W GC Final 00520
W GC Final 00520
W GC Final 00520
Oil and gas production facilities are being pushed to their limits to achieve maximum throughput in a period of global
economic uncertainty. Cost pressures continue and balancing costs, throughput and maintaining safety remain the unending
challenges. This paper and presentation will address a real example of a gas company that has leveraged real-time data with
engineering models to manage a complex production system.
It will address these business challenges:
1. How to turn real-time data into actionable information (historized process settings, well test data, etc).
2. How to encourage cross discipline communication by integrating sub-sea, offshore, and onshore facilities.
3. Understanding the impact of field and process constraints together in production potentials and capacity
utilization, e.g.:
a. Available separation and transportation capacity.
b. Pipeline back-pressure effects.
c. Wells operational limitations.
d. Onshore treatment constraints (condensate RVP and water contents, capacity of installed stabilization
units, etc).
4. Meeting contractual obligations in the most profitable way (e.g. produce the nominated gas quantities in a way
that maximizes the condensates revenue stream).
5. Reacting to system upsets and planned equipment outages.
6. In depth understanding of the potential of new field developments and of the required changes in the operating
philosophies to maximize the value of the investments.
The Asset system has been tested in a number of real production situations where it has helped to:
1. Pinpoint process behaviors that can be turned into an opportunity for economic improvement,
2. Identify process bottlenecks under various different production scenarios,
3. Co-relate offshore and onshore process constraints to find true overall optimums, and
4. Identify potential oil production increases
In Exploration and Production, the combined expertise of process and control engineers, petroleum engineers, and geologists
is required. These disciplines do not necessarily address problems from the same perspective, and they often use different
modeling tools to help them to make day-to-day decisions. Unified decision frameworks which consolidate and encompass
larger scopes and broader data sources help to align otherwise conflicting objectives and allow operations to best tackle asset
issues such as:
SPE 124720-PP
Production optimization maximization of gas production with available onshore and offshore equipment;
changing operating philosophy/conditions (pressures, routing, gas lift, water injection, gas injection, etc.) to best
use available equipment capabilities
Capacity planning assessment of spare plant capacity and available production potential
Maintenance planning impact of equipment outages on production capacity
Contract renegotiation maximum gas nominations and best utilization of spot gas markets
Debottlenecking identification of process bottlenecks and planning of additional investments and/or
redefinition of operating strategies.
The Trinidad Field Optimizer (TFO) is an offline optimization advisory system that links to real time data sources as well
as to modeling and simulation packages (Aspen HYSYS and PROSPER) to provide an overall representation of the bp
Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT) gas production and conditioning facilities.
The tool has been embedded in bpTT operational decision-making processes and is to be employed in the business
Hydrocarbon Value Assurance Team to analyze a number of real operating value realization scenarios. The main advantages
of such an intricate technical system assist the business in:
1) Reacting in a timely manner to changes in system conditions, and
2) Managing gas and associated liquids production more efficiently and
3) Maximizing revenue.
The bpTT Business
BP Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT) holds exploration and production licenses to operate in the marine areas of east coast
Trinidad and Tobago and is considered a big gas business unit which accounts for 10% contribution to the BP Global
business. The present offshore facilities consist of eleven offshore production facilities that feed into three offshore
processing hubs. The three offshore processing hubs, named Cassia Bravo, Amherstia and Mahogany Bravo, have a
combined processing capacity of 3.75 bscf of gas and associated liquid production capability. The bpTT offshore platform
network links to the east coast of Trinidad via four gas pipelines and one liquid pipeline and has a combined maximum
export capability of 3.525 bscf of gas production.
SPE 124720-PP
Communication systems
Workflow-handling tools
Trinidad Field Optimiser (TFO)
The Trinidad Field Optimizer (TFO) is a model based offline advisory system that uses historical process data and an ad-hoc
HYSYS steady state model to find out the values of key process variables that render an optimum production situation
(typically leading to meeting a certain gas nomination while maximizing the condensates recovery).
SPE 124720-PP
Steady state field model and optimizer (Aspen HYSYS from Aspen Technology) (TFO model TFOM)
Sensitivity analysis of the individual well models to generate a parametric characterization of the well head
pressure-flow behavior.
Field model validation against field data (comparison of snapshot model predictions with historized process
Presentation of results in terms of potential extra revenues and required actions to achieve them
SPE 124720-PP
Connectivity Built-in field data retrieval, validation and visualization mechanisms shall be in place.
Flexibility The optimizer has to be dynamically reconfigurable to represent the actual state of asset equipment
at all times.
Fidelity The optimizer shall allow validation against key plant data and provide the means to be easily tuned
when necessary.
