Discourse Analysis of K.mansfield Stories Thesis Uhk
Discourse Analysis of K.mansfield Stories Thesis Uhk
Discourse Analysis of K.mansfield Stories Thesis Uhk
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts (English Linguistic Studies)
Poon Yuk-IaBf , laita
August, 1989
Mnd after all the weather was ideal. Hiey could not have had
a more perfect day for a garden party if they had ordered it.
Windless, warm, the sky without a cloud. Only the blue was
veiled with a haze of light gold, as it is sometimes in early
summer. The gardener had been up since dawn, mowing the
lawns and sweeping them, until the grass and the dark flat
rosettes where the daisy plants had been seemed to shine. As for
the roses, you could not help feeling they understood that roses
are the only flowers that impress people at garden parties; the
only flowers that everybody is certain of knowing. Hundreds,
yes, literally hundreds, had come out in a single night; the
green bushes bowed down as though they had been visited by
( Mansfield, 1983: 65 }
(c) 'I don't understand,1 said Laura, and she walked quickly
out of the room into her own bedroom* There, quite by
chance, the first she saw was this charming girl in the
mirror, in her black hat trimmed with gold daisies, and a
long black velvet ribbon* Never had she imagined she
could look like that*
{ Mansfield, 1983: 79 )
(b) It's all the fault, she decided, *** of these absurd class
distinctions* Well, for her part, she didn't feel them*
Not a bit, not an atom *** And now there came the chock-
chock of wooden hammers* Someone whistled, someone sang out,
'Are you right there, matey?' 'Matey!' The friendliness of
it, the the — Just to prove how happy she was, just
to show the tall fellow how at home she felt, and how she
despised stupid conventions, Laura took a big bite of her
bread-and-butter as she stared at the little drawing* She
felt just like a work-girl*
( Mansfield, 1983: 68-69 }
(d) Mow quiet it seemed after tJie afternoom* Mere she ras going
down the Mil to 5€t»eirJiere where a JUA Jaj cfearf, anil she
realize it* w&y cmtldM*t she?
( Mansfield, 1983: 83 }
(e) There lay a young man, fast asleep sleeping so soundly,
so deeply, that he was far, far away from them both. Oh, so
remotef so peaceful. He was dreaming. Never wake him up
again ... He was wonderful, beautiful. While they were
laughing and while the band was playing, this marvel had
come to the lane. Happy ... happy ... All is well, said
that sleeping face. This is just as it should be. I am
( Mansfield, 86-87 }
B or type A? The answer is: neither type B nor type A. To be
more exact, one should say: a combination of both. The
juxtaposition of these two types of narrator in the same story
helps to create a new style called free indirect style { FIS } :
internal perspective in which the character's subjective
feelings , given in type A narration transformed into third
person, are interwoven with and framed by the author's account
of the character's inner state type { type B )" ( Fowler , 1986:
138 ) . The greatest advantage of this type is that the author is
able to put side by side two sets of values { i.e. the
character's as well as the narrator's ) , one of which may be an
implied critique of the other, without giving any direct and
explicit judgment on his character as some traditional authors
do. The f o l l o w i n g two excerpts f r o m ' The Garden Party'
illustrate the advantage of the FIS quite well, In (a) the cook
treats the two little girls with cream puffs whereas in {b} the
mother asks Laura to send some food to the poor family.
"Art, jffriNber, *fc> jw really tMoi it's & good iifea?* said
them all. To take scraps from their party* Mould the poor
woman really like that?
{ Mansfield, 1983: 83 )
The second paragraph of (a) includes two views: the view of Jose
and Laura, and the view of the narrator. At first, Jose and
Laura refuse to eat cream puffs since they have just had their
breakfast. But, the narrator, through using the adverbial 'All
the same' puts forward his judgment and concludes that Jose and
Laura are, after all, children who cannot resist the temptation
of cream puffs. In (b), the linguistic markers 'Again*, 'bow
curious' and the verb of evaluation "seemed' reflect the
narrator's view of Laura, the following infinitive sentence and
the question show the doubt of Laura and it is the very own view
of Laura that confirms the narratorfs judgment of Laura.
passage has already shifted from external to internal. The
voices of the above three described objects have already
infiltrated into the narrator's voice. The combination of the
present-tense adverb * now* and the past-tense verb { Mansfield,
1983: 11 ) shows the two deictic spheres, one referring to the
narrator and the other the characters, are placed side by side.
That means voices from different deictic spheres are interwoven,
thus creating a dialogic relationship. It is very obvious that
in the sentence ' It was marvellous how quietly the mist thinned,
sped away, dissolved from the shallow plain, rolled up from the
hush and was pone as if in a hurry to escape* { Mansfield, 1983:
11 } the internal view of the shepherd (i.e. *It was marvellous']
and the external view of the narrator { ' as if in a hurry to
escape* } are intermingled. Mansfield continues to describe the
scene at the bay using an internal perspective, i.e., from the
perspectives of the shepherd, the old sheep-dog and the sheep.
