PROJECT 1 Client Admin

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What is SAP?

Systems applications products for data processing.

Developed in Germany.
Its an ERP

ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning.

Planning the resources in an organization is called ERP.
Different OS:
1) Windws 2) Unix 3) Linux 4) Solaris 5) AIX

1) Oracle 2) SQL server 3) DB2 4) Sybase 5) Informaix
End users:
People who are using for productive work for the company are called as end users.
Named users:
People are working for the client (eg: If client is Airtel, the all Airtel employees are called as
named users).
Concurrent Users:
Users who are login in infrequent time (eg: customers of the client)

Architecture of SAP R/3:

Client Administration
What is a client?
What does a client contain?
What are Advantages of client concept?
What are the SAP standard clients?
How to create a client?
How to add a logical system ID to be assigned to a client?
How to do local client copy SCCL or copy one client to another in the same R/3 system?
How to do remote client copy or copy one client to another in different R/3 systems?
How to do Client Import/Export?
How to check the size of the client in SAP?
How to delete a client?
How to lock a client ?
How to Define Default Client in SAP ?
What is the main difference between remote client copy and client export/import in SAP?

Client Tasks

What is the Client?

The Client is a Customer. We can say that each customer maps to
one client. Within one SAP instance, a number of Clients can be
created. No need to install separate softwares for each and every
customer.It provides isolation ,one client cannot see the data of other

As depicted above 100 and 200 clients exist under one roof. We can
create a number of clients in SAP Application (from 000 to 999)

What does client contain?

1. Application Data- Application data is the data that are stored in the database
2. Customizing Data Customizing data is data created by customers when they
customize their systems
3. User Master Record- A user master record defines the authorizations assigned to
a user. Basis consultants are responsible for maintaining the user master record
and assigning authorizations.
Advantages of Client concept:1. Clients enable SAP SAS providers to install a small number of SAP Systems, but
still cater to a large number of customers.
2. Costs are not only saved by sharing hardware and software but multiple customers
also use the same application solution, including administration and support.
3. Clients help establish your SAP landscape. For instance , you can have a client for
the development team , a client for a test team and a production client.

SAP comes with three standard clients :1. 000

2. 001
3. 066
000 Client :- We can find this client in the system as soon as we
install SAP r/3 software. This is called master client. Client 000 contains
a simple organizational structure of a test company and includes
parameters for all applications, standard settings, and configurations
for the control of standard transactions and examples to be used in

many different profiles of the business applications. It contains client

independent data.
001 Client :- This client is a copy of the 000 client including the test
company. This clients settings are client-independent if it is configured
or customized. People normally use 001 client to create a new client.
066 Client :- This client is called early watch client. The SAP
earlywatch alert is a diagnosis service, for solution monitoring of SAP
and non-SAP systems in the SAP Solution Manager. Alert may contain
Performance issue, average response time, current system load,
Database administration,etc..

How to create a client?

Theoretically we can create clients from 000 to 999.But maintenance
of such a large number of clients becomes a challenge.
Step 1) Execute T-Code SCC4

Step 2) . It will bring you to the initial screen of SAP clients.

Click New Entry to make a new SAP Client

Step 3)
1. Enter basic details as given below.

Client number & description

City to which client Belongs (etc, NY-New York)

Logical system may be <SID>CLNT<Client Number>

Std Currency may be (etc EUR)

Client roles may be Customizing,Demo,Training/Education,Production,etc..

2. Enter your client specific data and set permission for the clients as per your
3. Save
4. Press F3 to come back to SCC4

Step 4) New client will be there in the list. Here we have created client

How to add a logical system ID to be assigned to a client?

1 ) Go to transaction BD54.
2) Click on the new entries button.
3)Enter the logical system name in the standatd format <SID>CLNT<client number>
4) Enter the description

5)Click on own requests button.

6) Click on the create request button.
7)Enter the short description why you are creating the logical system .
8)Click tick
Your logical system will be created .

How to do local client copy SCCL or copy one client to another

in the same R/3 system?

Local Client Copy:

1 Check the source client size by enters TC-SE38 and run report rstablesize and check
enough space is available on the target system.
2 Lock all the users in the source client.
3 Client copy must be started from the target system, so login into the target system using
sap* and pass
4 Ensure that transport management system is configured and working fine.
5 Minimum two background jobs should be available, otherwise pause all background
jobs by enter TC-SE38 and run RSBTCTRNS1 report. To reschedule all job back into
normal run RSBTCTRNS2 report.
6 RDDIMPDP job should be run in background, otherwise run report RDDNEWPP.
7 TEMP and TRANS directories should be have three times of client size free space.

As we are doing local client copy (SCCL) source and target instance are same but
Clients are different. In the below

Source Instance & client := DKM-000

(The source client is the client which contains the data to be copied)

Target Instance & client := DKM-202

(The target client is the client into which data is to be copied)

Step 1) Create an entry for your new target client using SCC4. In our scenario, we will
create client 202 in DKM system. Log on to this newly created target client (DKM-202)
with user SAP* and default password pass.
Step 2) Excute T-code SCCL.

Step 3)

Select your desired profile

Enter Source client.

Enter Description

Step 4) By default Client Copy is executed as a single process. Single process will take a
lot of time.We will distribute workload of single process to parallel(multiple) processes
which will reduce time in copying a client.
1. Select Goto from menubar.
2. Select Parallel Process.Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of
database better

Step 5) Always execute long running processes in background mode rather than
foreground/dialog mode. Infact, some processes run more quickly in background.

Step 6) The client copy logs are available in SCC3 . Status Successfully
Completed means client copy is completed.

