UC Aerospace Newsletter 2007
UC Aerospace Newsletter 2007
UC Aerospace Newsletter 2007
Fall 2007
Vol. 78, Issue 1
Individual Highlights
From the
Department Head
Faculty News
Alumni News
Student News
Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Eric D. Fingerhut recently announced the University
of Cincinnati Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
received an Ohio Eminent Scholar Award this year in the area of Reliability and Service
Life Management for Advanced Propulsion and Power Systems. This is one of only two
Ohio Eminent Scholar Awards to be designated for 2007 by the Board of Regents in
the state.
This eminent scholar position will complement the current department strengths in
aeropropulsion, turbomachinery, combustion and aeroacoustics research. It will also
expand existing life management research activities in the areas of advanced erosion
and corrosion protection under extreme operational conditions and environmentallyassisted degradation mechanisms, manufacturing quality control, nondestructive
inspection, and real-time in situ engine health monitoring.
With this award, the Department will have the distinction of having two Ohio Eminent
Scholars. Dr. Miklos Sajben, our first Eminent Scholar, joined the Department in 1993.
After his retirement in 1999, Dr. Ephraim Gutmark assumed his current Ohio Eminent
Scholar position in 2000.
Left to right: Provost Tony Perzigian, Cynthia Barryman-Fink, Professor Tom Mantei,
Department Head Awatef Hamed, Chancellor Fingerhut, Professor Bill Heineman,
UC President Zimpher, VP of Research Sandra Degen, Associate Dean Gerner
Much has happened since our last newsletter. Earlier this year we were saddened
by the passing of Brian Rowe, Chairman Emeritus of GE Aircraft Engines. Brian Rowe
was held in high regard at the College of Engineering, not only for his outstanding
professional achievements, but for his commitment to education and steadfast
support of the College, the AE program, and our students.
On the brighter side, our two new faculty, Professors Cohen and Turner are
already busy coordinating student develoment through the Integrated Aerospace
Engineering and Senior Design classes. When you read their profiles in this
newsletter, I think you will agree with me that their engineering practice experience
will add enrichment to our student education.
Brian Rowe
Our alumni support and engagement continues in several avenues. Tom Byar visited
campus this spring when he established the Knowlson and Irene Byar Endowed
Scholarship Fund for undergraduate aerospace students. During his Cincinnati visit,
Tom toured the Department research labs and sampled the Cincinnati culinary
offerings. Our annual reception at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting in Reno
was a great success. Many alumni and friends had the chance to meet with the
faculty and several undergraduate and graduate students who presented papers at
the conference. Some alumni were joined by their families like Dr. Yong Du Jun, who
came with his wife, Mi-Yeon, and their two sons, Paul and John. We look forward to
seeing many of you at the next reception Monday night January 7, 2008.
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Faculty News
Professor Asif Syed and his students were partners in Hexcel Corporations development of the Acousti-CapTM
technology for which they received the composites industrys highly esteemed JEC Innovation Award. The
product, developed for acoustically absorptive liner material, was developed for use in the inlet and exhaust
ducts of commercial aircraft engines.
Jeff Kastner joined the department as a Research Assistant Professor on July 1, 2007. He was awarded his PhD
in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio State University in 2007 for his research on high speed jet noise. He
graduated with a BS in ME in 1999 and went on to receive his MS from the same institution in 2002 for his
work on development of actuators for control of high speed flows. Jeff will work with Dr. Gutmark in the Gas
Dynamics and propulsion Laboratory on aeroacoustics, fluid dynamics and combustion research.
During winter and spring quaters of 2007 Dr. Sheng Wan was a visiting professor in the Department. He taught
dual level courses on Analytical Dynamics and Space Craft Dynamics, and an undergraduate course on Flight
Mechanics. Dr. Wans expertise is in the field of Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Controls, Guidance
and Navigation. He worked at General Electric Company in Erie, PA before coming to UC in January.
Dr. Dong-Jin Cha, from Hanbat National University in Korea, is currently a visiting Professor in the Department.
He is working with Prof Gutmark on thermoacoustic instability of gas turbines engines. In Korea, Prof. Cha taught
Fluid Mechanics and thermo-fluids courses and conducted research on combustion instabilities of commercial
dry low NOx (DLN) gas turbines operated at the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).
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Byar, whose first co-op assignment was with Cessna in Wichita, Kansas, was quite a model aircraft buff,
participating in the 1956, 1957 and 1958 national model aircraft competitions. In 1956 he set a national record
for speed in the 160 mph class.
