Lec 7

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Fundamentals of Operations Research

Prof. G. Srinivasan
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Lecture No # 7
Simplex Algorithm Termination

(Refer Slide Time: 01:1)

We continue our lecture on Termination. We look at two more aspects of terminations which are
Unboundedness and Invisibility. We look at unboundedness with an example.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:33)

We take this example. Maximize 4X1 + 3X2 subject to X1 6X2 less than or equal to 5; 3X1 less
than or equal to 11; X1, X2 greater than are equal to 0. As usual we add the two slack variables
+ X3 = 5; + X4 = 11; X3, X4 greater than are equal to 0 and we create the simplex table.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:11)

With X3 and X4 as starting basic variables, X1, X2, X3 and X4 right hand side. Start with X3 and
X4; 4X1 + 3X2 0 0 these values are 0 and 0. 1 6 1 0 5 3 0 0 1 11 Cj Zj. These two are 0 also
X3 and X4 are basic so they will have Cj Zj or 0.
So 0 into 1 + (0 into 3) is = 0 and we get 4 and 3 respectively. This will become 0. Now variable
X1 with the largest value of Cj Zj enters. X1 enters. To find out the leaving variable we compute

theta. 5 divided by 1 is = 5 and 11 divided by 3 is 11/3. Now 11/3 is smaller than 5 so variable
X4 leaves the basis, X1 enters and this is the pivot element. So now we have X3 and X1 replacing
X4. Now divide by the pivot element to get (1 0 0 1/3 11/3). This (Refer Slide Time: 4:11) is 4
and this is 0. We need a 0 here so this minus this would give 0 so 1 1 = 0; 6 0 is = 6; 1 0
is = 1; 0 1/3 is = 1/3; 5 11/3 is = 4/3.
Cj Zj, X1 and X3 are basic variable so we get 0. 0 into ( 6 + 4) into 0 = 0; 3 0 is = 3;
0 into ( 1/3 + 4) into 1/3 is = 4/3 you get a 4/3. 0 into 4/3 + (4 into 11/3) is = 44/3.
Now variable X2 with a positive value of Cj Zj enters. You have to find out a leaving variable.
We try and compute theta. You realize that this is negative. Therefore you cannot compute this
theta. This is 0, you cannot compute this theta. There is no theta. So the algorithm will terminate
because the algorithm is unable to find a leaving variable. It is able to find an entering variable
but it is not able to find a leaving variable. So the algorithm will also terminate. This
phenomenon where the algorithm terminates when it is unable to find the leaving variable is
called unboundedness. What exactly is this unboundedness? We will see by drawing the graph
corresponding to this problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:44)

This is (5, 0) one of the points. We need to draw X1 6X2 = 5. So if we put X2 = 1 here then
X1 will also be 1 so this will be the point. So we have another point. One point is (5, 0) the
other point would be for example, if X2 is 1/2 then X1 will be 8. (6 7 8 and1/2) so the line is
somewhat like this. This is the line X1 6X2 = 5. This divides it into two regions. So (0, 0) is less
than this. This is the feasible region corresponding to this constraint. Now 3X1 less than or equal
to 11 would give us a point X1 = 11/3 so, (1 2 3 4), roughly, this is 11/3 so this is, 1 less than or
equal to 11/3 is all this Refer Slide Time: 7:27). So the region that satisfies all the constraints is
actually this region which goes right up to infinity and we have this. Therefore the first important
thing is that this region is not bounded. So this set of constraints represents an unbounded region
in the first place and then an unbounded solution.

