Rimse Value Book

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Category: Poem

Title : Verse from Mahabharata

Jaraa rupam harati, dhairyam aashaa, mrutyuh praanaan, dharmacharyaam asuyaa |

Krodhah shriyam, shilamanaarya sevaa, hriyam kaamah, sarvamevaabhimaanah ||

Gist: Old age robs the beauty of youth, greed robs courage, death takes away the life of a
person. Jealousy robs virtuousness. By anger man loses wealth, serving the evil and wicked
destroys the character. Lust and infatuation destroys the sense of shame while arrogance and
false pride destroys everything.
Values: Practice of wisdom
Source : Mahabharata

Category: Saying

Title : Upanishadic exhortation

Uttishthata ! Jaagrata ! Praapya varaannibodhata ||

Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached

Gist: This saying of the Upanishads was reverberated by Swami Vivekananda in modern
times when he exhorted his countrymen thundering Arise, awake, stop not till the goal is
Arise - Do not sit idle. Get up. Get into action. Don't waste your life in sitting idle and doing

things that waste years and takes one away from GOAL. Give up laziness and always be filled
with a positive energy that lets you stay focused and be in action. Awake - Awakening does
not mean just getting up from sleep. Here Awakening means the mental realization about
one's inherent potentialities. Awakening, means being always alert. Stop not till the Goal is
reached Generally, we set up goals to achieve very ordinary things in life. But the Goal
referred to in the above saying is a goal that challenges you and inspires you! Because
nobody becomes completely worthy of ones potential unless you challenge yourself with
your goals. Never ever make the mistake of shrinking your goal and you are sure to do a lot
more with your potential.
In summary, the saying gives a very strong message to every individual to become aware of
one's true nature of achieving their ultimate goal of life.


...Thoughts to Contemplate - Reflect - Discover - Explore - Inspire & Enrich

Arise! Awake! and stop not till the goal is reached." Life is ever expanding, contraction is
death. The self-seeking man who is looking after his personal comforts and leading a lazy
life there is no room for him even in hell
Too much of inactivity, too much of weakness, too much of hypnotism, has been and is upon
our race. O ye modern Hindus, de-hypnotise yourselves.
The way to do that is found in your own sacred books. Teach yourself, teach everyone his real
nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come,
goodness will come, purity will come, everything that is excellent will come when this
sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.
Swami Vivekananda
You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become
Bhagavad Gita
Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I
cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing
it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do
it even if I may not have it at the beginning.
Mahatma Gandhi
We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the
power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions,
it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present
actions; so we have to know how to act. --Swami Vivekananda
We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are
secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. --Swami Vivekananda
We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame, none
has the praise. --Swami Vivekananda
The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength. .
--Swami Vivekananda
This is the great fact: strength is life, weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal,
immortal; weakness is constant strain and misery: weakness is death. . --Swami
This is the first lesson to learn: be determined not to curse anything outside, not to lay the
blame upon anyone outside, but stand up, lay the blame on yourself. You will find that is
always true. Get hold of yourself. . --Swami Vivekananda

Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if
you think yourselves strong, strong you will be; if you think yourselves impure, impure
you will be; if you think yourselves pure, pure you will be --Swami Vivekananda
Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison. -Swami Vivekananda

We are for ever trying to make our weakness look like strength, our sentiment like
love, our cowardice like courage, and so on.
This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.
..Things are not bettered, but we are bettered, by making changes in them.
Swami Vivekananda
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.
Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave
every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are
produced. Swami Vivekananda
Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out
of that will come great work. Swami Vivekananda
It is the cheerful mind that is persevering. It is the strong mind that hews its way through a
thousand difficulties.
The mind is but the subtle part of the body. You must retain great strength in your mind and
Those who work at a thing heart and soul not only achieve success in it but through their
absorption in that they also realize the supreme truthBrahman. Those who work at a thing
with their whole heart receive help from God. Swami
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Your Life is a Reflection of your thoughts. Every Second, Minute, Hour, Day the thoughts
which cross our mind with or without our awareness give shape up our life.
Good Thoughts , Good Life. Bad Thoughts, Bad Life. Angry Thoughts, Angry Life. Beautiful
thoughts, Beautiful Life and Positive Thoughts , Positive Life.
What the world wants is character. The world is in need of those whose life is one burning
love, selfless. That love will make every word tell like a thunderbolt. Swami Vivekananda

Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time. Character has to be
established through a thousand stumbles. . Swami Vivekananda
Watch people do their most common actions; these are indeed the things that will tell you the
real character of a great person. Swami Vivekananda
A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob
in a century. Swami Vivekananda
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything NEW ~ Albert Einstein

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action
steps. Confucius
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. Confucius
The future depends on what you do today.
Mahatma Gandhi
The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our
Martha Washington
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by
imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.--Confucius
Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is
essential. Take that and try to live up to it.
Swami Vivekananda
Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.
Alan Moore,
All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of
the universe is in our own mind. Swami Vivekananda
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius
To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge. Confucius
Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to
Truth or die. Swami Vivekananda

Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for
anything. Swami Vivekananda

The search for truth is the expression of strength not the groping of a weak, blind man.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein
Religion as a science, as a study, is the greatest and healthiest exercise that the human mind
can have. Swami Vivekananda

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of
moral crisis
Dante Alighieri
It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All
good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get. --Confucius
Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:
- I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
- I shall fear only God.
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
- I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.
Mahatma Gandhi
To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are
gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. Confucius
Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of
men. Confucius
Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be
failure. Confucius
Six Awesome Thoughts for Life ****
Before you talk, LISTEN.
Before you react, THINK.
Before you spend, EARN.
Before you criticize, WAIT.
Before you pray, FORGIVE.
& Before you quit, TRY.

Who is Helping You, Dont Forget them.

Who is Loving you, Dont Hate them .
Who is Believing you, Dont Cheat them.
Life laughs at you when you are unhappy .
Life smiles at you when you are happy

But, Life salutes you when you make others happy

Charlie Chaplin
Truths of life
The most beautiful day: Today
The easiest thing: Equivocate
The biggest obstacle: Fear
The gravest error: give up, to despair
The root of all evils: Egoism
The most beautiful occupation: Work
The worst route to follow: Faintheartedness
The best teachers: Children
The first necessity: TO communicate
The greatest happiness: To be useful to others
The greatest mystery: Death
The worst defect: Bad temper
The most dangerous being: The liar
The most wretched feeling: The grudge
The most beautiful gift: Forgiveness
The most indispensable: home
The quickest way: The correct one
The most comfortable feeling: Interior peace
The most powerful weapon: The smile
The best remedy: Optimism
The greatest satisfaction: The duty done
The most powerful force: Faith
The most needed beings: The parents
The most beautiful of all: Love
Life without love loses meaning..

Have charity towards all beings. Pity those who are in distress. Love all creatures.
Do not be jealous of anyone. Look not to the faults of others. Swami Vivekananda
Doing good to others is virtue (Dharma); injuring others is sin. Strength and
manliness are virtue; weakness and cowardice are sin. Independence is virtue;
dependence is sin. Loving others is virtue; hating others is sin. Faith in God and in
one's own Self is virtue; doubt is sin. Knowledge of oneness is virtue; seeing
diversity is sin. The different scriptures only show the means of attaining virtue.
Swami Vivekananda
Do all the Good you can, In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can, At all the times you can,
To all the people you can

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