This document outlines the Creative Commons license terms for International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) examination questions. IBO examination questions may be used freely for educational purposes as long as IBO is credited as the source and any adaptations or new creations are also licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA terms, which require attribution, prohibit commercial use, and require sharing adaptations under the same license.
This document outlines the Creative Commons license terms for International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) examination questions. IBO examination questions may be used freely for educational purposes as long as IBO is credited as the source and any adaptations or new creations are also licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA terms, which require attribution, prohibit commercial use, and require sharing adaptations under the same license.
This document outlines the Creative Commons license terms for International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) examination questions. IBO examination questions may be used freely for educational purposes as long as IBO is credited as the source and any adaptations or new creations are also licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA terms, which require attribution, prohibit commercial use, and require sharing adaptations under the same license.
This document outlines the Creative Commons license terms for International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) examination questions. IBO examination questions may be used freely for educational purposes as long as IBO is credited as the source and any adaptations or new creations are also licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA terms, which require attribution, prohibit commercial use, and require sharing adaptations under the same license.
All IBO examination questions are published under the following Creative Commons license:
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
The exam papers can be used freely for educational purposes as long as IBO is credited and new creations are licensed under identical terms. No commercial use is allowed.