Macrame Hangers For Small Spaces
Macrame Hangers For Small Spaces
Macrame Hangers For Small Spaces
u r
Part of the fun of making macrame' hangers begins when you shop for the cord and acc~ssories which
go into the creation of your hanger. You're likely to
find your best buys in craft shops or departments, and
in macrame' specialty stores. Most of these stock a
great variety of cords, yarn, macrame' beads, metal
rings, driftwood, and even embroidery hoops. Other
stores to try are hardware and variety stores, yarn
marts, rug-making shops, and Indian or other ethnic
craft stores.
When purchasing cord, take this book with you.
It tells you how much cord to buy, and shows a photo
of the actual thickness of the cord used for each project. The cord you buy must be exactly the same thickness, or your project can become either too bulky or
too stringy. A direct result of these problems is that
you will either run out of cord too soon, or have too
much cord left over.
Though proper thickness is a must, you may su_bstitute cord of a similar texture if the recommended
one is not available. You may also choose cord of.a
different texture to create a different mood. For example, white seine, colored yarn, and colored synthetic cords can give a casual appearance; rattail or multipleply satin cord can combine with traditional or formfll
settings; and metallic gold or silver cord can be made
into worthy holiday decorations.
If the right coior of cord is not available, you can
always dye any white or natural cord according to the
instructions on page 4.
Should you be unable to find the beads you
Bird Bath is 22" long
52 yds. of cotton seine, No. 72
7" wooden embroidery hoop
32" length of .gold chain
16" length of%" square molding
1%" dia. metal ring
(Work from bottom to top)
1. Cut eight cords measuring 5 yds. each, and cut one
1 yd . gathering cord.
2. Fold eight 5 yd. cords in half and mount them to
the 3" ring with Lark's heads. Divide the cords into four
equal groups.
3. Skip down 2%" and tie a Josephine knot with one
group of cords.
4. Skip_ down 1" and tie four more Josephine knots
having 1%" opening between each knot.
5. Repeat with the other three groups.
6. Separate the hoops. Slip down 1%" and tie a double
half-hitch knot around one of the hoops with each of the
sixteen cords.
7. Skip down %" and tie three rows of alternating
intertwining overhand knots, skipping 1" down between
each row. See Fig. A.
8. Mount the cords onto the other large hoop with
double half-hitch knots as in step 6.
9. Divide cords into four groups. Space the groups
approximately 3" apart on the hoop. Skip down 1" and tie
two square knots having two filler cords, with each group.
10. Skip down .1". Bring all cords together, and tie
five Chinese crown knots.
11. Skip down 3" and fold cords over a 1 %" ring.
Wrap cords together with the 1 yd. gathering cord. Clip off
any protruding ends.
12. Cover each of the hoops with the remaining cord.
Glue the ends to keep them secure.
13. Cut the chain into eight 4" lengths.
14. Cut molding into four 4" lengths. Drill a small hole
in the molding%" from each end.
15. For bird perches, attach two 4" chains to each 4"
piece of molding. To make one perch, open the last link of a
chain and hook it thru the loop of an eye pin; close link. Place
shank of pin thru hole in molding. Bend portion of shank
close to molding into a small loop. Cut off excess shank with
wire cutters. Attach other end of chain to hoop with fine
wire, placing wire between rope sections to hide it. (See photo
for placement of perches.) Add a chain to other end of molding.
16. Insert a 10"x 2" round dish for the bird bath.
Measurement Gage
32" long plus a 9" fringe
44 yds. 8-ply natural jute
32 brown wooden macrame'
beads, %" dia.
1. Cut eight cords measuring 5 yds. each. Fold them in
half with ends even. Cut a 2 yd. cord for a knotting cord.
Fold it in half and place center over the fold in the eight
cords. Tie eleven overhand knots around the eight cords,
using the left half of the knotter. Repeat for the right half of
knotter. Bring ends of knotters together and tie a square
knot. Tuck ends inside Chinese Crown k nots (see step 2).
2. Divide the cords into four groups of four cords each
and tie five Chinese Crown knots.
3. Divide cords into four groups of four cords each.
4. With one group tie twelve half knots, left over right,
having two filler cords. Slide one small bead up each knotting
5. Tie two square knots and one half knot.
6. Drop down 1 ". Reverse the cords by making filler
cords into knotting cords and knotting cords into fillers . Tie
eleven half knots having two filler cords.
7. Slide three small beads up each knotting cord, and
one large bead up the two filler cords.
8. Tie nine half knots under the beads to secure them.
9. Drop down 1" and reverse knotters and fillers
again. Tie two square knots and one half knot.
10. Repeat steps 4 thru 9 with each of the other three
11. Repeat the following procedure for each of the
groups just knotted; skip down 4"; take two cords from two
neighboring knots (4 cords in all) and tie a square knot; skip
down 3 %" and repeat for an alternating square knot pattern.
