Dbook 2
Dbook 2
Dbook 2
Differential Equations
Marius van der Put
Department of Mathematics
University of Groningen
P.O.Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Michael F. Singer
Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University
Box 8205
Raleigh, N.C. 27695-8205
July 2002
This book is an introduction to the algebraic, algorithmic and analytic aspects
of the Galois theory of homogeneous linear differential equations. Although the
Galois theory has its origins in the 19th Century and was put on a firm footing
by Kolchin in the middle of the 20th Century, it has experienced a burst of
activity in the last 30 years. In this book we present many of the recent results
and new approaches to this classical field. We have attempted to make this
subject accessible to anyone with a background in algebra and analysis at the
level of a first year graduate student. Our hope is that this book will prepare
and entice the reader to delve further.
In this preface we will describe the contents of this book. Various researchers
are responsible for the results described here. We will not attempt to give
proper attributions here but refer the reader to each of the individual chapters
for appropriate bibliographic references.
The Galois theory of linear differential equations (which we shall refer to simply
as differential Galois theory) is the analogue for linear differential equations of
the classical Galois theory for polynomial equations. The natural analogue of a
field in our context is the notion of a differential field. This is a field k together
with a derivation : k k, that is, an additive map that satisfies (ab) =
(a)b + a(b) for all a, b k (we will usually denote a for a k as a ). Except
for Chapter 13, all differential fields will be of characteristic zero. A linear
differential equation is an equation of the form Y = AY where A is an n n
matrix with entries in k although sometimes we shall also consider scalar linear
differential equations L(y) = n y + an1 n1 y + + a0 y = 0 (these objects
are in general equivalent, as we show in Chapter 2). One has the notion of a
splitting field, the Picard-Vessiot extension, which contains all solutions of
L(y) = 0 and in this case has the additional structure of being a differential field.
The differential Galois group is the group of field automorphisms of the PicardVessiot field fixing the base field and commuting with the derivation. Although
defined abstractly, this group can be easily represented as a group of matrices
and has the structure of a linear algebraic group, that is, it is a group of invertible
matrices defined by the vanishing of a set of polynomials on the entries of these
matrices. There is a Galois correspondence identifying differential subfields with
the smallest linear algebraic group containing a certain commutative group of
diagonalizable matrices (the exponential torus) and one more element (the formal
monodromy) and these can be explicitly calculated from its normal form. In this
chapter we also begin the study of differential equations over C({z}), the field
of fractions of the ring of convergent power series C{z}. If A has entries in
C({z}), we show that the equation Y = AY is equivalent over C((z)) to a
unique (up to equivalence over C({z})) equation with entries in C({z}) that
is quasi-split. This latter fact is key to understanding the analytic behavior of
solutions of these equations and will be used repeatedly in succeeding chapters.
In Chapter 2 and 3, we also use the language of Tannakian categories to describe
some of these results. This theory is explained in Appendix B. This appendix
also contains a proof of the general result that the category of k[]-modules
for a differential field k forms a Tannakian category and how one can deduce
from this the fact that the Galois groups of the associated equations are linear
algebraic groups. In general, we shall use Tannakian categories throughout the
book to deduce facts about categories of special k[]-modules, i.e., deduce facts
about the Galois groups of restricted classes of differential equations.
In Chapter 4, we consider the direct problem, which is to calculate explicitly
for a given differential equation or differential module its Picard-Vessiot ring
and its differential Galois group. A complete answer for a given differential
equation should, in principal, provide all the algebraic information about the
differential equation. Of course this can only be achieved for special base fields
k, such as Q(z), z = 1 (where Q is the algebraic closure of the field of rational
numbers). The direct problem requires factoring many differential operators L
over k. A right hand factor u of L (over k or over an algebraic extension
of k) corresponds to a special solution f of L(f ) = 0, which can be rational,
exponential or liouvillian. Some of the ideas involved here are already present
in Bekes classical work on factoring differential equations.
The inverse problem, namely to construct a differential equation over k with
a prescribed differential Galois group G and action of G on the solution space
is treated for a connected linear algebraic group in Chapter 11. In the opposite
case that G is a finite group (and with base field Q(z)) an effective algorithm
is presented together with examples for equations of order 2 and 3. We note
that some of the algorithms presented in this chapter are efficient and others
are only the theoretical basis for an efficient algorithm.
Starting with Chapter 5, we turn to questions that are, in general, of a more
analytic nature. Let Y = AY be a differential equation where A has entries in C(z), where C is the field of complex numbers and z = 1. A point
c C is said to be a singular point of the equation Y = AY if some entry of A is not analytic at c (this notion can be extended to the point at
infinity on the Riemann sphere P as well). At any point p on the manifold
P\{the singular points}, standard existence theorems imply that there exists
an invertible matrix Z of functions, analytic in a neighbourhood of p, such
that Z = AZ. Furthermore, one can analytically continue such a matrix of
functions along any closed path , yielding a new matrix Z which must be
of the form Z = ZA for some A GLn (C). The map 7 A induces
a homomorphism, called the monodromy homomorphism, from the fundamental group 1 (P\{the singular points}, c) into GLn (C). As explained in Chapter 5, when all the singular points of Y = AY are regular singular points
(that is, all solutions have at most polynomial growth in sectors at the singular point), the smallest linear algebraic group containing the image of this
homomorphism is the Galois group of the equation. In Chapters 5 and 6 we
consider the inverse problem: Given points {p0 , . . . , pn } P1 and a representation 1 (P\p1 , . . . , pn }, p0 ) GLn (C), does there exist a differential equation
with regular singular points having this monodromy representation? This is one
form of Hilberts 21st Problem and we describe its positive solution. We discuss
refined versions of this problem that demand the existence of an equation of a
more restricted form as well as the existence of scalar linear differential equations
having prescribed monodromy. Chapter 5 gives an elementary introduction to
this problem concluding with an outline of the solution depending on basic facts
concerning sheaves and vector bundles. In Appendix C, we give an exposition
of the necessary results from sheaf theory needed in this and later sections.
Chapter 6 contains deeper results concerning Hilberts 21st problem and uses
the machinery of connections on vector bundles, material that is developed in
Appendix C and this chapter.
In Chapter 7, we study the analytic meaning of the formal description of solutions of a differential equation that we gave in Chapter 3. Let w C({z})n
and let A be a matrix with entries in C({z}). We begin this chapter by giving analytic meaning to formal solutions v C((z))n of equations of the form
( A)
v = w. We consider open sectors S = S(a, b, ) = {z | z 6= 0, arg(z)
(a, b) and |z| < (arg(z))}, where (x) is a continuous positive function of a
real variable and a b are real numbers
P andi functions f analytic in S and
define what it means for a formal series
ai z C((z)) to be the asymptotic
expansion of f in S. We show that for any formal solution v C((z))n of
( A)
v = w and any sector S = S(a, b, ) with |a b| sufficiently small and
suitable , there is a vector of functions v analytic in S satisfying ( A)v = w
such that each entry of v has the corresponding entry in v as its asymptotic
expansion. The vector v is referred to as an asymptotic lift of v. In general,
there will be many asymptotic lifts of v and the rest of the chapter is devoted
to describing conditions that guarantee uniqueness. This leads us to the study
of Gevrey functions and Gevrey asymptotics. Roughly stated, the main result,
the Multisummation Theorem, allows us to associate, in a functorial way, to
any formal solution v of ( A)
v = w and all but a finite number (mod 2)
of directions d, a unique asymptotic lift in an open sector S(d , d + , ) for
suitable and . The exceptional values of d are called the singular directions
and are related to the so-called Stokes phenomenon. They play a crucial role
in the succeeding chapters where we give an analytic description of the Galois
group as well as a classification of meromorphic differential equations. Sheaves
and their cohomology are the natural way to take analytic results valid in small
neighbourhoods and describe their extension to larger domains and we use these
tools in this chapter. The necessary facts are described in Appendix C.
In Chapter 8 we give an analytic description of the differential Galois group of
a differential equation Y = AY over C({z}) where A has entries in C({z}).
In Chapter 3, we show that any such equation is equivalent to a unique quasisplit equation Y = BY with the entries of B in C({z}) as well, that is there
exists an invertible matrix F with entries in C((z)) such that F 1 ( A)F =
B. The Galois groups of Y = BY over C({z}) and C((z)) coincide and are
generated (as linear algebraic groups) by the associated exponential torus and
formal monodromy. The differential Galois group G over C({z}) of Y = BY
is a subgroup of the differential Galois group of Y = AY over C({z}). To see
what else is needed to generate this latter differential Galois group we note that
the matrix F also satisfies a differential equation F = AF F B over C({z})
and so the results of Chapter 7 can be applied to F . Asymptotic lifts of F can be
used to yield isomorphisms of solution spaces of Y = AY in overlapping sectors
and, using this we describe how, for each singular direction d of F = AF F B,
one can define an element Std (called the Stokes map in the direction d) of the
Galois group G of Y = AY over C({z}). Furthermore, it is shown that G is
the smallest linear algebraic group containing the Stokes maps {Std } and G .
Various other properties of the Stokes maps are described in this chapter.
In Chapter 9, we consider the meromorphic classification of differential equations
over C({z}). If one fixes a quasi-split equation Y = BY , one can consider pairs
( A, F ), where A has entries in C({z}), F GLn (C((z)) and F 1 ( A)F =
B. Two pairs ( A1 , F1 ) and ( A2 , F2 ) are called equivalent if there
is a G GLn (C({z})) such that G( A1 )G1 = A2 and F2 = F1 G. In
this chapter, it is shown that the set E of equivalence classes of these pairs is
in bijective correspondence with the first cohomology set of a certain sheaf of
nonabelian groups on the unit circle, the Stokes sheaf. We describe how one can
furthermore characterize those sets of matrices that can occur as Stokes maps
for some equivalence class. This allows us to give the above cohomology set the
structure of an affine space. These results will be further used in Chapters 10
and 11 to characterize those groups that occur as differential Galois groups over
In Chapter 10, we consider certain differential fields k and certain classes of
differential equations over k and explicitly describe the universal Picard-Vessiot
ring and its group of differential automorphisms over k, the universal differential
Galois group, for these classes. For the special case k = C((z)) this universal
Picard-Vessiot ring is described in Chapter 3. Roughly speaking, a universal Picard-Vessiot ring is the smallest ring such that any differential equation
Y = AY (with A an n n matrix) in the given class has a set of n independent
solutions with entries from this ring. The group of differential automorphisms
over k will be an affine group scheme and for any equation in the given class, its
Galois group will be a quotient of this group scheme. The necessary informa-
characteristic zero is finite if and only if the p-curvature of the reduction of the
equation modulo p is zero for almost all p. N. Katz has extended this conjecture to one which states that the Lie algebra of the differential Galois group of a
linear differential equation in characteristic zero is determined by the collection
of its p-curvatures (for almost all p). In this Chapter we will classify a differential module over K essentially by the Jordan normal form of its p-curvature.
Algorithmic considerations make this procedure effective. A glimpse at order
two equations gives an indication how this classification could be used for linear
differential equations in characteristic 0. A more or less obvious observation
is that these linear differential equations in positive characteristic behave very
differently from what might be expected from the characteristic zero case. A
different class of differential equations in positive characteristic, namely the iterative differential equations, is introduced. The Chapter ends with a survey on
iterative differential modules.
Appendix A contains the tools from the theory of affine varieties and linear algebraic groups that are needed, particularly in Chapter 1. Appendix B contains
a description of the formalism of Tannakian categories that are used throughout the book. Appendix C describes the results from the theory of sheaves and
sheaf cohomology that are used in the analytic sections of the book. Finally,
Appendix D discusses systems of linear partial differential equations and the extent to which the results of this book are known to generalize to this situation.
Conspicuously missing from this book are discussions of the arithmetic theory of
linear differential equations as well as the Galois theory of nonlinear differential
equations. A few references are [161, 196, 198, 221, 222, 292, 293, 294, 295]. We
have also not described the recent applications of differential Galois theory to
Hamiltonian mechanics for which we refer to [11] and [212]. For an extended
historical treatment of linear differential equations and group theory in the 19th
Century, see [113].
Notation and Terminology. We shall use the letters C, N, Q, R, Z to denote
the complex numbers, the nonnegative integers, the rational numbers , the real
numbers and the integers, respectively. Authors of any book concerning functions of a complex variable are confronted with the problem of how to use the
terms analytic and holomorphic. We consider these terms synonymous and use
them interchangeably but with an eye to avoiding such infelicities as analytic
differential and holomorphic continuation.
Acknowledgments. We have benefited from conversations with and comments
of many colleagues. Among those we especially wish to thank are
A. Bolibruch, B.L.J. Braaksma, O. Gabber, M. van Hoeij, M. Loday-Richaud,
B. Malgrange, C. Mitschi, J.-P. Ramis, F. Ulmer and several anonymous referees.
The second author was partially supported by National Science Foundation
1 Picard-Vessiot Theory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Picard-Vessiot Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Liouvillian Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Newton Polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Algorithmic Considerations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7 Exact Asymptotics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
11.2 The Inverse Problem for C((z)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
11.3 Some Topics on Linear Algebraic Groups
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
A Algebraic Geometry
List of Notations
Algebraic Theory
Chapter 1
Picard-Vessiot Theory
In this chapter we give the basic algebraic results from the differential Galois
theory of linear differential equations. Other presentations of some or all of this
material can be found in the classics of Kaplansky [150] and Kolchin [161] (and
Kolchins original papers that have been collected in [25]) as well as the recent
book of Magid [182] and the papers [230], [172].
The study of polynomial equations leads naturally to the notions of rings and
fields. For studying differential equations, the natural analogues are differential
rings and differential fields, which we now define. All the rings, considered in
this chapter, are supposed to be commutative, to have a unit element and to
contain Q, the field of the rational numbers.
Definition 1.1 A derivation on a ring R is a map : R R having the
properties that for all a, b R,
(a + b) =
(ab) =
Continuing with Example 1.2.2, let S be a differential ring over R and let
u1 , . . . , un S. The prescription : yi 7 ui for all i, j, defines an R-linear
differential homomorphism from R{{y1 , . . . , yn }} to S, that is is an R-linear
homomorphism such that (v ) = ((v)) for all v R{{y1, . . . , yn }}. This
formalizes the notion of evaluating differential polynomials at values ui . We
will write P (u1 , . . . , un ) for the image of P under . When n = 1 we shall
usually denote the ring of differential polynomials as R{{y}}. For P R{{y}},
we say that P has order n if n is the smallest integer such that P belongs to
the polynomial ring R[y, y , . . . , y (n) ].
Examples 1.3 The following are differential fields. Let C denote a field.
1. C(z), with derivation f 7 f = dz
2. The field of formal Laurent series C((z)) with derivation f 7 f = dz
3. The field of convergent Laurent series C({z}) with derivation f 7 f = dz
4. The field of all meromorphic functions on any open connected subset of the
extended complex plane C {}, with derivation f 7 f = dz
In Exercise 1.5.1, the reader is asked to show that the set of constants in a
ring forms a ring and in a field forms a field. The ring of constants in Examples 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 is R. In Examples 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, the field of constants is
C. In the other examples the field of constants is C. For the last example this
follows from the embedding of C(z, ez ) in the field of the meromorphic functions
on C.
The following exercises give many properties of these concepts.
Exercises 1.5 1. Constructions with rings and derivations
Let R be any differential ring with derivation .
The equation m = 0 has then the translai=1 i i
j i,j j i
tion (y1 , . . . , yn ) = A(y1 , . . . , yn )T . This brings us to a second possibility to
express linear differential equations. First some notations.
The differentiation on k is extended to vectors in k n and to matrices in
Mn (k) by component wise differentiation. Thus for y = (y1 , . . . , yn )T k n and
A = (ai,j ) Mn (k) one writes y = (y1 , . . . , yn )T and A = (ai,j ). We note
that there are obvious rules like (AB) = A B + AB , (A1 ) = A1 A A1
and (Ay) = A y + Ay where A, B are matrices and y is a vector. A linear
differential equation in matrix form or a matrix differential equation over k of
dimension n reads y = Ay, where A Mn (k) and y k n .
ai vi +
ai (vi Avi ) =
ai vi .
Proof. It is clear that V is a vector space over C. The lemma follows from
Lemma 1.7 since any n + 1 vectors in V are linearly dependent over k.
0 ...
0 ...
AL = .
. ...
0 ...
a0 a1 . . . . . . . . . an1
One easily verifies that this companion matrix has the following property. For
any extension of differential rings R k, the map y 7 Y := (y, y , . . . , y (n1) )T
is an isomorphism of the solution space {y R| L(y) = 0} of L onto the solution
space of {Y Rn | Y = AY } of the matrix differential equation Y = AY . In
other words, one can view a scalar differential equation as a special case of
a matrix differential equation. Lemma 1.8 translates for homogeneous scalar
W (y1 , . . . , yn ) =
. . . yn
Lm (ym+1 )
m+1 )
Lm+1 (y) = Lm (y) LLmm(y
(ym+1 ) Lm (y) where the term Lm (ym+1 ) is interpreted
as 0 if Lm (ym+1 ) = 0. Then Lm+1 (yi ) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , m + 1. Then L = Ln
has the required property. The columns of the Wronskian matrix are solutions
of the associated companion matrix differential equation Y = AL Y . Apply now
Lemma 1.7.
We now come to our first problem. Suppose that the solution space of
y = Ay over k is too small, i.e., its dimension is strictly less than n or equivalently there is no fundamental matrix in GLn (k). How can we produce enough
solutions in a larger differential ring or differential field? This is the subject
of the Section 1.3, Picard-Vessiot extensions. A second, related problem, is to
make the solutions as explicit as possible.
The situation is somewhat analogous to the case of an ordinary polynomial
equation P (X) = 0 over a field K. Suppose that P is a separable polynomial of
degree n. Then one can construct a splitting field L K which contains precisely n solutions {1 , . . . , n }. Explicit information on the i can be obtained
from the action of the Galois group on {1 , . . . , n }.
Exercises 1.14 1. Homogeneous versus inhomogeneous equations
Let k be a differential field and L(y) = b, with b 6= 0, an nth order inhomogeneous
linear differential equation over k. Let
Lh (y) = b( L(y)) .
(a) Show that any solution in k of L(y) = b is a solution of Lh (y) = 0.
(b) Show that for any solution v of Lh (y) = 0 there is a constant c such that v
is a solution of L(y) = cb.
This construction allows one to reduce questions concerning nth order inhomogeneous equations to n + 1st order homogeneous equations.
2. Some order one equations over C((z))
Let C be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. The differential field
K = C((z)) is defined by = dz
. Let a K, a 6= 0.
i=1 j=1
dz .
+ p(z)
(z i )j
Picard-Vessiot Extensions
0 0 y2 is generated by a solution of y = a. We shall refer to this PicardVessiot ring as the Picard-Vessiot ring of the equation y = a. If k contains a
solution b of the scalar equation then 01 1b is a fundamental matrix and R = k
is a Picard-Vessiot ring for the equation.
We suppose now that the scalar equation has no solution in k. Define the
differential ring R = k[Y ] with the derivation extending on k and Y = a (see
Exercise 1.5(1)). Then R contains an obvious solution of the scalar equation
and 10 Y1 is a fundamental matrix for the matrix equation.
The minimality of the ring R = k[Y ] is obvious. We want to show that R
has only trivial differential ideals. Let I be a proper ideal of k[Y ]. Then I is
generated by some F = Y n + + f1 Y + f0 with n > 0. The derivative of F
is F = (na + fn1
)Y n1 + . If I is a differential ideal then F I and thus
F = 0. In particular, na + fn1
= 0 and fnn1 = a. This contradicts our
assumption. We conclude that R = k[Y ] is a Picard-Vessiot ring for y = a.
trivial differential ideals. For the investigation of this we have to consider two
(a) Suppose that k contains no solution (6= 0) of y = nay for all n
Z, n 6= 0. Let I 6= 0 be a differential ideal. Then I is generated by some
F = T m + am1 T m1 + + a0 , with m 0 and a0 6= 0. The derivative
F = maT m + ((m 1)aam1 + am1 )T m1 + + a0 of F belongs to I. This
implies F = maF . For m > 0 one obtains the contradiction a0 = maa0 . Thus
m = 0 and I = R. We conclude that R = k[T, T 1 ] is a Picard-Vessiot ring for
the equation y = ay.
(b) Suppose that n > 0 is minimal with y = nay has a solution y0 k .
Then R = k[T, T 1] has a non-trivial differential ideal (F ) with F = T n y0 .
Indeed, F = naT n nay0 = naF . The differential ring k[T, T 1 ]/(T n y0 )
over k will be written as k[t, t1 ], where t is the image of T . One has tn = y0
and t = at. Every element of k[t, t1 ] can uniquely be written as n1
i=0 ai t .
extending the one of k, given by (Xi,j ) = A(Xi,j ). Exercise 1.5.1 shows the
existence and unicity of such a derivation. Let I R0 be a maximal differential
ideal. Then R = R0 /I is easily seen to be a Picard-Vessiot ring for the equation.
2. Let R1 , R2 denote two Picard-Vessiot rings for the equation. Let B1 , B2
denote the two fundamental matrices. Consider the differential ring R1 k R2
with derivation given by (r1 r2 ) = r1 r2 + r1 r2 (see Section A.1.2 for
basic facts concerning tensor products). Choose a maximal differential ideal
] is
We finish the proof by showing that any differential ideal J M [Yi,j , det
generated by I := J C[Yi,j , det ]. Let {e }B be a basis of P
C[Yi,j , det ] over C.
Any element f J can be uniquely written as a finite sum m e with the
m M . By the length l(f ) we will mean the number of s with m 6= 0. By
induction on the length, l(f ), of f we will show that f (I). When l(f ) = 0, 1,
the result is clear. Assume l(f ) > 1. We may suppose that m1 = 1P
for some
1 B and m2 M \C for some 2 B. One then has that f = m e
has a length smaller than l(f ) and so belongs to (I). Similarly (m1
2 f ) (I).
Therefore (m2 ) f = (m2 f ) m2 f (I). Since C is the field of constants
2 ) 6= 0 and so f (I).
Proof of 1.22. According to Proposition 1.20, the conditions (1)(3) are necessary.
Suppose L satisfies these three conditions. As in 1.20, we consider the differ1
As we have seen in Exercises 1.24, a finite Galois extension R/k is the PicardVessiot ring of a certain matrix differential equation over k. This exercise also
states that the ordinary Galois group of R/k coincides with the differential
Galois group. Therefore our notation for the differential Galois does not lead
to confusion.
Observations 1.26 The differential Galois group as group of matrices.
Let M be a differential module over k and let y = Ay be an associated matrix
differential equation obtained by choosing a basis of M over k. Let R/k denote
the Picard-Vessiot extension.
(1) The differential Galois group G = Gal(R/k) can be made more explicit as
follows. As in Exercises 1.16 one considers the solution space V := ker(, R k
M ). The k-linear action of G on R extends to a k-linear action on Rk M . This
action commutes with on R k M . Thus there is an induced C-linear action
of G on the solution space V . This action is injective. Indeed, fix a basis of V
over C and a basis of M over k and let F denote the matrix which expresses
the first basis into the second basis. Then R is generated over k by the entries
of F and the inverse of the determinant of F . In other words, there is a natural
injective group homomorphism G GL(V ).
(2) The above can be translated in terms of the matrix differential equation
y = Ay. Namely, let F GLn (R) be a fundamental matrix. Then, for any
G, also (F ) is a fundamental matrix and hence (F ) = F C() with
C() GLn (C). The map G GLn (C), given by 7 C(), is an injective
group homomorphism (because R is generated over k by the entries of F and
det F ). This is just a translation of (1) above since the columns of F form a
basis of the solution space V .
(3) Let L denote the field of fractions of R. Then one can also consider the
group Gal(L/k) consisting of the k-linear automorphisms of L, commuting with
the differentiation on L. Any element in Gal(R/k) extends in a unique way to
an automorphism of L of the required type. Thus there is an injective homomorphism Gal(R/k) Gal(L/k). This homomorphism is bijective. Indeed, an
element Gal(L/k) acts upon Lk M and ker(, Lk M ). The latter is equal
to V . With the notations of (1) or (2), R is generated by the entries of a matrix
F and the inverse of its determinant. Further (F ) = F C() for some constant
matrix C(). Therefore (R) = R. Hence is the image of the restriction of
to R.
What makes differential Galois groups a powerful tool is that they are linear
algebraic groups and moreover establish a Galois correspondence, analogous to
the classical Galois correspondence. Torsors will explain the connection between
the Picard-Vessiot ring and the differential Galois group. The Tannakian approach to linear differential equations provides new insight and useful methods.
Some of this is rather technical in nature. We will try to explain theorems and
proofs on various levels of abstraction.
Theorem 1.27 Let y = Ay be a differential equation of degree n over k, having
Picard-Vessiot field L k and differential Galois group G = Gal(L/k). Then
(1) G considered as a subgroup of GLn (C) is an algebraic group.
(2) The Lie algebra of G coincides with the Lie algebra of the derivations of L/k
that commute with the derivation on L.
(3) The field LG of G-invariant elements of L is equal to k.
Proof. An intuitive proof of (1) and (2).
]/q, where q is a maximal difL is the field of fractions of R := k[Xi,j , det
ferential ideal. Using 1.26 one can identify G with the group of matrices
M GLn (C) such that the automorphism M of R0 := k[Xi,j , det
], given
by (Xi,j ) = (Xi,j )M , has the property M (q) q. One has to verify that the
property M (q) q defines a Zariski closed subset of GLn (C). This can be seen
as follows. Let q1 , . . . , qr denote generators of the ideal q and let P
{ei }iI be a Cbasis of R. Then M (qj )mod q can be expressed as a finite sum i C(M, j, i)ei
with coefficients C(M, i, j) C depending on M . It is not difficult to verify
that C(M, i, j) is in fact a polynomial expression in the entries of M and det1M .
Thus G is the Zariski closed subset of GLn (C) given by the set of equations
{C(M, i, j) = 0}i,j .
According to A.2.2, the Lie algebra of G can be described as the set of matrices M Mn (C) such that 1 + M lies in G(C[]). This property of M translates
into, the k-linear derivation DM : R0 R0 , given by (DM Xi,j ) = (Xi,j )M ,
has the property DM (q) q. Clearly DM commutes with the differentiation
of R0 . Thus the property DM (q) q is equivalent to DM induces a k-linear
derivation on R commuting with . The latter extends uniquely to a k-linear
derivation of L commuting with . One can also start with a k-linear derivation
of L commuting with and deduce a matrix M Mn (C) as above.
Formalization of the proof of (1) and (2).
Instead of working with G as a group of matrices, one introduces a functor G
from the category of C-algebras to the category of groups. Further G(C) = G.
It will be shown that this functor is representable by a certain finitely generated
C-algebra U . It follows that Max(U ) (or Spec(U )) is a linear algebraic group
and G is identified with the set of C-valued points of this linear algebraic group.
We refer to the appendices for the terminology used here.
For any C-algebra B (always commutative and with a unit element) one
defines differential rings kC B, RC B with derivations given by (f b) = f b
for f k or R. The ring of constants of the two differential rings is B. The group
G(B) is defined to be the group of the k B-linear automorpisms of R C B
commuting with the derivation. It is evident that G is a functor. As above for
the case B = C, one can describe the elements of G(B) as the group of matrices
M GLn (B) such that the differential automorphism M of k[Xi,j , det
] B,
given by the formula (M Xi,j ) = (Xi,j )M , has the property M (q) (q). Here
(q) is the ideal of k[Xi,j , det
] B generated by q.
In order to show that G is representable we make for B the choice C[Ys,t , det
(with the usual sloppy notation) and we consider the matrix M0 = (Ys,t ) and
M0 (qj )mod (q) R C C[Ys,t , det
] as a finite sum
Let I C[Ys,t , det
] denote the ideal generated by all C(M0 , i, j). Now we claim
that U := C[Ys,t , det
]/I represents G.
] L[Xi,j ,
] = L[Ys,t ,
] C[Ys,t ,
where the relation between the variables Xi,j and Ys,t is given by the formula (Xi,j ) = (ra,b )(Ys,t ). The elements ra,b L are the images of Xa,b in
k[Xi,j , det
]/q L. The three rings have a differentiation and a Gal(L/k)-action.
The differentiation is given by the known differentiation on L and by the formula
) = A(Xi,j ). Since (ra,b ) is a fundamental matrix for the equation one has
] to the set
Lemma 1.29 The map I 7 (I) from the set of ideals of k[Xi,j , det
of Gal(L/k)-invariant ideals of L[Xi,j , det ] is a bijection. The inverse map is
given by J 7 J k[Xi,j , det
Combining this with the similar Lemma 1.23, one finds a bijection between the
] and the Gal(L/k)-invariant ideals of C[Ys,t , det
differential ideals of k[Xi,j , det
A maximal differential ideal of the first ring corresponds to a maximal Gal(L/k)1
invariant ideal of the second ring. Thus r := qL[Xi,j , det
] C[Ys,t , det
] is a
maximal Gal(L/k)-invariant ideal of the second ring. By this maximality r
is a radical ideal and its zero set W GLn (C) is minimal w.r.t. Gal(L/k)invariance. Thus W is a left coset in GLn (C) for the group G(C), seen as
subgroup of GLn (C). The matrix 1 belongs to W . Indeed, q is contained in the
ideal of L[Xi,j , det
] generated by {Xi,j ri,j }i,j . This ideal is also generated
by {Ys,t s,t }s,t . The intersection of this ideal with C[Ys,t , det
] is the ideal
defining {1} GLn,C . Thus W = G.
One concludes that
L k R = L k (k[Xi,j ,
= L C (C[Ys,t ,
= L C U.
This isomorphism translates into ZL = (ra,b )GL . A proof of Lemma 1.29 finishes
the proof of the theorem.
From (1
a2 ) a2 L , it follows that f (I).
k C C[G]. Let Qt(C[G]) be the total ring of fractions of C[G]. Then the total
rings of fractions of k k R and k C C[G] are k k L and k C Qt(C[G]). Taking
H-invariants leads to k k LH
= k C Qt(C[G])H . The ring Qt(C[G])H consists
of the H-invariant rational functions on G. The latter is the same as ring of the
rational functions on G/H (see [141], 12). Therefore LH = k implies H = G.
The proof of the Theorem 1.27 is not constructive; although it tells us that
the Galois group is a linear algebraic group it does not give us a way to calculate
this group. Nonetheless the following proposition yields some restrictions on this
Proposition 1.31 Consider the equation y = Ay over k with Galois group G
and torsor Z. Let g denote the Lie algebra of G.
(1) Let H GLn,C be a connected algebraic subgroup with Lie algebra h. If
A h(k), then G is contained in (a conjugate of ) H.
It suffices to show that for any f I the element f lies in (I). Since
det is invertible, we may suppose that f is a polynomial in the n2 variables
Xi,j with coefficients in C. The element f is seen as a map from Mn (k) to k,
where k denotes an algebraic closure of k. The ideal (I) is a radical ideal, since
(C[Xi,j , det
]/I) C k has no nilpotent elements. Therefore f (I) if f (B) = 0
for all B H(k).
Further f = i,j Xi,j Xi,j = i,j (A (Xs,t ))i,j Xi,j . Hence f (B) = 0.
Let q (I) be a maximal differential ideal of k[Xi,j , det
]. Let Z Hk
GLn,k be the reduced, irreducible subspace defined by q. For any M in the
differential Galois group and any B Z(k) one has BM Z(k) and thus
M H(k). Further H(k) GLn (C) = H(C).
(2) If A g(k), then the proof of part (1) yields that Gk is its torsor and BGk
is the torsor of y = Ay.
If Z is a trivial torsor, then Z = BGk for some B Z(k). The equivalent
obtained by the substitution y = Bv, has the
differential equation v = Av,
] of Gk , where (Xi,j ) = B(Zi,j ), is a
property that the ideal q k[Zi,j , det
maximal differential ideal. Let zi,j denote the image of Zi,j in the Picard1
Then F := (zi,j ) is a fundamental matrix
Vessiot ring k[Zi,j , det
q of v = Av.
and lies in G(L), where L is the Picard-Vessiot field. As in the proof of part
(1) one verifies that F + F G(L[]). It follows that A = F 1 F lies in
g(L) Mn (k) = g(k).
Remarks 1.33
(1) The condition that G is connected is necessary for 1.32. Indeed, consider
the case H = G. If A h(k) = g(k) can be found, then by 1.31 part (1),
G H o and thus G = Go .
(2) We recall that an algebraic Lie subalgebra of the Lie algebra Mn (C) of
GLn (C) is the Lie algebra of an algebraic subgroup of GLn (C). Assume that
k is a C1 -field and that the differential Galois group of y = Ay is connected.
Let h Mn (C) be a minimal algebraic Lie subalgebra such that there exists
with A h(k). Then, by 1.32, h is the Lie
an equivalent equation v = Av
algebra of the differential Galois group. This observation can be used to find
the differential Galois group or to prove that a proposed group is the differential
Galois group.
3. G/Go is a finite group. The property that (LG )G/G = k together with
the Galois theory of algebraic extensions (c.f., [169], VII, 1, Artins Theorem),
implies that LG k is a Galois extension with Galois group G/Go . If u is
algebraic over k, then the orbit of u under the action of G is finite. Therefore,
the group Aut(L/k(u)) is an algebraic subgroup of G of finite index. This
implies that Go Aut(L/k(u)) and so k(u) LG .
wr(Y, y1 , . . . , yn )
= Y (n) + an1 Y (n1) + + a0 Y.
wr(y1 , . . . , yn )
(wr(y1 , . . . , yn ))
wr(y1 , . . . , yn )
(c) Let E be the smallest differential subfield of F containing k and the elements
ai , i = 0, . . . , n 1. Show that for any A = (ci,j ) GLn (C), the map A :
F F defined by (A (y1 ), . . . , A (yn )) = (y1 , . . . , yn )A is a k-differential automorphism of F leaving all elements of E fixed. Hint: wr(A (y1 ), . . . , A (yn )) =
det(A)wr(y1 , . . . , yn ).
(d) Using Exercise 1.24.2(b), show that F is a Picard-Vessiot extension of E
with Galois group GLn (C). Is the torsor of this equation trivial?
5. Unimodular Galois groups
(a) Let y = Ay be an n n matrix differential equation over k, let L be its
Picard-Vessiot field over k and let G be its Galois group. Let F be a fundamental
matrix for y = Ay with coefficients in L. Show that G SLn (C) if and only if
det(F ) k. Conclude that G SLn if and only if u = (trA)u has a nonzero
solution in k. Hint: Use Exercise 1.14.5.
form y = ry. The Picard-Vessiot field will be denoted by L and the differential
Galois group will be denoted by G. The following exercise will show how one
can determine in many cases the Galois group of such an equation. A fuller
treatment is given in [166] and [271, 272, 273].
The rather short list of the algebraic subgroups (up to conjugation) of SL2 (C)
is the following (see for instance [166]):
(i) Reducible subgroups G,
i.e., there exists a G-invariant line. In other terms,
the subgroups of { 0a ab1 | a C , b C}.
(ii) Irreducible and imprimitive groups G, i.e., there is no G-invariant line but
there is a pair of lines permuted by G. In other terms G is an irreducible
subgroup of the infinite dihedral group D , consisting of all A SL2 (C) such
that A permutes the two lines C(1, 0), C(0, 1) in C 2 .
(iii) Three finite primitive (i.e., irreducible but not imprimitive) groups: the
tetrahedral, the octahedral and the icosahedral group.
(iv) Sl2 (C).
Exercises 1.36 ([231]) 1. The equation y = ry
(a) Using Exercise 1.35.5, show that the Galois group of y = ry is a subgroup
of SL2 (C).
