TSRDungeons&DragonsBasic GazetteerTheMinrothadGuilds PDF
TSRDungeons&DragonsBasic GazetteerTheMinrothadGuilds PDF
TSRDungeons&DragonsBasic GazetteerTheMinrothadGuilds PDF
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MiNuotliab CJuilbs
by Deborah Christian and Kimber Eastland
Table of Contents
Adventurer's Guide to the Minrothad Guilds
Minrothad History
Lands of the Minrothad Guilds
Economy of the Minrothad Guilds
Law in the Minrothad Guilds
The Society of the Minrothad Guilds
Tips to Travelers
Beliefs of Minrothad
The Minrothaddan Calendar
The Races of Minrothad
The Guilds of Minrothad
The Caste System
Guild Privileges
Politics in the Minrothad Guilds
Design: Deborah Christian, Kimber Eastland
Editing: Steve Winter
Product Manager: Bruce Heard
Cover Artist: Clyde Caldwell
Interior Artist: John Lakey
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat, Dave Sutherland
Cartography: Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauth
Typography: Kimjanke
TSR, Inc.
FOB 756
Lake Geneva,
WI 53147 USA
ISBN 0-88038-607-X
120 Church End, Cherry Hinton
A MiNKotijad Guilds
"There were oncet a time when halflings
were enslaved by Minrothad tall folk. Big
labor for small diggers, that werebut we
don't ponder that no more. Malf Quickhand freed us, and off we took to Open
Isle. Now we be as heavy-pursed as any other family in the guilds. Business be good,
trade be good, and the tall folk never so
powerful since the Silver Purge.
"The purge? Oh, that were long back a
killing time for humans, cursed as they
were with the were-way. But it be false,
what lerendi tour guides say! The werefolk be long gone from our Isles. Touristfond we be, and you'll catch naught if
you visit Minrothad. Stop your ears to
island-hopper lies from lerendi!"
"It's a bright new day for us, with Oran
Meditor as Guildmaster. One of the seafaring elves he is, whom we call the water
elves, and a great leader. Oran gave us an
open trade policy, gained cooperation
from the halfling and the dwarvish
guilds, brought the family guilds in line .
.. Oh? You don't know our guild system?
"The only important part is that the
guilds were founded in 691 AC, and
great Minrothad became center of cooperative trade ventures. Craftsmanship is
our only demand from our members: our
guilds include halfling, dwarvish,
human, and elvish craftsmen. Guilds are
run by their masters, and they are
directed by the ruling guildmaster, Oran
Meditor. Simple, is it not?"
for more power and knowledge than Calitha Starbrow had given them. They
delved into the ways of dark and dangerous knowledge, until we, their more cautious brethren, left them and went to live
separately in lands across the sea. The wisdom of this was proven a millenia later,
when the immortal raged at the evil
works done by the power-hungry Alfasser, and destroyed their homeland and all
the peoples who lived there. She opened
the earth and brought down the skies in
such devastation that only the lands
whence we had emigrated were left. Even
those were torn by the eruptions of her
anger so that they formed islands in the
"We true ones who survived called the
waters around us the Sea of Dread, for
our fear that Calitha's anger would be
unquenchable. While the immortal
raged, she sent plagues, famines, and
other disasters as tests to see if we, the
remaining Alfasser, would stay true to
her. Many turned away from Calitha in
those days of trial, and one by one she
sank their islands, until only the Alfasser
that exist in Minrothad remained. But we
had proven our worth through the long
challenges, and we have been wellfavored by the immortal ever since her
anger calmed.
"Since that long-past time of terror,
Calitha taught us the craft of seafaring,
It is recommended that travelers to the
Minrothad Guilds go there either on a
Guild vessel, or accompanied by a Guildcertified navigator or pilot. The routes to
the islands are tricky, and the waters contain hazards of natural or magical origin
best avoided by someone familiar with
the local waterways. Guild vessels bound
for Minrothad or other destinations in the
island chain can be found in almost every
major seaport on the continent.
unpredictable danger.
A vessel struck by a waterspout can be
reduced to splinters in the water, or lifted
bodily and deposited elsewhere on water
or land. Areas of fog often obscure this
type of hazard, and even in clear and
open water, the speed of movement and
erratic path followed by these watery
whirlwinds make them difficult to avoid.
It is said that merchant-princes have
appropriate magic with which to handle
such a danger, but common sailors and
fishermen must trust to luck and their
sailing skills to avoid them.
Whirlpools: Numerous uncharted
reefs and small islands lie within the territory of the Minrothad Guilds. At times,
when ocean currents and tides flow rapidly between rocks and reefs, whirlpools
may result. As with fogs and waterspouts,
this phenomenon is often caused by magic when encountered in Minrothaddan
waters. This hazard sucks a ship down
until it is torn apart on rocks or submerged beneath the water. Whirlpools
are almost impossible to escape without
the aid of appropriate sea magic.
Perhaps more treacherous than natural
phenomena are the pirates who haunt the
sea routes between Minrothad and the
mainland. Always ready to prey on promising cargo vessels, pirates appear like a
scourge out of nowhere, attack their victims, then vanish untraceably into the
mysterious fogs. Merchant-princes have a
better chance than average captains of
dealing with pirates, but not even Minrothad vessels are safe from their predations. It is believed that the seafaring
brigands are lerendi or Thyatian privateers lured to this area by the rich shipping traffic. The guilds are doing their
utmost to eliminate the pirates from
these waters.
The archipelago claimed by the Minrothad Guilds is the area once known as the
Colony Isles. There are six major islands
and numerous smaller ones in this territory. Most are of volcanic origin, while some
The Minrothad Isles have a temperate
climate and generally predictable weather. The tropical and sub-tropical conditions, with warm winds and periodical
rainy seasons, make these seas almost perfect for a trading and seafaring society.
Dominant trade winds blow from
northwest to southeast through the Isles.
During storm season, this weather pattern brings rain and blustering winds to
Native Fiona
As told by human Jerald Aeren, master trapper, Export Guild (associate of
the Merchant Sailor Guild)
Lord High-and-Mighty demanded I
take him on a backwoods jaunt. A
knight from Karameikosyou know
the type. He were upset because he
couldn't get a merchant-prince to
fight a duel, and so he wanted to kill
something else instead. He had the
coin, so I said yes.
I warned him t'were the wrong time
of day to find game. 'And I'll see you
in court if we don't', he answers,
sarcastic-like. So I says to myself, we'll
see how he likes the piglets.
Peccary forage in a herd at times,
hundreds of 'em. They run along, stupid, trampling everything in their
way, not knowing what they're looking for. It's not hard to find 'em. Look
for trampled brush and listen for their
Sir Knight didn't figure it out when
we circled ahead of the piglets. We dismounted and he got his crossbow
ready. 'Peccary?' he asked. 'I hear
those are good eating.' I agreed and
pointed out where they'd be coming
through the brush.
I neglected to mention how many.
We heard 'em before we saw 'em. I
was up a tree before he fired his bolt at
the first one. Then out came more pigs
and out came his sword. He layed
about like he was in a slaughterhouse,
but it wasn't good enough. Peccaries
shoved him here and yon, almost
knocking him over and tromping him
under. Then he gave up and ran down
the trail, outnumbered and chased by
angry piglets. I about broke my neck,
laughing myself out of that tree.
I took his kill back to the inn for
him. He didn't appreciate it. But I
haven't seen him in court, either.
VcRsatility IN 'CRafce Minrothad traders either sell their cargos or trade them for other goods,
depending upon their needs or the needs
of the client for whom they are shipping.
If the price is right, guildsmen can
acquire any cargo or sell any goods for
which there is a demand.
DoMestic TTRaDe
It is not possible for the Minrothad
Guilds to completely monopolize trade
abroad. Most ports have open markets
and though guild traders may dominate
the scene, they still compete with other
At home in the Minrothad Isles, however, it is a different story. Outsiders are
now permitted to visit the islands, but
they are not allowed to compete with the
guild mercantile operations that go on
there. Absolutely no professional trading
or selling may be performed by nonMinrothaddans, except directly with the
guild that handles that specific trade
This prohibition is intended to prevent
foreign merchants from sailing in with a
cargo on speculation and selling it to anyone who might want the goods. A trader
with a cargo of iron ore, for example, can
sell only to the manufacturing family
guild that deals in metal ore. Similarly, a
finished product, such as cloth, cannot be
sold directly to retailers, but must be sold
to the guild which monopolizes cloth
Sometimes more than one guild is a
suitable purchaser for a cargo, but if none
of them are interested in the purchase,
there is no recourse for the foreign merchant. Higher officials are not sympathetic to the merchant's cause, because
they do not care for foreign traders conducting business in Minrothad. When
guildsmen need or want foreign goods,
they purchase a cargo through their buying agents and carry it to Minrothad in
their own ships.
This and other commercial prohibitions are clear-cut (see laws), and newcomers to Minrothad are informed of
these injunctions before they debark.
Minrothad courts fall under the cojurisdiction of the Tutorial Guild and the
local government guild (see Guilds). The
Tutorial Guild tries all major crimes, and
is also called in if there is any doubt about
the extent or nature of the criminal
action. The Tutorial Guild uses all of its
arcane magical powers and devices to discover these answers and the truth is usually found out in such matters.
A trial court consists of a senior guild
member who presides as judge, and a jury
composed of three members from the
accused's guild and two nonguild citizens. If the accused is not a guild member, any sort of guildsmen may sit on his
jury. Bail is unheard of, and the accused
might await trail for up to a month. During that time he is kept in a plain but
clean holding cell. He is fed enough and
treated decently by the constabulary, a
division of the local government security
During the trial, the judge asks the
questions, and jurers are allowed a period
of questioning as well. Lawyers can participate in the proceedings but are not
required to do so and are not always
Gambling: Travelers are often surprised to learn that most gambling is illegal among the Minrothad Guilds, in spite
of the wealth that moves freely through
their shops and businesses. Games of
chance, like dice or cards, are illegal, as is
gambling on violent events of any type,
such as boxing or cockfighting.
A monthly public lottery run by the
government is the only authorized wagering done in the islands. Tickets are available at money changers and taverns.
Besides the lottery, gambling is permitted
during the Midwinter Festival. At that
time, people can wager up to 100 gp on
sporting events like athletic contests and
dog racing. Persons who are caught gambling in any other ways suffer large fines
as the very least penalty.
Business Transactions: When a traveler
wishes to buy, sell, or do other commercial business in the Minrothad Isles, the
following regulations are important to
1. Magical items may only be sold to
Minrothaddans or to foreigners working
for the government. Price discounts are
forbidden, and they are never sold below
a normal retail price.
2. Adventurers who wish to sell valuables to locals should note that Minrothaddans are allowed to buy any item
brought into the country. However, an
item may never be sold at more than its
normal Minrothad market value. Higher
prices are considered to be profiteering,
and are punishable by imprisonment (see
Punishments). Visitors are forewarned
that the experienced bargainers of the
Minrothad Isles will seldom pay more
than 50 percent of an item's retail value,
or 75 percent if it is extremely rare or
3. Money paid to a foreigner for an
item or a service rendered must be reported to the local retail tax collector. The
government then levies a tax of 18 percent of the total gp value of the item,
material, or service sold, which is due and
payable by the foreigner who made the
profit. (An 8 percent sales tax is levied
against Minrothaddans.)
4. Magical items sold or services performed in Minrothad are done under the
supervision of a representative of the
Tutorial guild. The guildsman records the
transaction for tax purposes, and guarantees that any magic performed is in keeping with Minrothad Guilds regulations.
The foreigner is then charged a tax of 20
percent, which includes a 2 percent fee
for the Tutorial Guild's services.
"CueasoNOus OffeNses
Treason against the state is the most
reprehensible crime in Minrothad.
Guildsmen resent betrayal of their state,
but even worse, treasonous acts also derail
many complex and subtle intrigues, the
very life-blood of the guilds. Foreigners
involved in plots or actions against the
guilds may be suspected of treason, and
will be tried with the full severity of the
law. A range of sentences are possible for
treason, as described below.
In a similar vein, the Minrothad Guilds
are concerned with their public image
and their reputation, for they trade on
these things as much as on anything else
when they do business. If a guildsman
commits a major crime in another country and publicly disgraces the Minrothad
Guilds, he might be charged with defamation of the guild when he returns
home. If convicted, his punishment is
often more severe than the one inflicted
by the nation where he committed the
to receive the Black Seal as his punishment, but can be tried in absentia.
Once the warrant is signed, a gold
piece value is set upon the condemned
criminal as a bounty. This unusual sentence is the Minrothad Guilds' way of
saying, "No matter where you are, we
will eventually find you and execute
you." It also is a license for the Thieves
Guild to travel abroad or hire foreigners
to execute the criminal with impunity
regardless of where he is found.
This warrant is so far-reaching because
of the vital trade connections of the
Minrothad Guilds. A country that offers
refuge to a Black Seal-condemned criminal soon finds that guild ships will carry
no goods to or from that country. If this
measure proves inadequate, the guild
puts similar pressures on the allies of the
recalcitrant country, until it becomes
more economicaland politically
expedientto give up the condemned
criminal. The fugitive finds that there is a
price on his head and most people know
it. He can trust no one and few will shelter him.
Occasionally, in the case of foreign dignitaries or notables, the Black Seal Warrant is not publicly announced, but is
privately issued to the Thieves Guild.
Normally, though, the warrant is posted
publicly in the Minrothad Isles, displayed
on all guild trading vessels, and distributed in foreign ports by Minrothad
typical SewteNces
Crime: Punishment
Defamation of character: Varies from
time in the stocks to the death penalty, depending on degree of damage.
Tax evasion: Flogging.
Profiteering: Flogging, fine, or both.
Breaking and entering: Blinding.
Theft: Loss of one or both hands.
Purposefully distracting victim during
theft or robbery: Loss of tongue.
Embezzlement from employer, a
guild, or the government: Blinding
and loss of one or both hands.
running confidence
games: Fine of up to 50,000 gp and
imprisonment for up to 20 years.
Sacriligious acts against a church: Fine
and one year in the dungeon.
Theft from a church: As above, plus
confiscation of all property and
exile after release from the
Unauthorized spell-casting: Varies
from small fine (for a harmless spell
cast in ignorance) to the death sentence (for deadly magic).
Kidnaping or molestation: Death by
Murder or attempted murder: Death
by hanging.
Assassination or attempted assassination: Death by impalement.
Piracy: At seadeath by drowning
(walking the plank or keelhauling);
In portdeath by hanging.
Society of
"Hoy, now! Craft Row be a. mighty
street, think you not? And you could use a.
guide, I'd guess. I'm the one for you:
Kirana Welkie, apprentice magic dealer.
Guild Corser, if you don't ken the checkmark. Nevermind these packagesI have
'em to deliver, but only to places on Craft
Row. A talking stroll takes me not too far
out of my way. Two quert be a fair fee."
This polyglot society is a striking combination of peoples, customs, and cultures that have come together in the
cooperative melting pot called the Minrothad Guilds. The dominant culture that
has evolved is a blend of native human,
elvish, halfling, and dwarvish practices.
It is a society given to change and adaptation, constantly incorporating new elements encountered and borrowed by
Minrothad traders abroad.
"We be civilized folk, as you notice.
No barkers, no hawkers. Wares on shop
windows and sidewalk tables, neat-like,
so's you can browse as you walk.
"Yes, that shop keep be talking to you.
He were saying, 'come in and look
around,' not 'go fish in the sea.' The
accent be hard for a new ear to catch.
That were 'fetch on an' scree' in Patois."
The language spoken in Minrothad is
the Minrothad Patois, which mixes elements of the original speech of the
guilds' member races with words taken
from other tongues, old and new. This
colorful language combines archaic references and modern slang, and is constantly changing due to the influx of new
words that traders have picked up.
Minrothad Patois has a sing-song
cadence and sometimes rhymes sentences. The melodic pattern carries over
when Minrothaddans speak other languages, and islanders find it difficult to
lose this accent when speaking foreign
tongues. Although portions of Patois are
comprehensible (though strangely
accented) to native speakers of its major
source languages, it is a difficult language
to become fluent in.
Besides Patois, almost every language
Fishermen and farmers dress in loose,
light clothes woven of native cottons.
Dyes made from shellfish are popular and
cloth is often colored with purple, crimson, or yellow. These dyes are worth a
small fortune in many mainland countries, but are considered commonplace by
Minrothad natives.
In the cities it is almost impossible to
tell a Minrothaddan by his clothes alone,
because they are likely to come from anywhere. Sophisticated folk indulge their
taste for bright colors and imported
products. Textiles from every mainland
port are available in Minrothad, and a
wilder array of fashion can be seen in no
other country of the world.
Like their language, Minrothad dress is
a pastiche of elements. On any main
street can be seen bright silks, brocaded
linens, brushed velvets and shimmering
satins, elegant boots, high-laced sandals
or soft slippers, elaborate hats and turbans. Lighter materials are prefered
Dietany Habits
Minrothaddans eat four meals a day.
A simple breakfast is followed by dinner shortly after noon, when shops close
up for a two-hour break during mealtime
and the rest period following it. Supper is
the largest meal of the day, eaten in the
evening. If supper is eaten sooner and the
individual is staying up later, he also has
the traditional "evening bread," a light
meal of bread, cheese, fruit, and wine.
Among halflings, this meal is much larger and is always served an hour or two
before bedtime.
Fish is the main source of protein in the
Minrothad Isles. The fishing fleet meets
all domestic needs and even provides a
small export surplus offish and shellfish.
This diet is supplemented with seaweed
and shellfish, native fruits and vegetables, sugar from cane grown by halflings,
and the meat of pigs and game birds.
Goats provide milk products and sometimes meat.
Minrothaddans do not grow staple
crops such as rice or oats in quantity.
Instead, they import large amounts of
grains and other foods from the continent. Specialty foods such as cheeses and
wines are also in demand.
Minrothaddans pride themselves on
working hard and playing hard. They
take any excuse to have a good time, as
long as essential work has been done or is
caught up. Numerous religious and
national holidays fill the Minrothad
calandar, and it is common practice to
receive time off of work on the day or
afternoon that is holy in an individual's
religious beliefs. These holidays are
described in the Minrothad calendar, and
monthly holy days are explained under
Religious Beliefs
Minrothaddans are rarely fanatic about
their religious beliefs, and talk little
about the philosophies they adhere to.
They are tolerant of the beliefs of foreigners. Whether or not they are religious, most natives wear a holy symbol or
medallion with the mark of their church.
Such an item is considered to bring good
luck and blessings to the individual's
endeavors. Temples are low-key affairs
located in residential areas away from the
hub-bub of visiting foreigners and commercial districts.
"Oh, no! That be a dock-party at Slipperyfoot's shop, where I take this last
package. My regrets, but I leave you here.
Once in that crowd, I may not get out
again. Enjoy the Rowand if you want to
join the dock-party, stand on the street
outside the shop. Belike the party will
come to you!"
It is not proper to quiz Minrothaddans
about guild politics or problems. Natives
do not discuss these matters with outsiders, and take offense at these questions.
It is customary to boast about a guild's
good points while giving a sales pitch,
and a buyer hears this if he asks about a
product or service. A sale concluded after
a bargaining session is toasted with a
drink of imported brandy, kept by the
shop keeper for just such occasions. Customers who buy expensive items might
be invited to dinner by the merchant.
Ships come and go in Minrothad ports
all the time. The more important arrivals
and departures are observed with a
"docking party," sponsored by a guild or
ship master. Docking parties are held in
the factor's offices, a nearby warehouse,
or elsewhere in town away from the vessel
and busy dock.
Most of the crew attends these raucus
events, which sweep up passersby and
sometimes migrate into the streets. Similar celebrations are held for the launching
of new ships. Foreigners invited to such
events are specially privileged.
Society of ttye Mi
Tips to
From SL tailor who serves the nobility of
"There's no greater clothes-horse than
a Minrothaddan. Take along a new-style
belt buckle or a robe of a new cut and
you'll have a great bargaining tool. You
could give it away as a giftand very flattered the recipient will beor trade it for
what you want to buy. Whatever you take
will have a terrific value because it'll be so
novel. But the item better be something
that's only just come out, or it will already
be in Minrothad!"
From an Alfheim elf:
"Be careful. Minrothad elves resemble
shadowelves too closely for it to be a coincidence. They're every bit as full of intrique and plots, that's for sure, and their
sea magic makes them almost as powerful
as elf wizards. I don't think they can be
trusted very far."