The following is a funny little scene seen from the point of view
of the old sheep-dog Wag:
The antagonism between the cat and the sheep-dog is clear. The
expressions 'far too early as usual' f 'her tabby head* f a little
fastidious shiver'f a silly young female9 are words of criticism
made by the old sheep-dog. Towards the end of part I, fWag- ran
out along- a ledge of rock after something- that smelledr and ran
back disgusted.' { Mansfield, 1983: 13 } The use of verba
sentiendi 'disgusted' shows that it is obviously the view of the
old sheep-dog.
depicts a scene between Linda and father, who are dreaming of
escaping to China, a land of mystery. Linda then recalls the
joyous rnoBient in which she announces the news of her marrying
Stanley. Yet joy is shortlived. She understands very well that
Stanley is not her type and his behaviour is sometimes a bit
ridiculous in the eyes of Linda. ' But the trouble was — here
Linda felt almost inclined to laugh, though Heaven knows it was
no laughing matter she saw her Stanley so seldom*' (
Mansfield, 1983:33 ) In this quotation, Linda f s voice is
intermingled with the narrator's. The narrator uses the present
tense verb in 'Heaven knows' to express a generic view shared by
the community. The 'her1 indicates it is Linda who
actually speaks. Her unsatisfactory relationship with Stanley is
the cause of her grudge against life. The following quotation
best illustrates her psyche:
— but all the rest of the time it was like living in a house
that couldn't be cured of the habit of catching on fire/ on a
ship that got wrecked every day. And it was always Stanley who
was in the thick of the danger* Her whole time was spent in
rescuing him, and restoring him, and calming him downf and
listening to his story. And what was left of her time was spent
she as&ad and asked* and listened in vain for the answer.
{ Mansfield, 1983: 33-34 }
The parallel structure of gerunds { 'rescuing ... restoring ...
calming ... listening to* ) and the repeated use of the clause
that was* heighten her feeling of frustrations. Nothing could
save Linda, not even her children, whom she does not love and is
so indifferent to.
But now — it's suddenly dear to you. It's a darling little
funny room. It's yours. Oh, what a joy it is to own things!
Nine — my own!
(Mansfield, 1983:59)
Just take the example of 'At the Bay1, we have male voices
and female voices, who are at times antagonistic. For example,
after Stanley leaves home, the whole family, old Mrs. Fairfield,
Linda, Beryl, the servant girl, the children ... are relieved.
Oh, the relief, the difference it made to have the man out of the
house. Their very voices were changed as they called to one
another; they sounded warm and loving- and as if they shared a
( Mansfield, 1983: 20 )
We have also adults1 voices and children's voices, who sometimes
fail to understand each other. The scene about Kesia and her
grandma is a good example. nevertheless, children, though
innocent, create different opposing voices. The Trouts, the
Josephs and the Burnells are constantly in battle with each
other. The Burnells once criticize the Josephs: fThey were too
awful.' ( Mansfield, 1983; 23 } We have also the baby's voice.
Besides the characters1 voices, we have the narratorfs voice, the
implied authorfs voice. And apart from human voices, we also
have the voices of the sheep, the old sheep-dog, the sleepy sea,
the little streams, the cat's voice, the birds1 singing ... The
story is indeed animated by voices of various sorts, thus
creating a multi-perspective.
Apart from internal, psychological and multiple perspectives,
a word should be said about the 'spatio-temporal perspective of
the book* First, about the spatial dimension, which refers to
the viewing position that the reader occupies when looking at the
objects in the book with the help of the organization of the
language. Let us examine the highly pictorial passage setting the
opening scene of * At the Bay':
Very early morning* The sun was not yet risen, and the whole of
Crescent Bay was hidden under a white sea-mist* The biff hush-
covered hills at the hack were smothered. You could not see
where they ended and the paddocks and bungalows began. The sandy
road was gone and the paddocks and bungalows the other side of
it; there were no white dunes cowered with reddish grass beyond
them; there was nothing to mark which was beach and where was the
sea. A heavy dew had fallen. T»e grass was blue. Big drops
hung on the bushes and just did not fall; the silveryo, fluffy
toi-toi was limp on its long- stalks, and all the mangolds and
the pinks in the bungalow gardens were bowed to the earth with
wetness. Drenched were the cold fuchsias, round pearls of dew
lay on the flat nasturtium leaves. It looked as though the sea
had beaten up softly in the darkness, as though one immense wave
had come rippling, rippling- how far? Perhaps if you had waked
up in the middle of the night you might have seen a big fish
flicking in at the window and gone again ...
(Mansfield, 1983:9}
round pearls of dew lay on the flat nasturtium leaves.1 Such
locative phrases are frequently employed in this passage as well
as in the subsequent descriptive scenes for two purposes: first,
'they insist on the spatial content of the prose, the foreground
the theme of the representation of a place and its component
parts1; second, 'they also relate them1 in order that the reader
can view the scene 'from place to place in a definite order, with
a starting-point and a subsequent development which suggest an
initial viewing position and a chain of perceptions moving from
that position1 ( Fowler, 1986: 129 ). notice also the past
participle 'covered* is used twice in 'The big bush-covered
hills1 and 'no white dunes covered with reddish grass1, and it
implies vision from above because only when an observer views an
object from above can he see whether the surface of it is covered
with something. If we continue to' read the rest of the scene, we
will find the spatial point of view shifting all the time. For
example, from a general view of the Bay to a close-up view of a
corner of the Bay as illustrated by the locative phrases in
Round the corner of Crescent Bay, between the piled-up masses of
broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering,1 ( Mansfield,1983:
10 }; then back to the general view of the Bay again through the
use of a demonstrative pronoun 'there1 as in 'There ahead was
stretched the sandy road with shallow puddles1 { Mansfield, 1983:
11 }; and then some close-ups of the shepherd, the sheep-dog, the
cat. So there is a constant wave-like alternation of visual
perspectives even within a scene.