(b) Associated to the equation y = ry there is the non-linear Riccati equation
u + u2 = r. Let L be the Picard-Vessiot extension of k corresponding to this
equation and let V L denote the vector space of solutions of y = ry. Then
V is a two-dimensional vector space over C. The group G acts on V . Show that
form zc
+ + (z c) + with = 0, 1. Show that u must have the form
Theorem 1.28 allows us to identify the Picard-Vessiot ring inside the PicardVessiot field. This is the result of the following Corollary (see [34], [182], [266]).
Corollary 1.38 Let y = Ay be a differential equation over k with PicardVessiot field L, differential Galois group G and Picard-Vessiot ring R L. The
following properties of f L are equivalent.
(1) f R.
(2) The C-vector space < Gf >, spanned by the orbit Gf := {g(f )| g G} has
finite dimension m over C.
(3) The k-vector space < f, f , f , . . . > spanned by f and all its derivatives has
finite dimension m over k.
Proof. (1)(2). By Theorem 1.28, there is a finite extension k k such
that k k R
= k C C[G]. Here C[G] denotes the coordinate ring of G. It is
well known, see [141], that the G-orbit of any element in C[G] spans a finite
dimensional vector space over C. This property is inherited by k C C[G] and
also by R.
(2)(3). Choose a basis v1 , . . . , vm of < Gf > over C. There is a unique scalar
differential equation P (y) = y (m) + am1 y (m1) + + a1 y (1) + a0 y with all
ai L such that P (vi ) = 0 for all i (see for instance the proof of Lemma 1.12).
Then < Gf > is the solution space of P . The G-invariance of this space implies
that all ai LG = k. From P (f ) = 0 it follows that < f, f , f , > has
dimension m over k. Let Q be the monic scalar equation of minimal degree
n m over k such that Q(f ) = 0. The solution space of Q in L contains f and
the m-dimensional C-vector space < Gf >. Hence m = n.
(3)(1). Suppose that W =< f, f , f , > has dimension m over k. Then
f is a solution of a monic linear scalar differential equation P over k of order
m. Consider the nonzero ideal I R consisting of the elements a R such
that aW R. For a I and w W , one has a w = (aw) aw . Since both
R and W are invariant under differentiation, one finds a w R. Thus I is a
differential ideal. Now R is a simple differential ring and therefore I = R. This
proves that f R.
k implies that f, f 1 R.
(3) Show that R
= k C C[G] and that G is connected.
(2) Prove that
(5) Prove that any character : Gk k has the property () C for all
G. Hint: Two proofs are possible. The first one shows that any character
of Gk comes from a character of G. We suggest a second proof. Any character
belongs to R and satisfies, according to Corollary 1.38, a linear differential
equation over k. Let y (m) + am1 y (m1) + + a1 y (y) + a0 y be the differential
equation of minimal degree over k, satisfied by . Fix G and define a k
by () = a. Since commutes with the differentiation, the same equation
is the scalar linear differential equation of minimal degree over k satisfied by
(7) Show that sin z satisfies a linear differential equation over C(z) and that
sin z does not. Hint: A periodic function cannot be algebraic over C(z) (why?).
The main result of this exercise was first proved in [123]. See also [266] and
We now use Theorem 1.28 to give a proof that a normal subgroup corresponds to a subfield that is also a Picard-Vessiot extension, thereby finishing
the proof of Proposition 1.34.
Liouvillian Extensions
In this section we show how one can formalize the notion of solving a linear
differential equation in finite terms, that is solving in terms of algebraic combinations and iterations of exponentials and integrals, and give a Galois theoretic
characterization of this property.
In classical Galois theory, one formalizes the notion of solving a polynomial
equation in terms of radicals by using towers of fields. A similar approach will
be taken here.
Definition 1.42 The differential field k is supposed to have an algebraically
closed field of constants C. An extension K k of differential fields is called a
liouvillian extension of k if the field of constants of K is C and if there exists
a tower of fields k = K0 K1 . . . Kn = K such that Ki = Ki1 (ti ) for
i = 1, . . . , n, where either
1. ti Ki1 , that is ti is an integral (of an element of Ki1 ), or
2. ti 6= 0 and ti /ti Ki1 , that is ti is an exponential (of an integral of an
element of Ki1 ), or
3. ti is algebraic over Ki1 .
If K is a liouvillian extension of k and each of the ti is an integral (resp. exponential), we say that K is an extension by integrals (resp. extension by exponentials)
of k.
From H o is solvable and Gal(k(t1 )/k) = Ga,C one easily deduces that Go is
If t1 = at1 with a k , then Gal(k(t1 )/k) = Gm,C . The only non trivial
closed subgroups of Gm,C = C are the finite groups of roots of unity. Hence
k(t1 ) K = k(td1 ) for some integer d 1. As above, this yields that Go is
Exercise 1.44 Using Exercise A.44, modify the above proof to show that if G
is a torus, then K can be embedded in an extension by exponentials. (This can
also be deduced from Exercise 1.41.)
In general, one can detect from the Galois group if a linear differential equation can be solved in terms of only integrals or only exponentials or only algebraics or in any combination of these. We refer to Kolchins original paper
[160] or [161] for a discussion of this. Finally, using the fact that a connected
solvable group can be written as a semi-direct product of a unipotent group U
and a torus T one can show: If the identity component of the Galois group of
a Picard-Vessiot extension K of k is solvable, then there is a chain of subfields
k = K0 K1 Kn = K such that Ki = Ki1 (ti ) where
1. t1 is algebraic over k,
2. for i = 2, . . . , n m, m = dim U , ti is transcendental over Ki1 and
ti /ti Ki1 ,
3. for i = n m + 1, . . . , n, ti is transcendental over Ki1 and ti Ki1 .
We refer to [182], Proposition 6.7, for a proof of this result.
Theorem 1.43 describes the Galois groups of linear differential equations, all
of whose solutions are liouvillian. It will be useful to discuss the case when only
some of the solutions are liouvillian.
Proposition 1.45 Let L(y) = 0 be scalar differential equation with coefficients
in k and Picard-Vessiot field K. Suppose that L(y) = 0 has a nonzero solution
in some liouvillian extension of k. Then there is a solution y K, y 6= 0 of
a differential equation over k and lies therefore in the Picard-Vessiot ring k[t1 ]
(see Corollary 1.38). The elements Gal(k(t1 )/k) have the form (t1 ) = t1 +c
(with arbitrary c C). Further (y) and (y) y are also solutions of L. One
concludes that L has a nonzero solution in k itself.
Suppose that t1 is transcendental over k and that t1 = at1 for some a k .
Then y lies in the Picard-Vessiot ring k[t1 , t1
1 ]. The elements Gal(k(t1 )/k)
act by (t1 ) = ct1 with c C arbitrary. Also (y) dy, with Gal(k(t1 )/k)
and d C are solutions of L. It follows that k(t1 ) contains a solution of L of
Kk(t) of k, where the ui := iiyy are algebraic over k(t). This field contains
the Picard-Vessiot field of the equation of M over k. By Theorem 1.43, the
differential Galois group H of M over k has the property that H o is solvable.
Chapter 2
Corollary 2.3 For any left ideal I k[] there exists an L1 k[] such that
I = k[]L1 . Similarly, for any right ideal J k[] there exists an L2 k[]
such that J = L2 k[].
From these results one can define the Least Common Left Multiple,
LCLM(L1 , L2 ), of L1 , L2 k[] as the unique monic generator of k[]L1 k[]L2
and the Greatest Common Left Divisor, GCLD(L1 , L2 ), of L1 , L2 k[] as the
unique monic generator of L1 k[] + L2 k[] . The Least Common Right Multiple
of L1 , L2 k[], LCRM(L1 , L2 ) and the Greatest Common Right Divisor of
L1 , L2 k[], GCRD(L1 , L2 ) can be defined similarly. We note that a modified
version of the Euclidean Algorithm can be used to find the GCLD(L1 , L2 ) and
the GCRD(L1 , L2 ).
Exercises 2.4 The ring k[]
1. Show that for any nonzero operators L1 , L2 k[], with deg(L1 ) = n1 ,
deg(L2 ) = n2 we have that deg(L1 L2 L2 L1 ) < n1 + n2 . Show that k[] has
no two-sided ideals other than (0) and k[].
2. Let M be a D = k[]-submodule of the free left module F := Dn . Show
that F has a free basis e1 , . . . , en over D such that M is generated by elements
a1 e1 , . . . , an en for suitable a1 , . . . , an D. Conclude that M is also a free Dmodule. Hints:
(a) For any element f = (f1 , . . . , fn ) F there is a free basis e1 , . . . , en of F
such that f = cen with c D such that Dc = Df1 + + Dfn .
(b) Choose m = (b1 , . . . , bn ) M such that the degree of the c D with
Dc = Db1 + + Dbn is minimal. Choose a new basis, called e1 , . . . , en of F
such that m = cen . Prove that M is the direct sum of M (De1 Den1 )
and Dcen .
(c) Use induction to finish the proof.
3. Let L1 , L2 k[] with deg(L1 ) = n1 , deg(L2 ) = n2 . Let K be a differential
extension of k having the same constants C as k and let SolnK (Li ) denote the
C-space of solutions of Li (y) = 0 in K. Assume that dimC (SolnK (L2 )) = n2 .
Show that:
(a) Suppose that every solution in K of L2 (y) = 0 is a solution of L1 (y) = 0.
Then there exists a Q k[] such that L1 = QL2 .
(b) Suppose that L1 divides L2 on the right, then SolnK (L1 ) SolnK (L2 ) and
dimC (SolnK (L1 )) = n1 .
We refer to the literature for the proofs of these and to [80, 143, 236, 6, 30,
31]. For a generalization of the cyclic vector construction to systems of nonlinear
differential equations, see [70].
The constructions with vector spaces (direct sums, tensor products, symmetric powers etc) extend to several other categories. The first interesting case
concerns a finite group G and a field F . The category has as objects the representations G in finite dimensional vector spaces over F . A representation (, V )
is a homomorphism : G GL(V ), where V is a finite dimensional vector space
over F . The tensor product (1 , V1 ) (2 , V2 ) is the representation (3 , V3 ) with
V3 = V1 F V2 and 3 given by the formula 3 (v1 v2 ) = (1 v1 ) (2 v2 ). In a
similar way one defines direct sums, quotient representations, symmetric powers
and exterior powers of a representation.
A second interesting case concerns a linear algebraic group G over F . A representation (, V ) consists of a finite dimensional vector space V over F and
a homomorphism of algebraic groups over F , : G GL(V ). The formulas
for tensor products and other constructions are the same as for finite groups.
This example (and its extension to affine group schemes) is explained in the
A third example concerns a Lie algebra L over F . A representation (, V )
consists of a finite dimensional vector space V over F and an F -linear map
: L End(V ) satisfying the property ([A, B]) = [(A), (B)]. The tensor
product (1 , V1 ) (2 , V2 ) = (3 , V3 ) with again V3 = V1 F V2 and with 3
given by the formula 3 (v1 v2 ) = (1 v1 ) v2 + v1 (2 v2 ).
As we will see, the above examples are related with constructions with differential modules. The last example is rather close to the constructions with
differential modules.
The category of all differential modules over k will be denoted by Diff k . Now we
start the list of constructions of linear algebra for differential modules.
The direct sum (M1 , 1 ) (M2 , 2 ) is (M3 , 3 ), where M3 = M1 M2 and
3 (m1 m2 ) = 1 (m1 ) 2 (m2 ).
Let N be a submodule of (M, ). Then M/N , provided with the induced map
, given by (m + N ) = (m) + N , is the quotient differential module .
The tensor product (M1 , 1 ) (M2 , 2 ) is (M3 , 3 ) with M3 = M1 k M2 and 3
is given by the formula 3 (m1 m2 ) = (1 m1 ) m2 + m1 (2 m2 ). We note
that this is not at all the tensor product of two k[]-modules. In fact, the tensor
product of two left k[]-modules does not exist since k[] is not commutative.
A morphism : (M1 , 1 ) (M2 , 2 ) is a k-linear map such that 1 = 2 .
The next collection of exercises presents some of the many properties of the
above constructions and their translations into the language of differential operators and matrix differential equations.
Exercises 2.12 Properties of the constructions
1. Show that the tensor product of differential modules as defined above is
indeed a differential module .
2. Show that, for a differential module M over k, the natural map M M
is an isomorphism of differential modules.
3. Show that the differential modules Homk (M1 , M2 ) and M1 M2 are naturally isomorphic.
the element e Homk (k[]/k[]L, 1k ) given by e( n1
i=0 bi ) = bn1 is a cyclic
vector and that L e = 0.
7. The differential module ML associated to the differential operator L.
Consider an operator L = n + an1 n1 + + a0 k[]. As in Section 1.2,
one associates to L a matrix differential equation Y = AL Y , where AL is the
companion matrix
0 ...
0 ...
.. . . .
AL = .
0 ...
a0 a1 . . . . . . . . . an1
This matrix differential equation induces a differential module ML and we call
this the differential module associated with the operator L.
(a) Prove that the differential modules ML and (k[]/k[]L) are isomorphic.
(b) Operators of the same type.
Let L1 , L2 k[] by monic of degree n. Prove that ML1 and ML2 are isomorphic
if and only if there are elements R, S k[] of degree < n such that L1 R = SL2
and GCRD(R, L2 ) = 1.
Hint: Describe an isomorphism : k[]/k[]L1 k[]/k[]L2 by an operator
of degree < n representing the element (1) k[]/k[]L2.
In the classical literature, operators L1 , L2 such that ML1
= ML2 are called
of the same type . This concept appears in the 19th Century literature (for
references to this literature as well as more recent references, see [270]).
(c) Prove that every matrix differential equation is equivalent to an equation of
the form Y = AL Y .
8. The matrix differential of the dual M .
Let M be a differential equation and let y = Ay be an associated matrix
differential equation by the choice of a basis {e1 , . . . , en }. Find the matrix
differential equation for M associated to the dual basis {e1 , . . . , en } of M .
9. Extensions of differential fields.
Let K k be an extension of differential fields. For any differential module
(M, ) over k one considers the K-vector space K k M . One defines on
K k M by (a m) = a m + a (m). Show that this definition makes
sense and that (K k M, ) is a differential module over K. Prove that the
formation M 7 K k M commutes with all constructions of linear algebra.
10. The characterization of the internal hom.
For the reader, familiar with representable functors, this exercise which shows
that the internal hom is derived from the tensor product, might be interesting.
Consider two differential modules M1 , M2 . Associate to this the contravariant
functor F from Diff k to the category of sets given by the formula F (T ) =
Homk[] (T M1 , M2 ). Show that F is a representable functor and that it
Now we continue Exercise 2.12 part 7. and the set of morphisms between
two differential modules in terms of differential operators. An operator L k[]
is said to be reducible over k if L has a nontrivial right hand factor. Otherwise
L is called irreducible. Suppose that L is reducible, say L = L1 L2 . Then there
is an obvious exact sequence of differential modules
1. ker(, F k M ) {y F n | y = Ay}.
2. There are natural C-vector space isomorphisms
Homk[] (M, F ) HomF [] (F k M, F ) HomC (ker(, F k M ), C).
3. Let e M and let L k[] be its minimal monic annihilator. Let W = {y
F | L(y) = 0}. The map Homk[] (M, F ) W F, given by 7 (e), is
Proof. 1. The basis e1 , . . . , en yields an identification of F M with F n and
of with the operator dz
A on F n .
2. Any k[]-linear map : M F extends to an F []-linear map F k M F .
This gives the first isomorphism. Any in HomF [] (F k M, F ) defines by
restriction a C-linear map : ker(, F k M ) C. The map 7 is a bijection
since the natural map F C ker(, F k M ) F k M is an isomorphism.
3. The natural morphism Homk[] (M, F ) Homk[] (k[]e, F ) is surjective,
since these spaces are contravariant solution spaces and k[]e is a submodule of
M . The map Homk[] (k[]e, F ) W , given by 7 (e), is bijective since the
map k[]/k[]L k[]e (with 1 7 e) is bijective.
Differential operators do not form a category where one can perform constructions of linear algebra. However, in the literature tensor products, symmetric
powers etc. of differential operators are often used. In this section we will explain this somewhat confusing terminology and relate it with the constructions
of linear algebra on differential modules.
A pair (M, e) of a differential module M and a cyclic vector e M determines a monic differential operator L, namely the operator of smallest degree
with Le = 0. Two such pairs (Mi , ei ), i = 1, 2 define the same monic operator
if and only if there exists an isomorphism : M1 M2 of differential modules
such that e1 = e2 . Moreover, this is unique. For a monic differential operator L one chooses a corresponding pair (M, e). On M and e one performs
the construction of linear algebra. This yields a pair (constr(M ), constr(e)).
Now constr(L) is defined as the monic differential operator of minimal degree
with constr(L)constr(e) = 0. This procedure extends to constructions involving
several monic differential operators. There is one complicating factor, namely
constr(e) is in general not a cyclic vector for constr(M ).
There is another interpretation of a monic differential operator L. Let, as
before, F k denote a fixed universal differential field. One can associate to
L its solution space Sol(L) := {y F |L(y) = 0}. This space determines L.
Indeed, suppose that L = n + an1 n1 + + a1 + a0 . Then Sol(L) has
+ an1 yi
+ + a1 y i
+ a0 yi = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.
The wronskian matrix of y1 , . . . , yn has non-zero determinant and thus the equations determine an1 , . . . , a0 . Let Gal(F /k) denote the group of the differential automorphisms of F /k, i.e., the automorphisms of the field F which are
k-linear and commute with the differentiation on F . For a Picard-Vessiot extension K k the group Gal(K/k) of differential automorphisms of K/k has
the property that K Gal(K/k) = k. The universal differential extension F is the
direct limit of all Picard-Vessiot field extensions of k. It follows from this that
F Gal(F /k) = k. This leads to the following result.
Lemma 2.17 Let V F be a vector space over C of dimension n. There exists
a (unique) monic differential operator L k[] with Sol(L) = V if and only if
V is (set wise) invariant under Gal(F /k).
Proof. As above, one observes that any V determines a unique monic differential operator L F[] such that V = {y F | L(y) = 0}. Then V is invariant
under Gal(F /k) if and only if L is invariant under Gal(F /k). The latter is
equivalent to L k[].
This leads to another way, omnipresent in the literature, of defining a construction of linear algebra to a monic differential operator L. One applies this
construction to Sol(L) and finds a new subspace V of F . This subspace is finite
dimensional over C and invariant under G. By the above lemma this determines
a new monic differential operator. This procedure extends to constructions with
several monic differential operators.
The link between these two ways of making new operators is given by the
contravariant solution space. Consider a monic differential operator L and a
corresponding pair (M, e). By Definition 2.15 and Lemma 2.16, Sol(L) is the
image of the contravariant solution space Homk[] (M, F ) of M under the map
7 (e). We will make the above explicit for various constructions of linear
algebra. Needless to say that this section is only concerned with the language
of differential equations and does not contain new results.
Tensor Products. Let (Mi , ei ), i = 1, 2 denote two differential modules with
cyclic vectors. The tensor product construction is (M1 M2 , e1 e2 ). In general
e1 e2 need not be a cyclic vector of M1 M2 (see Exercise 2.21). Our goal
is to describe the contravariant solution space of M1 M2 , the minimal monic
annihilator of e1 e2 and its solution space in F .
Corollary 2.19 Let the monic differential operators Li correspond to the pairs
(Mi , ei ) for i = 1, 2. Let L be the monic operator of minimal degree such that
L(e1 e2 ) = 0. Then the solution space of L in F , i.e., {y F |L(y) = 0},
is equal to the image of the contravariant solution space Homk[] (M1 M2 , F )
under the map 7 (e1 e2 ). In particular, L is the monic differential operator
of minimal degree such that L(y1 y2 ) = 0 for all pairs y1 , y2 F such that
L1 (y1 ) = L2 (y2 ) = 0.
Proof. Apply Lemma 2.16.3. to e1 e2 . The image of the contravariant
solution space of M1 M2 in F under the map 7 (e1 e2 ) is generated as
vector space over C by the products 1 (e1 )2 (e2 ), according to Lemma 2.18.
Similar definitions and results hold for tensor products with more than two
Symmetric Powers. The dth symmetric power symd M of a differential module
is a quotient of the ordinary d-fold tensor product M M . The image
Exercise 2.25
(1) Show that Sym2 ( 3 ) = 5 .
(2) Show that Symd (L) has degree d+1 if L has degree 2. Hint:Proposition 4.26.
Exterior Powers. One associates to a pair (M, e) (with e a cyclic vector) the
pair (d M, e e d1 e).
Definition 2.26 Let L be a differential operator and let e = 1 be the generator
of k[]/k[]L. The minimal monic annihilating operator of e e . . . d1 e
in d (k[]/k[]L) is the dth exterior power d (L) of L. .
1 d (e e d1 e) = det
= wr(y1 , . . . , yd )
J = (j1 , . . . , jd )
0 j1 < < jd n 1
ai,J j1 e jd e
in the nd quantities j1 e jd e with ai,J k. These equations are linearly
dependent and a linear relation among the first t of these (with t as small as
possible) yields the exterior power.
We illustrate this with one example. (A more detailed analysis and simplification
of the process to calculate the associated equations is given in [58], [60].)
Example 2.29 Let L = 3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0 , ai k and M = k[]/k[]L.
Letting e = 1, we have that 2 M has a basis { i j | 1 i < j 2}. We have
e e
e d2 e
e (a2 2 e a1 e 0 e) + e 2 e
Therefore ( 2 + a2 + a1 )v = e 2 e and so ( 2 + a2 + a1 )v = e
(a2 2 e a1 e a0 e). This implies that the minimal annihilating operator of
v is ( + a2 )( 2 + a2 + a1 ) a0 .
+ an1 fn1
fi + ai fn1
f0 + a0 fn1
fi1 1 i n 2
and so
+ an1 fn1 = fn2
Exercise 2.31 Show that 2 ( 4 ) = 5 . Therefore
the d exterior power of an
operator of order n can have order less than d . Hint: Show that the solution
space of 2 ( 4 ) is the space of polynomials of degree at most 4.
We note that in the classical literature (c.f., [254], 167), the dth exterior power
of an operator is referred to as the (n d)th associated operator.
In connection with Chapter 4, a generalization of d (L) is of interest. This
generalization is present in the algorithms developed by Tsarev, Grigoriev et
al. which refine Bekes algorithm for finding factors of a differential operator.
Let I = (i1 , . . . , id ), 0 i1 < . . . < id n 1. Let e = 1 in k[]/k[]L. We
define the dth exterior power of L with respect to I, denoted by dI (L), to be the
minimal annihilating operator of i1 e id e in d (k[]/k[]L). One sees as
above that the solution space of dI (L) is generated by {wI (y1 , . . . , yd ) | L(yi ) =
0} where wI (y1 , . . . , yd ) is the determinant of the d d matrix formed from the
rows i1 + 1, . . . id + 1 of the n d matrix
. . . yd
Throughout this section k will denote a differential field with algebraically closed
subfield of constants C.
We recall that Diff k denotes the category of all differential modules over
k. Fix a differential module M over k. For integers m, n 0 one defines the
differential module Mnm = M M M M , i.e., the tensor product
of n copies of M and m copies of the dual M of M . For m = n = 0 the
expression M00 is supposed to mean 1 = 1k , the trivial 1-dimensional module
S(f g)
S(f )S(g)
S(A) S(B)
S(A B )
iA ,B
S(A ) S(B )
Thus the compatibility with the constructions of linear algebra means that S
maps a construction in the first category to one object in the second category
Definition 2.37 A differential module M is called completely reducible or semisimple if there exists for every submodule N of M a submodule N such that
M = N N .
The same terminology is used for differential operators and for representations
of a linear algebraic group G over C. We note that the terminology is somewhat confusing because an irreducible module is at the same time completely
A G-module W and a G-submodule W1 has a complementary submodule
if there is a G-submodule W2 of W such that W = W1 W2 . Thus a (finite dimensional) G-module V is completely reducible if every G-submodule has
a complementary submodule. This is equivalent to V being a direct sum of
irreducible submodules (compare with Exercise 2.38 part (1)).
The unipotent radical of a linear algebraic group G is the largest normal
unipotent subgroup Gu of G (see [141] for definitions of these notions). The
group G is called reductive if Gu is trivial. We note that for this terminology G
is reductive if and only Go is reductive.
When G is defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, it is
known that G is reductive if and only if it has a faithful completely reducible
G-module (c.f., the Appendix of [32]). In this case, all G-modules will be completely reducible.
Exercise 2.38 Completely reducible modules and reductive groups.
(1) Show that M is completely reducible if and only if M is a direct sum of
irreducible modules. Is this direct sum unique?
(2) Let M be a differential module. Show that M is completely reducible if and
only if its differential Galois group is reductive. Hint: Use the above information
on reductive groups.
(3) Let M be a completely reducible differential module. Prove that every
object N of {{M }} is completely reducible. Hint: Use the above information
on reductive groups.
(4) Show that the tensor product M1 M2 of two completely reducible modules
is again completely reducible. Hint: Apply (2) and (3) with M := M1 M2 .
We note that a direct proof (not using reductive groups) of this fact seems to
be unknown.
(2) Suppose that L is monic and completely reducible. Show that L is the
LCLM of suitable (distinct) monic irreducible operators R1 , . . . , Rs . Hint: By
definition k[]/k[]L = M1 Ms , where each Mi is irreducible. The element
1 k[]/k[]L is written as
1 = m1 + + ms with each mi Mi . Let Li be the
monic operator of smallest degree with Li mi = 0. Show that Li is irreducible
and that L = LCLM(L1 , . . . , Ls ).
(3) Let k = C be a field of
Qconstants and let L be a linear operator in C[].
We may write L = p() = pi ()ni where the pi are distinct irreducible polynomials and ni 0. Show that L is completely reducible if and only if all the
ni 1.
(4) Let k = C(z). Show that the operator L = 2 + (1/z) C(z)[] is not
completely reducible. Hint: The operator is reducible since L = ( + (1/z))()
and is the only first order right factor.
A monic differential operator has in general many factorizations into irreducible monic operators. Consider k = C(z) and L = 2 . Then all factorizations
Chapter 3
bi 0 . . . 0
1 bi 0 . . 0
0 1 bi 0 . 0
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
0 . . 0 1 bi
Further bi C[z 1/m ] and for i 6= j one has bi bj 6 Q.
3. Let M denote a left K[]
module of finite dimension. There is a finite field
extension Km of K and there are distinct elements q1 , . . . , qs z 1/m C[z 1/m ]
b m b M decomposes as a direct sum s Mi . For each i there is a
such that K
vector space Wi of finite dimension over C and a linear map Ci : Wi Wi such
b m Wi and the operator := z on Mi is given by the formula
that Mi = K
(f w) = (qi f w) + (f w) + (f Ci (w)).
In the sequel we prefer to work with = z instead of . Of course K[]
holds. Further we will go back and forth between the skew polynomial
L and the left K[]
module M = K[]/
By induction on the degree it
suffices to find some factorization of L or equivalently some decomposition of M .
Further we note that the formulations 2. and 3. in the theorem are equivalent
by using the ordinary Jordan normal forms of the maps Ci of part 3. We shall
b later in the chapter.
treat questions of uniqueness and descent to K
Exercise 3.2 Solutions of differential equations over K
Let E be a differential extension of K containing:
1. all fields K
Show, assuming Theorem 3.1, that E contains a fundamental matrix for any
equation Y = AY with A Mn (K).
b n = K(z
b 1/n ) = C((z 1/n )) is itself the field
We begin by noting that the field K
of formal power series over C in the variable z 1/n . This field extension has
b and is a Galois extension of K.
b The Galois automorphisms
degree n over K
are given by the formula (z 1/n ) = z 1/n with {e2ik/n | 0 k < n}. The
bn K
b m if n divides m.
Galois group is isomorphic to Z/nZ. We note that K
b = n K
b n and our statement
Therefore it makes sense to speak of the union K
concerning algebraic extensions of K implies that K is the algebraic closure of
b This is defined as a map
We will also need the valuation v on K.
b Z {}
with v(0) = and v(f ) = m if f = im ai z i and am 6= 0. We note that
v(f g) = v(f ) + v(g) and v(f + g) min(v(f ), v(g)). This valuation is extended
b n (1/n)Z {} in the obvious way: v(f ) =
to each field
P Kn as a map
if f =
and a 6= 0. Finally v is extended to a valuation
;nZ a z
b n | v(f ) 0}
v : K Q {}. Further we will write On = C[[z 1/n ]] = {f K
b v(f ) 0}. It is easily seen that On and O are rings with
and O := {f K|
b The element := z 1/n On has the property
b n and K.
fields of quotients K
that On is the unique maximal ideal of On and that On /On
= C. On K
v(f g)
one can also introduce a metric as follows d(f, g) = e
. With respect to
b n is complete. In the sequel we will talk about limits with respect
this metric K
to this metric. Most of the statements that we made about the algebraic and
b are rather obvious. The only not so obvious statement
topological structure of K
b is some field K
b n . This will follow from:
is that every finite extension of K
b ] has
Proposition 3.3 Every polynomial T d + a1 T d1 + + ad1 T + ad K[T
a root in some Kn .
P Q1 (k)Q2 (k)
write Q1 = (E 1)2 z and so 2 = min{
1 , 2 } = 1/2. We let E = 1+z
1/2 2
and so Q1 = (z E ) z = zE
z. Letting Q2 = E
1, we have that
E = 1. The process stops at this point and we have that the two roots of Q
are 1 + z(1 z 1/2 ).
We will now develop versions of Hensels Lemma for differential modules and
differential equations that will help us prove Theorem 3.1. We start by introb
ducing some terminology. Let M be a finite dimensional vector space over K.
b v(f ) 0}.
Let, as before, O := {f K|
Definition 3.7 A lattice is a subset N of M of the form N = Oe1 + + Oed
where e1 , . . . , ed is a K-basis
of M .
The lattice is itself an O-module. One can prove that any finitely generated
O-module N (i.e. there are elements f1 , . . . , fm with N = Of1 + + Ofm ) of
Although lattices are ubiquitous, only special differential modules have invariant lattices.
Definition 3.9 A differential module M is said to be a regular singular module
if there exists a -invariant lattice N in M . A differential equation Y = AY ,
b is said to be regular singular if the
A an n n matrix with coefficients in K,
associated module is regular singular. If M is not regular singular then we say
it is irregular singular.
The above proposition combined with the Jordan form of the matrix A0
proves part 2. and part 3. of Theorem 3.1 for the special case where the differential equation is regular singular. We will give another proof using a form of
Hensels lemma for regular singular differential modules. This prepares the way
for the irregular singular case.
Exercise 3.13 Solutions of regular singular equations.
The following result, in a somewhat different form, is attributed to Frobenius.
b containing a solution of y = 1 and such
Let E be a differential extension of K
For differential operators one can also define the property regular singular.
Definition 3.14 A differential operator L = d + a1 d1 + + ad1 + ad
is said to be a regular singular operator if all v(ai ) 0.
(2) Let L1 , L2 be monic differential operators such that L1 L2 is regular singular (i.e., has its coefficients in O). Show that L1 and L2 are both regular
singular. Hint: Choose
powers aP
m , bn of z such that all coefPm non-negative
ficients of am L1 =
i=0 bi are in O and moreover
(am , am1 , . . . , a0 ) = O and (bn , bn1 , . . . , b0 ) = O. Write am L1 L2 bn =
k=0 ck . Use (1) to show that all ci O. Prove that (cm+n , . . . , c0 ) = O
by reducing the coefficients modulo the maximal ideal (z) of O. Conclude that
am = bn = 1.
b is replaced by the field C({z})
(3) Verify that (2) remains valid if the field K
of convergent Laurent series.
b with
Proposition 3.16 Let M be a differential module of dimension d over K
cyclic vector e. Let L be the monic polynomial of minimal degree with Le = 0.
Then M is regular singular if and only if L is regular singular.
b replaced by the field C({z}) of convergent
The same statement holds with K
Laurent series.
Proof. Suppose that L is regular singular, then e, (e), , d1 (e) is a basis
of M . The lattice N := Oe + O(e) + + O d1 (e) is invariant under .
Indeed d e N since the coefficients of the monic L are in O. Thus M is
regular singular.
Suppose that M is regular singular and let N be a -invariant lattice. For
b , the lattice f N is also -invariant. Therefore we may suppose
any f K
that e N . Consider the O-submodule N of N generated by all m e. Since
O is noetherian, N is finitely generated and thus a -invariant lattice. By
Exercise 3.8 there are indices i1 < i2 < < id such that i1 e, . . . , id e is a free
basis of N over O. Then id e is an O-linear combination of i1 e, . . . , id e. In
with coefficients in O such
other words there is a monic differential operator L
By Exercise 3.15,
that Le = 0. The operator L is a monic right hand factor of L.
L is a regular singular operator.
For the last part of the proposition, we have to define regular singular for an
operator L and for a differential module M over C({z}). The obvious definitions
are L = n + an1 n1 + + a0 with all ai C{z} and M has a C{z}-lattice
which is invariant under .
We are now in a position to prove part 3. of Theorem 3.1 under the additional
assumption that the module M is regular singular. Lemma 3.11 and Proposition
3.17 imply that M can be decomposed as a direct sum of modules Mi such that
Mi admits a -invariant lattice Ni such that has only one eigenvalue ci on N i .
The next step will be to decompose each Mi into indecomposable pieces.
From now on let M denote a regular singular module with a -invariant
lattice such that has only one eigenvalue c on N . By changing into c one
may suppose that c = 0. Therefore is a nilpotent linear map on N and there
(ei,j ) ei,j+1
+ ai,j+1 modulo
Since + k is invertible modulo when k > 0, these congruences can be recursively solved. Taking the limit of this sequence of liftings of fi,j one finds
elements Ei,j such that E i,j = fi,j with (Ei,j ) = Ei,j+1 for all i, j and where
again Ei,j = 0 for j > si . We will leave the construction of the ai,j to the
reader. This finishes the study of the regular singular case.
Remark 3.18 We will discuss the Galois group of a regular singular module in
the Section 3.2 and return to the study of regular singular equations in Chapters
5 and 6.
We now turn to the general case. Let e denote a cyclic element of a left K[]
module M of finite dimension and let the minimal equation of e be Le = 0
L = d + a1 d1 + + ad1 + ad K[]
We are now ready to prove Theorem 3.1 in its full generality. If we can
b m M , then the proof can
apply Proposition 3.19 to get a decomposition of K
be finished using induction. If no decomposition occurs then the characteristic
polynomial of E has the form (T c)d for some c C and m = 1 follows as
in the proof of Proposition 3.3. Make now the substitution = cz + t E
with a suitable choice for > . If for the operator E still no decomposition
occurs then is an integer and one continues. Either one will be able to apply
Proposition 3.19 or one will generate a sequence of integers 1 < 2 < .
These integers
Pr must eventually become positive, at which point the operator
b m M so that this module is regular singular.
D = i=1 ci z i/m acts on K
In this case we are in a situation that we have already studied. The process
b m M as a direct sum Mi
that we have described yields a decomposition of K
such that for each i there is some qi z 1/m C[z 1/m ] with qi acts in a
regular singular way on Mi . Our discussion of regular singular modules now
proves part 3. of the theorem. After choosing a basis of each space Wi such that
Ci has Jordan normal form one finds statement 2. of the theorem. Finally, for
b m M has a submodule of
every M there exists an integer m 1 such that K
dimension 1. This proves part 1. of the theorem.
Remarks 3.20 1. Theorem 3.1 and its proof are valid for any differential field
k((z)), where k is an algebraically closed field of chararteristic 0. Indeed, in the
proof given above, we have used no more than the fact that C is algebraically
closed and has characteristic 0.
