IDP 2482840473-Test1

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8916 14:45:26.327678000 13024
SACK invoke initialDP





Frame 8916: 302 bytes on wire (2416 bits), 302 bytes captured (2416 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: Eab/Rwi/_83:29:b5 (00:13:5e:83:29:b5), Dst: JuniperN_a3:64:3f
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Stream Control Transmission Protocol, Src Port: 2906 (2906), Dst Port: 2906 (290
MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer
Version: Release 1 (1)
Reserved: 0x00
Message class: Transfer messages (1)
Message type: Payload data (DATA) (1)
Message length: 224
Protocol data (SS7 message of 200 bytes)
Parameter Tag: Protocol data (528)
Parameter length: 216
OPC: 13024
Signalling Area Network Code (SANC): Madagascar (Republic of) (6-092
Unique Signalling Point Name: Antananarivo
Signalling Point Operator Name: Celtel Madagascar GSM
DPC: 4550
Signalling Area Network Code (SANC): Switzerland (Confederation of)
Unique Signalling Point Name: Basel
Signalling Point Operator Name: Belgacom International Carrier
SI: SCCP (3)
NI: 0
MP: 0
SLS: 14
[MTP3 equivalents]
Signalling Connection Control Part
Message Type: Unitdata (0x09)
.... 0001 = Class: 0x01
0000 .... = Message handling: No special options (0x00)
Pointer to first Mandatory Variable parameter: 3
Pointer to second Mandatory Variable parameter: 13
Pointer to third Mandatory Variable parameter: 24
Called Party address (10 bytes)
Address Indicator
.0.. .... = Routing Indicator: Route on GT (0x00)
..01 00.. = Global Title Indicator: Translation Type, Numbering Plan
, Encoding Scheme, and Nature of Address Indicator included (0x04)
.... ..1. = SubSystem Number Indicator: SSN present (0x01)
.... ...0 = Point Code Indicator: Point Code not present (0x00)
SubSystem Number: CAP (146)
[Linked to TCAP, TCAP SSN linked to CAMEL]
Global Title 0x4 (8 bytes)
Translation Type: 0x00
0001 .... = Numbering Plan: ISDN/telephony (0x01)
.... 0010 = Encoding Scheme: BCD, even number of digits (0x02)
.000 0100 = Nature of Address Indicator: International number (0x04)
Address information (digits): 2482702619
Country Code: 248 Seychelles length 3
Calling Party address (11 bytes)

Address Indicator
.0.. .... = Routing Indicator: Route on GT (0x00)
..01 00.. = Global Title Indicator: Translation Type, Numbering Plan
, Encoding Scheme, and Nature of Address Indicator included (0x04)
.... ..1. = SubSystem Number Indicator: SSN present (0x01)
.... ...0 = Point Code Indicator: Point Code not present (0x00)
SubSystem Number: CAP (146)
[Linked to TCAP, TCAP SSN linked to CAMEL]
Global Title 0x4 (9 bytes)
Translation Type: 0x00
0001 .... = Numbering Plan: ISDN/telephony (0x01)
.... 0010 = Encoding Scheme: BCD, even number of digits (0x02)
.000 0100 = Nature of Address Indicator: International number (0x04)
Address information (digits): 261331110021
Country Code: 261 Madagascar length 3
Transaction Capabilities Application Part
Source Transaction ID
Transaction Id: be0007db
oid: (id-as-dialogue)
Padding: 7
protocol-version: 80 (version1)
application-context-name: (CAP-v2-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCFAC)
components: 1 item
Component: invoke (1)
invokeID: 0
opCode: localValue (0)
invokeId: present (0)
present: 0
opcode: local (0)
local: initialDP (0)
serviceKey: 80
callingPartyNumber: 04134228484037
0... .... = Odd/even indicator: even number of address signals
.000 0100 = Nature of address indicator: international number (4)
0... .... = NI indicator: complete
.001 .... = Numbering plan indicator: ISDN (Telephony) numbering pla
n (1)
.... 00.. = Address presentation restricted indicator: presentation
allowed (0)
.... ..11 = Screening indicator: network provided (3)
Calling Party Number: 2482840473
.... 0010 = Address signal digit: 2 (2)
0100 .... = Address signal digit: 4 (4)
.... 1000 = Address signal digit: 8 (8)
0010 .... = Address signal digit: 2 (2)
.... 1000 = Address signal digit: 8 (8)
0100 .... = Address signal digit: 4 (4)
.... 0000 = Address signal digit: 0 (0)
0100 .... = Address signal digit: 4 (4)
.... 0111 = Address signal digit: 7 (7)
0011 .... = Address signal digit: 3 (3)
E.164 Calling party number digits: 2482840473

callingPartysCategory: ordinary calling subscriber (10)

locationNumber: 0493623113110012
0... .... = Odd/even indicator: even number of address signals
.000 0100 = Nature of address indicator: international number (4)
1... .... = INN indicator: routing to internal network number not al
.001 .... = Numbering plan indicator: ISDN (Telephony) numbering pla
n (1)
.... 00.. = Address presentation restricted indicator: presentation
allowed (0)
.... ..11 = Screening indicator: network provided (3)
Location number: 261331110021
.... 0010 = Address signal digit: 2 (2)
0110 .... = Address signal digit: 6 (6)
.... 0001 = Address signal digit: 1 (1)
0011 .... = Address signal digit: 3 (3)
.... 0011 = Address signal digit: 3 (3)
0001 .... = Address signal digit: 1 (1)
.... 0001 = Address signal digit: 1 (1)
0001 .... = Address signal digit: 1 (1)
.... 0000 = Address signal digit: 0 (0)
0000 .... = Address signal digit: 0 (0)
.... 0010 = Address signal digit: 2 (2)
0001 .... = Address signal digit: 1 (1)
bearerCapability: bearerCap (0)
bearerCap: 8090a3
1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
.00. .... = Coding standard: ITU-T standardized coding (0x00)
...0 0000 = Information transfer capability: Speech (0x00)
1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
.00. .... = Transfer mode: Circuit mode (0x00)
...1 0000 = Information transfer rate: 64 kbit/s (0x10)
1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
.01. .... = Layer identification: Layer 1 identifier (0x01)
...0 0011 = User information layer 1 protocol: Recommendation G.
711 A-law (0x03)
eventTypeBCSM: collectedInfo (2)
iMSI: 36130040303169f1
TBCD digits: 633100040313961
ageOfLocationInformation: 0
vlr-number: 91623113110012
1... .... = Extension: No Extension
.001 .... = Nature of number: International Number (0x01)
.... 0001 = Number plan: ISDN/Telephony Numbering (Rec ITU-T
E.164) (0x01)
Address digits: 261331110021
Country Code: 261 Madagascar length 3
cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI: cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFix
edLength (0)
cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength: 46f61027182c75
ext-basicServiceCode: ext-Teleservice (3)
ext-Teleservice: telephony (17)
callReferenceNumber: c4ea0a0003
mscAddress: 91623113110012
1... .... = Extension: No Extension
.001 .... = Nature of number: International Number (0x01)
.... 0001 = Number plan: ISDN/Telephony Numbering (Rec ITU-T E.1
64) (0x01)
Address digits: 261331110021

Country Code: 261 Madagascar length 3

calledPartyBCDNumber: 914228170025
timeAndTimezone: 0231508241649421

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