Minrothad! That's where the real business is done: at dinner parties, on holiday
get-togethers, or after work in the taverns. If you're looking for work, or want
to buy or sell something, that's the time
to make the best connections. And the
best way to get invited is to make an
expensive purchase. If it's the merchant's
biggest sale of the day, the merchant will
take you out after work for a drink or dinner, and then you can really get down to
From a Thyatian thief:
"If you get a job there, don't expect
many days off, unless you convert to one
of their religions. Augrism gives the most
days off, that's the one I'd look at. And if
you're not a guild member, stay clear of
guild business! I was in prison there,
charged with treasonme!because I
carried a message from a guild master to
a, shall we say, unscrupulous guildsman
that I knew. Had something to do with an
assassination plot, it turned out. I was
lucky to get out of there alive."
Beliefs of
Minrothad religions and philosophies
reflect the country's hardworking practicality, and have even been reinterpreted
to accomodate the modern commercial
bent of Minrothaddans. These ethical
outlooks are rationalized as being similar
to the purpose and goals of the Minrothad Guilds, even where that was not
originally the case.
MiNROtrjabOaN CaleNbau
Minrothad uses the standard Thyatian
calendar for external trade purposes, but
employs one of native invention for local
time accounting. This calendar, called
the Verdier calendar after its inventor,
consists of 336 days a year. The year is
divided into eleven 30-day months and a
special midwinter week. Each Minrothad
week consists of six days, with a total of
five weeks in a month.
The native word for day is tok. The
word for month is mua. The week begins
with Ontok, then proceeds through
Totok, Dreitok, Firtok, Birtok, and ends
with Sagtok.
The calendar shown here is for the year
1000 AC. However, Minrothad dates are
calculated from the year of Verdier's
death, making the current date 300 VR
(for Verdier Reckoning). The lunar phases shown on this calandar move back two
days in each subsequent year, although
the holidays and special events remain
the same.
the 15th, called All's Reckless Day. No
one works or even sells anything, they just
play and celebrate, often in a lascivious
manner. The day is spent in athletic
events, eating or drinking contests, and
shows of martial expertise, which only the
most daring participants enter. Animal
costumes and weird masks are worn that
night as the citizenry of every village and
town celebrates in the streets into the wee
hours of the morning. Morals absolutely
collapse around this time; many an unexpected child was conceived on All's Reckless Eve.
The 16th is a day of work, but it is a day
of absolute quiet as laid down by the law.
A family with noisy pets or children can
be fined as much as 100 gp for disturbing
the peace. The day is usually spent cleaning the shops, going over the books, and
nursing a headache the size of the city of
Oxmun (eighth month): This month is
the hottest for Minrothad and most people are driven into the shade or to the
shores for cool breezes. It is the month of
lowest productivity in the islands, but of
the greatest tourist trade. No one would
bother coming out for a special holiday,
so none are held.
Nomun (ninth month): This month is
the start of fall and is quite peaceful. It is
a very hard work month for guild members as they try to catch up for the lost
time in Oxmun. Nomun 11th is the last
special holiday until the huge Midwinter
festival. It is called Bask Day, and is spent
basking in the sun and being inactive. It
is also a day of fasting, to remind people
to work harder in the days to come so that
food can be purchased for the winter
months and people will not go hungry.
The first of the far-ranging trading vessels
return on or about Bask Day, as do
numerous foreign trading vessels. This is
because it is the only day when foreigners
can sell their merchandise, mostly food,
without paying the stiff Minrothaddan
tariffs. Most families spend a lot of their
savings and stock up for winter on this
Decmun (tenth month): This month is
spent by most of the people doing chores
preparing for winter: preserving foods,
Races of
The racial groups of the Minrothad
Guilds remain distinctive within the larger society, but their customs differ from
those of their continental cousins. Each
group has borrowed significantly from
the others, and in the case of the water
elves has evolved an entirely new life-style
from that which their race had previously
known. These groups and their unique
aspects are described here.
The most populous race in the Minrothad Guilds is elves. Minrothad elves are
divided into two groups: the so-called
water elves, and the wood elves. These
names are descriptive of the habitat they
prefer to live near, and reflects the nature
of the guild crafts these people pursue.
Wood Elves
Wood elves are also called forest elves
in Minrothad Patois. The terms are synonymous and refer exclusively to the
forest-dwelling elves of these islands who
work wood and other products of the
Appearance: Wood elves have hair
ranging in color from blond to brown,
with green or hazel eyes. Their features
bear a distant resemblance to the elves of
Behavior: These elves are without a
doubt more "serious-minded" than their
mainland cousins. They are interested in
actively practicing their handicrafts, and
are more inclined than most elves to stick
with long-term projects.
Wood elves throw themselves fully into
whatever activity they have chosen to pursue. If it is woodworking, for example,
they set a goal, then labor tirelessly for
months or years to achieve it. A typical
goal might be to become a master woodcarver, or to perfect a new color-fast dye
for cloth.
When their work is complete, these
elves abandon themselves to the pursuit
of pleasure with as much dedication as
they applied to their work. Although an
elf might labor almost continuously for a
year or more, he is then ready to take a
Waten Elves
The water elves have formed a more
distinctive sub-culture than their wood
elf brethren, and are recognized as a
group separate from the mainstream
elvish race. In this regard, they are similar
to the shadowelves of the Broken Lands,
to whom they bear a physical resem-
Races of
Special Abilities
In addition to standard elvish abilities,
water elves have some special ones which
set them apart them from other races of
Direction Sense. A water elf has a 75
percent chance of correctly sensing compass directions at all times. This innate
sense works only outdoors, not underground, but is extremely useful on overcast days or during fogs and darkness at
sea. It can be used once per day.
Navigation Sense. Similar to direction
sense, this enables a water elf to know in
what direction a destination lies in relation to his current position, providing he
has been to that place at least once
before. This ability is accurate 75 percent
of the time. It can be used once per destination. For this reason it is said that once
a water elf has been to a port, he can
always find his way back again.
Guild and Clan: Water elves are members of one of the clans of Guild Elsan,
named for a family of leading water elves.
The guild deals with things pertaining to
ships and seafaring.
Water elf names, like those of the wood
elves, do not sound particularly elvish,
but they do not follow the general Minrothad custom of describing a craft. Leading water elf clans are Clan Kelar and
Clan Manre. Other clan names can be
seen in the guild organization chart.
Skills: All water elves have the skill of
Boat Sailing, which is the ability to sail
boats and does not apply to ships. The
individual may be familiar with the principles of maneuvering ships, but is not
automatically skilled in doing so.
Each water elf also has one craft skill
appropriate to the craft of the clan to
which he belongs; those skills are further
described under Guilds. Skills are based
on the following attributes:
Races of
These Minrothaddans enjoy innovation in business methods and constantly
search out untapped markets to develop.
They are hard workers who expect appropriate rewards for their efforts. They are
hurt and feel cheated if a special effort
goes unnoticed, and are themselves generous with praise and thanks.
Minrothad humans have a reputation
for honesty, especially in business matters. Their ethics, however, are sometimes
called into question: at one time they
were persuaded to trade in slaves on the
heels of a Thyatian war, and many mainlanders have never forgotten this. However, most factors and buyers in foreign
countries are Minrothad humans, and
they find that that part of their country's
past has little impact on current business
Guild and Clan: Most humans are
members of Guild Corser, which handles
selected rareties and food. The guild
encompasses many races besides humans;
specific clans do not monopolize any one
aspect of it.
Human names come from a combination of ancient Nithian and Alphatian
roots, with a large admixture of names
from the continent. They rarely indicate
guild ties or occupational specialties, and
can sound like names from anywhere on
the mainland. Typical human names can
be seen in the guild organization chart.
Skills: Humans in Minrothad have
either one of two skills. The skill of Bar-
gaining is the ability to get the best possible price for goods, services, or
information. The skill of Appraisal is the
ability to figure out what something is
If two people appraise an item, the one
who wins by the greater margin assesses
its value with greater accuracy. If two people with bargaining skill use it on each
other, whoever makes the best roll wins.
Penalties may be awarded to either character to reflect difficulties in the bargain
to be made. This skill is primarily used for
quick bargaining with NPCs.
Skills commonly available to the
humans of Guild Corser and the abilities
they are based on are given here. The
skills are further explained under Guilds.
Animal Training: Intelligence
Appraisal: Intelligence
Bargaining: Intelligence
Brewing: Intelligence
Pipe Making: Dexterity
Brought to Minrothad by slave-trading
humans, halflings have long since won
their freedom and have put their
unpleasant past completely out of their
minds. Adopting mercantile habits and
even religious beliefs from their former
masters, the natural industry of the halflings has enabled them to participate in
the guilds as prosperous full members.
Appearance: Minrothad halflings have
curly red or sandy-brown hair, and blue
or brown eyes. Some become quite tan in
the constant Minrothad sun.
Behavior: Minrothad halflings work
with more zeal than their cousins of the
Five Shires, a result of the sudden contrast between working for a slave master
and working for one's self. These halflings reap the fruit of their own labors;
they regard it as an added bonus that they
also see the results in increased income
and luxury goods.
To a Minrothad halfling's mind, other
guilds' members either work too much or
too little. Humans seldom take time off,
dwarves work at a single project for years,
and elves take a two-year hiatus and call it
The forefathers of these dwarves left
Rockhome and migrated to Glantri,
where they found no welcome for their
large numbers. Minrothad traders recognized the wealth of skilled craftsmen in
this group of dwarves and invited them to
emigrate and join the Minrothad Guilds.
The dwarves agreed, and have dominated
metal and stone working in the guilds
ever since.
Races of
Appearance: Minrothad dwarves keep
their dark brown hair and beards shorter
than the dwarvish norm because of the
hot climate in which they live. Their eyes
are brown or amber, and they are of stockier build than most of their continental
Behavior: These dwarves enjoy the
freedom to pursue their handicrafts with
no distraction. They care for trading less
than most folk of the guilds and prefer to
leave the sales aspect of their business to
An unexpected benefit of their move
to Minrothad was the chance to tunnel
and explore in previously untouched volcanic rock. With their pragmatic turn of
mind, these dwarves are challenged and
delighted to come up with new building
compounds, unusual tools and special
manufacturing processes tailored for their
island environment.
Dwarves are the least involved in guild
intrigues of any Minrothad group. They
consider most of the island politics to be
foolishness that will pass with time. As a
group they become angered only when
politics interferes with their work for
some reason.
Individuals are touchy about unfinished work, refusing to show or talk about
items that are not yet ready for presentation. These dwarves are the most indifferent bargainers in Minrothad, setting
what they believe to be a fair price and
standing by it without a word of debate.
Guild and Clan: Most dwarves are
members of Guild Hammer, named for
the Hammer clan which led the exodus to
Minrothad. The guild does crafts which
deal with metal and stone.
Minrothad dwarves no longer use their
names from Rockhome, but have taken
craft-related names like other guildsmen.
Leading clans are Clan Stronghold, Clan
Duger, and Clan Hewer. Other common
clan names can be see in the guild organization chart.
Skills: All Minrothad dwarves have the
skill of Appraisal (see Humans, above).
Other skills common to Guild Hammer
are given here, along with the abilities
they are based on. Where necessary, crafts
are further explained under Guilds.
Appraisal: Intelligence
Armorer: Intelligence
Blacksmithing: Intelligence
Engineering: Intelligence
Jeweler: Intelligence
Masonry: Intelligence
Mining: Intelligence
Stonecutting: Intelligence
Trap Building: Intelligence
Weapon Smithing: Intelligence
Characters might have a variety of
background skills that are not dealt
with in the rule books. Each such skill
is based on one of the character's abilities (Strength, Intelligence, Wisom,
Dextierity, Constitution, or Charisma).
Be<j/NNr/N<7 Skills
Beginning Minrothad characters
know one skill in which their clan and
guild specializes, one racial skill as
described for that race, and may select
one additional skill. If a character's
Intelligence is 13 to 15, he may select
two additional skills rather than one;
with an Intelligence of 16 to 17, three
extra skills; and an Intelligence of 18
gives him four additional skill choices.
UsiNQ Skills
When a character needs to use his
skill, the player rolls Id20 against his
current ability score for that skill. If
the result of the roll is less than or
equal to the ability, the skill use succeeds. A roll of 20 always fails, no matter how high the chance for success.
When two characters compete in
the same skill, the one who makes his
roll by a greater margin of success
wins. For example, a result five less
than the number needed beats a result
that is only one less than the number
A character's skill use chance can be
higher than the ability on which it is
based. For instance, an elf who is a
superior woodworker could have a
higher Woodworking roll than his normal Intelligence ability. To accomplish
this, a beginning character can "trade
in" one of his extra skill choices to
improve another skill. Each skill
choice traded in gives the character a
permanent +1 in a chosen skill.
As a character grows more experienced, he can purchase more skills or
improve existing ones.
All characters get a new skill choice
every four experience levels. Thus,
they acquire their first skills at level 1,
a new skill at level 5, and another at
level 9.
Humans continue in this progression for every four levels they increase
in skill. Elves gain new skills upon
acquiring 1,100,000 XP and then for
every 750,000 XP following. Dwarves
and halflings gain new skills when
reaching 1,200,000 XP, and for every
800,000 XP afterward.
The Minrothad Guilds were founded
in 691 AC by Gregus Verdier, a wood elf
who solidified the loose trading confederation of the Minrothad Isles into a system
of guilds and associate guilds. Reponsibility for crafts, manufacturing, trading,
and sailing (i.e., cargo carrying) were
assigned to specific clans and family
groups so that each race had equal power
and control through a family guild.
Over the following years a number of
miscellaneous guilds came into being
which provided services rather than manufactured crafts. These were finally consolidated into the group of organizations
known as the Political Guilds.
Guilds are noted for their policies of
noninterference with craftsmen. Unlike
most mainland guilds, innovation and
experimentation are encouraged, resulting in a number of finely-made articles
that are useful and unusual. The work of
these guilds is recognized as some of the
best in the known world.
Political Quilbs
Far more than mere service-providers,
the political guilds form the backbone of
Most Minrothaddans of working age
belong to a guild. Political guilds are
entered through long apprenticeship and
employment in the organization. Family
guilds are joined at birth or an early age
or, sometimes, through marriage or a
change of career.
The concept of a career change, however, is alien to most Minrothaddans. The
average citizen believes that a person is
born to be what he is, and nothing else.
One who wants to change family guilds is
perceived as an oddity of nature: a person
who must be either too proud to work
under the leadership of his clan or who is
defective from birth and unable to physically accomplish the work done by his
guild. Nor is there understanding for one
who wants to change political guilds, for
after years spent in an apprenticeship and
with the guarantee of life-long employment, why would anyone in his right
mind want to go somewhere else?
Faivfily Quilbs
"C176 CJuilOs of
CouNCil of Faivrily QuilO LeaOens
Political Guilds
under him. The first is the head netmaker, who is in charge of net construction,
maintenance, and repair and all net fishing done in Minrothad waters. The second is the head harpooner, who is in
charge of the construction of harpoons
and all harpoon fishing performed by
Minrothad vessels.
Master Sailor: This master craftsman
supervises the instruction of sailing techniques and the compilation of sailing
knowledge from other countries. His
duties also include the overseeing of miscellaneous sailing and navigational
devices. He is assisted by two head craftsmen. The head pilot teaches navigation;
the head rigger teaches rigging and
sailmaking and oversees these items on all
"Cl> CJuilOs of Mi
Quilt) VGRt>iR
Guild Verdier consists primarily of
wood elves. It has complete control over
all services and items having to do with
wood and cloth.
Members of Guild Verdier have an
almost mystical affinity for wood. Working things gleaned from the land is part
of their religion, and they love it. They
produce most of the tools, rope, canvas,
and cloth used by the other guilds. They
have also voluntarily accepted an unofficial responsibility, shared with the halflings of Guild Quickhand, for raising
CJuilfcs of Mi
man is in charge of the cutting and
replanting of trees throughout Minrothad. He also is in charge of the transportation of logs, cutting logs into lumber,
and grading lumber for sale. Most of the
best lumber in Minrothad is used for
Guild Verdier products or shipbuilding;
lesser grades of lumber are used in other
construction or are exported. Scrap wood
is used by the elves for fuel.
Master Woodworker: This master
craftsman is in charge of the construction
and repair of nonstructural items of
wood. He is assisted by three head craftsmen. The first is the head toolmaker, who
is in charge of making wooden tools or
wooden handles for tools. He works
closely with the head toolmaker of Guild
Hammer. The second is the head cooper,
in charge of construction of barrels, kegs,
trunks, and boxes made of wood. He is
one of the busiest head craftsmen in
Minrothad. The third is the head cabinetmaker, who is in charge of the construction of wooden furniture. He works with
the associate guild of clothmakers.
Master Clothmaker: This master craftsman directs the production of fabrics and
rope made from land-grown materials.
She is also in charge of fabric dyes,
threadmaking, and related small crafts.
She is assisted by five head craftsmen.
The first is the head spinner, in charge
of the associate guild of spinners which
transforms raw material into thread. The
second is the head weaver, in charge of
Guild Hammer is made up completely
of dwarves, all descendants of the original
immigrants led by Darkbrow Hammer or
of dwarves who followed shortly thereafter.
Guild Hammer has complete control
over most services and manufacturing
that deal with metal or stone. This group
is an important addition to the Minrothad Guilds, which was woefully lacking
in these areas before the arrival of the
dwarves. The guild has also experimented lately with the use of lava in manufacturing, but the actual applications are
still a secret. Positions of importance
within the guild are as follows:
Master Miner: This master craftsman is
in charge of all underground mining
operations in Minrothad.
QU1LD HAMMER (Dwaiwes)
Thor Stronghold
(Hammer Guildmaster)
Master Stonecutter: This master craftsman is in charge of all stone cutting and
transportation within Minrothad. He frequently travels to other lands to inspect
granite and marble and arrange for its
purchase and transportation to Minrothad, which has none of these types of
Master Mason: This master craftsman
supervises all building construction that
is done with stone. He often works closely
with the master carpenter of Guild Verdier.
The master mason is assisted by two
head craftsmen. The first is the head trapster who designs and constructs all traps,
hidden passages, and secret doors within
a structure. His office is awash with old
plans of all the buildings where he has
built traps at the owner's request. The
second is the head engineer, who designs
the major buildings, towers, and bridges
of Minrothad and who is consulted by the
other guilds in matters of engineering.
He is also in charge of the Minrothad
aquaduct and sewer systems and their
periodic renovation.
Master Smith: This master craftsman is
responsible for all cast metal and general
purpose forge work performed in Minrothad. He is probably one of the two or
three finest smiths alive today. He is
directly responsible for the design and
construction of gears, springs, and other
clockwork parts used in the construction
of big devices such as siege engines. His
QuilDs of
Up "
As told by halfling Archibald
Oildreg, Senior Journeyman Fuelmakcr, Guild Quickhand.
"Never a twice-thought on the fish
oil did I have, when I were a young
squeeg. Da come home smelling like
he slept in a bait box, and that was all I
knew. And four out of five meals a day
were friedoil were cheap, sure.
"Started my learn-time when I were
old enough to catch a flopper with one
grab and hang on. Twitchy thing, a
fish out o'water. Spent, oh, five years
packing catch from boat to gutter, and
oil-makings to press. After the
squeeze, clean up the mess. That were
half the clutter.
"Next step up were cranking the
press, then come my turn to process
the oil. Get four grades out now, most
journeymen only get three. I be top
squeezeman in the shop, and up for
mastership next year. Who knows?
Already sending my own barrel-shares
on Cosger's ship that runs to VorloiTown in Karameikos. Last run were
hot profit. If I make master, I'll open
my own shop.
"Now, I be saving up for my master's dues. Gotta work a lot of squeeze
to pay them fees. But Master Slipperyfoot be giving me the bright-eye, says
if I make master he'll slip me into family council if I got top style. Of course
he willhis daughter's my sweet, and
I be part of his family soon!"
five main associate guilds are the ones
most important to Guild Hammer's prosperity. He is assisted by three head craftsmen.
The head weaponsmith is in charge of
manufacturing metal weapons. The
design of the weapons is very elegant,
even the most basic ones. Minrothad
weapons always have a sea motiff etched
into the blade or worked into the pommel or handle. Weapons are popular
export items at all times, but sell best in
areas where a war is being conducted.
KsS5 Bfl-H-fl-Q-HOB-H-0-&OfliE-frO-0-&fl-H-B-0-B-C
QuilOs of
associate guilds that work the basic crafts,
such as pottery and basketweaving. He is
assisted by four head craftsmen.