2. Let k be any field of characteristic 0 and let k denotes its algebraic closure.
The above proof of Theorem 3.1 can be applied to a differential module M over
k((z)). In some steps of the proof a finite field extension of k is needed. It follows
One has P1 = u, P2 = u + u , P3 = u + 3uu + u et cetera.
4. The proof given above of Theorem 3.1 does not readily yield an efficient
b In Section 3.3 we shall present a
method for factoring an operator L over K.
second proof that gives a more efficient method.
5. In parts 2. and 3. of Theorem 3.1 an extra condition is needed to assure
b and not of an
that the given decomposition actually comes of something over K
equation or a module which can only be defined over some proper extension of
b Another point is to know some unicity of the decompositions. Let us already
state that the q1 , . . . , qs in 3. are unique. We see these elements as eigenvalues
of the operator on M . We will return to those questions after the introduction,
in the next section, of a universal Picard-Vessiot ring UnivR b K.
b is called irreducible if M
6. A left K[]
module M of finite dimension over K
has no proper submodules. From the theorem one can deduce that any such
b and so M = Ke
b for some element
irreducible M must have dimension 1 over K
b and
e. Then (e) = F e for some F K. A change of e into ge with g K
g 6= 0 changes F into f = F + g . Hence we can choose the basis of M such
b with (e) = f e and
that f n1 C[z 1/n ]. Let us call M (f ) the module Ke
f n1 C[z 1/n ]. Then M (f1 )
1 f2 Q.
7. Another statement which follows from the theorem is that every irreducible
b has degree 1.
element of K[]
8. M. Bouffet gives version of Hensels Lemma for operators with coefficients in
liouvillian extensions of C((z)) in [46, 47].
Exercise 3.21 Let k be any field of characteristic 0 and let k denote its algeb = k((z)). Then K is in a natural
braic closure. Put K = k k k((z)) and K
way a differential subfield of K.
The Universal Picard-Vessiot Ring of K
One can prove that for any differential field, with an algebraically closed
field C of constants of characteristic 0, such a ring exists and is unique up
to isomorphism (see Chapter 10). The ring UnivRKb can be constructed as the
direct limit of all Picard-Vessiot rings of matrix differential equations. Moreover
UnivRKb is a domain and its field of fractions has again C as field of constants.
The situation is rather similar to the existence and uniqueness of an algebraic
closure of a field. Let us call UnivR the universal Picard-Vessiot ring of the
differential field. The interesting feature is that UnivRKb can be constructed
b = C((z)).
explicitly for the differential field K
b (and
existence of a fundamental matrix for any matrix equation y = Ay over K
over the algebraic closure of K).
3. e(q) is the function exp( q dz
z ).
b .
the set of all monomials. We P
note that m = (m)m holds with (m) K
can be written as
Any f R
fm,n mln . The derivative of f is then
P mM,n0
(fm,n + (m)fm,n )ml + nfm,n ml
. Let us first prove that a differential
ideal J0 6= (0) of the smaller ring
0 := K[z
b m1 , z m1 , . . . , z ms , z ms , e(q1 ), e(q1 ), . . . , e(qt ), e(qt )]
is necessarily equal to R
Choose f J0 , f 6= 0 with f = i=1 fi m(i) and N 1 minimal. After
0 , we may suppose that
multiplying f with an invertible element of the ring R
f1 = 1 and m(1) = 1. If N happens to be 1, then the proof ends. For N > 1,
the derivative f lies in J0 and must be zero according to the minimality of N .
proof ends. Suppose that n0 > 0. Let J0 R0 denote the set of coefficients of
ln0 of all elements in J which have degree n0 with respect to the variable l.
0 and thus J0 = R
0 . Therefore
Then J0 is seen to be a differential ideal of R
n0 1
0 . The
J contains an element of the form f = l + hl
+ , with h R
y1 = m1 y1 , . . . , ys = ms ys , f1 = q1 f1 , . . . , ft = qt ft , g = 0.
This can be seen as a matrix differential equation of size s + t + 2. We have
is the Picard-Vessiot ring for this matrix
in fact proven above that the ring R
is a domain
equation over K. It follows from the Picard-Vessiot theory that R
and that its field of fractions has C as set of constants.
Exercise 3.23 Modify the intuitive reasoning for the construction of UnivRKb
to give a proof of the uniqueness of UnivRKb .
b = C((z)), or
Remarks 3.24 1. A matrix differential equation y = Ay over K
b will be called canonical if the matrix A is a direct
over its algebraic closure K
sum of square blocks Ai and each block Ai has the form qi I + Ci , where the
qi are distinct elements of Q and Ci is a constant matrix. One can refine this
block decomposition by replacing each block qi I + Ci by blocks qi I + Ci,j , where
the constant matrices Ci,j are the blocks of the usual Jordan decomposition of
the Ci .
The matrices Ci and Ci,j are not completely unique since one may translate the
eigenvalues of Ci and Ci,j over rational numbers. If one insists on using only
eigenvalues in the Q-vector space M C, then the matrices Ci and Ci,j are
unique up to conjugation by constant matrices.
b = C((z)) or over its algebraic
2. Let y = Ay be a differential equation over K
closure K. Then there exists a H GLn (K) which transforms this equation to
formula (z ) = e
z for all rational numbers (and extended to Laurent
series in the obvious way). This and its further action on various spaces and
rings is called the formal monodromy . One can show that the Galois group of
b over K
b is equal to Z,
b the inverse limit of the family {Z/mZ} ([169], Ch. VIII
11, Ex. 20), and that is a topological generator of this compact group. The
latter statement follows from the easily verified fact that the set of -invariant
b is precisely K.
elements of K
b We define the
The as defined above also acts on Q, seen as a subset of K.
formal monodromy of the universal Picard-Vessiot ring UnivRKb by:
b as explained above.
1. acts on K
2. z a = e2ia z a for a C.
3. e(q) = e(q) for q Q.
4. l = l + 2i.
Proof. The element f belongs to the field of fractions of a free polynomial subb m1 , . . . , z ms , e(q1 ), . . . , e(qt ), l] of UnivR b , where the m1 , . . . , ms
ring P := K[z
M and the q1 , . . . , qt Q are linearly independent over Q. Write f = ff21 with
f1 , f2 P and with g.c.d. 1. One can normalize f2 such that it contains a term
(z m1 )n1 (z ms )ns e(q1 )b1 e(qt )bt ln with coefficient 1. For h Hom(Q, C )
b . Due to
one has h (f1 ) = c(h)f1 and h (f2 ) = c(h)f2 , with a priori c(h) K
the normalization of f2 , we have that c(h) = h(b1 q1 + + bt qt ). One concludes
that f1 and f2 cannot contain the variables e(q1 ), . . . , e(qt ). Thus f lies in the
b m1 , . . . , z ms , l]. Applying to f = f1 we find at once
field of fractions of K[z
that l is not present in f1 and f2 . A similar reasoning as above shows that in
fact f K.
The previous exercise implies that we can make the following definition
We introduce now a category Gr1 , whose objects are the triples (V, {Vq }, V )
1. V is a finite dimensional vector space over C.
2. {Vq }qQ is a family of subspaces such that V = Vq .
3. V is a C-linear automorphism of V such that V (Vq ) = Vq for all q Q.
A morphism f : (V, {Vq }, V ) (W, {Wq }, W ) is a C-linear map f : V W
such that f (Vq ) Wq (for all q) and W f = V f . One can define tensor
products, duals (and more generally all constructions of linear algebra) for the
objects in the category Gr1 .
b an object of this
The above construction associates to a scalar equation L over K
category Gr1 . We will do this now more generally. Let N be a differential module
b of dimension n. Then one considers the tensor product UnivR b b N
over K
and defines V (N ) := ker(, UnivRKb Kb N ). This is a vector space of dimension
n over C, again seen as the covariant solution space for the differential module.
Letting V (N )q := ker(, Rq K
b N ), we then again have V (N ) = V (N )q .
The action of on UnivRK
an action N on V (N ) and the formula
N V (N )q = V (N )q holds. This construction leads to the following statement:
b is
Proposition 3.30 The category of the differential modules Diff Kb over K
equivalent with the category Gr1 . The equivalence acts C-linearly on Homs
and commutes with all constructions of linear algebra, in particular with tensor
Proof. Let Trip denote the functor from the first category to the second. It is
rather clear that Trip commutes with tensor products et cetera. The two things
that one has to prove are:
1. Every object (V, {Vq }, V ) of Gr1 is isomorphic to Trip(N ) for some difb
ferential module over K.
Let N be the set of elements of W which are invariant under and all h .
b The map on UnivR b commutes
Then N is clearly a vector space over K.
with and all h , and induces therefore a map : N N having the usual
b it suffices
properties. In order to prove that N is a differential module over K
to verify that its dimension is finite. Let q1 , . . . , qr denote the elements such
that Vqi 6= 0. Then the invariants of W under the group of all h is equal to
W1 := ri=1 R0 e(qi ) Vqi . Further N is the set on elements of W1 invariant
under . Let m 1 be minimal such that all qi z 1/m C[z 1/m ]. Consider
W1 , the set of invariants of W1 under m . It suffices to prove that this is a
b m . Each term R0 e(qi ) Vqi is setwise
finite dimensional vector space over K
invariant under . Thus we may restrict our attention to only one such term.
Further we may suppose that the action of m on Vqi has only one Jordan block,
say with eigenvalue and with length s. One observes that the m -invariant
b m [l]s z b e(qi ) Vqi , where b is chosen such
elements of R0 e(qi ) Vqi lie in K
b m [l]s denotes the set of polynomials of degree
that e2mib = and where K
b m.
< s. This proves that the space of invariants has finite dimension over K
Thus N is a differential module over K.
The verification that the natural map UnivRK
b N W = UnivRK
b V is
a bijection is straightforward. It follows that Trip(N ) is isomorphic to the given
object (V, {Vq }, V ).
{r UnivR b | r R0 , (r) = r} = K.
b with Trip(N ) =
Remark 3.31 Consider a differential module N over K
(V, {Vq }, V ). The space V := ker(, UnivRKb N ) is invariant under any
element h of the exponential torus T . The action of h on V is explicitly given
by requiring that h is multiplication by h(q) on the subspaces Vq of V . The
image of T in GL(V ) is called the exponential torus of N or of Trip(N ). It is
actually an algebraic torus in GL(V ).
Corollary 3.32 Let the differential module N define the triple (V, {Vq }, V )
in Gr1 . Then the differential Galois group of N is, seen as an algebraic subgroup of GL(V ), generated by the exponential torus and the formal monodromy.
Furthermore, N is regular singular if and only if exponential torus is trivial.
Remark 3.34 Irreducible differential modules over K.
Consider a differential module N over K and let (V, Vq , V ) be the corresponding
triple. Then N is irreducible if and only if this triple is irreducible. It is not
difficult to verify that the triple is irreducible if and only if the non zero Vq s
have dimension 1 and form one orbit under the action of V . To see this note
that a V -orbit of Vq s defines a subobject. Hence there is only one V -orbit,
say of lenght m and consisting of q1 , . . . , qm . Take a 1-dimensional subspace W
of Vq1 , invariant under Vm . Then W V W Vm1 W is again a subobject.
Hence, the dimension of Vq1 and the other Vqi is 1.
This translates into:
bm N
N is irreducible if and only if there exists an integer m 1 such that K
has a basis e1 , . . . , em with the properties:
(i) ei = Qi ei for i = 1, . . . , m and all Qi C[z 1/m ].
(ii) {Q1 , . . . , Qm } is one orbit under the action of on C[z 1/m ].
b m N one can obtain an explicit description
From this explicit description of K
of N = (Km N ) , by computing the vector space of the -invariant elements.
We note that the sufficiency of the above irreducibility criterion also appears
in [153] where it is stated in terms of the slopes of N (see the next section for
this concept): N is irreducible if it has just one slope and that this is a rational
number with exact denominator equal to the dimension of N .
equal to C . Prove that N is irreducible. Hint: Consider the triple (V, {Vq }, V )
associated to N . An automorphism of the triple is a bijective linear A : V V
such that A(Vq ) = Vq for all q and AV = V A. By assumption this implies that
A is a multiple of the identity. Prove first that the set {q| Vq 6= 0} is one orbit
under the action of . Then show that Vq 6= 0 implies that Vq has dimension 1
and compare with Remark 3.34.
Exercise 3.36 Semi-simple differential modules over K.
We recall, see 2.37, that a differential module M is semi-simple (or completely
b = C((z)).
reducible) if every submodule of M is a direct summand. As before K
Let C denote the full subcategory of the category Diff Kb of all differential modules
b whose objects are the semi-simple differential modules. Prove that C
over K,
has the properties stated in Section 10.1. Show that the universal differential
ring for C is equal to C((z))[{z a }aC , {e(q)}qQ ]. (Note that l is missing in this
differential ring).
Remarks 3.37 Triples for differential modules over the field k((z)).
(1) We consider first the case of an algebraically closed field k (of characteristic
0). As remarked before, the classification of differential modules over k((z)) is
completely similar to the case C((z)). The universal differential ring for the field
k((z)) has also the same description, namely k((z))[{z a }ak , l, {e(q)}qQ ] with
Q = m1 z 1/m k[z 1/m ]. For the definition of the differential automorphism
of this universal differential ring, one needs an isomorphism of groups, say,
exp : k/Z k . For k = C, we have used the natural isomorphism exp(c) =
e2ic . In the general case an isomorphism exp exists. Indeed, the group k/Z is
isomorphic to Q/Z A where A is a vector space over Q of infinite dimension.
The group k is isomorphic to Q/Z B with B a vector space over Q of infinite
dimension. The vector spaces A and B are isomorphic since the have the same
cardinality. However there is no natural candidate for exp. Nevertheless, this
suffices to define the differential automorphism as before by:
(i) (z a ) = exp(a)z a for all a k,
(ii) (e(q)) = e(q) and
(iii) (l) = l + 1. (here 1 replaces the 2i of the complex case).
With these changes, Proposition 3.30 and its proof remain valid.
(2) Consider now any field k of characteristic 0 and let k denote its algebraic
closure. The classification of differential modules M over k((z)) in terms of tuples is rather involved. Let K denote the differential field k k k((z)) (compare
Exercise 3.21). For the differential field K there is an obvious description of the
universal differential ring, namely again R := K[{z a}ak , l, {e(q)}qQ ] where
Q = m1 z 1/m k[z 1/m ]. On this ring there is an obvious action of the Galois
group Gal(k/k). One associates to M the solution space V = ker(, Rk((z)) M ).
This solution space has a direct sum decomposition qQ Vq , an action of (defined in (1)), called V and an action of the Galois group Gal(k/k), called V .
Thus we can associate to M the tuple (V, {Vq }, V , V ). This tuple satisfies the
compatibilities of the triple (V, {Vq }, V ) and moreover staisfies a compatibility
of V with respect to the {Vq }s and V . One can show, as in Proposition 3.30,
that the functor M 7 (V, {Vq }, V , V ) is an equivalence between the (Tannakian) categories of the differential modules over k((z)) and the one of tuples
described above. This description is probably too complicated to be useful.
Observations 3.38 Irreducible differential modules over k((z)).
The field k has characteristic 0 and is not necessarily algebraically closed. We
present here the description of the irreducible differential modules over k((z)),
with differentiation = z dz
, given by R. Sommeling [277]. The ideas and
methods are an extension of Remark 3.34.
We will first describe the finite extensions of k((z)). Let K k((z)) be a
finite field extension. The field K is again complete w.r.t. a discrete valuation.
The differentiation of k((z)) extends uniquely to K. We will either write (a)
or a for the derivative of an element a K. The minimal monic polynomial of
any constant c of K has coefficients in k. Thus the field of constants k of K is
the algebraic closure of k in K. Since one works in characteristic zero this is also
the unique coefficient field of K containing k. Thus K = k ((u)) for a suitable
element u. The element z is equal to some expression c1 um (1+c1 u+c2 u2 + ).
The number m 1 is called the ramification index. After replacing u by
t(1 + c1 u + c2 u2 + )1/m one finds K = k ((t)) and cz = tm with c k .
t. Further t is unique up to multiplication by a non-zero
We note that (t) = m
element in k and c is unique up to the nth power of this element in k .
Then L, seen as operator in k((z))[] has right hand factor ( ff + Q). For
Further we note that the i ( ff + Q) are the only possible monic right hand
factors of degree one of L in k((z))[], since they are pairwise inequivalent.
(2) Suppose that (Q1 ) Q2 m
Z. Then K = k((z))[Q1 ] = k((z))[Q2 ]. Let
M = Ke with e = Q1 e, then for a suitable power f of t (i.e., the element
defined in the above description of K) one has that f e = Q2 f e. Thus the two
differential modules over k((z)) are isomorphic.
On the other hand, suppose that the two differential modules M1 and M2
over k((z)), given by Q1 and Q2 , are isomorphic. Then M1 and M2 contain nonzero elements v1 , v2 such that the minimal monic operators Li k((z))[] with
Li vi = 0 are equal. In (1) we have seen that these operators are least common
left multiple of conjugates of ( fii + Qi ) for i = 1, 2. The unicity of these
sets of monic right hand factors of degree one in k((z))[], implies that there
exists a with ( f11 + Q1 ) = f22 + Q2 . It follows that k((z))[Q1 ] = k((z))[Q2 ].
Let m 1 denote the ramification of the latter field. Then
is modulo the
m Z.
(3) Let M be an irreducible differential module over k((z)). One considers a field
extension K k((z)), lying in k((z)), of minimal degree, such that K k((z)) M
contains a submodule Ke of dimension one. As above, one writes K = k ((t))
with tm = cz. Further, one normalizes e such that e = Qe with Q k [t1 ]. By
minimality, K = k((z))[Q]. Let 1 , . . . , n denote the k((z))-linear embeddings
of K into k((z)). This leads to a differential submodule N := ni=1 k((z))i (e)
of k((z)) k((z)) M , with an action of the Galois group G of k((z)) indicated
by the notation and given by i (e) = i (Q)i (e). Since N is stable under
the action of G, one has that the space of invariants N G is a non-zero k((z))differential submodule of M . Since M is irreducible, one has that M = N G .
The latter translates into M is isomorphic as k((z))-differential module with
Ke with e = Qe.
For equations that are not quasi-split, the Galois group over C({z}) will, in
general, be larger. We will give a complete description of the Galois group in
Chapter 8. The starting point in this description is the following:
Proposition 3.41 Every differential equation y = Ay with coefficients in K
is, over the field K, equivalent with a unique (up to isomorphism over Kconv )
quasi-split equation over Kconv . The translation of this statement in terms of
b is:
differential modules over K
b there is a unique N M , such that:
For every differential module M over K,
1. N is a quasi-split differential module over the field Kconv .
b Kconv N M is an isomorphism.
2. The natural K-linear
map K
To prove this proposition, we need the following result that will allow us to
strengthen the results of Proposition 3.12.
Lemma 3.42 Let A Mn (Kconv ) and assume that the equation Y = AY is
b to an equation with constant coefficients. Then Y = AY is
equivalent over K
equivalent over Kconv to an equation with constant coefficients.
b such that B 1 AB
Proof. By assumption, there is a matrix B GLn (K)
B B is a constant matrix. By truncating B after a suitably high power, we
may assume that A is equivalent (over Kconv ) to a matrix in Mn (C{z}), and so,
from the start assume that A Mn (C{z}). Following the argument of Lemma
3.11, we may assume that A = A0 + A1 z + where the distinct eigenvalues
of A0 do not differ by integers. As in Proposition 3.12, we wish to construct a
matrix P = I + P1 z + , Pi Mn (C) such that the power series defining P is
convergent in a neighbourhood of the origin and P A0 = AP P . Comparing
powers of z, one sees that
A0 Pi Pi (A0 + iI) = (Ai + Ai1 P1 + + A1 Pi1 ) .
Proposition 3.12 implies that these equations have a unique solution. Let Ln+1
denote the linear map X 7 A0 X XA0 (n + 1)X. Using the norm k (ai,j ) k=
max |ai,j |, one sees that k L1
n+1 k= O( n ). Using this bound, one can show that
the series defining P converges.
a unique subset N , which is a split differential module over Kconv, m and such
b m Kconv, m N
b m b M is an isomorphism. Let
that the natural map K
b m over K.
b Then acts on K
b m M by
be a generator of the Galois group of K
) has the same property as N
the formula (f m) = (f ) m. Clearly (N
) = N
. Thus acts on N
. This action is semiThe uniqueness implies that (N
linear, i.e., (f n
) = (f )(
n). Let N denote the set of the -invariant elements
. Then it is easily seen that the natural maps Kconv, m Kconv N N
of N
K Kconv N M are isomorphisms. Thus we have found an N with properties
1. and 2. The uniqueness of N follows from its construction.
We return now to the matrix formulation of the proposition. For a matrix equab (with module M over K),
b such that the eigenvalues are in
tion y = Ay over K
z C[z ], it is clear that the module N over Kconv has a matrix representation
y = By which is a direct sum of equations y = (qi + Ci )y with qi z 1 C[z 1 ]
and constant matrices Ci . In the case that y = Ay has eigenvalues which are
not in z 1 C[z 1 ], one can again take a basis of the module N and consider the
matrix equation y = By obtained in this way.
Remarks 3.43 1. It is more difficult to give this matrix B, defined in the final
paragraph of the above proof, explicitly. This problem is somewhat analogous
the matrix of with respect to this basis is equal to
, where
q1 = + z 1/2 , q2 = z 1/2 , , z 1 C[z 1 ].
The issue of finding B explicitly is also addressed in [178] where a version of
Proposition 3.41 is also proven. Proposition 3.41 also appears in [17].
2. For the study of the asymptotic theory of differential equations, we will use
Proposition 3.41 as follows. Let a matrix differential equation y = Ay over
Kconv be given. Then there exists a quasi-split equation y = By over Kconv
and an Fb GLn (C((z))) such that Fb 1 AFb Fb 1 Fb = B. The equation
y = By is unique up to equivalence over Kconv . For a fixed choice of B the
formal transformation Fb is almost unique. Any other choice for the formal
transformation has the form FbC with C GLn (C) such that C 1 BC = B.
The asymptotic theory is concerned with lifting Fb to an invertible meromorphic
matrix F on certain sectors at z = 0, such that F 1 AF F 1 F = B holds.
The above matrix C is irrelevant for the asymptotic liftings F .
Newton Polygons
ai i =
B. Malgrange [188] and J-P. Ramis [235]. We begin by recalling some facts
concerning polyhedral subsets of R2 , [97].
A subset of R2 that is the intersection of a finite number of closed half-planes is
said to be a polyhedral set. We will only consider connected polyhedral sets with
nonempty interior. The boundary of such a set is the union of a finite number of
(possibly infinite) closed line segments called edges. The endpoints of the edges
are called vertices or extremal points. The vertices and edges of such a set are
collectively referred to as the faces of the set. Given two subsets N and M of
R2 we define the (Minkowski) sum of these sets to be M + N = {m + n | m
M, n N }. Any face of the sum of two polyhedral sets M and N is the sum of
faces of M and N respectively. In particular, any vertex of M + N is the sum
of vertices of M and N .
On R2 one defines a partial order, namely (x1 , y1 ) (x2 , y2 ) is defined as
y1 y2 and x1 x2 . We now can make the following
Definition 3.44 The elements of D = k((z))[] of the form z m n will be called
monomials. The Newton polygon N (L) of L 6= 0 is the convex hull of the set
{(x, y) R2 | there is a monomial z m n in L with (x, y) (n, m)}.
N (L) has finitely many extremal points {(n1 , m1 ), . . . , (nr+1 , mr+1 )} with
0 n1 < n2 < < nr+1 = n. The positive slopes of L are k1 < < kr with
ki = mni+1
. It is also useful to introduce the notation kr+1 = . If n1 > 0
i+1 ni
then one adds a slope k0 = 0 and in this case we put n0 = 0. The interesting
part of the boundary of N (L) is the graph of the function f : [0, n] R, given
1. f (n0 ) = f (n1 ) = m1 .
2. f (ni ) = mi for all i.
3. f is (affine) linear on each segment [ni , ni+1 ].
The slopes are the slopes of this graph. The length of the slope ki is ni+1 ni .
We reserve the term special polygon for a convex set which is the Newton polygon
of some differential operator.
Let b(L) or b(N (L))Pdenote the graph of f . The boundary part B(L) of L is
defined as B(L) = (n,m)b(L) an,m z m n . Write L = B(L) + R(L). We say
that L1 > L2 if the points of b(L1 ) either lie in the interior of N (L2 ) or on
the vertical ray {(nr+1 , y) | y > mr+1 }. Clearly R(L) > B(L) and R(L) > L.
We note that the product of two monomials M1 := z m1 n1 , M2 := z m2 n2
is not a monomial. In fact the product is z m1 +m2 ( + m2 )n1 n2 . However
B(M1 M2 ) = z m1 +m2 n1 +n2 . This is essential for the following result.
Lemma 3.45
and one has R > L3 . This shows at once that N (L1 L2 ) N (L1 ) + N (L2 ).
The boundary part of L3 can be written as
an1 ,m1 bn2 ,m2 )z s2 s1
(s1 ,s2 )b(L1 L2 )
where the second sum is taken over all (n1 , m1 ) b(L1 ), (n2 , m2 ) b(L2 ) with
(n1 , m1 ) + (n2 , m2 ) = (s1 , s2 ). By making a drawing one easily verifies the
following statement:
Suppose that v is a vertex of N (L1 ) + N (L2 ) and v = v1 + v2 with vi
N (Li ), i = 1, 2. Then vi is a vertex of N (Li ) for i = 1, 2. Moreover v determines
v1 and v2 .
From this statement we see that for a vertex v = (s1 , s2 ) of N (L1 ) + N (L2 )
the coefficient of z s1 s2 in L3 does not vanish. Therefore N (L1 ) + N (L2 )
N (L1 L2 ). This proves the first part of the lemma.
The two other parts follow easily from the above facts concerning the faces of
N (L1 ) + N (L2 ).
N (L)
1 1
N (L1 )
1 1
N (L2 )
From L1 (0)( + m)L2 (m)() = L(m)() and L1 (0) monic and L2 (m) constant,
one finds L1 (0) and L2 (m). For k = m + 1 one finds an equality
L1 (0)( + m + 1)L2 (m + 1)() + L1 (1)( + m)L2 (m)() = L(m + 1)()
This equality is in fact the division of L(m + 1)() by L1 (0)( + m + 1) with
remainder L1 (1)(+m)L2 (m)() of degree less than n1 = the degree of L1 (0)(+
m + 1). Hence L1 (1) and L2 (m + 1) are uniquely determined. Every new value
of k determines two new terms L1 (. . .) and L2 (. . .). This proves the existence
and uniqueness in this special case.
(2) Suppose now that n1 = 0 and that P1 has only one slope s which is the
minimal slope of L. Write s = ab with a, b Z; a, b > 0 and g.c.d.(a, b) = 1.
Here lower terms means terms coming from a product L1 (i)L2 (j) with i + j <
k. The form of the exhibited formula uses strongly the fact that b > 0. It
is clear now that there is a unique solution for the decomposition L = L1 L2 .
We then normalize L, L1 , L2 again to be monic elements of k((t))[]. Consider
the automorphism of k((t))[] which is the identity on k((z))[] and satisfies
(t) = t where is a primitive ath root of unity. Since the decomposition is
unique, one finds Li = Li for i = 1, 2. This implies that the Li are in k((z))[].
This finishes the proof of the theorem in this special case.
(3) The bijective map : k((z))[] k((z))[], given by ( ai i ) = ()i ai
is an anti-isomorphism, i.e. is k((z))-linear and (L1 L2 ) = (L2 )(L1 ). Using
this and (1),(2) one finds another new case of the theorem, namely: Suppose
that N (L) = P1 + P2 where P2 has only one slope and this slope is the minimal
slope ( 0) of L. Then there is a unique decomposition L = L1 L2 with the
properties stated in theorem.
(4) Existence in the general case. The smallest slope s 0 of L belongs either
to P1 or P2 . Suppose that it belongs to P1 (the other case is similar). According
to (1) and (2) we can write L = AB with A, B monic and such that A has only
s as slope and B does not have s as slope. By induction on the degree we may
suppose that B has a decomposition B = B1 B2 with N (B2 ) = P2 and B1 , B2
monic. Then L1 := AB1 and L2 := B2 is the required decomposition of L.
(5) The unicity. Suppose that we find two decompositions L = L1 L2 = L
satisfying the properties of the theorem. Suppose that the smallest slope s 0
1 = AB
where A and A have as
of L occurs in P1 . Write L1 = AB and L
have no slope s. Then
unique slope the minimal slope of L and where B, B
L = ABL2 = AB L2 and the unicity proved in (1) and (2) implies that A = A
2 . Induction on the degree implies that B = B
and L2 = L
and BL2 = B
This finishes the proof of the first part of the theorem.
(6) There is an exact sequence of k((z))[]-modules
2 1 D/DL 2 D/DL
1 0
0 D/DL
It suffices to show that
2 1 D/DL 1 D/DL2
: D/DL
is an isomorphism. Since the two spaces have the same dimension, it suffices to
show that is injective. Let A D have degree less than d = the degree of
2 . Suppose that AL
1 lies in DL2 . So AL
1 = BL2 . We note that L
L2 and L
and L2 have no slopes in common. This means that N (A) must contain N (L2 ).
This implies that the degree of A is at least d. This contradicts our hypothesis.
where L1 (0) is monic of degree 1, the L1 (i) have degree 0 for i > 0 and L2 (0) = 1.
Comparing the coefficients of z 0 in L = L1 L2 we have that
L1 (0)L2 (0) = L1 (0) = 1 .
Comparing coefficients of z 1 we have that
L1 (0)( + 1)L2 (1)() + L1 (1)()L2 (0)() = L2 (1)() + L1 (1) = 2 .
This implies that L2 (1) = and L1 (1) = 0. One can show by induction that
L1 (i) = L2 (i) = 0 for i 2. This yields the factorization given in Example 3.46.
2. We consider the operator
L = 2 + (
+ ) + 3 2 .
The Newton polygon of this operator can be written as the sum of two special
polygons P1 and P2 (see Figure 3.2).
The polygon P1 has minimal slope 1 so, using the notation of part (2) of the
proof Theorem 3.48, we have that a = b = 1 and t = z. Letting = z we have
L = 2 + ( 3 + 2 ) + 3 .
N (L)
-1 1
-2 1
2 1
1 1
where L1 (0) has degree 1 (i.e., L1 (0) = r + s), L1 (i) is constant for i > 0 and
L1 (1) = 1. Composing and equating coefficients of powers of z we get
r + s
r + ( + 1)L2 (0) + L1 (1)
= 2 + 2
( + 1)L2 (1) + L1 (1)L2 (0) + L1 (2) =
coefficients of z 1
coefficients of z 0
coefficients of z 1
+ ) + 3 2
1 2
+ ( 3 + 2 ) + 3
z 2 (2 + ( + 1 z) + 2)
z 2 ( + 1 z)( + z 1 )
z 2 (z + 1 z)(z + z 1 )
z 2 (z + 1 z)z( + z 2 )
z 2 (z 2 + z)( + z 2 )
( + z 1 )( + z 2 )
Proof. Write A = i0 ti A(i); B = j0 tj B(j). Then
AB =
tm (
A(i)B(j) + lower terms ) =
tm L(m)
Again lower terms means some expression involving A(i) and B(j) with i+j <
m. Clearly one can solve this set of equations, using that A(0) and B(0) are
relatively prime, step by step in a unique way. This proves the first part of the
proposition. The second part is proved as in Theorem 3.48.
In order to proceed, one needs to assume that A(0)( + j) and B(0)() are
relatively prime for j = 0, 1, 2, . . .. With this assumption, one can state a result
similar to the Hensel Lemma for regular singular points given in the previous
= 2 3 +
Examples 3.52 1. Consider the operator L
polygon is given in Figure 3.4.
whose Newton
1 1
2 2t + (2t2 1)
L(0) + tL(1) + t2 L(2)
(2 ) + t(2) + t2 ( )
L1 (1)( 12 ) + L2 (1)( + 12 )
2 ) + L1 (2)( 2 ) + L1 (1)L2 (1)
= 2
+ 12 L2 (1) =
Therefore L1 (1) = L2 (1) = 1 and L1 (2) = L2 (2) = 0. One sees that this
implies that L1 (i) = L2 (i) = 0 for all i 2. Therefore
( + t)( t)
(t + t)t( 1 )
( + )( 1 )
2 2t
111 2
-1 1
-2 1
-3 1
-4 1
= 6 ( 1 + 3 (. . .))( + 1 + 3 (. . .))
= ( 3 + )( + 3 + nonnegative powers of )
The form of the last factor shows that the Airy equation has a solution in Rz3/2 .
Reversing the roles of + 1 and 1 shows that it also has a solution in
Rz3/2 . This verifies the claim made in Exercise 3.33.
In order to factor a general L as far as possible, one uses the algebraic closure
k of k and fractional powers of z. Suppose that L has only one slope and that
this slope is positive. If Proposition 3.50 does not give a factorization then L(0)
must have the form ( + c)n for some c k (note that c 6= 0 since L(0) must
have at least two terms). This implies that the original Newton polygon must
have a point of the form (1, m) on its boundary, that is on the line bx ay = 0.
Therefore, a = 1 and = z b in this case. One makes a change of variables
7 + cz b . One then sees that the Newton polygon N of the new equation is
contained in the Newton polygon N of the old equation. The bottom edge of N
contains just one point of N and this is the point (n, bn) which must be a vertex
of N . Therefore, the slopes of N are strictly less than b. If no factorization,
due to Theorem 3.48 or Proposition 3.50 occurs then L has again only one slope
and this slope is an integer b with 0 b < b. For b = 0 one stops the process.
For b > 0 one repeats the method above. The factorization of L stops if each
factor L
There is an element q t1 k [t1 ], where k is a finite extension
has only slope zero
of k and tm = z for some m 1, such that L
k [[t]][( q)] and
with respect to q. This can be restated as L
L is monic in ( q).
Example 3.53 Consider the operator
4 + 4z 5z 2 8z 3 3z 4 + 2z 6
4 + 2z z 2 3z 3
whose Newton polygon is given in Figure 3.6.
L = 2 +
N ( 2 +
111 2
-1 1
-2 1
-3 1
-4 1
4+2zz 3z
4+4z5z 8z 3z 4 +2z 6
-1 1
-2 1
2z3z 2
+2z 4
N (( ) +
+ 12z3z
whose Newton polygon is given in Figure 3.6. Rewriting this operator in terms
of = z and making the resulting operator monic, one has that L(0) =
( + 1)2 , Therefore we continue and let = + z 1 . One then has
L = ( )2 (3z + 1) + 2z 2 .
This operator is regular and can be factored as L = ( (2z + 1))( z).
L = ( + 2 + (2z + 1))( + 2 + z)
We continue the discussions in Remarks 3.37 and Observations 3.38, concerning the classification of differential modules over more general differential
fields than C((z)). Let, as before, k be any field of characteristic 0 and let k((z))
be the differential field with derivation = z dz
. A finite field extension K of
We end the chapter by noting that the formal classification of general linear
differential equations has a long history going back to the nineteenth century
with the works of Fuchs [103, 104] (see also [112, 113]) and Fabry [99], who
wrote down a fundamental set of local solutions of regular singular equations
and general linear equations, respectively. In the early twentieth century, Cope
[72, 73] also considered these issues. Besides the works of Deligne, Katz, Malgrange [186, 189] , Ramis and Turrittin (already mentioned), this problem has
been considered by Babbitt and Varadarajan [12], Balser et al. [17], Levelt [171],
Robba [247] and Wasow [300] (who attribute the result to Turrittin). The papers of Babitt-Varadarajan and Varadarajan [13, 297, 296] give a more detailed
exposition of the recent history of the problem.
