Hepatic Surgical Anatomy

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Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Hepatic surgical anatomy

John E. Skandalakis, MD, PhDa,b,*,
Lee J. Skandalakis, MDb,
Panajiotis N. Skandalakis, MDb,
Petros Mirilas, MD, Msurgb,c

Department of Surgery; Emory University School of Medicine,

1364 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
Centers for Surgical Anatomy and Technique, Emory University School of Medicine,
1462 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Crete Medical School,
P.O. Box 2208, Heraklion 71003, Crete, Greece

In the strangely beautiful dynamism of embryology, the liver appears as

a tree that grows out of the virgin land of the foregut in order to increase its
metabolic and digestive function.
R. Seltzer, Mortal Lessons [1]

The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, accounting for
approximately 2% to 3% of the total body weight of an adult. Despite its
multiple vital functions and its regenerative abilities, the liver has been
misunderstood at nearly all levels of organization and in almost every period
of time since Galen. The most paradoxical aspect of the understanding of
hepatic anatomy has not been lack of knowledge but questions of
interpretation; there is a tendency to ignore details that do not t preconceived
ideas. Furthermore, mistaken ideas about the liver seem to have taken longer
to correct than misconceptions about most of the other organs of the body,
with the exception of the brain. Anatomists and surgeons have almost
willfully misinterpreted the anatomic and functional lobar structure of the
liver as well as its segmental anatomy. Accordingly, details of the intra- and
extrahepatic vasculature and the biliary tract need to be reviewed.
Longmire [2], who devoted his life to the study of the liver, called it
a hostile organ because it welcomes malignant cells and sepsis so warmly,
because it bleeds so copiously, and because it is often the rst organ to be
* Corresponding author. Centers for Surgical Anatomy and Technique, Emory University
School of Medicine, Suite 203, 1462 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.E. Skandalakis).
0039-6109/04/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

injured in blunt abdominal trauma. To balance these negative factors, the

liver has two great attributes: its ability to regenerate after massive loss of
substance, and its ability, in many cases, to forgive insult.
The liver is one of the rst organs to develop in the embryo, and it rapidly
becomes one of the largest organs in the fetus [3]. A presentation of the
embryology and congenital anomalies of the liver is beyond the scope of this
article, as is a discussion of the extrahepatic system biliary ducts. The
intrahepatic network is discussed briey.
Hepatic surgical anatomy
A good knowledge of the anatomy of the liver is a prerequisite for modern
surgery of the liver.
H. Bismuth [4]

The liver is covered with the capsule of Glisson, which envelops the
hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct at the hilum of the liver.
Peritoneal attachments to the liver
Folds, ligaments, and peritoneal attachments of the liver are terms that
confuse hepatic anatomists as well as medical students. The falciform,
coronary, round, ligamentum venosum, and the two triangular ligaments,
presented as ligaments or folds in the literature, are not ligaments [5,6].
Ligaments are composed of regular connective tissue [7], usually providing
support between bony elements [8]. The authors propose using the term
peritoneal attachment rather than ligament when referring to the liver [6].
It is often surgically convenient to distinguish a right and a left coronary
ligament. Anatomically, however, there is only the coronary ligament [6,9], or
there are only the left triangular ligament and the complex of coronary and
right triangular ligament; the latter is the lateral unication of the layers of
the coronary ligament. The coronary ligament has superior and inferior
layers, not anterior and posterior layers [6]. Because of the original
quadruped stance of human ancestors, the liver is located posteriorly (not
cranially as often misunderstood). Where the bare area of the liver connects
to the diaphragm, the liver is suspended mostly by brous attachments and by
the hepatic veins [10].
Peritoneal attachments of the liver are shown in Fig. 1. The double layer of
the parietal peritoneum continues to the falciform ligament and surrounds
the liver except for the bare area, where the two layers separate to form the
coronary ligament and the left triangular ligament. The left layer of the
falciform ligament becomes the superior layer of the left coronary ligament.
The right layer becomes the upper layer of the coronary ligament, which
meets the lower layer to form the right triangular ligament. The lower layer
of the coronary ligament continues on the posterior surface of the liver and
can reect on the upper part of the right kidney to form the hepatorenal

