FDI in Developing Countries
FDI in Developing Countries
FDI in Developing Countries
ISNR: LIU-IEI-FIL-A--08/00224
M. Talha Atik
Hung Tran
Cristhian Vieyra
Linkping, Sweden
January, 2008
: FDI in developing countries: The case of Ericsson in Mexico and Vietnam
Authors : M. Talha Atik, Hung Tran, Cristhian Vieyra
Supervisor: Per man
One of the most important notions of our world is globalization which affects the lives
of human beings in several ways. It is a concept which removes boundaries and limits;
therefore, involves a global world, and consequently a global economy. Within the global
economy, there are flows of goods, capital, technology and other means of production
among different countries. As a result, these movements create a high competition among
the different actors of the game. In order to develop themselves in this global economy,
firms have to expand their businesses abroad to compete in the international arena.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the mostly used ways of internationalization
which plays an important role as an engine of employment, technological development,
productivity enhancement, economic intensification, and more importantly, as an
instrument of technology transfer especially from developed to developing countries.
Each country in which foreign companies want to invest has its own characteristics;
particular opportunities and barriers from each country might arise when a foreign
company starts its investment. This study analyzes the inward FDI in developing
countries, by analyzing a case of a Swedish company, Ericsson, in two developing
countries: Mexico and Vietnam. The cases of Ericsson in Mexico and Vietnam describe
the general business environment, availability of production factors and competitiveness
factors in those two countries and provide sets of data in order to build a cross-case
analysis and generalize the results of this research.
Key words: Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), developing countries, Ericsson, Mexico,
Vietnam, Sweden
First of all, we would like to thank our tutor Per man, for sharing his brilliant
knowledge and valuable time with us. He has supported us with his guidance in all stages
of this process. Also, we wish to express our thanks to our programs director Jrgen
Ljung, for helping us to formulate the problem and motivating us to work on this research
in early stages of the process. We would also like to thank Prof. Peter Gustavsson, for
organizing the valuable seminars and lectures about this research. Both of them were
always with us to support this project and to answer our questions and to solve our
problems that we faced during this process.
We would also like to thank the employees of Ericsson Mexico and Vietnam, for
helping us to conduct the interviews in Mexico and Vietnam. Especially, we would like to
thank Mrs. Maria de Jesus Sanchez, for helping us to arrange the interview in Mexico.
Also we wish to express our gratitude to the interviewees in Mexico and Vietnam, for
sharing their knowledge with us and for making this thesis to be possible.
A special thanks to our friend Andre Langlaver for checking our paper as a native
speaker and providing us a feedback. We would also like to thank all our classmates,
lecturers, and the students of our tutor group who helped us to maintain this project and
to equip ourselves with the right tools for this research. We did not forget the thoughtful
comments of our special friend Mehmet zkan on our thesis. We wish to express our
thanks for his feedback and special time that he spent on our thesis.
Last but not least, we wish to express our special thanks and gratitude to our
families, who have supported us both financially and psychologically during this study.
M. Talha Atik
Hung Tran
Cristhian Vieyra
5 January 2008
Table of contents
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................ 5
ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................................................... 6
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 PROBLEM DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 11
1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................... 11
1.6 THESIS DISPOSITION ........................................................................................................................... 12
2. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH .................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 CASE STUDY RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 RESEARCH DESIGN .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4 DATA COLLECTION ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.4.1 Primary research ....................................................................................................................... 18 Interviews: ...................................................................................................................................................18
List of figures
Figure 1: Research Design ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 2: Primary Data in Qualitative Research ............................................................... 18
Figure 3: Forms of Interview ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 4: Secondary data and their sources ...................................................................... 22
Figure 5: Share of all developing countries (dark color pieces) in worldwide FDI inflow,
1982-1999 (percent).......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 6: Taxonomy of Motivations for Foreign Direct Investments............................... 46
Figure 7: Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico by Sector ............................................... 50
Figure 8: Comparison of Scores by Country of Geert Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions.. 72
List of tables
Table 1: Interviews summary............................................................................................ 21
Table 2: Inward FDI flows to developing countries (DCs) .............................................. 31
Table 3: Latin America and the Caribbean: FDI inflows, top 10 economies, 2005-2006a
(Billions of dollars) ........................................................................................................... 51
Table 4: Swedish Direct Investment in Mexico by Industry, ........................................... 52
Table 5: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam in period 1988-2006.............................. 61
Table 6: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam by countries (period 1988-2006) .......... 62
Table 7: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam by economy activities ........................... 63
Table 8: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam by top 10 cities (period 1988-2006) ..... 64
Table 9: Sweden FDI in Vietnam in period 1988-2006.................................................... 66
European Union
1. Introduction
This chapter gives readers an overview of the subject matter. The authors present
the background research of the thesis, problem discussion, the purpose of the
thesis, research questions, then the scope and limitations of the thesis and finally,
the thesis disposition.
FDI has become an important factor in the economic growth and a new instrument for
the integration of countries into the global economy (UNCTAD, 2005, p.1). Therefore,
attracting and managing FDI has become an important strategy for developing countries
in order to develop their economies. However, without the required knowledge or
capacity to engage in developing countries many investment firms will continue to face
difficulties attempting to integrate into the markets of developing countries and thus will
remain unable to make the right type of investment because of obstacles such as national
investment policies, investment rulemaking and cultural aspects.
Historically, developed countries have the most FDI outflows thanks to their
competitive advantage among the rest of the world and Sweden is one case. It is a
country with a relatively small population (compared to other countries in Europe), and
has therefore focused its efforts for a long time on trading with different countries; this
probably can be traced back to the seventh and eighth centuries when the Swedes were
merchant seamen known for their far-reaching trade, and therefore for their knowledge of
trading between nations (Department of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs,
2007). Nowadays, Sweden has an excellent macroeconomic performance with high rates
of growth, low unemployment and stable inflation expectations (OECD, 2007).Sweden
has four-party coalitions to strengthen the economy, with a view to easing welfare
dependency and social exclusion and boosting labor supply. Measures include cuts in
income tax; lower employers' social security contribution, and reduced unemployment
benefit (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007, p.124). With the most liberal foreign
investment laws in the world, Sweden has fairly stable FDI outflows in recent years,
averaging USD 23.5 billion in 2003-2006. From the perspective of developing countries,
the outward FDI of Sweden to developing countries accounted for 22 percent of the total
outward FDI (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007).
The mentioned FDI issues, to which Swedish companies are not excluded, are
closely interrelated with the general business environment of the host countries, including
domestic policy matters, political environment, culture, and the link between national
policies and foreign investor policies. In their research about The Mechanism of
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the main factors which a company,
particularly a Swedish company, should consider when starting its FDI activities in
developing countries, especially Mexico and Vietnam. The thesis maps out factors that
influence investment decisions of a company; pinpointing the main opportunities and
barriers companies experience when they commence direct investment in Mexico and
What kind of barriers and opportunities might arise when a company starts its
direct investment in developing countries?
How the theoretical framework can be used to help Swedish companies when they
evaluate their own situation to start their direct investment in Mexico and
As for most other Master students, time was an important limitation in the thesis.
Luckily, some of the basic information was already gathered earlier during course
assignments of the Master in Business Administration Program at Linkping University,
Sweden and could be used now as the framework for references. Having access to
Linkping University Library to borrow the appropriate books and articles, as well as
many meetings with the tutor also helped the authors reduce the time it took to search
information enabling the group to stick to the original way of thinking as established at
the beginning of the thesis.
This chapter gives readers an overview of the subject matter. The authors present
the background of the thesis, problem discussion, the purpose of the thesis,
research questions, then the scope and limitations of the thesis and finally, the
thesis disposition.
This chapter provides the research method which has been applied in the thesis
and explains why the authors have chosen this particular research approach to
answer the research questions. The authors describe the qualitative research
method as the main approach, the case study research design, the method of
collecting data, the process of how the authors analyze the data, and finally
evaluate the validity and reliability of the data.
Frame of references
In this chapter authors build a theoretical frame of FDI, particularly in developing
countries; afterwards, there is a classification of the environmental factors,
barriers and opportunities that companies face in the host country when FDI is
Empirical findings
This chapter displays the specific data collection for the cross-case analysis in
chapter 6. Based on the structure of theory framework in the previous chapter, the
empirical data in this chapter provides facts about the economy, FDI, general
business environment, foreign market opportunities, and factors of production in
Mexico and Vietnam. Those sets of data are arranged in the same structure for
each country.
In this chapter, the authors analyze data across two cases in order to identify
similarities and differences of Ericsson when conducting FDI in Mexico, and
Vietnam. By identifying similarities and differences, the authors provide further
insight into the subject concerning the foreign direct investment of Swedish
companies in developing countries by generalizing the case study results.