Chapter 4
Algorithmic Considerations
Linear differential equations over the differential field C((z)) (with C an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, in particular C = C) were classified in
Chapter 3. When the standard form of such a differential equation is known,
then its Picard-Vessiot ring, its differential Galois group, the formal solutions
etc. are known. The methods of Chapter 3 have been transformed into algorithms and are implemented. In this chapter we consider global linear
differential equations, i.e., equations over the differential field C(z). Here C is a
field of characteristic 0 and the differentiation on C(z) is the usual one, namely
f 7 f = dz
. We furthermore assume that there are algorithms to perform the
field operations in C as well as algorithms to factor polynomials over C(z) (see
[102], [233] for a formalization of this concept). Natural choices for C are Q,
any number field or the algebraic closure of Q.
It is no longer possible to transform any linear differential equation over C(z)
into some standard equation from which one can read off its Picard-Vessiot ring,
its differential Galois group etc. Instead we will present algorithmic methods to
find global solutions which are rational, exponential or Liouvillian. Factoring
linear differential operators over C(z) is in fact the main theme of this chapter. One has to distinguish between theoretical algorithms and efficient ones.
Especially the latter category is progressing quickly and we will only indicate
some of its features. We observe that the language of differential operators and
the one of differential modules (or matrix differential equations) have both their
advantages and disadvantages. In this Chapter we choose between the two for
the purpose of simplifying the exposition.
The last part of this Chapter is concerned with the inverse problem for finite
groups. An effective algorithm is explained which produces for a representation
of a finite group a corresponding differential equation.
Rational Solutions
n + an1 n1 + + a0
. The
be a linear differential operator with coefficients in C(z) and = dz
problem of finding the solutions y C(z) of L(y) = 0 has a simpler analogue
namely, finding solutions a Q of p(z) = an z n + + a0 = 0, p(z) Z[z]. If a
is written as uv with u, v Z and (u, v) = 1, then u divides a0 and v divides an .
This obviously solves this problem. Consider a nonzero solution y = uv , with
u, v C[z] and (u, v) = 1, of the differential equations an y (n) + + a0 y = 0
with ai C[z], an 6= 0. This equation is regular at any point c C (i.e., the
algebraic closure of C) which is not a root of an . Hence y has no pole at such
point c. It follows that any irreducible factor q of v is a divisor of an . The
problem that we have to solve is to determine the exact power q m which divides
v. As an example, the equation zy + 5y = 0 has solution z 5 .
y q + . . .
ai,i q i +
be the q-adic expansions of y and the ai . We are only interested in the case
< 0. As remarked before this implies that q divides the denominator of
some ai . Thus the finite set of qs that we have to consider is known. For
each q we have to find the possibilities for the exact power of q dividing the
denominator of y. As before, we consider the q-expansions of the elements
y (n) , an1 y (n1) , . . . , a0 y with lowest order. The sum of their leading coefficients
must be 0, since L(y) = 0. Thus for some subset S of {0, 1, . . . , n}, independent
of one has
ai,i ( 1) ( i + 1)y (q )i 0 mod q .
called (as before) the indicial polynomial of L at the place q. The roots of
the indicial polynomial (in an algebraic extension of C[z]/(q)) are called (as
before) the local exponents of L at the place q. We conclude that the negative
integer should be a root of the indicial polynomial. The assumption on the
field C guarantees that one can calculate the possible s. This completes the
exposition of the algorithm. We note that in case the indicial polynomial for
some q has no negative integer as root, then there are no rational solutions 6= 0
of L.
z 2 + 4z
2z + 4
y + 2
y 2
+ 2z 2
z + 2z 2
z + 2z 2
y +
(z + 1)
(z + 1)2
dimC V = dimC V .
Exercise 4.4 Inhomogeneous equations. Let L be as in Proposition 4.3 and
f K. Show that Ly = f has a solution in CK if and only if it has a solution
in K. Hint: CK is an algebraic extension of K. Consider for a solution y CK
of Ly = f all its conjugates.
Exponential Solutions
The following gives the group theoretic interpretation of exponential solutions of a linear differential equation. Recall that a character of an algebraic
Now we specialize to the case k = C(z) and present an algorithm to find all
exponential solutions for L C(z)[].
Proposition 4.9 In addition to the above notations we suppose that k = C(z).
1. One can decide, in a finite number of steps, whether the Riccati equation
R(u) = 0 has a solution in C(z).
2. Suppose that the Riccati equation has solution(s) in C(z). Let 1 , . . . s
denote the distinct characters of G such that Vi 6= 0. Then one can
calculate solutions {ui }i=1,...,s C(z) of the Riccati equation and for each
i a finite dimensional C-vector space Wi C[z] containing C such that
for each i one has Vi = yi Wi , where yi K is the exponential solution
given by ui = yii . Moreover si=1 {ui + ww |w Wi , w 6= 0} is the set of all
solutions in C(z) is the Riccati equation.
Proof. The idea of the proof is to solve the Riccati equation locally at every
singular point and then glue the local solutions to a global solution. We consider
first a local formal situation. Let 0 be a singular point of L. The solutions
u C((z)) of the Riccati equation of L can be derived from the classification
differential equations of Chapter 3. More precisely, one
u =
P formal
j2 z
j2 z
has the property that z[u]0 is an eigenvalue q Q, as defined in Definition 3.27,
which happens to lie in z 1 C[z 1 ]. The Newton polygon method presented
in Chapter 3.3 actually computes the possibilities for these eigenvalues q (see
Remarks 3.55). In Exercise 4.10 we outline how the Newton polygon techniques
can be specialized and simplified to give this result directly.
Next we consider a putative solution u C(z) of the Riccati equation. Let
S be the set of the singular points of L (possibly including ). For each S,
one calculates the finitely many possibilities for the truncated Laurent expansion
[u] at . After
P choosing for each one of these possibilities
P onechas u = u + r
where u
= S [u] and the remainder r has the form C z
. One shifts
to u
and computes the new operator L := L( u
has a solution
We have now to investigate whether the Riccati equation of L
r C(z) of the above form. For a singular point S the coefficient c
at ( compare with the
is seen to be a zero of the indicial polynomial of L
case of rational solutions). At a regular point of L the putative solution u has
putative r has the form r = S z
+ FF , where F is a polynomial in C[z].
The possible degree of F can be found by calculating a truncated local solution
at . Let d be a possible degree for F . Then one
of the Riccati equation of L
puts F = f0 + f1 z + + fd z d , with yet unknown coefficients f0 , . . . , fd . The
Riccati equation for r translates into a linear differential equation for F , which is
equivalent to a system of homogenous linear equations for f0 , . . . , fd . This ends
the algorithm for the first part of the proposition. In trying all possibilities for
the truncations [u] and the coefficients c for the singular points one obtains
in an obvious way the second part of the proposition.
3. Choose a possible term cz from part 2. Indicate how one can find a possible
4. Indicate how one can change the operator L into one or more operators L
such that the problem of finding rational solutions of the Riccati equation of L
is translated into P
finding rational solutions of the Riccati equation of L
the form u = p + u /(z ) where u , C and p C[z].
Now we concentrate on finding solutions u of R(u) = 0 having this form. Suppose that C is a pole of some ai , i.e., a singular point of L. Find an equation
for u (this is again an indicial equation) and show that there are only finitely
many possibilities for u . Show that one can modify L such that the putative
u has the form u = P /P + p where P, p C[z] and P has no roots in common
with a denominator of any ai .
5. Use 1.(ii) and calculations similar to those in 2., to produce finitely many
possibilities for the polynomial p. Modify the operator L such that u = P /P .
Now use Proposition 4.1 to find the polynomial solutions of the modified linear
differential equation.
Note that the proof of Proposition 4.9 (or the above exercise) implies that
a solution u of the Riccati equation must be of the form
where P, Q, R, S C[z], the zeroes of S are singular points and the zeroes of
P are nonsingular points. We can therefore select S to be a product of the
irreducible factors of the denominators of the ai and so have it lie in C[z]. The
next examples show that, in general, one cannot assume that P, Q, R C[z].
2z 2 +2 .
The algorithm in Proposition 4.9 goes back to Beke [28] (see also [254],
177). There are two aspects that contribute to the computational complexity
of the above algorithm. The first is combinatorial. At each singular point one
selects a candidate for terms of degree less than or equal to 1. If one uses
the Newton polygon method described in Chapter 3, one generates at most
n distinct candidates, where n is the order of the differential operator (see
Remarks 3.55). If there are m singular points then one may need to try nm
possibilities and test nm transformed differential equations to see if they have
polynomial solutions. The second is the apparent need to work in algebraic
extensions of C of large degree over C.
In [137], van Hoeij gives methods to deal with the combinatorial explosion in
this algorithm and the problem of large field extensions of C (as well as a similar
problem encountered when one tries to factor linear operators). The method
also avoids the use of the Gr
obner basis algorithm. Roughly speaking it works
as follows. One makes a good choice of a singular point of the operator L and
a formal local right hand factor of degree 1 at this point. After a translation of
the variable (z 7 z + c or z 7 z 1 ) and a shift 7 + f with f C(z), the
operator L has a right hand factor of the form yy with an explicit y C[[z]].
Now one tries to find out whether yy belongs to C(z). Equivalently, one tries
to find a linear relation between y and y over C[z]. This is carried out by Pade
approximation. The method extends to finding right hand factors of higher
degree and applies in that case a generalization of the Pade approximation. This
local-to-global approach works very well in practice and has been implemented
in Maple V.5.
One can also proceed as follows (c.f., [56], [219]). Let be a fixed singular point.
We may write a rational solution of the Riccati equation as
u = e + f
where e = (z)
n + +
z and f = b0, + b1, (z ) + . One can
calculate (at most) n possibilities for e . We shall refer to e as a principal part
= 0. One
term f will be of the form y /y for some power series solution y of Ly
can use the classical Frobenius algorithm to calculate (to arbitrary precision) a
basis y1 , . . . , yt of these power series solutions. Since f is a rational function,
1 y1 ++ct yt )
one must decide if there are any constants c1 , . . . , ct such that (c
(c1 y1 +...+ct yt ) is
1 y1 ++ct yt )
rational and such that e + (c
(c1 y1 ++ct yt ) is a solution of the Riccati equation.
This can be done as follows.
One first calculates a bound N (see the next paragraph) on the degrees of
the numerators and denominators of possible rational solutions of the Riccati
equation. One then uses the first 2N + 1 terms of the power series expansions
1 y1 ++ct yt )
1 y1 ++ct yt )
of (c
e approximant f [27] of (c
(c1 y1 ++ct yt ) to find a Pad
(c1 y1 ++ct yt ) and then
one substitutes e + f into the Riccati equation and determines if there are any
ci that make this equation vanish. More concretely, given N , we may assume
that the value of c1 y1 + + ct yt at z = is 1 and write
(c1 y1 + + ct yt )
= d0 (c1 , , ct ) + d1 (c1 , , dt )(z )+
(c1 y1 + + ct yt )
where the d1 , . . . , d2N are polynomials in the ci that can be calculated using the
power series expansions of the yi . One now must decide if there exist hi , gi such
hN (z )N + + h0
= d0 (c1 , , ct ) + d1 (c1 , , dt )(z )+
f =
gN (z )N + + g0
+ + d2N (c1 , , ct )(z )2N mod (z )2N +1
Multiplying both sides of the above equation by gN (z )N + + g0 and
comparing the first 2N + 1 powers of z yields a system S of polynomial
equations in the ci , gi , hi that are linear in the gi and hi but nonlinear in the
ci . Substituting u = e + f into the Riccati equation R(u) = 0, clearing
denominators and equating powers of z yields another system of nonlinear
One can then use Gr
polynomial equations S.
obner basis methods to decide if
there are ci such that the system S S is solvable.
We now show how one can calculate a bound N on the degrees of the numerator and denominator of a rational solution of the Riccati equation. At each
singular point C one can calculate the possible principal parts. In particular, this allows one to find the possible integers n and so bound the degrees of
R and S in Equation 4.3. At , one can also calculate possible principal parts
where t = z1 . This allows one to bound
the degree of
e = ntn, + . . . + 1,
Q in Equation 4.3. Note that the constant a1, = deg P a1, . Therefore
once we have bounded (or determined) all the residues a1, and a1, , we can
bound (or determine) the possible degrees of P in Equation 4.3. Therefore we
can find the desired bound N . Note that although we have had to calculate mn
principal parts, we have avoided the necessity of testing exponentially many
Both the algorithm in Proposition 4.9 and the above algorithm are presented
in a way that has one work in (possibly large) extensions of C. Several ways
to minimize this are given in [56],[57], and [137]. The examples above show
that extensions of C cannot be avoided. For an even simpler example, let p(z)
be an irreducible polynomial over Q(z). The solutions of p()y = 0 are of the
form ez where is a root of p(z) = 0. Therefore each solution of the Riccati
equation is defined over an extension of Q of degree equal to the order of p().
Proposition 4.12 says that this is the worst that can happen.
Proposition 4.12 Let L be a linear differential operator of order n with coefficients in C(z) and let R(u) = 0 be the associated Riccati equation.
1. If there are only a finite number of solutions of R(u) = 0 in C(z) then
each of them lies in a field of the form C0 (z) where [C0 : C] n.
2. If R(u) = 0 has an infinite number of solutions in C(z) then there is a
solution in a field of the form C0 (z) where [C0 : C] n2 .
Proof. We will let k = C(z) and use the notation of Lemma 4.8.
1. Let us assume that the Riccati equation has only a finite number of solutions.
In this case, Lemma 4.8 implies that there are at most n of these. The group
Aut(C/C) acts on C(z) and permutes these solutions. Therefore the orbit of
any solution of the Riccati equation has size at most n and so is defined over a
field of degree at most n over C.
2. One can prove this statement easily after introducing a Gal(C/C) action on
the solution space V K of the differential operator L. This operator has a
regular point in C and for notational convenience we assume that 0 is a regular
point for L. Then W := {y C((z))| Ly = 0} is a C-vector space of dimension
n. The field C((z)) contains a Picard-Vessiot field for L over C(z), namely
the differential subfield generated over C(z) by all the elements of W . So we
may identify K with this subfield of C((z)). The natural map C C W V ,
where V K is the solution space
PV of L in K, is clearly
P bijective. The
Gal(C/C) acts on C((z)) by ( n>> an z n ) =
action induces on the subfield C(z) the natural action and the elements of W
are fixed. Hence the subfield K is invariant under this action. Moreover, the
action of Gal(C/C) on V is the one given by the isomorphism C C W V .
Let 1 , . . . , s denote the distinct characters of the differential Galois group
G such that the spaces Vi are 6= 0. By assumption and by Lemma 4.8 one of
these spaces, say V1 , has dimension 2. The group Gal(C/C) permutes the
spaces Vi . Therefore the stabilizer H Gal(C/C) of V1 is a closed subgroup
of index n/2. Let C0 C denote the fixed field of H. Then [C0 : C] n/2
and the subspace V1 is invariant under the action of H = Gal(C/C0 ). The
action of H on V1 yields a 1-cocycle class in H 1 (Gal(C/C0 ), GLd (C)), where d
is the dimension of V1 . This cohomology set is well known to be trivial ([260])
and it follows that V1 has a basis of elements in C0 C W C0 ((z)). For such
The above proposition appears in [126] and its proof applies to equations with
coefficients in C((z)) as well. In this case the Riccati equation will always have
a solution in a field whose degree over C((z)) is at most the order of L. In the
latter case, the result also follows from a careful analysis of the Newton polygon
or similar process (c.f., [83], [137], [171], [280]). Despite Proposition 4.12, we
know of no algorithm that, except in the case n = 2 (due to M. Berkenbosch [29]
and, independently, to M. van Hoeij, who has included it in his modification
and implementation of the Kovacic algorithm), will compute a rational solution
of the Riccati equation that guarantees that all calculations are done in a field
C0 (z) with [C0 : C] n.
We end this section by noting that an algorithm for computing exponential
solutions of linear differential systems is given in [219].
Let a differential module M over the field C(z), or equivalently a matrix differential operator A over C(z), be given. One final goal for algorithmic
computations on M is to completely determine its Picard-Vessiot ring and its
differential Galois group. For the case C = C, many new questions arise, e.g.,
concerning monodromy groups, asymptotic behaviour, Stokes matrices etc. Here
we will restrict to the possibility of computing the Picard-Vessiot ring and the
differential Galois group.
Let Mnm denote the tensor product M M M M (with
n factors M and m factors M , and M denotes the dual of M ). From the
Tannakian point of view, complete information on the Picard-Vessiot ring and
the differential Galois group is equivalent to having a complete knowledge of
all the differential submodules of finite direct sums of the Mnm . Thus the basic
problem is to find for a given differential module M all its submodules. We
recall that M has a cyclic vector and is therefore isomorphic to C(z)[]/C(z)[]L
for some monic differential operator L. The submodules of M are in one-toone correspondence with the monic right hand factors of L. Therefore the
central problem is to factor differential operators. We will sketch a solution
for this problem. This solution does not produce a theoretical algorithm for
the computation of the Picard-Vessiot ring and the differential Galois group.
Indeed, following this approach, one has to compute the submodules of infinitely
many direct sums of the modules Mnm . Nonetheless, algorithms modifying this
approach have been given in [71] for the case when the differential Galois group
is known to be reductive. An algorithm for the general case is recently presented
in [140].
In order to simplify this exposition we will assume that C is algebraically
closed. Computing the rational solutions for a differential operator L C(z)[]
translates into finding the C-linear vector space {m M |m = 0}, where
M is the dual of the differential module C(z)[]/C(z)[]L. M.A. Barkatou and
E. Pfl
ugel, [22, 24], have developed (and implemented in their ISOLDE package)
efficient methods to do this computation directly on the differential module
(i.e., its associated matrix differential equation) without going to a differential
operator by choosing a cyclic vector. Computing the exponential solutions of a
differential operator translates into finding the 1-dimensional submodules of M .
Again there is an efficient algorithm by M.A. Barkatou and E. Pfl
ugel directly
for the differential module (instead of an associated differential operator). Let
I1 , . . . , Is denote a maximal set of non isomorphic 1-dimensional submodules of
M . The sum of all 1-dimensional submodules of M is given as a direct sum
N1 Ns M , where each Ni is a direct sum 1-dimensional submodules,
isomorphic to Ii . This decomposition translates into the direct sum V
V , taken over all characters of the differential Galois group considered in
Lemma 4.8.
Bekes Algorithm
In order to make the above into an actual (and efficient) algorithm, one has
to give the translation in terms of matrix differential operators. Let e1 , . . . , en
be a basis of the differential module M . Let A be the matrix of w.r.t. this
basis. Thus can be identified with the matrix operator dz
+ A on the space
C(z)n . Then d M has basis {ei1 P
eid | i1 < < id }. The operator on
d M is defined by (w1 wd ) = i w1 (wi ) wd . From this
one easily obtains the matrix differential operator for d M . The algorithms of
M.A. Barkatou and E. Pfl
ugel can now be put into action.
Remarks 4.13
(1) The original formulation of Bekes algorithm uses differential equations (or
differential operators). This has several disadvantages. One has to use certain
complicated minors of the Wronskian matrix of a basis y1 , . . . , yn of the solutions
of the degree n operator L C(z)[]. Let M = C(z)[]/C(z)[]L be the
differential module associated to L. Write e for the image of 1 in M . This is the
cyclic vector corresponding to L. A natural element of the exterior product d M
is e e d1 e. However, this element is not always a cyclic vector. Thus
some work has to be done to produce a cyclic vector and a suitable differential
operator for d M . This differential operator can be of high complexity etc. We
note also that Bekes original algorithm did not take the Pl
ucker relation into
account. Tsarev [283] gives essential improvements to Bekes original algorithm
and puts the Pl
ucker relation into action.
(2) One may insist on working with differential operators, and on producing
rational and exponential solutions as explained above. There is a way out of
the problem of the cyclic vector and its high complexity for the exterior power
by applying the method of [134]. There the matrix differential operator for
a construction of linear algebra, applied to a differential operator, is used to
produce the relevant information. Actually,one has to make a small variation
on their method described for symmetric powers and eigenrings.
(3) Other improvements to the Beke algorithm have been given by several authors [56], [58], [60], [256]. In [116], Grigoriev also gives simplifications of the
Beke algorithm as well as a detailed complexity analysis. An algorithm for determining the reducibility of a differential system is given in [115]. A method
to enumerate all factors of a differential operator is given in [284].
(4) As remarked earlier, van Hoeij [137] gives methods to factor differential operators that are not based on Bekes algorithm. In this paper, he uses algorithms
that find local factorizations (i.e., factors with coefficients in C((z))) and applies
an adapted version of Pade approximation to produce a global factorization.
Example 4.14 We illustrate Bekes algorithm to find all the right hand factors
of order 2 of L = 4 3 over the field Q(z).
d2 + 2d3 z
d1 + d2 z + d3 z 2
d1 + d2 z + d3 z 2
2 (
d2 + 2d3 z + d1 + d2 z + d3 z 2
d2 + 2d3 z
) +
d1 + d2 z + d3 z
d1 + d2 z + d3 z 2
Another method, not based on Bekes algorithm, is given in [270]. This method
uses the eigenring (c.f., Proposition 2.13). It does not always factor reducible
operators (see Exercise 2.14) but does often yield factors quickly. We will show
that the method does factor all reducible completely reducible operators (c.f.,
Definition 2.37).
We recall and continue the discussion of the eigenring in Sections 2.2 and 2.4.
Consider instead of a differential operator L of degree n, the associated differential module M over C(z). We assume for convenience that C is algebraically
closed. The eigenring E(M ) of M consists of all C(z)-linear maps B : M M ,
which commute with . One of the constructions of linear algebra applied to
M is the differential module Hom(M, M ) (isomorphic to M M ). Then the
eigenring of M is the C-algebra of the rational solutions of Hom(M, M ). Clearly
1M E(M ) and the dimension of E(M ) is n2 . This dimension is equal to n2
if and only if M is a direct sum of n copies of a 1-dimensional module.
Suppose that E(M ) contains an element B which is not a multiple of the
identity. The elements 1, B, B 2 , . . . , B n E(M ) are linearly dependent over C.
One can easily calculate the monic polynomial I(T ) C[T ] of minimal degree
satisfying I(B) = 0. Let c C be a root of I(T ). Then B c1M is not invertible
and is not 0. Hence the kernel of B c1M is a non trivial submodule of M .
Direct decompositions of a given differential module M correspond to idempotent elements of E(M ). They can be computed as follows. Let B1 , . . . , Br be
a C-basis of E(M ). Consider any C-linear combination e := 1 B1 + + r Br .
Then e2 = e yields a set of quadratic equations for 1 , . . . , r with, a priori coefficients in C(z). The above method of evaluation at z = 0 turns these equations
into quadratic equations over C.
Suppose that the differential module M is completely reducible. According to
Proposition 2.40 the eigenring E(M ) is a direct product of the matrix algebras
Mni (C) for i = 1, . . . , s. Thus the above method will produce a complete
decomposition of M as direct sum of irreducible submodules.
We return now to the differential operator L D := C(z)[] of degree n. We
recall (c.f. 2.13) that the eigenring E(L) is also the eigenring of the differential
module M := D/DL. Moreover E(L) is described by
E(L) = {R D| deg R < n and there exists S D with LR = SL}
One can make the above condition on R explicit by writing R = R0 + R1 +
+ Rn1 n1 and dividing LR on the right by L with a remainder. Thus
0 + R
1 + + R
n1 n1 Each R
i is formally a linear homoLR = F L + R
geneous expression in R0 , . . . , Rn1 and their derivatives. Then R E(L) if
i = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n 1. These equations are sometimes called
and only if R
the eigenequations of L. We note that these equations, written as a differen(j)
tial equation for the matrix (Ri )ni,j=1 is equivalent to the matrix differential
and the solutions of the eigenequations. One can then use the methods of
Section 4.1 to find solutions of this former system in C(z). Other techniques for
finding E(L) are discussed in [18] and [136].
Exercise 4.15 Let L be the differential operator
4 + (2 + 2z 2 ) 2 + 4z + (4 + 2z 2 + z 4 )
say over the differential field Q(z). Try to prove that E(L) is isomorphic to the
matrix algebra M2 (Q). Hint: Use a computer.
We will see in the next section that completely reducible operators arise
naturally. A test for complete reducibility of operators over C(z) (with C algebraically closed) is given in [270] and this is extended to algebraic extensions of
C(z) in [71].
We end this section with an exercise giving a version of the Eisenstein irreducibility criterion that can be applied to differential operators.
Exercise 4.16 Factorization over C(z) versus factorization over C[z].
(1) Show that z 2 + z 2 z = ( + z)(z 1). Note that each of the two
first degree factors has coefficients with g.c.d. 1, while z divides the coefficients
of the product. Therefore a naive version of Gausss lemma is false for linear
operators over the ring C[z].
(2) Let L = 2 + z 1. Show that L factors over C(z) but that L cannot be
written as the product of first degree operators with coefficients in C[z]. Hint:
Show that z 1 is the only exponential solution of Ly = 0.
Despite these examples, Kovacic [165] gives the following Eisenstein-like criterion for the irreducibility of a differential operator:
Let R be a differential integral domain with quotient field F and let P be a
primePdifferential ideal in R. Assume that the local ring RP is principal. Let
L = i=0 ci i be a differential operator with coefficients in R such that ci P
for i = 1, . . . , l, c0 6 P and cl 6 P 2 . Then L is irreducible over F .
Liouvillian Solutions
Group Theory
The group theory that we need is based on the following theorem of Jordan
([144], [145]; see also the exposition of Jordans ideas given by Dieudonne [84]).
It is interesting to note that Jordan proved this result in order to study algebraic
solutions of linear differential equations.
Theorem 4.17 Let C be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.
There exists an integer valued function n 7 J(n) such that every finite subgroup
of GLn (C) contains an abelian normal subgroup of index at most J(n).
Various authors have given bounds for J(n). Blichtfeldt [39] showed that J(n) <
n!(6n1 )(n+1)+1 where (x) denoted the number of primes less than or equal
to x (see [86] for a modern presentation). One also finds the following values
of J(n) in [39]: J(2) = 12, J(3) = 360, and J(4) = 25920. Schur [255] showed
that J(n) ( 8n + 1)2n ( 8n 1)2n (see [76] for a modern exposition).
Other proofs can be found in [85] and [304].
Proposition 4.18 C is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. A
subgroup G GLn (C) acts on P(C n ) = Pn1 (C), i.e., the set of lines in C n
through 0. Suppose that G has some finite orbit on P(C n ), then it also has an
orbit of length at most I(n) := maxrn {[ nr ]J(r)} .
Proof. We may replace G by its Zariski closure in GLn (C) and suppose that
G is a linear algebraic group. Suppose that the line Cw V := C n has a finite
orbit {Cw1 , . . . , Cws } under G. Then H = {h G| h(Cwi ) = Cwi for all i}
is a normal subgroup of G of index s!. Let 1 , . . . , t denote the distinct
characters i : H C such that the vector space Vi := {v V |h(v) =
i (h)v for all h H} is not 0. Then V has ti=1 Vi as subspace. Since H
is normal in G, one has that G permutes the spaces Vi and ti=1 Vi is a Ginvariant subspace. Consider the stabilizer H1 G of V1 . Then the index of
Proposition 4.19 Suppose that the linear differential equation Ly = 0 of degree n over k has a non-zero liouvillian solution. Then there is a solution y 6= 0
spaces (see also [169], CH. XVI, 8 for information concerning the symmetric
powers ). Let F be any field and A a vector space over F of dimension n with
basis e1 , . . . , en . The dth symmetric power of A, denoted by symdF A = symd A,
is the quotient of the ordinary tensor product A A (of d copies of A) by
the linear subspace generated by all elements a1 an a(1) a(n)
with a1 , . . . , an A and Sn . We will not distinguish in notation between
the elements of symd A and their preimages in A A. The space symd A
has basis {ei1 eid | with 1 i1 i2 id n}. A vector in
symd A will be called decomposable if it has the form a1 ad for certain
elements a1 , . . . , ad F A, where F denotes the algebraic closure of F . Here
is an important subtle point which can be explained as follows. After choosing
a basis for A over F one may identify A with the homogeneous polynomials in
n variables X1 , . . . , Xn over F , having degree 1. This leads to an identification
of symd A with the homogeneous polynomials of degree d in X1 , . . . , Xn . An
irreducible homogeneous polynomial of degree d in F [X1 , . . . , Xn ] may factor as
a product of d linear homogeneous polynomials in F [X1 , . . . , Xn ]. Consider a
homogeneous H F [X1 , . . . , Xn ] of degree 3, which factors over F as a product
of three linear terms. We may suppose that the coefficient of Xn3 in H is 1.
The factorization can be put in the form H = (Xn a)(Xn b)(Xn c) where
a, b, c are homogeneous terms of degree 1 in F [X1 , . . . , Xn1 ]. The Galois group
Gal(F /F ) acts on this decomposition and permutes the a, b, c. Thus we have
a (continuous) homomorphism Gal(F /F ) S3 . Consider the extreme case,
where this homomorphism is surjective. The images a
, b, c F under a suitable
substitution Xi 7 ci F, i = 1, . . . , n 1, are the roots of the irreducible
polynomial (Xn a
)(Xn b)(Xn c) F [Xn ]. Then the linear factor (Xn a)
lies in F (
a)[X1 , . . . , Xn ].
The subset of the decomposable vectors in symd A are the F -rational points
of an algebraic variety given by homogeneous equations. In terms of the chosen
basis e1 , . . . , en , one writes a vector of symd A as a linear expression
x(i1 , . . . , id )ei1 eid .
i1 id
Let the indeterminates Xi1 ,...,id , with i1 id , stand for the coordinate
functions on the vector space symd A w.r.t. the given basis. There is a homogeneous prime ideal P in the polynomial ring F [{Xi1 ,...,id }i1 id ] such
that the set of decomposable vectors is the zero set of P . A certain collection of generators of P is known under the name Brills equations ([108],
pp. 120,140; [53], p. 181). The existence of these equations follows from
the observation that the morphism P(A) P(A) P(symd A), given by
(F a1 , F a2 , . . . , F ad ) 7 F a1 ad , between projective spaces has a Zariski
closed image. We will not need the precise form of Brills equations.
Now we return to G-orbit {
y1 = y, . . . , yd } of y. The element m(d, u) := y1
yd of symdK (K k M ) = K k symdk M is invariant under G and belongs therefore
to symd M . Moreover, it is a decomposable vector, since it is a decomposable
vector over the field extension K of k. The covariant solution space ker(, K k
symd M ) can clearly be identified with symdC V . The one-dimensional subspace
Cy1 yd is G-invariant. One observes that
Ky1 yd = K y1 yd = Km(d, u). Thus Km(d, u) is invariant under
and then the same holds for the 1-dimensional subspace km(d, u) of symd M .
We conclude that the algebraic solution u of the Riccati equation yields a 1dimensional submodule of symd M , generated by a decomposable vector.
A converse holds as well. Suppose that km(d) is a submodule of symd M
generated by a decomposable vector. Then m(d) gives rise to one or more
algebraic solutions of the Riccati equation of L, having degree d over k.
We want to indicate an algorithm with input a decomposable 1-dimensional
submodule km(d) of symd M and output one or more algebraic solutions of the
Riccati equation. For notational convenience we take d = 3. One has to compute
elements m1 , m2 , m3 k k M such that m1 m2 m3 = m. In the extreme
case, considered above, one computes an extension k(r) k of degree 3 and an
m1 k(r) k M . The 1-dimensional space k(r)m1 k(r) k M is invariant
under . Thus m1 = um1 for some u k(r). Then u is an algebraic solution
of the Riccati equation and k(u) = k(r) and the minimal polynomial of degree
3 of u over k is found. We note that an algorithm based on symmetric powers,
decomposable vectors and Brills equations for determining liouvillian solutions
of an operator is presented in [274] with improvements presented in [134].
In this subsection, we will present a simple (yet not very efficient) algorithm
to decide if a linear differential operator L over C(z) has a nonzero liouvillian
solution and produce such a solution if it exists. This algorithm can be modified
by applying Tsarevs refinements of the straightforward Beke algorithm for differential operators. At the end of the section we will discuss other refinements.
We begin by reviewing some facts about symmetric powers Symd (L) of an
operator L. In Section 2.3, we showed that the solution space of this operator is
spanned by {y1 yd | Lyi = 0 for all i}. Furthermore, we showed that Symd (L)
can be calculated in the following manner: Let L have order n and let e = 1
be a cyclic vector of k[]/k[]L
with minimal annihilating operator L. One
differentiates ed , = n+d1
This yields a system of + 1 equations:
j ed =
aj,I E I j = 0, . . . ,
z and m = 2. We shall calculate the
Example 4.21 Let L = 2 2z
equations (4.4) and Sym (L). Following the above procedure, we have
2 2
3 e2
8z 1/2
(0, 4zz21 , 2z
We will also need other auxiliary operators. These will be formed using
Definition 4.22 Let k be a differential field and L k[]. The derivative of L
denoted by Der(L), is defined to be the minimal monic annihilating operator of
As in Section 2.3, one can show that the solution space of Der(L) is {y | Ly = 0}.
Example 4.23 Let L = 2 2z
z and let e = k[]/k[]L. To calculate
Der(L) we form the following system:
e =
(z 2 ) +
Therefore Der(L) = 2 2z
+ ( z12 z). We shall also need in Example 4.25
9 2
that Sym (Der(L)) = 2z 4z z10
+ 4s10
z3 .
Proposition 4.24 Let L be a linear differential operator of order n with coefficients in k = C(z). One can decide, in a finite number of steps, if Ly = 0 has
a nonzero solution liouvillian over k and, if so, find the minimal polynomial of
an element u algebraic over k so that any y with y /y = u, we have Ly = 0.
Proof. We shall present an algorithm having its roots in [199] and given explicitly in [264].
The algorithm Proposition 4.19 implies that if Ly = 0 has a nonzero liouvillian solution then it has a solution y 6= 0 such that u = y /y is algebraic of order
at most I(n). The algorithm proceeds by searching for the minimal polynomial
of such a u. Let m be a positive integer less than or equal to I(n) and let
P (u) = um + bm1 um1 + + b0
X z(1)
z(1) z(i)
z(i+1) z(m)
z1 zm
where the cr,s are indeterminate constants. To see if there exist constants cr,s
such that the resulting polynomial is the minimal polynomial of a solution of the
Riccati equation one proceeds as follows. The set of these constants for which
the resulting P (u) is irreducible over C(z) forms a constructible set I. Let us
assume that I is nonempty. Assuming the cr,s take values in C = C, one has
that u = P1 (u) where P1 is a polynomial of degree at most m 1 in u that can
be calculated using the equality P (u) = 0. Similar expressions u(i) = Pi (u) can
be calculated for all derivatives of u. Replacing u(i) in R(u) with the Pi (u) and
then reducing modulo P (u) yields an expression that must vanish if P (u) = 0
is the minimal polynomial of a solution of the Riccati equation. This yields
algebraic conditions on the constants {cj,l } and defines a constructible set and
standard techniques (e.g., Gr
obner bases) can be used to decide if any of these
are consistent. Repeating this for all j yields all possible minimal polynomials
of algebraic solutions of degree m of the Riccati equation.
z. We shall show that
Example 4.25 Consider the operator L = 2 2z
this operator has a solution y with y /y algebraic of degree two over C(z). Let
P (u) = u2 +b1 u+b0 be the putative minimal polynomial of an algebraic solution
3 2
of the Riccati equation. In Example 4.21, we showed that Sym2 (L) = 3 2z
4z 1
z 2 . The only exponential solution of this equation is y = 1 so we must have
9 2
4z z10
+ 4s10
that b1 = 0. To find b0 we consider Sym2 (Der(L)) = 3 2z
(see Example 4.23). This has a one-dimensional space of rational solutions and
this is spanned by z. Therefore P (u) = u2 cz for some constant c. The
associated Riccati equation is R(u) = u + u2 12 u z. From P (u) = 0, we
have that u = 2z
u, so c is determined by 2z
u + cz 2z
u z = 0. Therefore
1 and
R P(u) = u z. This implies that L has a solution space with basis
{e z , e z }.
