Hagfeldt 2010 JPCC
Hagfeldt 2010 JPCC
Hagfeldt 2010 JPCC
Three triphenylamine-based organic sensitizers with different electron-donating substituents (butoxyl chains
or dimethylamine groups) were examined to investigate the effect of bulky alkoxy donor substituents on the
photovoltaic performances of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) in the presence and absence of the coadsorbent
chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) in dye-bath solutions. The study showed that, using the D29 dye without
bulky alkoxy substituents, the power conversion efficiency of DSC was significantly increased by about 84%
in the presence of CDCA as compared to that in the absence of CDCA addition during the sensitization.
However, the photovoltaic performance of D35-sensitized DSC having four bulky butoxyl substituents was
not dependent on CDCA at all, probably due to the inherent structural nature of the D35 molecule. The DSC
based on the D37 sensitizer with only two bulky butoxyl chains displayed an expected medium performance
as compared to D29 and D35. The inclusion of bulky alkoxy electron-donating substituents in dye molecules
for efficient DSCs suppressed the electron recombination and reduced the interactions between dye molecules.
This emphasizes the importance of designing novel dyes including functional groups that incorporate the
properties normally needed from an external coadsorbent. The development of a coadsorbent free system is
in particular important for the future economization and simplification of the DSCs assembly process.
The dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) is a molecular system
that consists of a wide band gap semiconductor photoanode,
typically TiO2, an anchored molecular sensitizer, a redox
electrolyte, and a platinized photocathode.15 To increase the
light-to-electricity conversion efficiency as well as the stability,
all of the elements of the photoelectric device need to be
optimized, and there is still substantial potential for further
improvement. Among these elements, the sensitizing dye plays
a vital role for the light harvesting efficiency providing electron
injection into the conduction band of semiconductor upon light
excitation. In recent years, metal-free organic sensitizers, such
as coumarin,69 merocyanine,10,11 indoline,1217 hemicyanine,18,19
fluorene,20,21 carbazole,22,23 perylene,24 oligoene,2527 quinoxaline,28,29
phenothiazine,30 squaraine,31,32 and triphenylamine dyes,3339
have attracted a lot of attention due to many virtues as compared
to noble metal complexes. Some of the benefits with organic
sensitizers are low cost synthesis routes, high molar extinction
coefficients, flexible structural modifications, and the absence
of noble metals. There are, however, still some major problems
for organic dyes used in DSCs, such as dye aggregation, a lack
of directionality in the dye excited state on the TiO2 film,4045
and pronounced recombination of TiO2 conduction-band electrons with oxidized species as compared to ruthenium dyes.4650
These are all obstacles to obtain higher overall conversion
efficiencies (). As a result, a number of research efforts have
been made to overcome these drawbacks and to enhance the
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
Uppsala University.
Jiang et al.
Voc (V)
standard Si solar cell. For the J-V curves, the solar cells were
evaluated by using a black mask on the cell surface to avoid
diffusive light (cell area of 0.25 cm2, aperture area of 0.49
cm2).58 IPCE measurements were carried out with a computerized setup consisting of a xenon arc lamp (300 W Cermax, ILC
Technology), followed by a 1/8 m monochromator (CVI
Digikrom CM 110). The data collection was done with a
Keithley 2400 source/meter and a Newport 1830-C power meter
with 818-UV detector head.
Photophysical Measurements. The UV-vis absorption
spectra of the dye-loaded transparent film and the dye solution
(1 10-5 M, in ethanol) were recorded on a Lambda 750
spectrophotometer by using a normal quartz sample cell (1 cm
path length). The fluorescence spectra of dye solution were
recorded on a Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer
using the same concentration as the UV-vis measurement.
Electron Lifetime and Extraction Charge Measurements.
Electron lifetimes in the complete dye-sensitized solar cell
devices were measured in a system using a red-light emitting
diode (Luxeon Star 1W, max ) 640 nm) as light source. Voltage
and current traces were recorded using a 16-bit resolution data
acquisition board (DAQ National Instruments) in combination
with a current amplifier (Stanford Research Systems SR570)
and a custom-made system using electromagnetic relay switches.