The head potter oversees the production of clayware, stoneware, ceramics,
and porcelain objects ranging from plates
and bowls for daily use to art objects. The
head basketweaver is in charge of all the
small basketweaving associate guilds. The
baskets made can be as small as a little
woven collector's box for trinkets or as
large as the baskets used for carrying certain types of bulk cargo. Some of the baskets made are even waterproof. The head
glassblower oversees the manufacture of
all types of glass, including the panes of
glass used in guild halls and wealthier
households, the glass containers used by
QuilOs of MiNnotliat)
He works mainly with smaller associate
guilds of falconers, dog-handlers, and
the like.
Master Spice Dealer: This master
craftsman oversees the importing, processing, exporting, and general handling
of the spices produced by Guild Quickhand. This trade accounts for over three
quarters of Guild Corser's income. He is
assisted by two head craftsmen. The first
is the head saltmaker who oversees the
production of salt, the other is the head
beekeeper who manages the vast bee
farms tended by halflings on Open Isle.
The master spice dealer has an army of
traders traveling everywhere to sell
Minrothad's spices.
stops Minrothaddan traders from buying
and trading magical items from and to
other nations. The master magic dealer is
in charge of a group of agents and messengers in foreign lands who do just that.
If exceptional items are found, then he
approaches the Tutorial Guild to see if
they wish to purchase it.
Master Alchemist: This master craftsman is responsible for the manufacture or
acquisition of the unusual chemicals used
by most of the guilds. This guild, too, has
numerous agents abroad.
Master Brewer: This master craftsman
controls a vast network of agents that
arranges for the basic ingredients of
mead, ale, and wine to be imported into
Minrothad and then for those beverages
to be made. He has one head craftsmen
assisting him who overseas the slow process of making, aging, and storing wines
and spirits.
Master Piper: This master craftsman is
in charge of making pipes and smoking
apparati from all types of materials: wood
and clay for normal pipes, gourds and
meerschaum stone for fancy ones, even
glass for hookah pipes. The head craftsman who assists him is a head tobacconist
in charge of trading, importing, and/or
treating tobacco.
Master Animal Trainer: This master
craftsman both teaches animals and
instructs others in animal training. He
arranges for animals to be imported,
trained, and then sold locally or abroad.
MencJjaNt Sailons
This guild is responsible for sailing the
trading vessels of Minrothad. It is overseen by the guild master with the help of
the master importer and the master
Members of this guild are usually
instructed in the ways of sailing by Guild
Elsan for a year or two, then must serve
apprenticeships with the Merchant Sailors Guild. This guild also has authority
over Minrothad dockworkers and stevedores, as well as the ships they load and
unload. The Merchant Sailors Guild
works very closely with the MerchantPrinces Guild, since the ships cannot sail
efficiently without cooperation between
captain and crew.
MenceNany Quilto
This newest of political guilds is headed by a strongwilled, honest guild master
who is in charge of the three military
units of Minrothad. Each unit is run by its
The Thieves Guild is known to exist
but very little is known for certain about
it. Rumors abound, but the fact remains
that this guild's activities are covert. The
truth is known only to the guild master,
to Oran Meditor, and to the thieves active
in this unpopular and secretive organization.
'Cutonial Guild
The Tutorial Guild is a combine of
many smaller associate guilds that train
and teach. The guild master oversees the
administration of these associate guilds.
A force of guild scholars answerable only
to him checks on the associate guilds from
time to time to see that they are maintaining their standards of education. The
most important of the associate guilds are
up "Political"
as told by water elfCosger Elsan,
Journeyman Helmsman, Merchant
Sailors Guild
"My kin build these ships and
thought I would too. But how could I
stay land-bound when the waves beckoned? And so that path I took.
"My age-mates began their learn time in family crafts, but I sought out
old Elwyn instead, once master navigator. Time enough he'd spent on
ships, and so understood my urge.
When I came of apprentice age, I took
the tests for the Merchant Sailors
Guild and passed, thanks to Master
Elwyn 's coaching. Then my learn-time
as scupper began.
"Cabin boy is the obvious 'prentice, seen by passengers, but the real
work starts far below decks in the tac-
The apprentice-journeyman-master
rank system of the guilds, based on
achievement and experience, carries over
into Minrothad society. To an overwhelming extent, a person's position in his guild
reflects his position in society. This has
resulted in a formalized caste system, recognized by tax laws and acknowledged by
citizens in their daily lives.
A person's guild and rank dictate
which category he occupies in the Minrothad caste system. Some caste positions
limit one's progress within the guilds,
but for the most part, caste lines are not
completely rigid; hard work or political
skill can elevate an individual to a higher
caste than the one he began in.
There are six castes in Minrothad. Each
reflects a degree of wealth, but even
more, an appreciation of what a person
can do for his guild. Caste names come
from ancient Nithian words for rank and
standing; people often refer to themselves and others by a reference to their
caste: "A cleric will always be an evem,
regardless what he preaches to others."
First Caste: The first and lowest rank is
the okeen, or laborer caste. This caste
includes guild members of the least
importance: apprentices and those who
are too lazy, careless, or indifferent to
make much difference to the guild.
Regardless of wealth, a sloppy and uncaring craftsman remains an okeen, as does
an otherwise respected oldster who
refuses to pass on knowledge of his craft
to the young.
Second Caste: The second caste is the
macau, the artisans who comprise the
majority of common guildsman. This is
the great middle class of Minrothaddans
who toil and work for love of their craft
and guild. It is their efforts that keep
Minrothad prosperous. The macau have
traditionally enjoyed more benefits than
the okeen: better pay, better positions in
the guild, finer tools and materials to
work with, etc.
A person's caste is signified primarily
by clothing. It is not so much what he
wears that indicates his caste, since garments come in unpredictable variety in
Minrothad, but it is the quality of the
cloth and the nature of the accessories
that are the telling point. Members of all
castes but the sixth incorporate a workrelated item in their ensemble: a silver
tasting salver hanging from the neck for a
vintner, or a baker's cap for a baker. The
higher the caste, the finer the material
and more stylized the design of the significant accessories.
Members of the sixth (ruling) caste
wear no work accessories at all, and this in
and of itself is indicative of their rank.
Their clothes are the most extravagant
and finest of all, meant to embody their
guild's pride and importance.
Minrothad Guilds
(Ruling Guild Master)
Guild Corser
Guild Hammer
Guild Verdier
Guild Quickhand
Guild Elsan
Caste SysteM
Guild membership carries with it privileges and obligations, and Minrothaddans expect to be able to easily identify a
guildsman's rank and standing. Upon
passing apprentice level in a guild, most
members are marked with a tatoo in a visible place: the back of the hand, on the
cheek, or even on the forehead.
Guildsmen expect to wear the tatoo for
life and embellish it with additions which
indicate rank and specialty skills. Tatoos
are removed only if a person changes
guilds or is kicked out of one for some
reason. The removal process uses an acid
wash; it is a painful and scarring process
and not undertaken lightly.
Organizations that do not care to have
their members easily identified, like the
Thieves Guild, give them a ring, earring,
armband, or other removable object as a
sign of guild membership. The token is
given to the member after he has served
his guild reliably for two years. These
guildsmen usually also wear a simple and
misleading family guild tatoo, lest the
lack of a mark draws attention to them.
QuilD Pnivileqes
Members of the greatest trading combine in the Known World enjoy many
privileges unique to their nation.
Price Discounts: A guildsman pays
only 40 percent of the wholesale price for
any item manufactured by his own guild
and may purchase from other guilds at
wholesale price. Nonguild members pay
a standard retail price, which can be 100
percent or more of the wholesale price.
It is considered immoral for a guild
member to buy something at his reduced
membership price for a friend in another
guild. It sometimes happens between
friends or lovers but it is frowned upon
and repeat offenders may have their price
privileges revoked.
Business on Credit: A guildsman can
buy on account from his own guild with
no interest charged. A guild may offer
the same courtesy to members of other
guilds on an individual basis, charging
only a small interest rate for the credit.
Such credit-based business is rarely done
outside of Minrothad and is never practiced with retail customers, where "cash
on the barrelhead" is standard.
Political SysteM
"Intrigue, duplicity, scoundrelism,
evasiveness! All the things that we hope
to avoid in government are as food and
drink to the Minrothad politician."
lerendi Ambassador Ounia, trying to
explain to his government his desire to
leave Minrothad.
Though its hidden workings are
treacherous, the government of Minrothad is much more than groups of selfserving craftsman trying to gut each
other. Like the scales that are the nation's
symbol, the family guilds and the political guilds are the primary counterweights
on the political scene. They are separated
by the ruling guild master, whose office
and its cabinet are the fulcrum and balance of power in the Minrothad system.
The ruling guild master enjoys support
from the political guilds, whose guild
masters he appoints. He uses this support
to offset the influence of the powerful
family guilds, whose backing he sometimes enlists by promoting one of their
race, guild, or clan to a position in the
political guilds.
On the other hand, the ruling guild
master can do very little if both the family
guilds and the political guilds oppose
him, for their taxes support the national
government and the military is not under
his personal control as a cabinet function.
Consequently the balance between the
three factions remains stable only as long
as all three are strong. This balance of
power has been upset in the past, resulting in poor government decisions formulated and pushed through by the
dominant group. Besides caring for the
real business of government, the ruling
guild master must himself be a master of
intrigue, struggling to ensure that no single political faction becomes too powerful through its plots and ploys. In spite of
their reputation in trade, the politics of
Minrothad are not for the naive or the
scrupulously honest.
"You can easily tell when a Minrothad
guild master is lying: his lips move."
Continental guild hall joke
Pnice of iNtnique
A word of caution from Lord Ordekis, Thyatian ambassador to Minrothad
People who play Minrothad politics
play for keeps. The game moves swiftly,
the players change constantly, and rules
of fair play are observed only when convenient. Any tool that helps advance a
cause is used when needed and that
presents a danger for visitors to Minrothad.
Travelers who seek intrigue and perhaps physical risk can easily find this
when they come to these islands. But
even the innocent voyager may get
caught up in webs not of his own weaving. The one who is lucky might simply
have a rude encounter with unprincipled
guildsmen; he who is not may be charged
with treason, or lose his life in one of
many ways.
Visitors should remain alert for ruses
designed to use a foreigner as an unwitting tool of guild intrigue:
If you are not a merchant, be wary if
invited to a private place to discuss guild
business. Minrothaddans never discuss
guild business with outsiders unless it
relates to a specific trade arrangement.
Refuse requests to deliver sealed or
otherwise private messages to other
guildsmen. Almost every place of business sends legitimate messages by
apprentice or with a friendly captain if it
must go to another island. If you do this
sort of favor for someone you are likely
being used as a dupe in some kind of
guild intrigue.
If you are asked to do something that
might be illegal (such as waylaying someone leaving a tavern, "as a practical
joke") be extremely cautious. You can be
certain that is not the true purpose of the
ploy, and the one who approached you is
almost never the one who is really behind
it. If you comply, you may become
involved in serious charges. If you refuse
to help or report it to the constabulary,
you may be harassed by vengeful guildsmen. I have nothing to advise in such a
situation except to avoid it.
by Deborah Christian and Kim Eastland
Table of Contents
Welcome to Minrothad
History of the Minrothad Guilds
Historical Synopsis of the Minrothad Isles
Crime in the Minrothad Isles
Pirates of the Minrothad Isles
The Merchant-Princes of Minrothad
Guild Trade
Speculative Trade
Trade Goods Tables
Supply and Demand Tables
Secrets of the Minrothad Elves
Towns and Cities: A Trader's Tour
Personalities of the Minrothad Guilds
Adapting Gazetteers to AD&D Campaigns
TSR, Inc.
FOB 756
Lake Geneva,
WI5314? USA
120 Church End, Cherry Hinton
Cambridge CB1 3LB
United Kingdom
ISBN 0-88038-607-X
TSR, Inc.
WelCOMG to MlNROtliat)
A word from Gheryn Verdier,
Minrothad Guilds Ambassador to Karameikos
You who are about to send your friends
to the Minrothad Guilds: do they wish to
buy? We have goods to sell, and none
better from any guild hall on the continent.
Do they wish to sell? We might be willing buyers, if the price is right.
Do they seek information? We have
that aplenty, news and gossip from all
corners of the world. And intrigue to go
with itmore, I dare say, than most
mainlanders can stomach.
Alas, if your friends seek employment,
they are unwelcome if they hope to compete with a guild craft or service. But
there is always call for bodyguards, or special agents who serve in, shall we say, less
conventional ways.
But if your friends adventure in Minrothad, warn them to be on their guard.
Fall afoul of the Minrothad Guilds and
no law on the continent can help them.
Our reach is long, and a Black Seal Warrant of death awaits foreigners involved
in treasonous intrigues.
Oh? They don't plan such involvement? I see. Then let us hope it does not
seek them out instead, shall we?
T^e Qazettcen
This sourcebook deals with the Minrothad Guilds. It is a reference book for the
DM's eyes only. An overview of the
Minrothad Guilds is provided in the
accompanying Adventurers' Guide to
Minfothad, designed for both players
and DM to read and use. But there is
much that is not said in the Adventurers'
Guide and some that is intentionally misleading for player characters. The truth is
told here.
CaiwpaiQNiNQ IN
Adventures in the Minrothad Guilds
can be a welcome change of pace from
campaigning on the mainland. Not only
is the setting different, but the type of
adventure opportunities are different as
A Minrothad campaign offers involvement in covert operations and subtle
encounters in which no sword can make a
difference. Adventurers will be challenged with "thinking" encounters in
which the character who uses his head
profits better than one using brute
strength. And PCs will find it difficult to
walk away from the intrigues of Minrothad and its guilds, for this is a nation
that can place a bounty on their heads
which will follow them throughout the
Characters who visit the guilds can rest
and recuperate there, sell their booty, or
hire out as free agents for dangerous missions. For players and DMs who want to
run a campaign permanently based in
Minrothad, there are advantages and
drawbacks to this particular setting, especially if native Minrothad characters are
Career Problems: Characters will find
that the guild environment severely limits how they pursue their adventuring
career. Natives can become fighter characters only by joining the appropriate
guild, in which case they become obligated to serve that guild as any other guildsman would be. nonnatives can only
pursue a fighting career as a hired agent
and cannot receive training from the local
guild. The same applies to thieves and
magic-users, whose spellcasting is limited
by guild regulation. Clerics are the only
character class unrestricted by guilds.
Career Advantages: A Minrothad campaign offers the chance for characters to
Welcoivte to
relationship with Minrothad clerics without difficulty.
Thieves are anathema to the
Characters identified as such are followed
and sometimes harassed by law forces,
looking for an excuse to make an arrest.
The Minrothad Thieves Guild is a
secret organization that has exclusive control over criminal activities in Minrothad
waters. PC thieves who practice their skill
and get caught by the Thieves Guild do
so at the risk of their lives.
This is not to say that thieves should
not go to Minrothad. On the contrary, the
Thieves Guild is always looking for a few
good foreign rogues to act as free agents
on the continentor even to do some
coven spying in Minrothad that the guild
would not want to be associated with if
the spy is caught.
Since Minrothad has a network of
thieves and spies throughout the islands
and in most major ports of the mainland,
a capable thiefs reputation is often
known before he reaches Minrothad.
Thieves should not be surprised if they
are approached by the guild during their
stay in Minrothad.
Only members of the Tutorial Guild
practice arcane crafts here; most magic
other than sea and weather enchantments
is unfamiliar to the public. Magic-users
who visit the islands find themselves the
object of curiousity and some suspicion if
they are identified as mages in Minrothad.
Only spellcasters of the Tutorial Guild
are authorized to practice magic at will in
the Minrothad Isles. Foreign mages may
only do so if supervised by a Tutorial
Guild member. This stricture can be
defied but such action is usually illegal,
and the character may have to face the
Histouy of tlie
Elves migrated northward after the
destruction of Blackmoor, but not all
groups remained with Ilsundal as he led
them to the Sylvan Realm (see GAZ 3).
Two groups of elves honored powers from
the Sphere of Time; both groups were
prompted by those powers to leave Ilsundal's migration and settle at some distance from each other in the lands west of
These were the Meditor and Verdier
clans of elves. The Verdier settled in the
forest lands of ancient Traldar in what is
now Karameikos; the Meditor elves settled farther south, near the seacoast. Later, a series of cataclysms flooded the land
and formed islands. This upheaval created the Sea of Dtead, the lerendi
islands, and the archipelago later known
as the Mintothad Isles. The Meditor elves
found themselves stranded on those
islands and the Verdier elves found themselves living on newly-made seacoast.
The Verdier and Meditor elves were
descendants of elvish shipbuilders in
their lost homeland to the south. Again
prompted by immortal intervention, the
Verdier elves built ships and joined their
btethren on the island they called Alfeisle. There they engaged in handicrafts
and the building of small ocean-going
vessels, exploring the island and the local
While elves went about their affairs,
traders from the burgeoning Nithian
Empire discovered Trader's Isle. Led by
the adventurer Minroth, the group recognized the value of the natural resources
they found there. They colonized the
island, founded the port called Harbortown, and began to call the chain the Colony Islands.
MiNnotl?'s Quest
Unknown to his friends, the colonization of Trader's Island was part of
Minroth's quest to ascend to the
Sphere of Matter as a polymath. He
settled and explored the island as
much in hopes of finding the artifact
hidden by his immortal sponsor as for
mundane reasons of trade and profit.
A master-class fighter, Minroth's
nearly superhuman abilities became
evident in the early days of the colony.
In fact, his quest was successful; when
the artifact was attained, Minroth
ascended to the Sphere of Matter and
vanished from the island. The
Nithians have venerated him ever
since and the church of Minroth was
founded to honor this immortal.
Minroth's sudden disappearance
without a goodbye or word of explanation left his contemporaries with an
unsettled feeling. Ever since, there has
been the expectation that he would
reappear just as suddenly as he left.
This expectation has become a mainstay of the creedo of Minrothism, as
explained in the .Adventurer's Guide.
As the Nithian Empire fell into slow
decline, the trader-colonists of Trader's Isle
began their ascent. Calling themselves
Minroth traders after the cult that had
sprung up to honor the Nithian, they carried rare woods and handicrafts to peoples
who lived on the shores of the Sea of Dread.
Over the next centuries, trade developed
between growing Thyatis and the islands.
Minor disputes over the use of forest wood
grew into a major rift between the Verdier
and Meditor elves. The Verdier took to the
the woods and lived in isolation from their
kin. At this time the terms "wood eh0' and
"water elf came into common use
between the two.
decades to come.
Kitrina was assassinated, leaving her
heir, Oran Meditor, too young to take
over as ruling guild master. In the interim, the council of guild leaders served as
regent. Council members used their newfound clout to line their own pockets,
slackening quality standards on goods
and raising taxes to burdensome levels.
Goods produced during that era,
stamped CGL, are examples of substandard production, for the Minrothad people became demoralized and the quality
of their work visibly suffered.
Oran Meditor took office at the relatively early elvish age of 150 years, as soon
as his obligatory craft training in the
water elf guild was complete. The council
was unable to protest, but relinquished
power reluctantly. Oran soon cleaned
house with a series of unexpected reforms
and adroit political maneuvers that have
breathed new life into the Minrothad
Guilds. The Isolation Act has been
rescinded and Minrothad has once again
thrown its doors open to trade, craftsmen
and visitors.
1100 BC: Nithians led by Minroth cofonize the Isle of Dread and found Harbortown.
The ruling guild master is assisted in
the functions of his office by a cabinet
that he appoints. Although the titles are
identical to those that help run each family guild, the functions of the cabinet
officers are in some instances remarkably
First Advisor: Ginol Meditor is Oran
Meditor's uncle. This is the ruling guild
master's right hand and deputy and is
heavily relied upon. The fitst advisor acts
in the place of the ruling guild master
when the guild master is ill or incapacitated. Ginol served in this way while
Oran recovered from the last assassination attempt.
First Consort: Astra Meditor is Oran's
wife. As first consort, she is responsible
for running the palace in the city of
Minrothad and overseeing all social and
many diplomatic functions of the government. She has assumed many of the ceremonial functions once served by the
ruling guild mastei when that office was
more of a figurehead.
Master Treasurer: Eliz Blanceer is a
human who coordinates all other guild
treasurers, has complete audit authority,
and controls the tax procedures for
Minrothad. This is the most fiscally sensitive position in the country, and the master treasurer is expected to be highly
trustworthy and beyond reproach.