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435


Fig. 1. Posterior aspect of the liver. The distinction between the left and right layers of the
falciform ligament is slightly exaggerated to emphasize the contributions of these layers to the
left triangular ligament and the coronary ligament respectively. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray
SW, Skandalakis LJ, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures.
Part 2 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;30:26; with permission.)

ligament. Then it passes in front of the groove for the inferior vena cava
(IVC), and, after a semicircular course in front of the caudate lobe, it meets
the right leaf of the lesser omentum. The leaf of the lesser omentum continues
in the posterior leaf of the left triangular ligament.
Surfaces of the liver and their relations
The three surfaces of the liver in sagittal section are the posterior surface,
the anterosuperior surface, and the inferior surface.
Posterior surface
The posterior surface is related to the vertical part of the diaphragm and,
for all practical purposes, is retroperitoneal. Three anatomic entities are
related to the posterior surface: the retrohepatic part of the IVC, the right
adrenal gland, and the upper pole of the right kidney. The IVC travels
through the hepatic parenchyma. The bare area of the liver may also be
considered part of the posterior surface.
Anterosuperior surface
The anterosuperior surface is related to the diaphragmatic dome. To be
more specic, the anterosuperior surface is located behind the ribs and
cartilages, part of the diaphragm, pericardium, the pleurae, and the pulmonary parenchyma. This superior surface is covered by peritoneum except
for the attachment of the falciform ligament and where, more dorsally, the
superior reection of the coronary ligament bounds the bare area of the liver.


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Inferior surface
The inferior surface is the visceral hepatic surface. It is related to several
intraperitoneal anatomic entities and spaces. The space under the right lobe
is the subhepatic space of Morison; the space under the left is the lesser sac.
The inferior visceral hepatic surface under the right lobe is related to the
gallbladder, right adrenal gland, right kidney, right renal vessels, head of
pancreas, proximal part of the pancreatic neck, rst and second parts of the
duodenum, common bile duct, portal vein, hepatic artery, IVC, and hepatic
colonic exure.
A capital H conguration (Fig. 2) is shaped in the inferior surface by
ssures for the following entities: right limb, anteriorly for the gallbladder
and posteriorly for the IVC; the left limb for the round ligament and
posteriorly for the ligamentum venosum. The cross bar of the H is the porta
hepatis (the hilum of the liver); it contains the hepatic artery, the hepatic
duct and the branches of the portal vein (Fig. 3) [11]. A capital L is formed
by the attachment of the lesser omentum to the visceral surface of the liver:
the vertical limb is the ssure for the ligamentum venosum; the horizontal
limb is the porta hepatis [11].

Hepatic margins
The right lateral margin is located under the right chest wall (eighth, ninth,
and tenth ribs) and the related diaphragmatic part. The anterior margin is the
border where the posterior and inferior hepatic surfaces merge. The anterior
hepatic surface is located between the inferior and superior margin.

The hepatic ssures are enigmatic and confusing because of their multiple
names (eg, principal, accessory, portal ssures). Only one ssure can be seen.
The other ssures, although not based on external appearance, are
anatomically related to the three hepatic veins, producing segments (ie,
vascular areas) that may be approached surgically with fewer anatomic
complications (Fig. 4). Many classic texts present the lobes and segments
without presenting the pathway of the ssures, which are co-responsible for
the lobation and segmentation of the hepatic parenchyma. Ger [10], however,
presents the pathway of the four ssures in a correct surgico-anatomic way.
Right ssure This ssure commences at the right margin of the inferior vena
cava and follows the attachment of the right superior coronary ligament to
about 3 to 4 cm from the junction of the latter with the right inferior layer. The
ssure then curves anteriorly to a point on the inferior margin about midway
between the gallbladder fossa and the right margin of the liver. Passing
posteriorly, the ssure follows a line that runs parallel to the gallbladder fossa
and crosses the caudate process to reach the right side of the inferior vena cava.