This chapter describes the conclusion which is taken out from the cross-case
analysis and answers the research questions posed in the research questions
In this chapter, the authors present recommendations on the issues of the foreign
direct investment in developing countries, particularly in Mexico and Vietnam.
2. Methodology
This chapter provides the research method which has been applied in the thesis
and explains why the authors have chosen this particular research approach to
answer the research questions. The authors describe the qualitative research
method as the main approach, the case study research design, the method of
collecting data, the process of how the authors analyze the data, and finally
evaluate the validity and reliability of the data.
Basically there are three components of qualitative research (Strauss & Corbin, 1998):
First of all there is the data sourcing, which might be based in different procedures to
collect it; then the organization and interpretation of the data, which is synthesized in the
term referred as coding by Miles and Huberman (1994). Coding consists of
conceptualizing and reducing data, elaborating categories in terms of their properties
and dimensions, and relating through a series of prepositional statements (Strauss &
Corbin, 1998, p. 12). The third and final component is the communication of the results,
which can consist of written and verbal reports, such as articles, papers, conferences and
so on.
After the FDI framework was built, the next step was to classify the
environmental factors (opportunities and barriers), which a company faces in the host
country when a FDI is made. The classification is divided in three main categories:
and secondary data (Yang, Wang and Su, 2006). As this study is aiming to analyze FDI
in the selected cases with two countries, multiple data collection methods are used in this
study to increase credibility and validity; meaning that both primary and secondary
research methods are used by authors to provide a reliable research for the reader.
Primary Data
* Depth Interviews
* Focus groups
* Case studies
* Projective
* Human
* Electronic
* Mechanical Interviews:
Interviews are the data collection method where the author speaks to the
respondent directly (Hair, Money, Samuel and Pake, 2007, p.196). In case studies,
interviews are mainly used to get the whole picture of a certain situation (Hair, Money,
Samuel and Pake, 2007, p.203). As this study is aiming to research two cases in two
different countries, interviews are selected as the source to gather the primary data
required for this research.
There are basically three different kinds of interviews (Hair, Money, Samuel and
Pake, 2007; Bryman and Bell, 2007): structured interview, semi-structured interview and
unstructured interview.
Structured interviews are mainly used for quantitative studies (Bryman and Bell,
2007); they are the interviews in which the author decides on what questions are being
asked to the respondent before the interview (Hair, Money, Samuel and Pake, 2007).
Some of the questions are closed questions which do not enable respondents to answer
them by going out of the structure (Hair, Money, Samuel and Pake, 2007).
Semi-structured interviews are the most common interview used in qualitative
case study result, which is used for gathering certain information and guided by a set of
questions and issues should be explored (Sharan, 1988, p.122). In semi-structured
interviews, the interviewer has a list of questions about a certain topic; respondents are
usually not limited to answer the questions. However, the interviewer has to be a guide
for the respondent: the respondent does not follow an order, but the respondent has to ask
all questions to provide a reliable comparison with other interviews (Bryman and Bell,
Concerning the unstructured interviews, they are the interviews in which there are
no structured questions; author is free to ask what he wants and the respondent can
answer the questions as he wishes (Hair, Money, Samuel and Pake, 2007).
For this research, authors decided to use a semi-structured interview since a semistructured interviews better help the authors when gathering information about FDI in
developing countries in general and in particular about Ericsson investment activities in
Mexico and Vietnam with a set of questions prepared by the authors in advance.
Therefore, the interviews are structured by the authors before the interview, each question
is selected in relation to research questions and they are formed to explore the problem of
this study.
For the interviews, the first stage was the selection of the companies. It has been
decided to enter into contact with the companies which are operating both in Mexico and
Vietnam. Afterwards, an internet search was made, to find the companies that are
required for the interviews. After the selection of the companies, to establish the contact
with the right people who can provide the most relevant data in the companies that are
going to be used in the analysis, both e-mails and phones were used as vehicles to
For the next step, an e-mail was formed outlining the purpose of the research and
was sent to the authorized people who are responsible for arranging the necessary
meetings within the companies. The forms of interviews are shown in figure 3.
Non- Standardised
For this study, authors used one-to-one interviews. In Mexico interview was made
face-to-face, in Vietnam it was made by telephone. Face-to-face interview in Ericsson
Mexico was conducted approximately in a natural conversation style between two
people; the author from Mexico and a director of Ericsson Mexico. The interview was
carried out in Spanish and the telephone interview with Ericsson Vietnam was in
Vietnamese. The content of the interviews were written-down in English for further
comparisons and analysis among the authors. Name of interviewees, position of
interviewees, date of interviews, types of interviews, and locations of interviews can be
found in the table below:
Position of
Date of
Type of
the December 19 , Face-to-
Location of
Ericsson Mexico,
of 2007
Ericsson Mexico
Ericsson S.A. de
Communications December 21st, Telephone
Vietnam, Ho Chi
Minh Office
Secondary Data
Ad- hoc
Time series
Raw data
Secondary discussion
Written reports
Ready to use
Importable ASCII
Spreadsheet or similar
Single sources
Syndicated sources
Multiple sources
According to its type, secondary data is divided into three different categories: adhoc, time series and cross-sectional series. Ad-hoc refers to the single studies for specific
purpose; time series are the data collected by central statistical offices which provide data
regularly, such as OECD. And the cross-sectional series are the secondary data such as
GDP, Inflation rates, Unit Labor Costs provided by individual member states (Hair,
Money, Samuel and Pake, 2007).
For this thesis almost all these kinds of secondary data are used, sometimes the
data required is gathered from time series or cross-sectional series, and sometimes from
the previous studies or directly from raw sources. Mainly internet is used as a vehicle to
collect the secondary data required for this research. Secondary data are mostly used for
the empirical findings about the FDI in the selected cases of two countries: Mexico and
Vietnam; in addition, secondary data are also utilized for the analysis of the case
companies in those two countries. The authors believe that together with the interviews,
the usage of secondary data will provide a more reliable research for study by the reader.
consisted of three students of a Master program coming from three different countries,
and all three were involved in the analysis.
The analysis process begins with identification of the themes emerging from the
raw data, a process sometimes referred to as "open coding" (Strauss and Corbin, 1990,
p.169). It stresses the variety of decisions a company has to make when starting FDI
activities. The research question was What are the factors that a company, particularly a
Swedish company, should consider when starting its FDI activities in developing
countries, especially in Mexico and Vietnam? To answer this question, it was necessary
to build two sub-questions to be answered, which in addition to the theory used as a
template, formed the answer to the main question in this thesis.
The first sub-question was: What kind of opportunities and problems might arise
when a company starts its direct investment in developing countries? To answer this
question the primary research and the secondary research methods were used, analyzing
mostly published sources (articles, books, and internet) as the secondary data and using
interviews as techniques to get primary data.
After the identification step, the raw data are broken down into manageable
chunks, the author must re-examine the categories identified to determine how they are
linked, a complex process sometimes called "axial coding" (Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
p.183). During the interviews with the company, the classification of information was
carried out and the result will serve as a basis when the decision of directing investment
will be made. At first, the category of questionnaires had been chosen in cooperation
between the experts and the authors. The Expert is a person who has greater knowledge
about a certain subject, in this case about investment activities of Ericsson in Mexico and
Vietnam. Managers of the case study company fit with the title expert, who are able to
make certain decisions and keep an overall picture of strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of the case study company. Some basic information about the
company, FDI in Mexico and Vietnam was needed and the authors were able to give that
to the expert. After the categories of questionnaires were selected, the author asked the
company provide information by categories. In this stage, no exact figures were needed
because the information was based on knowledge and experience, where the directors and
managers of the company are the experts. No business secrets were involved in this stage,
thus making the situation very open-talk from the point of the expert.
Then, the authors moved to the next category where the relationship between the
company in Sweden, Mexico and Vietnam was found. The basic situation was mapped
out using the interviews (face-to-face interview, phone interview) of the directors and
managers in Mexico and Vietnam respectively, then the authors translated the data into
the story that was to be read and constructed the cases of the Swedish company in both
countries. Finally the authors developed the cross-case analysis and the generalization.
This analysis gave the solutions to interconnect the theoretical framework and the
empirical findings with the reality, and subsequently it guided the authors to answer the
second sub-question "How the theoretical framework can be used to help Swedish
companies when they evaluate their own situation?"
issue, the more reliable the interpretation of the data (Cano, 2007, p.4). The fact was
that before the research was carried out, several meetings among three authors were set
up in order to agree on which data sources are utilized to answer the research questions,
building the questionnaires framework, and deciding which research methods are used.
During some interviews in Mexico, the contents of the discussions were recorded in order
to increase the reliability of interpretations later. Moreover, during the analysis of
document, the authors gave a selected portion of text to other authors and ask them to
interpret the text. In doing this it will increase the degree of agreement of the
interpretation by different authors within the team.