Robustness The optimizer shall be able to run without failure for all possible asset production situations (i.e.
wells, platforms, pipelines, separations trains on/off).
Usability The user interface shall be friendly and intuitive providing simple mechanisms to display/visualize
model results in a way that can be effectively communicated among team members.
The engine of TFO is a HYSYS model (TFOM) that combines first engineering principles with ad-hoc empirical
characterizations of critical pieces of equipment, developed from long term historized process data. This dual modeling
approach increases the fidelity of the model without loosing any of its predictive capabilities, which are required for
meaningful optimization runs.
The TFOM is equipped with auto-calibration mechanisms which allow operating the same field model that will be
afterwards used for optimization in parameter estimation mode. This one model approach has clear benefits with respect
to other approaches, as it minimizes optimizer maintenance costs and simplifies the application workflow. An additional
advantage of this approach is that the same model which is used for optimization purposes can also be used for what-if
analysis and other offline studies, since it is already calibrated against field data (Fidelity).
SPE 124720-PP
Gas Pipelines
Liquid Pipelines
Multi Phase
Non-BP Pipelines
SPE 124720-PP
The TFOM has been created in a way that 1) allows switching from validation/calibration mode to optimization mode
with a simple flag change and 2) allows activating/deactivating wells, platforms, pipelines and separation trains through
on/off status indicators (some of them directly retrieved from data historians). A fair bit of spreadsheet logic needs to be
created to cope with relatively high number of possible asset configurations, but that undoubtedly increases the value of the
tool (Flexibility).
The level of Robustness of an optimization model is considerably higher than to what it is typically required for standard
process simulation. Individual pieces of equipment need to be protected against infeasible operating regions and/or be
provided with extrapolation mechanisms to avoid model failures during the optimization process. A good provision of effort
needs to be made for model testing before attempting to run any optimization. The small inefficiencies and short cuts that
will never manifest in a standard simulation model tend to pop-up rather quickly when the model controlled by the
optimization engine.
The common areas that shall be paid special attention when constructing the model are: 1) recycle loops which are solved
in an iterative manner in sequential modular flowsheeters shall be avoided wherever possible, as they are a sink of simulation
time and a source of noise, 2) certain unit operation blocks can be configured in different ways; direct calculations are
preferred to iterative loops inside individual units; these loops can be converged as part of the optimizer problem
The Excel-based executive TFO application (TFOI) is responsible to handle the Connectivity of the model with the
required data sources and with the library of validated PROSPER well models (typically updated by production and
allocation engineers). TFO uses a centralized OSI PI server that receives real time data from the various Honeywell
Uniformance PHD servers installed in each platform and/or terminal. The PI server also receives cumulative production data
from the bpTT proprietary production database named MIRS.
TFOI performs the following functions:
Gross error detection of bad PI readings and option for the users to validate and correct individual data pieces
SPE 124720-PP
SPE 124720-PP
In a gas operation such as BP Trinidad and Tobago, the system hydraulics governed by the gas transportation network
from offshore to the coastal line and to the processing terminals onshore has a paramount influence in the operation of the
individual platforms as well as in the overall operating margins.
Special care has been taken in modeling the pipe networks as accurately as possible and in providing calibration
mechanisms that can adjust those models to reflect actual system pressure drops in most scenarios.
Figure 10 Model predictions (black) versus field data for a main bpTT gas pipeline in two different operating situations
All pipe pressure drop offsets, together with other process tuning factors, are automatically calculated by TFOM (during a
calibration step) to match field data with the minimal degree of model adjustment (minimizing the sum of correction factors
values). As part of the testing phase of the system, the resulting pipeline tuning factor values were calculated at relatively
different sets of actual process conditions, not observing important discrepancies. This indicates that the modeling and
calibration approaches employed allow a correct representation of reality within the allowed operating envelopes.
SPE 124720-PP
As it has been already mentioned in this paper, the operation of the BP Trinidad and Tobago gas system is typically
constrained and driven by the need of producing the gas quantities contracted with the various gas consumers. Gas
deliverability is therefore the key element for bpTT. This is impacted, either positively or negatively, by a multitude of
engineering and commercial issues. Just to mention a few of them:
Well testing
Pipelines pigging
And others
The common factor of all these situations is that the asset will be requested to keep gas deliverability at required levels by
utilizing in the best possible way the available system capacity, as well as to react to unexpected events in order to recover
normal productions as quickly as possible. The TFO is conceived to be used as:
1) A day-to-day optimizer to guide the operation towards the most profitable way (i.e. delivering required gas flow
rates while getting the most value out of the associated condensate streams), and
2) As a what-if optimization system that allows finding the optimum operating strategies when major events occur.