We will not present the much more involved modifications needed to make
the above algorithm efficient. One problem that occurs is that the order of the
mth symmetric power of the differential operator L is less than the maximal
possible order. This can be avoided using the techniques in [134] and [135]. In
these papers, the authors show how to construct matrix differential equations
whose solution spaces are isomorphic to the symmetric powers of the solution
space of Ly = 0. Using this, they are then able to construct, independent of the
order of Symm (L), polynomials all of whose roots are logarithmic derivatives of
solutions of Ly = 0 when such polynomials exist.
The algorithm presented in Proposition 4.24 is based on [264], where an algorithm to find all liouvillian solutions of a linear differential equation is presented.
Many of the ideas in [264] already appear in [199]. In [289] and [290], Ulmer
refines the group theoretic techniques to significantly improve the bounds in all
cases and also develops conditions to further narrow down the set of possible
degrees of algebraic logarithmic derivatives of solutions that can occur. The
modifications, needed for the algorithm that we presented, appear in [274] and
[275]. We also note that the case of inhomogeneous equations is discussed in
[78] and the situation where the coefficients of the equation lie in more general
fields (e.g., liouvillian extensions of C(z)) is discussed in [55] and [268].
The question of deciding if a linear differential equation has only algebraic
solutions (or even one nonzero algebraic solution) has a long history. In 1872,
Schwarz [257] gave a list of those parameters for which the hypergeometric equation has only algebraic solutions (for higher hypergeometric functions this was
done by Beukers and Heckman [33]). An algorithm (with some mistakes)R to
find the minimal polynomial of an element u algebraic over C(z) with exp( u)
satisfying a given second order linear differential equation was found by Pepin
[218] in 1881. Using invariant theory, Fuchs [105], [106] was able to find the
minimal polynomial of an algebraic solution of a second order linear differential
equation assuming that the Galois group is the finite imprimitive group of order
24, 48 or 120 (this method is generalized in [272]). In [157], [158], Klein shows
that any second order linear differential equation with only algebraic solutions
comes from some hypergeometric equation via a rational change in the inde-
Kovacic influential paper [166] presented for the first time an efficient algorithm
to find all liouvillian solutions of a second order linear differential equation. In
this section we shall describe this algorithm in the context of the methods of
the last two sections, originating in [264]
The general method for finding liouvillian solutions simplifies considerably
for second order operators, due to the following observations.
Proposition 4.26 ([166], [59], [291]) Suppose that the field of constants C of
the differential field k is algebraically closed. Let L = 2 + a + b k[] and let
K k be its Picard-Vessiot extension.
1. The nth symmetric power Symn (L) of L has order
= n + 1.
4. Suppose that L = 2 r with r k. Let P (T ) := T n + n1
i=0 (ni)! T
be an irreducible polynomial over k, u a solution of the Riccati equation
u + u2 = r of L and P (u) = 0. Then the ai satisfy the recurrence relation
ai1 = ai an1 ai (n i)(i + 1)rai+1 for i = n, . . . , 0
and an = 1, a1 = 0. In particular, the coefficient an1 determines the
polynomial P (T ). Moreover, an1 is an exponential solution of Symn (L)
(or in other terms a solution in k of the Riccati equation of Symn (L).
Proof. 1. Let differential module M with cyclic vector e associated to L is
k[]/k[]L and e is the image of 1. The operator Symn (L) is the minimal
monic operator, annihilating the element e e symn M . For notational
convenience, we will write a tensor product as an ordinary product. In particular, the element e e is written as en . The space M has basis e, e
and (e) = be ae. The collection {eni (e)i | i = 0, . . . , n} is a basis
of symn M . A straightforward calculation shows that the elements i (en ) for
i = 0, . . . , n form a basis of symn M . Thus Symn (L) has order n + 1.
2. By induction one shows that Li (en ) = n(n 1) (n i + 1)eni (e)i for
i = 0, . . . , n + 1.
3. The solution space of L is V = {f K| Lf = 0}. Let y1 , y2 be a basis.
Any homogeneous polynomial H in two variables X1 , X2 over C is a product of
linear homogeneous terms. Hence H 6= 0 implies that H(y1 , y2 ) is not zero. By
counting dimensions one finds that {H(y1 , y2 )| H homogeneous of degree n} is
the solution space of Symn (L).
4. The idea of the proof is to differentiate the polynomial relation P (u) = 0 in
the subfield k(u) of K and to use that u = u2 + r. This yields the equality
ui + (nun1 +
iui1 )(u2 + r) = 0.
(n i)!
Pn1 ai i
The term un occurring in this expression is replaced by i=0 (ni)!
u . There
results a polynomial expression u of degree less than n. All its coefficients have
to be zero. These coefficients yield the recurrence relations of part 4.
The equation P (T ) = 0 has all its solutions u = u1 , . . . , un in K. Each ui has the
form yii for suitable solutions in K of Lyi = 0. Then an1 = u1 + + un = ff
with f = y1 yn a solutions of Symn (L) in K.
Remarks 4.27 1. In [291], the authors show that the above recursion holds
without the assumption that P (T ) is irreducible. They use this fact to give further improvements on Kovacics algorithm. We will only use the above proposition in our presentation.
2. Kovacic method for solving ( 2 r)y = 0 is now almost obvious. For a suitable n 1 one tries to find exponential solutions of Symn (L) with the methods
explained earlier. If a solution is found then the polynomial P (T ) can be calculated and, by construction, any root of P (T ) = 0 is a liouvillian solution of the
required type. We still have to explain what the suitable ns are.
3 4z
16z 2
(3 + 4z) 2z 3
y +
4z 2
4z 3
16z 2 4z
The final information for Kovacic algorithm comes from the classification
of the algebraic subgroups of SL2 (C). To be able to use this information one
transforms a linear differential operator 2 +a +b intoR the form 2 r by means
of the shift 7 a/2. The liouvillian solutions e u , with u algebraic over
k, of the first operator are shifted by u 7 u + a/2 to the liouvillian solutions of
the same type of the second operator. Thus we may and will restrict ourselves
to operators of the form 2 r. The advantage is that the differential Galois
group of 2 r lies in SL2 (C) (see Exercise 1.35(5)).
The well known classification of algebraic subgroups of SL2 (C) ([150], p.31;
[166], p.7, 27) is the following.
Theorem 4.29 Let G be an algebraic subgroup of SL2 (C). Then, up to conjugation, one of the following cases occurs:
1. G is a subgroup of the Borel group
B :=
0 a1
2. G is not contained in a Borel group and is a subgroup of the infinite
dihedral group
D =
0 c1
c1 0
3. G is one of the groups ASL
(the tetrahedral group) , S4SL2 (the octahedral
group) or A5 (the icosahedral group) . These groups are the preimages
in SL2 (C) of the subgroups A4 , S4 , A5 PSL2 (C) = PGL2 (C).
4. G = SL2 (C).
We now present a rough version of the Kovacic Algorithm.
Theorem 4.29 gives the following information:
Let L = 2 r have solution space V and differential Galois group G GL(V ) =
SL2 (C). The smallest integer n 1 such that the Riccati equation of L has an
algebraic solution of degree n over k is equal to the smallest length of a G-orbit
of a line W V in P(V ) = P1 (C). From the above classification one can read
off this n. Namely, n = 1 for case 1.; n = 2 for case 2.; n = 4, 6, 12 for case
3. Indeed, one knows that the actions of A4 , S4 , A5 on P1 (C) have orbits of
minimal length 4, 6, 12 respectively (see [166]). Finally, in case 4. there is no
finite G-orbit and there are no liouvillian solutions.
The algorithm computes whether there are algebraic solutions u of the Riccati equation u + u2 = r for n = 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 (and in this order). If a solution u
is found then essentially one finds a complete description of the solution space,
the Picard-Vessiot field and the differential Galois group.
Note that Example 4.28 illustrates this procedure.
Remarks 4.30 1. The algorithm that Kovacic presents in [166] (also see [231])
is more detailed (and effective). He does not calculate the symmetric powers but
shows how one can determine directly an exponential solution of the prescribed
symmetric powers. This is done by calculating local solutions of the second
order equation at each singular point, that is, solutions in the fields C((z c))
or C((z 1 )). This allows one to determine directly the possible principal parts
at singular points of solutions of symmetric powers. Kovacic then develops
techniques to determine if these principal parts can be glued together to give
exponential solutions. The question of determining the local formal Galois group
(i.e., over C((z c)) or C((z 1 ))) is considered in [231] where explicit simpler
algorithms are also given to determine the global Galois groups of second order
equations with one and two singular points.
2. Various improvements and modifications have been given for the Kovacic Algorithm since its original publication. Duval and Loday-Richaud [87] have given
a more uniform treatment of the considerations concerning singular points and
have also applied the algorithm to decide which parameters in the hypergeometric equations (as well as several other classes of second order equations) lead to
liouvillian solutions. In [291], Ulmer and Weil show that except in the reducible
case, one can decide if there is a liouvillian solution (and find one) by looking
for solutions of appropriate symmetric powers that lie in C(z). This eliminates
some of the nonlinear considerations of Kovacics algorithm. If the equation has
coefficients in C0 (x) where C0 is not algebraically closed, it is important to know
in advance how large an algebraic extension of C0 is required. In [126] and [305]
sharp results are given for Kovacics algorithm as well as a general framework
for higher order equations. In [290], sharp results are given concerning what
constant fields are needed for equations of all prime orders. An algorithm to
determine the Galois groups of second and third order equations and decide if
they have liouvillian solutions (but not necessarily find these solutions) is given
in [271] and [272]. This will be discussed in the next section.
3. We note that Kovacics algorithm finds a solution of the form exp( u) where
u is algebraic over C(z) when the equation has liouvillian solutions. When the
equation has only algebraic solutions, the algorithm does not find the minimal
polynomials of such solutions, even when the Galois group is tetrahedral, octahedral or icosahedral. For these groups this task was begun in [105] and [106]
and completed and generalized to third order equations in [271] and [272].
4. Applications of Kovacics Algorithm to questions concerning the integrability
of Hamiltonian systems are given in [212] (see also the references given in this
The group H216
of order 648, which is the preimage of the Hessian group
H216 PSL3 (C) of order 216. The minimal length of an H216 -orbit is 9.
The subgroup H72
of index 3 in H216
, has again minimal length 9 for an
orbit in P(C ).
The subgroup F36
of index 2 of H72
has a minimal length 6 of an orbit
in P(C ).
Until now, we have been concerned with algorithmic aspects of the direct problem for differential equations. Inverse problems are discussed in Chapter 11
and in Section 7 of that chapter a construction is given for a linear differential
equation having a prescribed connected differential Galois group. Here we will
discuss the same algorithmic problem but now for finite groups. The problem
can be stated as follows:
Let G be a finite group and : G GL(V ) be a faithful representation (i.e.,
is injective) with V an n-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed
field C of characteristic 0. The general algorithmic problem is to produce a
differential operator L C(z)[] of degree n such that the representation is
isomorphic to the action of the differential Galois group of L on its solution
space. This is the main theme of [232]. Instead of asking for a differential operator L, one may ask for a differential module (or a matrix differential operator)
with the required properties. This however, has not been implemented.
The construction of an algorithm (and its implementation) for the required
operator L is quite different from what we have seen until now. In particular the
Chapters 5, 6 will be used and some more theory is presented. Further we will
narrow down on producing second and third order scalar Fuchsian equations
with three singular points 0, 1, . Since we will use some analytic theory, the
field C is supposed to be a subfield of C. Consider P = P1C \ {0, 1, } with
base point 1/2 for the fundamental group 1 . This group has the presentation
1 =< a0 , a1 , a | a0 a1 a = 1 >. A homomorphism h : 1 GLn (C) is
given by the images A0 , A1 , A GLn (C) of the a0 , a1 , a , having the relation
A0 A1 A = 1. The image of the homomorphism is a subgroup G of GLn (C).
We are interested in the situation where G is a given finite group.
The solution of the (strong) Riemann-Hilbert for finite groups (see Chapter 6)
guarantees a Fuchsian matrix differential equation with singularities at 0, 1, ,
with h as monodromy representation and G as differential Galois group (compare Chapter 5, Sections 2,3). In many cases, one can also prove the existence
of the scalar Fuchsian differential equation with the same data. This is what we
are looking for. First we provide information about the form of such a scalar
differential equation.
. yn
Epi +
E =
(s 1)(n 1)n
We note, in passing, that the Fuchs relation remains valid if at one or more
regular singular points p the indicial polynomial has multiple roots. In this
situation Ep is interpreted as the set of the roots of the indicial polynomial,
counted with multiplicity. The proof is easily adapted to this situation (see
also [224]).
Suppose further that the differential Galois group of the equation lies in
SLn (C). Then w = a1 w has a non trivial solution in C(z). The P
residues of
ai dz are integers and thus for all p {p1 , . . . , pk , } one has that
Ep is an
We specialize now to the situation of a Fuchsian scalar equation L of order two
with singular points {0, 1, }. The form of L is
)y (1) + ( 2 +
)y = 0, and one has
(z 1)2
z(z 1)
t(t 1) + a0 t + b0 =
(t ),
y (2) + (
t(t 1) + a1 t + b1 =
(t ),
(t ).
) 2 + ( 2 +
(z 1)
z(z 1)
c2 (z 1/2)
+ 2
+ 2
(z 1)3
z (z 1)2
z (z 1)2
(t ),
(t ),
e0 1
e0 1
1 X
1 X
tr(Aj0 )0sj )
e0 s=1
e0 j=0
e1 1
e1 1
1 X
1 X
tr(Aj1 )1sj )
e1 s=1
e1 j=0
e 1
e 1
1 X
1 X
tr(Aj )
e s=1
e j=0
For a better understanding of the examples, we will separate the finite group
G and its embedding in some GLn (C). We recall some facts from the representation theory of finite groups. A representation of the finite group G is a
Suppose that we are trying to find a Fuchsian order three equation L with known
exponents. Then one has still to calculate the accessory parameter . We will
not explain the procedure in the general case to obtain . There is a lucky
situation where two exponents belonging to the same singular point differ by
an integer. Let us make the assumption that for some j {0, 1, } the set
Ej contains two elements with difference m Z, m > 0. We note that this
situation occurs if and only if Aj has multiple eigenvalues.
Lemma 4.31 Assume that the differential Galois group of L is finite then
satisfies an explicitly known polynomial equation over Q of degree m.
Proof. For notational convenience we suppose j = 0 and by assumption , +
m E0 with m a positive integer. The assumption that the differential Galois
group of L is finite implies that there are three Puiseux series at z = 0, solutions
of L = 0. One of these has the form z g with g = 1 + c1 z + c2 z 2 + C[[z]].
There is a formula
L(z t ) = P0 (t)z t3 + P1 (t)z t2 + P2 (t)z t1 + P3 (t)z t + . . . ,
where the Pi are polynomials in t and . In fact P0 does not contain and the
other Pi have degree 1 in . An evaluation of the equation L(z (1 + c1 z + c2 z 2 +
)) = 0 produces a set of linear equations for the coefficients ci . In order to
have a solution, a determinant must be zero. This determinant is easily seen to
be a polynomial in of degree m.
Explicit formulas:
P0 (t) = t(t 1)(t 2) + a0 t(t 1) + b0 t + c0
P1 (t) = a1 t(t 1) b2 t c2 /2 +
P2 (t) = a1 t(t 1) + (b1 b2 )t + 2
P3 (t) = a1 t(t 1) + (2b1 b2 )t + c2 /2 + 3
The polynomials of lemma for m = 1, 2 and 3 are the following.
If , + 1 are exponents at 0, then P1 () = 0.
If , + 2 are exponents at 0, then P1 ()P1 ( + 1) P0 ( + 1)P2 () = 0
then the determinant of the matrix
and + 3 are exponents at 0
P1 () P0 ( + 1)
P2 () P1 ( + 1) P0 ( + 2) is zero.
P3 () P2 ( + 1) P1 ( + 2)
The Tetrahedral Group ASL
This group has 24 elements. Its center has order two and the group modulo
its center is equal to A4 . The group has 7 conjugacy classes conj1 , . . . , conj7 .
exp 0
exp 1
Schwarz triple
Schwarz triple compares the data with the list of Schwarz, which is
a classification of the second order differential equations with singular points
0, 1, and finite irreducible differential Galois group. This list has 15 items.
Our lists are somewhat longer, due to Schwarz choice of equivalence among
The first item under genera is the genus of the curve X P1 corresponding
to the finite Galois extension K C(z), where K is the Picard-Vessiot field of
the equation. The second item is the genus of the curve X/Z, where Z is the
center of the differential Galois group.
The Octahedral Group S4SL2
This group has 48 elements. Its center has two elements and the group modulo
its center is isomorphic to S4 . This group has 8 conjugacy classes conj1 , .., conj8 .
They correspond to elements of order 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 8, 8. There are two faithful
(unimodular) irreducible representations of degree 2. Their characters are denoted by 4 and 5 and the eigenvalues of these characters are given for each
conjugacy class:
4 : (
0, 0 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 1, 5 1, 7 3, 5
5 : (
0, 0 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 3 1, 5 3, 5 1, 7
Thus there is an automorphism of S4SL2 which permutes the classes conj7 , conj8 .
For the admissible triple, representing the unique element of the branch type we
make the choice that the number of times that conj7 occurs is greater than or
equal to the number of times that conj8 is present. In all cases the number m of
branch t.
exp 0
exp 1
Schwarz triple
The Icosahedral Group ASL
The group has 120 elements and is modulo its center isomorphic to A5 . There
are 9 conjugacy classes conj1 , . . . , conj9 corresponding to elements of orders
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 10. There are two faithful irreducible (unimodular) representations of degree 2. As before, their characters 2 and 3 are given on the
conjugacy classes by the two eigenvalues:
2 : (
0, 0 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 2, 3 1, 4 1, 5 3, 7 1, 9
6 10 10
3 : (
0, 0 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4 2, 3 1, 5 1, 9 3, 7
6 10 10
Thus there is an automorphism of ASL
which permutes the two pairs of conju5
gacy classes conj5 , conj6 and conj8 , conj9 . For the admissible triple representing
the unique element of the branch type there are several choices. One can deduce
from the table which choice has been made.
exp 0
exp 1
class as follows:
2 : (
0, 0, 0 0, 1, 1 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 3 3, 5, 6 1, 2, 4
0, 0, 0 0, 1, 1 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 3 1, 2, 4 3, 5, 6
The character 3 is the dual of 2 . We introduce some terminology. The
conjugacy triple i, j, k of an admissible triple (g0 , g1 , g ) is defined by: the
conjugacy classes of g0 , g1 , g are conji , conjj , conjk .
3 : (
(1) Branch type [2, 3, 7] consists of one element, represented by the conjugacy
triple 2,3,5. The genus of the curve X is 3. For 3 one calculates that m = 1.
For this character, the lower bounds for the exponents add up to 3, so they are
the actual exponents. From the exponent difference 1 at z = 0 one obtains all
the data for L: 1/2, 0, 1/2|| 2/3, 1/3, 0||8/7, 9/7, 11/7|| = 12293/24696.
This equation was in fact found by Hurwitz [Hu]. Our theoretical considerations
provide an overkill since the corresponding covering X P1 is well known. It
is the Klein curve in P2 given by the homogeneous equation x0 x31 +x1 x32 +x3 x30 =
0, having automorphism group G168 , or in another terminology, it is the modular
curve X(7) with automorphism group PSL2 (F7 ).
Exercise 4.32 We continue now with order three equations for the group G168 .
The reader is asked to verify the following calculations.
(2). Branch type [2, 4, 7] with conjugacy triple 2,4,5. Prove that m = 0 for 2
and m = 1 for 3 . For 3 the lower bounds for the exponents add up to 3 and
are the actual values; at z = 0 there is an exponent difference 1. This leads to
the data 1/2, 0, 1/2|| 3/4, 1/4, 0||8/7, 9/7, 11/7|| = 5273/10976.
(3). Branch type [2, 7, 7] and conjugacy triple 2,5,5. Prove that m = 0 for 2
and m = 2 for 3 . For 3 the lower bounds for the exponents add up to 2; there
is an integer exponent difference at z = 0. From m = 2 one can conclude that
one may add +1 to any of the nine exponents (whenever this does not come
in conflict with the definition of exponents). We will not prove this statement.
Verify now the following list of differential equations for G168 . The data for the
exponents and are:
1/2, 1, 1/2|| 6/7, 5/7, 3/7||8/7, 9/7, 11/7|| = 1045/686
Analytic Theory
Chapter 5
Monodromy, the
Riemann-Hilbert Problem
and the Differential Galois
Let U be an open connected subset of the complex sphere P1 = C{} and let
Y = AY be a differential equation on U , with A an nn-matrix with coefficients
which are meromorphic functions on U . We assume that the equation is regular
at every point p U . Thus, for any point p U , the equation has n independent
solutions y1 , . . . , yn consisting of vectors with coordinates in C({z p}). It is
known ([132], Ch. 9; [224], p. 5) that these solutions converge in a disk of radius
where is the distance from p to the complement of U . These solutions span
an n-dimensional vector space denoted by Vp . If we let Fp be a matrix whose
columns are the n independent solutions y1 , . . . , yn then Fp is a fundamental
matrix with entries in C({z p}). One can normalize Fp such that Fp (p) is the
identity matrix. The question we are interested in is:
Does there exist on all of U , a solution space for the equation
having dimension n?
The main tool for answering this question is analytical continuation which
in turn relies on the notion of the fundamental group ([7], Ch. 8; [132], Ch.
9). These can be described as follows. Let q U and let be a path from
p to q lying in U (one defines a path from p to q in U as a continuous map
: [0, 1] U with (0) = p and (1) = q). For each each point (t) on this
path, there is an open set O(t) U and fundamental solution matrix F(t)
whose entries converge in O(t) . By compactness of [0, 1], we can cover the path
with a finite number of these open sets, {O(ti ) }, t0 = 0 < t1 < < tm = 1.
The maps induced by sending the columns of F(i) to the columns of F(i+1)
induce C-linear bijections V(ti ) V(ti+1 ) . The resulting C-linear bijection
Vp Vq can be seen to depend only on the homotopy class of (we note that
two paths 0 and 1 in U from p to q are homotopic if there exists a continuous
H : [0, 1][0, 1] U such that H(t, 0) = 0 (t), H(t, 1) = 1 (t) and H(0, s) = p,
H(1, s) = q). The C-linear bijection Vp Vq is called the analytic continuation
along .
For the special case that (0) = (1) = p we find an isomorphism which is
denoted by M() : Vp Vp . The collection of all closed paths, starting and
ending in p, divided out by homotopy, is called the fundamental group and
denoted by 1 (U, p) . The group structure on 1 (U, p) is given by composing
paths. The resulting group homomorphism M : 1 (U, p) GL(Vp ) is called
the monodromy map. The image of M in GL(Vp ) is called the monodromy
group. The open connected set U is called simply connected if 1 (U, p) = {1}.
If U is simply connected then one sees that analytical continuation yields n
independent solutions of the differential equation on U . Any open disk, C and
also P1 are simply connected.
The fundamental group of U := {z C| 0 < |z| < a} (for a (0, ]) is
generated by the circle around 0, say through b R with 0 < b < a and in
positive direction. Let us write for this generator. There are no relations
and thus the fundamental group is isomorphic with the group Z. The element
M() GL(Vb ) is called the local monodromy. As a first example, consider the
differential equation y = zc y. The solution space Vb has basis z c (for the usual
determination of this function). Further M()z c = e2ic z c and e2ic GL1 is
the local monodromy.
In this subsection we continue the study of regular singular equations, now over
the field K = Kconv = C({z}) of the convergent Laurent series. We give the
following definition: a matrix differential operator, here also refered to as a
matrix differential equation, dz
A over Kconv is called regular singular if
the equation is equivalent over Kconv to dz
B such that the entries of B have
poles at z = 0 of order at most 1. Otherwise stated, the entries of zB are
analytic functions in a neighbourhood of z = 0. Recall (Section 1.2) that two
equations dz
A and dz
B are equivalent if there is a F GLn (C({z})) with
1 d
F ( dz A)F = ( dz B).
One can express this notion of regular singular for matrix equations also in
terms of := z dz
. A matrix differential equation over Kconv is regular singular
if it is equivalent (over Kconv ) to an equation A such that the entries of A
Zariski closure in GLn (C) of the group generated by the monodromy matrix.
Moreover the differential Galois group of A over C((z)) coincides with G.
Proof. Theorem 5.1 implies that the equation A is equivalent, over Kconv ,
to an equation C, where C is a constant matrix. We may assume that C
is in Jordan normal form and so the associated Picard-Vessiot extension is of
the form F = Kconv (z a1 , . . . , z ar , log z), where a1 , . . . , ar are the eigenvalues
of C and with = 0 if C is diagonizable and = 1 otherwise. Any element f
of F is meromorphic on any sector at z = 0 of opening less than 2. If analytic
continuation around z = 0 leaves such an element fixed, it must be analytic in
a punctured neighbourhood of z = 0. Furthermore, |f | is bounded by |z|N for a
suitable N in such a neighbourhood and therefore must be meromorphic at the
origin as well. Therefore, f Kconv . The Galois correspondence implies that
the Zariski closure of the monodromy matrix must be the Galois group.
Let UnivR be the universal differential ring constructed in Section 3.2 and let
UnivF be its field of fractions. One can embed F into UnivF. The action of
the formal monodromy on F coincides with the action of analytic continuation.
Therefore, we may assume that the monodromy matrix is in the Galois group
of A over C((z)). Since this latter Galois group may be identified with a
subgroup of the Galois group of A over K, we have that the two groups
3. Construct examples showing that any group of the above type is the Galois
group over K of a regular singular equation.
The ideas in the proof of Theorem 5.1 can be used to characterize regular
singular points in terms of growth of analytic solutions near a singular point.
An open sector S(a, b, ) is the set of the complex numbers z 6= 0 satisfying
arg(z) (a, b) and |z| < (arg(z)), where : (a, b) R>0 is some continuous
function. We say that a function g(z) analytic in an open sector S = S(a, b, )
is of moderate growth on S if there exists an integer N and real number c > 0
such that |g(z)| < c|z|N on S.
A differential equation dz
A, where the matrix A has entries in the field
C(z) has an obvious interpretation as an equation on the complex sphere P1 =
C {}. A point p P1 is singular for dz
A if the equation cannot be
made regular at p with a local meromorphic transformation. A singular point is
called regular singular if some local transformation at p produces an equivalent
equation with a matrix having poles of at most order 1. The equation dz
A is
called regular singular if every singular point is in fact regular singular. In the
sequel we will work with regular singular equations and S will denote its (finite)
set of singular points.
An example of a regular singular equation is dz
i=1 za
, where the Ai are
constant matrices and a1 , . . . , ak are distinct complex numbers.
Exercise 5.7 Calculate that is a regular singular point for the equation dz
Ai = 0 implies that is a regular (i.e., not a singular)
i=1 zai . Prove that
point for this equation. Calculate in the generic case the local monodromy
matrices of the equation. Why is this condition generic necessary?
Let S = {s1 , . . . , sk , }, then the equation dz
ki=1 zs
is called a Fuchi
sian differential equation for S if each of the points in S is singular. In general,
A with the above S as its set of
a regular singular differential equation dz
singular points cannot be transformed into the form dz
i=1 zs
. One can
find transformations of dz A which work well for each of the singular points,
but in general there is no global transformation which works for all singular
points at the same time and does not introduce poles outside the set S.
We consider the open set U = P1 \ S and choose a point p U . Let S =
{s1 , . . . , sk } and consider closed paths 1 , . . . , k , beginning and ending at p,
and each i forms a small loop around si . If the choice of the loops is correct
(i.e. each loop contains a unique and distinct si and all are oriented in the same
direction) then the fundamental group 1 (U, p) is generated by the 1 , . . . , k
and the only relation between the generators is 1 k = 1. In particular,
the fundamental group is isomorphic to the free noncommutative group on k 1
generators. The monodromy map of the equation is the homomorphism M :
1 (U, p) GL(Vp ) and the monodromy group is the image in GL(Vp ) of this
Theorem 5.8 The differential Galois group of the regular singular equation
dz A over C(z), is the Zariski closure of the monodromy group GL(Vp ).
Proof. For any point q U one considers, as before, the space Vq of the local
A at q. The coordinates of the vectors in Vq generate over
solutions of dz
the field C(z) a subring Rq C({z q}), which is (by Picard-Vessiot theory)
a Picard-Vessiot ring for dz
A. For a path from p to q, the analytical
continuation induces a C-bijection from Vp to Vq and also a C(z)-algebra isomorphism Rp Rq . This isomorphism commutes with differentiation. For
any closed path through p, one finds a differential automorphism of Rp which
corresponds with M() GL(Vp ). In particular, M() is an element of the
A over C(z). The monodromy group is then a
differential Galois group of dz
subgroup of the differential Galois group.
The field of fractions of Rp is a Picard-Vessiot field, on which the monodromy
group acts. From the Galois correspondence in the differential case, the statement of the theorem follows from the assertion:
Let f belong to the field of fractions of Rp . If f is invariant under the monodromy group, then f C(z).
Az + B Cz 2 + Dz + E
y +
y = 0.
z(z 1)
z 2 (z 1)2
Classical transformations ([224], Ch. 21) can be used to further transform this
equation to the scalar hypergeometric differential equation:
y +
(a + b + 1)z c
y +
y = 0.
z(z 1)
z(z 1)
One can write this in matrix form and calculate at the points 0, 1, the locally
equivalent equations of Theorem 5.1:
zv =
v at 0 (eigenvalues 0, c)
ab c
(z 1)v =
v at 1 (eigenvalues 0, a + b c + 1).
ab a +
(eigenvalues a, b).
tv =
v at , with t = z 1 and = dt
ab a b
This calculation is only valid if the eigenvalues for the three matrices do not
differ by a non zero integer. This is equivalent to assuming that none of the
numbers c, b, a, a + b c is an integer. In the contrary case, one has to do some
more calculations. The hypergeometric series
F (a, b, c; z) =
X (a)n (b)n
z n,
where the symbol (x)n means x(x + 1) (x + n 1) for n > 0 and (x)0 = 1,
is well defined for c 6= 0, 1, 2, . . . . We will exclude those values for c. One
easily computes that F (a, b, c; z) converges for |z| < 1 and that it is a solution of
the hypergeometric differential equation. Using the hypergeometric series one
can in principle compute the monodromy group and the differential Galois
group of the equation (the calculation of the monodromy group was originally
carried out by Riemann ([244]; see also [296] and [224]). One takes p = 1/2.
The fundamental group is generated by the two circles (in positive direction)
through the point 1/2 and around 0 and 1. At the point 1/2 we take a basis of
the solution space: u1 = F (a, b, c; z) and u2 = z 1c F(a c + 1, b c + 1, 2 c; z).
The circle around 0 gives a monodromy matrix
. The circle
0 e2ic
B1,1 B1,2
around 1 produces a rather complicated monodromy matrix
B2,1 B2,2
B1,1 = 1 2iei(cab)
sin(a) sin(b)
B1,2 = 2iei(cab)
(2 c)(1 c)
(1 a)(1 b)(1 + a c)(1 + b c)
B2,1 = 2iei(cab)
(c)(c 1)
(c a)(c b)(a)(b)
B2,2 = 1 + 2iei(cab)
Other formulas for generators of the monodromy group can be found in [159].
A systematic study of the monodromy groups for the generalized hypergeometric
equations n Fn1 can be found in [33]. The basic observation, which makes
computation possible and explains the explicit formulas in [159, 33], is that
the monodromy of an irreducible generalized hypergeometric equation is rigid.
The latter means that the monodromy group is, up to conjugation, determined
by the local monodromies at the three singular points. Rigid equations and
rigid monodromy groups are rather special and rare. In [156] a theory of rigid
equations is developed. This theory leads to an algorithm which produces in
principle all rigid equations.
The inverse problem for ordinary Galois theory asks what the possible Galois
groups are for a given field. The most important problem is to find all possible
finite groups which are Galois groups of a Galois extension of Q. The inverse
problem for a differential field K, with algebraically closed field of constants C,
is the analogous question:
Which linear algebraic groups over C are the differential Galois
groups of linear differential equations over K ?
As we will show the answer for C(z) is:
Theorem 5.12 For any linear algebraic group G over C, there is a differential
A over C(z) with differential Galois group G.
equation dz
This answer was first given by Carol and Marvin Tretkoff [282]. The simple
proof is based upon two ingredients:
1. Every linear algebraic group G GLn (C) has a Zariski dense, finitely
generated subgroup H.
2. Let a finite set S P1 be given and a homomorphism M : 1 (U, p)
GLn (C), where U = P1 \ S and p U . Then there is a regular singular
differential equation dz
A over C(z) with singular locus S, such that
the monodromy map M : 1 (U, p) GL(Vp ) is, with respect to a suitable
basis of Vp , equal to the homomorphism M .
Proof. Assuming the two ingredients above, the proof goes as follows. Take
elements g1 , . . . , gk G such that the subgroup generated by the g1 , . . . , gk is
Zariski dense in G. Consider the singular set S = {1, 2, 3, . . . , k, } and let
U = P1 \ S. Then the fundamental group 1 (U, 0) is the free group generated
by 1 , . . . , k , where i is a loop starting and ending in 0, around the point i.
The homomorphism M G GLn (C) is defined by M (i ) = gi for i = 1, . . . k.
The regular singular differential equation dz
A with monodromy map equal
to M , has differential Galois group G, according to Theorem 5.8.
We now turn to the two ingredients of the proof. We will prove the first in
this section and give an outline of the proof of the second in the next section.
A fuller treatment of this second ingredient is give in the next chapter.
Lemma 5.13 Every linear algebraic group G has a Zariski dense, finitely generated subgroup.
Proof. Let Go denote the connected component of the identity. Since Go is a
normal subgroup of finite index, it suffices to prove the lemma for Go . In other
words, we may suppose that G GLn (C) is connected and G 6= {id}. We will
now use induction with respect to the dimension of G.
First of all we want to show that G has an element g of infinite order and
therefore contains a connected subgroup < g >o of positive dimension.
Consider the morphism f : G Cn of algebraic varieties over C, defined
by f (g) = (fn1 (g), . . . , f0 (g)) where X n + fn1 (g)X n1 + + f0 (g) is the
characteristic polynomial of g.
Assume first that f is constant. Then every element of G has characteristic
polynomial (X 1)n , the characteristic polynomial of the identity. The only
matrix of finite order having this characteristic polynomial is the identity so G
must contain elements of infinite order.
Now assume that f is not constant. By Chevalleys theorem, the image I of
f is a constructible subset of Cn . Moreover this is image I is irreducible since
G is connected. If all elements of G were of finite order, then the roots of the
associated characteristic polynomials would be roots of unity. This would imply
that the image I is countable, a contradiction.
In the above proof we have used that C is not countable. The following proof is
valid for any algebraically closed field C of characteristic 0. One observes that
an element of G which has finite order is semi-simple (i.e., diagonalizable). If
every element of G has finite order, then every element of G is semi-simple. A
connected linear algebraic group of positive dimension all of whose elements are
diagonalizable is isomorphic to a torus, i.e., a product of copies of Gm ([141],
Ex. 21.4.2). Such groups obviously contain elements of infinite order.
