Fill in The Blanks: 1. 2.

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The key takeaways from the document are that it provides sample questions for an exam covering topics like business organization, management, consumer protection, companies act, etc. Different types of questions asked include fill in the blanks, matching, short notes, true/false, etc.

The key topics covered in the document include business organization, management, companies act, consumer protection, types of companies, features of partnership firms, features of different business organizations.

Some important concepts discussed include features of sole proprietorship, partnership firms, joint stock companies, statutory corporations, multinational corporations, privatization, liberalization, globalization, etc.


1. Fill in the Blanks: Timing limit: - 2 hrs 70 marks

1. Business organisation should try to supply goods of ________ quality. (inferior, good, sub-standard)
2. Management is a ________ activity. (a social, a group, an individual)
3. There are _____ parties to consumer protection. (two, three, four)
4. Privatisation implies reduction in the role of ______ sector. (public, private, joint)
5. _______ means linking National economy to the World economy. (Globalisation, Privatisation, liberalization)

1. Match the column

1. Partnership Act 1. 1991

2. Top Level Management 2. Henry Fayol
3. Consumer Protection Act 3. Promotion and Transfer
4. Father of Modern management 4. Forecasting
5. Staffing 5. 1986
6. Policy Determination
7. 1932
8. F.W Taylor
9. 1956
10. Policy Implementation

3. Fill in the blanks: -

1. ________is an art of getting things done through others.
2. Businessmen are the trustees of ___________.
3. The maximum period of membership of the District forum is _________ years.
4. Excess authority without _________ may bring negative results.
5. Every business activity is conducted for making _________.

Q. 2. Write short notes (any three) 15 marks

1. What is Globalisation? Explain the need for Globalisation?
2. Features of Multinational Corporation?
3. Features of Statutory Corporation?
4. Define Management? Explain its nature?

Q. 3. Distinguish between (any three) 15 marks

1. Departmental Undertaking V/S Statutory Corporation
2. State Commission V/S National Commission
3. Administration V/S Management
4. Joint Stock Company V/S Partnership Firm

Q. 4. State whether the following statements are true or false. (Any three) 15 marks
1. Maximisation of profit is the main motto of co-operative society.
2. Registration of partnership firm is optional.
3. A sole trader has a weak bargaining power.
4. The sole aim of the business is to earn maximum profit.

Q. 5. Answer in brief: (any 1) 10 marks.

1. What are the different types of Companies?
2. Features of District Forum?

All the very best

Minimum marks for passing on this test is 60
Timing limit: - 2 hrs 40 marks

♦ Fill in the Blanks (3 marks)

1. The seven years war concluded with the treaty of ____________ (London, Paris, New York)
2. Montesquieu was a ____________ by profession. ( doctor, lawyer, teacher)
3. The ___________ of 1764 was passed by the British Parliament.(stamp Act, Sugar Act, Import Duties Act)

♦ Match the column (3

1. 1763 1. Stamp Act marks)
2. 1764 2. Sugar Act
3. Red Coats 3. Mohawk Indian
4. British Soldiers

Q. 2. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: (any two) 4 marks.

1. W hat did enrage many a colonists after the end of the ‘Seven years War’?
2. Explain the Rousseau’s Concept of the State?
3. Which principles were proclaimed by the National assembly in the ‘declaration of human rights’?

Q.3. Give reason for the following (any two) 4 marks.

1. On 4th July 1776, the congress severed all political bonds with England.
2. Rousseau is regarded as the prophet of the French Revolution
3. Robespierre was put to death on 28th July, 1794.

Q.4. Answer the following 40 to 50 words each (any two) 6marks.

1. Give an account of the ‘Boston Tea Party’

2. Explain Montesquieu theory of Separation of Powers
3. Describe the social conditions in France before the revolution

Q.5. Answer the following 80 to 100 words each (any two) 8marks.