Now what is the difference between the unbounded region and the unbounded solution? Let us
also draw the objective function. Suppose we draw 4X1 + 3X2 = 12, we have three points (3, 0)
(0, 4), this is the Objective function line. As we maximize we realize that the objective function
is moving in this direction and it will not get the optimum point because the region is unbound.
Both X1 and X2 can go up to infinity. On the other hand if the problem happened to minimize
4X1 + 3X2 subject to same constraints, the objective function line is now going to move in this
direction and then it will terminate by giving the point (0,0) as the optimum point.
So there are two aspects to it. One is that the feasible region can be unbounded so the problem
has an unbounded region and it can have an unbounded solution if the objective function is
moving in this certain direction. So this is an example where we have both an unbounded
feasible solution as well as unbounded region. Depending on the objective function, sometimes a
region that is unbounded may still have an optimum. In this example we are seeing a situation
where the feasible region is unbounded as well as the solution is unbounded. So unboundedness
is indicated by simplex algorithm being able to identify an entering variable and not being able to
identify a leaving variable. In fact we can do one more thing which is this. If we had looked at
the very first iteration now, we see both the non basic variables X1 and X2 having positive value.
So far we have been very consistent in trying to enter that non basic variable with the largest
positive Cj Zj. By now we can understand that any variable with a positive Cj Zj can enter and
can improve the objective function. So instead of entering this 4 if we had tried to enter the
variable X2 with 3 in the very first stage we wouldnt be able to find out the leaving variable and
therefore we could have indicated unboundedness right here.
What we are actually trying to do is we could have seen the unboundedness right here but then
from this point we move to another point here and then we realize that we are going to get
unbounded region. So it is not absolutely necessary that we always need to enter the variable to
the largest positive Cj Zj. We could enter any variable with a positive Cj Zj in which case for
this example, we could have detected unboundedness earlier than what we arrange. Now let us
go back to this. So right here end of the first iteration we observed.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:52)

The variable X2, C2 Z2 = 3 can enter the basis. But we are unable to fix a leaving variable.
Algorithm terminates. It is unable to find the leaving variable. Such a thing is called
unboundedness, indicating that variable X2 can take any value and still none of the present basic
variable should become infeasible. Now the value of the objective function is infinity in this
case. Now as I had explained in all simplex iterations it is customary to enter the variable to the
maximum possible value of Cj Zj based on which we entered X1 in the first iteration but if we
had tried to enter this we could have still found the unboundedness at the first iteration. This is
also interesting that most of times we enter a variable based on the largest coefficient rule which
is called the largest Cj Zj rule. There could be other rules which you could use to enter

(Refer Slide Time: 11:49)

There is something called the largest increase rule. For example for every candidate that enters
you can find out the corresponding theta. We know that the increase in the objective function is
the product of the Cj Zj and theta. So for every positive value of Cj Zj we can go back and
find out the corresponding theta and multiply the Cj Zj and theta to find out the increase. We
could then choose the variable which gives a largest increase in the objective function rather than
the largest coefficient. So the first rule is called the largest coefficient rule. The Cj Zj rule. We
could think of something called the largest increase rule as well. We can think of something like
the first positive Cj Zj enters. Now these things become important when we are solving large
size linear programming problems.
It may not be necessary to evaluate a large number of Cj Zjs to find out the maximum hence
one could just enter the first positive Cj Zj. One could also think of some kind of a random
allocation. Pick a non basic variable randomly, compute it Cj Zj. If it is positive, enter it or keep
doing this till you get the first randomly picked non basic variable with the positive Cj Zj. So
these things are also available. It is also interesting to note that none of these rules consistently
are able to outperform the others in terms of number of iterations. So far based on many
experiments and researches that have been conducted, the largest coefficient rule that we
commonly use seems to work better than the rest of the others.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:33)

Coming back to unboundedness we observe that their unboundedness is caused when the feasible
region is not bounded as shown in this example. Sometimes the nature of the objective function
can be such that even if the feasible region is unbounded the problem may have an optimum
solution which was explained by a minimization function for the same example. Another aspect
of termination is there is something called infeasibility which we will again see in another

(Refer Slide Time: 14:05)

Now let us consider this example for infeasibility. Maximize 4X1 + 3X2; X1 + 4X2 less than or
equal to 3; 3X1 + X2 greater than or equal to 12. X1 X2 greater than or equal to 0. Now we add a
positive slack variable X3 here to convert this to an equation. This is a greater than or equal to
type inequality, so we add a negative slack X4 = 12; X3, X4 greater than or equal to 0
Now X3 will qualify to be a basic variable and X4 will not. Therefore we need to add an artificial
variable so we add + a1 = 12. We now try to solve this problem using the big M method.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:22)