We now finish the proof of the theorem. If the dimension of G is 1, then there
Remark 5.14 There has been much work on the inverse problem in differential Galois theory. Ramis has described how his characterization of the local
Galois group can be used to solve the inverse problem over C({z}) and C(z)
([240], [241]). This is presented in the Chapters 8, 10 and 11. In [209], it is
shown that any connected linear algebraic group is a differential Galois group
over a differential field k of characteristic zero with algebraically closed field of
constants C and whose transcendence degree over C is finite and nonzero (see
also [210]). This completed a program begun by Kovacic who proved a similar
result for solvable connected groups ([163], [164]). A more complete history of
the problem can be found in [209]. A description and recasting of the results of
[209] and [240] can be found in [229]. We shall describe the above results more
fully in Chapter 11. A method for effectively constructing linear differential
equations with given finite group is presented in [232] (see Chapter 4).
2. If all the M (i ) are sufficiently close to the identity matrix, then the
solution is positive (Lappo-Danilevskii [170]).
3. When n = 2, the answer is positive (Dekkers [79]).
4. If the representation M is irreducible, the answer is positive (Kostov [162]
and Bolibruch [9, 42]).
The first counter example to the Riemann-Hilbert problem was given by
A.A. Bolibruch ([9],[41]) This counter example is for n = 3 and S consisting
of 4 points. In addition, Bolibruch [41] has characterized when the solution is
positive for n = 3.
We will present proofs of the statements 2., 3. and 4. in Chapter 6 but in this
section we shall consider a weaker version of this problem. The weaker version
only asks for a regular singular differential equation with singular locus S and
M equal to the monodromy map M. Here the answer is always positive. The
modern version of the proof uses machinery that we will develop in Chapter 6
but for now we will indicate the main ideas of the proof.
Theorem 5.15 For any homomorphism M : 1 (U, p) GLn (C), there is a
regular singular differential equation with singular locus S and with monodromy
map equal to M .
Proof. We start with the simplest case: S = {0, }. Then U = C and we
choose p = 1. The fundamental group is isomorphic to Z. A generator for
this group is the circle in positive orientation through 1 and around 0. The
homomorphism M is then given by a single matrix B GLn (C), the image
of the generator. Choose a constant matrix A with e2iA = B. Then the
differential equation A is a solution to the problem.
Suppose now #S > 2. We now introduce the concept of a local system L on
U . This is a sheaf of C-vector spaces on U such that L is locally isomorphic to
the constant sheaf Cn . Take any point q U and a path from p to q. Using
that L is locally isomorphic to the constant sheaf Cn , one finds by following the
path a C-linear bijection Lp Lq . This is completely similar to analytical
continuation and can be seen to depend only on the homotopy class of the path.
If p = q, this results in a group homomorphism L : 1 (U, p) GL(Lp ). Using
some algebraic topology (for instance the universal covering of U ) one shows
that for any homomorphism : 1 (U, p) GL(Cn ) there is a local system L
such that L is equivalent to . In particular, there is a local system L such
that L = M .
The next step is to consider the sheaf H := L C OU , where OU denotes the
sheaf of analytic functions on U . On this sheaf one introduces a differentiation
by (l f ) = l f . Now we are already getting close to the solution of the weak
Riemann-Hilbert problem. Namely, it is known that the sheaf H is isomorphic
with the sheaf OU
. In particular, H(U ) is a free O(U )-module and has some
basis e1 , . . . , en over O(U ). The differentiation with respect to this basis has a
matrix A with entries in O(U ). Then we obtain the differential equation dz
on U , which has M as monodromy map. We note that L is, by construction,
the sheaf of the solutions of dz
+ A on U .
We want a bit more, namely that the entries of A are in C(z). To do this
we will extend the sheaf H to a sheaf on all of S. This is accomplished by
glueing to H with its differentiation, for each point s S, another sheaf with
differentiation which lives above a small neighbourhood of s. To make this
explicit, we suppose that s = 0. The restriction of H with its differentiation
on the pointed disk D := {z C| 0 < |z| < } U can be seen to have
a basis f1 , . . . , fn over O(V ), such that the matrix of the differentiation with
respect to this basis is z 1 C, where C is a constant matrix. On the complete
disk D := {z C| |z| < } we consider the sheaf OD
with differentiation given
by the matrix z C. The restriction of the latter differential equation to D is
isomorphic to the restriction of H to D . Thus one can glue the two sheaves,
respecting the differentiations. After doing all the glueing at the points of S we
B, where the entries of B are meromorphic
obtain a differential equation dz
functions on all of P and thus belong to C(z). By construction, S is the singular
B is the prescribed one.
set of the equation and the monodromy map of dz
Furthermore, at any singular point s the equation is equivalent to an equation
having at most a pole of order 1.
In the sketch of the proof of Theorem 5.15, we have in fact made the following steps. First a construction of a regular connection on an analytic vector
bundle M above U := P1 \ S, which has the prescribed monodromy. Then
for each point s S, we have glued to the connection (M, ) a regular singular connection (Ms , s ) living on a neighbourhood of s. By this glueing
one obtains a regular singular analytic connection (N, ) on P1 having the
prescribed monodromy. Finally, this analytic connection is identified with an
algebraic one. Taking the rational sections of the latter (or the meromorphic
A with
sections of N ) one obtains the regular singular differential equation dz
A M(n n, C(z)), which has the prescribed singular locus and monodromy.
Suppose for notational convenience that S = {s1 , . . . , sk , }. Then (N, ) is
Fuchsian (i.e., N is a trivial vector bundle) if and only if dz
A has the form
Chapter 6
Differential Equations on
the Complex Sphere and
the Riemann-Hilbert
Let a differential field K with a derivation f 7 f be given. A differential module
over K has been defined as a K-vector space M of finite dimension together
with a map : M M satisfying the rules: (m1 + m2 ) = (m1 ) + (m2 ) and
(f m) = f m + f (m). In this definition one refers to the chosen derivation of
K. We want to introduce the more general concept of connection, which avoids
this choice. The advantage is that one can perform constructions, especially
for the Riemann-Hilbert problem, without reference to local parameters. To
be more explicit, consider the field K = C(z) of the rational functions on the
complex sphere P = C {}. The derivations that we have used are dt
N d
t dt where t is a local parameter on the complex sphere (say t is z a or
1/z or an even more complicated expression). The definition of connection
(in its various forms) requires other concepts such as (universal) differentials,
analytic and algebraic vector bundles, and local systems. We will introduce
those concepts and discuss the properties that interest us here.
All the rings that we will consider are supposed to be commutative, to have a
unit element and to contain the field Q. Let k A be two rings.
is given by d(f ) = nj=1 z
j . The derivations zj are defined as follows.
On the field k(z1 , . . . , zn ) the derivations
It is clear that what we have defined above is a differential. Now we will show
that d : A Adz1 Adzn is the universal differential. Let a derivation
D : A M be given. We have to show that there exists a unique A-linear map
l : A/k M such that D = l d. Clearly l must satisfy l(dzj ) = D(zj ) for all
j = 1, . . . , n and thus l is unique. Consider now the derivation E := D l d.
We have to show that E = 0. By construction E(zj ) = 0 for all j. Thus E is
also 0 on k(z1 , . . . , zn ). Since any derivation of k(z1 , . . . , zn ) extends uniquely
to A, we find that E = 0.
3. We consider now the case, k is a field and A = k((z)). One would like to define
the universal differential as d : A Adz with d(f ) = dz
dz. This is a perfectly
natural differential module. Unfortunately, it does not have the universality
property. The reason for this is that A/k is a transcendental extension of infinite
transcendence degree. In particular there exists a non zero derivation D : A
A, which is 0 on the subfield k(z). Still we prefer the differential module above
which we will denote by d : A fA/k . It can be characterized among all
differential modules by the more subtle property:
: M M M A M = M.
Thus D : M M is a differential module with respect to the differential ring
A with derivation f 7 D(f ).
Examples 6.4
1. k is a field and A = k(z). A connection : M M gives rise to
the differential module : M M with = d of k(z)/k with respect to
the derivation dz
. On the other hand, a given differential module : M M
) can be made into a connection by the formula (m) := dz (m).
(w.r.t. dz
We conclude that there is only a notational difference between connections for
k(z)/k and differential modules over k(z)/k.
2. Let k be a field and A = k((z)). As before will be Adz and d : A is
the map d(f ) = dz
dz. Let M be a vector space over A of dimension n. A k[[z]]lattice M is a k[[z]]-submodule of M of the form k[[z]]e1 + + k[[z]]en ,
where e1 , . . . en is a basis of M . Let (M, ) be a connection for A/k. The
connection is called regular if there is a lattice such that d() dz . The
connection is called regular singular if there is a lattice such that d()
dz z 1 .
Suppose now (for convenience) that k is algebraically closed. Let (M, ) be a
connection for k(z)/k. For each point p of k {} we consider the completion
d of k(z) with respect to this point. This completion is either k((z a)) or
d /k on M
cp :=
k((z 1 )). The connection (M, ) induces a connection for k(z)
We consider a connected Riemann surface X. The sheaf of holomorphic functions on X will be called OX . A vector bundle M of rank m on X can be
defined as a sheaf of OX -modules on X, such that M is locally isomorphic with
the sheaf of OX -modules OX
. The vector bundle M is called free (or trivial) if
M is globally (i.e., on all of X) isomorphic to OX
. With vector bundles one can
perform the operations of linear algebra: direct sums, tensor products, Homs,
kernels et cetera. Vector bundles of rank one are also called line bundles. We
will write H 0 (X, M ), or sometimes H 0 (M ), for the vector space of the global
sections of M on X. It is known that any vector bundle on a non-compact
Riemann surface is free, see [100]. For compact Riemann surfaces the situation
is quite different. Below, we will describe the vector bundles on the Riemann
The line bundle X of the holomorphic differentials will be important for us.
This sheaf can be defined as follows. For open U X and an isomorphism
t : U {c C| |c| < 1}, the restriction of X to U is OX dt. Furthermore,
there is a canonical morphism of sheaves d : OX X , which is defined on the
above U by d(f ) = df
dt dt. (see also Examples 6.2.5 and Examples 6.4).
In the literature the term vector bundle of rank m refers sometimes to a
closely related but somewhat different object. For the sake of completeness we
will explain this. For the other object we will use the term geometric vector
bundle of rank m on a Riemann surface X. This is a complex analytic variety V
together with a morphism of analytic varieties : V X. The additional data
are: for each x X, the fibre 1 (x) has the structure of an m-dimensional
complex vector space. Further, X has an open covering {Ui } and for each
i an isomorphism fi : 1 (Ui ) Cm Ui of analytic varieties such that:
pr2 fi is the restriction of to 1 (Ui ) and for each point x Ui the map
1 (x) Cm {x} Cm , induced by fi , is an isomorphism of complex linear
vector spaces.
The link between the two concepts can be given as follows. Let : V X be
a geometric vector bundle. Define the sheaf M on X by letting M (U ) consist
of the maps s : U 1 U satisfying s is the identity on U . The additional
structure on V X induces a structure of OX (U )-module on M (U ). The
local triviality of V X has as consequence that M is locally isomorphic to
the sheaf OX
. On the other hand one can start with a vector bundle M on X
and construct the corresponding geometric vector bundle V X.
Definition 6.5 A regular connection on a Riemann surface X is a vector bundle
M on X together with a morphism of sheaves of groups : M X M ,
which satisfies for every open U and for any f OX (U ), m M (U ) the
Leibniz rule (f m) = df m + f (m).
bundle M will be identified with OX
; the sheaf of holomorphic differentials is
identified with OX dz; further is determined by on M (X) and by d
on M (X). In this way we find a matrix differential operator dz
+ A, where
the coordinates of A are holomorphic functions on X. This matrix differential
operator is equivalent with (M, ).
2. Local systems on X.
X will be a topological space which is connected and locally pathwise connected.
A (complex) local system (of dimension n) on X is a sheaf L of complex vector
spaces which is locally isomorphic to the constant sheaf Cn . This means that X
has a covering by open sets U such that the restriction of L to U is isomorphic
to the constant sheaf Cn on U . For the space [0, 1] any local system is trivial,
which means that it is the constant sheaf Cn . This can be seen by showing that
n linearly independent sections above a neighbourhood of 0 can be extended to
the whole space. Let : [0, 1] X be a path in X, i.e., a continuous function.
Let L be a local system on X. Then L is a local system on [0, 1]. The triviality
of this local system yields an isomorphism ( L)0 ( L)1 . The two stalks
( L)0 and ( L)1 are canonically identified with L(0) and L(1) . Thus we find
an isomorphism L(0) L(1) induced by . Let b be a base point for X and
let 1 denote the fundamental group of X with respect to this base point. Fix
again a local system L on X and let V denote the stalk Lb . Then for any closed
path through b we find an isomorphism of V . In this way we have associated
to L a representation L : 1 GL(V ) of the fundamental group.
We make this somewhat more systematic. Let LocalSystems(X) denote the
category of the local systems on X and let Repr1 denote the category of the
finite dimensional complex representations of 1 . Then we have defined a functor
LocalSystems(X) Repr1 , which has many nice properties. We claim that:
The functor LocalSystems(X) Repr1 is an equivalence of categories.
of V (u1 A) invariant under the action of 1 ). It can be verified that the two
functors produce an equivalence between the two categories.
3. Regular connections, local systems and monodromy.
We suppose that X is a connected noncompact Riemann surface. Let Reg(X)
denote the category of the regular connections on X. For an object (M, )
of Reg(X) one considers the sheaf L given by L(A) = {m M (A)| (m) =
0} for any open subset A. The set L(A) is certainly a vector space. Since
the connection is locally trivial it follows that L is locally isomorphic to the
constant sheaf Cn . Thus we found a functor from the category Reg(X) to the
category LocalSystems(X). We claim that
The functor Reg(X) LocalSystems(X) is an equivalence.
The essential step is to produce a suitable functor in the other direction. Let
a local system L be given. Then the sheaf N := L C OX is a sheaf of OX modules. Locally, i.e., above some open A X, the sheaf L is isomorphic to the
constant sheaf Ce1 Cen . Thus the restriction of N to A is isomorphic
to OX e1 OX en . This proves that N is P
a vector bundle.
One defines
on the restriction of N to A by the formula ( fj ej ) = dfj ej X N .
These local definitions glue obviously to a global on N . This defines a functor
in the other direction. From this construction it is clear that the two functors
are each others inverses.
We note that the composition Reg(X) LocalSystems(X) Repr1 is in fact
the functor which associates to each regular connection its monodromy representation. From the above it follows that this composition is also an equivalence
of categories.
4. The vector bundles on the complex sphere P
These vector bundles have been classified (by G. Birkhoff [37], A. Grothendieck
[117] et al; see [215]). For a vector bundle M (or any sheaf) on P we will
write H 0 (M ) or H 0 (P, M ) for its set of global sections. For any integer n one
defines the line bundle OP (n) in the following way: Put U0 = P \ {} and
U = P \ {0}. Then the restrictions of OP (n) to U0 and U are free and
generated by e0 and e . The two generators satisfy (by definition) the relation
z n e0 = e on U0 U .
The main result is that every vector bundle M on the complex sphere is isomorphic to a direct sum OP (a1 ) OP (am ). One may assume that a1
a2 am . Although this direct sum decomposition is not unique, one can
show that the integers aj are unique. One calls the sequence a1 am the
type of the vector bundle. We formulate some elementary properties, which are
easily verified:
(a) OP (0) = OP and OP (n) OP (m) = OP (n + m).
a morphism of sheaves of groups that satisfies for every open U and for any
f OX (U ), m M (U ) the Leibniz rule (f m) = df m + f (m).
Here S is seen as a divisor on X and (S) is the sheaf of differential forms on X
having poles of at most order 1 at the points of S. The difference with the earlier
defined regular connections is clearly that we allow poles of order 1 at the points
of S. We can make this explicit in the local situation: X = {c C| |c| < 1},
S = {0} and M = OX
. Then on X the map d : OX (X)m z 1 OX (X)m
+ A, where the coefficients of
identifies with a matrix differential operator dz
A are meromorphic functions on X having a pole of order at most 1 at z = 0.
One observes that the notion of regular singular connection is rather close to
the definition of regular singular point of a matrix differential equation.
P One
could also introduce irregular connections by replacing S by a divisor
nj [sj ]
with integers nj 1.
Examples 6.9 Some properties of regular singular connections.
1. The GAGA principle for regular singular connections on P.
For the sheaf of holomorphic differentials on P 1 we will use the notation
and for the analogous (analytic) sheaf on P we will write an . Let an algebraic regular singular connection on P 1 with singular locus in S be given,
this is a : M (S) M , with M a vector bundle and with the obvious properties. We want to associate a regular singular connection (M an , )
on P with singular locus in S (see examples 6.6.3). The only thing to verify is that the new is unique and well defined. Let U be an open set of
P which has empty intersection with the finite set T 6= . We have to verify
that : M an (U ) an (S)(U ) M an (U ) is unique and well defined. One
has M an (U ) = OP (U ) O(P 1 \T ) M (P 1 \ T ) and (S)an (U ) OP (U) M an (U ) is
canonically isomorphic to (S)an (U ) O(P 1 \T ) M (P 1 \ T ). Consider an element
f m with f OP (U ) and m M (P 1 \T ). Then the only possible definition for
(f m) is df m + f (m). This expression lies in (S)an (U ) OP (U) M an (U )
since df an (U ) and (m) (S)(P 1 \ T ) M (P 1 \ T ).
On the other hand, let (N, ) be a regular singular connection with singular
locus in S on P. We have to show that N alg inherits a regular singular connection with singular locus in S. Let T be a finite non empty subset of P.
One considers N (k T ), where k T is seen as a divisor. It is not difficult to
see that on N induces a : N (k T ) (S)an N ((k + 1) T ). By construction N alg (P 1 \ T ) = k0 H 0 (N (k T )). Thus we find an induced map
: N alg (P 1 \ T ) (S)(P 1 \ T ) N alg (P 1 \ T ). This ends the verification of
the GAGA principle.
We introduce now three categories: RegSing(P, S), RegSing(P 1 , S) and
RegSing(C(z), S). The first two categories have as objects the regular singular connections with singular locus in S for P (i.e., analytic) and for P 1
(i.e., algebraic). The third category has as objects the connections for C(z)/C
(i.e., : M C(z)dz M , see Examples 6.4) which have at most regular
for M (s) and M (s) to coincide with the one for M . For a small enough
neighbourhood U of s one defines the new s by (t1 m) = dt
t t
t (m) (for M (s) and m a section of M ) and (tm) = t tm + t(m)
(for M (s)). This is well defined since dt
t is a section of (S). The s on
M (s) M M (s) are restrictions of each other.
generally, one can consider any divisor D with support in S, i.e., D =
mj [sj ] for some integers mj . A regular singular connection on M induces a
canonical regular singular connection on M (D).
Exercise 6.10 Let (M, ) be a regular singular connection and let D be a
divisor with support in S. Show that the induced regular singular connection
on M (D) has the same generic fibre as (M, ) (see example 6.9.1).
again denoted by , of C(z)[] by () = (cz+d)
2 . Suppose that (the monic)
L C(z)[] is a Fuchsian operator with singular locus in S. Then one can
show that (L) = f M with f C(z) and M a monic Fuchsian operator with
singular locus in (S). Thus the notion of Fuchsian scalar operator is also
invariant under automorphisms of P.
Fuchsian Equations
with B0 =
such thatPthe first basis vector e1 is cyclic for the Fuchsian matrix equation
+ Bz0 + ki=1 zs
and L is the monic operator of smallest degree with Le1 = 0.
B11 zB2,1 . .
. .
. .
D Bn,n
We note that the polynomials Bi,i have degree k and the polynomials Bi,j
with i > j have degree k 1. Let e1 , e2 , . . . , en denote the standard basis,
used in this presentation of the matrix differential operator . For notational
convenience, we write en+1 = 0. For the computation of the minimal monic
element Ln C(z)[] with Ln e1 = 0 we will use the notation:
Mi = ( Bi,i (i 1)zD ). One defines a sequence of monic operators
Li C[z][] as follows: L0 = 1, L1 = M1 = ( B1,1 ), L2 = M2 L1 F B2,1 L0
and recursively by
Li = Mi Li1 F Bi,i1 Li2 F DBi,i2 Li3
F Di3 Bi,2 L1 F Di2 Bi,1 L0 .
One sees that the Li are constructed such that Li e1 = Di ei+1 . In particular,
e1 is a cyclic element for the matrix differential operator and Ln is the minimal
monic operator in C(z)[] with Ln e1 = 0. Since Ln actually lies in C[z][]
and the coefficients of Ln w.r.t. satisfy the correct bound on the degrees, it
follows that Ln gives rise to a Fuchsian scalar operator with the singular locus
in S.
In order to prove that we can produce, by varying the coefficients of the matrices
B0 , B1 , . . . , Bk , any given element T := n + A1 n1 + + An1 + An
C[z][] with the degree of each Ai less than or equal to k.i, we have to analyse
the formula for Ln a bit further. We start by giving some explicit formulas:
L1 = M1 and L2 = M2 M1 F B2,1 and
L3 = M3 M2 M1 (M3 F B2,1 + F B3,2 M1 ) F DB3,1
sD (s)
sD (s)
is not a strictly positive integer. For example, we could permute the Bi,i so that
Re(Bi,i (s)) Re(Bj,j (s)) for i > j.
In the second step, we have to consider the equation Ln T modulo F D. This
can also be written as: produce polynomials Bi+1,i of degrees k 1 such that
the linear combination
(F )
In this section and Section 6.5, we shall consider regular singular connections
(M, ) with singular locus S whose generic fibres (M , ) are irreducible
connections for C(z)/C. We shall refer to such connections as irreducible regular
singular connections . The connection (M , ) furthermore gives rise to a
differential module. In the next proposition, we give a criterion for this module
to have a cyclic vector with minimal monic annihilating operator that is Fuchsian
with singular locus S.
Proposition 6.13 Let : M (S) M be an irreducible regular singular
connection of rank n on P1 with singular locus in S. Put k = #S 2. Suppose
We note that Proposition 6.13 and its converse, Proposition 6.14, are present
or deducible from Bolibruchs work (Theorem 4.4.1 and Corollary 4.4.1 of [43],
see also Theorems 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of [9]).
Proposition 6.14 Let L be a scalar Fuchsian equation with singular locus S.
Then there is an equivalent connection (M, ) with singular locus S and of type
0, k, 2k, . . . , (n 1)k.
Proof. We may suppose S = {0, s1 , . . . , sk , } and we may replace L by a
monic operator M C[z][], M = n a1 n1 an1 an with ai
polynomials of degrees ki. For the vector bundle M one takes the subbundle
of Oe1 Oen given as
Oe1 L(k [])e2 L(2k [])e3 L((n 1) [])en .
One defines : M L(k []) M by (ei ) = ei+1 for i = 1, . . . , n 1 and
(en ) = an e1 + an1 e2 + + a1 en . The definition of on M follows from
this and the type of M is 0, k, . . . , (n 1)k as required.
We fix a finite subset S on the complex sphere P and a base point b 6 S for
the fundamental group 1 of P \ S. An object M of RegSing(C(z), S) (see part
1. of 6.9) is a connection : M M , where M is a finite dimensional
vector space over C(z), such that the singularities of the connection are regular
singular and lie in S. Let V denote the local solution space of (M, ) at the point
b. The monodromy of the connection is a homomorphism 1 GL(V ). Let
Repr1 denote the category of the finite dimensional complex representations of
1 . Then we have attached to (M, ) an object of Repr1 . This extends in fact
to a functor M : RegSing(C(z), S) Repr1 . A solution of the weak form
of the Riemann-Hilbert problem is given in the following (see Appendix B for
facts concerning Tannakian categories).
Theorem 6.15 The functor M : RegSing(C(z), S) Repr1 is an equivalence
of categories. This functor respects all constructions of linear algebra and is,
in particular, an equivalence of Tannakian categories.
Proof. It is easy to see that M respects all constructions of linear algebra. We
will first show that for two objects M1 , M2 the C-linear map Hom(M1 , M2 )
Hom(M(M1 ), M(M2 )) is an isomorphism. In proving this, it suffices to take
M1 = 1, i.e., the trivial connection of dimension 1. Then Hom(1, M2 ) consists
of the elements m2 M2 with (m2 ) = 0. The elements of Hom(1, M(M2 ))
are the vectors v in the solution space of M2 at b, which are invariant under
the monodromy of M2 . Such an element v extends to all of P \ S. Since the
We note that the contents of the theorem is analytic. Moreover the proof of
the existence of a regular connection for (C(z), S) with prescribed monodromy
depends on the GAGA principle and is not constructive. Further one observes
that the regular singular connection for (P, S) is not unique, since we have
chosen matrices A with e2iA = B and we have chosen local isomorphisms
for the glueing. The Riemann-Hilbert problem in strong form requires a
regular singular connection for (P, S) (or for (P 1 , S)) such that the vector bundle
in question is free. Given a weak solution for the Riemann-Hilbert problem,
the investigation concerning the existence of a strong solution is then a purely
algebraic problem.
In [9], [41], and [44], Bolibruch has constructed counterexamples to the strong
Riemann-Hilbert problem. He also gave a positive solution for the strong problem in the case that the representation is irreducible [9], [42] (see also the work
of Kostov [162]). We will give an algebraic version of this proof in the next
Irreducible Connections
bp e1 + + O
bp en . Let for every p P 1 \U
Proof. For p P 1 \U we put Sp := O
an integer Ap be given. Consider first the special case where each p = tp p Sp ,
where tp denotes
P a local coordinate at p. Put N = Oe1 +1 + Oen and let A
be the divisor
Ap [p] (the sum extended over the p P \ U ). Then clearly
the vector bundle N (A) = L(A) N solves the problem.
holds. Let B be the divisor
Bp [p]. Then N (A) N (B) are both vector
bundles on P . Consider the surjective morphism of coherent sheaves N (B)
N (B)/N (A). The second sheaf has support in P 1 \ U and can be written
as a skyscraper sheaf p tp p Sp /tp p Sp (see Example C.2(7) and [124]). This
skyscraper sheaf has the coherent subsheaf T := p p /tp p Sp . Define now M
as the preimage under q of T . From the exact sequence 0 N (A) M
T 0 one easily deduces that M has the required properties (see [124], Ch. II.5
for the relevant facts about coherent sheaves). An alternative way of describing
M is that the set M(V ), for any open V 6= , consists of the elements m M
such that for p U V one has m Op e1 + + Op en and for p V, p 6 U
[ M . This shows the unicity of M.
one has m p C(z)
Let M be a vector bundle on P 1 . According to Grothendiecks classification
(and the GAGA principle), M is equal to a direct sum O(a1 ) O(an )
with integers a1 an . This decomposition is not unique. However there
is a canonical filtration by subbundles F 1 F 2 . . . . One defines F 1 :=
O(a1 ) O(as1 ), where s1 is the last integer with as1 = a1 . The subbundle
is unique, since O(a1 ) F 1 is the subbundle of O(a1 ) M generated by
the global sections H 0 (P 1 , O(a1 ) M). In case not all aj are equal to a1
one defines s2 to be the last integer with as2 = as1 +1 . The term F 2 , defined
as the direct sum O(a1 ) O(as2 ), is again uniquely defined since it is
the subbundle generated by the global sections of O(as2 ) M. The other
possible F i M are defined in a similar way. We will also
P need the notion
of the defect of the vector bundle M, which we define as (a1 ai ). In later
parts of the proof we want to change a given vector bundle by changing the
data of Lemma 6.16. The goal is to obtain a vector bundle with defect zero,
i.e., a1 = a2 = = an . In the next lemma the effect of a small local change
on the type of the vector bundle is given.
Lemma 6.17 Let M , U , p , M be as in Lemma 6.16. Let the type of M be
given by the integers a1 an and let F 1 F 2 . . . denote the canonical
filtration of M. We consider a p0 P 1 \U with local parameter t and a non zero
p0 := O
bp t1 v + p0 , where
vector v V := p0 /tp0 . Define a new lattice
bp e1 + + O
bp en is the unique lattice
all j. From this it follows that p := O
cp over
such that : p Op dtp p . For p S there is a basis e1 , . . . , en of M
[ such that the vector space V = Ce1 Cen satisfies (V ) dtp V .
Then p := Op V Mp is a lattice satisfying (p )
p . We observe
Lemma 6.18 1. Let (M, ) be a regular singular connection for C(z)/C with
singular locus in S. For every s S we choose a local parameter ts . For every
cs be a lattice which satisfies (s ) dts s . Then there
s S let s M
is a unique regular singular connection (M, ) on P 1 with singular locus in S
such that:
(a) For every open V P 1 , one has M(V ) M .
(b) The generic fibre of (M, ) is (M, ).
cs := O
bs Ms coincides with s for all s S.
(c) M
2. Let (M, ) be any connection with singular locus in S and generic fibre
isomorphic to (M, ). After identification of the generic fibre of M with M ,
cs are lattices s for M
cs satisfying (s ) dts s . Thus (M, ) is the
the M
unique connection of part 1.
Proof. We start with a basis e1 , . . . , en for the C(z)-vector space M and choose
a non empty open U P 1 \ {} such that (ej ) dz O(U )e1 + + O(U )en .
For a point p 6 U and p 6 S we define the lattice p to be the unique lattice
with (p ) dtp p (where tp is again a local parameter). Lemma 6.16
produces a unique M with these data. The verification that the obvious on
M has the property : M (S) M can be done locally for every point p.
cp into dtp M
cp for p 6 S and into
In fact, it suffices to prove that maps M
tp Mp for p S. The data which define M satisfy these properties. Part 2.
of the lemma is an obvious consequence of part 1.
Lemma 6.19 We will use the notations of Lemma 6.18 and Lemma 6.17.
Choose an s S. The map : s dt
ts s induces a C-linear map
s : s /ts s ts s /ts s s /ts s , which does not depend on the choice
s and M
as in
of ts . Let v s /ts s be an eigenvector for s . Define
Lemma 6.17. Then:
s into dts
(a) maps
ai,j ej with
(c) Let s have an Os -basis e1 , . . . , en such that (ei ) = dt
N b
ai,j ts Os for i 6= j and some N 1. Suppose that the above v is equal to the
s has the O
bs -basis f1 , f2 , . . . , fn with fk = t1 ek
image of ek in s /ts s . Then
and fl = el for l 6= k. Define the matrix (bi,j ) by (fi ) = dt
bi,j fj . Then
N 1 b
bk,k = ak,k 1 and bl,l = al,l for l 6= k. Further bi,j t
Os for i 6= j.
v + ts s )
Proof. (a) Choose a representative v s of v. Then (
v ) dt
ts (a
for some a C. Thus (ts ) ts (ts v + ats v + s ). This shows that
s = O
bs t1 v + s has the property (
s ) dts
s . (b) follows from (a) and
Lemma 6.18. A straightforward calculation shows (c).
Lemma 6.20 Let (Z, ) be a regular singular connection for C((z))/C and let
N > 0 be an integer.
e1 , . . . , en such
P There exists an C[[z]]-lattice with basis
for i 6= j.
that (ei ) = dz
i,j j
Proof. Write for the map z d : Z Z. According to the formal classidz
fication of regular singular differential
equations it follows that Z has a basis
f1 , . . . , fn such that (fi ) = ci,j fj for a matrix (ci,j ) with coefficients in C. If
this matrix happens to be diagonizable, then one can choose a basis e1 , . . . , en
such that (ei ) = dz
z ci ei with all ci C. In the general case the Jordan
normal form has one or several blocks of dimension > 1. It suffices to consider
the case of one Jordan block, i.e., (f1 ) = cf1 , (f2 ) = cf2 + f1 , . . . , (fn ) =
cfn + fn1 . One defines e1 = f1 , e2 = tN f2 , e3 = t2N f3 , . . . . One calculates
that (e1 ) = ce1 , (e2 ) = (c + N )e2 + tN e1 , (e3 ) = (c + 2N )e3 + tN e2 , . . . .
Thus the basis e1 , . . . , en has the required properties.
The existence follows from 6.20 and 6.18. We note that Lemma 6.21 implies that
N will be greater than the defect of (M, ). In the next steps we modify M.
Suppose that M has a defect > 0, then the canonical filtration F 1 F 2 . . .
of M has at least two terms. Let i be defined by F i1 6= M and F i = M. The
cs /ts M
cs form a basis of eigenvectors for the map
images of e1 , . . . , en in V := M
s (see Lemma 6.19 for the notation). Suppose that the image of ek does not lie
in F i1 (V ). We apply Lemma 6.19 and find a new regular singular connection
M(1) which has, according to Lemma 6.17, a strictly smaller defect. For M(1)
the matrix of s with respect to the f1 , . . . , fn has again property (ii), but now
with N replaced by N 1. Thus we can repeat this step to produce connections
M(2) et cetera, until the defect of some M(i) is 0.
Remarks 6.23
1. The proof of Theorem 6.22 fails for reducible regular
singular connections (M, ) over C(z)/C, since there is no bound for the defect
of the corresponding vector bundles M. This prevents us from making an a
priori choice of the number N used in the proof.
2. The proof of Theorem 6.22 works also under the assumption that for some
[ M is semi-simple. By this
singular point the differential module C(z)
[ M over C(z)
[ such that
we mean that there is a basis e1 , . . . , en of C(z)
(ei ) = dt
ts ai ei for certain elements ai Os . In this case, condition (ii) in
the proof holds for any N > 1 and in particular for any N greater than the
defect D of the vector bundle. The proof then proceeds to produce connections
of decreasing defect and halts after D steps. For the case C = C, the connection
[ M is semi-simple if and only if the local monodromy map at the point
s is semi-simple. This gives a modern proof of the result of Plemelj [223].
One might hope that an even stronger result holds, namely that an irreducible
regular singular connection M over C(z) with singular locus in S can be represented by a scalar Fuchsian equation with singular locus in S. By counting
dimensions of moduli spaces we will show that, in general, any monic scalar
equation L C(z)[] representing M , has singularities outside S. Those new
singular points for L are called apparent.
Definition 6.24 An apparent singularity p for any L = n +a1 n1 + +an
C(z)[], is a pole of some ai and such that L has n independent solutions in
C((z p)).
at p, with ordp fi ordp fi+1 associate the n-tuple (ordp f1 , . . . , ordp fn ). Show
that there are only finitely many n-tuples that can arise in this way and that a
maximal one (in the lexicographic order) has distinct entries.
2. Let f1 , . . . , fn C((z p)) denote n independent solutions of L. Show
that the Wronskian of f1 , . . . , fn , which is an element of C((z p)) , has order
m1 + + mn n(n1)
. Hint: We may assume that each fi = xmi + higher
order terms where the mi are the distinct exponents. Show that the term of
lowest order in wr(f1 , . . . fn ) is wr(xm1 , . . . , xmn ).
n(n 1)
In the sequel we will only consider apparent singularities such that 0 1 <
< n . Under this assumption, weight(L, p) = 0 holds if and only if no ai has
a pole at p (in other words p is not a singularity at all).
Lemma 6.27 Let V be a vector space of dimension n over C and let C((t)) V
be equipped with the trivial connection (f v) = df v for all f C((t))
and v V . Consider a cyclic vector e C[[t]] V and the minimal monic
L C((t))[] with Le = 0. The weight of L is equal to the dimension over C of
(C[[t]] V )/(C[[t]]e + C[[t]]e + + C[[t]] n1 e). This number is also equal
to the order of the element e e n1 e C[[t]] n V
= C[[t]].
Proof. The element e can be written as m0 vm tm with all vm V . One
then has e = m0 vm mtm1 . Since e is a cyclic vector, its coefficients vm
generate the vector space V . Let us call m a jump if vm does not belong to
the subspace of V generated by the vk with k < m. Let 1 < < n denote
the jumps.