Master of the Ruling Guild Master's
Agents: Truth Greenton oversees the ruling guild masters agents. In a family
guild, this would be a small security force
which serves as personal security for its
guild master. In the case of the government cabinet, however, the guild master's agents are an elite intelligence and
security force that protects the ruling
guild master and collects whatever coven
intelligence he deems useful for his purposes.
Agents under Greenton's authority act
independently of guild heirarchies.
Adventurers from the continent who find
employment with the government of
Minrothad are likely to join this contingent in service to the ruling guild master.
City of MiNnotljad
The first assassination attempt against
Oran Meditor failed because the assassin
missed his shot, killing the seneschal of
the city of Minrothad instead.
Seizing the opportunity to bolster his
power, Meditor appointed the halfling
Hastin Smoothtongue as seneschal, thus
binding Guild Quickhand closer to him.
Kin of Guild Corser have been seneschals of the city of Minrothad for over
100 years. However, that guild had been
actively plotting against Meditor, who
decided that their outrage at losing the
office of seneschal could not significantly
worsen the situation.
Meditot was wrong. Guild Corser is set
steadfastly against him and is plotting
another assassination attempt in conjunction with other discontents.
The Lycanthropic Plague of 980 AC
was a resurgence of the old curse of
Minrothad humans. The council of guild
leaders failed to act decisively against the
outbteak and some even enlisted lycanthropes as their agents for assassinations.
The were-menace soon grew into a fullgrown plague, with weres appearing on
all the islands by the year 989In that year Oran Meditor took office
and sent the Mercenary Guild to deal
with the problem. The greatest threat is
now past, but weres remain in unexpected places.
One of those places is in the city of
Minrothad. The former commander of
the Home Guard #1, Marden Bailey, is
himself a victim of the curse. Blackmailed
by Verdier forest elves, he is head of a
group of weres who assist in assassination
plots. Bailey plans how to destroy all
The Kasan were once head of the water
elf family guild until their assassination
attempt failed. They are now the most
implacable enemies Oran Meditor has
made. Their activities are spied upon by
Meditor's agents, but there is one ploy
going completely unobserved.
The Kasan know that the ruling guild
master is quietly looking for foreigners to
serve as agents. Kasan representatives are
searching for likely mainlanders in order
to buy their loyalties and then have them
apply to be agents for the Minrothad government. These double agents would be
used to feed misinformation to the ruling
guild master, a valuable asset in the world
of plot and counterplot.
As Explained by Truth Grcenton,
Master of Agents, ruling guild master's cabinet
"The only place for nonguild members to find employment in Minrothad
is with the government, and then only
in special capacities as, say, one of the
ruling guild master's agents.
I don't accept everyone who
applies, of course, but sometimes I
actively recruit. Like now: there's been
a string of coincidental 'accidents'
around Oran Meditor that make me
uncomfortable. Masonry falls from a
building, a balcony collapses, a family
pet attacks for no reason and has to be
killedthat sort of thing. Oran and I
agree the family guilds are up to something again, and we're looking for
some special agents to investigate.
I've put out the word on the mainland through our Thieves Guild and
trading contacts. Right now I'll hire
someone who's not affiliated with
these guilds in any way. We need outsiders we can trust, who won't be
swayed by guild politics.
Sure, guilds don't talk to outsiders
about their business. But there's ways
around that. We pass foreigners off as
'outland traders' from the continent:
when a trader has children born in a
foreign country, they're automatically
part of his family guild and can wear
the mark if they want.
We fix our agents up with any guild
tatoo or insignia that they need, fill
'em in on a cover story, then there's no
questions asked. Oh, the tatoos are
magically applied and so come off later without difficultynever know
when the agent will need to use a different guild mark. The tatoos are no
problem. Its finding the right person
to put them on."
Deati? IN ti7
As told by halfling Ka.be!
Grassroots, journeyman gardener, city
"I were in the garden, a-pruning
the hydrangeas, when Guild Master
Meditor come out to take the air. He
stopped by the peach tree and sat on
the stone bench. He were there no few
minutes when the earth roiled and
burst up right in front of him! I
googled and near dropped my shears.
"There stood a manlike thing, all
made out of dirt and rocks. His rulership had this surprised look on his face
when it clubbed him and knocked him
clear back offen that bench.
"I thought sure he must be kilt. But
no, the master were hurt, but alive.
He half stood and scrambled back,
under the trees and around the gardenia bush. The thing followed him,
pushing trees right to the sideand
that's when I spied the other man.
"Looked like Guild Corser, from
the cheek tatoo, but he'd no business
in the palace gardens, hey? He stood
behind the gardenias, staring real hard
with his hands pointed funny at the
"The dirt-man were on Meditor
again, crunching him in his arms. It
dropped him, and the master collapsed like every bone in his body were
snapped. Looked like next tromp,
he'd be crushed. I didn't know what
to do, but I had to do something. So I
went screaming out there, running
right across the lawn, and threw my
shears at the thing's back. Well, this
wizard were so busy, he didn't notice
me sooner. But I think my holler
spooked him. He gave a start, the dirtman froze in mid-stomp, then everything got crazy.
"Later they told me it were an earth
elemental, and the wizard lost control
of it. That wizard got away and there's
nothing left of the garden, blast him.
"An earth elemental. Imagine that.
And I threw my prunin' shears at it."
CRIMG in ttye
Little is known about thieves by the
average Miniothaddan. Even less is
known about the guild to which most
ptofessional thieves belong. Theii actions
seldom come to the awareness of the public and Minrothaddans are content to
keep it that way. It is unsettling enough
to citizens that their government knows
about the activities of this nefarious
Early in Meditor's rule, various family
guilds hoped to use the Thieves Guild
against him. The organization was strictly
clandestine, its existence and connections
with pirates known to only a few of the
family guild members.
Through the Thieves Guild, these
plotters passed information to the pirates
about what Minrothad shipping would
be suitable targets for attack. The purpose of this maneuver was to undermine
Meditor's authority by claiming ineffectiveness against pirates.
For some time the pirates took these
tips and lived well off the sacrificial shipping. But Oran Meditor suspected the
family guilds were involved and was not
too surprised when he was openly
approached by the Thieves Guild itself.
The guild wanted to strike a deal with
Meditor. If Oran let them use Minrothad
trading agents as contact points, they
would develop a network of trade intelligence overseas. This would help them
expand their continental thieving network; in exchange the Thieves Guild
would not operate within Minrothad
Oran was not completely happy with
this offer and was about to turn them
down when the old guild master died of
natural causes. He took the opportunity
to make a counteroffer to the new guild
master, Alf Shadower. Meditor would
endorse Alf in his office, thus saving a lot
of infighting over the position. He would
also permit the overseas expansion of the
Thieves Guild, as previously proposed. In
exchange, the guild would be reorgan-
Thieves operate almost exclusively on
the continent, in ports and trade towns
and wherever else guild business takes
them. They steal to finance the operations of the guild and consider any nonMinrothad person or business to be fair
game. (Also, more foreigners belong to
this group than any other Minrothaddan
In suitable places lacking a thieves
guild of their own, the Minrothad thieves
dominate the local crime scene. This
group has the man-power and the experience to come into a town and set up a successful criminal organization. Not all are
called guilds, and many do not even
know they are really front operations for
Minrothad thieves.
Aside from purely money-making ventures, the actions of these mainland
thieves serve the purposes of the Minrothad guilds whenever possible. Merchants and shippers who compete with *
the Minrothad guilds are prefered targets
of opportunity, as are officials and other
persons who are not cooperating with
Minrothad trade agents or ambassadors.
In cities where there is already a strong
thieves guild, the Minrothad thieves go
deep underground. They continue their
activities in a low-key manner, and have
become quite adept at evading the local
thieves. Since death is almost a certain
penalty for infringing on another guild's
territory, Minrothad thieves are very careful not to get caught. Only the most
experienced guildsmen operate regularly
in another guild's territory.
The Thieves Guild serves as an informal intelligence network for the government of Minrothad. Although they do
not actively seek out information, as do
the Blue Eels, thieves constantly stumble
across gossip and other tidbits that might
be of interest in a larger context. This
news is passed along to the guild master
in Minrothad; in special instances it may
go directly to the local Blue Eel contact.
Deaf/7 to "CtjiVS
In 965 AC, after the assassination of
Ruling Guild Master Kitrina Meditor,
the much-heralded '' Death to
Thieves" decree was passed.
The decree mandated an immediate
trial and death sentence for anyone
convicted of thievery of a certain
degree or type. The act was a hysterical
response to the fact that Meditor's
assassin had been a member of a foreign thieves guild. Abhorrent of
thieves and all they represent, Minrothaddans heartily endorsed the act.
The decree is still in effect in the
Minrothad guilds, although it has
been enforced less and less over the
years. However, if members of the
Minrothad Thieves Guild are the
thieves unlucky enough to be caught,
their trial and execution is speedy so
that they will not have the chance to
reveal sensitive information about
their guild, such as its involvement
with pirates and assassins and the fact
that the ruling guild master knows of
The Thieves Guild can be contacted
officially through the government of
Minrothad. It can be approached unofficially by a discreet word to a guild port
agent or factor. The word will be passed
along and a thief will pay a visit to the one
who inquired. Mtnrothad trade agents
serve only as information relays and middlemen in legal activities.
Blue Eels
This guild is responsible for finding
out things that could affect Minrothad
business interests and trade concerns.
Since many political actions of a nation
impact its economy and hence its commerce, the Blue Eels are perforce one of
the most extensive spy organizations on
the continent.
There is at least one Blue Eel or one of
their foreign agents in place in the government or court of almost every nation
that Minrothad trades with. Where this is
not possible, the Minrothad trade agent
is often a Blue Eel. That post keeps the
spy in a position to at least observe economic events within a country and make
appropriate reports.
Blue Eel spies pass along information
on tariffs, taxes, economic development,
and military and political events. Much
of this information-gathering is mundane, but allows the ruling guild master
to advise Minrothad merchants on effective trade strategies and tactics.
Master Spy; Master of this guild is the
dwarf Cass Charmer, a former thief who
single-handedly created the network of
spies called the Blue Eels. His base of
operations is the city of Minrothad, but
Cass spends most of his time traveling on
the continent handling guild affairs.
Device: A royal blue eel writhes vertically, holding a balance in its mouth. Five
stars form a pattern on the eel's back, a
subtle reference to the five stars of the ruling guild master's device.
Sensitive Information: When Minrothad is concerned about a country's military intentions or other highly sensitive
information is sought, Blue Eels are prepared to handle that kind of assignment.
If necessary, the spy steals documents, listens to secret conferences, and does whatever is needed to secure the information.
This is the most hazardous of all spy
ventures, when the Blue Eel must delve
after information rather than letting it
come to him. Because of the irreparable
harm the discovery of a spy would do to
Minrothad trade ventures, spies are sworn
to kill themselves rather than be captured
alive. Each Blue Eel carries a small concealed vial at all times. The vial contains a
potion concocted of sea snake venom; the
poison is fast-acting and always fatal.
Recnuited AqeNts
Sometimes it is easier for a foreign
native to get close to sensitive information. Foreigners who work for the Blue
Eels are recruited agents, whether or not
they realize they are aiding the spy organization of Minrothad when they undertake a mission. A recruited agent may be
as innocuous as a chambermaid, reporting who her lord entertains at night; it
might be someone as prominent as a minister of government, dissatisfied with his
lot and willing to sell information to a
high bidder. The Blue Eels have almost
unlimited funding with which to coax
such informers.
It is impossible to contact the Blue Eels
except through the office of the Thieves
Guild. Even then, anyone exhibiting
knowledge of this spy organization will
be the target of immediate suspicion and
will be shadowed by the very spies he is
trying to locate.
Privateers, or pirates, have a tolerated,
semi-legal status in the Minrothad
guilds. Their existence is known, but the
fact that they are part of the Thieves
Guild is a well-kept secret. Details about
piracy in the Sea of Dread and Minrothad
waters are given under Pirates. Here following is simply an overview of privateers
as associates of the Thieves Guild.
Master Privateer: The Master of the Privateer Guild is the water elf Hamilvar
Kasan. His headquarters and base is Cove
Harbor on Fire Island.
Device: The device of this associate
guild is a balance with two cutlasses as the
crossbeams of the balance arm. When
ashore, guild members wear a metal
bracelet or anklet with this device on it.
When at sea, absolutely no insignia
relating them to the Mintothad guilds is
worn, though passwords are issued so
they can identify themselves to key
merchant-princes. The traditional pirate
flag bearing a skull and two crossed cutlasses, called the Dread Banner, is used to
identify privateer ships when raiding.
Minrothad privateers once had letters
of marque from the government authorizing them to attack and destroy or confiscate the shipping of nations hostile to
Minrothad. In the past there was some
purpose to this, since Thyatian war vessels
made forays now and then into the Sea of
Dread. Now, however, the guilds have
signed neutrality treaties with most seafaring countries. There are no openly hostile powers for the privateers to attack.
This tiny detail has not stopped the
privateers from continuing their banditry. Called pirates by everyone but themselves, the Privateers Guild preys on any
likely merchant shipping except Minrothaddan vesselsand a decade ago were
attacking those as well.
Since the restructuring of the Thieves
Guild, Oran Meditor has tolerated the
continued existence of the Privateers
Guild under inflexible conditions. They
must leave Minrothad shipping strictly
Privateers sell captured cargos in a variety of mainland ports. They never sell
such goods in Minrothad, a stricture
intended to keep them out of the public
eye and questions out of the minds of
inquisitive guild merchants.
Their cargo sales are tacitly assisted by
the Minrothad trade agent in port. As
long as items are not contraband or clearly identifiable as someone else's property,
the factor does privateers the courtesy of
asking no questions about the goods. The
cargo is accepted into the guild warehouses and the trade agent handles the
other details of selling.
Minrothad privateers can be contacted
in Cove Harbor on Fire Island, at sea in a
sea encounter, or sometimes selling goods
in a mainland port.
There is no official Minrothad Guilds
connection with assassins. Through their
mainland contacts, though, many
Thieves Guild masters know assassins and
Minrothad, with its concentration on
merchant shipping, has never developed
a large navy. In the early 8th century, the
guilds relied heavily on their merchant
Senior Journeyman
Junior Journeyman
Second Mate
Chief Boatswain's
Third Mate
Ship's Carpenter JM
Ship's Cook
Watch Chief
Special Positions JJm, JM5-10
Able Seamen
When a scupper joins us, I be the mate
that watches close, see what he be likely
for. Be he nimble, I put him topside in
the riggin' soon as he knows a sheet from
a shroud. Have he a sharp eye for distance, I put him on a ballista crew, or
mayhap the catapult. Be he nearsighted,
RcfeueeiNQ Pinate
When we come on a likely ship, we
chase her down and board her. Sometimes they give up easy. If not, well, we
do what we have to. Then we take her cargo, scuttle the ship and put her crew and
passengers ashoreor we 're supposed to,
anyway, says the guild master.
If the ship looks good, we put a prize
crew aboard instead o'sinkin' her. They
take her to Cove Harbor, our hidey place,
and refit her for privateer work. Or, if she
don't look quite so good, we sell her in a
foreign port.
lerendi Navy is something to avoid all
the time, though we might try to take a
navy ship from a different country.
Pirates we always have a tussle with, especially lerendi pirates. They got the speed,
but we got the weapons. There's more
than one o'their ships has been made part
o'the privateer fleet, and the Radiant's
one of 'em!
The secret of Minrothad pirate success
is their use of fast ships and endless training. Theit ships are faster than most naval
and merchant vessels and the crews drill
continuously with artillery and melee
weapons so they can prevail in boarding
A ship that cannot flee a pirate vessel
must fight. The outcome of a sea chase
MV: Starting 3/4
Sailon's "Cnicks
There be tricks to the trade in the Privateer line o'work. Any sailor knows
about 'em, but it's how and when you use
'em that makes you a privateer.
Some of these tips and tricks are used
for commonplace sailing problems and
others are for less legitimate purposes.
Getting Afloat: A vessel that ran
aground can wait for the tide to turn and
float it off the obstruction. If the ship got
hung up at high tide, it can only be
refloated by towing. It can be towed by
another vessel or it can tow itself by kedging. During kedgmg, a ship's boat rows
out with a length of cable and the ship's
anchor. The anchor is dropped and the
cable taken up on the capstan. In this
way, a ship can winch herself off an
Sailing: A ship trying to make speed
sometimes has its sails drenched with
water. Wet canvas holds the wind better,
improving speed by 5 to 10 percent. A
ship cutting upwind of another can steal-
MeRcfjaNt-PuiNces of
"If you want to trade with the Minrothad Guilds, the merchant-princes hold
the real power. They have the wealth to
back up trade decisions and they're left
alone at sea because of that strange magic
they know."
Tedor, a Darokin import merchant
"Flamboyant fellows they are, all
puffed up with themselves. So they can
conjure elementals. So can any Glantri
lord worth the name! But Minrothaddans
regard them as nobility for their spellcastingasmuch as their money... Hmm. Perhaps they're learning something from us
after all."
Vinciento de Belcadiz, Glantri
Ambassador to Minrothad
Master craftsmen often go on trading
voyages with Minrothad ships carrying
goods from their guild. In this way, the
master can handle buying and selling in
person when port is reached rather than
relying on the ship captain or the Minrothad port agent to conduct his business
for him.
Even more often, ship captains purchase guild cargos or carry them on consignment and do their own trading in
foreign ports. Whether master or ship's
captain, these persons represent the
Minrothad Guilds overseas and have the
buying and selling power to back up their
trade agreements.
These Minrothad master traders came
to have much power and influence as
guild representatives. Too, in Minrothad
there is a long tradition of magic used on
shipboard to aid in / / seafaring. Since
most elvish captains, at least, knew a little
sea or weather magic, the combination of
merchant skill and spellcasting became
identified as one in the person of the
Minrothad trader.
The utility of sea and weather magic
could not be denied and as the guilds
became more powerful, Minrothad captains aspired to its mastery. Spellcasters
who were also master traders and experienced captains came to represent the
epitome of guild aspirations.
Enough captains actually fit this mold
that their class and status are formalized
in Minrothad with the acknowledgement
of a caste designation and social perquisites. The merchant-prince is now a recognized profession in the Minrothad
Guilds, a respected and powerful character class at home and abroad.
BecoMJNQ a
A craftsman or ship captain must reach
master level in his craft and be an experienced trader before he can apply for
training to become a merchant -prince.
That training is magical in nature, for
once the mundane experience is
acquired, it is the mastery of seafaring
magic that turns a master into a
The Tutorial Guild's associate Guild of
Instruction oversees the education of
aspiring merchant-princes. The master of
instruction, the water elf Holea Mapseir,
personally approves applicants for and
affirms graduates from this training program.
A player running a Minrothad Guilds
character might wish to become a
merchant-prince. This should be possible
but, as with NPCs, the character must
first become a successful trader and a
master-level guildsman. This could be
one of the objectives of a campaign , for it
requires quite an investment of time and
much character development. The system
for developing characters through guild
ranks is described under Guild Trade.
CljaRacteR ReguiueMCNts
Only humans or elves can become
merchant-princes. Most members of this
class are ship captains, but any masterlevel character who plans on regular seafaring can apply. Characters must meet
these prerequisites and accomplish the
following things.
The character must have an Intelligence of at least 12 and Dexterity of at
least 9 He must have the Bargaining or
Appraisal skill and have improved it at
least one point over his native Intelligence score (see Skills in the Adventurer's Guide).
Magical 'CRaiNiNQ
Spell casting is an integral part of the
merchant-prince's repertoire. Because
characters of any class can become
merchant-princes, characters of any class
can apply for magical training in Minrothad.
Training is an apprenticeship in magic
which lasts ld4 + 3 years. This education
is interrupted whenever the character is
absent from Minrothad; if he takes study
materials with him and makes a serious
effort to learn them, he can complete one
month of studies in four months abroad.
Three-quarters of this instruction period
must be completed in person in Minrothad for the character to benefit from it.
At the end of his apprenticeship, the
character acquires the Merchant-Prince
Magic skill. This skill is used only to
determine when a character becomes
capable of casting spells and has nothing
to do with the success of spellcasting
The Merchant- Prince Magic skill is
based on Intelligence. A character's skill
score must be at least 15 for him to be
capable of casting these spells. If his score
is less than 1 5 , it reflects that he has mastered the theory behind this magic but
needs additional study time to put it into
A skill below 15 can be improved in the
regular manner (see the Adventurer's
Guide). A character with a MerchantPrince Magic skill of 15 is a 1st level
merchant-prince and can learn and cast
spells available to that class.