To do so, the HYSYS optimizer has been configured with enough flexibility to allow:
Defining market and commercial information (gas nominations for each consumer, gas values)
Figure 11 TFO Optimization results page comparing field value with optimum set points
This provides a great level of flexibility to the tool and allows to virtually addressing all business concerns and question
marks that the asset typically faces, providing a solid engineering baseline to benchmark individual process engineers
estimates, which often are strongly dependent on their particular experience and preferences.
SPE 124720-PP
The rigorous model of the complete asset has been checked against plant data taken over a period of several months. The
results of these runs show that the model is in good agreement with the measured plant data. The values of most of the model
calibration tuning factors are relatively small, which indicates a good prediction of the asset behavior. In those cases where
certain tuning factors were unexpectedly high, they were reflecting a true operating issue (i.e. physical restrictions in certain
system pipelines) or deficient data quality (N. Jalilova et al. 2008). This was identified as a side benefit of the full field
calibrated asset model: i.e. its ability to quickly spot the areas of the production system where it deviates from the
engineering principles that govern it.
The TFO was used to analyze a number of real operational scenarios that included, among others:
Unplanned shut downs of Atlantic LNG trains Optimum strategies to best accommodate the operation to a
lower gas demand situation
Planned shut downs of Kapok and Mango wells Impact in gas deliverability
Bringing on a new high yield well (e.g. in Mango or in Cashima) and analyzing the extra gas production
Analyzing the extra gas production to be attained by using the Cassia-B Immortelle by pass
Simulating a pig blockage of the 40 subsea pipeline Impact on overall gas deliverability
Impact of capacity restriction in the 12 condensates on the ability to meet gas market demand
Maximum gas deliverability as a function of the Atlantic LNG terminal pressure requirements
Typical Optimization Scenario: Meeting market demands with the maximum associated condensates revenue
In the most common optimization scenario, TFO is configured to produce a given set of gas volumes to be delivered to
the multiple gas consumers. The model is initialized with actual field data, which includes well head pressures, platform
pressures, pipeline flows, separator temperatures and pressures, etc. Upon checking the accuracy of model predictions versus
actual field data (i.e. model validation) the TFO is executed to find alternatives of improving the way in which the gas
nominations were produced in that particular day. TFO will come up with an optimal gas production distribution among
available fixed and swing wells, taking into account to quality and capacity constraints affecting the associated condensates
production as well as the back pressure effects on the gas transportation network that make the operation of the various
offshore platforms very interdependent.
Preliminary results indicate a potential of 7% extra condensate production, equivalent to 1900 oil bpd.
Adopting Technologies
The successful implementation of optimization technologies such as TFO is heavily dependent on:
1. Having high-level management support and
2. Willingness of the production engineers and gas dispatchers to adopt it as way of improving existing operating
bpTT fully endorses both and have set up the necessary frameworks to embed TFO into the Production Optimization
Team processes. Field Trial experiments are being developed to benchmark TFO results, before it is transferred to the Gas
Dispatch team as a control room application.
The authors wish to acknowledge Roland Pike and Bryn Stenhouse (BP EPTG Sunbury, UK) for his invaluable contribution
to the TFO project, and Scott Johnston (Ingen-Ideas, Aberdeen, UK) for his continuous support in the development of the
system graphical interfaces.
SPE 124720-PP
Mochizuki, S. et al. 2007. Real-Time Optimization: Classification and Assessment. Paper SPE 90213 first presented at the
2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 26-29 September. Revised paper published in Nov. 2006
SPE Production & Operations.
Truschinger, J. 2004. Focus on People. Paper presented at the SPE Digital Energy Conference, Houston 7 April 2004.
Mullick, S. and Strathman, M. 2007. Operating Excellence Modeling for Profits. Upstream Technology Magazine,
December 2007.
Stenhouse, B. and Goodwin, S. 2004. Barriers to Delivering Value from Model Based Gas Field Production Optimization.
Paper presented at the Gas Processing Association Conference, Dublin, 20 May 2004.
Stenhouse, B. 2006. Learnings on Sustainable Model-Based Optimization The Vallhall Optimizer Field Trial. Paper SPE
99828, April 2006.
N. Jalilova, A. Tautiyev, J. Forcadell, J.C. Rodrguez and S. Sama. 2008. Production Optimization in an Oil Producing Asset
The BP Azeri Field Optimizer Case presented at SPE Gulf Coast Section 2008 Digital Energy Conference and Exhibition.
Houston, Texas USA, 20-21 May 2008.