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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of MBA
TQM (Specialization)
Manju Thomas (Name)
1304001842 (Roll No)
Project Coordinator
Wisdom Business School
RAKIA Free Zone
Sepsis is the presence of bacteria or other harmful organisms in the blood
stream, causing an inflammatory state throughout the body. People of all ages and
states of health can become septic, but premature babies in the NICU are at a much
greater risk for systemic infections. Preemies have immature immune systems, and
cant fight off infections very well. Many preemies also have invasive procedures
while they are in NICU. Central IV lines like umbilical catheters or PICC lines,
mechanical ventilation and surgeries can all introduce infection into the body.
Sepsis in NICU generally falls into one of two categories, bacterial sepsis
or fungal sepsis. Bacterial sepsis can have either an early onset or a late onset.
Early onset sepsis occurs when the baby is exposed to bacteria from the mom,
either during pregnancy or birth. In late onset sepsis, the bacteria enters the body
after birth, usually from an invasive procedure. There are many different bacteria
that can cause sepsis, including GBS, E coli,S Epidermidis, and Listeria.
NICU care and prematurity also increase the risk for fungal infections.
Antibiotics, used to prevent and treat bacterial sepsis, can increase fungal growth
in the body. Invasive procedures allow fungus to enter the blood stream and can
cause sepsis. Candida, which causes Yeast infections, is the most common cause of
fungal sepsis in preemies.
Because sepsis can be very difficult to treat, preventing sepsis is an important part
of NICU care.
Mediclinic Welcare hospital which operates in Mediclinic Middle East is part of
Mediclinic International, one of the top 10 listed private healthcare groups in the
world with 52 hospitals in Southern Africa, 16 in Switzerland under the name
This third class involves activities of, or under the supervision of, nurses,
midwives, physiotherapists, scientific or diagnostic laboratories, pathology clinics,
residential health facilities, or other allied health professions, e.g. in the field of
optometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, yoga therapy, music therapy,
occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropody, homeopathy, chiropractics,
acupuncture, etc.
The Global Industry Classification Standard and the Industry Classification
Benchmark further distinguish the industry as two main groups:
1. Health care equipment and services; and
2. Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and related life sciences.
The health care equipment and services group consists of companies and entities
that provide medical equipment, medical supplies, and health care services, such as
hospitals, home health care providers, and nursing homes. The latter listed industry
group includes companies that produce biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and
miscellaneous scientific services.
Other approaches to defining the scope of the health care industry tend to adopt a
broader definition, also including other key actions related to health, such as
education and training of health professionals, regulation and management of
health services delivery, provision of traditional and complementary medicines,
and administration of health insurance.
Nosocomial infection or HAI is a serious problem for neonates, who are
admitted for intensive care. As it is associated with increases in mortality,
morbidity, and prolonged length of hospital stay, both the human and fiscal cost of
these infections are high. Although the rate of nosocomial sepsis increases with the
degree of both prematurity and low birth weight, no specific lab test has been
shown to be very useful in improving our ability to predict who has a real blood
stream infection and therefore who needs to be treated with a full course of
antibiotics. As a result antibiotic use is double the rate of proven sepsis and we
are facilitating the growth of resistant organisms in the NICU.
Welcare hospital NICU is a level III NICU which admits, extreme preterm
babies, low birth weight babies and very sick term neonates. The data which is
collected by the Infection control department of Welcare hospital shows that, the
incidence of infection in 2014 is much lesser than previous 2 years. The statistical
data which is published by the CDC, USA helps to compare the infection rate of
2014, the first 3 quarters shows that the infection rate of Welcare hospital NICU is
not higher than the International standards.
To compare the NICU, Welcare Hospital, 2014 infection rate with previous
years of infection rates (2012 and 2013).
For this project, the sampling method adopted is Quota sampling, the sample
include a minimum number from each specified subgroup in the population. The
total population under study is sub grouped into3, preterm babies born in
2012,2013 and 2014.These are again sub grouped into2, preterm babies between
23weeks to 28 weeks, and between 29weeks to 32 weeks. The sample size is 30.
And 10 are allocated for each year, 5 for 23weeks to 28 weeks and 5 for 29 weeks
to 32 weeks.
Collection of data is the first and most important stage in any statistical survey.
The method for collection of data depends upon various factors such as objective,
scope and nature of investigation and availability of resources.
Sources of Data
The data sources could be either problem specific and primary or historical and
secondary in nature.
Primary data is the one which is collected by the investigator for the purpose of
a specific inquiry or study. Such data is original in character and is generated by a
survey conducted by individuals or research institution or any
organisation.Interview, questionnaire, and telephone/mail are all examples of
primary data. In this retrospective study, I intend to collect data from selected
patient files by sampling method.
Secondary data is any information that is used for the current investigation, but
is obtained from some data, which has been collected and used by some other
agency or person in a separate investigation or survey is known as secondary data.
They are available in a published or unpublished form. The data which I intend to
collect is published data by Centres of Disease Prevention and Control, USA and
unpublished data which was collected by Infection Control Department, Welcare
Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, transforming and modeling data with
the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting
decision making. The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable and useful
The premature babies in NICU are at a much greater risk for infections. This
study helps to find the incidence of infection in premature babies in NICU in
2014,to compare the incidence of infection with previous 2 years , to evaluate the
effectiveness of Infection Prevention and Control Programme in NICU,Welcare
Hospital, and to make recommendations in Infection Prevention and Control if