets from a
source to a destination. From the simulation results, it is
concluded that the throughput, energy consumption, delay,
and hop count performance of proposed IERF routing
protocol is much better than its foundation AODV routing
protocol in both UDP/CBR and TCP/FTP traffics patterns. It
is also concluded that IERF routing protocol is reticent in
terms of packet delivery rate, routing overhead, and routing
load in UDP/CBR and packet loss rate in TCP/FTP than
AODV routing protocol. Thus, IERF protocol can be
implemented with improved routing performance in terms of
above performance metrics. The efficiency and performance
evaluation in percentage (%) of IERF with other MANET
routing protocols in UDP/CBR and TCP/FTP is given in
Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b).


P e rc e n ta g e (% ) V a l u e s







Packet Delivery

Packet Loss

Average Routing Average Energy


Performance Metrics

Figure 3(a): Evaluation of IERF


P erc e n tag e (% ) v a lu es















Average Delay

Average Routing

ISSN 2278-6856

The IERF protocol considers the route failures calculated
using only link layer. The 802.11 protocol enable the link
layer to detect if the link to the next hop has failed and then
inform the upper layer protocols about the same. This
process speeds up the link failures detection as it happens in
the data link layer instead of the network player. Each
mobile node informs the neighbors about the number of
occurred route failures, reliability path factor, and the next
hop mobile node. This method of detecting route failures
improves the performance of the protocol significantly. This
increases throughput and decreases battery consumption by
reducing number of broadcast HELLO packets and hence
minimizes computing power and bandwidth.

[1] Francisco J. Ros, and Pedro M. Ruiz, Implementing a
New MANET Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2, Dept
of Information and communications Engineering
University of Murcia, December, 2004.
[2] Sumit Gwalani, Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer, and
Charles E. Perkins, AODV-PA: AODV with Path
Accumulation, Proc. ICC, 2003, pp.527-531.
[3] Monika Kalyane, and Dr. Sanjay Thakur, MANET:
Analysis and Improvement of AODV Protocol through
International conference on computer science and
Engineering (CSE), 7th April 2013, Banglore, ISBN:
[4] Yogesh Chaba, Yudhir Singh, and Anil Kumar, AODV
with secure Route Accumulation for improved Routing
in WiMax, IJCSI International Journal of Computer
Science Issues, Specail Issue, ICVCI-2011, Vol. 1, Issue
1, November 2011, pp 23-27.
[5] Shivshankar, Varaprasad G. Suresh H. N. Devaraju G.
and Jayanthi G. Performance Metrics Evaluation of
Routing Protocols in MANET, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2013.
[6] Rakesh Kumar, Sidhart Kumar, Sumit Pratap Pradhan,
and Varun Yadav, Modified Route-Maintenance in
AODV Routing protocols using static route in realistic
mobility model, Proceedings of 5th national
conference, INDIA Com-2011Computing for Nation
Developmetn, March 10-11, 2011
[7] S. Subathra, J. Abiramy, and S. Sukanya, Energy
efficient OAODV routing protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc
Network, IJREAT International Journal of research in
Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 1, Issue 1,
March, 2013,ISSN: 2320-8791
[8] M. Pushpalatha, Revathi Ventataraman, and T.
Ramarao, Trust based energy aware reliable reactive
protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network, World Academy
of Science, Engineering and Technology , Vol:32 200908-07

Average Hop

Performance Metrics

Figure 3(b): Evaluation of IERF

Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

Page 285

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

P. R. Gundalwar, Asst Prof., MCA
Department., VMV, JMT & JJP
Science College, Nagpur (MS), India.
PhD in Computer Science, RTM
Nagpur University, Nagpur in 2014,
MCA, Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, Amravati University, in
1998. BSc in EPM, Nagpur University, Nagpur ,in 1994.
His research interests include Computer Networks, ad hoc
wireless networks and Optimization Techniques.
Dr. V. N. Chavan M.Sc., MCM, MBA, Ph.D. is Head,
Department of Computer Science and Information
Technology, S. K. Porwal College, Kamptee, Nagpur
(MS) India. He is research supervisor in Computer
Science in various universities and has vast knowledge in
Computer Networks, Software Engineering, and Cloud
Computing since last 23 years. He is a member of various
professional bodies in Computer Science.

Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014

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