1. What were the effects of the French revolution?

2. Explain the term industrial revolution?
3. Give an account of an American declaration of independence

Q. 6 Fill in the Blanks (2 marks)

1. In the Rajya Sabha _______members are elected from the states and union territories
2. The Chief Justice of India is appointed by the ______

Q. 7. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: (any two) (4 marks)

1. The Rajya Sabha is called a permanent house.
2. Principle of collective responsibility
3. Quorum

Q. 8. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: (any two) 4 marks

1. Judicial review
2. Municipal commissioner
3. Judicial powers of the president

Q.9. Answer in brief (any 1) 2 marks

1. Describe the function of Lok Sabha
2. Function of the Speaker.
3. Q. 3. Give Reasons in 25 to 30 Words each: (any two) 4 marks.
1. Departmental Undertaking V/S Statutory Corporation
2. State Commission V/S National Commission
3. Administration V/S Management
4. Joint Stock Company V/S Partnership Firm

Q. 4. State whether the following statements are true or false. (Any three) 15 marks
1. Maximisation of profit is the main motto of co-operative society.
2. Registration of partnership firm is optional.
3. A sole trader has a weak bargaining power.
4. The sole aim of the business is to earn maximum profit.

Q. 5. Answer in brief: (any 1) 10 marks.

1. What are the different types of Companies?
2. Features of District Forum?

All the very best

Minimum marks for passing on this test is 60
30 marks

Q.1 (A) Choose corrects alternatives to fill in the blanks and rewrite the statements. (4 Marks)

1. _________ means calcium carbonate. (Black ink, Chalk, Domestic Shahabad stone, Lime)
2. Blood glucose level is controlled by ______ (Haemoglobin, Insulin, Platelets, Lymph)
3. Methane Means _______ (Producer Gas, Water Gas, Gobar Gas, Kerogas)
4. ______ supplies energy for all functions of cell. (DNA, RNA, ATP, STD)

(B) Match the following: (2 marks)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

1. Aids 1. Double bond
2. Over nutrition 2. HIV
3. Kwashiorkor 3. HAV
4. Alkyne 4. Diabeties
5. fatty liver

(C) Find the co-relation to fill in the blanks (2 marks)

1. Limonite: Iron : : Cryolite: ___________
2. Carrot: A vitamin : : Lemon : _________.

(D) Find the odd man out. (2 marks)

1. Folic acid, Pyridoxine, Tocoferol, Biotin
2. Vitamin A, B, D, E, K.

Q. 2 Scientific Reason. (Any two) 4 marks

1. Regular cutting of nail necessary for hygiene.
2. Dried food grains remain unspoiled for long time.
3. Vitamins are required in small amount.

Q. 3 Draw Diagram: (Any two) 4 marks

1. Kipp’s Apparatus.
2. Monoclinic Sulphur.
3. Magnetic Separator.

Q. 4 Distinguish Between: (Any two) 4 marks

1. Metals V/S Non-Metals.
2. Properties of Ammonia V/S Properties of Hydrogen Sulphide
3. Kwashiorkor V/S Marasmus

Q. 5 Answer the following (any 4) 4 marks

1. State any 4 functions of water.
2. Give two examples of each (1) Alloys of iron (2) Ores of aluminium
3. Write the ill effect of Deficiency of vitamin A and D
4. Write the chemical formula for Methyl alcohol and state its two uses?
5. Write four physical properties of Caron dioxide
6. Write two functions of each Vitamin K and E

Q. 6. Answer the following: (Any one) 4 marks

1. Give two uses and properties of POP.
2. Hereditary diseases are non- curable.
Time: - 45 minutes
Marks: -16
1. (A) Complete the Following : - 3 marks

1. In 1615 AD, The British obtained permission to start a Factory at __________ (Mumbai, Surat, and Madras)
2. The seven years war concluded with the treaty of ____________ (London, Paris, New York)
3. The ___________ of 1764 was passed by the British Parliament.(stamp Act, Sugar Act, Import Duties Act)
(B) Match the Correct Pairs : - 3 marks

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

1. iron and steel 1. Jahangir
2. Red Coats 2. Germany
3. East India Company 3. Italy
4. British Army

2. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: - any two 4 marks

1. Which Principles were proclaimed by National assembly in the ‘Declaration of Human Rights’?
2. Why did the merchant community grow apprehensive about the Sugar Act?
3. What is meant by Economic Imperialism?