It is a maximization problem. So we have + 0X3 + 0X4 Ma1. So we get a M here. We now

start with X3 and a1. So, a1 has a minus here; X3 has a 0; X1 + 4X2 + X3 + 0X4 3;

3X1 + X2; 0; X4; + a1 = 12; Cj Zj. 0 into 1 (M into 3) is = 3M; 4 ( 3 M) is = 4 + 3M

So this is 3M + 4, 0 into 4 (M into 1) is = M; 3 ( M) is = M + 3; 0; 0 into 0, M into 1 is
= + M; So M and a1 has 0.
Now between these two 3M + 4 is bigger than M + 3 because M is large and positive so once
again variable X1 with the larger Cj Zj will enter. Now we need to find theta.
This is a right hand side value. 3 divided by 1 is = 3; 12 divided by 3 is = 4. Being a smaller
variable, X3 leaves the basis. This is the pivot element so variable X1 would replace X3 in the
basis. So we have X1 and a1; X1 has 4 and a1 has M. Now divide by the pivot element to get (1
4 1 0 0 3). We need a 0 here. So this 3 times this would give a 0. 3 (3 times 1) is = 0; 1 (3
into 4 = 12) is 11; 0 (1 into 3 is) = 3; 1 (3 into 0) is = 1; 1 (3 into 0) is = 1; 12 (3
into 3 = 9) is = 3
Now Cj Zj, variables X1 and a1 are now basic so we will get a 0 here 16 + 11M; 3 16 11M.
So this is 11M 13. This is 4 + 3M. So 0 4 3M, so 3 M 4; 4 into 0 = 0; M into 1 is
= + M; 0 (+ M) is = M. 4 into 3 = 12 but we have an artificial variable here and we still do
not write the value here. Now let us go back and check whether there is an entering variable in
this case. All the non basic variables X2, X3, and X4 now are clearly negative because M is large
and positive. They all have negative coefficients forever so the algorithm terminates. Algorithm
terminates because it is not able to find an entering variable. When the algorithm terminates what
we have found is that the artificial variable has still not left the basis. It continues to hang on and
stay in the basis. Now what does it mean? We said when we introduce an artificial variable we
are introducing it for the purpose of getting a basic feasible solution. We also said that the
artificial variable should not lie in the solution because if an optimal solution exists, then the
value of the objective function corresponding to that solution will always be for a maximization
problem higher than any basic feasible solution that involves an artificial variable.
Now what happens is that, the optimum solution is found but the artificial variable is still
hanging on. This means that the problem does not have an optimal solution because if the
problem had an optimal solution without the artificial variable (because the artificial variable is
not part of the original problem) then obviously that solution will be without the artificial
variables and that will definitely have a higher than any basic feasible solution which has an
artificial variable. Since we have the optimal containing the artificial variable, it goes back to
show that the problem does not have an optimum solution or to put it more in general terms, the
problem does not have even a single basic feasible solution. If the problem had a single basic
feasible solution, then that would not have an artificial variable then that would have had an
objective function value higher than any solution like this which has an artificial variable.
Therefore this indicates that the problem is infeasible. Problem is not feasible or the problem is
infeasible. Now let us see how this problem is infeasible by drawing the graph corresponding to
these constraints.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:24)

