Chapters 1 IB Notes
Chapters 1 IB Notes
Chapters 1 IB Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
Domestic Business: business that transacts mainly in the country it was based in
ie owned by India
Domestic Market: the customers of a business who are in the same country as the
Foreign Market: the customers of a business who are in a different country as the
Chapter 2 Notes
International Business Practices
Joint Ventures: when 2 businesses, one from a foreign country, form a company
with shared ownership
o 25-40% of all foreign investments are joint ventures
o Reason: joined so theyll be allowed into countries
Often joining with govt or companies in China or Cuba with
Trade Winds Inc is a CDN mining company in China to
o Companies can gain control of new markets, customers, and products
o May also share financing, technology, cultural, risk reduction
o However, it may be a risk for investors because 50% of all joint ventures
Trade Barriers
Trade Quotas
o Government imposed limit on the amount of a product that cam be
o Protects domestic producers limiting import and reducing foreign
eg India has a quota of 14.5M kg of peanut butter to export to USA
o Tariffs increase once company exceeds quota
Trade Embargoes
o banning ALL trade on a specific product or with a specific country
o used to pressure foreign countries to change government policies or
human rights
o Embargoes increase the price of products as supply decreases
2003 India embargo for beef with mad cow disease
Trade Sanctions
o Action taken by a country to force another to follow to international trade
agreements or norms of conducts
o Similar to embargoes, but Sanctions often only involve banning some
o Cuba USA sanction for banning trade will continue until Cuba becomes
o Countries have different standards for environmental protection, voltage,
or health/safety
o Companies making products must account for compatibility in foreign
o ISO (International Organization for Standardization) can help
alleviate this standards issue
o Exchange Rate: amount of currency in relation to the currency of another
o Fluctuations cause barriers because of uncertainty in pricing goods
o CAD often quoted with USD because they are largest partners in the world
Historically CAD was less than USD, at one time low of 1CAD =
$0.637 USD
But now its sometimes higher if not even at most times
India is 7th most traded in the world
Time Zones
o Different time zones mean India cant call Japan on demand, they must
wait for the right time
o Communication technologies make it easier, but still a barrier
o Call centers business take advantage of this
o Text/email can communicate, but real time feedback is hard to happen
Tax Treaties: A tax treaty is created to prevent double taxation and tax evasion for people
who would pay taxes in India and another country.
The European Union (EU): A trade agreement signed in 1993 that now encompasses
twenty-seven countries in Europe and a population of almost half a billion people. It has
its own flag, anthem, and currency, and common financial, security, and foreign policies.
The euro: The European currency unit adopted by the European Union and used in most
EU countries.
Trade organizations
Groups established to help with the free flow of goods and services. They may be global
in scope or national organizations created by individual governments to help domestic
companies expand into international markets. Example:
World Trade Organization (WTO) (Founded in 1995, has more than 150 members
The main purposes of the WTO are:
To act as a forum for negotiations
To provide a set of rules that have been negotiated and signed by the To offer a forum
for disputegovernments of member countries settlement
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) (Created in 1989)
Trade Agreements
Trade organizations
Peace keeping and relief with International Labour Organization, IMF, WHO, and
Charter of the UN declares UNs commitment to devote resources to help
standards of living, unemployment rate, and economic conditions
UN Economic and Financial Committee deals with International trade, sustainable
development, globalization and poverty elimination
Business Ethics
Chapter 3 Notes
Culture Intro
Level of cultural awareness will depend on how much business a company does
in foreign country
Primary domestic operations that export do not need to care
Manufacturing, retail are more crucial
Indian values extend into the workplace by means such as minimum wages,
safety, discrimination, and holidays
Many companies find Indian labour is very expensive for manufacturing jobs
For skilled jobs, India is very educated and well fitted for those tasks
Indians who wish to do business abroad must understand the differences between
other countrys values about labour
Child Labour
o Child Labour is very prominent in Asia and the Pacific countries
o To Indian businesses, this is easy to control, just dont hire kids
o But to some nations, it may be ok or they dont care whos working
o Some take advantage of kids, putting them in dangerous conditions
If a Indian business is caught doing this, Indians will see this as
unacceptable and will decline to buy their products
o Indian law prohibits any form of discrimination in the workplace
o However, in Saudi Arabia, hiring women can be difficult as their values
are different
o Homosexuality may also be less welcomed in other countries
Wages reflect standards of living in a country
Indian manager must ask what is an acceptable or average wage in foreign
Standards and Practices
o Cultures may have different norms as part of the workplace than India
Lunch breaks: India = 1 hour, Mexico = 2 hours, Muslim Countries
have times to pray
o Labour Unions and benefits may be non-existent in some countries
o Different labour cultures affect Indian branch plants that they must respect
Indigenous Cultures
o Foreign branches must be aware of indigenous cultures
o Positive indigenous effects: employments, medical, roads, water.