3. Answer the following in 40 to 50 words each: - any two 6 marks

1. Give an account of Boston Tea Party?

2. Explain Montesquieu theory of Separation of Powers?
3. Why was the first continental Congress convened at Philadelphia on 5th September, 1774? What did they achieve?

Time: - 45 minutes
Marks: -16
1. (A) Complete the Following : - 3 marks

1. In 1615 AD, The British obtained permission to start a Factory at __________ (Mumbai, Surat, and Madras)
2. The seven years war concluded with the treaty of ____________ (London, Paris, New York)
3. The ___________ of 1764 was passed by the British Parliament.(stamp Act, Sugar Act, Import Duties Act)
(B) Match the Correct Pairs : - 3 marks

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

1. Iron and steel 1. Jahangir
2. Red Coats 2. Germany
3. East India Company 3. Italy
4. British Army

2. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: - any two 4 marks

1. What conditions laid the foundations of capitalist economy in Europe?

2. What is meant by Revolution?
3. What is meant by Imperialism?
3. Answer the following in 40 to 50 words each: - any two 6 marks

1. Which incident is known as Boston Massacre? Why?

2. Explain Montesquieu theory of Separation of Powers?
3. Why did the colonists declare, ‘No taxation without representation’
Time: - 2.30 ECONOMICS Max Marks: - 80

1. (A) Fill in the blanks using proper alternative given in the brackets: (5 Marks)
1. ________ Economics uses slicing method. (macro, micro, agricultural, international)
2. Micro economics is a _________ equilibrium analysis. (general, partial, semi-partial, aggregate)
3. A firm under perfect competition is a _________ .(Price taker, price maker, price discriminator, price consultant)
4. Bank draft is called _________ money. (real, ideal, printed, bank)
5. In ________ there was world wide depression. (1930, 1940, 1914, 1950)

(B) State whether the following statements are true or false: (5 Marks)

1. Poison has utility.

2. Macro economics deals with the study of trade cycle.
3. The demand for salt is less elastic.
4. NNP can exceed GNP
5. A Central Bank acts as the banker to the public.

(C) Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternatives: ( 5 Marks)

1. The Captain of the industry is __________ (land, labour, capital, entrepreneur)

2. Stock refers to the ________ (real concept, static concept, flow concept, none of these)
3. Commodity money includes _________ (wheat, rice, cow, all of these)
4. The Central banks lends loans to ___________ (businessman, farmers, consumers, commercial bank)
5. ATM facility is available for ________ (6 hours, 12 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours)

(C) Match the Pairs : (5 Marks)

Column A Column B
1. Utility 1. elastic demand
2. Perishable Commodity 2. Inelastic demand
3. Perfect competion 3. want satisfying power of a commodity
4. Entry barriers 4. No government intervention
5. Reserve Bank of India 5. Monopoly
6. Banker’s bank
7. Central Bank of India

2. (A) Explain/Define the following concepts: (any 4) 8 marks

1. Bank Rate
2. Monopoly
3. National Income
4. Personal Disposable Income
5. Stock
6. Reservation Price

(B) State giving the reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (any 4) 8 marks

1. Salt has elastic demand

2. Entrepreneur is said to be captain of the industry
3. Under monopoly the firm and industry are not one and the same
4. Medicine have elastic demand
5. The Central Bank acts as Bankers Bank
6. Supply cannot exceeds Stock
3. (A) Distinguish Between the following (any 4) 8 marks

1. Commercial Bank V/S Central Bank

2. Individual Supply V/S Market Supply
3. Perfect competion V/S Monopoly
4. Surplus Budget V/S Deficit Budget
5. Desire V/S Demand
6. Fixed Capital V/S Variable Capital

(B) Give Reasons: - (any 2) 4 marks

1. The Utility is a relative concept

2. The Monopoly is a Price-Maker
3. Issue of Currency is a sole authority of Central Bank
4. The supply can never exceed stock.

