PIPE-FLO Professional Release Notes
PIPE-FLO Professional Release Notes
PIPE-FLO Professional Release Notes
New Features: Data Import, Device View Options dialog, Auto Split for Pipes, User Defined
Key Improvements: more control over system and gradient colors, new DataLink Tables, new
Calculation Setting
New Calculations: control valve choked flow, total energy grade, static pressure, percent
New Warning Messages: false connections, un-designed devices, allowable deviation
Bug Fixes: Undocked property grid, copy/paste, messages
New Features
New Data Import loads Design Data into PIPE-FLO to expedite model creation and simulation.
o Import Device Design Data (including units)
o Load values in multiple Lineups at once
o Modify, add, and delete Valves and Fittings
o Python Scripting for power and flexibility
New Device View Options dialog box improves ability to adjust display settings on the FLO-Sheet
and in the List View. Includes a filter to allow the user to search for common field names between
multiple devices.
New User Defined Colors for messages and device states.
New Disable Colors feature gives ability to print systems without warning colors
New Calculation Settings for Allowable Deviation assists in evaluating calculated results and
adjusting the Calculation Settings if needed.
New Name field in the Valve & Fitting Description for all V&F types allows the user to uniquely
identify each Valve & Fitting in their model
New DataLink Tables:
o centrifugal_pump_adjusted_curve: includes the centrifugal pump curve data points
adjusted for viscosity, impeller diameter, and operating speed
o control_valve_extended: includes additional design data for the control valve (Fd,
nominal size, etc)
o control_valve_profile: includes Cv, FL, and xT data for each control valve
o curve_dp_curve: contains the data points in the user-entered curves for Curve dP
Devices in the model
o document_units: contains the units selected in the Adjust Documents dialog box and the
conversion factors used to go from those units to SI units
o pressure_gain_curve: contains the data points in the user-entered curves for Pressure
Gain Devices in the model
PIPE-FLO_DataLink.xlam file installer will automatically install the Microsoft Excel DataLink addin definition file to allow for easier sharing of Microsoft Excel files containing PIPE-FLO DataLink
New License Identification Tool included to aid in Network license configuration.
New calculation for Control valves: Choked Flow Rate for Control Valves
New calculations for Pipes: Inlet and Outlet Pressure (Total) and Inlet and Outlet Static Pressure
New calculations for Pipes: Inlet and Outlet Energy Grade and Inlet and Outlet Hydraulic Grade
New calculations for Pipes: dP per 100 and Head Loss per 100
New calculation: Percent Deviation for each device with a pressure drop or gain (was just
calculated for Pipes)
Calculation change: Orifice Meter and Balancing Orifice Discharge Coefficient equation changed
to Reader-Harris/Gallagher equation in ASME MFC-3M-2004
Calculation change: Control valve dP choked calculation now uses inlet static pressure instead of
inlet total pressure
Calculation change: Control valve flow coefficient calculation now uses inlet static pressure
instead of inlet total pressure
Calculation change: Control valve Pressure Drop Ratio calculation now uses inlet static pressure
instead of inlet total pressure
Bug Fixes
Copy/Pasting a Tank and Connected Pipes doesn't preserve the Pipe Penetration Heights
Valves & Fittings dialog: Added count to fitting "reducer - enlargement" not saved
Tank surface pressure < Abs 0 does not throw Message 110
Changing data for Curve dP device thru right-click menu does not update calcs when in calc
Control Valve Set to 0% Open Calculates a dP Not Equal to 0
Help ID 162 for Control Valves triggered off of Incorrect Value
Various User Interface bugs fixed.