Ie Businesses who need educated people might benefit local
schools etc.
o Historically, it hadnt worked out with indigenous people
Ex French India traders abused Native Indians to do resource
o Angola and Sierra Leone have rebel forces trading Diamond with bloody
Exploitation of diamonds for guns harms ecosystems, human life,
and animal life
Thousands of indigenous colonies get displaced when companies
expand into forests
Time Perception
o Monochronic: sees time as linear and sequential, and focus on one thing
at at time
Based on contracts, back and forth, formality, fact based, direct
o Polychronic: sees many things happening at the same time with
participation of many people
Works based on trust, contacts, and lesser formal
Spatial Perception
o Refers to the personal space and amount of physical contact
o Europe, South Americans are closer than North American cultures
o Physical contact can involve kissing, touching
India: hand shaking, patting on back is appropriate
Latin America: Kissing, hugging, patting is appropriate
Muslim: touching is offensive
o Seating can also be different
India likes sitting across from eachother, China likes side by side
Non-Verbal Communication
o Non-Verbal communication is closely related to cultural norms of space.
Ie Japan is strict to have 1 person talking at once, whispering is
o Some gestures are regarded as offences
Ie OK sign is obscene in Spain
Business Etiquette
o Expectations for how a business person presents him/herself in a meeting
is different
o Business cards, dress, punctuality, gifts, greetings, and topics should be
Hofstedes India
o High IDV: individualistic approach and attitude. Privacy.
o Low LTO: short term driven and appreciates cultural traditions
o Low PDI: High level of equality.
Chapter 4 Notes
Economics and Politics
Political Systems
o Theocratic: based on religion
o Monarchy: based on king and queen
o Aristocracy: based on rich and wealthy
Democracy: Free and fair elections, rule of law, free speech, assembly,
press, and religion
Entitled to education and govern themselves
Accompanied by market economy
Ex India, USA
Politicians get concerned with re-election than the overall benefit
Politicians rely on corporate funding may be influenced by
Similar background from politicians (lack of women, minorities,
Expensive to maintain
New emerging economies lack judicial systems to maintain
political stability (latin america)
Autocracy: Ruled by a small group or individual
Believe 1 government will have rational decisions for entire
Strong military presence
Controls citizens lives including media, professions, businesses,
Citizens have no say in government decisions
Ex. North Korea, Cuba are led by a single leader
Tied with centrally planned economy, though some countries have
foreign investments
Economics of Trade
Absolute Advantage
o a country has absolute advantage if it makes a product or service more
productively than other countries.
o They use the resources more efficiently to manufacture more products.
o Country has better technology to produce goods with absolute advantage
o Opportunity Cost: is the value of what is forgone
Opportunity cost of being in school is the money you could be
making in a job
Comparative Advantage
o When a country has a comparative advantage, it means that country can
produce a good at a lower opportunity cost as the other
o Countries exporting products in which they have a comparative advantage,
and import goods from country with a comparative advantage for that
product, both countries will benefit.
