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Trip Ura PSC

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Advt. No.



Applications are invited in the prescribed form from bonafide citizens of India for
selection of candidates for the under mentioned posts.
Item No. 01:- 33 (Thirty three) [UR-17 (PH Blind-01),SC-06 and ST-10] posts of
Inspector of Schools, Group-B Gazetted under the Education(School) Department,
Government of Tripura in the scale of pay of Rs.9,570 30,000/-, PB-3 with Grade Pay of
Rs. 3,500/- per month subject to revision by the Government from time to time.

Masters Degree/Honours Degree in any subject securing at least 45%marks from any
recognized University with good academic records. A relaxation of 5% marks shall be
allowed to the ST/SC candidates.

ii) B.T./ B.Ed. from any recognized University/T.Ed. [6 months abridged course certified by
Tripura University/CETE from IGNOU (6 months certificate course)].
i) At least 7(seven) years regular teaching experience in any Government/ Government aided
High/Higher Secondary Schools.
2 (two) years relaxation shall be allowed in case of ST/SC candidates.
ii) Knowledge of Bengali or Kok-Borok.
Item No. 02:- 20 (Twenty) (UR-10, SC-03 and ST-07) posts of Lecturer, Group-A
Gazetted for Diploma Level Technical Institutions in Tripura under Education (Higher)
Department, Government of Tripura in the subject/disciplines as mentioned below:
Sl. No.

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Fashion Technology Engineering

No. of Posts
02 (two)

Scale of Pay: Pay Band of Rs. 15,600-39,100/- with initial AGP Rs. 5,400/- per month subject
to revision by the Govt. from time to time.
(i) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION FOR ENGINEERING BRANCHES:Bachelors Degree/Masters Degree in Engineering/Technology in the relevant branch
with First Class or equivalent from AICTE approved Institution.
(ii) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION FOR FASHION TECHNOLOGY BRANCH:First class Bachelors Degree/Masters Degree in Engineering/Technology in the
Branches of Textile Engineering, Garments Manufacturing Technology/Garments Technology,
Clothing Technology, M.Sc in Clothing and Textile from AICTE approved Institution.
(iii) ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION FOR SCIENCE & HUMANITIES BRANCH:First class Masters Degree in appropriate subject with first class or equivalent at
Bachelors or Masters level from UGC affiliated Universities.

Item No. 03:-08 (Eight) (UR-05, SC-01 & ST-02) posts of Information & Cultural
Officer, Group-B Non-Gazetted under the Department of Information & Cultural Affairs,
Government of Tripura in the scale of pay of Rs.9,570 30,000/-, PB-3 with Grade pay of Rs.
2600/- per month.
Educational and other Qualifications:
i) Degree from a recognized University. Preference will be given to the candidates having
Graduate Degree in Mass Communication/Journalism or Graduate in any discipline with Mass
Communication/Journalism as one of the subjects from any recognized University or post
Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication/Journalism from any recognized Institute.
ii) Knowledge of Culture and History of India with special emphasis on Tripura.
i) Experience in Journalism or Editorial Work in any registered Newspaper of any state.
ii) Experience in field of Publicity work.
iii) Knowledge of Kok Borok language.
iv) Ability to participate in Group discussion/Group Meeting/Public meeting etc.
Item No. 04:- 11 (Eleven) (UR-5, SC-2 & ST-4) posts of Inspecting Officer (Drugs),
Group-A Gazetted under Health and Family welfare Department , Government of Tripura in the
Scale of Pay Rs. 13,575-37,000/-, PB-4 with Grade Pay of Rs. 3,700/- per month.
Essential:- Degree in pharmacy or pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in
Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a university established in India by law.
Age for Item No. 01 to 04: Up to 40 years as on 27.01.2015. Upper Age-limit is relaxable
by 5(five) years in case of SC, ST, Differently abled (PH) candidates and Government
Servants, provided that the Govt. servants of SC/ST/ Differently abled (PH) category shall not
get this relaxation over and above the general relaxation of 5 (five) years available to them.
The last date of receiving application is 27.01.2015. The application(s) received after
the closing date will not be entertained.
During submissions of applications, the applicants are not required to submit
self attested copies of certificates/testimonials etc. They will be asked to submit the
same in due course.
Other Important information:(1)
The number of posts to be filled up is subject to increase or decrease following
requisition of the Department.
(2) Prescribed Form availability:- The 4(four) pages Application Form printed in colour font
will be available from all Branches/Extension counters of Tripura Gramin Bank in the State of
Tripura on deposit of the prescribed Recruitment Fee through the Special Deposit Slip to
the Account No. 14711 in favour of the Secretary, T.P.S.C. in the same Branch/Extension
counter as a single window system without any extra charge/Commission from the candidates.


In addition, the said prescribed Form printed in colour font (A4 size 90 GSM paper)
can also be down loaded from the Website http://www.tpsc.gov.in and in that case, the
prescribed Recruitment Fee is to be paid to the Account No.31176521319 of the State Bank
of India (core banking branches) in favour of the Secretary, Tripura Public Service
Commission. The Bank deposit Receipt is to be affixed with the filled up application form in
the specified Box on the 2nd page of the form.
(3) Rate of Recruitment Fees: (i) Group-A Posts:- Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only
for General Candidates and Rs. 150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty) only for ST/SC/ BPL
card holders/Physically Handicapped Candidates.
(ii) Group-B Posts: - Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and fifty) only for General Candidates
and Rs. 100/-(Rupees one hundred) only for ST/SC/BPL card holders/Physically Handicapped
(iii) Group-C Posts: - Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only for General Candidates and
Rs.50/-(Rupees fifty) only for ST/SC/ BPL card holders/Physically Handicapped Candidates.
SC/ST Candidates of other States (not recognized by the Govt. of Tripura) should
apply for unreserved vacancy as general candidate along with recruitment fee prescribed for
general candidates.
Applicants must be in possession of the prescribed minimum qualification(s) for the
post on the closing date for submission of application as mentioned in the advertisement.
Application in the prescribed form duly filled in by the candidate and 2(two) copies of
recent stamp size photographs of the candidate affixed on the Application and Admit Card to
be submitted to the Reception Counter of the TPSC Secretariat by 5.00 PM of the closing
date(27-01-2015). Applicants may obtain the acknowledgement including Receipt Number
from reception counter of the Commission.
The candidates, who will send application by post, are also required to attach to the
application; a self-addressed Post-card indicating the Advertisement No. and name of the post
applied for. Application will be acknowledged by the Commission by returning this card to the
candidate after indicating the Registration No. allotted to the candidate. No separate
acknowledgement other than this card will be sent to them.
Decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate at any stage
of the selection process shall be final.
Assessment and evaluation of the answer scripts done by the Commission shall be final
and shall not be open to scrutiny by any external authority.

Date, time and venue of Screening Test / Interview will be notified in due course.

(10) For further details, read the Instructions to candidates, in the prescribed
Application Form.
Sd/(D Bandopadhyay)
Joint Secretary
Tripura Public Service Commission

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