12. Drop down 1Y/'. Bring all cords together and tie
with a 64" gathering cord.
13. Cut a 9" fringe.
Natural sisal, jute, or white cotton cord can be dyed to
any color using regular fabric dye. It is wise to allow 3% for
shrinkage when dyeing. For easy handling when dyeing, wind
the cord into a loose skein and secure the ends. Wash in detergent and rinse thoroughly; then dye the cord as instructed
on the label. Rinse well with cold water and hang to dry.
A completed hanger can be dyed as described above.
However, because the dye is not able to penetrate the knots,
it gives uneven coloring at best. Beads that are part of the
hanger are not ordinarily affected by the dye.
o---.--Meas u remen t
Meas u re m en t
4" -+---..,-
this stunning mmtature macrame' angel from instructions on page 16. Use her as a gift tie-on, tree
ornament, or on your front door wreath.
/-fer diminutive frame does no t lessen the magnanimity of her we lcome: "With love and good cheer,
the Christmas spirit bids you enter this home." Make
Bleached driftwood and handcrafted beads contribute to the primitive tone of " Ramona." Learn
how to make this piece from instructions on page 5.
26" long plus 8" fringe
7 brown wooden macrame' beads
15 yds. brown 3-ply jute
Holding piece
16 yds. natural 3-ply jute
11 yds. orange 3-piy jute
"-We used a ceramic leaf for a holding piece. One
can be shaped of clay or cut from wood and then stained.
See overlay pattern. Or you can use a piece of driftwood
with nine holes drilled in it; see pattern for placement.
Dl RECTIONS for Top Hanger (Work from bottom to top.)
1. Cut one orange and one natural cord measuring 24"
each. Fold the cords in half and mount thru the hole at the
top of the holding piece * with a Lark's head knot.
2. Tie a square knot with one orange and one natural
filler cord. Skip down 2" and tie another square knot. Push
up into a picot knot.
3. Skip down 3" and tie a square knot. Push up into a
picot k not.
4. Skip down 2" and tie another square knot. Push up
into a pi cot knot.
5. Slide a bead up the two filler cords. Tie an overhand
knot with the four cord s to hold the bead in place. Trim
ends leaving a 1%" length.
Dl RECTI ONS for Bottom Section (Work from top to bottom.)
1. Cut three brown cords, three natural cords and two
orange cords measuring 5 yds. each.
2. Number the holes in the holding piece, 1 thru 8 from
left to right. Mount the cords onto the holding piece thru the
holes with a Lark's head, in the following color sequence:
Brown cords in holes 1,2, and 5; orange cords in holes 3 and
6; and natural cords in holes 4, 7 , and 8. This gives you sixteen cbrds measuring 2 % yds. each.
3. Tie five square k nots having two filler cords, using
the cords in holes 1 and 2. Repeat for cords in holes 7 and 8.
4. Tie four square knots with cords in holes 3 and 4.
Repeat for cord s in holes 5 and 6.
5. Tie five rows of alternating square knots.
6. Separate into initial color pattern and tie four square
knots with cords from holes 1-2. Repeat for cords from
3-4, 5-6, and 7 -8.
7. Using cords from holes 1 and 4 as knotters, and
cords from 2 and 3 as filler cords, tie a square knot.
8. Skip down 2" and tie another square knot and push
up into a picot.
9. Skip down 3%" and tie a square knot. Push up into a
10. Skip down 2%" and tie a square knot. Push up into
a picot.
11. Repeat steps 7 thru 11 using cords from holes 5-6,
and 7-8 .
(Continued on page 9)
12" --L--Measurement
1. Cut three cords measuring 41f:1 yds. each, and three
cords measuring 2 yds. each. The remaining 18" of cord will
be used as the gathering cord in step 13.
2. Fold each cord in half. Alternately placing the long
and short cords alongside each other, mount them as a unit
on the metal ring with one Lark 's head knot.
3. Separate the cords into three groups having two long
knotting cords and two short filler cords each.
4. With one group of cords, tie four square knots having two filler cords. (All square knots which follow will have
two filler cords each.)
5. Tie eight half knots, right over left.
6. Tie two square knots. Sk ip down 1" and tie four
more square knots.
7. Slide a bead up the two filler cords.
8. Tie four square knots. Skip down 1" and tie two
more square knots.
9. Tie eight half knots, right over left.
10. Tie eight square knots.
11 . Repeat ste ps 4 thru 10 for the other two groups of
12. Repeat the following procedure for each of the
groups you have just knotted: skip down 1W'; alternate by
taking a filler cord and a knotting cord from each of the two
adjacent knots, and tie two square knots having four cords in
13. Skip down 1Y2 " and tie all the cords together with
the gathering cord.