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435


Fig. 2. Porta hepatis and features of the visceral surface of the liver. (A) Typical orientation of
the H conguration of the portal structures. (B) Common but incorrect depiction of
relationship of the H congurations parallel with the midsagittal plane of the body. (From
Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Skandalakis LJ, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated
extrahepatic structures. Part 2 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;30:26; with

Median ssure This ssure passes from the gallbladder fossa to the left
margin of the inferior vena cava. Posteroinferiorly, the ssure is
represented by a line from the gallbladder fossa to the main bifurcation
of the hepatic pedicle (portal triad) and, thence, to the retrohepatic inferior
vena cava.
Left ssure This ssure runs from the left side of the inferior vena cava to
a point between the dorsal one third and ventral two thirds of the left margin
of the liver. Inferiorly, the ssure passes to the commencement of the
ligamentum venosum.


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Fig. 3. The H conguration of the visceral surface. GB, gallbladder; IVC, inferior vena cava.

Portoumbilical ssure This ssure is marked supercially by the

attachment of the falciform ligament, which contains the ligamentum teres
hepatis in its inferior border. Angled less generously than the right ssure, it
meets the inferior margin of the liver at an angle of about 50 .

The authors have observed that in rare cases the pathway of the left hepatic
vein is located too laterally (to the left), just behind the portoumbilical ssure.

Fig. 4. The four ssures. GB, gallbladder; IVC inferior vena cava. (Adapted from Colburn GL,
Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic
structures. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;31:25; with permission.)

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Lobes and segments of the liver

Anatomic lobes
Based on external appearance, four lobes are traditionally described: right,
left, quadrate, and caudate [12]. The liver is divided into right and left
anatomic lobes by the attachment of the falciform ligament on the
anterosuperior surface (portoumbilical ssure). On the visceral surface of
the liver, the ssures for the ligamentum venosum and ligamentum teres
provide the demarcation. The quadrate lobe is demarcated in the visceral
surface of the liver by the gallbladder fossa, porta hepatis, and the
portoumbilical ssure (Fig. 5). The caudate lobe is demarcated by the groove
for the IVC and the ssure of the venous ligament. The right portion of the
caudate lobe is continuous with the right lobe by the caudate process, which
forms the superior boundary of the epiploic foramen. The quadrate lobe has
been considered as a subdivision of the right anatomic lobe [13]. The authors
use the term lobes in discussions of quadrate and caudate anatomy as a matter
of convenience; these structures are not true lobes.
Functional lobes and segments
In 1888 Rex [14] showed that the right and left lobes of the liver are of
equal size. The plane of division is not the obvious falciform ligament but
rather a plane passing through the bed of the gallbladder and the notch of the
IVC, without other surface indications. This observation received little
attention at the time. Although conrmed by Cantlie [15] in 1897 and

Fig. 5. Visceral aspect of the liver. The inferior margin of the anterior surface is uppermost in
the gure. The major impressions on the liver made by the stomach, colon, and right kidney are
seen clearly. A bridge of hepatic parenchyma bridges the groove for the ligamentum venosum in
this specimen. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Skandalakis LJ, et al. Surgical anatomy of the
liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part 2 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp
Surg 1987;30:26; with permission.)


