The Philippines A Century Hence, PI10
The Philippines A Century Hence, PI10
The Philippines A Century Hence, PI10
PI 10 A-1R
April 1 2014
Philippines 2114
The Philippines might be a Nation, the Philippines might not be a Nation. The Philippines may
stand tall and proud, or the Philippines fall and be a footnote in history. Only time will tell, The
Philippines as a Nation might cease to exist, but the Filipino will never die. The Filipino, the Rizal, the
Bonifacio, and everyone of our great heroes will never be forgotten, our country might not exist in any
tangible form but the Idea that we did will never cease. In the hope that our country be rich and
respected in the 22nd century, let it be one day say that thanks to the sacrifices our forefathers did we
can enjoy this life. God bless the Philippines and her children and for her future.