from a more macro view. Mansfield moves her viewing angles not
only within the same location, for instance, the Bay. As a
matter of fact, she often shifts her vision from one location to
another when narrating a story. For example, in 'The Daughters
of the late Colonel1, Josephine and Constantia stay in their
house all the time. However, the spatial perspective does not
remain always static. On the contrary, it moves rather rapidly
from one location to another with the help of flashbacks and
stream of consciousness. At the beginning of the story,
Josephine and Constantia are talking in their bedroom. Then a
flahback brings them to the dining-room having breakfast with
Nurse Andrews. Another flahback shifts them beside the bed of
their dying father. After a few moments, they are found outside
and then inside their dead father's study-room. Besides their
house, the vision can also be seen from a cemetery where their
fatherf s funeral is held, and it shifts even farther away from
home to a foreign country — Ceylon. Mansfield is able to shift
the spatial point of view of her stories so easily and quickly
mainly because her focus is often on the consciousness of her
characters, and one's consciousness flows to and fro freely.
Thus, the viewing position follows the stream of consciousness
and changes its course of direction.
of stories which concern different ti-c-sh*rcs.' { Fcwler, 1986;
127 } Since the stream of consciousness is Mansfield's favourite
device, the temporal perspective of her stories does not often
follow a natural flow. Thus, there is a mixture of different
time spheres: the past, the present and even the future,
Sometimes there are obvious linguistic clues that aark the change
in time spheres, but sometimes there are none. In the latter
case, the reader has to be exceptionally alert and should pay
heed to the context in order to differentiate the time spheres.
Maybe we can examine the temporal dimension of a scene in !The
Singing Lesson 1 , in which a school teacher, while having a
singing lesson, is contemplating the letter by her boy-friend
saying that he has to break off their relationship.
Hiss Meadows lifted her arms in the wide gown and began
conducting' with hath hands. ' J feel more and more strongly
that our marriage would be a mistake —' sie beat. And the
voice cries: Fleetly! Ah, Fleetly* What could have possessed
him to write such a letter I What could have led up to it! It
came out of nothing* His last letter had been all about a fumed-
oak book-case he had bought for *ourr books, and a "natty little
hall-stand' he had seen, 'a very neat affair with a carved owl on
a bracket* holding three hat-brushes in its claws9. How she had
smiled at that! 5o like a man to think one needed three hat-
brushes! From the Listening Ear, sang the voices.
'Once again, * said Miss Meadows* 'But this tiae in parts. Still
without expression.9 Fast! Ah, too Fast, Vitb the gloom of the
contraltos added, one could scarcely help shuddering. Fade the
Roses of Pleasure. Last time he bad come to see her* Basil had
worn a rose in his buttonhole. ffow handsojsa he had looked in
that bright blue suit, with that dark red rose!
with the interrogative 'How', Hiss Meadows1 present comment on a
past incident, brings us back to the present time sphere. The
'But, my darling, if you love me, ' thought Hiss Meadows, 'I don't
mind how much it is. Love me as little as you like. f But she
knew he didn't love her. Not to have cared enough to scratch out
that 'disgust*, so that she couldn't read it! Soon Autumn yields
unto Winter Drear. She would have to leave the school, too. She
could never face the Science Mistress or the girls after it got
known. She would have to disappear so&ewhere. Passes away. The
voices began to die, to fade, to whisper — to vanish — '
( Mansfield, 1983; 208-209 }
vision help to bring two otherwise totally different spheres
together, for example: actions and thoughts, fantasy and reality.
In 'Life of Ma Parker 1 , Ma Parker, a part-time domestic helper of
a literary gentleman, is doing the cleaning-up in the gentleman's
house, and occasionally talking to the gentleman, ¥hile she is
working and performing her d u t y on the one hand, she is
recollecting her past and reflecting on life on the other hand.
For example, Ma Parker traces her intimate relationship with her
grandson Lennie and recalls how she rears him and eventually
sends him to the cemetery. Despite the fact that it is a tragic
thing to recall, she still has to suppress her feeling and face
the day-to-day tough work.
(a) And for five years Ha Parker had another baby such a one
for crying! — to look after. Then young Maudie went wrong
and took her sister Alice with her; the two boys
ewigrimated, and young Jim went to India with the army, and
Ethel, the youngest, married a good-for-nothing little
waiter who died of ulcers the year little Lennie was born.
And now little Lennie my grandson ...
fie piles of dirty cups* dirty dishes, were washed and
dried. The ink-black kniwes were cleaned with a piece of
potato and finished off with a piece of corM» The table was
scrubbed, and the dresser and the slul that had sardine
tails swijminff in it ,.«
Se'd never been a stromff child —- nerar from the first.
Me 'id me of those fair imMi.es that ererj^^fj tool for a
5iJrerj fair carls Jre Jhttfr e^&s* anil a Jit fie
iJbe a cp me ^ M* J*M** Jfc*
she and Ethel had had to rear that child!