4. (A) Answer the following: (any Two) 8 marks

1. Explain the Features of Micro Economics

2. Explain the Features of Utility
3. Explain the Features of National Income

(B) Write a explanatory Notes: (any two) 8 Marks

1. Balanced Budget
2. Monopoly
3. Individual Demand

5. State with reasons, whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements: (any two) 16 marks

1. The Reserve Banks of India is a Governments Bank.

2. Macro economics studies the entire forest and not a particular tree.
3. Under Perfect Competion the firm is a Price Maker.
Time: - 1. 45 minutes
Marks: -40
1. (A) Complete the Following : - 3 marks

1. Russia signed the ________ pact with the Socialist Countries. (Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow)
2. __________ was exiled from France. (Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau)
3. ________ had read Rousseau. (Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI)
(B) Match the Correct Pairs : - 3 marks

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

1. Yuri Gagarin 2. Japan
2. Foundation of U.N.O 3. Africa
3. hermit nation 4. Atlantic
5. Space journey

2. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words each: - any two 4 marks

1. What is meant by economic Imperialism?
2. Explain the Rousseau’s concept of the State?
3. How did the imperialist powers impose their culture on the people of Asia and Africa?
3. Give Reason for the following in 25 to 30 words each: - any two 4 marks
1. The Gulf between the rich and poor nations widened.
2. Rousseau is regarded as the prophet of the French Revolution?
3. Louis XVI was guillotined on 21st January, 1793.t representation’

4. Answer the Following in 40 to 50 words each: any two 6 marks

1. Give an account of the Boston Tea Party.
2. Explain Montesquieu theory of Separation of Powers
3. Why did the colonists declare ‘No Taxation without representation’

5. Answer the following in 80 to 100 words each: any two 8 marks

1. Give an account of the American declaration of Independence?

2. What are the consequences of the ‘American declaration of Independence’?
3. Give an account of the conditions in France before the revolution, with the help of points given
♦ Social Condition
♦ Tax System
♦ Third Estate

2. Fill in the blanks: 2 marks

1. There is a demand for ____ percent reservation for women in Parliament.
2. The Judge of the Supreme Court retires at the age of ________ years.

2. Answer the following : (any two) 4 marks

1. What is the tenure of the Lok Sabha
2. In which languages are the proceedings of Parliament are conducted?
3. State the two Functions of the Prime Minister?

8. Short Notes: (any two) 4 marks

1. Quorum.
2. Principle of Collective Responsibility.
3. Judicial Review.

9. Answer the following (any one) 2 marks

1. Explain about the official of the Rajya Sabha?
2. What are the methods of the amending the Indian Constitutions?


Time: -1.45Min Marks: -40
Geography and Economics

1. (A) Complete the following by choosing the appropriate given below. (3 Marks)

1. A fertile land is used for the occupation of ________ (animal rearing, mining, hunting, agriculture)
2. In India ________ state has the lowest population. (Sikkim, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Megalaya)
3. Hirakud Project is built on the river ________. (satluj, Godavari, Mahanadi, none of these)

(B) Match the following. (3 marks)

Group A Group B
1. Population Census 1. Every 5 years
2. Non renewable resources 2. Minerals
3. Cultural Resources 3. Every 10 years
4. Communication

2. (A) Give reason for the following statements. (Any two) 4 marks.

♦ In India census is carried at every ten years.

♦ Large projects are multipurpose projects.
♦ The ‘Monsoon’ rainfall is the main source of water in India.

(B) Write Short Notes. (Any three) 6 marks

1. Conservation of Resources
2. Density of population in India.
3. Sex Ratio of population in India or Sex Ratio
4. Hirakud project

3. Mark the following in the out line map of India. Any 4 (4 marks)

1. The State having the lowest literacy rate in India.

2. The City having the largest population.
3. The State having the lowest population
4. The state having the highest population in India

4. Answer the following in Detail. (Any 2) (8 marks)

1. Write about the age structure of the Indian Population
2. What are the divisions of forests based on administrative purposes
3. Mention the uses of the following trees of India Forest.