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Bradley [16] in 1909, another half century was required for wide acceptance
Based on arterial blood supply, portal venous blood supply, biliary
drainage, and hepatic venous drainage, the liver is divided into functional
lobes and segments (Fig. 6). The best-known and most widely employed
conceptions of hepatic segmentation are those of Couinaud (1954) [21]; those
of Healy and Schroy (1953) [19], simplied by Goldsmith and Woodburne

Fig. 6. Projection of the liver lobes and segments based on the distribution of intrahepatic ducts
and blood vessels. (A, B) Terminology of Healey and Schroy (1959). (A) Ant. Inf., anterior
inferior subsegment; Ant. Sup., anterior superior subsegment; Lat. Inf., lateral inferior
subsegment; Lat. Sup., lateral superior subsegment; Med. Inf., medial inferior subsegment;
Med. Sup., medial superior subsegment; Post. Inf., posterior inferior subsegment; Post. Sup.,
posterior superior subsegment. (B) CP, caudate process; LS, left subsegment; RS, right
subsegment. (C, D) Terminology of Couinaud (1954). (E) Highly diagrammatic presentation of
the segmental functional anatomy of the liver emphasizing the intrahepatic anatomy and
hepatic veins. IVC, inferior vena cava. (F) Exploded segmental view of the liver emphasizing the
intrahepatic anatomy and hepatic veins. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Skandalakis LJ, et al.
Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part 2 surgical anatomy
of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;30:26; with permission.)

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Fig. 6 (continued )



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Fig. 6 (continued )

(1957) [24]; and those of Bismuth (1982) [25]. They are essentially very close
to each other so that practical application is not impeded.
Healey and Schroys liver segmentation
The system proposed by Healey and Schroy [19] in 1953 (Fig. 6A, B) is
based on the distribution of bile ducts, which follows the distribution of
portal vein branches [26]. Thus, a right liver (right part of the liver) and a left
liver (left part of the liver) are described [12]. Topographically, the division
between these halves (called functional lobes) follows a plane (called the
principal plane, median ssure, Rexs line, or Cantlies line) extending
forward from the left side of the gallbladder fossa to the left side of the IVC.
The caudal lobe is not considered as a separate lobe.
The left lobe is divided into a medial and a lateral segment by the plane
dened by the falciform ligament and the portoumbilical ssure. The right
lobe consists of an anterior and posterior segment, divided by the right
ssure. Each segment is further divided into a superior and inferior
subsegment by a transverse line. The plane of this ssure perhaps
corresponds to the line of the eighth intercostal space.
Saxena et al [27] report that the quadrate lobe and the greater part of the
caudate belong functionally to the left lobe of the liver, quoting the work of
Hjortsjo [18] and Mizumoto and Suzuki [28]. Topographically, the quadrate
lobe is a portion of the inferior half of the medial segment of the left lobe.
Most of the topography of the caudate lobe is in the medial segment of the
left lobe, but the caudate process continues into the right lobe. The caudate
lobe is divided by the median ssure (interlobar plane) into right and left
subsegments. Its bile ducts, arteries, and portal veins arise from both right
and left main branches. The caudate lobe is drained by two small, fairly
constant hepatic veins that enter the left side of the vena cava.

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Based on in vivo observations, Goldsmith and Woodburne [24] described