( Mansfield, 1983:148-149 5
(b) But the last ... Ma Parker threw the counterpane over the
bed. No, she simply couldn't think about it. It was too
much — she'd had too much in her life to bear. Sh^'d
borne it up till now, she'd kept herself to herself, and
never once had she been seen to cry. Never by a living
soul. Not even her own children had seen Xa break down*
She'd kept a proud face always. But now! Lennie gone -
— what had she? She had nothing. He was all she'd got
from life, and now he was took too. Why must it all
iavd happened to me? she wondered.
'What have I done?9 said old Ha Parker. 'What have I done?9
As she said those words shd suddenly let fall her brush.
Sie found herself in the kitchen. Her misery was so
terrible that she pinned on her bat, put on her jacket and
walked out of the flat like a person in a dream. She did
not know what she was doing:.
( Mansfield,1983: 151 }
From the above passages, we know what Ma Parker is doing and what
she is thinking belong to two separate spheres, the former in the
real* of the preseat ( temporal ) and in the gentleman's house
I spatial J while the latter in the realm of the past { temporal I
and in her owa house or somewhere elsefs { spatial ) . Vhile
ble&ding separate spatio-temporal perspectives together,
pm^fiftli itiUB&aes to niai actions ami thoughts, tke j
i of t» o» tW life of
as well as her admirable strong character. Besides actions and
thoughts, fantasy and reality are another pair of realms that are
interwoven as a result of the blend of two different spatio-
temporal perspectives as in 'An Ideal Family 1 , which is about a
middle-aged man who all of a sudden realizes he is growing old.
He imagines himself watching an ancient old creature climbing up
and down:
But all his drowsing brain could think of was — too rich for
him. And somewhere at the back of everything1 he was watching a
little withered ancient man climbing up endless flights of
stairs. Who was he?
'I shan't dress tonight,' he muttered.
'What do you say, father?'
'Eh, what, what?' Old Mr. Neave woke with a start and stared
across at them. 'I shan't dress tonight, * he repeated.
'But, father, we've got Lucile coming, and Henry Davenport, and
Mrs. Teddie Walker. '
'Very well I Very well!' Old Mr. Neave got up and went to join
that little old climbing fellow just as far as bis dressing-room
Old Mr. Neave sigbed, got up, and putting one band under bis
beard, be toot the comb from young Charles, and carefully combed
tbe white beard over, Charles gave him a folded bamd&ercbieff bis
watch and seals, and spectacle case.
'That will do, my lad. ' Tbe door shut, be sant back* be was
alone —
Amd nor that little ancient fellow was climbing dom endless
flights tbat led to a glittering* gay dimimg-room. Mbat legs be
were UMe a spider's — ttiu*f mtbered*
'You're an ideal family, sir, an ideal family. *
But if that were true, why didn't Charlotte or the girls stop
him? Why was he all alone, climbing up and down? Where was
Harold? Ah, it was no good expecting anything from Sarold.
Down, down went the little old spider, and then, to his horror,
old Mr. Neave saw him slip past the dining-room and maMe for the
porch, the dark drive, the carriage gates, the office* Stop him,
stop him, somebody!
Old Mr. Neave started up. It was dfari in his dressing-room; the
window shone pale. How long had he been asleep?
{ Mansfield, 1983; 244-246 )
way', 'the new house', 'new people', 'new music*. This salient
linguistic feature helps to bring out an important aspect of the
story. Isabel, after knowing sone avant-garde artist friends,
has completely changed her life-style, and Williair is totally out
of hand when dealing with this f new f wife and her f new f friends.
From a repeated use of the quantifiers fso ...' used by Isabel
and her friends, we can see how exaggerating these people are
when they talk and how they tend to dramatize things. For
instance, fso dreadfully sentimental1 and fso apallingly bad for
the babies' sense of form' { Mansfield, 1983; 154 ), f so
dreadfully stuffy and tragic1, 'am frightfully keen on f f
'It's so awfully absurd' ( Mansfield, 1983: 158 }. ¥hen they
talk, they like to use exclamations. For example, Bill is
disappointed when he finds out there is no letter for him: 'But,
heartless postman 0 malignant world!* { Mansfield, 1983: 167
) The use of parallelism and equivalence by Denis *^hen he
describes what his friends are doing is another example to show
their language is out of the ordinary: 'A Lady in Love with a
Pine-apple1 ( Mansfield, 1983: 162 ), 'A Lady with a Box of
Sardines' ( Mansfield, 1983: 164 }, 'A Lady reading a Letter1 (
Mansfield, 1983: 167 }. Code-mixing is another characteristic of
their language, for instance, the use of Italian 'Hvanti!* and
French 'mes amis*. That is why William can hardly Jmow how to
cope with them. The parallelism and equivalence used in 'the
familiar dull gnawing in his breast quietened down* ( Mansfieldr
1983: 156 }, 'The dull, persistent gnawing in Ms breast started
again* { lansfield, 1983: 157 1 and fle folded Ms arsts against
the dull, persistent gnawing* C Hansfield, 1583: 166 } feigblight
William's uneasy feeling vis-a-vis these fnewf people, and his
> 4
newf wife in particular. VilUna is in fact not fcl© only
who disapproves of their 'new' style. The author's opinion is
implied in the discourse structure of foregrounding. If We
examine carefully the language used by Isabel's friends, we will
find the word 'divine1 having a religious connotation repeated
three times { Mansfield,1983: 62, 164,163 ), and the religious
image of anointing somebody with ointment is found in the speech
of one of them: "¥w shall have to anoint ourselves with the
butter/ said Denis. "Hay thy head, William, lack not ointment.1
( Mansfield, 1983:161 } To the author (or the implied author),
these people pursue fashion in such a manner as those who are
over-zealous to religion. In the end they exclude those who are
not their in-groups, like William. What is more ironic is that
these people are so sure of what they are doing that they never
doubt their course. Therefore, the significance of the discourse
structure is 'additional to the prepositional meaning, and often
at odds with the latter1 ( Fowler, 198C: 73 }.