A straightforward calculation (as in Exercise 6.25.1) shows that the order of
e e n1 e C[[t]] n V
= C[[t]] is 1 + + n 2 . A similar
calculation shows that this number is also the dimension of the vector space
(C[[t]] V )/(C[[t]]e + C[[t]]e + + C[[t]] n1 e). It suffices
1 <
Pto show that
< n are the local exponents of L. We note that Le = m0
= 0.
P m
Take any linear map : V C. Then L(y) = 0 where y = m0 (vm )tm
C[[t]]. By varying one obtains solutions y C[[t]] of L(y) = 0 with orders
1 < < n .
+ kj=0 zsj j representing the connection. We denote the stansystem = dz
dard basis by e1 , . . . , en . Let R := C[z, F1 ] with F = (z s0 ) (z sk ). The
free R-module Re1 + + Ren M is invariant under the action of .
Lemma 6.28 Let v M, v 6= 0 and let L be the minimal monic operator with
Lv = 0. Then L is Fuchsian if and only if v Re1 + + Ren and the elements
v, v, . . . , n1 v form a basis of the R-module Re1 + + Ren .
Proof. Suppose that v satisfies the properties of the lemma. Then n v is an
R-linear combination of v, v, . . . , n1 v. Thus L has only singularities in S.
Since M is regular singular it follows (as in the proof of Lemma 6.11) that L is
a Fuchsian operator.
On the other hand, suppose that L is Fuchsian. Then N := Rv + Rv + +
R n1 v is a R-submodule of M , containing a basis of M over C(z) and invariant
under . There is only one such object (as one concludes from Lemma 6.18)
and thus N = Re1 + + Ren .
Proposition 6.30 We use the notations above. There is a choice for the vector
v such that for the monic operator L with Lv = 0 the sum of the weights of the
apparent singular points is n(n1)
k + 1 n.
Proof. Choose numbers d0 , . . . , dk {0, 1, . . . , n 1} such that d0 + + dk =
n 1 and choose for each j = 0, . . . , k a subspace Vj Ce1 + Cen of
codimension dj and invariant under Aj . For example, one may select d0 =
n 1, d1 = . . . = dk = 0, V0 to be spanned by an eigenvector of A0 and
V1 = . . . = Vk = Ce1 + . . . + Cen . For v we take a non zero vector in the
intersection V0 V1 Vk and consider the polynomial Q(z) defined by
v v n1 v = Q(z)e1 en . The degree of this polynomial is easily
seen to be n(n1)
k. We give now a local calculation at the point z = sj which
shows that the polynomial Q has a zero of order dj at sj . Let t denote a
+ Aj + O(t),
local parameter at sj . We may replace the operator by := t dt
where O(t) denotes terms divisible by t. Then m v = Am
For m
ndj 1
v. Thus
We take for v 6= 0 a constant vector, i.e., in Ce1 +Ce2 , which is an eigenvector for
A1 v
) = z1
v A1 v.
the matrix A0 . Consider the determinant v v = v ( Az0 v + z1
From the irreducibility of the equation it follows that v is not an eigenvector for
A1 . Thus the determinant has the form z1
e1 e2 with c C and v, v form
a basis for Re1 + Re2 . This proves the claim.
Chapter 7
Exact Asymptotics
Singularities of linear complex differential equations is a subject with a long history. New methods, often of an algebraic nature, have kept the subject young
and growing. In this chapter we treat the asymptotic theory of divergent solutions and the more refined theory of multisummation of those solutions. The theory of multisummation has been developed by many authors, such as W. Balser,
n0 nN 1
One writes J(f ) for the formal Laurent series nn0 cn z n . Let A(S(a, b, ))
denote the set of holomorphic functions on this sector which have an asymptotic
expansion. For an open interval (a, b) on the circle S1 , one defines A(a, b) as
the direct limit of the A(S(a, b, )) for all .
In more detail, this means that the elements of A(a, b) are equivalence classes
of pairs (f, S(a, b, )) with f A(S(a, b, )). The equivalence relation is given
by (f1 , S(a, b, 1 )) (f2 , S(a, b, 2 )) if there is a pair (f3 , S(a, b, 3 )) such that
S(a, b, 3 ) S(a, b, 1 ) S(a, b, 2 ) and f3 = f1 = f2 holds on S(a, b, 3 ). For
any open U S1 , an element f of A(U ) is defined by a covering by open
intervals U = i (ai , bi ) and a set of elements fi A(ai , bi ) with the property
that the restrictions of any fi and fj to (ai , bi ) (aj , bj ) coincide. One easily
verifies that this definition makes A into a sheaf on S1 . Let A0 denote the
subsheaf of A consisting of the elements with asymptotic expansion 0. We let
Ad , A0d , . . . denote the stalks of the sheaves A, A0 , . . . at a point d S1 .
Exercises 7.2 1. Prove that A(S1 ) = C({z}).
( z)2
where is the circle of radius |z| centered at z. One then has that for all
z W
|g (z)|
(1 + )n+1
max |g|
C |z|n+1
C |z|n
Apply this to g = f nk=0 ak z k . Note that the asymptotic expansion of f is
the term-by-term derivative of the asymptotic expansion of f .
The following result shows that every formal Laurent series is the asymptotic
expansion of some function.
Theorem 7.3 Borel-Ritt For every open interval (a, b) 6= S1 , the map J :
A(a, b) C((z)) is surjective.
Proof. We will
prove this for the sector S given by | arg(z)| < and 0 <
|z| <+. Let z be the branch of the square root function that satisfies
| arg z| < /2 for
z S. We first note that for any real number b, the function
(z) = 1 eb/ z satisfies |(z)| b since Re( bz ) < 0 for all z S.
sector defined
n (z) = 1 ebn / z
P by arg(z)n [a, b] and 0 < |z|n R in S. Let
and f (z) = an n (z)z . Since |an n (z)z | |an |bn |z|n1/2 , the function f (z)
ai z i | |
ai i (z)z i
C1 |z|n + |z|n
ai z i | + |
ai i (z)z i |
n0 nN 1
cn z n | AN (1 +
We note that this is stronger than saying that f has asymptotic expansion J(f )
on S, since on any closed subsector one prescribes the form of the constants
C(N, W ). Further we note that one may replace in this definition the (maybe
mysterious) term (1 + N
. The set of all Gevrey functions on S of
k ) by (N !)
order k is denoted by A k1 (S). One sees, as in Exercise 7.2, that this set is in
fact an algebra over C and is invariant under differentiation. Moreover, A1/k
can be seen as a subsheaf of A on S1 . We denote by A01/k (S) the subset of
A1/k (S), consisting of the functions with asymptotic expansion 0. Again A01/k
can be seen as a subsheaf of A1/k on S1 . The following useful lemma gives an
alternative description of the sections of the sheaf A01/k .
(1 + log |Cz|k ) + ( + 1/2) log + a constant.
For a fixed |z| the right hand side has, as a function of the integer n, almost
minimal value if n is equal to the integer part of |Cz|
k . Substituting this value
for n one finds that log |f (z)| B|z| + a constant. This implies the required
For the other implication of the lemma, it suffices to show that for given k and
B there is a positive D such that
rn exp(Brk )
Dn holds for all r and n 1.
(1 + nk )
Using Stirlings formula, the logarithm of the left hand side can be estimated
(1 + log rk log ) 1/2 log Brk + a constant.
For a fixed n and variable r the maximal value of this expression is obtained for
rk = B 1 nk . Substitution of this value gives
log B 1 1/2 log + a constant.
This expression is bounded by a constant multiple of n.
The notion of Gevrey function of order k does not have the properties, that
we will require, for k 1/2. In the sequel we suppose that k > 1/2. In the event
of a smaller k one may replace z by a suitable root z m in order to obtain a new
k = mk > 1/2. We note further that the ks that interest us are slopes of the
Newton polygon of the differential equation A. Those ks are in fact rational
and, after taking a suitable root of z, one may restrict to positive integers k.
Exercise 7.6 Let f A1/k (S) with J(f ) =
the cN satisfy the inequalities
|cN | AN (1 +
), for a suitable constant A and all N 1
P 1
Hint: Subtract the two inequalities |f (z) N
n=n0 cn z | A (1 + k )|z| and
N +1
N +1
N +1
|f (z) n=n0 cn z | A
(1 + k )|z|
To prove the
concerning the ideal (z), it suffices to show that any
P statement
element f =
ai z i not in the ideal (z) is invertible in C[[z]] k1 . Since a0 6= 0
P i
such an element is clearly invertible in C[[z]]. Let g =
bi z be the inverse of
f . We have that b0 = 1/a0 and for N 1, bN = (1/a0 )(a1 bN 1 + . . . + aN b0 ).
One then shows by induction that |bN | C N (N !)1/k for an appropriate C.
2. and 3. are clear.
2. Lemma 7.5 easily yields that (A01/k )0 is the union of A00 e(Bz k ), taken over
all B R>0 . It suffices to show that ( q) is surjective on each of the spaces
A00 e(Bz k ). The observation e(Bz k )1 ( q)e(Bz k ) = ( q kBz k ),
reduces the latter to the first part of this corollary.
logarithm of the
absolute value of e(q)(z) is equal to
rl (
Re(ql )
Im(ql )
cos(l) +
sin(l) )+
Re(ql1 )
Im(ql1 )
cos((l 1)) +
sin((l 1)) ) +
l + 1
l + 1
The coefficient of rl is positive for = 0. One can take d > 0 small enough
such that the coefficient of rl is positive for all || d and 0 < c < 1 small
enough such that the function |e(q)(sei )| is for any fixed || d a decreasing
function of s (0,Rc]. With these preparations we define the operator K by
K(g)(z) = e(q)(z) 0 e(q)(t)g(t) dt
t . The integral makes sense, since e(q)(t)
tends to zero for t and t 0. Clearly ( q)Kg = g and we are left with a
computation of kK(g)kN . One can write K(g)(z) = e(q)(z) 0 e(q)(sz)g(sz) ds
and by the above choices one has |e(q)(sz)| |e(q)(z)| for all s [0, 1]. This
produces the estimate 0 kgkN sN |z|N ds
s = N |z| . Thus K : F F and K
is a contraction for k kN with N 2.
2. Let ql = ip with p R, p 6= 0. We consider the case p < 0. The situation
p > 0 is treated in a similar way. For log |e(q)(sei )| one has the formula
sl (
sin(l) )+
sl+1 (
Re(ql1 )
Im(ql1 )
cos((l 1)) +
sin((l 1)) ) +
z = rei0 , consisting of two pieces. The first is the line segment {sreid |0 s
1} and the second one is the circle segment {rei |0 R d}. The operator
K is defined by letting K(g)(z) be the integral e(q)(z) 0 e(q)(t)g(t) dt
t along
this path. It is clear that the integral is well defined and that ( q)K(g) = g.
We have now to make an estimate for kK(g)kN . The first part of the path can
be estimated by
|e(q)(z)| |
e(q)(sreid )g(sreid )
|z|N kgkN .
Thus kK(g)kN ( N1 + 2d)kgkN and for N 2 and d small enough we find that
K is a contraction with respect to k kN .
3. First we take d small enough such that the coefficient of rl in the expression
for log |e(q)(rei )| is strictly negative for || d. Furthermore one can take
c > 0 small enough such that for any fixed with || d, the function r 7
|e(q)(rei )| is increasing on [0, c].
TheRoperator K is defined by letting K(g)(z) be the integral
e(q)(z) c e(q)(t)g(t) dt
t along any path in from c to z. It is clear that
( q)K(g) = g. For z with |z| c/2 and any integer M 1, one can
estimate |K(g)(z)| by
e(q)(t)g(t) | + |e(q)(z)
the limit of |e(q)(z)e(q)(2z)
for |z| 0 is 0, one finds that there is some constant
|z M |
CM with kK(g)kM CM kgkM . In particular K(g) F. For the fixed integer
N 1 we have to be more precise and show that for small enough c, d > 0 there
is an estimate kK(g)kN CN kgkN with CN < 1 (and for all g F).
Set f (z) = e(q)(z)
c e(q)(t)g(t) t . We then want to show that |f (z)|
C(c, d)kgkN for z , where C(c, d) is a constant which is < 1 for small enough
c, d > 0.
Let z = rei . We split |f (z)| into two pieces. The first one is
R cei
e(q)(rei ) R ce
e(q)(t)g(t) dt
e(q)(t)g(t) dt
t | and the second is |
t |.
For the estimate of the first integral we introduce the function E(t) := |e(q)(tei )|
1 N dt
t t.
and the first integral is bounded by h(r)kgkN , where h(r) := E(r)
r E(t)
We want to show that for small enough c > 0, one has h(r) 1/2 for all r with
0 < r c.
| e(q)(re
For the boundary point r = c one has h(c) = 0. For the other boundary
point r = 0 we will show that the limit of h(r) for r 0 is zero. Take any
R r
1 N dt
t t +
> 1 and consider 0 < r with r c. Then h(r) = E(r)
r E(t)
E(r) c
1 N dt
R r
1 N
E(r)E(r)1 R c N dt
h(r) by r1N r tN dt
t t and thus by N1 + E(r)E(r)
t +
N .
rh (r) = ( rE
E(r) N )h(r) 1. The expression log E(t) is equal to cl t
cl1 t
+ with cl < 0 and cl depending on . Thus h(r0 ) = lc rl +N
and this is, for small enough c, bounded by
part is bounded by kgkN F (0 ), where
F (0 ) := |e(q)(cei0 )| |
cl cl +N
|e(q)(cei )| d|.
l 0
The function F is continuous and F (0) = 0. Therefore we can take d > 0 small
enough such that F () 1/3 for all with || d. Thus the second part is
bounded by 1/3kgkN and kK(g)kN 2/3kgkN .
The proof of Theorem 7.12 for the general case (and the direction 0) follows
from the next lemma.
Lemma 7.17 Let B be a n n-matrix with entries in A0 . Suppose that S =
J(B) has entries in C[z 1 ] and that S is a quasi-split equation. Then there
exists an n n matrix T with coefficients in A00 such that (1 + T )1 ( B)(1 +
T ) = S.
Indeed, consider ( A) and a formal transformation F GLn (C((z)) ) such
that F 1 ( A)F = ( S), where S has entries in C[z 1 ] and ( S) is quasisplit. The existence of F and S is guaranteed by the classification of differential
equations over C((z)), c.f., Proposition 3.41. Let F GLn (A0 ) satisfy J(F ) =
F . Define the n n-matrix B, with entries in A0 , by ( B) = F 1 ( A)F .
Since F acts as a bijection on the spaces (A00 )n and ((A01/k )0 )n , it suffices to
consider the operator ( B) instead of ( A). By construction J(B) = S
and we can apply the above lemma. Also (1 + T ) acts as a bijection on the
spaces (A00 )n and ((A01/k )0 )n . Thus Lemma 7.17 and Corollary 7.16 complete
the proof of Theorem 7.12.
The Proof of Lemma 7.17
Using the arguments of the proof of Corollary 7.16, we may already suppose that
Take a suitable closed sector = (c, d) and consider the space M consisting
of the matrix functions z 7 M (z) satisfying:
(a) M (z) is continuous on and holomorphic on the interior of .
(b) For every integer N 1 there is a constant CN such that |M (z)| CN |z|N
P on . Here |M (z)| denotes the l2 -norm on matrices, given by |M (z)| :=
( |Mi,j (z)|2 )1/2 .
We note that for two matrices M1 (z) and M2 (z) one has |M1 (z)M2 (z)|
|M1 (z)| |M2 (z)|. The space M has a sequence of norms k kN , defined by
kM kN := supz |M(z)|
|z|N . Using Lemma 7.13 and the diagonal form of L, one
finds that the operator L acts surjectively on M. Let us now fix an integer
N0 1. For small enough c, d > 0, Lemma 7.13 furthermore states there is a
linear operator K acting on M, which has the properties:
(1) LK is the identity and
(2) K is a contraction for k kN0 , i.e., kK(M )kN0 cN0 kM kN0 with cN0 < 1
and all M M
Define now a sequence of elements Tk M by T0 = K(B S) and Tk =
K((B S)Tk1 ) for k 1. P
Since kB SkN < 1 for all integers N 1,
one can deduce from (2) that k=0 Tk converges uniformly on to a matrix
function T which is continuous on , holomorphic on the interior of and
satisfies |T (z)| D|z|N0 for a certain constant D > 0 and all z . Then
L(T ) = L(K(B S) + K((B S)T0) + ) = (B S) + (B S)T . Thus we have
found a certain solution T for the equation (T )ST +T S = (BS)+(BS)T .
We want to show that the element T belongs to M.
The element (BS)(1+T ) belongs to M and thus L( K((BS)(1+T )) ) = (B
S)(1+T ). Therefore T := T K((BS)(1+T )) satisfies L(T) = 0 and moreover
T is continuous on , holomorphic at the interior of and |T(z)| DN |z|N0
holds for z and some constant DN0 . From the diagonal form of L one
deduces that the kernel of L consists of the matrices diag(e(q1 ), . . . , e(qn ))
Cdiag(e(q1 ), . . . , e(qn )) with C a constant matrix. The entries of T are therefore
N0 for some
of the form ce(qi qj ) with c C and satisfy inequalities D|z|
constant D and our choice of N0 1. Thus the non-zero entries of T are in A00 .
It follows that T M (again for c, d > 0 small enough) and thus T M.
This terminology reflects the behaviour of |e(q)(z)| for small |z|. For d (d1 , d2 ),
where {d1 , d2 } is a positive Stokes pair, the function r 7 |e(q)(reid )| explodes
Furthermore, H 0 (U, CI )
I ) = C.
The remaining cases are treated similarly.
Proof. According to Lemma 7.20 it suffices to show that the elements are
independent. In other words, we have to show that the existence of a y C({z})
with (q)y = a0 +a1 z+ +ak1 z k1 implies that all ai = 0. The equation has
only two singular points, namely 0 and . Thus y has an analytic continuation
to all of C with at most a pole at 0. The singularity at is regular singular.
Thus y has bounded growth at , i.e., |y(z)| C|z|N for |z| >> 0 and with
certain constants C, N and so y is in fact a rational function with at most poles
at 0 P
and . Then y C[z, z 1]. Suppose that y 6= 0, then one can write
y = ni=n
yi z i with n0 n1 and yn0 6= 0 6= yn1 . The expression ( q)y
C[z, z 1] is seen to be qk yn0 z n0 k + (n1 q0 )yn1 z n1 + n0 k<i<n1 z i . This
cannot be a polynomial in z of degree k 1. This proves the first part of the
corollary. The rest is an easy consequence.
q0 n
cn+k1 cn+1
cn g n .
There exists a constant B > 0 with |gn | B n for n > 0. We must find an
estimate of the form |cn | An (1 + nk ) for all n > 0 and some A > 0. We try
|cn |
to prove by induction that An (1+
) 1, for a suitable A > 0 and all n > 0.
(1 +
+ +
(1 +
Ak1 (1
( + n)(1 + nk )
B n
Ak (1 + k )
An+k (1 +
|cn+k |
An+k (1+ n+k
k )
given by
k )
+ n+k
k )
k )
where the s denote fixed constants. From (1 + n+k
k ) =
k (1 + k ) one
easily deduces that a positive A can be found such that this expression is 1
for all n > 0. The surjectivity of q follows by replacing the estimate B n for
|gn | by B n (1 + nk ). The injectivity follows from the fact that q is bijective
on C((z))1/k (see the discussion following Corollary 7.21).
dn , n Z of points in U , such that di < di+1 for all i. Moreover [di , di+1 ] = U .
The covering of U by the closed intervals is replaced by a covering with open
intervals (d
i , di+1 ), where di < di < di and |di di | very small. A cocycle
is again given by elements fi A0 (d
i , di ). Using the argument above, one
can write fi = gi hi with gi and hi sections of the sheaf A above, say, the
intervals (a,
first formally, Fi :=
P(di + di )/2) and ((di + di )/2, b). Define,
ji gj
ji hj as function on the interval ((di + di )/2, (di+1 + di+1 )/2).
Then clearly Fi Fi1 = gi hi = fi on ((di + di )/2, (di + di )/2). There is
still one thing to prove, namely that the infinite sums appearing in Fi converge
to a section of A on the given interval. This can be done using estimates on
the integrals defining the gi and hi given above. We will skip the proof of this
Lemma 7.26 The Borel-Ritt Theorem for C((z))1/k Suppose that k > 1/2.
Then the map J : A1/k (a, b) C((z))1/k is surjective if |b a| k .
Proof. After replacing z by eid z 1/k for a suitable d we have to prove that the
map J : A1 (, ) C((z))1 is surjective. It suffices to show that an element
f = n1 cn n!z n with |cn | (2r)n for some positive r is in the image of J.
One could refine Proposition 7.3 to prove this. A more systematic procedure
is the following.
R n For any half line , of the form {se |s 0} and |d| < none
has n! = exp()d. Thus for z 6= 0 and arg(z) (, ) one has n!z =
R n
0 exp( z )d( z ), where the path of integration is the Rpositive real line. This
integral is written as a sum of two parts F (n, r)(z) = 0 n exp( z )d( z ) and
R n
R(n, r)(z) = r exp( z )d( z ). The claim is that F (z) := n1 cn F (n, r)(z)
converges locally uniformly on {z C| z 6= 0}, belongs to A1 (, ) and
satisfies J(F ) = f.
Rr P
The integral 0 ( n1 cn n )exp( z P
)d( z ), taken over the closed interval
[0, r] R, exists for all z 6= 0 since
has radius of convergence
n1 cn
2r. Interchanging
proves the first statement on F . To prove the
other two statements we have to give for every closed subsector of {z C| 0 <
PN 1
|z| and arg(z) (, )} an estimate of the form E := |F (z) n=1 cn n!z n |
AN N !|z|N for some positive A, all N 1 and all z in the closed sector.
Rr P
P 1
Now E N
n=1 |cn ||R(n, r)(z)| + | 0 (
nN cn )exp( z )d( z |. The last
term of this expression can be estimated by rN 0 N |exp( z )| |z|
, because one
has the inequality | nN cn n | rN N for r. Thus the last term can
. The next estimate is |R(n, r)(z)|
be estimated by rN 0 N |exp( z )| |z|
R n
nN N
for r . Thus |R(n, r)(z)|
r |exp( z )|d |z| . Further
PN 1
nN N
|exp( z )| |z| . Now r
+ n=1 |cn |rnN 2rN and we can
. For z = |z|ei one has |exp( z )| =
estimate E by 2rN 0 N |exp( z )| |z|
exp( |z|
cos ). The integral is easily computed to be
the required estimate for E.
N !.
(cos )N +1
This gives
, 2k
). The next
For k > 1/2, the function exp(z k ) belongs to A01/k ( 2k
lemma states that this is an extremal situation. For sectors with larger opening the sheaf A01/k has only the zero section. This important fact, Watsons
Lemma, provides the uniqueness for k-summation in a given direction.
Proof. After replacing z by z 1/k eid for a suitable d the statement reduces
to A01 (, ) = 0 for > 2 . We will prove the following slightly stronger
statement (c.f., Lemma 7.5):
Let S denote the open sector given by the inequalities | arg(z)| < 2 and 0 < |z| <
r. Suppose that f is holomorphic on S and that there are positive constants A, B
such that |f (z)| A exp(B|z|1 ) holds for all z S. Then f = 0.
We start by choosing M > B and > 0 and defining by 0 < < 2 such that
and > 0 by (1 + ) < 2 and cos((1 + )) = 2M
. Define the
cos = M
function F (z), depending on M and , by F (z) := f (z) exp(z 1 + M z 1 ).
Let S denote the closed sector given by the inequalities | arg(z)| and 0 <
|z| r/2.
For a fixed z with | arg(z)| < and small enough |z| > 0
holds for all z S.
such that Re((r/2)1 z 1 ) < 0, this inequality holds for all sufficiently large
M . Since |exp(M ((r/2)1 z 1 )| tends to 0 for M , we conclude that
f (z) = 0.
Proposition 7.28
1. The following sequence of sheaves on S1 is exact.
0 A01/k A1/k C((z))1/k 0
2. For every open U S1 , including U = S1 , the canonical map
H 1 (U, A01/k ) H 1 (U, A1/k ) is the zero map.
3. H 1 (U, A1/k ) is zero for U 6= S1 and equal to C((z))1/k for U = S1 .
4. H 1 ((a, b), A01/k ) = 0 for |b a|
This implies H 0 (S1 , A/A1/k ) = 0 and so, from the sequence (7.1), we conclude
Remark 7.29 Proposition 7.28.2 is the Ramis-Sibuya Theorem (see [194], Theorem and Corollaries and
Some of the results of Section 7.3 can be established using the methods of Section
Exercise 7.30 Give an alternative proof of the surjectivity of : C({z})
H 1 (S1 , ker( q, A0 )) (see Corollary 7.22) by using Proposition 7.24. Hint:
An element H 1 (S1 , ker( q, A0 )) induces an element of H 1 (S1 , A0 ). By
Proposition 7.24.2, this element is zero in H 1 (S1 , A) so for some covering {Si }
of S1 , there exist fi H 0 (Si , A) such that fi fj = i,j , where i,j is a
representative of on Si Sj . Show that the ( q)fi glue together to give an
element g H 0 (S1 , A) = C({x}) and that the fi are lifts of some f C((x))
such that ( q)f = g.
Exercise 7.31 Give an alternative proof of the fact that ( q)f = g C({z})
implies f C((z))1/k (see Lemma 7.23) by using the last statement of Proposition 7.28. Hint: g maps to an element (g) H 1 (S1 , ker( q, A0 )). Observe
that ker(( q), A0 ) = ker( q, A01/k ). Thus f can be seen as an element of
H 0 (S1 , A/A01/k ).
Proposition 7.32 The element f C((z)) satisfying ( q)f = g C({z|}) is
The Laplace transform Lk,d of order k in the direction d is defined by the formula
converges for z 6= 0 with |z| small enough and | arg(z) d| < 2 . Moreover this
integral is analytic and does not depend on the choiceP
of d. Thus f is an analytic
N 1
function on a sector ( 2 , 2 + ). Write h() = i=0 ci!i i + hN (). Then
PN 1 i
f (z) = i=0 ci z + (L1,d hN )(z). One can show (but we will not give details)
that there exists a constant A > 0, independent of N , such that the estimate
|(L1,d hN )(z)| AN N !|z|N holds. In other words, f lies in A1 ( 2 , 2 + )
and has asymptotic expansion f.
Suppose now that 1. holds and let f A1 ( 2 , 2 + ) have asymptotic
expansion f. Then we will consider the integral
2 )
| 0 s r},
For with 0 < || < and | arg()| < /4 this integral converges and is
an analytic function of . It is easily verified that h has exponential growth of
order 1. The integral transform B1 is called the Borel transform ofn order 1. It
is easily seen that for f = z n the Borel transform B1 (f ) is equal to n! . We write
P 1 i
now f = N
AN N !|z|N holds for some constant
i=0 ci z + fN . Then |fN (z)|
PN 1 ci i
A > 0, independent of N . Then h() = i=0 i! + B1 (fN )(). One can prove
(but we will not give details) an estimate of the form |B1 (fN )()| AN | N | for
small enough ||. Using this one can identify the above h for with || small
and | arg()| < /4 with the function B1 f. In other words, B1 f has an analytic
continuation, in a full sector { C| 0 < || < and | arg()| < /4}, which
has exponential growth of order 1.
Remarks 7.35 1. In general one can define the Borel transform of order k in
the direction d in the following way. Let d be a direction and let S be a sector
where is a suitable wedge shaped path in S and lies in the interior of this
path (see [15], Ch. 2.3 for the details). The function Bk f can be shown to be
theorem (and the multisummation theorem later on) the basic ingredient is the
cohomology of the sheaf ker( A, (A0 )n ) and the Main Asymptotic Existence
ai k(1 +
i k+i
The formal Borel transform Bk v is equal to f := a0 +a1 ++a
. The
1 k
radius of convergence of f is 1 (if v 6= 0). For any direction d, not in the
set { 2j
k |j = 0, . . . , k 1}, the function f has a suitable analytic continuation
on the half line d. Consider a direction d with 0 < d < 2
k . The integral
v(z) := (Lk,d f )(z) = d f ()exp(( z ) ) d( z ) is easily seen to be an analytic
function of z for z 6= 0 and arg( z )k ( 2 , 2 ). Thus v is analytic for z 6= 0
and arg(z) (d 2k
, d + 2k
). Moreover v does not depend on d, as long as
d (0, k ). Thus we conclude that v is a holomorphic function on the sector,
for kz + k. The negative Stokes pairs are the pairs { 2j
k 2k , k + 2k }.
The Laplace-Borel method produces the asymptotic lifts of v on the maximal
intervals, i.e. the maximal intervals not containing a negative Stokes pair. Consider, as in Section 7.3, the map : C({z}) H 1 (S1 , ker( kz k + k, A0 )),
which associates to each w C({z}) the image in H 1 (S1 , ker( kz k + k, A0 ))
of the unique formal solution v of ( kz k + k)
v = w. For w of the form
for (w).
Exercise 7.38 Extend the above example and the formulas
to the case of a
formal solution v of ( kz k + k)
v = w with w =
wn z n C({z}). In
particular, give an explicit formula for the 1-cocycle (w) and find the conditions
on the coefficients wn of w which are necessary and sufficient for v to lie in
This theorem can be formulated as follows. The notion of eigenvalue of a differential equation is defined in Definition 3.28.
Theorem 7.39 Consider a formal solution v of the inhomogeneous matrix
equation ( A)
v = w, where w and A have coordinates in C({z}) and such
that the only positive slope of A is k. Then v is k-summable (i.e., every
coordinate of v is k-summable). Let q1 , . . . , qs denote the distinct eigenvalues of
A. Then v is k-summable in the direction d if d is not singular for any of
the q1 , . . . , qs .
We note that the qi are in fact polynomials in z 1/m for some integer m 1.
The set of singular directions of a single qi may not be well defined. The
set {q1 , . . . , qs } is invariant under the action on C[z 1/m ], given by z 1/m 7
e2i/m z 1/m . Thus the set of the singular directions of all qi is well defined.
We start the proof of Theorem 7.39 with a lemma.
Lemma 7.40 Let v be a formal solution of ( A)
v = w, where A and w have
coordinates in C({z}) and let k > 0 be the smallest positive slope of A. For
every direction d there is an asymptotic lift vd of v with coordinates in (A1/k )d .
Proof. We will follow to a great extend the proof of Proposition 7.32. There
exists a quasi-split equation ( B) which is formally equivalent to ( A),
i.e., F 1 ( A)F = ( B) and F GLn (C((z))). The equation ( B) is
a direct sum of ( qi Ci ), where q1 , . . . , qs are the distinct eigenvalues and
the Ci are constant matrices. After replacing z by a root z 1/m , we are in the
situation that k > 0 is an integer. Furthermore, we can use the method of
Corollary 7.16 to reduce to the case where all the Ci are 0. The assumption
, d + 2k
+ ) are isomorphic.
(d 2k
Proof. We may suppose that the qi are polynomials in z 1 . As before A
is formally equivalent to B, which is a direct sum of qi + Ci and we
may suppose that the Ci are 0. Let f be any direction. The formal F with
F 1 ( A)F = ( B) satisfies the differential equation (F ) = AF F B.
By Theorem 7.10, F lifts to an Ff GLn (Af ) with Ff1 ( A)Ff = ( B).
This produces locally at the direction f an isomorphism (KA )f (KB )f . The
asymptotic lift Ff is not unique. Two asymptotic lifts differ by a G GLn (Af )
with J(G) = 1 and G1 ( B)G = ( B). We have to investigate KB and
the action of G on KB in detail.
We note that KB is the direct sum of KB (i) := ker( qi , (A01/k )ni ) over all non
zero qi . The action of G on (KB )f has the form 1+ i6=j li,j , where 1 denotes the
identity and li,j HomC (KB (i), KB (j))f . For any p = pl z l + z 1 C[z 1 ]
with pl 6= 0, we will call the direction f flat if Re(pl eif l ) > 0. With this
terminology one has: li,j can only be non zero if the direction f is flat for qi qj
(and f is of course also a flat direction for qi and qj ).
Let us call S the sheaf of all the automorphisms of KB , defined by the above conditions. The obstruction for constructing an isomorphism between the restrictions of KA and KB to (a, b) is an element of the cohomology set H 1 ((a, b), S).
We will show that this cohomology set is trivial, i.e., it is just one element, for
, d + 2k
+ ) with small > 0 and d not a singular direction.
(a, b) = (d 2k
Although S is a sheaf of non abelian groups, it is very close to sheaves of abelian
groups.For any direction f , define qi <f qj if f is a flat direction for qi qj .
Thus the proof Lemma 7.41 is reduced to proving that each sheaf HH has a
trivial H 1 on the proposed open intervals. The sheaves KB (j) are direct sums of
sheaves CI , with I an open interval of length k . If I, J be both open intervals
of length k and let H be another open interval (I, J, H are determined by qi , qj
and qi qj ), then it suffices to show that the sheaf T := HomC (CI , CJ )H has
First we will determine the sheaf HomC (CI , CJ ). Let us recall the definition
of the sheaf HomC (F, G) for two sheaves of complex vector spaces F and G on,
say, the circle S1 . The sheaf HomC (F, G) is defined as the sheaf associated to
the presheaf P given requiring P (U ) to consist of the C-linear homomorphisms
h between the restrictions F |U and G|U . The element h consist of a family of
C-linear maps hV : F (V ) G(V ), for all open V U , satisfying for all pairs of
open sets W V U the relation resG,V,W hV = hW resF,V,W . Here res,,
denote the restrictions of the sheaves F and G with respect to the sets W V .
A straightforward use of this definition leads to a C-linear homomorphism of
the sheaves : C HomC (CI , C). Let I denote the closure of I. A small
calculation shows that the stalk of the second sheaf at a point outside I is 0
and the stalk at any point in I is isomorphic to C. Moreover, for any d, d is
surjective. One concludes that HomC (CI , C) is isomorphic to CI . We recall
the exact sequence
0 CJ C CS1 \J 0.
We then have that HomC (CI , CJ ) is the subsheaf of HomC (CI , C), consisting
of the h such that the composition CI C CS1 \J is the zero map. Thus
HomC (CI , CJ ) can be identified with (CI )JI . The sheaf T can therefore be
identified with (CI )JHI .
Let qi , qj and qi qj have leading terms a, b and c with respect to the variable
z 1 and let the degree of qi qj in z 1 be l. The intervals I, J, H are connected
components of the set of directions f such that Re(aeif k ), Re(beif k ) and
Re(ceif l ) are positive. We must consider two cases.
Suppose first that I 6= J. Then one sees that J H I = H I and moreover
the complement of this set in I has only one component. In this case the sheaf
T has trivial H 1 for any open subset of S1 .
(d 2k
, d + 2k
+ ) and the H 1 of T on this interval is trivial.
J1 := (ds 2k
, d1 + 2k
), J2 := (d1 2k
, d2 + 2k
), . . . are maximal with respect to
the condition that they do not contain a negative Stokes pair. Choose isomorphisms i : KB |Ji KA |Ji for i = 1, 2. Then 1,2 := 21 1 is an isomorphism
of KB |I1 . We note that H 0 (I1 , KB ) = H 0 (I1 , KB,1 ) = Ca1 and 1,2 induces
an automorphism of Ca1 and of KB,1 . The latter can be extended to an automorphism of KB on S1 . After changing 2 with this automorphism one may
assume that 1,2 acts as the identity on Ca1 . This implies that the restrictions
of 1 and 2 to the sheaf KB,1 coincide on J1 J2 . Thus we find a morphism
of sheaves KB,1 |J1 J2 KA |J1 J2 . Since the support of KB,1 lies in J1 J2
we have a morphism 1 : KB,1 KA . In a similar way one constructs morphisms i : KB,i KA . The sum i is a morphism : KB KA . This is an
isomorphism since it is an isomorphism for every stalk.
d k
Instead of dz
, we P
will use the operator = k1 z dz
z . An operator L of order
n can be written as i=0 ai with an = 1 and all ai C({z}). In the sequel
we will suppose that the only slope present in L is k > 0 and that k is an integer.