^YT* Pirn PIT r""""irvM
The merchant- prince uses a separate
XP progression table to determine when
he receives more spells. A player character
can apply XP to his regular class or apply
them to his merchant-prince magic progression. Elves and humans use the same
table to determine spell casting advancement. Since elves developed much of this
magic, they advance as quickly as do
humans, which is still somewhat slower
than a magic-user norm. Elves who are
taught higher spells by Minrothad water
elves can progress beyond the 10th level
of experience in terms of their merchantprince spell-casting abilities.
(In effect, a merchant-prince operates in
two character classes at once: his original
class and the merchant-prince class. However, he advances at the rate shown on the
Merchant-Prince Experience Table. The
spell progression on this table supercedes
that of elves, magic-users, and clerics,
though members of those classes have a
wider range of spells to choose from.)
C^e Spells
Water elves combined their own spells
with Alphatian magic designed for use at
sea. This was the basis for the spells and
magical practices which have since
become the province of merchantprinces.
7. Produce Fire
8. Rot
9. Web
Third Level Spells
1. Call Lightning
2. Dispel Fog (K)
3. Fireball
4. Lightning
5. Water Breathing
6. Watery Form (K)
Fourth Level Spells
1. Ball Lightning
2. Protection From Lightning
3. Talk to Sea Creatures (K)
4. Transmute Water to Ice
Fifth Level Spells
1. Control Winds
2. Summon Sea Creatures
3. Summon Weather
Sixth Level Spells
1. Calm Water
2. Calm Wind
3. Weather Control
Seventh Level Spells
1. Summon Air Elemental
2. Summon Water Elemental
MeRcl7aNt-PRiNces of MiNROtljaD
Finst Level Spells
Cleat Sight ( u u )
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds per level of caster
Effect: makes distant spot look close
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: detects one sea creature within 1
Douse Flame
Oilskin < M hi
Range: 50'
Duration: 1 round per level of caster
Effect: extinguishes small flames
Range: touch
Duration: 2 turns per level
Effect: keeps precipitation off one person
Faerie Fire
Range: 60'
Duration: 1 round per level of caster
Effect: illuminates creatures or object
This spell is identical to the Druid spell
of the same name.
Tactics: illuminates opponents or shipboard items (rigging, yardarms, etc.) in
night action.
light *
Range: 120'
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per level of
Effect: 30' diameter sphere of light
This spell is identical to the first level
magic-user spell.
Locate Sea Life
t> ^
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: all creatures within 30'
This spell is identical to the clerical
spell of the same name.
Tactics: Inures crew to bad weather
when fighting winter storms.
Sea Legs (AH-)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per level
Effect: stops seasickness and gives
improved balance on deck
This spell stops the effects of oncoming
or actual seasickness in the person it is cast
upon. If unable to do so before, that person also gains the ability to balance and
maneuver easily even on a violently heaving deck, just as the most experienced
sailor would do. At DM's discretion, a
person under the effects of this spell need
not make Dexterity checks for shipboard
actions in stormy weather that could easily be done in calm weather.
This spell can be reversed, also, in
which case the target of the spell must
MencljaNt-PniNces of MiNROtl?aC)
make a Dexterity check at the beginning
of every round when he moves or attacks.
Failure means the character falls down.
Another Dexterity check is required to
stand up.
Tactics: Used to help new seamen when
their healthy services are urgently needed, as during a sea battle, and to aid
selected passengers so they can function
Range: 30'
Duration: permanent
Effect: coats item with tar
When this spell is cast, a specified item
is tarred. Tar weatherizes ropes on shipboard and caulks the planks of a ship.
This spell produces enough tar to coat a
50' length of rope or to caulk a 5' x 10'
section of planking on a ship. The tar is
normal in all respects and ignites easily if
it comes in contact with flame. An application of turpentine is required to temove
Tactics: A common shipboard utility
spell, this is also used as an offensive nuisance by casting it on the hands, feet
and/of face of enemy sailors. One opponent can be tarred per spell.
Warp Wood
Range: 240'
Duration: permanent
Effect: causes wooden items to bend
This spell is identical to the 1st level
druid spell except that it also affects shipboard items of wood as well as weapons.
One belaying pin can be warped for every
four levels of the spellcaster; the arm of a
catapult or one small yardarm requires
eight levels; a medium yardarm 16 levels,
a rudder or large yardarm 20, and a mast
or keel can only be warped by a spellcaster
of 25th level or greater. A warped keel
makes a ship spring leaks and reduces its
speed to one-third normal.
Tactics: Used to affect sailing of artillery capabilities of an enemy vessel.
Range: 30'
Duration: permanent
Effect: removes barnacles and sea growths
from the hull of a ship
At least once a year or every 10,000
miles of travel (whichever comes first), a
ship's hull must be scraped clean of sea
growths which hinder its speed in the
water. This spell accomplishes that chore
magically, affecting a 20'x20' area of hull.
Careen is also used offensively,
although that was not its original intent.
When cast on a person, a saving throw is
allowed. If it fails, the victim is scraped
and abraded by the magical force, inflicting Id8 points of damage plus 1 point per
level of the spell caster.
A Ur
Range: 30'
Dotation: 1 round per level
Effect: controls ropes
This allows the merchant-prince to use
any ropelike object of organic material
(vine, hemp, etc.anything that was or
is alive) to behave as he or she orders.
Unlike the elvish entangle spell (GAZ5),
this is designed for ropes common on
shipboard. The spell affects a 20-foot
length of rope up to 1.5 inches in diameter, plus 5 feet per level of caster. The
commands given under an entangle spell
include: coil (form a neat stack), coil and
knot, loop, loop and knot, tie and knot,
and the feverses of all the above. The type
of knot is any sailors' knot mentally pictured by the spell caster. The rope must
be within 1 foot of any object it is to coil
around or tie up.
Tactics: used on enemy ships to collapse sails, foul rigging, and ensnare sailors.
Range: touch
Duration: special
Effect: allows one to see things at night as
if it were day
The person on whom this spell is cast
perceives a dark scene as if it were daylight. This enhanced vision is only effective outdoors. The spell can be cast no
more than two hours before sunset; the
duration of the effect is from nightfall
until sunrise.
During that period, the fecipient can
see details clearly and maneuver as if in
daylight, even though it is night. He suffers no penalties fof darkness when fighting.
Objects are clearly discernible up to
200 feet away but beyond that things are
fogged by a gray haze where the spell
effect expires. The person affected by this
spell is unable to see even a brightly-lit
object, such as a burning ship, that is further away than 200 feet.
Tactics: Usually cast on a night watchman so that he has a clear view of things
immediately on and around the ship.
Such a watchman also has a partner with
normal sight who can see beyond the 200foot limit.
Obscure * A J t
Range: 0 (merchant-prince only)
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: creates a huge misty cloud
This spell is identical to the 2d level
druid spell. The reverse form, reveal,
clears real fog away. Magical fog is not
Tactics: Helps hide a ship when evading pursuit or conceals its approach. Most
MeRctjaNt-PniNces of MiNROtl7at>
often used in the Sea of Dread where fog
and mist are common.
Predict Weather
Range: 10'
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Makes food and water safe to consume
Identical to the 1st level clerical spell.
The reverse form, spoil food and water,
ruins food.
Tactics: Used on ships' stores if and
when necessary, especially on long voyages. The reverse is used at times on the
food supply of enemy vessels or camps in
covert operations.
Produce Fire
Range: 360'
Duration: 1 round/level
Effect: causes wood, leather and cloth to
rot and break
This spell is cast on a single item chosen
by the spellcaster. The designated material (wood, leather or cloth) then begins to
rot and decay. The spell affects 1 foot of
rope or leather pet level, or 1 square foot
of cloth, or 3 cubic inches of wood.
An item may not completely decay,
but enough damage is often done that
the item becomes useless. In particular,
sails, ropes, and masts or yardarms affected by this spell are likely to give way in
the next strong wind. A sail in a full wind
that rots is blown out and ripped at the
weakened spot and the entire sail is made
Tactics: Used to disable sailing rigging
on enemy ship.
Range: 50'
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Effect: creates a web of sticky sttands
Except as noted above, this is identical
to the 2d level magic-user spell.
Tactics: Used in boarding actions to
foul enemy ship and sailors. If cast into a
ship's rigging, any change of heading or
speed requires a Sailing check with a + 1
penalty for each web spell.
Range: 360'
Fire Ball
Range: 240'
Duration: instantaneous
Effect: explosion in a 40'-diameter sphere
This spell is identical to the 3d level
magic-user spell.
Tactics: Used in sea combat only when
an enemy ship is intended to be
destroyed, not captured.
Range: 180'
Duration: instantaneous
Effect: lightning bolt 60' long, 5' wide
This spell is identical to the 3d level
magic-usei spell.
Tactics: Used to destroy selected pans
of a ship.
Water Breathing
Range: 30'
Duration: 1 hour per level of caster
Effect: allows person to breathe underwater
This spell permits one person to
breathe under water at any depth. It does
not affect movement in any way nor does
it interfere with the breathing of air.
Watery Form
Level Spells
Ball Lightning
Range: 180'
Duration: 1 round per level of caster
Effect: one or more balls of lightning
This spell creates one ball of lightning
for every five levels of the caster. Each ball
can be sent to a different target. A ball of
lightning flies through the air to strike its
target. Once there, it moves rapidly (120
feet per round) along surfaces in random
directions: up masts, along the deck,
down stairwells, etc. A ball of lightning
inflicts one point of damage per level of
the spell caster each time it touches a living object. There is a 10 percent chance
that each ball will come to rest in a certain
spot, such as the top of a mast or the end
of a yardarm. If so, it starts a small fire in
that place on a roll of 1 or 2 on Id6.
Tactics: Creates a nuisance and has
some offensive value when it doesn't
matter if the ship catches fire.
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Effect: protects against electrical attack
Range: 360'
Duration: 3 turns
Effect: calls and befriends normal sea
5 .w
Range: 30'
Duration: 2 rounds per level of caster
Effect: caster can communicate with sea
Under this spell the caster can talk with
and understand the language of any animal, fish, or shellfish of the sea. The spell
does not bring any creature to the caster,
though: the creature must alteady be
near the caster.
Tactics: Useful for learning information about local waters or events.
Transmute Water to Ice*
Range: 160'
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Effect: freezes water to ice
Both sea water and fresh water are
affected by this spell, which freezes 10
cubic feet of water per level of the castet.
A I6th-level merchant-prince can freeze
enough water to bind a 50-foot-long vessel in ice. The reverse, ice to water, is permanent unless the natural temperature is
cold enough to refreeze the water.
Tactics: Used to block inland waterways
with ice or render a vessel icebound.
Level Spelts
Control Winds
Of MiNROtl)at>
Weather Control
Level Spells
Summon Air Elemental
Range: 240'
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: summons one 16 HD elemental
This spell is identical to the 7th level
druid spell, but summons only an air elemental.
Tactics: Used to help or hinder a vessel's sailing.
Summon Water Elemental Qs ""-;
Range: 240'
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: summons one 16 HD elemental
This spell is identical to the 7th level
druid spell, but summons only a water
Tactics: Used when the spellcaster
wants to effect local water conditions or
move a vessel in the water. Water elementals have been used to help ships escape
from whirlpools, for instance.
There are some rare items encountered in Mmrothad and on guild ships
that have been enchanted with
merchant-prince sea or weather magic.
They are sometimes given as gifts to
friendly traders and foreign sea captains, but are hardly ever for sale.
This looks like an ordinary leather
pouch, tied tightly shut and bulging
at the seams with its contents. It
weighs no more than the leather it is
made of, for the pouch contains
enchanted air. Once the pouch is
This is a one-pint flask of oil. When
the enchanted oil is poured onto
water, it stops violent seas and reduces
wave action around one ship to the
equivalent of calm water. The effect
lasts for one hour. Oil of stillness calms
normal waves as well as magicallyagitated water.
Some observations by Zcno Ironfist,
dwarf apprentice smith, Guild Hammer
"Thought I'd travel to Rockhome and
see where my grandfa' come from. But
I'm a 'prentice with no skill to trade for
passage. So I stowed aboard the Egret the
night they finished loading Guild Hammer swords.
"I got caught when we were right outside of Vorloi harbor. Captain Elsan lectured me in his cabin, but forgot me
quick when we made port. Customs
inspectors come aboard, the guild port
agent followed them, and three buyers
for nobles come right behind.
"I hunkered quiet in the corner and
took k all in. What a whirl! They shouted
bids and counterbids, talked percentages
and discounts and freight costs and warehouse feesand I crept out when they
started wavin' letters o'credit. They
weren't even dealing in good, hard coin.
That tradin' business is enough to give an
honest dwarf a headache."
International trading is a complex
affair. The basic steps are simple but the
variations that have developed are too
many to detail here. Nevertheless, it is
possible to give an overview of the trading
procedures followed by the Minrothad
Basic 'Cnafce
Guild ships ciewed by the Metchant
Sailor's Guild leave Minrothad with guild
cargos for foreign ports. At their destinations, the cargos are sold or traded for
other goods. The ships return to Minrothad or sail to other ports where cargos
not destined for the guilds can be sold.
Captain and crew are more often paid
in shares than in wages for their work.
The share system is explained under
Pirates of Minrothad. A ship's owner,
whether guild or individual, takes a cut
off the top before the shares are calculated. (Individuals may own ships, but
they are crewed by guild members and
the Merchant Sailors Guild still takes a
percentage of profits.)
fou Hiue
Roughly half of the cargo carried by
guild ships is transported for hire. That
is, a merchant (whether guild or otherwise) pays the guild captain to ship his
goods to a specific port. Minrothad
Guilds merchants pay only 40 percent of
the ptice charged to other tradets. A variable amount is charged, based on the volume, weight, and value of goods carried.
Shipping fees are reasonable and competitive with the rates charged by other merchant freightets.
Many guild ships specialize in the
transport for hire trade, especially those
ships run by junior captains. The Merchant Sailors Guild takes 60 percent of
the shipping fee paid and the remainder
goes to the ship's crew as shares.
Although it makes money with little risk,
this is the least profitable type of guild
trade for a captain and crew.
Transport runs usually follow a predictable schedule, and those that cross the
high seas and shipping lanes regularly are
often bothered by pirates. A typical
transport run might follow this sort of
pattern: take bricks from Fortress Island
to Minrothad; exchange bricks for dyed
cloth and lumber to be carried to Vorloi;
offload goods and pick up iron for
dwarves on Fortress Island.
CONSiQNMGNt TTRaOG About 20 percent of the business done
by guild ships is carrying guild goods on
consignment. In this semi-speculative
venture, a captain takes a cargo to a market suggested or prefered by the owner of
the cargo. The port is usually a place
where this type of cargo has done well
before. There, the captain or the guild's
representative sells the cargo for the best
possible price. Anywhere from 10 to 40
percent of that amount is retained by the
ship, with the remainder of the profit
paid to the cargo's owner when the ship
returns to Minrothad.
The guild system assumes that a
character starts out as an apprentice.
After two to seven years, he demonstrates skill in his craft and becomes a
journeyman. When a journeyman
shows mastery of his craft, he becomes
a master. This can take as little as one
year, or the journeyman might work at
it all his life.
Here is a simple system for rating
NPC skill mastery and guild rank. It
can also be used to gauge approximately where Minrothad PCs might
fall in the guild heirarchy. If used for
PCs, the DM should adjust ages to
reflect time spent in the guild system.
First, determine what guild the
character belongs to. Select one skill
which will be his craft specialty (skills
are given under Races and Guilds in
the Adventurer's Guide). Find the
character's Ability score with the chosen skill. That Ability score corresponds with his guild rank according to
the following table.
Abbreviations: Ap = Apprentice;JJm
= Junior Journeyman; Jm = Journeyman; SJm = Senior Journeyman; M
= Master; CM = Craft Master, meaning head craftsman of his skill in his
guild; GM = Guildmaster.
An NPC guildsman rolls Id20 and
compares the result to his Intelligence
score once every five game years. If the
roll is equal to or less than his score, he
gains another Skill choice, which can
be used to improve existing skills as
described in the Adventurer's Guide.
This table is meant to be only a general guideline to the relationship
between craft skill and guild rank.
NPC age can be adjusted as needed to
reflect rank. For example, someone
with an Ability score of 17 is a master,
and will be much older than a beginning apprentice. Alternatively, if the
DM decides the NPC must be a certain
rank and his score does not suit it,
adjust the score as needed to reflect
training and advancement in the craft.
Remember, too, that not all qualified
craftsmen are promoted as they
deserve. It is entirely possible to have a
junior journeymen with an Ability
score of 17 in his specialty.
There is some risk in this type of venture, but the Merchant Sailors Guild
takes only 30 percent of the ship's profit,
and a good trade can put a large sum of
money in the pockets of captain and
crew. Too, once the consigned goods are
sold, there is empty hold space for the
captain to fill. If the guild port agent has
goods which must move somewhere, the
captain is obligated to take them. If not,
he may fill free hold space with speculative cargo or transport cargo for hire. If a
profit is made on the former, it belongs
solely to him and his crew.
On a typical consignment venture, a
ship might carry Guild Quickhand pottery to Thyatis. After the pottery is sold,
the ship is hited to carry Thyatian olive oil
to Specularum. The captain fills out
what's left of the hold space with a speculative cargo of local wine. The olive oil is
delivered to the Thyatian port agent in
Specularum and the wine sold for a profit
which remains with the ship's crew.
When the ship finally returns to Minrothad, the captain pays the Quickhand
Pottery Guild the profit from the sale of
their cargo, minus the consignment fee.
Speculative Caitqo
Whenever a captain buys cargo of his
own choice and sells it someplace he
thinks it will make a profit, he is engaging in speculative trade. Thirty percent of
Comments by Cpt. Satoso Elsan,
merchant-prince, the Egret
"Some call them port agents, some
call them factors. I call them bothersome.
"A factor is the Minrothad Guilds
representative in a foreign port or city.
MiNKOtl7at> Navy
With so much attention focused on
the trading capabilities of the Minrothad Guilds, little is said about the
Minrothad Navy. The Navy is a small
force, intended primarily for coastal
patrol and protection of Minrothad's
fishing banks. It seldom leaves local
waters and is not considered to be a
serious naval threat by foreign countries.
In the past the Minrothad Navy has
served a useful purpose by discouraging colonial powers, such as Thyatis,
from extending into Minrothaddan
territory. The Navy has seldom had to
confront foreign vessels with force of
arms, since the treacherous Minrothad
waters are sufficient to discourage
most intruders. These naval ships
ignore the Privateers Guild unless they
stumble upon privateers attacking or
looting another vessel.
The Minrothad Navy consists of 10
ships, each armed with two catapults
and one ballista. Each is AC 7, with
100 hull points, a crew of 15 sailors
and 30 marines. The ships move 120
feet/round or 72 miles/day. They are
crewed by marines of the Mercenary
Guild, and by sailors of the Naval
Associate Guild of the Merchant Sailors Guild.
Speed: feet/rod
Food Storage
Cargo Capacity (en)
Construction Time
Harbortown Harbortown
3 masts
2 masts
2-3 months
2-3 months
20+ Id8 wks. 22 + Id8 wks.
3-4 weeks
5 + Id6 wks.
3 masts
4 masts
1-2 mos.
1-2 mos.
30 + Id8 wks. 30 + Id8 wks.
* Minrothad crews fight if they are attacked and act as marines during a sea battle. Since pirates do not expect
this, the number of combatants aboard Minrothad Guilds ships is often underestimated.
(1) plus one additional artillery piece on privateers and naval vessels.
(2) Found 100 percent of the time on privateers and Navy vessels, 50 percent of the time on guild merchant-
Ship construction costs and times given
in the table below are for ships ordered
and built in Minrothad Guilds shipyards.
The guilds build ships only for guild
members. However, their vessels are sometimes for sale in foreign ports, usually a
badly-damaged ship that was captured in
a pirate attack. Minrothad designs ate copied by a few continental shipyards, but the
price is 50 to 100 percent higher and the
quality inferior to the real thing.
Construction costs given are for the
minimum number of artillery pieces. The
price is increased by 3,000 gp for each
additional catapult or ballista installed.
Artillery adds 3 percent to maintenance
and repair costs.