5. Fill in the blanks. (2 marks)

1. Economic growth implies ---------------changes are expected
2. -------------------is exception to the Consumer Protection Act.

6. Answer the following. (any three) (6 marks)

1. What is meant by economic development?
2. Why is an increase in public expenditure inflationary?
3. Where consumers’ complaints can be lodged?
4. Why does the Law of Diminishing Returns operate in the industries?

7. Answer in Brief. (Any one) (4 marks)

1. What is the meaning of inflation in simple term?
2. Who can lodge a complaint?
3. Who is a Consumer?
Time: -1.45Min Marks: -40
Science and Technology-Part II

I. (A) fills in the blanks 2 marks

1. Conversion of metal oxide to metal is called _____________. (Oxidation, reduction, metal extraction, refining)
2. Cells are made up of __________. (Organelles, cellulose, tissues, macromolecules)
3. Magnetic separator is used to concentrate ________. (haematite, pyrite, magnetite, cuprites)
4. __________is a variety of calcium carbonate. (glass, paper, marble, Black ink)

(B) Match the column 2 marks

Column A Column B
1. Pulses 1. Lead poisoning
2. Coated turmeric 2. Papaya Seeds
3. Argemone oil 3. Lathyrus
4. Ice cream 4. Epidemic dropsy
5. Paper pulp

(C) True of False 2 marks

1. Aluminium is transition elements
2. Chikungunya is caused by a fungus

(D) Find the odd man out 2 marks

1. Steel, Duralumin, Iron, Tungsten steel.
2. Haematite, Limonite, Siderite, Bauxite.

II. (A) Give Reasons: any two 4marks

1. Deficiency of Vitamin K does not occurs normally
2. Aluminium oxide is classified as an amphitricha oxide
3. Dried food grains remains unspoiled for long periods

(B) Distinguish between any 2 (4 marks)

1. Kwashiorkor V/S Marasmus
2. Beri Beri V/S Rickets
3. Metal V/S non-metals

III. (A) Define/Explain any two (4 marks)

1. Petrochemicals
2. Two Properties of POP
3. Polymerisation
4. Name two uses of Carbon dioxide

(B) Answer the following: any 1 (4 marks)

1. Give Preventive and control measures of AIDS
2. Greenhouse effect
IV. (A) Draw neat and labelled diagram: any two (4marks)
1. Blast furnace
2. Kipp’s Apparatus
3. Ammonia fountain

(B) Answer the following: any 1 (4 marks)

1. Waste water Treatment?
2. Describe the sources and functions of Proteins.

V. (A) Define the following: any two (4 marks)

1. Scurvy
2. Rickets
3. Personal Hygiene
4. Vitamin C
(B) Answer the following questions (any one) (4 marks)

1. State the commercial importance of methanol and acetaldehyde

Time: -1.45Min Marks: -40
Science and Technology-Part I
Q.1 (A) Rewrite the following statement by selecting the correct option. 2 marks

1. When conduction of electricity occurs by movement of irons it is called _____________ conduction.

(Gaseous, non-metallic, electrolytic, electronic)
2. The ____________ Period is the longest period in the modern periodic table. (1st, 5th , 6th, 7th )
3. A coil of many circular turns of wire wrapped in the shape of a cylinder forms _____________ (torroid,
solenoid, conductor, insulator)
4. In Sun ___________ hydrogen atoms combined together to form a helium nucleus. (2, 3, 4, more than 4)
(B) Match the Pairs: 2 marks
Column A Column B
1. Electronic Conductor 1. Protection from corrosion
2. Non-electrolyte 2. Electrodes and electrolyte
3. Nerve signal 3. Electrons as charge carrier
4. Electrolytic cell 4. Urea
5. ion transport across cell membrane

(C) State whether the following statements are true or false: 2 marks

1. Dilute hydrochloric acid is an electrolytes

2. Ions play important role in the life processes.
3. Diode obeys Ohm’s law.
4. The biogas plant consists of a digester and a cover.