structure. In the following scene, Fenella's father bids them
farewell at the pier.
filtered through the eyes of Fenella: 'eagerly watching him, saw
that he looked tired and sad', 'saw her father's lips say 1 , 'saw
her father take off his h a t ' , 'she heard him say 1 . She is an
observer rather than a participant. She witnesses the parting
scene between her father and her grandmother, but without being
able to understand why they are so upset* In 'His cold, wet
moustache brushed her cheek 1 , it is the inanimate 'moustache 1
that is the agent of the action, and Fenella is a recipient. In
the end, she is trying to play a more active role by catching
hold of the lapels of her f a t h e r ' s coat. This syntactic
patterning of having an inanimate subject in a sentence is
recurrent throughout the whole story. The following passage
further illustrates this discourse structure;
A series of action verbs 'went flying through ... and fell'.
'rang1, 'shrilled' are governed by inanimate objects 'A hugh coil
of dark rope', 'A bell', 'a whistle1 respectively rather than
animate beings. It is the dark wharf that slips, slides and
edges away from the people, not the people that slip, slide and
edge away from the dark wharf. Faced with the great forces of
the unknown world, Fenella, a little girl, is powerless. She can
only be a recipient of an action as in 'The freshening wind
tugged at Fenella's skirts1. As a matter of fact, she has tried
very hard to exert her influence on the environment — 'Fenella
strained to see with all her might1 but in vain. She cannot even
answer the question whether her father is turning round, or
waving, or standing alone, or walking off by himself. She cannot
change the fact that she has to part with her father. She does
not know when she can go home. She does not even have a say in
making the decision. The simple fact is that everything has been
decided for her. It is not her who goes to welcome the future,
but the future that comes to meet her, as illustrated in the
following sentences in which the inanimate agents actively catch
the attention of the animate recipient: "An immense basket of ham
sandwiches caught her eye.1 ( Mansfield, 1983: 176 ) 'The dark
round eye above the washstand gleamed at them dully. Fenella
felt shy*1 ( Mansfield, 1983: 177 ) As a result, she is not sure
of anything. Every now and then she can only make a guessr so
the verbs of prediction seemf and 'guess1 are often employed,
for example, 'To her great relief grandma seemed no longer sad
she was praying.1 ( Mansfield, 1983: 174 ), 'She seemed to know
grandma well1 ( Mansfield, 1983: 176 ). As she finds life full
of mystery and the outside world so uncertain, subconsciously she
often clasps everything tightly, for example/ ... and Fenella
clutched the clammy brass rail and forgot all aboout the swan-
necked umbrella' ( Mansfield, 1983: 175 ) f 'She stood against the
door, still clasping her luggage and the umbrella* ( Hansfield,
1983: 177 }.
'arding' ( pardon ), Ditching-Mid' { kitchcn-aaid )f
'chimley' ( chimney ), 'beedles' ( beetles ), • emigrated' {
emigrated K Her English is also ungrajanatical. For example,
sho uses an indefinite article 'a1 in front of a word that begins
with a vowel sound: 'a evening 1 ; she does not LSC the past
participle of 'take1 in the passive fen:; fand now hd was took
too 1 . The speech of a person offers us some information and it
shows 'an affinity between the user and some identifiable group1
{ Page, 1988: 5C ) Ha Parker's speech shows she coc*s froa a
lower socio-economic group, who do not speak standard English and
who are not well educated. Becaase of the poor background, Ha
Parker is a constant victim of the environment. In contrast with
Ma Parker, the literary gentleman, the person who comes from an
upper socio-economic class and whom Ma Parker works for, usc-s a
more elaborated code when he speaks. For instance, he says to Ha
Parker, 'I hope the funeral went off all right*1 ( Mansfield,
1983: 143 ) But Ma Parker fails to understand the phrasal verb
'went off 1 . So the discourse structure can differentiate people
socio-econoiaicallly. People of a certain in-group can also be
distinguished from the language they use in speech. For
instance, Isabel and her friends use a very special code when
they talk to each other. Their language is full of metaphors and
hyperboles, and they code-mix different languages. They are
supposed to be avant-garde, leading the latest trend in art, So
any one outside their group will find it hard to comprehend their
and sociolinguistic structure. Todorov's words can best conclude
this section: 'The organization of the narrative is therefore
produced on the level of the interpretation and not on thai of
the events-to-be-interpreted. The combination of these events
arc sometimes singular, incoherent, but this docs not .ucan that
the narrative lacks organization; simply this organization is
situated on the level of ideas, not on that of events. 1 {
Todorov, 1984: 130 ) So the reader has to reconstruct everything
in the process of reading. The reader is an active participant
rather than a aere passive recipient. There is a constant
interaction between the reader and characters, the narrator and
the implied author. Discourse is thus created out of the
'An Ideal Family• describes the feeling of a middle-aged man at
home. 'The Lady's Maid' is a monologue of a maid who tells her
neighbour about her life and her lady.
