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Human plants
Timber cutting on managed forest for paper production
-most wood comes from private land
Transport by truck temporary roads
20 years restore top 5 cm, 50-60 for to 10-15 cm
Log yard
Drum debarker
Chipper chute screen
Paper Manufacutirng methods
mechanical pulping poor quality paper
leaves pectins, lignins, yellows and turns brittle
sulfite process digest in bisulfites and hot acid
leaves acid in paper; disintegrates in ~100 year
treat with diethyl zinc to neutralize
sulfate process acid free papers
sodium sulfate, sodium sulfide, sodium hydroxide, dissolvers resins
pulpwood digesters
digester to bleaching
fiber for papermaking
headbox with slurry onto fourdrinier screen
vacuum draining water from slurry
rolling paper
Moving paper rolls with crane
roll = 25 tons
rolls cut for shipping
Wood Usage for Paper
1 cord = 4 x 4 x 8 = 128 cu ft
yields 89,970 sheets bond letterhead

yields 2700 copies of 35 pp newspaper

Average American uses 749 lbs paper/year
recover 330 lb/yr
1.37 billon lb paper used/year in US
Employment in Pulp and Paper Industry
paper munfacturing employs 1.4 million Americans
annual payroll is $46 billion
among top 10 employers in 46/50 states
generates $200 billion/yr in sales
56% of energy used is produced in house from bark, chips, other waste

natural and synthetic fibers
difference: proteins made of AA
take cellulose . shred. digest, take carbon disulfide cellulose xanthate + NAOH
viscose (will solidify into sheet or fiber (when neutralized with acid)
Viscose extrusion
Sheet or filaments
cellophane (modified cellulose sheet)
extrude as fibers out of mold = Rayon fibers (Semi-syhtetic matieral made out of
wood fibers aka cellulose)
add acetyl groups to cellusose (use ing acetyl acid) makes acetate (acetylated
cellulose ) . partially acetylated acetate makes fabric
fully acetylated Arnell (i.e. can make dress)
Lyocell Tencell
Cellulose dissolved in N-methyl-morpholine-N-oxide (not on test) and spun
into fiber
stimulates silk, suede, or leather touch
Cork and Cork products
cork oak (has thick corky bark,
Quercus suber
harvest at 25 year and each 10 year after
phellem is suberized, forms cork
suberin waxy coating

(phellem, phellogen, phelloderm)

suberin waterproofs cork, keeping water in plant
corky bark protects against ground fire (fire proof adaptation)
crown fires.burn everything
controlled burn in Mediterranean
stay out in rhitodome (outer bark) to gather cork

1200 + sepcies
6 inches to 90 feet
houses 1/3 of Asian population
Monocot no secondary xylem
52,000 psi tensile strength
Synchronous flowering, then dies
Bambusa sp.
irrigation dams
water wheel
supportshousing, bridges
bamboo houses
musical instrumentation flute, xylophone, organ, panflute, windchimes
bamboo scaffolding

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