Travelling Allowance Rules RBE 49 - 2013 - 23.05.2013

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ADvANcE coRREcrroN sLrP lto.


Chapter 16 - Travelling Allowance'Rules

(f )

Section No.1 - General

Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 16O2


L6O2 (1) - For the purpose of admissibility to Travelling Allowance,

entitlement of Railway servants will be based on the Grade Pay drawn for
those drawing Grade Pay upto Rs. 10,000 and pay drawn in Pay Band for
those in Pay Scale of HAG and above.


(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(EX/}OA9/ AL-28/14


dated 1.12.2008).

Rule 1603(1) stands deleted.

Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 1603(2):

"Rule 1603 (2) - Non-Practicing Allowance will be reckoned as Basic pay

for computing Composite Transfer Grant",

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)I/2009/AL-28/15

dated 1.12.2008).

Section fV - Conveyance Allowance


Substitute the existing table under' Rule 1606(4) with the following:

Average monthly
travel on official

For journeys by own

motor car
(in Rs.per month

Forjourneys by other
modes of conveyance
(in Rs. Per month)





201-300 Kms
301-450 Kms
451-600 Kms
601-800 Kms
Above 800 Kms



Note 1: The rates of fixed Conveyance Allowance shall automatically

increase by 25o/o whenever Dedrness Allowance payable on the revised
Pay structure goes up by 50o/o.
(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)l /2aae/ AL-7 /3 dt.3.10.09)
(2) "NorE 1'& "NorE 2" below Rule 1606(4) may be read as "NorE
2" & "NOTE 3" respectively.
(3) In.clause (a) below Railway Ministry's decision under Rule 1606,
substitute the figure " 120/-" with the figure *'60/-".
(Authority: Railway Board,s letter No. F(E)I/ZOO9/AL-7/2 dt. 19.09.2003)



Mileage Allowance,

Rule 16O7 (E)

substitute the following table in lieu of existing table under Rule1607 (5):
Grade Pay
(i) Officers drawing grade Actual fare by any type of public bus including
pay of Rs.10,000 and air-conditioned bus
those in pay scale of HAG
and above
At prescribed rates of AC taxi when the
journey is actually performed by AC Taxi

At prescribed rates for Ordinary Taxi when the

Journey is actually performed by Ordinary
Taxi/Own Car


prescribed rates for auto rickshaw for

journeys by auto-rickshaw, own scooter,

cycle, moped etc.

(ii) Officers drawing grade Same as at (i) above with the exception that
pay of Rs.5400, Rs.6600, journeys by AC taxi will not be permissible

Rs.7600, Rs.8700



(iii) Officers drawing

of Rs.4200,
Rs,4600 and Rs.4800.
(iv) Officers drawing

grade pay

Same as at (ii) above.

Actual fare by any type of public bus other

grade pay of Rs.2400 and than air-conditioned bus.
above but less than
At prescribed rates for auto-rickshaw for




scooter/motorcycle/moped etc.
(v) Officers drawing grade Actual fare by ordinary public bus only
pay below Rs.2400.
At prescribed rates for auto-ricksha@ own
scooterl motorcycle 1 moped etc.



Substitute the rates of Mileage Allowance mentioned at (i) A (ii)

below the table under Rule 1607(5) with the following:


For journeys peformed in own car / taxi : Rs.16 per

For journeys perforrned by auto-rickshaw: Rs. 8 per
Km own scooter, etc.

In the first line of the Note-l under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the
words "pay less than Rs.65OA/-" with "Grade Pay less than


In the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the
figure'*50 paise" with "Rs.1.20".


The following note may be added as


Note-4 below Rule 1607

"Note-4: The rate for

Mileage allowance for road journey by

taxi/own carlauto rickshaw/own scooter/tonga/cycle rickshaw/mandriven rickshaw/ birycle/foot shall automatically increase by 25olo
whenever Dearness allowance payable on the revised pay structure
goes up by 50o/o."

(Authority: Railway Boardb letter No. F(EX/2O08/AL-28/L4

dated 1.12.2008 and 23.04.2009 ).

Section VI - Daily Allowance


Substitute the existing table in Rule 1511with the following:

Grade Pay

Officers drawing grade pay


Rs.10,000/- and

those in pay scales of HAG and above

Daily Allowance
(oer dav)

Officers drawinq qrade pav of Rs,7600 to Rs.8900/-


Officers drawinq qrade pav of Rs.5400 to Rs.6600/-


Officers drawinq qrade pay of Rs.4200 to 4800/-


Officers drawinq qrade pav of below Rs.4200/-


Note; The rates of Daily Allowance shall automatically increase by 25o/o

whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes
up by


(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)I/1AO9/AL-28/14 dated




Rule t6L2 & Note (1), (2) & (3) below Rule 1612 stand deleted.
Rule 16f3 stands deleted.