A graduate of Hughes High School and Hartwell Elementary School, Byar returned to Cincinnati and visited UC
earlier this year. He was pleased to see that Professor Widen Tabakoff, who came to UC in Byars senior year, was
still active in performing sponsored research. Said Byar, Dr. Tabakoff came here in 1959 to teach propulsion and
48 years later, he is still here.
Aerospace Department Head Awatef Hamed praised the gift from Byar, saying, This is a gift that will make a
difference in the lives of our students. On behalf of the students and faculty of the department, we are grateful
for what Tom Byar has done to provide support for undergraduate aerospace engineers.
The following eight UC alumni were among
those selected by the 2007 American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Associate Fellow
Grade Committee:
Brent F. Beacher, General Electric AviationMS 72.
PhD AE 83
Keith E. Blodgett, General Electric AviationBS 87,
MS 90 and PhD 95
Rolf R. Hetico, General Electric AviationBS 81, MS
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Betty stopped setting road racing records at age 78 when she had a
stroke on 27 May 2006. She has severe aphasia. She has had PT, OT
and speech therapy for about sixteen months now.
June 12, 1977: 1st row: Tom Black, Leo (Dave) Gomez,
Rich Rolfes, Dave Glock. 2nd row: Steve McCormick, Bob
Levo, Russ Claus, Don Benko, Bill Stange. 3rd row: Dave
Humphreys, Tom Cressman, Steve Finch, Jim Newcomb.
(missing: Dave Turner)
The grads also enjoyed the company of some faculty members who took the time to join in the reunion. Dr.
Awatef Hamed, chairman of the Aerospace Engineering Dept. attended along with Dr. Widen Tabakoff, and Dr.
Gary Slater. The class was pleased to discuss their career accomplishments with those who gave them their
The Class of 77 came away from the reunion with renewed ties and promises to keep in touch. A great time was
had by all, along with the hope that they can do it again in the future.
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By Nancy Benko
June 9, 2007: 1st row: Tom Black, Leo (Dave) Gomez, Dr.
The 77 alumni were very impressed with the look of the UC
Gary Slater. 2nd row: Dr. Steve McCormick, Bob Levo, Russ
campus today. Several of them commented on the upscale
Claus, Don Benko, Bill Stange. 3rd row: Dave Humphreys,
Tom Cressman, Steve Finch, Jim Newcomb. (missing: Dave
look of the facilities. Its amazingvery impressivea
Turner, Dave Glock, Rich Rolfes)
country club atmosphere. One of the alumni said that
it was strangely familiara kaleidoscope of old and new. All were especially impressed with the exercise
facilities. The reunion attendees were grateful for the tour, made possible with the help of Susan Berman of the
Engineering Development Office.
Jenna Stahl
Undergraduate research included three students who completed their freshman year and who received summer
internship awards as sophomores: Michael Knadler and Timothy McKnight (from NASA Glenn Research Center)
and from OAI, Cory Peters (class of 2011).
Five UC Aero students received OSGC scholarships. Eric Miller (Class of 2007); Robert Knapke (Class of 2008);
Ashley Verhoff (Class of 2009); Marshall Galbraith (BS 2006); and Michael List (BS 2006).
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UC Aerospace:
Engineering for
the 21st Century
745 Baldwin Hall
ML 0070
Cincinnati, OH
(513) 556-3548
(513) 556-5038
Were on the web!
Dr. Debashis Basu (PhD 05) and Sudipa SahaRoy (MSc
02 Biochemistry Calcutta Univ.) were married on Nov.
30, 06
Nicholas Caldwell, (BS 03) and Megan Evans (BS
Interior Design 05) were married on September 29.
Dr. Kaushid Das (PhD 05) and Paromita Syam (MS 06
Computer Science Calcutta Univ.) were married on Nov.
28, 06
Mike (BS 05) and Holley Holbrook had a baby, Nole
Charles on the 15th of September
John Lewis (BS 05) is getting married on the 29th
of December, to Kai Osborne (BA Management 06
Georgia Tech)
Mat Urbanik (BS 05) and Jessica Kugas (BS ChemE
2005) were married on Oct. 13, 07. Mat is working at
NASIC in Dayton
Jon (BS 05) and Nicole Vandenbemden had a baby,
Jon Peyton, in September