Montessori Pedagogy - Adaptation

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Montessori Pedagogy


The Process of


The Process of Adaptation

The child is the creator of man, certainly with regard to his adaptation
to the environment Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures, lecture
11, page 83
The child creates the man of its time, place and culture. Most living
creatures are born in an environment specific to their own needs.
The Human Beings have tendencies based on which we create instincts
in relation to the environment we need to adapt to, in opposition with
animals that have built in instincts (protection from whether, special motor
skills, special communication skills). The Human tendencies remain with us
throughout our lifetime and are manifesting differently in every stage of
development. Babies use Human Tendencies in order to adapt to the new
environment they are born into. Adults use them so that they can function
Another characteristic of the Human Being, found in animals as well,
are the Sensitive Periods. Together with the Human Tendencies they help us
adapt. Maria Montessori said, The Sensitive Periods are mostly present in the
infantile period of life. Now they are most pregnant as this is the period of
adaptation to a specific environment. Now, through the use of the Absorbent
Mind the child takes in the characteristic of the environment, every
information becomes INCARNATED and becomes a permanent brain
Humans have the capacity to go through more environments than
most animals and adapt as we also poses other characteristics that help us
in this process: curiosity for example. The urge to see whats behind the next
hill, to go further and to understand more. Even if not all environments are
equally favorable, we have the power to adapt as long as they favor life.
However, the first environment will remain the reference, even if, in some
cases, other environments can become as important as the first one (when
we fall in love and change the environment). Adaptation happens when we
use the Human Tendencies to fulfill specific, basic needs. Its the way we
make ourselves confortable in the environment were in and can happen

Stefania Voicu

Montessori Pedagogy

The Process of


throughout our life time but in the beginning of life, when we are born, this
capacity is strongest. Now the most extreme adaptation must happen
because in the gestation period, the environment is the same all over the
planet (constant temperature, liquid surroundings, diffuse light, the sounds
of the mothers body heart beat, respiration, voice etc.). In the moment the
child is born the environment changes drastically and can differ from place to
place. It is now that the physical adaptation to the outside environment
happens (the first breath of air, the contact of skin with air, the first direct
contact with light etc.) There can be other extreme environments we can
adapt to (astronauts) and this demonstrates how strong our adaptation
capacity is throughout life.
Adaptation is unconscious;something happens in the little child. Little
children hve a power that correspondsto that of heredity in animals. This
powerof construction is lacking in grown men Maria Montessori, The 1946
London Lectures, lecture 11, page 85
Mechanism of this adaptation is simple. The child incarnates in himself the
environment ..found only in human beings Maria Montessori, The
Formation of Man, chpt. 3, page
Note: The construction of the psychic embryo is between the first 2-3 y.o.
The child comes into the world with specific characteristics that helps him
From the inside:

Human Tendencies

Sensitive Periods

Absorbent Mind

More than 100 billiards neurons


From the outside:


The environment

The environment is where we can intervene and help the child by seeing
them as human beings in a special stage of development. Only when we

Stefania Voicu

Montessori Pedagogy

The Process of


acknowledge the special power of each stage of development we can work

for the child. We must always search and find as much information as
possible so we can exercise our responsibility to prepare the environment in
which the child can adapt.
However, most mistakes are done by the adult when its time to link
the child to the environment. This is because for the child is not enough to be
placed into the environment but must be guided and given the knowledge
about how to use the environment, how to behave in it and this is done by
letting the child spend time with the adult, watch the adult interact with the
environment. Some believe that if you intervene in the environment than
thats not ok but the truth is that its the opposite. The child needs a model
to follow, a model to help him understand what is the appropriate way to
interact and behave in the environment, and only after this is done than the
adult can step back. This is when the confusion comes: when does help
become an obstacle and the linking to the environment is compromised.
Now is when we understand the importance of observation. One of the most
important roles of the adult is to observe the child interact with the
environment: what they do, how they do it, what they use. This gives
important feedback on how to prepare the best environment.
Help me do it by myself the link between the child and the

Its essential for every living being to become adapted Maria Montessori,
The 1946 London Lectures, chpt. 11, page
Evolution is not a transformation of different forms of life. It is a cosmic plan
with a cosmic task. Everything has a task, a reason to exist and the humans
task is transformation, evolution. We must transform towards the betterment
of the environment. In order to do so, every man that is born must prepare
his personality anew.
We must educate humanity from the beginning for this purpose and put the
child in an environment where they are not the prey of prejudices. Maria
Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures, chpt. 11, page 101


Stefania Voicu

Montessori Pedagogy

The Process of


The child needs
* the environment
The child has
* the human model

Higher levels of
adaptation =
of the



Stefania Voicu

*Absorbent mind
*Sensitive Periods

Montessori Pedagogy

The Process of


Become active through stimulation

of the environment. ACTIVITY brings the
environment and child together
enabling ADAPTATION.

Maria Montessori said that we can not aid life without studying it first. If we
start to understand the responsibility we have than we might be able to help
the child to transform life for the better.
Movement will build a strong mind.
Through adaptation children take from the characteristics of their
1. Language is the way we share ourselves to others. Language allows
us to think, is who we are. Language allows us to speak about whats
going on inside. When children dont have a strong vocabulary they
cant give enough information. This can limit their ability to self
construct. When they cant put feelings into words, for example, they
can lack the ability to control them.
Language must be real and meaningful and beautiful as many times
language can be misused. Language given must be true otherwise it will
not mean anything.
Language is necessary in order to classify the environment and this
classification helps establish interior order.
Language is about the connection about human beings.
2. Food there is a physical and psychological adaptation to food. Based
on our food our organism creates different enzymes necessary for
digestion. People have specific foods that treat in a special way (Arabs
with pork, cows for Indians etc.). Food represents a bigger commitment
than that of being alive. Even the things we like or dont like are part of
the adaptation process.
In order to help the child incarnate a good attitude towards food, we
must offer the best example of behavior: take care of the food we eat,
take care of ourselves and have a healthy diet, prepare carefully the
3. Believes these are an important part of adaptation and are about the
general view of the world around, of life. The children adapt to and
adopt the believes of their culture (like and dislikes, expectations,
preconceived ideas, prejudice etc.) Its of high importance to be aware

Stefania Voicu

Montessori Pedagogy

The Process of


and analyze in depth our believes before working with the child as he
will absorb everything from us.
4. Social behavior - By allowing children participate to our social life, we
can model correct social behavior. Social behavior is about the way we
treat ourselves and others, about the link we establish with our origins
and place of birth (patriotism can be an answer to the where do I
belong question).
We can, therefor understand.. Maria Montessori, Absorbent Mind, chpt.
7, page 101
Adaptation is a holistic view of the environment and of life. Its the
responsibility of the adult to provide the right environment for adaptation.
In order to do this, we must understand that between life and the
environment there must be a continuous state of coordination. Our children
need more help to adapt than a few hundred years ago and we need to be
careful to how we prepare the environment keeping the balance between
life, nature and the environment.
We must have knowledge, love is not enough Silvana Montanaro


Stefania Voicu

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