The concept of validity is described by a wide range of terms in qualitative
studies. This concept is not a single, fixed or universal concept, but "rather a contingent
construct, inescapable grouped in the processes and intentions of particular research
methodologies and project" (Winter, 2000, p.1). In general, the validity method addresses
the validity of the interpretations of the data. In other words, authors responsible for
showing that the authors did not "invent" the interpretations, but that they are the
products of conscious analysis (Cano, 2007). The literature reviews section, for example,
provided some guidance for a company to start its FDI. The information in the literature
review, of course, cannot be invented by the authors, since it is the product of the
collection, interpretation of the data from analysis processes, interviews, books, articles,
and internet.
3. Frame of references
In this chapter the authors build a theoretical frame of FDI, particularly in
developing countries; afterward, there is a classification of the environmental
factors, barriers and opportunities that companies face in the host country when
FDI is developed.
Steps 3 and 4 involve FDI. By going from step 1 to step 4 from the above list as
the way to enter a foreign market a firm requires a larger commitment of resources, and
in some respects greater exposure to risk (Moosa, 2002, p.12). Therefore, it can be said
that most FDI is carried out by multinational corporations (MNCs) which have become
household names (for example Toyota, IBM, Phillips, Nestle, Sony, etc) because of the
simple fact the MNCs dominate overwhelmingly not only international investment but
also international production, trade, finance and technology (Moosa, 2002).
operations of domestic companies, and Forward Vertical FDI when there is investment
into a foreign industry that sells the output of a company's domestic production processes
(Hill, 1998) For instance, if Ford builds an engine production facility in Mexico which
ships engines to its manufacturing unit in U.S.A., this would be backward vertical FDI. If
Ford buys ten dealers in Mexico to distribute cars made in the U.S.A., this would be
forward vertical FDI.
The third type of FDI, conglomerate FDI, involves companies operating in
different businesses (Rivera-Batiz & Oliva, 2003) The two largest British companies
operating in Africa, Unilever and Lonrho, are prime examples of this type of
conglomerate phenomenon.
to locate their production in countries where costs associated with producing goods are
low such as energy, natural resources, and labor. In developed countries, in fact, labor
costs are often high compared to those in developing or less developed countries. Those
firms which undertake cost-oriented investments find that it is an attractive way to move
their production to developing or less developed countries in order to take the lowering
cost advantage. By doing so, firms can lower production costs and thus increase their
competitiveness (Tayeb, 2000; Czinkota, Ronkainen and Moffett, 2003).
In the world, each country is endowed with certain natural resources. Firms with
production heavily dependent on imported raw materials often find it costly to pay for
transaction and transportation costs over the long term; and also sometimes the suppliers
can be unreliable in terms of quality and delivery, thus affecting the overall performance
of production. Therefore, it is wiser for firms to move their production to the area where
the supply of the needed raw material is more secured, or so called raw material oriented
(Tayeb, 2000; Czinkota, Ronkainen and Moffett, 2003).
In term of asset-seeking FDI, it is driven by a foreign firm's desire to gain access
to valuable assets which are available on better terms to firms operating in the host
country than in the investing firm's source country (Wesson, 1999). In this way, the
acquiring firm (in the source country) sustains or advances its international
competitiveness through its acquired firms (in the host country). The acquiring firm can
benefit from gaining access to new markets via the foreign party involved by using its
already established distribution networks and government contact (Tayeb, 2000).
table 2 below, it can be seen that FDI inflows into developing countries have been
concentrated in a few leading Southeast Asian and Latin American economies.
Export share in
1980 1990 1994
All DCs
SE Asia
and Pacific
South Asia
Middle East
and N
E Europe
and Central
% of Total FDI
Flows to DCs
1980 1990 1994
In fact, according to the GATT/WTO, total FDI flows into the developing
countries have increased nine times between 1982 and 1993, whereas world trade of
merchandise and services has only doubled in the same period. The most important
factors explaining the surge of FDI inflows into the developing countries in recent years
have been the foreign acquisition of domestic firms in the process of privatization, the
globalization of production, and increased economic and financial integration
(UNCTAD- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1996). However, the
growth of FDI flows into developing countries has not matched the flows into developed
economies (Katseli, 1992), mainly due to the international debt crisis faced by developing
countries in the 1980s (De Mello, 1997).
Figure 5: Share of all developing countries (dark color pieces) in worldwide FDI
inflow, 1982-1999 (percent)
Source: Peter Nunnenkamp, 2001
In recent years, however, the FDI inflows into developing countries turned out to
be higher than the FDI inflows to developed countries. Nunnenkamp explained in his
report that average annual FDI flows to developing countries soared eightfold when
comparing 1982-1987 and 1994-1999. As a result, developing countries have attracted
almost one third of worldwide FDI flows recently (Nunnenkamp, 2001, p.4). Moreover,
FDI plays a more important role in developing countries than in developed countries. In
the former, FDI inflows in 1994-1998 represented an average share of almost ten percent
of gross fixed capital formation, in comparison to six percent in developed countries
competitiveness for firms and strengthening existing ones (Nunnenkamp, 2001). This
determinant of FDI may then be known as the most important type of FDI toward
developing countries.
Accordingly, the competition for FDI into developing countries would be based
on cost differences between locations, the quality of infrastructure and business related
services, the ease of doing business, and the availability of skills (Nunnenkamp, 2001,
positive when the FDI stimulates or crowds-in domestic investment (Makki &
Somwaru, 2004).
A theoretical precondition for FDI into developing countries is the stability of its
macroeconomic policies (Makki & Somwaru, 2004). Moreover, a country's economic
growth is also affected by the stability of its macroeconomic policies. This implies that in
order to promote economic growth, a country has to lower its inflation rate, tax burden,
and government consumption. In other words, lower inflation rates would indicate that
the host country's macroeconomic policies are stable and disciplined. Lower tax burden
would make the investments, foreign and domestic, more profitable. Decreasing the
government consumptions would leave more money for investment (Makki & Somwaru,
2004, p.797).
as special subsidies or exemptions from taxes or certain local laws. The second way to
attract FDI is to reduce the overall political/economic risk. The most important means to
reduce risk is to enforce the property rights and thus it will create a stable market
environment and larger amounts of domestic investment. Certainty on political and
economic stability reduces the cost of doing business (Abbott, 2000).
Governments from developing countries use BITs as means to attract FDI. The
protections that are signed in the treaties, offer to the investors a secure environment for
their investments in the foreign country. Those investments will lead the developing
country to economic development, and consequently, it should spread beyond foreign
investment to increased overall investment.
The market size is measured according to Cavusgil (1997) with the number of the
total population; meanwhile the market growth rate is based on the annual growth rate of
the specific industry. The market consumption capacity is based on the size of the middle
class; and the market intensity is measured by two estimates: purchasing power parity
(PPP) estimates of GNP per capita (50 percent weight) and private consumption
expenditure per capita (50 percent) in the country.
Nowadays the size and growth potential of foreign markets are becoming more
important when the decision of FDI is being made. Especially when FDI is made in
emerging and developing countries there is an increasing focus on servicing the domestic
market rather than on the labor costs (Capital Markets Consultative Group, 2003).
Cultural environment
Investigations on FDI patterns to the psychic distance between countries done
by researchers at the University of Uppsala have reasoned that psychic distance would
be influenced by differences in the culture and language of the home and target
countries (Kogut & Singh, 1988). The concept psychic distance is defined as the
degree to which a company does not have a clear knowledge of the characteristics of the
foreign market, such as differences in language, culture, etc., that disturb the flow of
information between the firm and the foreign market (Johanson & Vahlne, 1990).
Before the authors go further into the characteristics of the foreign market in
terms of culture, the concept of culture is defined. According to Edgar Schein culture is
defined as: a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it
solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that was worked well
enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct
way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems (Schein 2004, p.17). Each
culture also has its own artefacts and symbols. These artefacts and symbols are the visible
structures of culture, such as clothing, design, and architecture (Schein, 2004).
Subculture is a subdivision of a culture of a group (Mowen 1995, p.738). It
includes nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions (Kotler et al, 2001).
For the purposes of this study, nationality will be taken as the main element to analyze
the barriers or opportunities a company will face when it is starting the process of FDI in
Mexico and Vietnam.
Therefore, nationality will be important in this study for three reasons. The first is
political. Nations are political units with legal systems, forms of government, labor and
employers association systems and even educational systems will vary in every nation.
The second reason is sociological. Nationality has a symbolic value to the members of
the country; it is part of their identity. Finally, the third reason is psychological; the way
of thinking is in a certain way conditioned by national cultural factors (Hofstede, 1983).