the following anatomic segments of the liver: caudate lobe, left lateral
segment, left medial segment, right anterior segment and right posterior
Couinauds liver segmentation
The Couinard segmentation (Fig. 6C, D) system is based on the
distribution in the liver of both the portal vein and the hepatic veins [26]
and shows a specic consideration for the caudate lobe. Fissures of the three
hepatic veins (portal scissurae) divide the liver into four sectors (segments),
lateral and paramedian, on the right and left sides, respectively. The planes
containing portal pedicles are called hepatic scissurae. Eight segments are
described, one for the caudate lobe (segment I), three on the right (segments
II, III, and IV), and four on the left (segments V, VI, VII, and VIII). In
general, the segments of this classication correspond to subsegments of
Healey and Schroy [19].
Couinauds system of liver segmentation diers from Healey and
Schroys [19] system in several ways, however. According to Couinaud
[22,26], a subdivision of segment IV and the caudate lobe into two parts is
not justied. Furthermore, Couinaud asserted that a study of organogenesis
and comparative anatomy suggests that the umbilical ssure is the hepatic
scissura between segments III and IV [22]. For Healy and Schroy [19],
however, the umbilical ssure is the plane of separation between territories
of biliary (and consequently portal vein) branches between the medial and
lateral segment of the left lobe [26].
At the close of the last century, several investigators, including Couinaud
and coworkers, used the term segment IX for an area of the dorsal sector of
the liver close to the IVC [2932]. In 2002, however, Abdalla, Vauthey and
Couinaud [33] wrote, Because no separate veins, arteries, or ducts can be
dened for the right paracaval portion of the posterior liver and because
pedicles cross the proposed division between the right and left caudate, the
concept of segment IX is abandoned. The genesis and death of segment IX
is found in articles by Couinaud and other investigators [3033].
Bismuths liver segmentation
Bismuth [25] brought together his system of liver segmentation from the
cadaveric system of Couinaud [21] and the in vivo system of Goldsmith and
Woodburne [24]. He used the three ssures (scissurae) hosting the hepatic
veins and a transverse ssure passing through the right and left portal
branches. Bismuth described a right and left hemiliver divided by the
median ssure, with each hemiliver having anterior (topographically medial)
and posterior (topographically lateral) sectors (segments). He took into
specic consideration the caudate lobe (segment I). The left lobe is thus
divided into three segments: II (left lateral superior subsegment), III (left
lateral inferior subsegment), and IV (left medial subsegment). The right lobe


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

has four segments: V (right anterior inferior subsegment), VI (right anterior

superior subsegment), VII (right posterior inferior subsegment), and VIII
(right posterior superior subsegment).
Points to remember
For many years it was believed that there are few, inconsistant, and
insignicant anastomoses between right and left lobes, except for the
caudate lobe [19,24,3436]. Mays [3739], however, has shown that an
occluded left hepatic artery lls with blood from the right side, and vice
versa. These anastomoses could not be observed in the cadaveric studies.
Extrahepatic and intrahepatic vasculature
The liver has a dual blood supply from the portal vein and common
hepatic artery. The portal vein is responsible for approximately 70% and the
hepatic artery for 30% of the blood ow of the liver. In the liver, arteries,
portal veins, and bile ducts are surrounded by a brous sheath, the
Glissonian sheath [22]. Hepatic veins in the hepatic parenchyma lack such
protection [10,26].
Common hepatic artery
The common hepatic artery (Fig. 7A) takes origin from the celiac trunk
(86%); other sources are the superior mesenteric artery (2.9%), the aorta
(1.1%), and, very rarely, the left gastric artery [40]. The common hepatic
artery then runs horizontally along the upper border of the head of the
pancreas covered by the peritoneum of the posterior wall of the omental
bursa. The gastroduodenal artery branches o the common hepatic artery
posterior and superior to the duodenum. The common hepatic artery continues as the proper hepatic artery and turns upward to ascend in the lesser
omentum, enveloped by the hepatoduodenal ligament, in front of the
epiploic (Winslows) foramen. Within the hepatoduodenal ligament, the
proper hepatic artery lies to the left of the common bile duct and anterior to
the portal vein. The portal vein, however, is located posteriorly or deeper to
the proper hepatic artery and the common bile duct. Within the ligament the
proper hepatic artery divides into right and left branches, called right and
left hepatic arteries. Arterial distribution to dierent functional segments is
identical to the distribution of portal vein [26].
Left hepatic artery
In 25% to 30% of cases, the left hepatic artery arises from the left gastric
artery [35,40]. In 40% of subjects [41] the left hepatic artery branches into
a median and a lateral segmental artery [12]. Other patterns often occur,
however (Fig. 8A, B, C). The medial segmental artery supplies the quadrate
lobe. The lateral segmental artery divides into superior and inferior arteries

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435


Fig. 7. Hepatic arteries. (A) Normal hepatic artery arising from the celiac trunk. (B)
Accessory left hepatic artery arising from the left gastric artery. (C) Replacing common
hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. (D) Replacing right hepatic artery
arising from the superior mesenteric artery. (From Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, Colborn GL, et al.
Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part 4 surgical anatomy
of the hepatic vessels and the extrahepatic biliary tract. Contemp Surg 1987;31:25; with

for the respective subsegments as described by the Bismuth classication.