14. Cut the fringe to measure 6".
23" long with a 9" fringe
53 yds. 3-ply small jute
Piece of driftwood, 8%" to 9" length
2%" dia. terra cotta pot
White craft glue
0" --.-----
Actu a l Si ze Cord
18" long plus a 7" fringe
19 yds. df 5-ply thin jute
3 macrame' beads, 5/8" long
31h" - 4" dia. ceramic pot
1. Cut three cords measuring 4 yds. each, and three
cords measuring two yds. each. Cut the remaining length into
a 12" gathering cord to use in step 2 and an 18" gathering
cord to use in step 14.
2. Fold each cord in half. Alternately place the folded
ends of the long and short cords together to form the top
loop of the hanger. Wrap the top with the 12" gathering cord.
3. Separate the cords into three groups having twb long
knotting cords and two short filler cords each.
4. With one group of cords, tie five square knots having
two filler cords. (All the square knots which follow will have
two filler cords.)
5. Skip down %" and tie twd square knots.
6. Skip down 2" and tie two square knots. Push these
last two knots up to make a picot.
7. Tie two square knots. Skip down 1" and tie two
more square knots.
8. Slide a bead up the two filler cords.
9. Tie two square knots. Skip down 1" and tie two
square knots.
10. Skip down 2" and tie two square knots. Push these
last two knots up to make a picot.
11. Skip down i" and tie four square knots. Push up.
12. Repeat steps 4 thru 11 with the other two groups
of cords.
13. Repeat the following procedure for each of the
groups you have just knotted; skip down 1 Y2"; take a filler
cord and a knotting cord from each of two neighboring
knots, and tie two square knots having four cords in all.
14. Skip down 2" and tie all the cords together with
the 18" gathering cord.
15. Cut the fringe to measure 8". Tie an overhand knot
at the bottom of each fringe cord.
22" long plus 13" fringe
34 yds. 8-ply jute
3" dia. wooden hoop
6" dia. wooden hoop
5" to 6" Mexican pot
. 14
Meas ure
27" long plus 9" fringe
32 yds. 4-ply heavy jute
21,12" dia. metal ring
1. Cut six cords measuring 5 yds each.
Fold all cords
in half, placing the loops neatly side by side. Tie the loops
together with a 26" gathering cord, leaving 11,12" of loops
above the gathering cord. This gives you twelve cords measuring 21,12 yds. each.
2. Arrange cords into four groups of three cords each.
With the four groups of cords, tie two Chinese crown knots.
3. Slip a 21,12" ring over the top and drop it down 11,12"
from the last Chinese crown knot. With each of the twelve
cords tie one double half-hitch onto the ring to secure it.
4. Arrange the cords into four new groups of three
cords each. Repeat steps five thru ten for each group.
5. Tie nine half knots having one filler cord.
6. Skip down 3" and tie one square knot having one
filler cord.
7. Skip down 2" and tie one square knot. Push the
knot up into a picot.
8. Slide an orange bead up the filler cord. Skip down
2" and tie one square knot. Push the knot up into a picot
directly under the bead.
9. Skip down 1 %" and tie a square knot. Push the knot
up into a picot.
10. Skip down 21,12" and tie ten half knots having one
filler cord.
11. Repeat the following procedure for each of the
groups you have just knotted : skip down 3". take one knotting cord from each of two neighboring knots and tie two
12. Skip down 4". Gather and tie all cords together
with a 26" gathering cord.
13. Cut fringe to measure 9".
(Continued from page 14)
groups you have just knotted: Skip down 2%", take two
cords from each of two neighboring knots and tie a square
knot having two filler cords.
13. For each group just knotted, skip down 1" and
take two cords from each of two neighboring knots to tie a
square knot.
14. Gather and tie all cords together with a 45" gathering cord directly under the last knots.
15. Trim fringe to measure 13".
1. Cut four cords measuring 1 yd. 9" each. Place two
cords together, fold in half and attach to the ring with a
Lark's head. Repeat with the other two cords. This gives you
eight cords measuring 22" each.
2. Cut four cords measuring 1 /j yards each. Place
two cords together, fold in half, and attach to the ring with a
Lark's head on the left side of the cords attached in step 1.
Repeat for the other two cords and attach them on the right
side of the cords attached in step 1. This gives you sixteen
cords on the ring.
3. HEAD: Divide the cords into three groups as follows:
four long cords in the first group; eight short cords in the
second group; four long cords in the third group. Using groups
one and three as the knotting cords, and group two as the
filler cord, tie four square knots. Make a square knot button
by bringing the group two filler cords up over the knot and
down between the center space of the four Lark's head knots
and the ring. Pull the cords thru to form the button . Using
group one and three as knotting cords and group two as the
filler cord, tie a square knot directly beneath the button to
hold it firm. This completes the head.