The Minrothad guilds have made their
fame and fortune carrying cargo on the
sea. But commerce has taken Minrothad
merchants far from the seashore as well.
A natural outgrowth of Minrothad's port
agent network are the caravan and freight
concerns that have sprung up to haul
goods to and from inland destinations.
^comments by Cpt. Osner,
MGCC caravan leader
"I warned Caetros we needed more
guards. 'Oh no,' he said, 'we'll do fine.
We're only going to Alfheim, after all.'
He was watching his pursestrings, tightfisted guildsman that he is. I work for
them, but I don't have to like them.
Minrothad Guilds
(Ruling Guild Master)
Guild Corser
Guild Hammer
Guild Verdier
Guild Quickhand
Guild Elsan
Some of the ins and outs of merchant
shipping are covered in the preceeding
section. Guild Trade. Here, a system is
outlined that can be used if player characters want to engage in cargo trade for
Adventurers need not personally travel
on a ship in order to run trading ventures.
They might choose to buy a vessel and
hire a crew, then take their traditional 50
percent share of the profits and all of
the losses-as owners. (Guidelines for
ship and crew costs are included below.)
It is also possible to simply buy a cargo
and hite a Minrothad or othet merchant
ship to carry it to another place for sale.
Alternatively, characters who want oceangoing adventures might find this the perfect opportunity to buy their own ship
and experience the thrills of adventure on
the high seas.
AcQuiniNQ Sl7ip aNO Cnew A ship can be hired by PCs, but they
will pay all of its expenses (wages, food
supplies, etc) and, if necessary, enough to
recompense the captain for sailing with
an empty cargo hold. If a ship is hired to
carry cargo bought by the PCs, it is possible to work a consignment deal where the
vessel receives a percentage of the cargo
sale (see Guild Trade) and thus save on
shipping charges. But if PCs plan on
moving cargo with any frequency, the
most cost-effective method in the long
run is for them to purchase their own
Costs and ship statistics ate given in the
preceeding section for Minrothad Guilds
merchant ships. PCs can buy similar vessels on the continent for three-quarters of
the cost, with sailing statistics as given m
the Expert Rules, page 43. Used vessels
are available for 20 to 70 percent of the
cost of a new one ((Id6 x 10 percent) +
10 percent), but PCs will also have to pay
another 20 to 70 percent of a new ship's
price to have the used one refitted and
made seaworthy.
Even if nonguild crewmen are signed
on, it is worthwhile for the DM to determine their level of abilities according to
the Rank and Level table under
Privateers. That enables the DM to determine fighting abilities and pay scale,
based on 1 gp per month pet guild skill
level (or equivalent). Officers and crew
receive the bulk of their pay in shares of
the ship's profit and expect the standard
scale of shares to be observed.
Traditionally, sailors receive a half-day
off for personal time once a week. The
ship continues sailing manned by one
watch, but the off-shift ctew are not
required to be about othei duties. When
watches change, the working watch then
takes their half-day of free time. Sailors
use this time to mend clothes, do laundry, write letters, and occupy themselves
in similar ways. Since crewmen are otherwise on call for work in all weather and at
any hour, they value this free time highly.
A crew which does not receive their halfday, weather and other conditions allowing, soon develops a morale problem.
In port, after cargo has been unloaded,
crewmen are generally given one or more
days of liberty. Crews which do not have
at least three days of liberty a month
become tired, argumentative, and lose
morale. The DM may exploit potential
morale ptoblems as he deems appropriate.
Regular upkeep on a ship costs 1 gp per
1,000 miles traveled per hull point. A
vessel loses 10 percent of its speed for each
1,000 miles sailed without the tequisite
maintenance. This sort of maintenance is
often done at sea, but the expenses are
paid in port whete tackle, planks, and
other repair material are purchased.
After 10,000 miles of navigation or one
year at sea, whichever comes first, major
maintenance and overhaul must be done
on the ship. This includes scraping the
hull clean of barnacles, replacing damaged or worm-eaten planks, replacing the
rudder or restepping masts, and so on.
The wotk is done in port where drydocks
can be used during major repairs on the
hull. Drydocks are also used when possible for careening the hull; this reduces
the time required by 20 to 80 percent.
Food is anothei unavoidable expense
for an ocean-going vessel.
Standard rations, which are perishable
and unedible after one week, cost 1 gp
per crew member per week. Iron rations,
such as hardtack and salt or pickled meat,
last for months. This sort of food is cheap;
it costs 1 sp per crewman per day. Water is
stocked in the amount of one barrel of
water per week for every five crewmen.
The space taken up by crew food supplies
does not count as part of the cargo space
of the vessel.
The amount of food stores a ship can
carry is deteimined by the ship's design.
Storage capacity is given below. Vessels
which make frequent landfall do not
always bother to stock up completely on
supplies, and so take on food and water
far more often than indicated.
Food Storage
Galley, large
Galley, small
Galley, war
Sailing ship, small
Sailing ship, large
10-20 days
10 days
2 weeks
10 days
1 month
2-3 months
A crew living on a diet of iron rations
for more than a month becomes susceptible to scurvy or other diseases of vitamin
deficiency. Clever captains buy stocks of
onions and potatoes to supplement iron
rations, since these perishables last for a
month or two and provide needed vitamins.
If scurvy strikes the crew, 10 percent of
them are affected for each week the crew
goes without fresh food. For each week a
sailor suffers from this disease, his
Strength and Constitution drop by one
point each. When either one reaches
zero, the crewman dies of the disease. A
scurvy-stricken crewman regains three
points of Strength and Constitution each
week he consumes fresh food.
Edible cargo can be consumed if a ship
is faced with scurvy or starvation. Doing
so reduces the cargo value by 10 percent
per week (or fraction thereof) that the cargo is eaten.
Horses, cattle, monsters, or other creatures carried on shipboard must also be
fed. A horse or cow consumes fodder
weighing 200 ens per day, and this feed
takes up cargo space. If supplies for the
livestock are exhausted during a voyage,
fodder can usually be bought from
coastal villages if no port is found
enroute. Otherwise panics can scavenge
fodder wherever landfall is made.
Port Capacity
in Hull Pts.
It is possible to find a berth 80 percent
of the time. DMs can adjust this figure as
needed to reflect circumstances that are
out of the ordinary. Ships that cannot
find a berth may moor in the harbor at a
distance from the docks and quays.
If the port cannot accomodate a large
vessel, it is forced to moor in the harbor
and use boats for cargo transportation.
These and other ships are not required to
use dock facilities for cargo handling, but
loading and unloading takes longer if the
Most countries impose a tax on foreignmade goods which are brought into harbor and sold. Customs inspectors board
ships within Id6 hours of the time the
vessel moors or docks in port. In busy harbors or places with lazy customs officials,
this may take Id20 hours instead. Ships
that make port in the middle of the night
are normally boarded in the morning.
A cargo cannot be unloaded until
inspected and passed by customs. Only
goods manufactured locally and foreign
goods bearing a tax stamp can be unloaded and sold or traded legally in a port.
Customs officials generally have Appraisal skills of 10 + Id8; after evaluating a cargo, they assess a tax which can range from
1 percent to 100 percent or more of the
goods' value. An average customs fee is
2dlO percent, but the DM may adjust
amounts as needed to reflect the local
political or economic climate.
HaubOR Masten
Representatives of the harbor master
also visit newly-arrived vessels. They levy
docking and other service fees, can provide pilots to navigate a ship into and out
of difficult harbors, and have the authority to quarantine or turn away undesirable ships. Average fees charged by these
port authorities can be found on the Service Fee table.
Drydocks are used to effect large-scale
Speculative "Cuabe
Service Fee Modifiers by Port Class:
Dry Docks
+ 50% /day
+ 50% /week
-30% /week
+ 30%
+ 30% /tow
-10% /tow
-20% /tow
+ 50% /ship
-20% /ship
-30% /day
-60% /day
Once a ship is secured, a cargo must be
procured to fill it. A combination of skills
are required for successful buying and
selling of cargos, whether conducted by
NPCs or PCs. Broker points, a new aid to
trading, are explained below. Appraisal
and Bargaining skills are described in the
Adventurer's Guidebook.
Appraisal: NPCs who engage in trade
as their primary business can be assigned
an Appraisal skill of 12 + Id6. Minrothad
Guild agents in foreign ports have skills
of 14 + Id4, while merchant-princes have
scores of 15+ Id4.
When a character wants to evaluate the
worth of a cargo, the DM secretly rolls
Id20 against that petson's Appraisal skill.
If the result is equal to or less than the
character's score, he has made an accurate
value estimation. If the roll is greater
than the score needed, he fails.
If the failure is an odd number, the
character's evaluation of worth is low. If
an even number, it is high. The character
is off by 5 % times the difference between
the roll needed and the roll made. For
Rnoken Points
Broker points are unlike other skills
acquired by characters. A broker point is
a dice roll modifier used in the speculative trade system described in the following pages. It is used to reflect the
difference that experience makes in the
success of merchant trading ventures.
Broker points are awarded by the DM
to characters and NPCs according to the
following criteria. Once received, points
ate never used up; they can be applied
any time a modifier is needed. Each point
counts as a + 1 modifier to a speculative
trade dice roll.
No character can ever have more than
five broker points, which are normally
gained only after years of game time and
much trading experience. PCs may also
receive them as rewards for good roleplaying or spectacular trading coups. Broker points awarded are cumulative.
Points are based on the following:
Master (in any guild)
Character Level 10-20
Character Level 21+
Minrothad Guild Agent
5-15 years of trading experience
16 + years of trading experience
Character has both Bargaining
and Appraisal skills and has raised
each at least 1 point
Pont AqeNts
Port agents, also called factors or brokers, can be used as middlemen in the
buying or selling of cargos. If an agent is
used, PCs are not personally involved in
cargo negotiations and pay the factor a
percentage fee for his services.
The advantage to this is that agents
usually have better Broker, Bargaining
and Appraisal skills than do characters.
Adventurers are likely to receive a better
price for their goods or get a cargo more
cheaply than if they made the arrangements themselves. On the negative side,
PCs can never be certain if an agent got
them the best deal and the fees that are
charged are sometimes substantial,
NPC port agents (except those of the
Minrothad Guilds) have Bargaining and
Appraisal skills of 10 + ld8 each, and
Id6-l broker points. If an agent sells a
cargo for PCs, he takes 2dlO + 5 percent
of the profits and passes the remainder on
to the characters. If he buys a cargo on
their behalf, he pockets 2dlO + 5 percent
of the money paid by PCs for that cargo.
A, B
C, D
Id6 +2
Id6 +1
Id6 -1
Size of
3d8 loads
2d8 loads
2d6 loads
2d4 loads
Trade Goods Table
per Load (ens)
Wood, common
Textiles (2)
Beer, ale
Grain & vegetables
Fish, preserved
Hides, furs
Tea or coffee
Wine, spirits
Meat, preserved
Metals, common
Dye & pigments
Weapons, tools
Semiprecious stones(6)
Roll on Precious Merchandise table.
1 cord(l)
5 jars
4 bags
150 bricks
1 barrel
20 bags
10 barrels
10 bundles
2 bags
roll on Animals Table,
page 34
2 crates (3)
1 barrel
10 barrels
200 ingots
5 jars
20 rolls
1 crate (3)
1 monster
varies (5)
2 crates (3)
1 box
50 gp
100 gp
100 gp
100 gp
100 gp
150 gp
150 gp
150 gp
150 gp
200 gp
200 gp
200 gp
200 gp
250 gp
200 gp
varies (4)
varies (5)
400 gp
200 gp
Mounts (7)
Wood, precious
Porcelain, fine
Books, rare
Armor (3)
Furs, rare
Metals, precious
1 Load
per Load
500 gp
varies (4)
800 gp
800 gp
1 ,000 gp
500 gp
600 gp
3,000 gp
Supply and Demand Table
Tel Akbir
Gems ~5, Spices 5, Glassware ~2, Ivory -2, Common metals ~3,
Fish +4, Monsters +5, Books +5, Precious Metals +6, Silk +5
Grain/Vegetables -3, Meat -3, Ivory +6, Coffee +5, Wine +5
Meat -2, Gems -2, Spices -3, Ivory -3, Glassware ~3,
Monsters + 2, Animals +1, Porcelain +3, Precious wood +2
Pottery 3, Dye/Pigments -4, War Horses 3,
Grain/Vegetables +3, Meat +3, Hides +3
Porcelain -3, Weapons -4, Monsters -4, Gems -2, Tea +5,
Ivory +5, Grain/Vegetables +5, Glassware +3
Dye/Pigment -2, Wine -2, Silk -3, Fish +2, Common Wood + 2
Oil ~3, Salt -2, Grain ~3, Books +4, Meat +2, Monsters +2
Animals -3, Porcelain -2, Weapons +2, Armor +2, Oil +3
Dye -3, Salt -2, Fish +3, Hides +2, Coffee +4, Pottery +1
Fish -2, Precious Metals -2, Dye +2, Cloth +2, Animals +3
Coffee -3, OU ~3, Glassware -3, Meat +3, Spices +4, Wine +2
Meat -2, Wine -2, Beer -2, Common metals 3, Dye +2,
Common wood +3, Oil +2, Grain/Vegetables +3
Hides -2, Monsters -2, War Horses -1, Ivory +3, Silk +3
Hides ~3, Monsters *~3, Grain/Vegetables +4, Tea +4, Dye +3
Dye -4, Armor ~3, Coffee +3, Gems +4, Porcelain +3
Silk -3, Salt -3, Weapons -2, Ivory +3, Pottery +3, Cloth +3
Books -2, Common wood -4, Dye +2, Salt +2, Silk +4
Grain/Vegetables -2, Wine -3, Beer -3, Fish +3, Coffee +2,
Tea +2
Common wood -4, Grain /Vegetables -2, Wine +3, Armor +3
Common wood ~3, Animals -2, Hides -3, Common metals 2, Fur +3, Weapons +2, Armor +2, War Horses +3
Precious metals ~3, Pottery -2, Books ~3, Monsters -4,
Weapons +3, Cloth +2
Tea -3, Cloth -2, Animals ~3, Glassware +1, Porcelain +2,
Salt +2
Coffee -2, Oil -2, Beer -2, Hides +2, Cloth +2, Dye +2
Silk -2, Weapons -3, Armor -3, War Horses -2, Fur +3,
Gems +3, Precious Metals +3, Spices +3, Oil +2
Fish 3, Cloth ~3, Textiles -1, Common wood +2, Meat +4
Minrothzd Ports
Cove Harbor
Coffee -2, Tea -2, Beer -2, Fish -3, Dye -2, Pottery +3,
Cloth +2, Precious Metals +2, Gems +2, Common wood +2
Fish -2, Dye -2, Animals -3, Spices +2, Meat +2, Wine +2
Spices -2, Oil -1, Pottery -1, Grain/Vegetables -2,
Common wood +2, Meat +2, Beer +3, Cloth +2
Weapons/tools 3, Grain/Vegetables +1, Common Metals +2
Common/Precious Woods -2, Silk +3, Dye +4, Hides/Furs +2
Common/Precious Woods -2, Cloth -2, Books -2, Fur +3,
Dye +4, Silk +3, Salt +2
Wine -2, Cloth -2, Common Metal +2, Common Wood +2
Textiles -1, Tea -1, Rare Books +2, Spices +1, Pottery +3
30 percent
40 percent
50 percent
60 percent
70 percent
80 percent
90 percent
100 percent (no change)
110 percent
120 percent
130 percent
140 percent
150 percent
160 percent
180 percent
200 percent
300 percent
400 percent
Step 6. Exchange goods.
Goods exchange hands after the final
price is agreed upon and paid. Loading or
unloading times and expenses should be
calculated according to the guidelines
under Cargo Handling. Unless other
agreements are made, a seller pays
unloading expenses if the goods must be
taken out of a ship and the buyer pays
loading costs.
Roll Animal
Animals Fodder
load per load
50 en
100 20 gp/wk
hound 500 en
20 20 gp/wk
10 20 gp/wk
P'g, large 1,000 en
10,000 en
5 20 gp/wfc
Horse, bull 15, 000 en
2 20 gp/wk
Warhorse 20,000 en
2 30 gp/wk
Elephant 100,000 en 1 20 gp/wk
25 gp
100 gp
100 gp
125 gp
200 gp
Passenger Table
Class of
Port of
TRavel Fees
Travelers are usually charged 20 gp per
500 miles traveled. Passengers do not
count against a ship's cargo space, but
extra food stores must be bought for
them. The cost of the food is added to the
price of their passage.
If passengers hire the ship to go to a
destination of their choice, they pay as if
There is a 5 percent chance per port visited that one NPC offers to hire a vessel to
transport Idl2 cargo loads of goods to
another destination. If PCs state that they
are actively soliciting such work, they
increase their chances of being hired to 25
percent, plus 5 percent per broker point
applied to the effort. The number of
NPC shippers and their cargo loads are
found by rolling on the Merchant and
Cargo Load table.
A shipper is charged the same
transport-for-hire fee explained above: 1
gp per 500 en of cargo space per 500 miles
of distance, with a minimum charge of
100 gp. Normally, half the payment is
made in advance and the remainder is
paid by the shipper's agent when the destination is reached. Bonuses for early
delivery and hazardous travel conditions
are negotiable.
Space allowing, it is customary to provide free transportation for a merchant
representative who takes care of the goods
and tax payments. Merchants do not
always disclose the nature of the cargo
being shipped, for security reasons. Many
captains go along with this and ask no
Once a PC accepts a shipping contract,
it is not possible to charge the shipper for
unfilled hold space aboard the vessel.
Therefore, characters often buy theit own
merchandise to fill out cargo space and
make the voyage more profitable.
Voyaging from one port to another
requires expertise and knowledge of the
sea. Galleys are sometimes encountered
in ocean trade, but they are traditionally
used for coastal transportation and military purposes. Sailing ships are most
often employed to carry large quantities
of cargo great distances across the ocean.
The following rules assume that the characters use a sail-powered cargo vessel and
that one or more persons with Ship Sailing skill are directing the operations of
the vessel. A character without this skill
has no chance of sailing the ship; a character with only Boat Sailing skill succeeds
in Ship Sailing only on a roll of 3 or less
on Id20 (15 percent).
Voyages can certainly be glossed over if
the DM wishes travel time to pass quickly.
However, seafaring offers plenty of
opportunity for danger and adventure.
Those who want to play the voyage out in
gteater detail can use these procedures,
along with the Map of the Known World
on the back of the Minrothad Guilds
map. For tracking weekly ship movement
on the map, distances can be rounded off
to the nearest 50-mile increment. The
DM or players may also want to figure
actual distance more precisely in order to
keep track of how long food supplies will
PuepauatioNs f OR tl7e
Distance: Before embarking for a distant port, the captain determines the distance his vessel will travel along his
planned route of travel. This should
account for any intermediate stops that
will be made in the total distance for the
voyage. Keep accurate track of this figure, since it is refered to many times to
resolve the progress of the voyage.
Time: The total distance of a voyage is
divided by the ship's movement rate to
give the expected travel time. This is an
average figure under fair weather conditions. Captains usually add at least 20
percent to the estimated travel time to
allow for contrary winds, stormy weather,
and other delays. This revised estimate is
the basis for decisions about how much
98 percent
90 percent
75 percent
60 percent
45 percent
30 petcent
2d20 gp
3d 10 gp
2dl2 gp
2dlO gp
3d6 gp
2d8 gp
at sea, but fish population diops off considerably the farther the vessel is from a
coastline. On the sealanes or high seas
there is only a 10 percent chance per week
of netting enough fish to feed the crew,
increasing to 50 percent within 100 miles
of a coast.
= North
= Northeast
= East
= Southeast
Modify Speed
Port or Starboard
Port or Starboard
Port or Starboard
-25 percent
~10 percent
+ 20 percent
+ 10 percent
0 mvmt
3-4 +/ -0%
Becalmed; no wind
Calm wind, flat seas
Gentle wind, small waves
Moderate winds, medium
-" 1
+ / ~ 1 0 % Brisk winds, choppy seas
6 + / 2 0 % Strong winds, high waves
7 + / -40% Squall, high waves
+ / -60% Storm, heavy seas
missile fire
Weather conditions are determined at
the start of a voyage as explained above.
After each week of travel or fraction
thereof, the weather is likely to change.
These changes can be checked at more
Change in
Weather Condition
Unusual WeatfjeK
The weather conditions table can produce squalls, storms, and complete calm.