Furthermore, the left hepatic artery gives o a branch for the caudate lobe,
supplying its left side.
Right hepatic artery
In about 17% of subjects, the right hepatic artery branches from the superior mesenteric artery [35,42]. The right hepatic artery passes to the right
behind (or occasionally in front of) the hepatic duct in front of the portal
vein. Before entering the liver, the right hepatic artery gives o the cystic
artery in the hepatocystic triangle located between the cystic duct and the
common bile duct (Fig. 7A).
Within the liver or extrahepatically in the porta, the right hepatic artery
divides into anterior and posterior segmental arteries [12], which divide
further into superior and inferior arteries to supply the respective subsegments [4,25]. An artery for the caudate lobe also originates from the right
hepatic artery and supplies the caudate process and the right side of the
caudate lobe. These arteries are found under the respective bile duct
branches [42].

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Fig. 8. Variations in the branching of the left hepatic artery. (A) Bifurcation into medial and lateral segmental arteries. (B) Division of the lateral segmental
artery into laterosuperior and lateroinferior branches to the right of median ssure. The medial segmental artery arises from the lateroinferior branch. (C) The
left medial segmental artery arises from the right hepatic artery, crossing the median ssure to reach the medial segment of the left lobe. (From Colburn GL,
Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Contemp Surg
1987;31:25; with permission.)

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Aberrant hepatic arteries

Aberrant hepatic arteries (Fig. 7BD) are found in about 45% of subjects
[43]. If the arteries arise entirely from some source other than the celiac
arterial distribution, they are called replacing arteries and can supply an
entire lobe of the liver or even the entire liver. Although atypical hepatic
arteries are commonly called accessory arteries if they arise from some
aberrant source and are additive to lobar branches, it is evident that they
provide the primary arterial supply to a specic part of the liver (lobe,
segment, or subsegment); therefore, they are not accessory arteries.
These aberrant hepatic arteries should be distinguished from segmental
arteries arising outside the liver. For example, in 50% of subjects the
intermediate (or medial) hepatic artery [12] arises outside the liver [11].
Although it is considered to arise from left hepatic artery [12], the
intermediate hepatic artery is reported with nearly equal frequency as
a branch of the left or right hepatic artery.

Portal vein
The portal vein (Fig. 9) is between 7 and 10 cm long and between 0.8 and
1.4 cm in diameter and is without valves. It is formed by the conuence of
the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein behind the neck of the
pancreas. The relationship of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct
within the hepatoduodenal ligament has been described in the discussion of
the common hepatic artery. At the porta hepatis, the portal vein bifurcates
into right and left branches before entering the liver. In general, portal veins
are found posterior to hepatic arteries and the bile ducts in their lobar and
segmental distribution.
The right branch of the portal vein is located anterior to the caudate
process and is shorter than the contralateral branch. Near its origin it gives
o a branch for the caudate lobe. It follows the distribution of the right
hepatic artery and duct and bifurcates into anterior and posterior segmental
branches as soon as it enters the hepatic parenchyma. Each segmental
branch further divides into inferior and superior subsegmental branches for
its respective parenchymal subsegments.
A dierent anatomic pattern is seen in the left portal vein. This long branch
has two parts, transverse and umbilical. It begins in the porta hepatis as the
transverse part [12], which gives o a caudate branch, and travels to the left.
At the level of the umbilical ssure, the umbilical part turns sharply. It courses
anteriorly in the direction of the round ligament and terminates in a cul-desac proximally to the inferior border of the liver [26]. Here it is joined
anteriorly by the round ligament (ligamentum teres hepatis) [10]. Further on,
the left portal vein divides into medial and lateral segmental branches, each
with superior and inferior subsegmental branches. This anatomic pattern

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435
Fig. 9. Intrahepatic distribution of the hepatic portal vein. A, anterior segment; br, branch; P, posterior segment; T, pars transversus; U, pars umbilicus, the
site of the embryonic ductus venosus. (From Colborn GL, Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic
structures. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;31:25; with permission.)

