The Pivotal Role of Epistemology Within Philosophy
The Pivotal Role of Epistemology Within Philosophy
The Pivotal Role of Epistemology Within Philosophy
I can now offer an alternative view of the way in which the problems of
epistemology and metaphysics are related to those in what I have called the
peripheral philosophical disciplines. Everything I have so far said has been based on
the assumption that what is really fundamental to philosophy is the question
regarding the nature and intelligibility of reality. It is easy to see that this question
must lead on to a consideration of what we mean by intelligibility in the first place.
What is it to understand something, to grasp the sense of something? Now if we
look at the contexts in which the notions of understanding, of making something
intelligible, are used we find that these differ widely amongst themselves. Moreover,
if those contexts are examined and compared, it soon becomes apparent that the
notion of intelligibility is systematically ambiguous (in Professor Ryles sense of the
phrase) in its use in those contexts: that is, its sense varies systematically according
to the particular context in which it is being used.
The scientist, for instance, tries to make the world more intelligible; but so do the
historian, the religious prophet and the artist; so does the philosopher. And although
we may describe the activities of all these kinds of thinker in terms of the concepts
of understanding and intelligibility, it is clear that in very many important ways, the
objectives of each of them differ from the objectives of any of the others. For
instance, I have already tried, in Section 3, to give some account of the differences
between the kinds of understanding of reality sought by the philosopher and the
scientist respectively.
It does not follow from this that we are just punning when we speak of the activities
of all these enquirers in terms of the notion of making things intelligible. That no
more follows than does a similar conclusion with regard to the word game when
Wittgenstein shows us that there is no set of properties common and peculiar to all
the activities correctly so called (Cf. 37:I, 6671). There is just as much point in
saying that science, art, religion and philosophy are all concerned with making
things intelligible as there is in saying that football, chess, patience and skipping are
all games. But just as it would be foolish to say that all these activities are part of
one supergame, if only we were clever enough to learn how to play it, so is it foolish
to suppose that the results of all those other activities should all add up to one
grand theory of reality (as some philosophers have imagined: with the corollary that
it was their job to discover it).
On my view then, the philosophy of science will be concerned with the kind of
understanding sought and conveyed by the scientist; the philosophy of religion will
be concerned with the way in which religion attempts to present an intelligible
picture of the world; and so on. And of course these activities and their aims will be
mutually compared and contrasted. The purpose of such philosophical enquiries will
be to contribute to our understanding of what is involved in the concept of
intelligibility, so that we may better understand what it means to call reality
intelligible. It is important for my purposes to note how different is this from the
underlabourer conception. In particular, the philosophy of science (or of whatever
enquiry may be in question) is presented here as autonomous, and not parasitic on
science itself, as far as the provenance of its problems is concerned. The motive
force for the philosophy of science comes from within philosophy rather than from
within science. And its aim is not merely the negative one of removing obstacles
from the path to the acquisition of further scientific knowledge, but the positive one
of an increased philosophical understanding of what is involved in the concept of
intelligibility. The difference between these conceptions is more than a verbal one.
It might appear at first sight as if no room had been left for metaphysics and
epistemology. For if the concept of intelligibility (and, I should add, the concept of
reality equally) are systematically ambiguous as between different intellectual
disciplines, does not the philosophical task of giving an account of those notions
disintegrate into the philosophies of the various disciplines in question? Does not
the idea of a special study of epistemology rest on the false idea that all varieties of
the notion of intelligibility can be reduced to a single set of criteria?
That is a false conclusion to draw, though it does provide a salutary warning against
expecting from epistemology the formulation of a set of criteria of intelligibility. Its
task will rather be to describe the conditions which must be satisfied if there are to
be any criteria of understanding at all.