His hands were shaking, but he'd got bold of himself again. Be
was able to face Janej. There she was ... how small she looted
on that huge ship. Sis heart was wrung with such a spasm that he
could have cried out. How little she Joolecf to hawe come all
that long way and back by herself! Just like her, though. Just
like Janey.
Would she really not be long? What was the time now? Out came
the watch; he stared at nothing* That was rather queer of Janey,
wasn't it? Why couldn't she have told the stewardess to say
goodbye for her? Why did she have to go chasing after the ship's
doctor? She could have sent a note from the hotel even if the
affair had been urgent. Urgent? Did it — could it mean that
she had been ill on the voyage she was keeping something from
him? That was it!
( Mansfield, 1983: 221 )
alone in a hotel:
(a) He groaned for love and caught her close again. And
(b) But just as when he embraced her he felt she would fly away,
so Hammond never knew — never knew for dead certain that
she was as glad as he was. How could he know? Would he
ever know? Would he always have this craving — this pang
like hunger, somehow, to make Janey so much part of him that
there wasn't any of her to escape? Be wanted to blot out
everybody, everything.
( Mansfield, 1983; 226 }
flowing flowing into the big dark chair, and the big dark
chair held him fast, gripped him, forced him to bear it.
The two parallel sentences containing the action verbs 'move1 and
'breathe' are short yet very effective in describing Mr.
Hammond's response to the sudden blow. The repetition of the
present participle 'flowing1 and the noun phrase 'the big dark
chair' is emphatic* There is a reversal of the positions of the
agent and the recipient, Mr, Hammond, being the agent of the
action in the first two-thirds of the passager has gradually lost
his power, and the inanimate object f the big dark chair1 has, on
the contrary, gathered enough momentum and become the agent. So
it is 'the big dark chair1 that 'held him fast, gripped him*
forced him to bear it f , not the reverse. Mr. Hammond is now in a
state of immense shock. Then,
( Mansfield, 1983: 230 }
The repeated use of the modifier 'so1 to describe the words of
Mrs. Hammond draws our attention to the effect of the words oa
Mr. Hammond. The simile 'snow* is further echoed in the
following paragraph by the images of the huge room, the cold that
fills the room as well as the cold that fills his whole world.
The repeated use of the negative 'No1 and the negative
construction f mustn f t think1, f wouldn l t face 1 and 'couldn't
stand1, and the modal verbs 'mustn't1, 'wouldn't1 and 'couldn't1
all indicate Mr, Hammond's determination to get rid of the whole
thing* However, deep down his heart he knows very well that
'They would never be alone together again1. { Mansfield, 1983:
230 } This uneasy psychological state will persist forever in
the heart of Mr. Hammond. Looking back, we can see the sorts of
psychological states Mr. Hammond has gone through: ecstasy,
doubts, despair, shock, uneasiness. So the narrative is indeed
dynamic though static on the surface, Mansfield's narrative is
also psychic as the focus of the story is always on the ebb and
flow of the character's psyche rather than the development of the
Another factor to consider about the nature of the narrative
is the relationship between the events and the instances of
discourse in the narrative. Do they happen simultaneously or
not? If the events and discourse match each other temporallyw
the story is then said to follow a narrative logic, if the events
happen before the discourse, the story is then said to follow a
ritual logic. Todorov sums up the concepts of narrative logic
and ritual logic in the following words:
'perpetual present'. ... There is a perfect parallelism between
the series of events one speaks of and the series of the
instances of discourse. Discourse is never behind and never
ahead of what it evokes. The characters, too, live in the
present alone; the succession of events is governed by a logic
proper to it, and is influenced by no external factor.
On the other hand, ritual logic is based on a conception of
time, which is that of the 'external return'. Here no event
happens for the first time or the last time. Everything- has
already been foretold, and now one foretells what will follow.
The origin of the rite is lost in the origin of time ... '
( Todorov, 1977: 132 )
love affair and so on. All the events happened long before the
maid's discourse that takes place at present. As a matter of
fact, 'The Lady's Maid* is rather different from other stories in
this book in its narrative techniques as well as its narrative
'I really must conquer it,f it's too absurd, ' sai$ she.
'Good heavens, Anne, ' cried Re&ffie, *I love to hear yon lanffbin®!
laughing; it wasn't really a habit. Only ev^r since the Jay
they'd iwt, c7*r since that ;ery first M^htf for sc^ string*
reason that Reggie wished to Scd he uzderstood, A^c bad lauyh*d
at hit*. Why? It didn't matter vb*rc tb*y ^iv or whit tb*y w*re
talking about. They &igbt b^gin by beib? as serious as possible,
dead s^rioas --- at any rate as far as he was concerned — but
then suddenly, Li tie ^iddlv of a sentence, ina* would glance at
bix, aud a little quid: quiver passed over her face- Her lips
parted, her £y&s daj^ced, and sic begaL laughing.