Government Regulations
o Government regulates laws such as minimum wage
o To start a business in India, it is easy to start a business with only one
online application
o New registered businesses will receive
A registration number
GST/HST number
Corporate income tax account
Import/Export account
Payroll deduction information
o In China, though, it takes 13 stages of approval to open a business there
Trade offices
o Established in foreign countries, it helps foreign businesses operate
o Trade offices help investments, exports, R&D, and lower costs by
providing expertise
Government Embassies, High commissions, and Consulates
o Consular Services in foreign countries help traveling Indians in case of
Communications with family after accident
Lost passports or identifications
Customs, Taxes, VISAs
o Embassies: located in capital cities they provide full range of services
o High Commissions: Same as embassies, but in Commonwealth countries
(GB, Australia)
o Permanent Missions: Located in UN, WTO and EU. No consular
o Consulates General: embassy like offices located in major cities
o Consulates: located in major cities but do not provide all range of services
o Consulates headed by honorary consuls: Located around the world
headed by honorary consuls. In places like Uganda and Paraguay.
o Offices: Found in major and capital cities to aid with specific projects
without consular services.
Trade Missions
o Organized by DFAIT, Team India visits a specific country focused on a
specific industry
o Provides Indians a business opportunity to meet potential customers,
suppliers etc.
o Junior Team India are teenagers going abroad to gather business
information, contacts, and opportunities.
Chapter 5 6 Notes
Trade Agreements
Trade organizations
Business Ethics
Chapter 7 8 Notes
Chapter 7: Marketing
Marketing Activities
Marketing: the sum total of all the activities involved in getting goods and
services from original producer to the ultimate consumer
o Includes market research, product development, pricing, advertising,
promotion, sales, and logistics
o Purpose is to sell the output of production.
Market Research
o Finds data to solve marketing problems
o Primary Data: data collected first hand. Secondary Data: data collected
by a third party
o Statistics can be used to help determine how well a product will sell given
different ways it could be produced
Product Development
o Companies use data as well as additional research to refine their products
so it will appeal to the largest audience when released
o Using data collected throughout the stages, companies can determine the
best pricing for products to be sold attractively to the most amount of
Advertising and Promotion
o After producing the product, companies will need to convince consumers
that their products are worth their price
o Ads can outline unique creative designs, environmental concerns, and
other special features
o It can take many forms like internet ads, billboards, posters, TV radio ads,
newspaper ads, sponsorships, endorsements
o A company must know where to sell their products
Craft Shows attract alot of people to one location at once where
products can be shown off
Retailers can be dealt so theyll carry and sell your product
Own store can be setup to exclusively sell your product, although
one can be expensive
Online mediums can reach a great audience and have transactions
done easy and cheap
o Management of the flow of goods and services both in and out of an
o Companies must worry about packaging, warehousing, inventory, and
management of goods
4 Ps of International Marketing
Consumers: Companies must know about the foreign target market before they
do business there
o Indian businesses should avoid Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism: is a belief that your own culture is the right way
of doing things and the values of others arent important
To avoid it, you should visit the foreign country and feel how its
like to live there
Read country profiles on the Internet to see how its like there
Offer products in language to suit their demands
o Market Size: tells companies if its worthwhile to sell products there to
enough people
o Demographic Information: is information about the people living in
target country should also be considered before selling there
o Culture, spending habits, and income levels should also be known
Competition: Its important to consider who youll be competing with in the
foreign country
o Direct Competition: are those who provide products or services that are
almost identical to the products or services you provide
o Indirect Competition: Any other product of service that is geared
towards getting money from your target consumers are considered your
indirect competition
o Competitive Advantage: refers to the ability of one company to produce
a product more cheaply than another company.
The following factors may cause a company to create products at a
lower cost
Lower cost production: a competitor might have economies of
scale that allows them to make products far cheaper
Lower distribution costs: companies may be more ahead and
already has manufacturing plants in foreign country so they can do
things cheaper
Chapter 8: Logistics
Logistics Defined
Supply Chain
Supply Chain: is the sum total of all activities involved in moving raw materials,
processed goods, and finished products into an organization, moving them out to
be processed, and eventually to the consumer
o Vertical Integration companies who own the entire supply chain
(shipping, raw materials etc.)