So the graph will be like this. X1 + 4X2 less than or equal to 3, so 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and the two
constraints are X1 + 4 X2 less than or equal to 3; 3X1 + X2 greater than or equal to 12.
So X1 + 4X2 less than or equal to 3 would give (3, 0) and (0, 3/4). This will be the line. 3X1 + X2
greater than or equal to 12 is (4, 0), here and (0, 12) which is somewhere else. So you will find a
line coming from somewhere here and this side up.
So you realize that there is no feasibility. Reason one being, constraint is moving in this direction
the other constraint is moving in the other so there is no feasible region at all and that is reflected
by this. Now this is the situation were the simplex is able to show that the linear programming
problem may not have an optimal solution at all. If the problem does not have a feasible region
then obviously it cannot have an optimal solution. So simplex is able to detect if a given linear
programming problem does not have a feasible region. That is done by the artificial variable
continuing to remain in the basis even after the optimality is met. Simplex also does something
interesting. It not only says that this is infeasible but indirectly it also tries to give something like
an extent of infeasibility of this problem. Now what does this a1 = to 3 indicate?
Now let us go back to this constraint. This is a constraint which had a1. So if for example this
constraint had been 3X1 + X2 greater than or equal to 9 instead of 12 then what would have
happened is the second constraint would have moved a little bit here and would have exactly
touched this point. So as the bare minimum, you need to move one of the constraints so that you
get at least one feasible point which is indicated by the value that the artificial variable takes at
the optimum. It also tells you how much these right hand side has to be adjusted so that you get
at least one feasible point which would have become optimum. So simplex is not only capable of
detecting infeasibility it also gives a clue as to what should be done to make it feasible. When we
apply this to practical situations, if a practical problem formulated as a linear programming
problem indicates infeasibility, the first thing we need to do is to check whether the right hand
side values are entered properly or estimated properly. So this is going to give us a clue that
something may have been wrong in the estimation of this 12, as a result of which it would have
become infeasible. Simplex normally does not look at this, it only gives a feel about the artificial

value for all that may be possible. If this constraint had been for example, 6 or 7 or some large
number then we may still have got a feasible solution. Simplex does not look at that part, it will
look only at the artificial variable part and gives part wise answers to the fact that this system is
infeasible. So these are the basic four aspects of termination which we have seen. The four
aspects that we have seen are Alternative optimum, Unboundedness, Infeasibility and then one
more which is cycling that we need to see.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:52)

Let us go back to this. Simplex not only is capable of detecting infeasibility but also shows the
extent of infeasibility. This a1 = 3 forces us to make this 12 as 9 so that we could get a solution.


(Refer Slide Time: 26:04)

Now what are the termination conditions? Basically for maximization problems there are these
termination conditions. All non basic variables have negative value, Cj Zj. That is the ideal
situation that represents a unique optimum and simplex will terminate giving a unique optimum
and in this case, this is the termination condition with which we started. The basic variables are
either decision variables or slack variables. Algorithm terminates indicating a unique optimum
solution. Second condition is basic variables are either decision variables or slack variables. All
non/slack variables Cj Zj less than or equal to 0 but at least one non basic variable as Cj Zj = 0
indicates alternate optimum.
We need to proceed to find the other corner point which simplex is able to detect and terminate
and then understand that simplex, being capable of looking only at corner points has given us
only two alternate optima but there exists many numbers of alternate optima. Any line any point
in joining these two would indicate optimum for a 2/2 problem. This is alternate optimum. Then
what is unboundedness? Once again algorithm identifies an entering variable but it is unable to
identify a leaving variable because all values in the entering column are less than or equal to 0.
This indicates unboundedness and the algorithm terminates. The last one would be all non basic
variables have Cj Zj less than or equal to 0. Artificial variables still existing in the basis
indicates infeasibility and the algorithm terminates. So these are the four termination condition
that we have for linear programming problems.


(Refer Slide Time: 27:46)

The last aspect is if the algorithm still does not terminate then something can happen and that is
called cycling. If a simplex algorithm fails to terminate based on the above conditions then it will
cycle. We are not going to explain cycling through an example here. But I will tell you what
cycling is all about. In all the simplex iterations that we have seen till now, we have seen that
every iteration is characterized by a set of basic variables and more importantly a unique set of
basic variables. So far in no simplex iteration did we go back to the same set of basic variables.
The only time we came very close to doing it was when we had an alternate optimum and then
we said we move to the other solution and if we had iterated we could have come back to one
more solution. Now is what is called cycling.
Cycling is a phenomenon in which you are in the middle of simplex iteration with certain set of
basic variables. You go through some 3 or 4 or certain number of iterations and you have
realized that you have come back to the same set that was there earlier and you are not satisfying
any of the termination conditions. Such a thing is called cycling. Cycling is a very rare
phenomenon. We do not have too many reported instances or problems that cycle. In fact so far
there has been no report of a practical problem or a linear programming problem formulated out
of a practical situation which cycles. There have been reports where people have said that they
have encountered problems that cycle but we still do not have an example taken from a practical
situation which cycles.
There are a few examples that are available in the books which show the cycling phenomenon.
But cycling is not a very common phenomenon. There are also some interesting results like for
the problem to cycle it should have at least three constraints, six variables and so on but we will
not go deeper into cycling in this part of the operation research course. So we would enter
discussion on linear programming with the termination conditions for linear programming, with
these four conditions, plus cycling and say that if the linear programming problem does not
terminate then it should cycled. We have seen all the three aspects of the simplex algorithms,
Initialization, Iteration and Termination. We will now look at a couple of more examples to see