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435


distinguishes the left portal vein from the left hepatic artery and bile duct: the
umbilical part provides the superior and inferior subsegmental veins for the
lateral segment and also provides the medial segmental veins from its right
side [19].
Hepatic veins
The liver is drained by a series of dorsal hepatic veins (Fig. 10) at what
Rodney Smith [44] has aptly called the upper hilum. Three major and
between 10 and 50 smaller veins open into the IVC [45].
The three major veins have an extrahepatic length of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. In
contrast to hepatic arteries, portal veins, and bile ducts, these veins are found
intrahepatically within the (intersegmental) planes separating lobes and
segments (intersegmental). They drain adjacent segments and subsegments.
The right hepatic vein is the largest. It lies in the right ssure, draining the
entire posterior segment (superior and inferior subsegments) and the
superior subsegment of the anterior segment of the right lobe. It serves
segments V, VI, VII, and part of VIII.
The middle hepatic vein lies in the median ssure and drains the inferior
subsegment of the anterior segment of the right lobe and the inferior area of
the medial subsegment of the left lobe. The middle hepatic vein also drains
the right anterior superior subsegment [26]. This vein mainly serves the left
liver, together with the left hepatic vein [26]. The middle hepatic vein serves
mainly segments IV, V, and VIII.
The left hepatic vein lies in the upper part of the left ssure. It drains the
superior area of the medial subsegment (segment IV) and the left anterior
superior and inferior subsegments (segments II and III). In about 60% of
individuals, the left and middle veins unite to enter the IVC as a single vein
In the era of increasing hepatic transplantation, Mehran et al [46]
emphasized the value of the anatomy of minor hepatic veins. They proposed
a four-part classication into veins of segments I (caudate lobe and caudate
process), VI, VII, and IX. The area that they allotted to discredited segment
IX describes the territory situated immediately anterior to the retrohepatic
The hepatic lymphatic network, supercial and deep, does not follow the
functional vasculobiliary organization. The supercial lymphatic system,
located within the Glissonian sheath, travels toward the thorax and the
abdominal regional lymph nodes. Lymph vessels pass the diaphragm mainly
in the bare area or through Morgagnis foramen to reach anterior or lateral
phrenic nodes (Fig. 11). These trunks join the internal thoracic artery
lymph pathway as well as anterior and posterior mediastinal lymphatics [26].

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435
Fig. 10. Diagram of the intrahepatic distribution of the hepatic veins. The hepatic veins are located between lobes and segments rather than in them. (From
Colborn GL, Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver.
Contemp Surg 1987;31:25; with permission.)


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Bronchomediastinal trunks
To parasternal nodes
along internal thoracic
Anterior phrenic nodes
(from anterior, right
superior surfaces

R. lateral phrenic nodes

(from posterior and
superior surfaces)


Thoracic duct
(from celiac nodes
1/2 hapatic lymph)
Aorta, esophagus

Foramen of Morgagni

Posterior phrenic nodes

Phrenic nerve



L. lateral phrenic

To celiac
To paracardiac
To lateral

surface of liver

Paracardiac nodes
(from posterior left

To hilar

To hilar nodes,
celiac nodes
Falciform ligament

Fig. 11. Supercial lymphatic drainage of the liver. About one half of the drainage is to the
thoracic duct. (From Colborn GL, Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the
liver and associated extrahepatic structures. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp
Surg 1987;31:25; with permission.)