The research data that he got from the data bank of the multinational corporation,
allowed him to build index values between 0 and 100 on each of the following
Individualism/Collectivism (IDV)
Countries with a collectivist society are more focused on the welfare of the group
and seek to find the harmony and the benefits for the society. This kind of cultures work
together and make sacrifices to develop a new business; this could likely to be more
attractive for FDI. On the opposite side, the individualist societies will have emphasis on
personal goals and achievements. The foreign investor could find apathy or resistance on
the countries with this type of cultures (Head & Sorensen, 2005).
Power Distance (PDI)
High power distance cultures refers to the groups that believe in hierarchical ranks
and social inequality, in which they see those differences as a normal status quo, and it is
accepted as legitimate. A high power distance culture, by definition, lends itself to
autocratic/centralized decision-making processes. Countries with this type of culture
usually require not only national authorization but also regional and local approval when
foreign business operations are done (Head & Sorensen, 2005).
In low power distance cultures the population accepts that some ranks have
privileges, but they do not see it as just or right. The people tend to be more participative
and they are involved in decisions that concern the whole group, they do not tend to
accept autocratic decisions, the decision-making process is much more democratic. This
type of participation among the employees could help the foreign investor to understand
the cultural dimensions and practices in the host country (Head & Sorensen, 2005).
Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)
A low uncertainty avoidance culture is that one in which the members feel
comfortable in situations with incomplete information, in settings where the risk is
present. On the other hand, the population of a high uncertainty avoidance culture will be
uncomfortable on ambiguous or risky situations. The people from a high uncertainty
avoidance country will seek to gather the larger amount of data before taking decisions.
A country in which the culture is trying to avoid the uncertainty on a high level
usually has large regulatory bodies that try to collect all the data before FDI is made, and
eventually this certainly will discourage FDI (Head & Sorensen, 2005). The more time
and effort a potential investor has to put on bureaucratic issues, the higher the costs to
invest will be.
Masculine/Feminine (MAS)
While a feminine based culture focuses on contemplation, social welfare, and
spiritual gains; masculine based culture focuses on personal achievements, materialistic
goals and an exulted aggressiveness. The decision making processes is faster on
masculine societies meanwhile the feminine society is more focused on long term
relationships, with the benefit for the most of the collectivity. Nations possessing a
masculine culture will experience a slight advantage in attracting acquisition focused
FDI, due to reasons such as speed in decision-making and implementation, additionally
one could expect a relatively rapid pace through the governments regulatory system
(Head & Sorensen, 2005).
After Hofstede analyzed differences in culture, he developed different
conclusions; one important conclusion is that within a nation or a part of it, culture
changes on a gradual way. This is in part due to an important reason, what is in the minds
of the people; it is also crystallized in the institutions in which they form part.
Government, legal systems, educational systems, industrial relations systems, family
structures, religious organizations, and so on, reflect common ways of thinking, which
are deep-rooted in the common culture but may vary within different cultures (Hofstede,
(Lipsey, Courant and Ragan, 1999, p.168). And, capital refers to money and other
financial materials used in production, such as machines and production facilities.
(Lipsey, Courant and Ragan, 1999) Those three factors are very important for a firm to
take a decision concerning production matters. Related to International Economics they
are also important to attract foreign investors (Nunnenkamp, 2002; Porter, 1990).
However, in modern economics, it is also important to take into consideration the
technology and the communication/transportation as other important production factors
in addition to those three fundamental factors. Therefore, the analysis of the production
factors in the host country will include those five factors:
Local capital,
Local technology,
Local communication/transportation.
important factor for companies to launch their businesses abroad. For instance, Mexico
has one of the strongest labor laws in the world (McKinniss & Natella, 1994). Therefore,
it is an important driving force for companies to make their decision to launch a business
in Mexico.
Developing countries have low labor costs in comparison to developed countries.
Therefore, for the companies which are aiming to cut the production costs by cutting the
labor costs, developing countries can be seen as attractive countries. As cost of labor is an
attractive factor for companies, at the same time the quality of the labor is also important.
Therefore, many companies are also seeking efficiency in the labor force (Karaege,
Local capital
Capital is another production factor. In economics, capital refers to financial
assets as well as all other means of production used by companies in production line,
such as machines, buildings and vehicles. For some businesses and for some reasons,
foreign investors seek local capital as well. Therefore, it can also be a factor that
influences foreign investors. For instance, if the economical and political structure of the
country does not allow foreign investors to enter the host market, companies try to make
alliances with local firms by using their own capital. Also, some companies make joint
ventures and local partnerships to easily reach the local market. They prefer to use the
current supplier chains of their local partners, instead of building their own; to cut the
extra costs and to shorten the time to establish a strong chain and a brand identity.
Local technology
The interaction between technology and FDI is considered of vital importance in
the field of FDI (Moosa, 2002). For some industries technology is a factor sought by
companies. A technology seeking company tries to establish its facilities close to
Research & Development centers. For instance, IT and hi-tech companies are willing to
establish their facilities close to technology centers. For example, there are many hi-tech
companies located very close to the Silicon Valley in USA. And also, the level of
technology and the type of technology in which the country specialized is a strong
determinant for companies.
One of the most famous economists in the economics history, David Ricardo,
when analyzing foreign trade relations in nineteenth century, created his famous
comparative advantages theory which is known as Ricardian model in economics
literature. Ricardo (cited in Krugman & Obstfeld, 2003) uses a one-factor economy and
two different countries to analyze international trade relations; and concludes that each
country must specialize in producing goods that the country has a comparative advantage
in productivity comparing to others. To implement this theory into technology, it is
possible to observe that many countries are specialized in products which they have a
better technology level influencing their productivity comparing to other countries. For
instance, Ericsson is a good example of a company which is one of the biggest players in
telecommunication industry because of the high level of R&D intensity on
telecommunication sector in Sweden. Therefore, it is also important to mention that
multinational companies prefer to operate in countries which have a better technology
level related with their businesses.
Driffield and Love (2007) described the motivations for FDI in their article.
Figure 6 shows the taxonomy of those motivations that they described in their study.
ULC represents the Unit Labor Cost and RDI represents Research & Development
Intensity. Basically a company can aim technology sourcing as a motivator, and unit
labor cost is a strong determinant for investors, as it has been described before. In the
horizontal line, there is the comparison of ULCs and in the vertical line, there is the
comparison of RDI between host and source country. In their study, they argue that if the
level of RDI in a host country is higher than the level in source country, investors enter
country for technology. So in figure 6, upper right and left sides show that investors are
aiming to source the technology in host country. Therefore, technology is also a factor
influencing foreign investors to go abroad.
Local communication/transportation
Companies prefer to reach the market easily and they want to communicate easily
with society and their suppliers. Therefore, local communication and transportation are
also important for companies to enter a country.
investors, the geographical position of the country is a very strong determinant, meaning
that a country which has connections with important markets in the world is an appealing
investment area for foreign investors.
And for raw material oriented investors transportation and communication are
important to cut the extra expenses for transporting the raw materials from their source to
production facilities. However as this study tries to analyze the FDI in developing
countries, it would be appropriate to mention that, because of the poor infrastructure and
less developed transportation roads and communication channels, the costs of
transportation are relatively high in developing countries comparing to developed ones
(Venables & Limao, 1999). Therefore, developing countries are frequently faced with
some problems to attract foreign investors to invest in their countries.
some political and economical reasons. All these governmental policies such as trade
barriers, tariffs, quotas and high taxes are obstacles for foreign competitors to enter that
Porter (1990) suggests that each nation also has some competitiveness which
enables local firms to be successful in certain industries depending on national
differences, culture, economic structures, institutions and histories. According to Porter,
the position of the production factors and the availability and the characteristics of them
in the host country provide some competitive advantages for local firms. Nations succeed
in industries in which they have good factor conditions (Porter, 1990).
Also domestic firms have the knowledge about demand conditions, domestic
rivalry, organizational and political structure, and economical environment. This
knowledge provides them to build a competitive strategy against foreign investors
(Porter, 1990).
Finally Porter states that related and supporting industries which provide sources
for local firms create advantages for them. This can be in three ways. First, they deliver
the resources in a most effective way by minimizing the costs. Second, local firms can
build close working relationships with their local suppliers. Third, local firms can provide
their needs easily from the local suppliers who are totally dependent on domestic
industries and who are not serving for foreign firms in comparison to those foreign
companies who are not able to receive the same sources from local suppliers (Porter,
4. Empirical findings
This chapter displays the specific data collection for the cross cases analysis in
the next chapter. Based on the structure of the theory framework in the previous
chapter, the empirical data in this chapter provides facts about the economy, FDI,
general business environment, foreign market opportunities, and factors of
production in Mexico and Vietnam. Those sets of data are arranged in the same
structure for each economy.
agreements with a number of Latin American countries, including some of the members
of MERCOSUR (Common Market of the Southern Hemisphere) (Basic Guide for
Foreign Investors, 2002).