some other things that simplex can do other then solving a linear programming problem. We will
take some examples to do each one of them. Now the first one is that this simplex can be used to
solve simultaneous equations or linear equations.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:48)

So we take an example to explain that we are into solving linear equations. We just take a simple
example to solve linear equations. So without an objective function we just take 4X1 + 3X2 = 25;
2X1 + X2 = 11. Remember we do not have an objective function in this case whereas every linear
programming problem is characterized by an objective function. We right now are going to
assume that the solution to this has X1, X2 greater than or equal to 0 or if X1, X2 is greater than or
equal to 0 then simplex will detect it. So we first convert this to a case by adding artificial
variables. So we have + a1 = 25; + a2 = 11. Now if the original problem, 4X1 + 3X2 = 25; 2X1 +
X2 = 11 has a solution then that should not have this a1 and a2. So what we do now is we create
an artificial objective function. We now take this problem. We create an objective function;
minimize a1 + a2 subject to the conditions X1, X2, a1, a2 greater than or equal to 0. So if this
problem has an optimal solution then a1 and a2 will not be there. If this problem has an optimal
solution or a single. Let us assume, it has a unique solution then this will be able to detect if a1
and a2 do not appear in the basis. So we formulate a problem with a1 and a2 as starting artificial
variables and then we proceed. Now we can see that here. Now we add artificial variables. We
define an objective function, minimize a1 + a2. If the original equation has a non negative
solution then we should have a feasible basis with X1 and X2 having Z = 0 for the linear
programming problem. The simplex iterations are shown in the next table.


(Refer Slide Time: 33:08)

So we now have the simplex table that is given here with a1 and a2 as the starting basic variables.
Variable X1 will enter now with a most positive Cj Zj. Remember it is a minimization function
minimizing a1 + a2. So a1 and a2 now have a 1 because in simplex we convert it to a
maximization problem. We have a 1 here in the basis. Variable X1 enters with value 6. Find
theta 25/4, 11/2. 11/2 is smaller than 25/4, so variable a2 leaves the basis. We do the Simplex
iterations here with a1 and X1. In this table after computing Cj Zj we realize that variable X2
now enters the basis and a1 leaves the basis and finally we have a solution with X1 = 4; X2 equal
to 3 and Z = 0.


(Refer Slide Time: 34:24)

So now the linear programming solution for this is given by X1 = 4; X2 = 3; Z = 0; a1 and a2 do

not appear in the solution. Now this is optimal to a given set of equations 4X1 + 3X2 = 25; 2X1 +
X2 = 11. We can use simplex to solve a set of linear equations 2/2, two variables, two constraints
or any three variables, any M variable, M constraint problems, provided they are all equations,
provided they are greater than or equal to 0, by adding artificial variables here, by creating an
objective function, minimize some of the artificial variables. Finally if there is a solution then all
those will come into the basis. Every single artificial variable will be eliminated. Finally we will
get a basic feasible solution with X1 equal to something X2 equal to something. In this example
X1 = 4; X2 = 3 with Z = 0; the objective function tries to minimize a1 + a2 in this case. So this is
an additional thing that simplex algorithm can offer.


