Disturbances of Conduction
Disturbances of Conduction
Disturbances of Conduction
enjoy :)
Sinus arrhythmia
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Junctional tachycardia
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial ectopics
Broad complex arrhythmias
Ventricular ectopics
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation
Sinus arrhythmia: Irregular spacing of normal complexes associated with respiration. The PR interval is constant, but there are beat-to-beat changes in R-R interval. Normal, especially
in young people.
- Because in inspiration, the negative pressure sucks more blood into the chest, which
cardiac output. This is detected by baroreceptors which HR).
Sinus tachycardia: Rate over 100bpm. Normal P-QRS-T complexes are present.
Causes include:
Heart failure
Management: Often not necessary in a fit young person (unless rate is <45-50bpm) and/or
there is haemodynamic compromise. You may consider:
Arrhythmias due to re-entry
In Junctional tachycardia, there are micro re-entry circuits within the AV node itself
Junctional tachycardia: Micro re-entry circuits in or near the AV node (or, as in W-P-W, from
an accessory conduction pathway between the atria and ventricles).
Slurred upstroke on the R wave (Delta wave in V4 in WPW)
Carotid sinus massage (rarely converts to sinus rhythm, but slows the rate and will reveal
Gentle pressure here may result in slowing of the heart and occasionally, termination of reentry SVT. Never do on both sides or it can cause asystole and occlusion of the main arterial
blood supply to the brain.
Adenosine (slows AV conduction so is useful for terminating re-entry SVTs of the WPW
Verapamil, -blockers, amiodarone, flecainide may control the rate of convert to sinus
Atrial tachycardia and Atrial flutter: Due to an ectopic focus depolarising from anywhere
within the atria. They contract faster than 150bmp and P waves can be seen superimposed
on T waves of the preceding beats.
AV node conducts at a maximum of 200bpm, so if the atrial rate is faster, AV block will occur
(Typically see ventricular rate as 150bpm with atrial flutter)
If the atrial rate is >250bpm, there is no flat baseline between P waves and you get
sawtooth pattern
Carotid sinus massage and adenosine slow AV conduction and reveal underlying rhythm
and block if there is doubt
Thoracic surgery
Since contraction of the atria contributes 30% to ventricular filling, the onset of AF may result
in significant in CO. Fast AF may precipitate cardiac failure, pulmonary oedema and
myocardial ischaemia and systemic thromboembolism may occur if blood clots in the
fibrillating atria form.
Management: Treatment is aimed at restoration of sinus rhythm if possible and if not,
maintaining the rate to <100bpm and prevention of embolic complications. Management
depends on how long it has been present.
Correct precipitating factors where possible
Aim to control ventricular rate to <100bpm allows time for adequate ventricle filling and
maintains CO
-blockers of verapamil
When AF has been present for more than a few hours, anticoagulation is necessary before
cardioversion to prevent the risk of embolisation. (Usually warfarin for 3 weeks prior to
elective DCC)
Atrial ectopic beats: An abnormal P wave is followed by a normal QRS. The P wave is not
always easily visible
If the focus depolarises EARLY, the beat produced is an extrasystole (premature) and may
be followed by a compensatory pause
If the underlying SA node is slow, sometimes an atrial focus takes over escape beat as it
occurs after a SMALL DELAY
Ischaemia, hypoxia
Light anaesthesia
Anaesthetic drugs
Management: Correction of underlying cause and treatment is not necessary unless runs of
atrial tachycardia occur.
Ventricular ectopic beats: Depolarisation spreads from a focus in the ventricles by an
abnormal (slow) pathway, so the QRS is wide and abnormal. (T wave is also abnormal in
There is a bigeminal rhythm (one ectopic beat with every normal beat)
Where they are multifocal (arising from different foci hence having different shapes)
Small dose of -blocker
If underlying sinus rhythm is slow, increase the rate with IV atropine (as ventricular ectopics
could be a form of escape beat)
Alternatives amiodarone
Ventricular tachycardia: A focus in the ventricular muscle depolarises at high frequency.
Excitation spreads through the ventricles by an abnormal pathway. There are no P waves,
wide QRS which may be slightly irregular/vary in shape.
Can be triggered by:
Fluid overload
Myocardial ischaemia
Adrenaline injection
If they relapse back into VT lignocaine, amiodarone can sustain sinus rhythm
NOT verapamil
Supraventricular tachycardia with bundle branch block: Where there is abnormal conduction
from the atria to the ventricles, a SVT may be broad complex if there is a BBB. Sometimes it
can be due to ischaemia.
BUT all tachycardias should be treated as VT if there is any doubt.
RBBB : V1 looks more at the right side of the heart, so if the right ventricle is the last to
depolarise due to a block, you see the last deflection in V6 will be negative (going away
from the left of the heart) and the last deflection in V1 will be positive (going towards the
right of the heart)
LBBB (much more common): V6 looks at the left heart, so if the left ventricle is the last
depolarising due to a block, you see last deflection in V6 will be positive and the last
deflection in V1 will be negative (going away from the right of the heart)
Ventricular fibrillation: This results in cardiac arrest. There is chaotic and disorganised
contraction of ventricular muscle and no QRS complexes can be identified on the ECG.
Management: Immediate DCC
First degree block: PR interval is >0.2s (delayed). Usually benign, but can progress to
2 degree block.
Second degree block Mobitz type I (Wendebach): Progressive lengthening of the PR
interval and then failure of conduction of an atrial beat. This is followed by a conducted beat
beats resulting in 2 P waves for every QRS. A 3:1 or 4:1 block may also exist.
May herald complete heart block
Third degree (complete) heart block: Complete failure of conduction from the atria to the
ventricles, so the ventricles are excited by an escape mechanism (slow) from a focus in the
ventricles. There is no relationship between the P waves and the QRS complexes and the
Bundle branch block: If the impulse from the SA and AV nodes reaches the IV septum
normally, the PR interval will be normal, but if there is a subsequent delay in depolarisation of
the L/R bundle branches, there will be a delay in depolarisation of part of the ventricular
muscle and the QRS complex will be wide and abnormal