Other Services
Financial Services
The total FDI inflows done in Mexico since 1999 summarize the amount of USD
165.10 billion (not including FDI which has not been notified to the Ministry of
Economy of Mexico) and these have been focused on the manufacturing industry which
holds almost the half of the total inflows, followed by the financial services sector with
more than 25 percent. The last quarter is shared by other services, wholesale and retail,
transports and communications, and others.
In Latin America, Mexico has maintained its position above the rest of the
countries, except for Brazil which has been working on the same pattern as Mexico to
increase the FDI inflows. During 2006 the FDI inflows for Mexico were about USD
19.22 billion (including an estimate FDI which has not been notified to the Ministry of
Economy of Mexico). In the following table it can be seen that Mexico and Brazil have
the leadership of FDI inflows among the ten top economies in the Latin America and the
Caribbean region during 2005 2006.
Table 3: Latin America and the Caribbean: FDI inflows, top 10 economies, 20052006a (Billions of dollars)
Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2007
Note: a Ranked on the basis of the magnitude of the 2006 FDI inflows.
Manufacture of cellulose, paper and its products
Automotive Industry
Professional, technical and specialized services
Retail sale of non-food products
Manufacture and assembly of accessories of domestic use (It
excludes the electronic ones)
6 Insurance and financial institutions
7 Pharmaceutical industry
8 Manufacture of other metallic products
9 Rent of equipment, machinery and furniture
10 Building
11 Services of financial institutions of the market of values.
12 Manufacture and repair of machinery and equipment for
specific aims
Millions of
US dollars
issuing policy guidelines, general rules and criteria of the Mexican federal
Foreign residents are taxed when they have settled a permanent establishment
in Mexico.
And also, one of the strongest characteristics of Mexico which attracts foreign
investors is its location. Mexico has a strategic geographic location, between the North
American and the Latin American markets which provides an opportunity for investors to
have access to both markets.
In Mexico, there are different ecosystems in which the climate enables to grow
and produce different resources, for instance in the north-western part of the country
there is a special climate that allows the growing of the best vineyards in the country, and
in the southeast, there is the best coffee production. In the middle part of the country
there is a presence of mines that produce iron, cupper, silver, etc. in addition there are
several oil fields along the coasts to Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
In Mexico, there are more than 340 thousand km that forms the National Road
Network; from this amount, the highways conform 5 thousand km. 55 percent of the total
freight is transported through this network (El Tratado de Libre Comercio y el
Transporte en Mexico, 2004). The railway network covers an extensin of 17 thousand
km in concession to six main companies (El Tratado de Libre Comercio y el Transporte
en Mexico, 2004).
On the main coasts of Mexico there are 97 ports handling approximately 250
million tons per year. The main docks are located in Veracruz, Manzanillo, Ensenada,
Lzaro Crdenas, Altamira, Tampico, Coatzacoalcos y Progreso (El Tratado de Libre
Comercio y el Transporte en Mexico, 2004).
There are 62 airports, 25 of them are located on coastal cities. The air freight is
distributed among foreign and Mexican companies, the foreign companies transport 80
percent and the Mexican companies the rest 20 percent of the total loads (Rico Galeana,
2004). The main air Terminal is located in Mexico City and the second is located in
Guadalajara, these airports control around 40 percent of the international freight (Rico
Galeana, 2004).
companies have a strong power and influence on the countrys economy. These issues
would discourage a higher level of foreign investment (Garca-Murillo & Pick, 2004)
relatively scarce factor, capital, and representing an extremely important instrument for
integration in the world economy, especially at the regional level (Leproux & Brooks,
2004, p.7).
When the Law on Foreign Investment was approved in 1988, there has been a
substantial FDI inflow. According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam
attracted FDI of USD 12 billion in 2006, a high record for the last eight years. Table 5
shows the FDI in Vietnam between 1988 and 2006. As it can be observed from the table,
from 1988 to the end of 2006, the Vietnamese economy attracted 8266 projects with total
investment capital of about USD 78.2 billion. However, it is important to mention here
that there is a significant increase in the number of the projects after 2000. From 1988 till
2000, the number of the projects is 3344, and as it can be observed from the table, the
number of the projects after 2000 is higher than the previous period with a number of
3935 projects.
of projects
Of which
(Mill. USD)
1988 - 1990
1991 - 1995
1996 - 2000
2001 - 2005
Prel. 2006.
capital; followed by Taiwan (1743 projects and USD 9.5 billion); Republic of Korea
(1438 projects and USD 9.2 billion); Japan (838 projects and USD 8.3 billion); Hong
Kong (584 projects and USD 6.4 billion) These top five investors account to 55.6 percent
of total FDI commitments in the period of 1988-2006.
Registered capital (Mill. USD) (*)
Of which: Legal capital
of projects
Of which
Foreign side
Vietnam side
United States
United Kingdom
During these years Vietnam's economy was able to attract foreign investment in
all sectors. The manufacturing sector accounted for the most important share of the
capital inflows over the period of 1988-2006 with 5338 projects and USD 41 billion total
registered capitals. Another important role in attracting FDI was played by real estate
services, which absorbed the highest amount of FDI after manufacturing sector (1014
projects and USD 8 billion) The tertiary sector (construction) accounting for 181 projects
and USD 5.8 billion.
Of which
Financial intermediation
All 61 provinces of Vietnam have attracted FDI but investors have so far located
their investments mostly in urban area where they can take advantage of more developed
infrastructure (Leproux & Brooks, 2004). Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi accounted for 23
and 16 percent, respectively, of the total FDI absorbed by Vietnam in 1988-2006. Apart
from those principal cities, other areas attracted high amounts of FDI, especially in the
southeast. The provinces of Dong Nai, Binh Duong, and Ba Ria-Vung Tau absorbed
another 30 percent of total FDI, far more than the other principal northern provinces of
Hai Phong, Quang Ngai, and Da Nang, which absorbed just 8 percent. From these data, it
can be said that: over the period of 18 years (1988-2006) 69 percent of the total amount
of FDI absorbed by Vietnam was invested in only five of the 61 regions of Vietnam.
Of which
Foreign side
Vietnam side
B Ra - Vng Tu
Hi Phng
Bnh Dng
Qung Ngi
H Ty
Hi Dng
According to the Law of Foreign Investment of Vietnam, there are three forms of
foreign investment in Vietnam: Business Corporate Contract (BCC), Joint Venture (JV)
and 100 percent foreign-invested company. If any foreign investors want to invest into
the oil and telecommunication sectors, BCC forms have to be applied, while for a wide
range of other industries like transportation, tourism and other sectors the Law of Foreign
Investment endorses JV as the form of investment. For other sectors, the investors are
free to choose the investment forms as well as the size and location of investment
(Doanh, 2002). In 2006, the number the projects under 100 percent foreign-invested
companies account for 61 percent of licensed projects, while JVs account for 34 percent
of licensed projects (Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam, 2006).
In general, Vietnam has received less FDI than most of its South-east Asian
neighbors, and the impact of foreign investment has been less marked in the way of
technology transfer between foreign firms and joint-venture partners (Economist
Intelligence Unit, 2007). In 2006, the value of foreign-invested enterprises increased by
almost 19 percent, around 6 percent of this output is accounted for by the oil and gas
industry, which is practically controlled by foreign-invested enterprises. Reflecting the
export-oriented nature of many foreign firms operating in Vietnam, foreign-invested
enterprises share of exports stood at 58 percent in 2006, with exports growing by 23
percent year on year, compared with growth of 21 percent in the export receipts of
domestics firms (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007).
Of which
Foreign side
Vietnam side
Before the "Doi Moi" program in 1986, Vietnam's international trade was
restricted to commodities exchange programs with Socialist countries. At that time, with
high tariffs and numerous non-tariff barriers, the international trade relations of Vietnam
with the world was limited. However, during the economic reform from 1986,
international trade had become an important strategy of the Vietnamese economy. In
order to promote trade, Vietnam had implemented trade liberalization, including tariff
reductions and other measures designed to relax import and export restrictions
(Nguyen, Nguyen and Meyer, 2003, p.250). Additional, the decision 46 of the Prime
Minister, which became effective in May 2001, lead to a reduction of non-tariff barriers
and more transparent import and export regulations which provided a roadmap for future
trade liberalization (Nguyen, Nguyen and Meyer, 2003). Currently, Vietnam had signed
bilateral trade agreements with more than 60 countries. As one member of AFTA
(ASEAN Free Trade Area), Vietnam is committed with other members for reducing tariff
rates and removed other non-tariff barriers in 2006 and completely comply in 2010
(Nguyen, Nguyen and Meyer, 2003).