(D) Identify the odd man out: 2 marks

1. Copper, silver, mica, Graphite.

2. Germanium, Silicon, Porcelain, Gallium.
3. Ammeter, Voltmeter, Galvanometer, Thermometer.
4. Lithium, sodium, Magnesium, Potassium.

Q. 2. (A) Give Scientific Reasons: (any two) 4 marks

1. The family of noble gases is named as Zero group.

2. When a brass article is silver plated, it is used as cathode.
3. Metals are good conductor
4. Use of fossil fuels created energy crisis.

(B) Distinguish between the following pairs: (any two) 4 marks

1. Renewable energy sources V/S Non-renewable energy sources

2. Voltmeter V/S Ammeter
3. Electroplating V/S anodising

Q. 3. (A) State the following Laws: (Any two) 4 marks

1. Right hand rule

2. Ohms’ Law
3. Joule’s Law

(B) Answer the following questions: (Any one) 4 marks

1. Moseley’s contribution and the modern periodic table

2. Halogen group elements
Q. 4 (A) Draw and label the diagram: (Any two) 4 marks

1. Electroplating Assembly
2. Resistance in parallel
3. Telephone ear piece
4. Biogas Plant

(B) Answer the following questions: (Any one) 4 marks

1. State the general precautions for safety with respect to electricity

2. Explain in details the working of electric bell.

Q. 5 (A) Answer the following questions in one sentence each: (any four) 4 marks

1. Give any two forms of energy

2. State the Advantages of solar energy
3. Kinetic energy is always positive or not gives reasons
4. What is molarity
5. Define power
6. Define Electrolysis

(B) Answer the following questions: (Any one) 4 marks

1. Explain details about Electrolysis of copper chloride

a) Halogen group elements (any two points)
b) Name the main constituents of bio gas

MARKS: - 100

Q.1 (A) Complete the sentences by choosing correct alternative given below. 5 marks

1. National income is a _________ concept. ( stock, flow, micro, non-monetary)

2. __________is the desire backed up by ability to pay and willingness to pay for it. (Demand, Want, Commodity, Utility)
3. Over draft facility is given to ______ account holder. (Saving, Current, recurring, fixed)
4. Individual supply is a ___________________ economic variable. (Macro, Producer, Micro, Firm)
5. Macro Economist was well explained by economist ___________. (Marshall, Robbins, Adam Smith, J.M. Keynes)

(B) State whether the following statements are true or false. 5 marks

1. Reservation price of perishable goods is generally high

2. Refrigerator in restaurant is capital goods.
3. Macro economics studies the economy in its totality.
4. Paper money economises on the use of precious metals.
5. Free entry is an essential but not a sufficient condition of perfect competition.

(C) Choose the correct answer in each from the following four alternatives 5 marks

1. ‘Principles of Economics’ is the celebrated book of:

1. Dr. Alfred Marshall
2. Keynes
3. Lionel Robbins
4. Adam Smith)

1. Electricity has a composite demand:

1. It is less expensive resources
2. It is demanded for several uses
3. It is available at all time
4. It is used in combination with other resources.

1. Monopolistic is a Price-maker and not a price taker.

1. Monopolist is intelligent in price-making
2. Demand for his commodity is very high
3. He is the seller in the market and has no close substitute for his product.
4. Three is free entry and exit of firms in the market.

