Symbols in Physics Worksheet

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Symbols in Physics

Latin Symbols in Physics (items in bold are vectors)

a=acceleration (m/s2)
A=ampere (S.I. unit of current, fundamental)
A=amplitude (typically m)
B=magnetic field (T)
B=bulk modulus (N/m2)
c=specific heat capacity (J/(kg*K))
c=speed of light (m/s)
C=molar heat capacity (J/(mol*K))
C=coulomb (S.I. unit of charge = A*s)
cal=calorie (non-S.I. unit of energy = 4.186 J)
Cal=Calorie or kcal (non-S.I. unit of energy = 4186 J)
d=distance (m)
dB=decibels (non-S.I. unit of intensity)
e=magnitude of charge of an electron (C)
e=efficiency (dimensionless)
eV=electron-Volt (non-S.I. unit of energy = 1.60E-19 J)
E=energy (J)
E=electric field (N/C)
f=frequency (Hz. or s-1)
f=friction force (N)
f=focal length (m)
F=force (N)
F=farad, S.I. unit of capacitance = A2*s4/(kg*m2)
g=magnitude of free fall acceleration 9.80 m/s2
g=gram (non-S.I. unit of mass = 0.001 kg)
G=universal gravitational constant
h=Planks constant (6.63E-34 J*s)
h=height (m)
Hz=hertz, S.I. unit of frequency = s-1

Symbols in Physics
i, I=current (A)
I=moment of inertia, kg*m2
I=intensity, W/m2
j=current density, A/m2
j=impulse, kg*m/s
J=joule, S.I. unit of energy = kg*m2/s2
k=Boltzmanns constant, J/K
k=spring constant, N/m
k=thermal conductivity, W/(m*K)
k=wave number, rad/m
kg=kilogram, S.I. unit of mass, fundamental
K=kelvin, S.I. unit of temperature, fundamental
K=kinetic energy, J
l=length, m
L=liter, non-S.I. unit of volume
L=latent heat, J/kg
L=angular momentum (J*s)
m=mass, kg
m=meter (S.I. unit of distance)
n=index of refraction (dimensionless)
n=number of moles
N=number of particles
N=newton (S.I. unit of force = kg*m/s2)
N=normal force (N)
NA=Avogadros number
p=momentum (kg*m/s)
p, P=pressure (Pa = N/m2 = kg/(m*s2)
P=power (W)
q, Q=charge (C)
Q=heat (J)
r=radius variable (m)
R=fixed radius (m)
R=ideal gas constant (8.31 J/(mol*K))
R=resistance ()
s=seconds (S.I. unit of time)
s=generic position, could be x, y, or z (m)
S=entropy (J/K)
t=time (s)
T=period (s)
T=temperature (K)
T=tension force (N)
T=tesla (S.I. unit of magnetic field)
u=atomic mass unit, non-S.I. unit of mass
u=energy density (J/m3)
U=potential energy (J)
v, v=velocity, speed (m/s)

Symbols in Physics
V=volt (S.I. unit of potential)
V=potential (V)
V=voltage or potential difference (V), more correctly written as V
V=volume (m3)
w, W=weight force (N)
W=watt (S.I. unit of power = kg*m2/s3)
W=work (J)
x=Cartesian coordinate (m)
y=Cartesian coordinate (m)
Y=Youngs modulus (N/m2)
z=Cartesian coordinate (m)

Symbols in Physics
Greek Symbols in Physics
=alpha=angular acceleration (rad/s2)
=alpha=temperature coefficient of linear expansion (K-1)
=beta=temperature coefficient of volume expansion (K-1)
=gamma=ratio of heat capacities (dimensionless)
=gamma=relativistic gamma factor (dimensionless)
=gamma (capital)=
=delta=instantaneous change
=delta (capital)=finite change
=eta=efficiency (dimensionless)
=theta=angle (rad)
=theta (capital)=
=kappa=dielectric constant (dimensionless)
=lambda=wavelength (m)
=lambda (capital)=
=mu=coefficient of friction (dimensionless)
=xi (capital)=
=pi=circumference/diameter ratio (dimensionless)
=pi (capital)=series product
=rho=density (kg/m3)
=rho=resistivity (*m)
=sigma=Stefan-Boltzmann constant
=sigma (capital)=series summation
=tau=torque (N x m)
=tau=time constant (s)
=phi=angle (rad)
=phi (capital)=
=psi=psychic power (W)
=psi=wave function (dimensionless)
=psi (capital)=wave function (dimensionless)
=omega=angular velocity (rad/s)
=omega (capital)=ohms (S.I. unit of resistance = V/A)

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