The tax system in Vietnam has also undergone through a significant reform since
1986. In Vietnam, there are five principal forms of taxation: business income tax,
withholding taxes, import and export duties, value added tax (VAT), and royalties. The
General Department of Taxation (GDT) under the Ministry of Finance administers each
of these forms of taxation. There is exception for import and export duties, which are
payable to the General Department of Custom. All of these forms of taxation are
administered at national level; there are no local taxes. However, provincial tax
departments are responsible for collecting taxes and for tax audits (Department of
Planning and Investment, 2007). From 1987, a corporate income tax ranging from 15 to
25 percent of earned profits applied to the enterprises with foreign invested capital and
foreign partners, operating under business co-operation contracts. However, this
percentage changed to 25 percent on the profit earned in 1996 (Nguyen, Nguyen and
Meyer, 2003).
priority concern for investment in quality training and education in order to provide more
professional employees to the market (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006). The rest of the
workforce (85 percent) does not have professional qualification. It was reported that
many foreign investors had to spend time and passion re-training their workforce at all
levels (Nguyen, Nguyen and Meyer, 2003).
In response to that situation, Vietnamese government had many efforts in recent
years to improve the professional qualifications of the workforce, at both national and
local level. Particularly, in order to attract foreign investment into their province, some
provinces were willing to cover the whole or part of training costs incurred by FDI
companies. With these policies, Vietnamese government hoped to upgrade the
professional qualifications in the workforce to the levels expected by foreign investors
(Nguyen, Nguyen and Meyer, 2003).
(PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006).
2005 and 2006, the growth rates were more than 50 percent. In the first eight months of
2006 only, the number of new phones was double comparing to the entire period from
1975 to 2000. The Vietnam Telecom Ministry entered into new technology with regards
to international calls made over the internet. Moreover, the speed of mobile phone
subscriptions has further improved the telecommunications landscape, especially in rural
areas (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006).
Vietnam has 210.000 km network of road system, it includes 10,732 bridges and
178 ferries. However, Vietnam has no expressways, and only 26 percent of the national
highways has two lanes or more. In recent years, with international financial support,
Vietnamese Government has invested a significantly large amount of capital to upgrade
the highway system (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006). The rail network consists of about
2600 km of single-track line covering several routes. There are about 260 stations in the
network (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006).
Vietnam has two major inland waterway systems which serve as major
transportation outlets. The first major inland waterway system is in the Red River area in
the north of Vietnam which stretches for approximately 2.500 km. The second major
inland waterway extends 4.500 km along the Mekong River in the South
(PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006). Regarding to the airline system, there are three
international airports in Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City (Tan Son Nhat Airport), Ha Noi
(Noi Bai Airport) and Da Nang Airport. Recently, the Government has significantly
upgraded international airports to handle the increase in the volume of traffic associated
with Vietnam's invigorated economy (PriceWaterHouseCoopers, 2006).
labor forces are also a competitive advantage for local companies. Cheap labor costs are
also competitive with other regional economies (Doanh, 2002).
In the recent years, domestic businesses of different economic sectors have
focused investment on advanced technology and production management in order to
increase product quality, stabilize production, ensure reasonable product prices, and gain
the confidence of domestic customers. By doing this, domestic firms produce high quality
products and thus raise the competitiveness with foreign enterprises. Moreover, local
firms also paid more attention to improving trade labels on their products. Finally,
Vietnamese customers now highly appreciate many Vietnamese made products such as
paper, cement, and dairy products. The appreciation of Vietnamese people in Vietnamese
products provides huge encouragement and competitiveness for domestic firms to
compete with foreign enterprises (Vietnam Economic Times, 2007).
are trying to be successful in this type of society. Vietnamese society follows the same
masculine culture pattern as in Mexico; however, they are below Mexico on the scores,
and far from the Swedish scores.
lines and combine their services (COFETEL, 2007). After several negotiations in which
both companies were owners of a share of each other, and in which a Swedish
industrialist saw an opportunity to enter into the market: Ericsson, ITT and Axel WennerGren founded a new company in 1947, named Telefonos de Mexico, S.A. (Telmex).
Then, all the networks were unified and consolidated into one company.
During the 1950s a group of Mexican businessmen acquired the new company
which eventually was taken by the Mexican government in 1972, owning the 51 percent
of the shares (Centrum fr Nringslivshistoria, 2007). After the acquisition of Telmex by
Mexican interests, the new function of L.M. Ericsson was to provide of equipment and
technical and administrative consultancy to Telmex. In addition, there was an agreement
in which Telmex paid 2.5 percent of the annual income to L.M. Ericsson until 1957, and
3 percent starting in 1958 (COFETEL, 2007).
After this situation, Ericsson decided to invest together with ITT in a
manufacturing and industrial company (Industria de Telecomunicacin, S. A. de C. V.),
to provide Telmex with telephone equipment (COFETEL, 2007). Later in 1964 Ericsson
left this acquisition, and purchased a new company which was named: Teleindustria
Ericsson S.A. de C.V. (Ericsson Mexico) (Ibarra Lpez, 1995, Centrum fr
Nringslivshistoria, 2007).
The industrialization stage starts when Ericsson Mexico builds the first factory of
telecommunication systems in Mexico. And then the first electrical central with
centralized control trough computers AKE, for long distance calls is installed. In the
1980s, the Telmex network is digitalized, and Ericssons AXE system is launched. In
1989, the first AMPS mobile telephone system was installed in Mexico with Ericsson as
the supplier. In 1994, the company Ericsson Radio Systems is created to supply with
systems and services of wireless networks for the largest mobile systems operator in
Mexico (Ericsson Mxico, 2007).
By the year 2000, Ericsson had a market share of 55 percent for local calls and 90
percent for long distance calls. The market share in mobile telephony was 64 percent. The
number of Ericsson employees in the country was 1,200. Starting the new century
Ericsson Mexico launches the first GSM/GPRS network in the country with national
coverage. Ericsson celebrates their first 100 years in Mexico in 2004, being an active
participator in the modernization and development of the telecommunications industry in
the country (Ericsson Mxico, 2007).
Nowadays, Ericsson is the worldwide leader in the area of 2G (GSM) and 3G
(WCDMA/HSPA) mobile networks, and is involved in the expansion of fixed broadband
offering which will integrate their fixed and mobile networks, through IP infrastructure,
IMS, media gateways, and microwave and optical transport solutions (Our business
offerings, 2007).
Swedish culture at any moment must be neutral by nature. Almost in all the wars or at
least all the important wars, Sweden has not participated, it has been neutral. In Mexico
in that kind of conflicts Ericsson decided to stay neutral and it worked for them.
Ericsson Mexico through the interviewee, believes that the hardest or difficult
situation they have faced in Mexico was in 1972 and lasted until 1982, when the local
currency suffered continuous devaluations of more than 100 percent. The currency was
been devaluated every month and Ericsson had to make wage adjustments almost every
month until 1986 inclusively, because there were reminiscences of the effects of those
Ericsson then decided by that time to gradually remove the company from the
Mexican Stock-Market of Values, even when Ericsson was one of the leader indicators in
the market. They repurchased every share to be able to guarantee the permanence of
Ericsson in the country. They defined to leave the Stock-market of values, on a gradual
way; Ericsson finished the process until 1992, when they already gathered almost the 100
percent of the shares.
Without acting that way, with the volatility of the markets, according to the
interviewee, Ericsson Mexico would ended up closing, because organizing a scheme of
investment or rescue of the companies was not feasible if we did not have the control, and
being in Mexican stock-market of values as openly as we were, Ericsson was at the mercy
of the market, not really at the business conditions, they are two totally different things.
Regarding the home government policies, nowadays, the restriction that Ericsson
Mexico sees more delicate is the foreign investment restriction for the operators. In
Mexico, in order to be able to make an investment as a operator of a public
telecommunications network, that investment can only be formed by 49 percent of
foreign investment and 51 percent of national investment. Officially a foreign company
cannot serve in the telecommunications industry without having to fulfill certain type of
investment scheme. Obviously it limits the entrance of new participants in the market of
companies that are interested in providing new or different services which are already
provided at world-wide level, but in Mexico because of its investment characteristics it is
not attractive to them, in terms of investment. That situation obviously creates a negative
chain in which, when having less operators, the market size is smaller and there are less
business opportunities for Ericsson.
When talking about the Free Trade Agreements that Mexico has signed in recent
years, according to the interviewee, to Ericsson in Mexico or in the region, the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) did not have benefited nor have affected
them, because their services and products are not regional neither depend on one specific
regionalization, they are in equality of circumstances with other products that come from
other countries within the agreements. Inside NAFTA, the interviewee mentioned: there
is equipment manufactured in Canada by Nortel; and on the other hand there was a large
equipment manufacturing in the United States with the company that was called Lucent,
which now has been bought by Alcatel.