( Mansfield, 1933: 12S )
On the other hand, the narrator ma^ sometimes show his sympathy
to the characters, just like the sympathy giwen to the little
girl Lottie in fln the Bay1: *fhere as poor little Lottie, left
behind again.* ( Hansfieli, 1983: 21 ) lo aatter what; duties lie
performs, presenting the physical or the minds ami
feelings of his characters^ or iepictiaf the relationships
between climracters, or criticizing his characters, or showing
syapathy to Ms characters, laiisfi^iafs mmrratw a
role and a Ms
characters. B u t , this is not the whole story. At times
'Yes, I'm here. I'm Beryl. Who wants me?1
'Beryl I '
'Let me come. '
Some authors seldom consider the readers when they write and
they take for ganted that readers are always there receiving
their messages* Mansfield, OE the contrary, cares about the
existence of her readers. So her narrator often draws the
attention of the readers while narrating the story. For example,
the narrator of fThe Stranger* describes a crowd of people
waiting on tie wfcarf for the arrival of tie ship.*:
It seemed to the little crowd on the wharf that she was never
going to move again. There she lay, imense, motionless on the
grey crinkled water, a loop of smoke above her, an immense flock
of gulls screaming and diving after the galley droppings at the
stern. You could just see little couples parading ™ little
flies walking up and down the dish on the grey wrinkled
tablecloth. Other flies clustered and swarmed at the edge. Now
there was a gleam of white on the lower deck the cook's apron
or the stewardess perhaps. Now a tiny black spider raced up the
ladder on to the bridge.
( Mansfield,1983: 212 }
readers 'you* are invited to play the role of judge to certify
that the weather is really freezing in order to show that Hiss
Brill's dicision of wearing the fur is correct. It 'The Singing
Lesson1, the narrator, whose voice is infiltrated into by a
character Miss Meadows, invites the readers 'you* to support his
criticism of another character, i.e. the Science Mistress in this
From the above examples, we can see the readers are often invited
to play a role in one way or another in the narrative discourse.
Thus, the relationship between the narrator and the readers is
quite close.
conversation and Gnce calls those rules .uaxias. There are
altogether five maxims: the co-operative principle, the aaxis of
quality, the maxim of quantity, the uaxia of relevance, the maxim
of manner. [4] But soiTietimes these maxims are not observed and
deliberately violated, thus producing an implicature, which is an
inference generated 'beyond the semantic content of the
sentences1 by the maxim ( Levinson, 1983:103 }, i.e. the real
meaning of the utterance. So the addressee has to be alert in
decoding the real meaning of the speech without being confused by
the apparently incongruous utterance. Moreover, for the sake of
politeness sometimes people employ certain strategies when they
speaker so as to give face to the addressee. By 'face1 here we
luccji 'basic wantsf, 'which every member knows every other member
dosir^s, and which in general it is in the interests of every
member to partially satisfy,1 ( Brown £ Levinson, 1987: 62 }.
There arc two kinds of face wants; positive face [5] and negative
face [6]. There are five face-saving strategies: ( i ) to do the
face threatening act bald on record [7] ( ii } to do the face
threatening act with redressive action oriented toward positive
politeness [8] ( iii } to do the face threatening act with
redressive action oriented towards negative politeness ( iv ) to
do the face threatening act off record [9] ( v ) do not do the
face threatening act ( Brown & Levinson, 1987: 69 }
Anne faced Regi^ld. 'It isL*t that I'-j not awfully foxd of
you,' she saiJ. 'I ^. 3*t' — - he; ey*.s xid*s*d — *^ci zr>
the vay' — - a qaiver passed over h<=r f z c e ~ 'c+*e c+ght to la
fond of -— f Hcr lips parted, and she couldn't stop herself,
She began laaghiLg. 'There, you see, you see,1 she cried, 'it's
your check t-tie. E7en at this ^G*2e®t, when one would think oze
really would be solemn, your tie reminds me fearfully of the bow-
tie that cats wear in pictures! Oh, plc-as^ forgive ^c for being
so horrid, please 1 f
Reggie caught hold of h^r little war^ hand. 'There's no question
of forgiving you, ' he said quic&ly. 'How could there be? And I
do believe I knoz why I ^aiv you laugh. It's because you're so
far aLovc EG in every ;/ay tiat I a% somehow ridiculous. I see
that, AnLe. But if I were to --- '
*Nof no. ' Anne squeezed his land hard. 'It's not that. That's
all wrong. I'm not far above you at all. You're much better
than I an. You're marvellously unselfish and ... and kind and
'The nan I ^arry ---
"So you?' said Anne. fOhf I do hope you do ---- Isn't it fumy? I
aj5 say a£ytfai&g to y&i. I always Ji«irc been aile to from the
He tried to smile, to say *Ifia flad. ' She vent on. *I*ve newer
known anyone I like as much as J like you. ..* But I*M sure It's
nat what people and what J&oois mean when they talk aiout lore.
Do you iincferstaM? Oil,, if you only iney Jbov horrid J feel. But
we'd be like ... like Sr. and A'rs. Sore. ' ...
'Don't drive it i^, ' h= said and Le t^d ^ay frc_ A^e *zd
looked across the Ju »/;„....
7/o, don't. You «*'fr go yc? t, ' si* suid i^plori^Iy. T_ Jaii't
possibly go away £*eli^ 2i*c tiat. ' i.jf ^ stsr*J up at hi±
frowning, biting her lip,
Reginald any false hope. And then, she laughs and offers a
reason 'it's your check t-tic1. Here the maxi^ of quality is
ad^it it. But Amic still wants to give him face by breaking the
therefore forced to smile because he, too, wants to sate his face
at this stage, nevertheless, it is now Anne's turn to adept the
bald-oii-record strategy by comparing their relationship to that
of her doves. Maybe she misjudges Reginald's response and thinks
that he has really overcome the embarrassment and does act care
about fac<=. This tine it is Reginald who asks Anne not to be so
straightforward as he really wants to save his negative face.