(Refer Slide Time: 35:30)

Simplex can also do another interesting thing. Now given a set of equations we know from
algebra that 3 things are possible.
We can get a unique solution we could have infinite number of solutions and it may not have a
solution at all. When a system does not have a solution at all it is infeasible. We have seen how
simplex can detect infeasibility. When a system of equations has a unique solution we have just
seen how simplex can identify that unique solution. So the last thing is if the system is linearly
dependent then it will have a infinite number of solutions. We will see how simplex is used to
detect a system of linearly dependent equations. So we again take an example with that. The
example that we can consider is like this.


(Refer Slide Time: 36:27)

We have a system which is like this 2X1 + 3X2 = 6; 4X1 + 6X2 = 12 is a linearly dependent
system. Now we want to solve this. We now realize that this matrix is singular and so on but then
we can still use simplex to solve this. Now we again add two artificial variables here + a1 + a2.
We now want to introduce an objective function which minimizes a1 + a2. We have X1, X2 a1, a2
greater than or equal to 0. Now we set the simplex table. Simplex iterations are shown in the next
table. It is like this. Again it is a minimization problem. We have converted it to maximization by
multiplying with the 1. We start with a1 and a2 as the basic variables. So a1 and a2 have a 1


(Refer Slide Time: 37:40)

Now variable X2 with Cj Zj = 9 enters the basis and replaces variable a1. Now in the next
iteration we realize that X2 and a2 are in the basis. Now we come to the situation were variable
X1 with 0(Cj Zj) tries to enter and more importantly you realize here that the artificial variable
a2 now takes value 0 here. We perform the next iteration. We realize that X1 and a2 are in the
basis. Once again Cj Zjs are all 0 or negative. The algorithm terminates. The algorithm
terminates but does not give a give a unique solution. The algorithm terminates with an artificial
variable lying in the basis but more importantly with value 0, we can see here that the artificial
variable is in the basis and takes value 0. So when we solve a set of equations and if the artificial
variable takes 0 at optimum, it is in the basis and takes 0 at the optimum which indicates that we
are looking at a linearly dependent system of equations.
So simplex is capable of also indicating linear dependency among these equations. In addition to
solving a linear programming problem, simplex algorithm can do two or three other things. One
is, it can detect whether a given linear programming problem is feasible or not. It can detect
infeasibility. It can be use to solve a set of linear equations if it has a unique solution and with all
greater than or equal to 0. More importantly simplex can be used to detect a linearly dependent
system and if the artificial variable is in the basis at the optimum and takes value 0 as in this
example here, it indicates that the system we are trying to solve has a linearly dependent set of
equations next.


(Refer Slide Time: 39:59)

We need to look at one more aspect which we had not dealt with so far. What we need to do is
before we wind up, the basic idea of simplex is to see how the simplex algorithm works if we
have an unrestricted variable in the problem. We mentioned during our initialization that if we
have an unrestricted variable then we replace the variable as a difference of two variables.
So let us take an example here to explain what happens to your simplex algorithm when we are
trying to solve a problem with unrestricted variables.


(Refer Slide Time: 40:46)

The problem that we will consider is this. Maximize 4X1 + 5X2 less than or equal to 8; X1 + 4X2
less than or equal to 10; X1 unrestricted, X2 greater than or equal to 0. We now we replace this
unrestricted variable as a difference of two variables and we write X1 as X3 X4 to get,
(Refer Slide Time: 41:42)

maximize 4X3 4X4 + 5X2 subject to 2X3 2X4 + 3X2 less than or equal to 8
X3 X4 + 4X2 less than or equal to 10; X3, X4 and X2 greater than or equal to 0
Now we convert these inequalities to equations by adding a + X5 = 8 and + X6 = 10 and say X5,
X6 are also greater than or equal to 0.