There is, however, a 10 percent chance
during each full week of voyaging that
those or other unusual weather phenom-
Unusual Weather
Frozen Precipitation
Becalmed: When the wind fails, a sailing ship is becalmed and its movement
rate reduced to zero. It cannot sail under
its own power, although it can be towed
by a galley or kedged. This result is
ignored if the current wind condition is
strong or greater or if a ship is traveling a
trade wind sea lane (marked on the Map
of the Known World).
A lack of wind is a temporary condition, but one that can last many days. In
most places, a vessel is becalmed for
IdlOO hours. In equatorial waters in summer this condition can last much longer.
In such waters, roll Idl2 to find the number of days a ship is becalmed. When the
wind finally returns, determine its new
direction and force as described under
Weather Conditions.
Clouds: If the sky is clear, it becomes
overcast and cloudy. If it is already cloudy,
the condition clears up.
If the sky becomes overcast it completely obscures stats used fot celestial
navigation and shortens the distance at
which objects can be sighted by 50 percent. (In clear weather a lookout on the
deck of a ship can see a distance of 10
miles; 30 miles if he is up a mast.) Thick
overcast (DM's discretion) can also
obscure the position of the sun during the
daytime, producing a diffuse, indefinite
light which gives no hint of the sun's location in the sky, also increasing the difficulty of navigation. This condition lasts
IdlO days unless cut short by another roll
items on deck are blown, tossed, or washed overboard. If a squall offeree 4 strikes
from any direction except dead ahead or
astern, there is a 10 percent chance that
ballast shifts or cargo breaks loose below
Ballast, often in the form of sand in
heavy bags, is carried in the bottom of a
ship to improve its balance and handling
characteristics. When it shifts, ship
movement is reduced by 20 percent and
Ship Sailing rolls related to vessel maneuvers are penalized by -4. It requires one
day to correct a ballast problem.
Loose cargo in solid, bulky containers
(crates, barrels, etc.) inflict 1 point of hull
damage per loose load during the squall.
If the cargo is not secured by the end of
the squall, it does the same amount of
damage each hour it is left loose below
One of five squalls are accompanied by
lightning. There is a 5 percent chance
that lightning strikes the ship in a random location at a random time during
the squall. Damage effects are determined as per the lightning spell; the
Damage Table can be used to determine
the location of damage to the vessel.
Storm: A storm brings rain or snowfall,
high seas, and forceful winds. As with a
squall, storm clouds can be sighted on the
horizon. Storms move more slowly than
squalls and can occasionally (5 percent
chance) be outrun or avoided by changing course.
A storm strikes a ship 2d6 turns after it
is sighted on the horizon. Wind veers to
the direction the storm is coming from,
affecting movement and waves as
described under Weather Conditions. A
storm lasts one day, with a 20 percent
chance of continuing a second day and a
10 percent chance of continuing each
subsequent day. Lightning accompanies
20 percent of storms, with a 5 percent
chance per day of hitting the ship.
Resolve damage as per the lightning
Roll Id6 to determine the force of the
storm. On a result of 5 or 6, it blows with
great fury and is a particular danger to
unprepared ships. A vessel in a storm pre-
Sail IN q
damage, and are dropped Idl0xl0 yards
away in a random direction.
Whirlpool: Ninety percent of the
whirlpools encountered are natural phenomena found in coastal areas in relatively shallow water (100 feet deep or
less). They are usually the result of strong
tide and current effects through unusual
ocean bottom configurations. The
remaining 10 percent of whirlpools have
magical origins and can be encountered
anywhere in the ocean.
If a whirlpool is already in motion, it
can be avoided with a successful Ship
Sailing skill roll. Otherwise, the water
begins its swirling rotation while the ship
is in its area of effect. A Ship Sailing roll
at a penalty of - 2 must be made in order
to escape, or the ship is swept around in a
giant circular path. Another escape
attempt can be made each hour, but with
a cumulative penalty of - 2 for each hour
the whirlpool swirls. A whirlpool lasts
Id6 hours. A ship caught in the watery
funnel at the end of that time takes
2dlOxlO points of hull damage, either
from being dashed on the ocean bottom
or flooded.
Damage Table
HP(1) 2dI2
Lost Description
Mast snaps, tearing away rigging and sails. When all masts are gone,
ignore yatdarm or sail damage and roll again. (2)
Yardarm breaks, taking sail and rigging with it.(3)
Sail rips or blows out, becoming useless. (3)
Planks above the waterline are sprung
Planks below the waterline are sprung
Major structural damage: broken planks, splintered timbers, etc.
Rudder cables snap or wheel is disabled. (4)
- ld4
- 10
Percent of Original
Hull Points
Base Movement
Rate Reduced by
check for wave dmg
Id2 hull points/day
Id4 hull points/day
Id6 hull points/day
Storm (force
5 or 6) Idl0 hull points/day
Hurricane 2dl0 hull points/day
No. of Masts:
Loss of Mast cuts
speed by:
The Navigation skill described in the
Adventurer's Guidebook is important for
safe and accurate sea travel over any distance. When navigation rolls fail, a ship
goes off course or becomes lost at sea. A
vessel is off course when it is following a
heading other than the one it needs to
arrive at its destination. It is lost when the
navigator is no longer certain what heading is needed to get it to its destination.
However, even when a ship is lost, navigators and captains usually have a general
idea of where the nearest large land mass
might be. If all else fails, a voyage can be
interrupted to find that land mass and
pinpoint the ship's location.
If there is no one with Navigation skill
directing the ship's travel, there is a far
greater chance for the vessel to become
lost at sea. A character with Ship Sailing
skill can apply that ability to navigation
attempts but each roll is modified by 10. A character with only Boat Sailing
skill is successful only on a die roll of 2 or
less, and a character with none of these
skills navigates correctly by mere luck on a
There is a 10 percent chance per week
of travel of having an encounter that is
not weather related. There are two sets of
encounter probabilities. One is for
coastal waters and sea lanesplaces heavily traveled by ships. The other is for
uncharted waters and the high seas, the
latter being those ocean areas away from
sea lanes and land masses.
Coastal and Sea Lane Encounters
Ship, merchant
Ship, pirate
Ship, smuggler
Ship, navy
Uncharted Waters and Seas Encounters
Ship, merchant
Ship, pirate
Relic Cnafts
Pearl fragments are used to create special magical items.
A pearl fragment ground up is the primary ingredient in a potion of water
movement made by the water elves. This
potion allows the imbiber to move underwater or on the Elemental Plane of Water
as easily as if he were surrounded by air.
The effect lasts for one day. It does not,
however, enable him to breathe underwater; some other method is required to
gain that ability.
A ring of water walking can be crafted
from a pearl fragment. Not only can the
ring's wearer walk on water, but so can
anyone in physical contact with him
when he exercises this spell effect. Some
water elf merchant-princes are gifted
with these rings in thanks for their services to the elves of Seahome.
For special purposes, three fragments
of the pearl are sometimes used to create a
staff of air and water. This staff also provides the ability to breathe water, and its
effects on the Elemental Plane automatically extends to a 10-foot radius. A staff
of this type cannot be bought, but is
sometimes given to a hero to aid in a
quest important to the water elves.
tlje PeaxI
If a full vial of sea dew is used to anoint
a pearl fragment freshly removed from
the mother pearl , the fragment soon curls
in upon itself and takes on the appearance of a normal pearl. If this pearl is
bathed monthly in sea water and the
proper rituals performed, it begins to
Woob Elves
The Verdier clan of elves left their clan
tree behind when they emigrated from
their homeland. Some say that tree was
the inspiration for Ilsundal's later creation, the Tree of Life, familiar to so many
mainland elves (see GAZ 5 and CM7,
Tree of Life). However this may be, the
Verdier elves arrived in the Minrothad
Islands without any relic at all. Whatever
sprig or offshoot of the clan tree went
with them had perished during their long
When these elves isolated themselves
from their water elf kin in the early days
on Alfeisle, they withdrew into the forests heartsick for the woodlands they had
left behind. Alawyn Verdier was keeper at
that time, although no relic existed for
her and her assisrants to guard. Discontented with her useless existence, Alawyn
Control Plants
Control Animals
Turn Wood
Speak with Plants
Find the Path
Pass Plant
Warp Wood
Create Normal Object
Cure Wounds
These powers can be activated in two
ways. The most common is to touch the
Carven Oak and invoke the name of the
power. The second way is to break off one
of the leafless branchlets of the artifact.
At any later time, the user can break that
branchlet in half and invoke the name of
the desired power. The power then takes
effect as if the user were touching the artifact. If a branchlet is broken without a
power being named, it is not wasted;
each lesser length retains its power until
one artifact ability is invoked. This ability
can only be used once per branchlet, no
matter how many twigs it is broken into.
This latter method of activation in
effect makes each branchlet a one-time
magical device that can be used at any
distance from the carven oak. These
branchlets are given on rare occasions to
adventurers or heroes working in the
cause of the Verdier clan. When the keeper gives a branchlet for this purpose, he
tells the recipient what spell effect the
branchlet has. He does nor mention that
any branchlet can invoke any power, nor
what the full range of powers are. If a person receives more than one branchlet,
they are painted or tied with colored
string so that the supposedly separate
spell effects can be told apart. There are
currently 82 branchlets remaining on the
Carven Oak. Once they are gone, they
cannot be replaced. No other pieces of
wood from this artifact have the same
remote power effect.
's Isle
Trader's Isle is a misty, foggy place,
especially along the north shore where
the largest settlements be. It takes a canny navigator to work through the shoals
outside of the harbors. When the
Dragon's Breath trade winds blow clear,
you can see the peaks of Trader's two
extinct vokanos: Landfall Peak in the
north, and Immortal's Home to the
south. The first colony leader, Minroth,
disappeared on Trader's Isle when he
hiked to the top of the southern volcano.
Minrothians believe he be there still, awaiting for a good time to return.
Nithian Reef guards the entrance to
Harbortown. Gornly Shoals outside the
city of Minrothad both protects the capital and offers good fishing for local fishermen.
Mintothaddans can navigate these hazards without difficulty, but foreign sailors
do so with a penalty of - 6 to Ship Sailing
skill rolls. For a fee (see Speculative
Trade), the harbor master provides pilots
city. These stronghold towers have a 600foot-high base and are surmounted with
a second, narrower tower which rises an
additional 100 feet. The stronghold towers flanking the sea gate have catapults,
but other towers are topped with ballistae, easier to use in the relatively short
ranges within the caldera.
The river gate (4) to the inner harbor is
hung with two sets of butterfly gates.
This gives admittance to a broad, protected lagoon, an artificial harbor beneath
the fortifications of Meditor Hall (20),
the palace and stronghold of the ruling
guild master. Opposite the river gate are
docks for six fighting galleys, Minrothad's
reserve naval force for defense against
enemies who might make it as far as the
Alphatian Caldera. In the center of the
lagoon is a man-made island ringed with
docks. Water-powered elevator platforms
descend from overhead to hoist goods up
to the level of the city. In this way enemies
are prevented from easily entering Minrothad in time of war.
One staircase is concealed at the rear of
the galley storage sheds, but it is intended for use only in manning the war ships
if there is no time to use the elevators.
Treat this as a secret door for characters
attempting to discover its location. The
staircase is protected by an earth elemental, conjured for this purpose and permanently bound to this location. The
elemental normally appears to be part of
the stone wall next to the concealed staircase entrance. The elemental attacks anyone who searches for and then opens the
entrance, since it is thought that only
unauthorized persons would need to
search for this portal in the first place.
The staircase is also trapped so that it
will collapse with the pull of a lever in
Meditor Hall, thus denying egress to the
enemy. This is done only if the elemental
fails to prevent the enemy from using the
At the opposite end of the city is a single bridge, the Hammerspan (5), connecting the city of Minrothad with its
land-based outer fortifications in what is
locally refered to as Market Town (6-10).
The Hammerspan is nearly 150 feet wide
and over 300 feet long, crenalated and set
Even when there were a sight more
humans around, the Corset family always
had their hand in Hafbortown 's business.
Even though Harbortown be smaller than
the city ofMinrothad, Guild Corset trade
be very prosperous. But I warn ye this:
plots be fast and thick in Harbortown. If
Open Isle be not much to the eye,
unless you like flat green fields and neat
little houses. Monotonous to look at, like
the ocean on a calm day: acre after acre of
cane, waving in the breeze, or fat-leaved
little plants growing in rows. A few trees
here and there, and then come the
orchards, many numbering all dwarf
trees imported from the Shires.
The soil be thin on Open Isle, and it
takes a world of dirt-grubbing to make it
bring forth what it does. A thankless
place to work, I be thinking. But there's
no beating the spices and cork-oak that
come from there! That be one ofMinrothad's greatest trade goods, andthehalf'
lings have done well by it.
Open Isle supports one town and many
scattered farming villages of halflings. It
is the largest producer of spices and sugar
in the Minrothad Isles, goods which are
one of the guilds' most profitable trade
items. A surplus is produced which meets
the needs of Minrothaddans, and leaves a
large quantity for export.
Storms hit Open Isle with special force.
Winds are unbroken by hills or woodland
and blast across the open expanse of fields
unmercifully. Human houses suffer periodic disasters from this onslaught of
weather, which leaves the traditional burrow homes of the haiflings untouched.
Out of necessity many humans of Open
Isle have adopted the halfling style of
housing, making them the only men and
women in the world to live in burrows in
the halfling manner.
Ma/ft ON
Malfton be the pride of the halflings.
Outside of the Five Shires it be the biggest and onliest halfling town with port
and trade run completely by halflings.
Cities: A
(white) account for the humans and the
remainder of the halflings.
Merchants who carry import goods and
traders who export Guild Quickhand
products are in the more well-to-do
neighborhoods higher up Malfton Rise
(blue). In this area are also found guild
halls and restaurants. The residences of
guild masters and the wealthy have similarly scenic locations (yellow).
\bunger halflings, many of whom are
political guild members, have purchased
Prospect Hill, the rise east of Malfton
where they are developing a new halfling
town. These town pioneers are the
young, single, or poorer halflings, while
those who remain in Malfton are the older, mature family guild halflings with
established businesses. Prospect-towners
do not welcome immigrants from other
islands, or Minrothaddans from guilds
not normally joined by halflings.
Malfton fortifications consist of wooden palisades (8) with towers built out of
stone and timbers. The inhabitants of
Prospect Rise are just erecting their fortifications, but the Malfton defenses were
completed ages ago and are now in poor
condition. There is not enough need to
warrant continuous repairs. Three fortified wooden bridges span the river and
barbicans guard two approaches to town.
Prospect-towners have constructed a fort
at their end of the bridge.
Alfeisie be the longest of the islands,
ridged with high-bucked mountains and
covered with forested slopes. She be mote
rugged than she looks offshore from a.
ship, with mountain valleys well hidden
from the wanderer and submerged reefs
for the unwary at sea.
Alfeisie be home to the elves ofMinrothad. We Verdier elves have harvested her
trees since we first came here. We're the
only elves we know of who reforest the
woodlands. If you look, you can see the
latest cut on the side ofGregus Ridge.
Gregus Ridge is the central mountain
spine that runs the length of Alfeisie. The
inactive volcanic peak of Mount Olwin to
the north is its highest point. The steeplysloped ridge gives way to fertile highland
valleys and forested hills. The forest
grows so densely in these heights that
even native elves have not explored the
island exhaustively.
When checking for sea encounters
within two hexes of Alfeisie, there is a 10
percent chance per day of travel that a
submerged reef is encountered when
traveling on the southern and western
sides of this island. This chance is in addition to any results on the Sea Encounters
Tables (see Sailing Rules).
's 'Coim
Elsan. The vessels are manned by a volunteer naval force of experienced water
elves, some of whom were trained in
lerendi in the art and science of galley
warfare. If attacked, these ships move to
block the entrance to the grotto (8) and
utilize side tunnels as sally ports (7) and
waterways (9) for counterattacks. The
currents and wave action in these constricted spaces are tricky; captains not
familiar with Seahome naval waterways
negotiate these passages at -4 to their
Sailing Skill rolls.
Seahome Grotto (10) is the largest of
the two ocean caverns which comprise the
water elf city; Elsan Lagoon (13) is about
half its size. Both caverns together serve
as the port of Seahome. Basalt columns,
carved in the likeness of gigantic trees,
support the ceilings far overhead. Ships
moor near these pillars when not docked
at a landing zone handling cargo, Seahome Grotto shelters residences and businesses which produce high class or high
cost items, while common items and
some export goods are manufactured in
Elsan Lagoon.
Both grottos are ringed with an almost
solid wall of pueblo-like commercial and
residential buildings. The structures are
interconnected, presenting limited access
from the sea, but joined in the rear by
roads and passages. The buildings are
interrupted by landing zones (11), flat
water-level docks where ships can moor
broadside and load or deliver cargo.
Heavy defensive gates of wood and metal
open onto the landing zones to give
admittance into the complex of grotto
The daily catch of fish is processed and
sold at the Fish Market (14) in Elsan
Lagoon. This section of cavern has additional docks to accomodate the many
fishing boats which come and go there.
In the roadways behind the waterfront
buildings are lines of fortifications (12)
consisting of interlocking gates and passageways. If a fight goes against the elves
they can seal the passageways as they fall
back, thus slowing down the attack and
buying time for defensive preparations in
the citadel.
At the rear of Seahome Grotto looms
the Palace of Pearl and Ivory, a monumental work completed centuries ago
with the elves' profits from trade. The citadel contains the palace as well as homes
and residences of the water elf elite.
Long before they became rulers of the
Minrothad Guilds, the Meditor clan lived
in this citadel and led councils of elvish
government. Since the creation of the
guilds, the Meditors have left the palace
to the water elf family guild, currently
the Elsan clan. The Meditor family
retains residences in this part of the grotto, as do other leading elvish clans.
Access to the citadel is limited to a
handful of steep stairways, designed so
that defenders can easily attack from
above with missiles, rocks, or boiling fluids. The citadel is usually only lightly
occupied, but is designed to shelter civilians and become the final battleground
in case of an overwhelming attack.
Against the grotto wall, at the rear of
the defensive outworks, is the palace, a
masterpiece of decorative architecture. It
is built of elaborate and expensive materials like ivory, mother of pearl, and gold,
and is brilliantly illuminated with permanent light spells.
Unknown to most outsiders, the Grotto of the Pearl is located beneath the palace. There the Pearl of Power, the water
elf clan relic, is kept. The keeper and his
assistants who tend it live in the palace, so
their comings and goings are unnoticed
by most. The grotto can be reached from
within the depths of the palace or by
entering the correct water-worn passage
in the basalt sea cliffs one-quarter mile
north of Seahome. The passage is nondescript; it and the grotto were discovered
only by accident, but it is now constantly
guarded by assistant keepers. The tunnel
can be entered by a small rowboat or by a
swimmer strong enough to beat the
unpredictable rip tides which flow there.
The ship-building which is the the
water elves' claim to fame is conducted at
various shipyards built along the coast
south of Seahome. Simple repairs and
maintenance are often carried out in the
Seahome caverns, but vessels requiring
major repairs or drydock work go to the
coastal shipyards instead.
pathways are a multitude of nets. They
serve to keep broken branches and other
debris off of the paths, yet can be
dropped at a moment's notice on anyone
moving along the walkways. The elves of
Verdon rely on dieir ability to live and
work in the trees to surprise any attackers.
Verdon is almost a quarter mile away
from the harbor and sea port which serves
it. Between the town and the port are
many lumberyards, where logs are seasoned, sawed into appropriate lengths,
and stored or shipped. Near the lumberyards, also outside of town, are work
yards where noisy and heavy woodwork
and construction are done.
Just as there are no conventional fortifications, there is no fortress or palace in
Verdon. However, the guild master of
Guild Verdier lives in a palatial estate of
rare woods built in and around several
large teakwood trees. The estate stands
near a hilltop on the northern edge of
Verdon. It doubles as guild hall for Verdier clan business and becomes the property of whoever is guild master of the
wood elf clans. This is the most impres-
Population: 13,000
Scale: ONG hex couals 500 fee!
sive dwelling in the area, but is not generally noticed by visitors since it blends so
well with the trees and vegetation.
The Carven Oak, the artifact which
serves as pseudo-relic for these elves, is
five miles distant from Verdon in an
obscure forested valley. The wood elves
were unwilling to keep this powerful relic
in Verdon where tourists and foreign merchants might blunder across it or somehow learn of it. Since it is not a proper
relic, they had no qualms about guarding
it at some distance away from town.