The posterior surface of the liver is drained toward the paracardial nodes
(left lateral segment) or celiac nodes (right lobe). Most of the supercial
stream, however, escapes the liver through hilar nodes to follow the proper
hepatic artery and follows the classic path toward aortic nodes.
The deep system is the system of greater lymphatic outow. It drains
toward the lateral phrenic nerve nodes through the caval hiatus following
hepatic veins or to nodes of the liver hilum following portal vein branches
(Fig. 12).
Remember, however, that with hepatic venous obstruction, the transdiaphragmatic pathway of hepatic lymph will reach the internal mammary
and diaphragmatic lymph nodes. Niden and Yamada [47] report that part of
the hepatic lymph reaches the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and then goes
to the right lymphatic duct.


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

Fig. 12. Deep lymphatic drainage of the liver. The supercial and deep lymphatics anastomose
freely. (From Colborn GL, Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and
associated extrahepatic structures. Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg
1987;31:25; with permission.)

Intrahepatic biliary tract

Understanding the surgical anatomy of the biliary ductal system, including
the gallbladder, is of great consequence in the study of hepatic anatomy.
Following is a brief overview of the intrahepatic biliary tract (Fig. 13).
Bile canaliculi are formed by parts of the membrane of adjacent
parenchymal cells, and they are isolated from the perisinusoidal space by
junctions. Bile ows from the canaliculi through ductules (canals of Hering)
into the interlobular bile ducts found in portal pedicles. In the segmental and
subsegmental pedicles surrounded by the Glissonian sheath, bile ducts are
found above and veins and arteries beneath [48]. Biliary segmentation is
identical to portal vein segmentation [48]. In contrast to portal vein branches,
which may communicate, no communication is observed in biliary branches
The right hepatic duct
The right hepatic duct has an average length of 0.9 cm and is formed by
the union of the anterior and posterior branches at the porta hepatis. Each
branch is further bifurcated into superior and inferior branches to drain the

J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435



Posterosuperior br.


Posteroinferior br.

Medio- duct
superior br.
Med seg.
Medio inferior
L. hepatic
hepatic duct
Cystic duct
Common bile

R. hepatic

Anteroinferior br.

Fig. 13. Intrahepatic distribution of the bile ducts. Br, branch. (From Colborn GL, Skandalakis
LJ, Gray SW, et al. Surgical anatomy of the liver and associated extrahepatic structures.
Part 3 surgical anatomy of the liver. Contemp Surg 1987;31:25; with permission.)

four subsegments of the right lobe: V (right anterior inferior subsegment),

VI (right anterior superior subsegment), VII (right posterior inferior
subsegment), and VIII (right posterior superior subsegment). This is the
usual pattern, present in 72% of specimens examined by Healey and Schroy
[19]. In the remainder, the posterior branch or, rarely, the anterior branch
crosses the segmental ssure to empty into the left hepatic duct or one of its
tributaries. In these cases the right hepatic duct is absent.
The left hepatic duct
Medial and lateral branches converge to form the left hepatic duct, which
has as average length of 1.7 cm. Each branch is formed by superior and
inferior branches of the respective subsegments. The left hepatic duct drains
the three segments of the left lobe: II (left lateral superior subsegment), III
(left lateral inferior subsegment), and IV (left medial subsegment). Segment
IV is drained by mediosuperior and medioinferior branches. This typical
pattern was met in 67% of Healey and Schroys specimens [19]. The medial
and lateral branches unite in the left ssure (50%), to the right of the ssure
(42%), or to the left of the ssure (8%).
Caudate lobe drainage
The biliary drainage of the caudate lobe (segment I) enters both the right
and the left hepatic duct systems in 80% of individuals [50]. In 15% of cases


J.E. Skandalakis et al / Surg Clin N Am 84 (2004) 413435

the caudate lobe drains only into the left hepatic duct system, and in 5% it
drains only in the right system [50]. The caudate process is drained by both
right and left hepatic ducts [10].

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