4. ARMS: Using the group of four cords at the extreme
right, tie ten regular square knots having two filler cords. Repeat with the group of four cords at the extreme left.
5. BODY: Number the eight center cords 1 thru 8 from
left to right. Using cords 3-6, tie four regular square knots
having two filler cords. (You will now have two free cords
at each side.)
6. WINGS: Cut ten cords measuring 1 yd. 4" each.
Fold one cord in half and pin the loop next to the two free
cords at the right side of the body. Tie one square knot having
two filler cords, snugly against the body. Using one filler
cord and one knotting cord on the right half of this knot,
add another cord as before, this time leaving a slight loop
for a picot at the top. Repeat three more times, each time
leaving a slightly longer picot. You now have twelve cords
on the right side of the body. Number the cords 1 thru 12
from left to right. Separate these cords into three groups of
four cords each and tie one square knot with each group.
The lower portion of each wing is made from rows of
horizontal double half hitches. For each row, use two cords
at the extreme right for holding cords and two cords together each time for knotting cords, tie four rows as follows:
Row 1 (Holding cords 11-12) 5 double half-hitches.
Row 2 (Holding cords 10-9) 4 double half-hitches.
Row 3 (Holding cords 8-7) 3 double half-hitches.
(Continued on page 23)
. I
22" long plus 10" fringe
34 yds. 8-ply jute
3" dia. wooden hoop
5" to 6" dia. Mexican pot
Measure men t
Ga ge
25" long plus a 9" fringe
Like the cadence of an ardent incan tation to the Chinese goddess Ouan Yin, the
rhythmical sinnets of this captiviating piece
rise to a graceful resolution abo ve the poised
branches of ivy. The fluid lines of "L yric io
Ivory" make this off-white hanger an elegant
accessory for a forma/living room decorated
in the Oriental mode. It is eq ually enchanting in an artful contempo ra r y or pro vincial
setting. I f your spirit responds to re fined
style, don't wait to get acquainted with
simple elegance in macrame ' - c ompose a
" Lyric in Ivory" as a statemen t of yo ur o wn
best taste.
33 yds. cotton seine
1%" brass ring
6" to 8" flower pot
A ct ua l Size Co rd
1. Cut eight cords measuring 4 yds.
eac h. Cut two 18" gathering cords.
2. Fold each 4 yd. cord in half and
place thru the b rass ring so all ends are
3. Tie the top of the cords together
with a gathering cord.
4. Skip down 4" below the ring.
Divide the cords into four groups of four
cords each .
5. With one group of cords, tie a sinnet of 20 half knots having two filler cords.
6. Repeat with the other three groups.
7. Change the cords of one group
from knotters to filler cords and tie an other sinnet of twenty half knots.
8 . Repeat with the other three groups.
9. Skip down 4". Take a filler cord
and a knotting cord from each of the two
adjacent knots and tie two square knots
having four cords in all .
10. Repeat with the remaining cords.
11 . Skip down 4" and tie all the
cords together with a gathering cord.
12. Cut the fringe to measure 9".
0 -----.-----Measurement
Actual Size
of loops .
SPAer rtf:f:Dlf:
(Continued from page 17)
ALTERNATING CORDS means to use the right cords of one
group of cords and the left cords of the neighboring group to
form specified knots in a horizontal row. below and between the
previous row of knots.
CORD , CORDAGE, CORDS. Length or lengths of your macrame'
materials .
KNOTTING CORDS (KNOTTERS) are the cords which are used
to tie knots .
FILLER CORDS (FILLERS) are the non-working cords around
which knotting co rds are tied.
~ lf~.....
~r ~~
Rf \
,... ~1
Bottom V iew
Figure A
Fo ld one end of gathering
cord into a loop. Hold end, loop
base secure, and wrap cord around
loop. Place end B inside loop.
(Fig. 1) Pull end A unti I loop and
end B are inside gathering cord.
Clip off ends. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
H-17 1
H-17 2
H- 17 3
H-1 8 0
H-1 83
H -18 6
t-J- 18 7
H- 193
Macrame' Hang-Ups
~asy To Make Macrame' Pot Hangers
Plast ic Bottle F un
Con tempo rary Shell Craft
Fun With Felt
Deco u page St art T o Fin ish
Make It With Ya rn and Bur lap
Three Dimensio nal D ecou page
D eco rati n g Ideas For Th e Year Aro un d
M agic Wi th R ibbo(l S~raw
D rapin g T he King~
Creati ng Ca ndl es For Easy Livi n g
Beautiful Fl owers 'n Thi ngs
Egg Carton Magic .
H-2 07
H -208
H-2 1 0
H- 2 13
H-21 4
H-2 15
H-2 18
H-2 20
H-22 2
H -225
H -226