Even towards the end, Reginald has to break the uaxi« of quality
in order to save his own face. Frc- this example, Ws= know
strategies of various sorts have to be employed in a dialogue if
tho characters want to naintain a cordial relationship.
ic^d, i.. jct^r;., by his w i f i , he his .ic chcic*.-
but to break the ...a:ci... cf ^lit hcca.Sc L*
m a n i p u l a t i n g c e r t a i n s t r a t e g i e s in a d i a l o g . e . Loci: at th
following extract fro:: 'The Young Girl 1 :
Tou doi^'t -ixiJ tzZi^j Hcn&ic?' s^id Hrs Saddle!:. 5urc you
don't? Tare's thc car, azd you'll have tea a;i«f ,YC 'JJ ia iacJ;
i^^^ oj] tiis .st^p right here — iij an hour. Yoa see, I want
her to go in. She's not &&*n before, and it's i/orth Scei&g. I
*CLt shut up, mother, ' said she ^^arily. "Co^ aJo*2^. Sc^'t
record.Froja the daugter's strategy, we can see how much she hates
her aother, so she has not thought of giving faca to .her aether
'But you're not to . You couldn't leave ae. You couida'r not 3e
there.' This was awful. 'Promise se you won't ever do it,
grandma, ' pleaded Kezia.
The old woman went on knitting.
'Promise me! Say never!f
But still her grandma was silent.
( Mansfield, 1983: 39 }
person pronoun 'you1 as illustrated in the previous serticn. All
these show the narrator as veil as the implied author's concern
for the characters*
unholy splendour*
( Mansfield, 1983: 53 )
It was all very well to say it was the common lot of women to
hear children. It wasn't true. She, for one, could prove that
wrong. She was broken, made real, her courage was gone, through
ild-be-zinj. .'.iJ yist ^de it do^ly izrd tc iear v&s, sL* did
t Jo.v Ji.-r jiiJJr*... rt ,-.j -^JL^ ^retciJJ-j. rra if ji«?
Young Girl 1 , fThe Voyage1 and fThe First BA11'. Except 'At the
Bay 1 , the uain characters of these stories are childr^r* and the
stories arc told from the points of vie^ of children* For
example, as discussed before, 'The Voyage1 is a story filtered
through tha ayes of tha little girl Feaalla with the help cf soae
linguistic devices like verbs of sensation, so she is not touched
Ly the sadness of separation, which is a sentiment shared mainly
by adults. Even the rude girl in "The Young Girl"1 is treated in
a synpathctic light by the narrator and implied author. Towards
the end of the story, the narrator tells us the girl has
undergone so^e change and she speaks 'in a warn* aag«er voica1.
The description in the concluding paragaph shovs the narrator's
Her dark coat fell open, and her %iire throat — all her soft
young body in the blue dress •— was lile a flower that is j
emerging* from its dark bud.
The colours 'dark', 'white1 and 'blue', and the simile 'a flower
... emerging from its dark bud1 tell us the girl's change is
surely an encouraging one.
Isabel continues to pursue her new way, which means that she will
continue to use her discourse, which can in no way be intervoven
with Williamfs discourse. Communication is thus blocked.
Jonathan finds life unbearable.
f e e l i n g o f being t r a p p e d i n l i f e . In c o n t r a s t r K e z i a ' s
'Does it make you sad to think about him, grandma?' She hated
To loot back, Jtecjr. Fo stare down the jears, as Kezzia had seen
her doing. To look after thex as a vosan does, long after they
were out of sight. Did ir zake her sad? So, life ¥as like that.
7/o, Kezia. '
( Mansfield, 1933:38 }
(i) make your contribution 35 izror^aczve as is required
for the purposes of the exchange
tie addressee1
[9] Brown £ Levinson: P.69
'if an actor goes off record in doing Af then there is more
than one unambiguously attributable intention so that the
actor cannot be held to have committed himself to one
particular intent*f
A. Text
Mansfield, Katherine. The Garden Party and Other Short Stories. 1983.
England, Penguin.
B. On Katharine Mansfield
C. On Stylistics
1. Booth, Wayne. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 1961. U. of Chicago Press.
2. Crystal, D . , & Davy, D, Investigating English Style. 1969.
3. Dahl, Liisa. Linguistic Features of the Stream-of'-Consciousness
Techniques of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Eugene O'Neill. 1970.
Turun Yliopisto.
4. Fowler, Roger, ed. Essays on Style and Language. 1966, Routledge
9. Page, Norman. Speech in the English Hovel. 19S3. 2nd Edition.
Hong Kong, Hacmillan.
10. Pratt, Mary Louise. Toward a Speech Act Theory of Literary
Discourse. 1977. Blooiaington, Indiana U. Press.
11. Todorov, Tzvetan. The Poetics of Prose. 1977, Blackwell.
D, On Sociolinguistics
1. Brown, P., & Levinson, 5.C. Politeness. 1987. England, Cambridge
U. Press.
2. Goffman, Erving. Forms of Talk. 1981. England, Basil Blackwell.
3. Levinson, S. Pragmatics. 1983. England, Cambridge U. Press.
4. Trudgill, P. Sociolingnistics: An Introduction to Language and
Society. 1983. England, Penguin.