How to do remote client copy or copy one client to another in

different R/3 systems?

Remote Client Copy:

This technique uses Remote function call. You can view RFC from SM59. This technique
depends on the network, so network connectivity must be strong enough.

1 Check the source client size by enters TC-SE38 and run report rstablesize and check
enough space is available on the target system.
2 Lock all the users in the source client.
3 Client copy must be started from the target system, so login into the target system using
sap* and pass
4 Ensure that transport management system is configured and working fine.
5 Minimum two background jobs should be available, otherwise pause all background
jobs by enter TC-SE38 and run RSBTCTRNS1 report. To reschedule all job back into
normal run RSBTCTRNS2 report.
6 RDDIMPDP job should be run in background, otherwise run report RDDNEWPP.
7 TEMP and TRANS directories should be have three times of client size free space.
8 RFC connections should be established between the servers.
In Remote client copy source and target instance will be different
Scenario:Source Instance & client := BD1-101
(The source client is the client who contains the data to be copied)

Target Instance & client := DKM-202

(The target client is the client into whom data is to be copied)

Step 1) Log on to the target system. Here we will log on to DKM system. Create a new
target client entry(202) using SCC4. Log on to this new target client with user SAP* and
default password pass.Here we will log on to DKM-200 system.
Step 2) Execute Transaction Code SCC9.

Step 3) Fill the basic details as per your requirement.

Step 4) Select Parallel Process.Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of
database better.

Step 5) Schedule the client copy in background

Step 6) The client copy logs are available in SCC3 as given below.

Client Import/Export
For large database it is recommended to use client
import/export instead of remote client copy.

Scenario:Source Instance & client := PKT-300

(The source client is the client who contains the data to be copied)

Target Instance & client := DKM-202

(The target client is the client into whom data is to be copied)

This technique always starts with client export step.

Note:- You must have enough space in the /usr/sap/trans_SID file
system to perform the client export.

How to export client?

Step 1) Log on to the target system(DKM). Create an entry for your
new target client using SCC4 .Log on to the source system / source
Step 2)Before you import a Client you need to export.Export is
nothing but transferring data files and co-files from source systems
database to target systems import buffer.Execute T-code SCC8.

Step 3)

Select profile

Choose target system.

Step 4) Schedule the export in background

Step 5) Once the job is executed data files and co-files of profiles
from PKT systems database are transferred to DKM systems
import buffer.Once we will import request in DKM only then it will be
reflected in database of DKM system.
Depending on the chosen export profile there can be up to 3 transport
requests created :

Request PKTKO00151 will hold the cross client data,

Request PKTKT00151 will hold the client dependent data,

Request PKTKX00151 will also hold some client dependent data.

How to import the client?

Step 1) Log on to the newly created target client(DKM-202) using SAP*
and password pass.
Step 2) Start the STMS_IMPORT transaction

As shown below , import queue will open

Step 2) Select the transport requests generated by client export

.Import theses transport requests on the target client.
The transport requests should be imported in the following sequence :
1. Request PKTKO00151
2. Request PKTKT00151
3. Request PKTKX00151
The system automatically detects these are client export transport
requests and automatically performs the import of the 3 requests.
The import logs can be seen in STMS_IMPORT.

Step 3) Post import phase:Once the import is done, execute SCC7 to perform the post client
import actions,

Schedule the post import job in background.

Step 4) Import log will be available in SCC3. Client

is successfully imported.

How to check the size of the client in SAP

1. Execute report RSSPACECHECK in transaction code SE38.

Put the client number and execute.

it can take 2-3 hour to calculate size

Result will be,

How to delete a client?

Deleting a Client
From the SAP login screen, login as any super user in any existing client (which you
want to delete)
Access the menu path Tools -> Administration -> Client admin.-> Special functions
-> Delete client. Alternately run transaction SCC5.
In the resulting screen select the option Delete from T000 and click on Online
pushbutton in order to run the client delete in the foreground. Alternately
administrator can also run this in the background by clicking the pushbutton

How to lock a client ?

Here i am writing the procedure to lock amd unlock a client in SAP,very rarely we need
to use it..But stil u should know so follow these simple steps
1) To lock or unlock a client in R/3 System, run the following function modules in
transaction se37
2. SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT ( to lock the client)
3. SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT (to unlock the client)
Run these functions with a client input which is to be locked/unlocked. This function set
flag Client is locked temporarily for client copy in client maintenance menu.The client
will be available for users DDIC and SAP*. If any other user tries to login, system gives
message that Client locked temporarily.
To unlock the client
1. Run transaction SE37
2. Enter the function module as SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT
3. press F8 or test run (single run).
4. Specify the client and execute(F8).

How to Define Default Client in SAP

You can set the SAP to default client login via parameter "login/system_client"
means every time when you are going to login in SAP you will find 100 as client as
shown in below image
This can be done using transaction code RZ10 . As an example, you can set the
parameter to client 100 in transaction code RZ10. A restart is needed to make the
changes activated.

What is the main difference between remote client copy and

client export/import in SAP

Remote Client copy :This is one step process

RFC connection is required.
CC can be used with multiple parallel processes
Remote CC is better if you have small data to be copied.
Remote CC might be little bit slower than the export due to its network
Need to check Network, Database ( generation of archive logs, table space
usage ) throughout the CC.

Export-Import :This is 3 step process ( export- import-post processing).

RFC connection is not required between systems.
Multiple parallel processes cannot be used.
Export-import is generally used for copying larger amount of data.
Export-import is relatively faster than the remote CC.
Need to check DB constraints at the import process.

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