1. Labour cannot be stored:

1. Labourer has less physical strength
2. Labourer lacks mobility
3. Labour is the most perishable factors of production.
4. Labour is the most inactive factors of production

1. Land does not include:

1. rivers
2. coal
3. sunshine
4. Machinery

(D) Match the two columns given below: 5 marks

Group A Group B
1. Single Price 1. Micro Economics
2. General Price Level 2. Form Utility
3. Perfect Competition 3. Time Utility
4. Capital 4. Monopoly
5. Transport Facility 5. Perfect competition
6. Interest

MARKS: - 100

Q.1 (A) Complete the sentences by choosing correct alternative given below. 5 marks

1. The theories factor pricing are included in _____ economics. (macro, micro, agricultural, international)
2. In perfect competion, the seller ______ the price. (takes, makes, discriminates, decreases)
3. Bank of India is a ______ bank. (Central, Commercial, industrial, national)
4. Individual supply is a ___________________ economic variable. (Macro, Producer, Micro, Firm)
5. Micro Economist was well explained by economist ___________. (Marshall, Robbins, Adam Smith, J.M. Keynes)

(B) State whether the following statements are true or false. 5 marks

1. The demand for food grains is elastic.

2. Refrigerator in restaurant is capital goods.
3. Price is the sole determinant of demand.
4. Paper money economises on the use of precious metals.
5. A cheque is optional money.

(C) Choose the correct answer in each from the following four alternatives 5 marks

1. Discriminating monopoly implies that the monopolist charges:

1. different prices
2. Single price
3. no price
4. uncertain price

1. Stock refers to the:

1. real concept
2. static concept
3. flow concept
4. none of these

1. During depression, the Central Bank adopts the.

1. near money policy
2. cheap money policy
3. dear money policy
4. none of these

1. Labour cannot be stored:

1. Labourer has less physical strength
2. Labourer lacks mobility
3. Labour is the most perishable factors of production.
4. Labour is the most inactive factors of production

1. Land does not include:

1. rivers
2. coal
3. sunshine
4. Machinery

(D) Match the two columns given below: 5 marks

Group A Group B
1. Production 1. Profit
2. Land 2. Uncertain
3. Labour
4. Capital 3. Rent
5. Entrepreneur 4. Creating utility
5. Creating awareness
6. Wages
7. Interest
Q. 2 (A) Define OR explain the following concept. (Attempt any 4) 8 marks

1. Define Land
2. Slicing Method
3. Define Reservation Price
4. Define Economic Man
5. Explain the concept of Gross National Product. (GNP)
6. Deficit budget

(B) Rewrite the following statements as True of False. Give Reasons. (Any 4) 8 marks

1. All wealth is capital but all capital is not wealth

2. Selling cost is an important component in Perfect competition.
3. Utility can be measured cardinally.
4. Labour can be stored
5. An entrepreneur is called as captain of the industry.
6. Demand and Desire are one and the same.

Q. 3 (A) Distinguish between (Any Four) of the following 8 marks

1. Direct Demand V/S Derived Demand

2. Land V/S Labour
3. Gross National product V/S Net National Product
4. Capital V/S Wealth
5. Micro Economics V/S Macro Economics
6. Stock V/S Supply

(B) Give reasons or explain the following in brief. (Any 4) 8 marks

1. In Surplus budget income is more than expenditure.

2. Is demand and Desire the same thing? Explain with an example.
3. Why is competitive firm a ‘Price-taker?
4. Give Reason why labour can not be stored?
5. Why has the Popularity of Macroeconomics increased?
6. Why does land lacks mobility?

Q. 4. (A) Answer the following questions in one or two pares (any 2) 8 marks

1. State and Explain the Features of National Income?

2. Explain with illustration, the Income method of Measuring National Income?
3. Describe the Various Types of Money?
4. What are the Types of Demand?

(B) Write Short notes on the following: 8 marks

1. Features of Macro economics

2. Different types of utility
3. Geffen Paradox
4. Kinds of Monopoly

Q. 5 (A) Do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Give Reasons. (Any Two) 16 marks

1. All factors of production have derived demand.

2. Price is not the only determinants of demand.
3. The Reserve Bank of India acts as a ‘Bankers Bank’

Q. 6 (B) Answer the following (any two) 16 marks

1. State and Explain the Features of Perfect Competion?

2. State and explain the Features of Labour?
3. What is monopolistic competition? What are its features?

All the Very Best

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