Vertical integration requires lots of resources and attention that
takes away from the quality
Many companies prefer to use third party logistics (3PL) so they
can spend more time correcting problems instead of managing the
huge animal
Inventory Management: refers to the way inventory is gathered and used
o SKU (stock-keeping units) are used to number and manage stocks
o Retails often have point-of-sales terminal to get products out the door
o Large companies need to coordinate the availability of product inventory
from hundreds of suppliers as well as store inventory in hundreds of
If a company designs its own clothing, it also needs to find out if these
materials are available before they choose to use that design
o Stored in 4 locations: place where its made, a warehouse, a distribution
centre, or place that receives the goods
o Companies often use third party warehouses instead of their own to reduce
o Due to high costs, many companies use Just In Time Inventory Systems
so that everything arrives just in time to eliminate the need to store them
for too long
o Online retailers require a lot of warehouse space, but since warehouse
spaces are cheaper than retail, online retailers smart with their Just In Time
systems can compete with brick and mortar stores
Cash-Flow management
o They only need cash-flow management if the transaction take place
between 2 businesses in 2 different countries
o Involves negotiating payment terms, method of payment, and exchanging
funds of the supply chain .
o Often for large payments for products, machinery, transportation, and legal
o A Letter of credit can be used to hold some money and guarantee that the
funds will arrive once the deed is done.
However, in places where banks and financial institutions arent
developed, this may be difficult
Supplier Management
o Refers to the sourcing and finding reliable sources for products and
services a business needs
Using electronic data interchange (EDI), suppliers and businesses
can monitor the amount of resources as they are being used and get
to work to make more in time
o Supply Managers also evaluating the suppliers response and economic
benefits of suppliers
Finding the cheapest and best suppliers can be beneficial to
Outsourcing: refers to using outside resources to perform activities
o Nearsourcing: employing companies nearby to do things smaller tasks for
o Insourcing: when companies use part of the company from within to do a
certain task
o Most companies focus on the things that give them the most competitive
advantage (Ie efficiency, managing supply chain) and outsource the rest
o Offshoring: does not contract out major business functions, but transfers
that branch of the company to another country
o Inshoring: Offshoring but putting functions out to other businesses within
their own country
The method depends on (1) what is being shipped, (2) Weight of shipment, (3)
Speed of delivery required, (4) Cost of carrier, (5) Destination of shipment
Motorized Carrier: Trucks, cars, vans, motorcycles, bikes
o Full truck load is less expensive than less than truckload
o Freight Consolidation: places goods in a warehouse until a FTL is
o Motor carrier is often most versatile
o Slower but can effectively carry for large distance and feasible for bulk
o Raw materials are often transported with rail
Ocean Freight
o Helps move things across oceans to different continents
o Landlocked places may face problems as boats need to navigate into them
o Cheap and bulk transfer is good
o However theyre slow and often needs another transportation method as
ships cannot go door to door
Air freight:
o Very fast international movement
o Bulk cannot be carried, and very expensive
o Uses standard-sized metal boxes to ship freights
o Cuts down on damage and limitations as the box is shipped and untouched
Intermodal Shipping:
o Means more than 1 mode of transportation may be used
o This can take advantage of all the benefits from each method
Reliability of sources:
o If problems occur with one part of the chain, then the entire system may
be interrupted and the operations delayed
Oil Prices
o As transportation requires oil, fluctuations with the oil prices can cause
transportation costs to go up
Unstable political climate
o New taxes or political turmoil can cause conflicts and delayed with
operations and customs inspections in other countries
Hijacking of shipments from Africa and other places can put seamen and
goods at risk
o Using full truck loads may be good but shipping more products mean
theyll need to produce more products and have warehouses.
o Companies will need to balance and optimize the costs to the best of their