The relation between potential and charge was investigated by
combining the voltage decay and charge extraction methods.
Extraction charge measurements were performed in the following way: the solar cell was illuminated for 5 s under opencircuit conditions, and then the light was shut off and the voltage
was let to decay to a voltage V. At a certain voltage V, the cell
was short-circuited, and the current was measured under 10 s
and then integrated to obtain Qoc (V). Electron lifetimes were
determined by monitoring the transient voltage responses after
a small light intensity modulation (square wave modulation,
<10% intensity of 0.5 Hz), and the step response was recorded
by the DAQ board. The voltage response was well fitted to firstorder decay, and time constants were hence obtained.
Results and Discussion
1. Effects of Coadsorbent CDCA on the Photovoltaic
Performance of D29-Sensitized DSCs. The photovoltaic
performance characteristics of DSCs based on D29, D35, and
D37 sensitizers with and without the addition of CDCA during
the sensitization, under standard global AM 1.5 illumination,
100 mW cm-2, are summarized in Table 1. As seen from Table
1, D29-sensitized DSC without CDCA addition showed very
(10 M
cm )
with CDCA
without CDCA
Jiang et al.
Figure 2. Absorption spectra of D29 on the TiO2 film with and without
CDCA addition during the sensitization process.
Figure 4. Electron lifetime as a function of extracted charge under
open-circuit conditions for DSCs based on D29 and D35, respectively,
with and without CDCA addition during the sensitization process.
dye load of D35 on the TiO2 surface was less dependent on the
CDCA. There was a small decrease in dye load when CDCA
was added into the dye bath. As previously mentioned, the D29
dye load on the TiO2 surface was decreased by about 50% in
the presence of CDCA, whereas the D35 dye load was reduced
only about 10%. When using CDCA, the exact ratio of dye/
CDCA on the TiO2 surface is unknown,52 but the dye load
reduction in the presence of CDCA implies that the competitive
coadsorption of CDCA with D35 sensitizer on the TiO2 film is
weaker than that with D29 sensitizer. In other words, it is
suggested that D35 forms an ordered dye layer on TiO2 surface
and binds more strongly to the TiO2 surface than CDCA. Thus,
D35 shows less dependence on the presence of CDCA.
Generally, one would expect that a self-assembly property of
the dye during the sensitization of TiO2 film is important to
obtain efficient surface coverage and efficient electron injection
and thus obtain high photovoltaic performance of DSCs.
The essential reason for higher DSCs performance based on
the D35 sensitizer can be ascribed to its intrinsic structural
properties. As shown in Chart 2, the D35 sensitizer contains
four long butoxyl chains in ortho and para positions of the
phenyl rings, which are further linked in para position with the
TPA phenyl rings by single bonds, allowing free rotation. These
rotatable bulky groups may produce surface blocking through
steric hindrance, preventing the access of electrons to the redox
electrolyte, which will be in favor of higher Voc. On the other
hand, the twisted three-dimensional structure may not only
facilitate the ordered molecular arrangement on the TiO2 surface,
but also keep dye molecules at a distance, which may suppress
possibly intermolecular dye interaction, favoring higher Jsc. Even
when comparing the results of complete DSC devices based on
only D35 dye (no CDCA) with the DSCs based on D29 dye
and CDCA, D35-based DSCs still resulted in better performance. The main difference is still the significantly longer
electron lifetimes observed for DSCs based on D35 resulting
in higher Voc. The protection by the butoxyl chains is proven to
be more efficient as compared to the coadsorption of CDCA
under the examined conditions. However, the less efficient
surface protection due to the small donating groups in D29
sensitizer directly resulted in relatively poor photovoltaic
performance. In conclusion, markedly higher power conversion
efficiencies were obtained for DSCs based on D35 with
Jiang et al.
AG Ludwigshafen. We also thank Dr. Leif Haggman for
supplying the TiO2 paste and TiO2 electrodes.
Supporting Information Available: Current and voltage
characteristics of DSCs based on D29, D35, and D37. Electron
lifetime and extracted charge measurements for DSCs based
on D29, D35, and D37. This material is available free of charge
via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
References and Notes