On the other hand he pointed out that the Free Trade Agreement with Europe
(FTA) has given Ericsson Mexico greater flexibility of work and greater flexibility of
procedures. However, it is important to mention that nowadays the equipment and parts
do not come from a single country, or a single region. The interviewee manifested that
Ericsson Mexico receives parts from China, from Japan, from Korea, from Taiwan, from
the United States, from Australia, in addition to Europe or America, in itself. He
concluded: Then the Free Trade Agreement with Europe is not so impressive in that
sense for the business, because it is not a closed industry, like the dress, the fabrics, or
perhaps including the automotive industry; our business is more global.
Concerning the cultural aspect, as mentioned before, in times of crisis or strange
environment in Mexico, Ericsson, following the Swedish culture, has decided to stay
neutral, and it has worked for them. During extreme fluctuations in the economic and
political climate, such as the Mexican Revolution in 1910 or the devaluations of the
Mexican currency (peso: MXN) approximately from 1972 to 1982, Ericsson acted within
a long-term focus with a close attention to detailed analysis, following which is seen as
commonly represented in the Swedish culture according to Hofstedes studies described
before in empirical findings in a previous chapter of this thesis. This long-term focus
contrasts with the short-term focus of Mexicans that appears to be endemic to their
political, economic, and cultural context which interacts with the high uncertainty
avoidance that is showed in the same Hofstedes studies described in a previous chapter.
On the other hand, on the foreign market opportunity aspect, according to the
interviewee, the market for Ericsson is: those who buy products and services directly,
the end users, not only the operators but their users. From there, the supply and
demand chain starts for us. Following this statement, according to INEGI (2007),
Mexico has a population of more than 105.79 million people, and a relatively low fixed
line density which have reached over 20 million users. In mobile communications, today
there are over 64.35 million subscribers (IT and Telecom in Mexico, 2007). In addition,
telecommunications services are becoming more readily available due to the increased
penetration of fixed lines, lower rates and an explosive growth in the wireless subscriber
base (IT and Telecom in Mexico, 2007).
Due largely to the reasons explained before, Mexicos telecommunications
equipment and services markets have a considerable growth potential for the upcoming
years, which will benefit Ericsson Mexico and future investments.
signed have not made an impressive change on Ericsson, as the group is present in the
countries that signed the Agreements as Ericsson was present in Mexico before.
However, the Free Trade Agreements have benefited the competitors of Ericsson,
entering Mexico through the agreements with a unique opportunity: to enter the market
with North American standards. Because the wire net in Mexico was before 100 percent
structured in European standards: ITT had the equipment that nowadays is Lucent, with
Franc-Belgian origins, and Ericsson with Swedish origins. It brought more competition
to Ericsson in Mexico, said the interviewee.
The main competitors in the Mexican market concerning telecommunications
equipment nowadays are Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Nec, Cisco, Nokia and Nortel (all of
them are foreigners and competitors on the international arena). And the main customers
are Telmex, with approximately 93 percent of the fixed lines market share and Telcel,
with 77 percent of the market share in the mobile arena, it is important to point out that
the two last companies belong to the same group, which leads the market in the country;
and in a second position in the mobile telephony market is Telefnica Moviles Movistar
with 14 percent (IT and Telecom in Mexico, 2007).
the same level of any world-wide group, and have the same size of investment which the
others do. The Mexican telecommunications market is a profitable market.
Ericsson wants to grow as supplier to the end user but also in the possibilities of
new businesses in the telecommunications market, to achieve that it is necessary to
change the investment schemes in Mexico, said the interviewee.
To conclude what Ericsson is expecting for the upcoming future, the interviewee
also mentioned the following: by initiative of the government, the telecommunications
services have to arrive to the most remote zones, to interconnect and integrate Mexico.
Then, if, in a future the facilities would arrive to remote zones, Ericsson being with
Mexico will support that the country is integrated at the communication level.
equipment with three biggest Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Providers (VinaPhone,
VNPT, and Viettel); particularly in 2004, Ericsson first began a trial of 3G in Vietnam.
Today, Ericsson has growth and became one of the most successful telecom companies in
Vietnam market and its systems are operating at all levels of the telecommunication
network in Vietnam. Ericsson Vietnam is accounting 40 percent of total telecom
infrastructure equipment in Vietnam. In mobile sector, Ericsson Vietnam is leading in
GMS and 3G technology - one of latest technology in Vietnam. Moreover, in fixed line
sector, Ericsson Vietnam is one of the biggest service providers in Vietnam (Ericsson
Vietnam, 2007).
Although operating in Vietnam as a representative office, Ericsson Vietnam has a
large investment in telecommunication sector in Vietnam. For example, within a period
of two months (August - October 2006), Ericsson Vietnam invested more than USD 80
million in the telecommunication infrastructure of Vietnam by signing contracts with
Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Providers such as VMS, VinaPhone, Viettel and SPT.
Those Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Providers are providing services for more than
90 percent of mobile subscribers in Vietnam (Ericsson Vietnam, 2007).
telecommunication sector of Vietnam and Mr. Hop expected that Ericsson Vietnam can
provide more services and products with best quality and cheap price for Vietnamese
Answering the interview question of how Ericsson Vietnam evaluates the telecom
market of Vietnam nowadays, the interviewee said that "Vietnam is an important market
for Ericsson Vietnam". Vietnam's telecom industry has a rapid development recently.
Two years ago, Vietnam had 7 million fixed lines and 7 million mobile subscribers. Now,
the fixed lines subscribers remained the same but the number of mobile subscribers goes
up to 25 million (USAID, 2005). According to the interviewee, previously, Vietnam
Mobile Services Providers only concentrated in urban areas and ignored rural areas;
however, with the impetus development of the telecom market, they changed their
business thinking and expanded their operations to rural areas. One can say that this is an
appropriate moment and a suitable business environment for foreign telecom equipment
suppliers, including Ericsson Vietnam. Moreover, Vietnam is a country which has a big
opportunity to develop telecom market due to its young population, well educated,
interested in learning new technologies and experiments with new services. Especially
when Vietnam became a member of WTO, the development of the telecommunication
market in Vietnam is supported by the advantage legal environment from Vietnamese
government since the government determines telecommunication as an important
infrastructure for the economys development.
The biggest thread of Ericsson Vietnam, as the interviewee discussed during the
interview, is not attracting enough local human resources. The interviewee thinks that this
threat is not because of the treatment regime of Ericsson Vietnam since she believes that
Ericsson Vietnam has a better treatment regime to Vietnam employees in comparison to
other foreign telecom companies that are operating in Vietnam. The privation is a
professional team of Vietnamese engineers and technicians who can work with service
providers. However, Ericsson is active at sharing technical know-how with employees in
Vietnam through seminars, training for Vietnamese engineers and technicians both
locally and at Ericsson training centers in Sweden, Malaysia and Australia.
6. Analysis
In this chapter, the authors analyze data across two cases in order to identify the
similarities and the differences of Ericsson when conducting FDI in Mexico and
Vietnam. By identifying similarities and differences, the authors provide further
insight into the subject concerning the foreign direct investment of Swedish
companies in developing countries by generalizing the case study results.
Vietnam has joined WTO just recently on January 2007, as a consequence of that,
there has been an increase of foreign investment opportunities into Vietnam in many
business fields, including telecom sector. Nevertheless in Vietnam there is a particular
situation, the Vietnam Law on Foreign Investment does not allow 100 percent foreign
investment in Telecommunications sector. Domestic firms are permitted to invest in
telecom sector but foreign investors, like Ericsson, can only invest through a Business
Corporate Contract (BCC).
In Mexico, there is a comparable situation, as mentioned previously, in order to be
able to make an investment as an operator of a public telecommunications network, that
investment can only be formed by 49 percent of foreign investment and 51 percent of
domestic investment; except in cases of cellular telephone services. Officially a foreign
company cannot serve in telecommunications industry without having a fulfillment of a
certain type of investment scheme.
When the authors compare the opportunities in both markets, as it was stated
before, Ericsson sees its market as those who buy products and services directly, the end
users, not only the operators but their users. From there the authors take Vietnam's
population which was estimated around 83.5 million, and Mexicos population which is
approximately 105.79 million people, and both countries have relatively low fixed line
density: Vietnam two years ago had 7 million fixed lines, meanwhile Mexico have
reached over 20 million users. As a result of this, the authors see a resultant growing
demand in both countries.
same situation occurs in Ericsson Vietnam where employees are mainly local staff with a
limited number of foreigners. There are a couple of reasons to explain why Ericsson has a
limited number of foreigners working in Mexico and Vietnam such as the Law of Foreign
Investment in those two countries, geography location, culture aspects, etc. However,
Ericsson admitted that Mexico and Vietnam have high quality of local human capital in
terms of education, interesting in learning new technologies, and experiments with new
services and Ericsson put a lot of investments for training local staff in order to meet the
quality conditions from Ericsson.