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/HRA'10 dated

12.9.2008 and F(E)I/ZAOU AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)


Rule 1616 stands deleted.

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dated

12.9.2008 and F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1, 12.2008)

ilction No.VII


- Travelling Allowance for fourneys on Tour

Rule 1625
In the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1625, substitute the
word "pay" with "Grade Pay".


Rule 1534
Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 1634.

"The entitlement for journeys by Sea or by River Steamer, on

tour, is as follows:


Grade Pay


Officers drawing grade pay of Highest Class

Rs.5400/' and above and those
in pav scales of HAG and above
Officers drawing grade pay of If there be two classes onlY on the
steamer, the lower class

Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800

Officers drawing grade

Rs.2400 and Rs.2800


If there be two classes only

steamer, the lower class

on the

If there be three classes, the middle or

the second class

If there be four classes, the third class

Officers drawing grade pay less The lowest class

than Rs.24O0l-

-5Accommodation entitlements for travel between the mainland and

the A&N Group of Islands and Lakshadweep Group of Islands by ships
operated by the Shipping Corporation of India Limited will be as follows:


Grade Pay


Officers drawing grade pay of

Deluxe Class

Rs.5400 and above and those in paY

scales of HAG and above

Officers" drawing grade


First/'A'Cabin Class


Rs.4200, Rs.4600 and Rs.4800

Officers drawing grade PaY of

Second/'B'Cabin Class

Officers drawing grade pay less than


Bunk Class

Rs.2400 and Rs.2800

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)I/20}gl AL-281L4

ted 1.12.2008)


Substitute the following in lieu of Sub-rule (7) of Rule 1636 as

uncler :

Rule 1636 (7)

Railway officers in pay scale of Rs. 67A00-79000 or above may
travel at their discretion in Business or Club Class by air within the country
on tour. Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- may also travel by
Business/Club Class with the approval of Competent Authority' Other
officers and non-officials, who are authorized to travel by air within India
at Government expense, shall be entitled to travel by Economy Class only
where two classes of accommodation i.e., Economy Class and Business or
Club class are available on the airlines.

(Authority: Railway Board's letter



dated 1,12'2008)



Journey at or near Headquatters.

(1) In Rule t64t (1), substitute the words 'tdrawing a pay of not less
than t 3200/- per month, under Railway services (Revised Pay)
Rules, 7986" with " in Grade Pay Rs' 4600 (PB-z) & above and
drawing pay not less than Rs. 18050 in the Pay Band (excluding

Grade Pay) under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules,2OO8".


-6In Rule 1641 (2), substitute the words "Railway servants, gazetted
or non-gazetted, drawing a pay of less than Rs.32001- per month
shall not be entitled to engage a taxi. They may be permitted to
claim conveyance hire as follows:-" with "Railway servants not
entitled to engage a taxi in terms of Rule t64t (1) may be
permitted to claim conveyance hire as follows:-"

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(EX/2008/ AL-28/42

dated 19.08,2010)

Section IX - Transfer Travelling Allowance

Rule 16*3 (A) (1'l


Substitute the following in lieu of the existing Rule 1643 (AX1).

Journeys by AinA Railway Officer holding a post in pay scale of Rs.67000-79000 and
above may travel by air, at his discretion, to join the new HQs., on
transfer. Officers in the grade pay of Rs 10,000/- may also be permitted
to travel by air with the approval of Competent Authority, subject to
exigency and where joining at transfer station has to be effected with
immediate effect. The air fare will, however, be admissible for self only.
No family member of any Railway servant is entitled to travel by air on




rd's letter No. F( E)I/2008/AL-28/

dated 01.12.2008)


Substitute the following table in lieu of Rule 1643 (B) (2):

16a3 (B)

(2): Charges for transportation of personal effects between

places connected by rail on transferlretirement:
(i) If the transportation

of personal effects is made by rail, the rates as

under will be admissible for transporting personal effects from place of
residence to the Railway Station at the Old headquarters and from Railway
Station to the place of residence, at the new headquafters:
Grade Pay
Officers drawing grade pay of
Rs.4200 and above and those
in pay scale HAG and above
Officers drawing grade pay of

Officers drawing grade pay

below Rs.2800

Rate per km for transport by road

Z class cities*
kg (Rs.0.003 per kg,
per km.)
per km.)
per kg,
(Rs.0.005 per kg per (Rs.0.0031 per kg.
per km.)



*As per classification of cities for the purpose of admissibility of House

Rent Allowance,

The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be

equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships
operated by Shipping Corporation of India.

(Authority: Railway Board's letters No. F(E)I/2A08/AL-28/15 dated


If the transportation of personal effects is


made by road,

reimbursement of actual expenditure by road limited to rates prescribed

in (i) above will be admissible.
(Authority :






rd's letter N o. F( E)I/2 }tt / AL-28/ 26

dated L4.O2.2OL2)

The existing Note 1 & 2 below Rule 1643(BX2) may be deleted and
the following may be added as Note - 1 and 2.