(Refer Slide Time: 42:49)

Now we set up the simplex table X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6. We start with X5 and X6 here. We have
4X3 4X4, 5X2, 0, and 0. So I have 3X2, 2X3, 2X4, 1X5, 0X6 = 8; 4X2 + X3 X4, 0, 1 = 10.
Cj Zj, these are all 0s so I have (5 4 4 0 0).
So variable X2 with the largest Cj Zj 5 enters the basis and we will replace X6 so we have X5
and X2 in the basis here. This is the pivot element, so dividing by the pivot we would get
1, 1/4, 1/4 = 0, 1/4, 10/4 or 5/2. There is a 0 here and there is a 5 here. Now we need to get a 0
here so 3 (3 times 1) is = 0; 2 3/4 is = 5/4; 2 + 3/4 is = 5/4; 1, 3/4, 8 (3 times 5/2) 8
15/2 is 1/2.
Now Cj Zj will be 0 for X2 and X5 and this would be 4 5/4 is = 11/4; ( 4 + 5/4) = 11/4, 5/4
so I have 5/4 and Z will be = 25/2. So now variable X3 with the largest Cj Zj will enter.
To find out the corresponding theta 1/2 divided by 5/4 is 1/2 into 4/5 which is 4/10 or 2/5.Now
this is 5/2 into 4 is = 10.Variable X5 leaves. This is the pivot element. Now variable X3 replaces
X5 so I have X3 and X5; X3 has 4; X2 has 5 and I perform row operations.
Once again divide this by the pivot element to get this row and this row would look like under X2
I multiply by (4/5 to get 0 1 1 4/5) 3/4 into 4/5 is = 3/5 and this is 2/5. We need a 0 here so
this 1/4 times this. 1 1/4 into 0 is 1. We get a 0. This will also become a 0. 0 (1/4 into 4/5)
is = 1/5. So I get a 1/5. This 1/4 times this so 1/4; ( 1/4 into 3/5) so 1/4 + 3/20 which is
2/5. This 1/4 into this we get 5/2 (1/4 into 2/5) = 5/2 2/20 which will give us 5/2 ( 2/5
into 1/4) 5/2 2/20 = 48/20 which is = 12/5.


(Refer Slide Time: 47:12)

Cj Zj values for X3 and X2 will be 0. This would also be 0. This 16/5 5/5 is = 11/5, 11/5
12/5 + 10/5 is = 2/5. I now get + 2/5; 8/5 + 60 will give us 68/5 so variable X6 with the positive
value of Cj Zj enters. There is only 1 theta which is 12/5 divided by 2/5 = 6; so this is the pivot
element. Now we have variable X6 replacing X2. X3 remains as it is. X3 remains at 4 and X6 is at
0. Divide again by pivot element 2/5 so you get (5/2 0 0 1/2 1 and 6) now I need a 0 here. This
+ 3/5 times this would give a 0 so 0 + 5/2 into 3/5 = 5/2 into 3/5 is = 3/2. I get a 3/2 here, 1 here,
1 here, so this + 3/5 times this. 4/5 3/10 which is = 5/10 which is 1/2. This
(Refer Slide Time: 48:02) will be 0. 2/5 + (3/5 into 6) is = 20/5 gives us 4. So Cj Zj would be,
this is 6, so 5 6 is = 1. This is 0 and this would also be 0. 4 into 1/2 is = 2. 0 2 is 2; 4 into
0 + (0 into 1) is = 0; we get 0 here and the value is 16. Now what we observe here is we have
reached the optimum but there is a non basic variable X4 which has a 0 value of Cj Zj which
can technically enter and if we try to enter this we observe that there is no leaving variable.
So the question is that does it indicate an optimum? Does it indicate unboundedness because I
am unable to find a leaving variable. Does it indicate an alternate optimum because I have a 0
which enters after the termination condition is met?
Now this is something that will happen to all problems that involves unrestricted variable.
This is because one of the variables X3 which we defined here as part of X1, (X1 is now X3 X4)
X3 takes value 4 here in the basis therefore the other variable X4 will now try to enter. Now this
is something which we have to recognize in almost every problem when we use this. This
actually terminates. This indicates neither unboundedness nor alternate optimum but this is a
termination condition when we are solving problem with unrestricted variable.The other variable
will always try to enter the basis and we should be aware of this. Now with this we end our
discussion on the simplex algorithm, the initialization, iteration and termination conditions. We
have also seen an example of how simplex behaves when we are solving unrestricted variables.
In the next lecture we will continue our treatment on simplex algorithm using or learning
principles of duality and sensitivity analysis.


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