However, there is a difference between the operations of Ericsson in Mexico and
Vietnam. Ericsson Mexico has a manufacturing unit inside the country where it produces
almost 85 percent of Ericsson's production, except for critical components and Ericsson
Mexico was not highly depended on import of products. Meanwhile, Ericsson Vietnam is
a representative office in Vietnam and it does not have a manufacturing unit in Vietnam
and all the products are imported from outside of the country. Even when Ericsson
Vietnam will become a 100 percent foreign-invested company next year, it does not have
any plans to set up a manufacturing unit in Vietnam.
6.1.4 Future
After Ericsson will start its operations in Vietnam as a 100 percent foreign
investor, Vietnamese market will grow in different directions. First of all, Vietnam has a
relatively low fixed line density and resultant growing demand as in Mexico. In both
countries, there is a particular accumulation of lines in urban and metropolitan areas and
a huge opportunity to build telecom infrastructure in the rural and the most remote zones.
In Mexico and Vietnam the development of telecommunications market is
supported by the advantage of the legal environment from the home governments since
both nations agree on that telecommunications are important tools for the development
and the integration of the countries. In addition, Ericsson considers Vietnam as a suitable
place for developing software and applications in the near future. Meanwhile in Mexico,
Ericsson will support that the country is integrated at the communication level, by
arriving to the most remote zones.
Ericsson Vietnam will continue corporate closely with Vietnam Telecom Mobile
Service Providers to share knowledge, experience, and introduce newest telecom
technology in order to provide more quality services, cheap price products to meet the
demand of Vietnamese customers.
6.2 Generalization
In contrast with developed countries, developing countries usually have a
concentration of industries, communications and technology in the capitals or main cities
meanwhile most of the other areas in the country are still undeveloped, rural and not
communicated. The availability of factors is rather low outside of the capital and the
main cities in developing countries, communication/transportation, technology or skilled
and well developed human resources might be difficult to find. Therefore, a company that
is planning direct investment on a developing country should consider this, prior to an
entrance is made.
Ericsson as a company that belongs to the telecom sector could find some barriers
and restrictions to develop FDI in many countries. Telecommunications is a key industry
in almost every country in the world, small or large, developing or developed.
In Vietnam as in many developing countries, the biggest barrier, especially for
companies that work on a high tech field, is not attracting enough local human resources
which have the skills, training or necessary education to work within the company.
Consequently, several companies that develop FDI in developing countries have training
programs to share know-how, experience meanwhile the resources develop themselves.
As mentioned previously, foreign companies that invest in developing countries
might find more opportunities when they help the countries in their development process,
as in the case of increasing skills in human resources, as in building infrastructure,
transferring technology or simply investing capital in the country. On the other hand, one
of the most common barriers that a foreign company could face in a developing country
is the presence of monopolist activities from companies that own a great percentage of
market share in their sector; when a company has a large control over a key industry in a
country, such as the telecom industry, the home government usually is an active
cooperator with the company that has the control of that industry. When a foreign
company is trying to enter the market in this particular situation, it could find certain
limitations and restrictions to fairly compete with the monopolist company. Nevertheless,
in the cases of Mexico and Vietnam, the governments of these countries nowadays are
following a policy of openness for future foreign investors and therefore creating the
regulatory and the environment to enable fair competition.
A company that plans to start FDI in countries such as Mexico or Vietnam,
expects growth and expansion, as these countries are in process of development and
therefore growing, in addition, globalization and other socio-political and economical
situations are leading developing countries such as those studied in this research to
reduce risks and increase stability to assure the entrance and permanence of FDI in the
country; consequently companies are attracted to invest there.
7. Conclusion
This chapter describes the conclusion which answers the research question posed
in the research question section.
The authors present and analyze the factors that a foreign company might face
when it is developing a FDI process in developing countries. Therefore, in this thesis,
there is a resemblance of the reality of a Swedish company which has investments and
activities in Mexico and Vietnam, and is actually developing this process in more than
140 countries around the world, a Swedish company which has been active in developing
countries for more than one hundred years, and has faced many of the barriers and
opportunities described in this paper. The resemblance of the reality and analysis are
made trough a multiple-case study of two units of analysis: The case of Ericsson in
Mexico and the case of Ericsson in Vietnam.
As it was mentioned before, the thesis was designed to answer the main research
question: What are the factors that a company, particularly a Swedish company, should
consider when starting its FDI activities in developing countries, especially in Mexico
and Vietnam? Since this research question is very broad, some sub-questions were
The first sub-question was: What kind of opportunities and problems might arise
when a company starts its direct investment in developing countries? By answering this
sub-question, mostly by building up the frame of reference, the companies will recognize
the factors that they will face when they start and develop their direct investment process
in developing countries. The companies can see an overview of FDI in developing
countries and further, the characteristics, barriers and opportunities the companies could
The second sub-question was: How the theoretical framework can be used to help
Swedish companies when they evaluate their own situation to start their direct investment
in Mexico and Vietnam? The authors used the theoretical framework as a template where
to build the empirical findings to resemble the reality in the countries and therefore to be
used as a base for future Swedish companies that are planning their investment
particularly in Mexico and in Vietnam, then in addition, the cases of a real Swedish
company were developed and cross-case analyzed in order to connect the theoretical
framework with the reality and subsequently to answer the second sub-question, and
therefore to assist the Swedish companies to evaluate their own situation. When
answering both sub-questions, the authors answered the main research question.
Finally, to conclude this thesis is to give a brief summary of the answer to the
main research question:
The factors a Swedish company should consider when it is starting its FDI
activities in developing countries, especially Mexico and Vietnam, are divided into three
different categories as mentioned previously: General business environment in the host
country, Availability of production factors in the host country market and
Competitiveness factors in the host country market. Forming these factors there are the
barriers and opportunities the companies might face and they are inside the following
elements of analysis: political environment, home governments policies, foreign market
opportunity, local skilled/unskilled labor, local raw materials and national resources,
local capital, local technology, local communication/transportation. In those elements of
analysis, in a general way companies and Swedish companies in specific can find the
barriers and opportunities they should consider.
When investing in developing countries, there are particular situations that a
company should take into consideration, such as: investment restrictions, political/social
instability, economical risks, a rather undeveloped infrastructure for technology or
communications on rural areas, monopolized markets and so on; however there is a
presence as well, of important opportunities that can be found in developing countries.
Especially when companies investments are helping in the countrys development,
companies might find a disposition from the home government to attract and receive their
8. Recommendations
In this chapter, the authors present recommendations on the issues of the foreign
direct investment in developing countries, particularly in Mexico and Vietnam.
The authors observed that one key success factor when foreign companies invest
into developing countries lies on a long term relationship with local firms and
government. For instance, Vietnam and Mexico are both relationship-focused countries,
they prefer a strong commitment with their partners. Setting up a representative office in
the host country would be a good solution, like Ericsson in Vietnam, since it shows the
long term commitment of the company with the host country, and it is easier to expand
the operations in the host market in the future.
Another key success factor when foreign companies invest into developing
countries is to find a proper local partner. As stated in the problem discussion, a foreign
company has a psychic distance in the host country in terms of culture, language, and
political environment. When a foreign company cooperates with a proper local partner
who has the knowledge of the political system, business environment, legal framework,
etc; a foreign company will reduce this psychic distance.
Finally, as developing countries consider FDI as an important strategy of their
nation to develop their economy due to the huge potential in local human resources, raw
materials, local capital, and so on. In the case of Mexico and Vietnam, they implemented
a number of reforms in terms of investment policies, infrastructure in order to attract
more foreign investors, in consequence the authors believe that especially in this
particular time, it is important for foreign companies to consider those developing
countries when planning their FDI. It is also important to mention here that employing
local staff, making infrastructure investments and supporting governmental projects,
especially development and R&D projects, might improve the credibility of the foreign
investor in the host country. This credibility can be a determinant which provides an
opportunity for companies to build relationships both with government and local
suppliers which will affect the sustainability of the organization in the country that the
company invests in.
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Interview questionnaire
10. Do you think the suppliers in Mexico/Vietnam fill the quality requirements
necessary for your company? Or it is necessary for your company to import
materials that fill the requirements?
11. Is Mexico/Vietnam your target market or do you use Mexico/Vietnam as a
platform to export your products and services to neighbor countries?
12. Following the expansion of fixed broadband offering, in which Ericsson will
integrate fixed and mobile networks, through IP infrastructure, IMS, media
gateways and so on for the next years on a world wide level, do you consider
Ericsson Mexico/Vietnam will grow in terms of sales and investment, in the next
10 years?
13. Which are the bigger threats that you see for Ericsson Mexico/Vietnam in the next
ten years?
14. Which are the opportunities you see for Ericsson Mexico/Vietnam in the next ten