NOte-l: The higher rates of road mileage prescribed for'X'and'Y'class

cities would be idmissible for transfers within 'X' and 'Y class cities; 'X'to
'Y'class cities and vice-versa; and from'X?Y'class cities to'Z'class cities
and vice-versa. In all other cases of transfers within 'Z' class cities, the
rates prescribed for'Z'class cities shall be admissible.
(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)I/?AO9/AL'28/t5
dated 08.03.2011)


The rates of transportation of personal effects as mentioned

above shall automatically increase by 25o/o whenever Dearness Allowance
payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50o/o.


Add sub-rule B(3) below Rule 1643 (B) (2):

1649 (B) (3)

The rates of transportation of personal effects by road

Oitween places connected by rall/not connected by rail would be the rates
as prescribed in the table in Rule t643 (B) (2)'

(Authority: Railway Board's letters No. F(E)I/|AA\/AL-28/15 dated

29.t2.2ol0 & No. F(E)I/201LlAL-28/26 dated 01'09.2011
& 14.02.2012)



The following may be added below existing Rule 1643(C):

Transportation of Conveyance on Transfer/settlement after


Between places connected bY rail

Between Places


connected by rail
Prescribed rates limited to expenditure Prescribed rates.*
on transportation by passenger train on


Between Places

connected bY rail
Actual expenses limited to prescribed Actual expenses limited to
rates or expenditure on transportation prescribed rates.*
by passenger train on rail, whichever is
Between places connected bY rail


*prescribed rates means, the rates notified by the concerned

Directorate of Transport, for taxi and auto rickshaw, at the starting point'
subject to a maximum of Rs.20l- for taxi and Rs,10/'for auto rickshaw as
prescribed/revised from time to time.

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No.F(E)I//!tL/AL'28126 dated

01.09.2011) *:


Rqle 16a3


Item No,(ii) of the table under Rule 1643 (DXIIXa) stands deleted'

(7) Note. 1 below Rule1643 (DXIIXa) stands deleted'

(8) Rule-r5$ (DXIIXb)
In the last line of Rule 1643 (D) (II) (b) delete the words

of his date of joining Railway service i.e. before, on or after





Rule 1643 (DXIV) Quantum of Advance.


stands deleted.

Substitute Rule 1643 (D) IV (i) & (ii) with the following:-

"The quantum of advance admissible on transfer to a serving Railway

employee is 75olo of the admissible amount of Composite Transfer Grant."


(11) Below Rule 1543 (DXV) under Railway Ministry's Decisions'

the following may be substituted in lieu of the existing decision.

Transfer Travelling Allowance in cases, where both husband and

wife are in Governmenf service and are transferred within 50 days of
his/her trahsfer from the same place to the same place, shall ,not be
admissible to the spouse transferred later. In cases where the transfer
takes place within six months, but after 60 days of the transfer of the
spouse, fifty per cent of the Transfer Grant on transfer shall be allowed to
the spouse transferred later. No transfer: grant shall be admissible to the
spouse transferred later, in case both the transfers are ordered within 60
d'ays. The existing provisions shall continue to be applicable in case of
transfer "after a period of six months or more. Other rules precluding
Transfer Grant in case of transfer at own request or transfer other than in
public interest shall continue to apply unchanged in their case'

(Authority: Railway Board's letter No. F(E)I/?OO9/ AL-Z9/LS

dated 01,12.2008)


Rule 1644(1) stands deleted.



and Note below Rule L644(2) stands deleted'


(14) In Rule

1.644 (3), substitute the words "Transfer Grant and

Packing Allowance" with "Composite Transfer Grant".


Rule L644(4) stands deleted,


Rule 1645


The following may be substituted in lieu of Note (i) below Rule


stands deleted.



A Railway servant who has been transferred within the same

station or to an outstation within 20 Kms. of the old headquarters, shall be
granted Composite Transfer Grant at the rate of one-third of one month's

basic pay, provided there is a change of residence, as a result of transfer.


Rule 1645 II (b) may be substituted with the following in lieu of

the existing rule:

(b) If there is a change of residence as a result of transfer, full transfer

iravelling allowance will be admissible if the distance between the two

stations exceeds 20 Kms.


Section )OG - Journeys on a counse of training

The existing sub-rule (2) of Rule 1686 may be substituted by:

"The apprentices (whether mechanical or other categories) who are

in receipt of the concession of free boarding and lodging at their
headquarters may be allowed Travelling Allowance applicable to the
category to which they are apprentices provided they are requir_ed to
undenake such journeys as a part of their training and no free boarding is
arranged for them."

(Authority: Board's letter No' F(E)I/89/AL-28/8 dated 2'11'89)


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