Keeper Rewen Verdier and his assistants
spend most of their time in the Vale of
the Oak, where the relic is secreted. They
carefully guard the area and turn away
any nonelf visitors who get too near. Elves
on personal or official business to see the
keeper meet and talk with him in the
keeper's village at the mouth of the vale.
Elves and other long-lived folk remember the Rain of Fire and other disasters
that have changed the land and the sea..
Minrothaddans never forget that catastrophe could strike at any time. Should we
Fortress Island be an eerie place to visit.
Smoke and mist blow about on the
breeze, along with sulphur and fumes
from the volcano. Hardly a scrap of green
grows on that rockno surprise, with
Mount Redtongue flowing lava all the
time. The dwarves have a sheltered hole
to live in, separated by water from the
volcano. A few fishing villages dot the
edges away from Redtongue, but until
the dwarves moved there no one wanted
to visit that island. Now it be a bit of hazardous navigation, sailing so close to the
volcano to get where the dwarves live.
Redtongue does not tend to erupt and
throw rocks, mud or ash any distance.
Rather, a constant trickle or flood of lava
flows down one or more of the mountain's faces and into the ocean. NonMinrothaddan sailors who move through
We thought the dwarves were preparing for war when they built Stronghold.
They crafted their homes quick enough,
but the work on their defenses went on
for years and decades. It still continues,
nowandthen. At least they've never used
their devices on guildsmen, and they do
have a right to make their home secure. I
feel sorry for the raider who be fool
enough to try and take Stronghold. Or
for that matter, the ship that tries to
sneak past Stronghold's Harbor Master!
Stronghold has a class E port and supports a population of almost 10,000.
Most of those are dwarves, with a large
number of humans and water elves residing and working in the harbor facilities.
This home of Rockhome emigrants is
built into the hillside of an old exploded
volcano. The ancient vent blew out the
center of Fortress Island, leaving a deep
bay and a deep, almost fjord-like cleft to
the sea. Redtongue, the active volcano, is
far enough away that the dwarves are not
threatened by its lava flows.
Along the length of the fjiord, devices
have been installed which are designed to
disable or sink ships in the water below.
These are especially vital at two points
where the fjiord narrows to roughly 200
feet across. Both areas have heavy concentrations of these machines.
The first point encountered when
entering from the sea has conventional
ballistae and catapults. The second point
is a one-half-mile stretch mounted with
special devices. One machine sends avalanches of rocks down the cliff face. Others are slides which deliver 60-lb. stone
balls and sharpened logs down slides,
fertilizer from lava dust and other nutrients cast off by the volcano.
Guild Hammer dwarves have begun to
experiment with the use of iava in their
manufacturing techniques, since Guild
Master Thor Stronghold hates to let this
supply of tremendous and inexhaustable
heat go untapped. In theit deeper tunnels the dwarves have come across a volcanic vent that oozes lava slowly. With
this vent they are experimenting with
applications fot smelting metals and
forming the cooling lava into volcanic
bricks. This work is conducted with great
secrecy because Thor suspects it might
revolutionize manufacturing techniques
and product quality. Only time will tell.
Steer clear of Fire Island. That's a deadly one. i&u'c/ think it a long chance that
volcano would pop off and debris from it
catch you when your ship is miles out to
sea. But wore than one ship has been set
afire and some even sunk when exactly
that happened, unlikely though it seems.
Then, if you go in near the island, she's
cloaked in mist most times, and the
waters be very treacherous. At times the
peak belches out ash and mud, and
that'll catch you if you be near.
Fire Island has been avoided by most
sailors throughout its long history. The
active volcanic peak of Mount Thymas
lives up to its dangerous reputation. Most
captains believe there are no settlements
on the island, and hence no reason to stop
there. Too, the constant fog and mist
which cloaks her shores make it dangerous to attempt a landfall, so the inhospitable island is avoided even by ships that
would like to restock their water supply.
Few suspect, and even fewer know, that
Fire Island is in reality the location of the
Privateers Guild's secret base of operations, Cove Harbor.
Cove Hantion
Cove Harbor has a class E port and supports a population of 7,000. It is a prosperous town for its size, sporting an even
greater variety of goods and luxury items
's T:OUR
than are found in most legitimate settlements. Not all inhabitants ate pirates or
Privateers Guild members; many work in
ship construction, maintenance or repair,
while others do handicrafts to provide
needed goods in the community. Many
are captured passengers held for ransom,
or new guild recruits. Most residents never leave Cove Harbor, except perhaps to
sail on a buying expedition to the continent. Karendas is a favorite port of call for
Cove Harbor residents: near enough to be
reached quickly, yet far enough from
Minrothad that there is little risk or temptation to talk about the hidden privateer's town.
In spite of the vagaries of Mt. Thymas,
Cove Harbor has existed for over 200
years as a settlement. Parts of the town
burned in earlier times, with the result
that most buildings are now made of
brick or stone and a well-drilled volunteer
fire brigade exists to deal with flames
ignited by volcanic rock. Ash falls periodically on the town, but it is shoveled clear
and dealt with as an expected event.
Cove Harbor is reached by passing
through a narrow inlet which connects
with the sea. The inlet is blockaded by a
log boom and enchanted with a permanent obscure spell; only Privateers Guildtrained pilots and navigators of ships
using adequate counter-magic can navigate the passage. Even then each
approaching vessel is challenged with a
code of colored lantern signals. Unless
rhe proper response is given, the log
boom is not lowered. Well-camouflaged
ballistae and catapults on headland fortifications are there for use against
intruders who run afoul of the boom.
Once past the inlet, ships sail across a
sheltered bay to the delta of the Reedy
River. The town of Cove Harbor is located
a short distance upstream. Although the
original harbor stood on the shores of the
cove from which this settlement takes its
name, the port facilities have been drastically altered over time for additional
security. The Reedy Rivet was dredged
and widened and ships are now towed by
galleys up the Reedy to Hidden Bay, the
harbor and docks on the inland side of
the town.
Blacknock IslaNO
Blackrock be a desert hulk of an isle,
with an angry volcano waiting to murder
any who spend much time in her waters.
There be little water or greenery there.
We use it as a landmark, and some fishermen have a village at one end.
Halfpeak, the active volcano of Blackrock Island, is enough cause for most
Minrothaddans to stay away from the
island. The small fishing village of Hermian at the eastern end thrives on catches
of exotic sea creatures drawn to the
volcanically heated watets near the
island. However, the true point of interest on Blackrock Island is the Larril Hermitage, which houses a community of six
mystics and the 12 brothers (clerics of 1st5th level) who attend them. The hetmitage stands where the sparse greenery of
the island gives way to barren lava fields,
and is supplied with food by the fishing
village. Although the existence of the
hermitage is not a secret, villagers seldom
have reason to talk about it, and so word
of its presence has not traveled far.
The mystics of this community are followers of Darrin Posman, a Minrothad
human who was once a guild port agent
in Alphatia. When his interests turned to
Alphatian mystic traditions, he left guild
service. Now Darrin is a 9th level mystic
of Lawful alignment. Since he has
attained the level of a Lesser Master, Darrin has returned to Minrothad in his old
age and founded this hermitage to share
his knowledge with others.
i i
Population: 5,000;
Poul and Tomas, devil swine (AC 3 (9),
HD 9*, HP 40, 43, Move 180' (60'),
human form 120' (40'), /AT 1 gore or
blow, D 2-12 or by weapon, Save F9,
M10, ALC, XP 1,600).
Beldan, Nosmo
Human merchant-prince, Captain of
the Agate: F14; St 13, In 12, Ws 14, Dx
17, Co 15, Ch 17; AC 7, HD 14, HP 93,
Move 120' (40'), /AT 1, D by weapon,
A/9, AL C; Casts spells as 7th-level
merchant-prince. Has oil of stillness.
Abilities: Ship Sailing (In+4), Rigging
Combat (Dx), Bargaining (In + 2), 2 broker points).
Nosmo is one of the wealthiest and
most unscrupulous of all Minrothad
merchant-princes. Other captains know
about him and avoid dealing with him.
The Merchant Sailors Guild reprimands
him regularly because of the harm he
does guild reputation in some foreign
ports, but the tremendous profits he
makes keeps their rebukes down to a slap
on the wrist.
but his argumentative nature and defiance of orders gets him in trouble with his
superiors. He is presently working on the
Stronghold docks instead of at the forges
in punishment for his latest escapade:
stowing away on the Egret on a short trip
to Karameikos.
Zeno is completely familiar with Fortress Island, having spent hours wandering and exploring where he was expressly
forbidden to go. In the same way he
knows a lot about secret guild affairs from
eavesdropping on conversations that were
none of his business. PCs visiting Stronghold encounter him at dockside. Zeno
can offer pointers, tips, and secret information about dwarvish affairs. He does
not intend to tell about these things, but
he is indiscreet and his mouth runs away
with him once he gets started.
Kasan, Linias
Former water elf family guild mastcr(E6; St9, In 14, Ws 12, Dx 15, Co 11,
Ch 16; AC 9, HP 33, Move 120' (40'),
/AT 1, D by weapon, MlO, AL C; Has
shell armor +1 (when worn, treat as plate
maJl with the encumbrance of leather);
Abilities: Boat Sailing (In+3), Piloting
(In+2), 1 broker point).
Linias is an ambitious, embittered,
and hateful elf of early middle years.
Oran Meditor deposed him as head of the
water elf family guild after Linias's
involvement in an assassination plot was
proven. Since then the Kasan family has
lived in disgrace, their authority usurped
by the Elsan family. Linias has dedicated
hiimself to the removal of Oran Meditor
and the restoration of his kin to power
among the water elf clans.
Linias lives in the northernmost keep
on the Seahome coastal islands. He has
gone into seclusion there since his removal from poweror so it appears. Linias
has consolidated a network of spies paid
out of his family's private purse and built
up mainland contacts with a specific purpose in mind.
Oran Meditor is hiring foreigners to
work as government agents and infiltrate
family guilds in search of treachery. To
counter this threat, Linias and his kin
search out likely mainlanders, buy their
Most of the following adventures can
be staged in any Minrothad town or city,
although a suggested locale for play is
usually given. Some of these scenarios
may be started on the continent, and
offer ways to get characters to travel to the
Minrothad Guilds.
Puiisen PuKsuit
Elgin Weafer, a Verdier elf, has been
caught making a new style of cloth-andleather purses and satchels with contraband leather from Guild Quickhand.
This is not his first offense; irate halflings
took things into their own hands and
smashed his shop last night, and now
they are looking for the illegal leatheruser so they can smash him too. Personalities are behind the conflict as much as
abused guild regulations, and the wood
elf wants to get out of town until tempers
cool down. He approaches Jesamin
Fairhair (see Personalities) to ask if she
can smuggle him out of town. A great
hue and cry is on for him, with halflings
actively searching Malfton and the sea
port for Weafer.
On such short notice Jesamin's regular
smuggling connections are not at hand.
She turns to the PCs for help, making a
plea that Elgin Weafer is in fear for his
life. No matter what alternatives the PCs
propose, she makes it sound like this is
truly the only solution possible, since she
badly wants the fat fee Elgin is paying for
this emergency assistance.
If needed to entice them, Jesamin
offers the characters a potion or other useful magical item, bought and paid for as
part of Elgin's smuggling fee. If PCs
accept, they are in possession of contraband. In addition, when Weafer is smuggled out, he is taking a supply of stolen
halfling leather with him, so he can set up
shop at his cousin's place in the city of
Once Elgin vanishes, halflings are certain he is sneaking out of town and
increase their security precautions. If PCs
agree to help, they should be left to
devise their own plan how to get Weafer
out of Malfton and across the water. If
they ate caught, the book is thrown at
them for aiding and abetting a smuggler
and a thief.
Thirty nixies have suddenly taken up
residence in the enclosed harbor within
the city of Minrothad. Although they
pose no threat to the city, they are already
wreaking havoc among ship's crews. They
have charmed several sailors into the
water, including some who went in to kill
the nixies. The PCs are asked to help deal
with this menace.
If the characters talk with the nixies,
they learn that the water sprites are here
because their home upriver was destroyed
by a landslide. Fleeing the rubble and
murky water, their first impulse was to
escape downstream. The nixies soon wandered into Minrothad's river harbor in
search of a suitable place to live, where
they are overjoyed at the prospect of so
many men they can charm into service.
This is a pleasant diversion, but sooner or
later they want to continue on and find a
nice part of the Lithwillow River to dwell
The sprites see no reason why they
should leave the harbor immediately.
They can be tempted into this only by fast
talking on the PCs' part and generous
offers of help in locating a new home.
The best location is someplace upriver
beyond the region destroyed by the landslide and away from Minrothad river
If they leave the harbor, the nixies want
to take along the sailors charmed into
their service. They may petulantly agree
to leave them behind , but only if they are
bribed with services or treasure that are as
appealing as the sailors were.
If the nixies are dealt with through
negotiation, this scenario is ideal for
Basic-level play. If characters want to
fight the nixies to expel them from the
harbor, this adventure should be considered an Expert-level scenario instead.
too Hot to
Stubborn dwarves of Stronghold have
a problem they're too proud to talk about
and get help with. Fire elementals have
emerged from the lava in the experimental molten manufacturing area deep
inside Fortress Island. The elementals can
do little hatm in those passageways of volcanic stone , but they are now wandering
about the other Stronghold work areas.
Soon they will set fife to the residences
and make the island uninhabitable. So
far the dwarves have not been able to stop
Fortunately, loose-lipped Zeno Ironfist
(see Personalities) is on hand to blab
about these problems when PCs make
port at Stronghold. If the characters fail
to see the opportunity to offer their services, Zeno boldly suggests this to them.
He himself will introduce characters to
guild master Thor Stronghold.
Thor is upset that outsiders have
learned of this problem, especially since
Zeno has also mentioned the secret lava
manufacturing process. But the guild
master figures he should make the best of
a bad bargain. Since characters have
learned too much, he asks them to stop
the fire elementals. If they succeed, that is
more than the dwarves have done; if they
die, at least they won't be able to talk
about the secret manufacturing process.
The first monster encounter takes place
with one elemental in the residential area
amid smoldering furnishings. The elemental retreats before it is slain. The second encounter is in the forge workshop
area with one or two elementals, who are
also driven further underground. The
final encounter should be in the lava vent
area with enough elementals to make this
a tough fight.
Successful PCs are rewarded with
exceptional dwarf-made weapons as a
bonus. Also, Zeno asks if he can join the
PC party. He is suddenly very unwelcome
in Stronghold because he talked about
the lava manufacturing. If he doesn't go
with the PCs, he will be sent away in disgrace for one year anyway.
Welcome Aj&oanO
The Radiant, a Privateer Guild ship, is
in port any place on the continent. Second Mate Ariana Demerick {see Personalities) is doing her usual tour of taverns
and entertainment establishes along with
several privateer companions. Along the
way, Demerick and friends meet the PCs.
This is a friendly encounter: the pirates
buy drinks, do some gambling, and swap
tall tales. They say their ship is a merchant vessel of lerendi design with a ctew
of many nationalities. If the topic comes
up, they do not claim to be Minrothaddan, although the accent is clear in many
of their voices.
Atiana draws the characters out about
what they do. As soon as it becomes obvious that one or more of the PCs is a
magic-user, cleric, or thief, she takes that
person aside and asks if he or she would
Hke to join the crew of her ship as an officer. They are short-handed and in need of
someone with this PC's special abilities.
If there is no character with these class
skills in the party, Ariana makes the offer
to the burliest fighter of the group without mention of ofticership.
If one or more characters accept this
offer, they are introduced to Captain
Erundal Kelar on board the Radiant
shortly before the vessel sails. These
obliging characters are put to sleep with
spells by the captain or with a potion in
their refreshments (save vs Poison at 4);
they awake when out to sea.
On the other hand, if no PC is interested in the offer, Ariana and her friends
leave, only to return later and shanghai
their object of interest late in the night.
Ariana lures the character outside, or
waits until the PC of interest is out of
sight of the party. In this encounter, the
DM should allow the pirates to have the
numbers, spells, and whatever else it
takes to overcome the PC after a fair but
short fight. The point of this adventure is
for the party to rescue their kidnapped
companion, not just kick pirates around
in an alleyway.
The kidnapped character awakes on
the Radiant after it is far out to sea and
out of sight of land. The ship is indeed
short-handed and plans, for the Minrothad bounty, to attack Thyatian pirates
lurking around North Island. One to four
other common sailors have also been
pressed into service for this voyage. The
PC can fight alongside his captors or be
killed by the Thyatians. The Minrothad
Privateers Guild is never mentioned
unless Captain Kelar is sincerely convinced the PC wants to join his crew. In
that case, the Radiant returns to Cove
Harbor when done with its voyage. Otherwise, the captive PC is put ashore at
Gapton on North Island after one to
three months searching for and fighting
both pirates and merchant shipping.
The PCs left behind can easily discover
what happened to their missing friend(s):
the abduction took place without great
subtlety and the vessel sailed immediately afterward. Further questions reveal
that the Radiant is rumored to be a pirate
ship. It is known that she is en route to
North Isle in Minrothad Guilds waters.
If the characters can get a ship to follow
within 24 hours there is a good chance of
catching up to the Radiant. Since the
pirates sail directly for North Island and
patrol there for an extended period of
time, there is a 10 percent chance per day
of searching that PCs cross paths with the
Radiant. This is reduced by 1 percent for
every day of delay in getting a pursuit vessel. Even if PCs have never seen the pirate
ship, their captain will recognize it.
If characters have willingly joined the
pirates, the highlight of this encounter
should be a sea battle with Thyatian
pirates. If instead the PCs have come to
rescue their companion, they may use any
tactics they like to do so. A common pursuit vessel is reluctant to engage the
pirates in battle unless it is owned by the
PCs or offered a reward worth the risk of
losing the ship and being killed. If captured, the pirates will under no circumstance lead the PCs to Cove Harbor.
Captain Erundal Kelar (water elf E8; St
14, In 13, Ws 10, Dx 17, Cn 9, Ch 14; AC
7, HP 42, Move 120' (40'), /AT 1, D by
weapon, MlO, AL C; Has a sword +1,
+ 3 vs sea creatures, potion of speed, and
shell armor (treat as plate mail with the
encumbrance of leather); Abilities: Ship
Sailing (In+2), Navigation (In+3),
Artillery (In +1), Appraisal (In), 1 broker
The Radiant, small sailing ship: AC 7,
HP 90, Movement 90 miles/day, 150
feet/round. Crew 40 (all combatants);
Mounts one catapult and two ballistae;
Artillery Skill 16.
continental Minrothad guildsmanin
the same way the player characters did. In
fact, Murl was referred as an assassin, but
Hildric neglects to mention this and
truth-magic will not reveal his omission.
After the confrontation with Guild
Corser and the wizard, the PCs' faces are
too well known to continue as incognito
agents in the city of Minrothad, although
they might be assigned elsewhere.
Ulard Forster, head of Guild Verdier,
approaches the PCs with a sensitive mission. He explains that he and Rewen Verdier, keeper of the clan artifact, have had
a falling out. Rewen refuses to let the
guild master use the artifact in a matter of
vital importance to the Verdier elves.
Although Ulard refuses to divulge what
this matter is, he solemnly vows that it
affects the welfare of the entire Minrothad Guilds. ESP or similar spells reveal
that this is true, or at least that Ulard
believes it is. Because of this reason,
Ulard asks the PCs to go to the Carven
Oak and bring him back one or more of
its branchlets.
The "vital matter" Ulard refers to is
mismanagement of government and the
reforms he has instituted in the Minrothad Guilds. Ulard wants a return to the
old way of things. He is so certain that the
Carven Oak can provide him with a wish
to accomplish this that he offers anything
within his power if the PCs will do as he
asks. Ulard's influence is like that of a
prince in a different country: he can
bestow domains, ships, wealth, magic,
guild tank, or any other reasonable
The PCs are the only ones Ulard can
approach with this request. Wood elves
would be outraged and demand his resignation from office, while most Minrothaddans are outmatched by the defenses
of the keeper's Village and the Carven
oak grove. As final justification, Ulard
insists that Rewen has grown powerhungry and unbalanced, and is no longer
of Lif e
Population; 7,000
Scale: One inch equals 500 feet
Population: 5000
Scale: ONE inch equals 300 feet
1. Gapton Keep
2. Clerics and scholars
3. Guild offices, services
4. Craftsmen and laborers