Ilmuwan, misalnya, mencoba untuk membuat dunia lebih dimengerti, tetapi begitu juga
sejarawan, nabi agama dan artis, begitu pula filsuf. Dan meskipun kita mungkin menggambarkan
kegiatan dari semua jenis pemikir dalam hal konsep pemahaman dan kejelasan, jelas bahwa caracara penting yang sangat banyak, tujuan dari masing-masing berbeda dari tujuan apapun yang
lain. Misalnya, saya sudah mencoba, dalam Pasal 3, untuk memberikan beberapa rekening
perbedaan antara jenis pemahaman realitas 'dicari oleh filsuf dan ilmuwan masing-masing.
Ia tidak mengikuti dari hal ini bahwa kita hanya punning ketika kita berbicara tentang kegiatan
semua enquirers dalam hal gagasan membuat hal-hal dimengerti. Itu tidak lebih dari berikut
melakukan kesimpulan serupa berkaitan dengan 'permainan' kata ketika Wittgenstein
menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa tidak ada set properti umum dan khas bagi semua kegiatan
dengan benar disebut (bdk. 37: I, 66-71). Ada titik seperti banyak mengatakan bahwa ilmu
pengetahuan, seni, agama dan filsafat semua prihatin dengan membuat hal-hal dimengerti karena
ada dengan mengatakan bahwa sepak bola, catur, kesabaran dan melewatkan semua permainan.
Tapi hanya karena akan bodoh untuk mengatakan bahwa semua kegiatan ini merupakan bagian
dari salah satu supergame, kalau saja kita cukup pintar untuk belajar bagaimana memainkannya,
sehingga itu bodoh untuk menganggap bahwa hasil dari semua kegiatan lain semua harus
menambah salah satu teori besar realitas (karena beberapa filsuf membayangkan: dengan
Pada pandangan saya itu, filsafat ilmu akan peduli dengan jenis pemahaman dicari dan
disampaikan oleh ilmuwan, filsafat agama akan peduli dengan cara di mana agama mencoba
untuk menyajikan gambaran yang jelas tentang dunia, dan sebagainya . Dan tentu saja kegiatan
dan tujuan mereka akan saling dibandingkan dan dikontraskan. Tujuan dari pertanyaan filosofis
tersebut akan memberikan kontribusi untuk pemahaman kita tentang apa yang terlibat dalam
konsep kejelasan, sehingga kita dapat mengerti lebih baik apa artinya untuk memanggil
dimengerti realitas. Hal ini penting untuk tujuan saya untuk dicatat bagaimana ini berbeda dari
konsepsi underlabourer. Secara khusus, filsafat ilmu (atau apa pun pertanyaan mungkin dalam
pertanyaan) disajikan di sini sebagai otonom, dan tidak parasit pada ilmu pengetahuan itu
sendiri, sejauh asal dari masalah yang bersangkutan. Kekuatan motif untuk filsafat ilmu berasal
dari dalam filsafat ketimbang dari dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Dan tujuannya adalah bukan hanya
satu negatif menghilangkan hambatan dari jalan dengan akuisisi pengetahuan ilmiah lebih lanjut,
tapi yang positif dari pemahaman filosofis peningkatan apa yang terlibat dalam konsep kejelasan.
Ini mungkin muncul pada pandangan pertama seolah-olah tidak ada ruang telah meninggalkan
bagi metafisika dan epistemologi. Karena jika konsep dimengerti (dan, saya harus
menambahkan, konsep realitas yang sama) secara sistematis ambigu antara disiplin intelektual
yang berbeda, tidak tugas filosofis memberikan penjelasan tentang konsep-konsep hancur
menjadi filsafat dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang bersangkutan ? Bukankah ide studi khusus
istirahat epistemologi pada gagasan palsu bahwa semua jenis gagasan kejelasan dapat dikurangi
Itu merupakan kesimpulan palsu untuk menarik, meskipun tidak memberikan peringatan yang
bermanfaat terhadap mengharapkan dari epistemologi perumusan seperangkat kriteria
dimengerti. Tugasnya lebih akan menggambarkan kondisi yang harus dipenuhi jika ada akan ada
kriteria pemahaman sama sekali.