In other words, all the eigenvalues qi of L (or of the associated matrix equation
A) are in z 1 C[z 1 ] and have degree k in z 1 . A small calculation shows
that those conditions are equivalent to L having the form
Define the initial polynomial of L with respect to to be P (T ) = i=0 ai (0)T i .
One easily calculates that the eigenvalues of L are of the form cz k + where
c is a zero of the initial polynomial. Then Theorem 7.39 has the following
Corollary 7.44 The k-Summation Theorem for Scalar Differential Equations.
Consider the equation Lf = g with L as above, g C({z}) and f C((z)).
Then f is k-summable. More precisely:
1. A direction d is singular if and only if d is the argument of some satis
, d + 2k
fying P ( k ) = 0. The negative Stokes pairs are the pairs {d 2k
with d a singular direction.
2. f is k-summable in the direction d if d is not singular.
3. Suppose that the open interval (a, b) does not contain a negative Stokes pair
and that |b a| > k , then there is a unique f A k1 (a, b) with J(f ) = f.
Moreover Lf = g.
Example 7.45 The method of Borel and Laplace applied to Lf = g.
For the special case L = P () (i.e., all ai C), we will give here an independent
proof of corollary 7.44, using the formal Borel transformation and the Laplace
transformation. This works rather well because one obtains an explicit and
easy formula for Bk f. The general case can be seen as a perturbation of this
special case. However the proof for the general case, using the method of Borel
and Laplace, is rather involved. The main problem is to show that Bk f satisfies
part 2. of Theorem 7.34 .
The formal Borel transform Bk is only defined for formal power series.
After subtracting from f a suitable first part of its Laurent series, we may
suppose that f C[[z]] and g C{z}. Put = Bk (f). A small calculation yields Bk (f)() = k (). The equation Lf = g is equivalent to
P ( k )() = (Bk g)() and has the unique solution () = PB(k gk ) . The function
g = n0 gn z n is convergent at 0, and thus |gn | CRn for suitable positive
P gn
C, R. The absolute value of Bk g() =
(1+ n ) can be bounded by
X Rn ||n
X X (R||)mk+i
Ri ||i exp(Rk ||k ).
(1 + k )
i=0 m0
rection d with d 6 S := {arg(1 ), ..., arg(dk )}, where {1 , ..., dk } are the roots of
P ( k ) = 0. Let a, b be consecutive elements of S with d (a, b). The function
has, in the direction d, an analytic continuation with exponential
growth of order
k. It follows that the integral f (z) := (Lk,d )(z) = d ()exp(( z )k ) d( z )k
open sector I := (a 2k
, b+ 2k
). It is not difficult to show that f A1/k (I) with
PN 1
J(f ) = f. Indeed, let () = i0 ci i and write = i=0 ci i + RN () N .
PN 1
PN 1
Put f = i0 fi z i . Then Lk,d ( i=0 ci i ) = i=0 fi z i and one has to verify
the required estimate for |Lk,d (RN () N )(z)|. Interchanging and d easily
leads to Lf = g. This proves the k-summability of f and the properties 1., 2.
and 3.
poses as
i , where i () = (Ak c
n (Bk g)(). Consider a singular direction
i) i
d, which is the argument of a i with ik = ci . Let d+ , d denote directions
with d < d < d+ and d+ d small. Then Lk,d+ and Lk,d exist and the
difference Lk,d+ Lk,d is equal to
(2i) Res=i (
Ai ( k )Bk g() k k
d ) z exp(ci z k ).
( k ci )
As in Example 7.36, this formula gives an explicit 1-cocycle for the image of f
in H 1 (S1 , ker(L, A0 )).
Definition 7.46 k will denote a sequence of positive numbers k1 < k2 < <
kr with k1 > 1/2. Let v C((z)) and let d be a direction. Then v is called
2. For any positive k, one sees the sheaf A/A01/k as a sheaf of k-precise quasifunctions. Indeed, a section f of this sheaf above an open interval (a, b) can be
represented by a covering of (a, b) by intervals (ai , bi ) and elements fi A(ai , bi )
such that fi fj is in general not zero but lies in A01/k ((ai , bi ) (aj , bj )).
3. The idea of the definition is that v, seen as an element of H 0 (S1 , A/A01/k1 ),
is lifted successively to the elements v1 , v2 , . . . , living each time on a smaller
interval and being more precise. Finally the last one vr is really a function on
the corresponding interval.
4. The size of the intervals with bisector d is chosen in a critical way. Indeed,
for 1/2 < k < l, one can consider the natural map
R : H 0 ((a, b), A/A01/l ) H 0 ((a, b), A/A01/k ).
The kernel of R is H 0 ((a, b), A01/k /A01/l ). According to the Theorem 7.48, the
kernel is 0 if |b a| > k . For |b a| k the map is surjective according to
Lemma 7.49. In particular, the elements v1 , . . . , vr are uniquely determined by
v and the direction d.
In general one can show, using Theorem 7.48 below, that the multisum is
unique, if it exists. We have unfortunately not found a direct proof in the
literature. The proofs given in [197] use integral transformations of the Laplace
and Borel type. However, a slight modification of the definition of the multisum
for a formal solution of a linear differential equation yields uniqueness without
any reference to Theorem 7.48 (see Theorem 7.51 and Remark 7.58)
Theorem 7.48 A relative form of Watsons Lemma.
Let 0 < k < l and |b a| > k . Then H 0 ((a, b), A01/k /A01/l ) = 0.
Lemma 7.49 Suppose 1/2 < k < l and |b a|
Exercise 7.50 Let k = k1 < < kr with 1/2 < k1 . Suppose that v is the
sum of elements F1 + + Fr , where each Fi C((z)) is ki -summable. Prove
that v is k-summable. Hint: Prove the following statements
(a) If r = 1, then k1 -summable is the same thing as k-summable.
(b) If F and G are k-summable then so is F + G.
(c) Let k be obtained from k by leaving out ki . If F is k -summable then F is
also k-summable.
Theorem 7.51 The Multisummation Theorem.
Let w be a vector with coordinates in C({z}) and let v be a formal solution of
the equation ( A)
v = w. Let k = k1 < k2 < < kr with 1/2 < k1 denote the
positive slopes of the differential operator A. Then v is k-summable in any
direction d which is not singular direction for any of the eigenvalues of A.
In particular v is k-summable.
Proof. The formal equivalence F 1 ( A)F = ( B), where ( B) is an
equation that is equivalent to a quasi-split differential equation for F (Proposition 3.41). One proves as in Lemma 7.40 that ker( A, (A0 )n ) is equal
to ker( A, (A01/k1 )n ). If follows that v has coordinates in C((z))1/k1 . Define for i = 1, . . . , r the sheaves Vi = ker( A, (A01/ki )n ) and the sheaves Wi =
ker( B, (A01/ki )n ). For notational convenience we define Vr+1 and Wr+1 to be
zero. Take a direction d, which is not a singular direction for any of the eigenvalues of A. The method of the proof of Lemma 7.41 yields that the restrictions
of the sheaves V1 /V2 and W1 /W2 to (d 2k1 , d+ 2k1 +) are isomorphic. More
generally the proof of Lemma 7.41 can be modified to show that the restrictions
Corollary 7.52 We use the notation of theorem 7.51 and its proof.
For every i the sheaves Vi /Vi+1 and Wi /Wi+1 are isomorphic on S1 . In particular, the spaces H 1 (S1 , ker( A, (A0 )n )) and H 1 (S1 , ker( B, (A0 )n )) have
the same dimension. Let ( B) be the direct sum of ( qi Ci ) where Ci
is a ni ni -matrix and the degree ofP
qi in z 1 is ki . Then the dimension of
0 n
H (S , ker( A, (A ) )) is equal to i ki ni .
Proof. The first statement has the same proof as Corollary 7.43. The dimension of the cohomology group H 1 of the sheaf ker( A, (A0 )n ) is easily seen
to be the sum of the dimensions of the H 1 for the sheaves Vi /Vi+1 . A similar
statement holds for B and thus the equality of the dimensions follows. From
the direct sum decomposition of B one easily derives the formula for the
dimension. Indeed, if the ki are integers then Lemma 7.20 implies the formula.
In general case, the ki are rational numbers. One takes an integer m 1 such
that all mki are integers and considers the map m : S1 S1 , given by z 7 z m .
Definition 7.53 The dimension of H 1 (S1 , ker( A, (A0 )n )) is called the irregularity of A.
The two kernels in this exact sequence have a finite dimension. We shall show
below that the cokernel of A on C((z))n has finite dimension. Thus the
other cokernel has also finite dimension and the formula for the irregularity of
A follows.
To prove the claim first assume that N > 0. Then for any v Cn and any
m, ( q + C)z m v = qN z mN v + higher order terms, so A has 0 cokernel.
If N = 0 (i.e. q = 0) then ( q + C)z m v = (mI + C)z m v. Since for sufficiently
large m, mI + C is invertible, we have that A has 0 cokernel on xm C[[z]]n
and therefore finite cokernel of C((x))n .
Remark 7.56 Corollaries 7.53 and 7.55 imply that if A is regular singular
and w C({z})n ) then any solution v C((z)))n ) of (A)v = w is convergent.
Exercise 7.57 Consider a differential operator L =
i=0 ai C({z})[]
with an = 1. Let A be the associated matrix differential operator. Prove
that L as an operator on C((z)) and C({z}) has the same Euler characteristic
as the operator A on C((z))n and C({z})n . Prove that the irregularity of
L, defined as the irregularity of A, is equal to min0jn v(aj ). Here v is
the additive valuation
on C({z}) (or on C((z)) ) defined by v(0) = + and
v(b) = m if b = nm bn z n with bm 6= 0. Hint: Note that min0jn v(aj )
is the difference in the y-coordinates of the first and last corner of the Newton
polygon of L. Now use Corollary 7.52 and Remark 3.55.1.
The result of this exercise appears in [186] where a different proof is presented.
The result is also present in [109]. A more general version (and other references)
appears in [179].
The next lemma is rather useful. We will give a proof using Laplace and
Borel transforms (c.f., [15], page 30).
Lemma 7.60 Let 1/2 < k1 < k2 and suppose that the formal power series f is
k1 -summable and lies in C[[z]]1/k2 . Then f C{z}.
Proof. It suffices to show that f is k1 -summable for every direction d, since the
unique k1 -sums in the various directions glue to an element of H 0 (S1 , A1/k1 ),
which is equal to C({z}). In what follows we suppose for convenience that
k1 = 1 and we consider the direction 0 and an interval (a, b) with a < 0 < b
and such that f is 1-summable in every direction d (a, b), d 6= 0. We now
consider the formal Borel transform g := B1 f. If we can show that this defines
n0 cn z . There are positive constants A1 , A2
such that |cn | A1 A2 (n!)
holds for all n 0. The coefficients cn!n of g satisfy
and this implies the exponential growth
the inequalities | cn!n | A1 An2 (n!)
at of g of order k. Moreover, according to Theorem 7.34, the function g
has exponential growth of order 1 for any direction d (a, b), d 6= 0. The
of Theorem ([40], Ch. 33) implies that g has also exponential
growth at of order 1 in the direction 0. In fact one can prove this claim
directly and in order to be complete, we include the proof.
q1 0
Example 7.61 The equation ( A)
v = w with A =
with q1 , q2
1 q2
z 1 C[z 1 ] of degrees k1 < k2 in the variable z 1 .
We start with some observations.
The equation
A is formally, but not analytically, equivalent with
q1 0
. Indeed, the formal equivalence is given by the matrix
0 q2
1 0
, where f is a solution of ( + q1 q2 )f = 1. According to
f 1
Corollary 7.22, the unique solution f is divergent.
The irregularity of A is k1 + k2 and A acts bijectively on C((z))2 .
According to Corollary 7.55, the cokernel of A acting upon C({z})2 has
dimension k1 + k2 . Using Corollary 7.22, one concludes
thatthe cokernel
of A on C({z})2 is represented by the elements
with f1 , f2
polynomials in z of degrees < k1 and < k2 .
A non zero element of H 0 (I1 , V1 ) is a non zero multiple of e(qf1 ) where
f would be flat on I1 and satisfies ( q2 )f = e(q1 ). This equation has a
unique flat solution F1 on the sector ( 4 , 2 ) and a unique flat solution F2 on
the sector ( 2 , 4 ). According to the proof of Lemma 7.13, those two solutions
are given by integrals Fi (z) = e(q2 )(z) i e(q2 + q1 )(t) dt
t . The first path 1
from 0 to z consists of two pieces {rei1 | 0 r |z|} (for any 1 such that
4 1 < 2 ) and {|z|e | from 1 to arg(z)}. The second path 2 consists of
the two pieces {rei2 | 0 r |z|} (for any 2 such that 2 < 2 4 ) and
{|z|ei | from 2 to arg(z)}. We want to prove that F1 6= F2 , because that
implies that the equation ( q2 )f = e(q1 ) does not have a flat solution on I1
and so H 0 (I1 , V1 ) = 0.
Z 4
2 dr
e 2r sin( 2
) +i
) d.
2r r
The second integral has limit i 2 for R . The first integral has also a limit
for R , namely 2ia with
2 dr
a :=
e 2r sin( 2
2r r
Numerical integration gives a = 0.2869... and thus the total integral is not 0.
We consider now the equation ( A)
v = 10 and suppose that v = v1 +
v2 with a ki -summable vi for i = 1, 2. Then ( A)
v1 is k1 -summable and
belongs moreover to C((z))1/k2 . According to Lemma 7.60, w1 := ( A)
v1 is
convergent. Then also w2 := ( A)
v2 is convergent. Since v2 is k2 -summable
it follows
that w2 is modulo the image of ( A) on C({z}) an element of the
form h with h a polynomial of degree 1. After changing v2 by a convergent
vector, we may suppose that ( A)
v2 = h0 . Thus ( A)
v1 = h
. Thus
solution of ( q1 )h = 1 and h = u
is convergent. However, by Corollary 7.22,
one knows that u
is divergent. This ends the proof of our two claims.
We make some further comments on this example. From H 0 (I1 , V1 ) = 0 it
follows that also H 1 (I1 , V1 ) = 0. This has the rather curious consequence that
any formal solution of ( A)
v = w has a unique asymptotic lift above the
sector I1 . This asymptotic lift is in general not a k-sum in a direction.
We note that a small change of q1 and q2 does not effect the above calculation
in the example. Similarly, one sees that q1 and q2 of other degrees k1 < k2 (in
the variable z 1 ) will produce in general the same phenomenon as above. Only
rather special relations between the coefficients of q1 and q2 will produce a sheaf
V1 which is isomorphic to the direct sum of V2 and V1 /V2 .
The first result gives a negative answer to the question posed by B. Malgrange
in [192] (2.1) p. 138. The second result gives a negative answer to another open
The first Bk1 is by definition the formal Borel transform Bk1 of order
k1 . The first condition is that Bk1 f is convergent, in other words f
C[[z]]1/k1 .
The Bkj are extended Borel transforms of order kj in the direction d for
j = 2, . . . , r. They can be seen as maps from A/A01/kj (d 2kj , d+ 2kj +)
to A(d , d + ).
The Lkj are extended Laplace transforms of order kj in the direction d.
They map the elements in A(d , d + ), having an analytic continuation
with exponential growth of order kj , to elements of A/A01/kj+1 (d
2kj , d + 2kj + ).
The symbol a() is not a map. It means that one supposes the holomorphic function to have an analytic continuation in a suitable full
sector containing the direction d. Moreover this analytic continuation is
supposed to have exponentional growth of order .
The Borel transform of order kRin direction d, applied to a function h, is defined
. The path of integration
by the formula (Bk h)() = 2i
h(z)z exp(( z ) ) dz
consists of the three parts {ae | 0 a r}, {eis | d1 s d2 } and
Chapter 8
We will first sketch the contents of this chapter. Let A be a matrix differential
equation over C({z}). Then there is a unique (up to isomorphism over C({z}))
quasi-split equation B, which is isomorphic, over C((z)), to A (c.f.,
Proposition 3.41). This means that there is a F GLn (C((z)) ) such that
F 1 ( A)F = B. In the following A, B and F are fixed and the
eigenvalues of A and B are denoted by q1 , . . . , qs .
The aim is to find the differential Galois group of A over the field C({z})
in terms of B and F . Since B is a quasi-split equation, we have seen
in Proposition 3.40 that the differential Galois groups over C({z}) and C((z))
coincide. The latter group is known. From the formal matrix F one deduces
by means of multisummation a collection of Stokes matrices (also called Stokes
multipliers) for the singular directions for the set of elements {qi qj }. Those
Stokes matrices are shown to be elements in the differential Galois group of
A. Finally it will be shown that the differential Galois group is generated,
as a linear algebraic group, by the Stokes matrices and the differential Galois
group of B. This result is originally due to J.-P. Ramis.
There are only few examples where one can actually calculate the Stokes matrices. However, the above theorem of Ramis gains in importance from the
following three additions:
1. The Stokes matrix associated to a singular directions (for the collection
{qi qj }) has a special form. More precisely, let V denote the space of
solutions of A in the universal differential extension of C((z)) (see
Vqi Vqj
and where the sum is taken over all pairs i, j, such that d is a singular
direction for qi qj . Further 1 Std = Std+2 holds.
2. Let d1 < < dt denote the singular directions (for the collection {qi
qj }), then the product Stdt Std1 is conjugate to the topological monodromy, that is the change of basis resulting from analytic continuation
around the singular points, of A, considered as an element of GL(V ).
3. Suppose that B is fixed, i.e., V , the decomposition si=1 Vqi and are
fixed. Given any collection of automorphisms {Cd } satisfying the conditions in 1., there is a differential equation A and a formal equivalence
F 1 ( A)F = B (unique up to isomorphism over C({z})) which has
the collection {Cd } as Stokes matrices.
In this chapter, we will give the rather subtle proof of 1. and the easy proof
of 2. In Chapter 9 (Corollary 9.8), we will also provide a proof of 3. with the help
of Tannakian categories. We note that 3. has rather important consequences,
namely Ramiss solution for the inverse problem of differential Galois groups
over the field C({z}).
The expression the Stokes phenomenon needs some explication. In Chapter
7 we have seen that any formal solution v of an analytic differential equation
( A)
v = w can be lifted to a solution v A(a, b)n for suitably small sectors
(a, b). The fact that the various lifts do not glue to a lift on S1 , is called the
Stokes phenomenon. One can formulate this differently. Let again v A(a, b)n
be an asymptotic lift of v. Then the analytical continuation of v in another
sector is still a solution of the differential equation but will in general not have
v as asymptotic expansion. G.G. Stokes made this observation in his study of
the Airy equation y = zy, which has the point as an irregular singularity.
We recall the result from the Multisummation Theorem, Theorem 7.51. Let
A be given, with positive slopes k = k1 < < kr (and 1/2 < k1 ) and with
eigenvalues q1 , . . . , qs . The collection of singular directions d1 < < dm <
d1 (+2) of A is the union of the singular directions for each qi . Consider
a formal solution v of ( A)
v = w (with w convergent). For a direction d
which is not singular for A, the Multisummation Theorem provides a unique
0 n
of the sheaf ker( A, (A ) ) above the sector (di 2kr , di + 2kr ), and in fact
a rather special one. The fact that this difference is in general not 0, is again
the Stokes phenomenon, but now in a more precise form.
Definition 8.1 For a singular direction d and multisums Sd (
v ), Sd+ (
v ) as
defined above, we will write std (
v ) for Sd (
v ) Sd+ (
v ).
We will make this definition more precise. We fix a formal equivalence between
A and B, where B is quasi-split. This formal equivalence is given
by an F GLn (C((z)) ) satisfying F 1 ( A)F = B. Let us write KA
and KB for the sheaves ker( A, (A0 )n ) and ker( B, (A0 )n ). Let W denote
the solution space of B (with coordinates in the universal ring UnivR)
and with its canonical decomposition W = Wqi . The operator B is a
direct sum of operators qi + Ci (after taking a root of z) and Wqi is the
solution space of qi + Ci . For each singular direction d of qi , we consider
, d + 2k(q
), where k(qi ) is the degree of qi in the
the interval J = (d 2k(q
variable z . From Chapter 7 it is clear that KB is (more or less canonically)
isomorphic to the sheaf i,J (Wqi )J on S1 . Let V denote the solution space of
A (with coordinates in the universal ring) with its decomposition Vqi . The
formal equivalence, given by F , produces an isomorphism between W and V
respecting the two decompositions and the formal monodromy. Locally on S1 ,
the two sheaves KB and KA are isomorphic. Thus KA is locally isomorphic to
the sheaf i,J (Vqi )J .
Let us first consider the special case where A has only one positive slope k. In
that case it is proven in Chapter 7 that the sheaves KB and KA are isomorphic,
however not in a canonical way. Thus KA is isomorphic to i,J (Vqi )J , but not in
a canonical way. We will rewrite the latter expression. Write J1 , . . . , Jm for the
Now we consider the general case. The sheaf KA is given a filtration by subsheaves KA = KA,1 KA,2 KA,r , where KA,i := ker( A, (A01/Ki )n ).
For notational convenience we write KA,r+1 = 0. The quotient sheaf KA,i /KA,i+1
can be identified with ker( A, (A01/ki /A01/ki+1 )n ) for i = 1, . . . r 1. Again
for notational convenience we write kr+1 = and A01/kr+1 = 0. For the sheaf
T := i,J (Vqi )J we introduce also a filtration T = T1 T2 Tr with
Tj = i,J (Vqi )J , where the direct sum is taken over all i such that the degree of qi
in the variable z 1 is ki . For convenience we put Tr+1 = 0. Then it is shown in
Chapter 7 that there are (non canonical) isomorphisms KA,i /KA,i+1
= Ti /Ti+1
for i = 1, . . . , r. Using those isomorphisms, one can translate sections and cohomology classes of KA in terms of the sheaf T . In particular, for any open interval
I S1 of length kr , the sheaves KA and T are isomorphic and H 0 (I, KA )
can be identified with H 0 (I, T ) = i,J H 0 (I, (Vqi )J ). As we know H 0 (I, (Vqi )J )
is zero, unless I J. In the latter case H 0 (I, (Vqi )J ) = Vqi .
We return now to the additive Stokes phenomenon for the equation (A)
w. For a singular direction d we have considered std (
v ) := Sd (
v ) Sd+ (
v ) as
element of H 0 ((d 2kr , d + 2kr ), KA )
= H 0 ((d 2kr , d + 2kr ), T ). The following
proposition gives a precise meaning to the earlier assertion that std (
v ) is a rather
special section of the sheaf T .
Proposition 8.2 The element std (
v ), considered as section of T above
(d 2kr , d + 2kr ), belongs to iId Vqi , where Id is the set of indices i such
that d is a singular direction for qi .
Proof. We consider first the case that A has only one positive slope k (and
(i, J) with J = (d 2k
, d + 2k
). For such a direct summand the contribution to
the group H is canonical isomorphic to Vqi . This ends the proof in this special
case. The proof for the general case, i.e., r > 1, is for r > 2 quite similar to the
case r = 2. For r = 2 we will provide the details.
Let the direction d be non singular. The multisum in the direction d is in
fact a pair (v1 , v2 ) with v1 a section of (A/A01/k2 )n satisfying ( A)v1 = w
(as sections of the sheaf (A/A01/k2 )n ). This section is defined on an interval
(d 2k1 , d + 2k1 + ). The unicity of v1 proves that v1 is in fact defined on an
open (e 2k1 , f + 2k1 ), where e < f are the consecutive singular directions for the
slope k1 with e < d < f . The element v2 is a section of the sheaf (A)n satisfying
( A)v2 = w. This section is defined above the interval (d 2k2 , d+ 2k2 +).
As above v2 is in fact defined on the interval (e 2k2 , f + 2k2 ) where e < f
are the consecutive singular directions for the slope k2 such that e < d < f .
Moreover v1 and v2 have the same image as section of the sheaf (A/A01/k2 )n
above (e 2k1 , f + 2k1 ) (e 2k2 , f + 2k2 ).
Let d now be a singular direction. We apply the above for the two directions d+
and d and write (v1+ , v2+ ) and (v1 , v2 ) for the two pairs. Then std (
v ) = v2 v2+
, dj + 2k
), ker( A, (A0 )n )) and maps to
iIdj Vqi is equal to H 0 ((dj 2k
0 n
H (Sj Sj+1 , ker( A, (A ) )). This results in a linear map of d singular iId
Vqi to the first Cech cohomology group of the sheaf ker( A, (A0 )n )) for the
covering {Sj } of the circle. It is not difficult to verify that the corresponding
linear map
F itself, one sees that L is formally equivalent to the quasi-split operator (again
: M 7 (M ) BM + M B. Indeed, F 1 L(F M ) is
acting upon matrices) L
is quasi-split because B is
easily calculated to be L(M
). The operator L
quasi-split. Further the eigenvalues of L are the {qi qj }. Thus L has the same
and the singular directions for L are the singular directions for
eigenvalues as L
the collection {qi qj }. For a small enough sector S, there is an asymptotic
lift FS of F above S. This means that the entries of FS lie in A(S) and have
the entries of F as asymptotic expansions. Moreover L(FS ) = 0. Since F is
invertible, we have that FS is invertible and FS1 ( A)FS = B. However, as
we know, the lift FS is in general not unique. A remedy for this non uniqueness
is the multisummation process. Let d be a direction which is not singular for
the equation L (i.e., non singular for the collection {qi qj }). Then we consider
the multisum Sd (F ) in the direction d, which means that the multisummation
operator Sd is applied to every entry of F . The multisum Sd (F ) can be seen as
an invertible meromorphic matrix on a certain sector S containing the direction
d. Now Sd (F )Ed is an invertible meromorphic matrix above the sector S and is
a fundamental matrix for A. In the sequel we will use the two differential
equations A and B simultaneously. Formally,
this is done by considering
the new matrix differential equation 0AB0 .
Proposition 8.6 Let d R be a non singular direction for the collection {qi
qj } and let S be the sector around d defined by the multisummation in the
direction d for the differential equation L.
1. The C({z})-subalgebra R2 of the universal ring UnivR, i.e.,
C((z))[{e(q)}, {z a }, l], generated by the entries of E and F and the inverses of the determinants of E and F , is a Picard-Vessiot ring for the
combination of the two equations A and B.
2. The C({z})-subalgebra R2 (S) of the field of meromorphic functions M(S),
generated by the entries of Ed and Sd (F ) and the inverses of the determinants of Ed and Sd (F ), is a Picard-Vessiot ring for the combination of
the two equations A and B.
and R2,2 (S) := C({z})[ entries of Ed , detE
] of M(S). The canonical map
J : R2,1 (S) R2,1 is an isomorphism, according to Lemma 8.5. The ring
R2,2 is a localisation of a polynomial ring over the field C({z}) and this implies
that there is a unique isomorphism R2,2 R2,2 (S), which, when extended to
matrices, sends the matrix E to Ed . Combining this, one finds isomorphisms
Let d R be a singular direction for the differential equation L. One considers directions d+ , d with d < d < d+ and |d+ d | small. Multisummation
in the directions d+ and d , yields according to Proposition 8.6, isomorphisms
d+ : R1 R1 (S + ) and d : R1 R1 (S ) for suitable sectors S + , S given
by the mutisummation process. The intersection S := S + S is a sector
around the direction d. Let R1 (S) M(S) denote the Picard-Vessiot ring for
A inside the differential field M(S). The restriction maps M(S + ) M(S)
and M(S ) M(S) induce canonical isomorphisms res+ : R1 (S + ) R1 (S)
and res : R1 (S ) R1 (S).
Definition 8.8 The Stokes map Std for the direction d, is defined as
(res+ d+ )1 res d .
From this description of Std , one sees that if A1 and A2 are equivalent
equations over K, then, for each direction d, the Stokes maps (as linear maps of
V ) coincide. This allows us to define the Stokes maps associated to a differential
module M over K to be the Stokes maps for any associated equation. This allows
us to make the following definition.
Definition 8.9 Let M be a differential module over K. We define Tup(M ) to
be the tuple (V, {Vq }, , {Std}) where (V, {Vq }, ) = Trip(M ) is as in Proposition 3.30 and {Std } are the collection of Stokes maps in GL(V ).
In Chapter 9, we will see that Tup defines a functor that allows us to give a
meromorphic classification of differential modules over K.
Theorem 8.10 J.-P. Ramis
The differential Galois group G GL(V ) of the equation A is generated, as
linear algebraic group, by:
1. The formal differential Galois group, i.e., the differential Galois group
over the field C((z)) and
2. The Stokes matrices, i.e., the collection {Std }, where d runs in the set of
singular directions for the {qi qj }.
Moreover the formal differential Galois group is generated, as a linear algebraic
group, by the exponential torus and the formal monodromy.
Proof. In Section 3.2, we showed that the formal differential Galois group
is generated, as a linear algebraic group, by the formal monodromy and the
exponential torus (see Proposition 3.40). Let R1 R denote the Picard-Vessiot
ring of A over C({z}). Its field of fractions K1 K is the Picard-Vessiot
field of A over C({z}). We have to show that an element f K1 , which
is invariant under the formal monodromy, the exponential torus and the Stokes
multipliers belongs to C({z}). Proposition 3.25 states that the invariance under
the first two items implies that f C((z)). More precisely, from the proof of
part 3. of Proposition 8.6 one deduces that f lies in the field of fractions of
C({z})[ entries of F , det1 F ]. For any direction d, which is not singular for the
collection {qi qj }, there is a well defined asymptotic lift on a corresponding
sector. Let us write Sd (f ) for this lift. For a singular direction d, the two
lifts Sd+ (f ) and Sd (f ) coincide on the sector S + S , since Std (f ) = f . In
other words the asymptotic lifts of f C((z)) on the sectors at zero glue to an
asymptotic lift on the full circle and therefore f C({z}).
Remarks 8.11 1. Theorem 8.10 is stated and a proof is sketched in [238, 239]
(a complete proof is presented in [237]). A shorter (and more natural) proof is
given in [201].
2. We note that a non quasi-split equation A may have the same differential
Galois group over C((z)) and C({z}). This occurs when the Stokes matrices
already lie in the differential Galois group over C((z)).
Theorem 8.13
P We use the previous notations. The Stokes multiplier Std has
the form id + Ai,j , where Ai,j denotes a linear map of the form
Vqi Vqj
and where the sum is taken over all pairs i, j, such that d is a singular direction
for qi qj .
Proof. The statement of the theorem is quite similar to that of Proposition 8.2.
In fact the theorem can be deduced from that proposition. However, we give
a more readable proof, using fundamental matrices for A and B. The
symbolic fundamental matrices for the two equations are F E and E. Again
for the readability of the proof we will assume that E is a diagonal matrix
with entries e(q1 ), . . . , e(qn ), with distinct elements q1 , . . . , qn z 1 C[z 1 ].
Thus B is the diagonal matrix with entries q1 , . . . , qn . The Stokes multiplier
Std is represented by the matrix C satisfying Sd+ (F )Ed C = Sd (F )Ed . Thus
Ed CEd1 = Sd+ (F )1 Sd (F ). Let C = (Ci,j ), then the matrix Ed CEd1 is
equal to M := (e(qi qj )d Ci,j ).
Suppose now, to start with, that each qi qj (with i 6= j) has degree k in z 1 .
The k-Summation Theorem, Theorem 7.39, implies that Sd+ (F )1 Sd (F ) 1
, d + 2k
). The sector has length k and we conclude
has entries in A01/k (d 2k
that e(qi qj )d ci,j = 0 unless d is a singular direction for qi qj . This proves
the theorem in this special case.
Suppose now that the degrees with respect to z 1 in the collection {qi qj | i 6= j}
are k1 < < ks . From the definition of multisummation (and also Proposition 7.59) it follows that the images of the entries of M id in the sheaf
A01/k1 /A01/k2 exist on the interval (d 2k1 , d + 2k1 ). Thus for qi qj of degree k1
one has that ci,j = 0, unless d is a singular direction for qi qj . In the next stage
one considers the pairs (qi , qj ) such that qi qj has degree k2 . Again by the
definition of multisummation one has that ci,j e(qi qj )d must produce a section
of A01/k2 /A01/k3 above the sector (d 2k2 , d + 2k2 ). This has as consequence that
ci,j = 0, unless d is a singular direction for qi qj . Induction ends the proof.
In the general case E can, after taking some mth -root of z, be written as a block
matrix, where each block corresponds to a single e(q) and involves some z a s
and l. The reasoning above remains valid in this general case.
Ai,j , where
Vqi Vqj
and where the sum is taken over all pairs i, j such that d is a singular
direction for qi qj .
We will
the theory of this chapter to the equation.
B = z 1
. We claim that there is a unique of the form 1 +
0 2
2 sin( ab)
trace of the monodromy matrix e2i ab+ e2i ab is equal to the other trace
2 + x1 x2 . Therefore x1 x2 = (2 sin( ab))2 . We consider x1 = x1 (a, b) and
x2 = x2 (a, b) as functions of (a, b), and we want to find an explicit formula
for the map (a, b) 7 (x1 (a, b), x2 (a, b)). A first
is that conjugation
of all ingredients with the constant matrix
leads to (a, 1 b) 7
0 1
and x2 (a,b)
depend only on ab.
(x1 (a, b), 1 x2 (a, b)). This means that x1 (a,b)
Thus (x1 , x2 ) = ((ab)a, (ab)b) for certain functions and .
The final information that we need comes from transposing the equation and
thus interchanging a and b. Let F denote the formal fundamental matrix of the
equation. A comparison of two asymptotic lifts of F produces the values x1 , x2
(x1 (b, a), x2(b, a)) = (x2 (a, b), x1 (a, b)). One concludes that (ab) =
(ab) =
2i sin( ab)
2i sin( ab)
(x1 , x2 ) =
(a, b).
We note that we have proven this formula under the mild
that ab 6= 0
0 a
and the difference of the eigenvalues of the matrix
is not an integer
b 0
6= 0. It can be verified that the formula holds for all a, b.
Remark 8.18 One can calculate the Stokes matrices of linear differential equations when one has explicit formulae for the solutions of these equations. Examples of this are given in [88], [207] and [208]
Chapter 9
We will denote the differential fields C({z}) and C((z)) by K and K.
given in Chapter 3.2, associates
classification of differential modules over K,
with a differential module M a triple Trip(M ) = (V, {Vq }, ). More precisely,
a Tannakian category Gr1 was defined, which has as objects the above triples.
The functor Trip : Diff K Gr1 from the category of the differential modules
to the category of triples was shown to be an equivalence of Tannakian
over K
In Chapter 8, this is extended by associating to a differential module M over
K a tuple Tup(M ) = (V, {Vq }, , {Std}). We will introduce a Tannakian category Gr2 , whose objects are the above tuples. The main goal of this chapter
is to show that Tup : Diff K Gr2 is an equivalence of Tannakian categories.
In other words, the tuples provide the classification of the differential modules
over K, i.e., the meromorphic classification. There are natural functors of Tan K M , and the forgetful
nakian categories Diff K Diff K , given by M 7 K
functor Gr2 Gr1 , given by (V, {Vq }, , {Std}) 7 (V, {Vq }, ). The following
commutative diagram of functors and categories clarifies and summarizes the
main features of the Stokes theory.
Diff K
Diff K
orem 8.10) are easy consequences of this Tannakian description. The main
difficulty is to prove that every object (V, {Vq }, , {Std}) of Gr2 is isomorphic to
Tup(M ) for some differential module M over K. In terms of matrix differential
equations this amounts to the following:
There is a quasi-split differential operator B which has the
triple (V, {Vq }, ). One wants to produce a matrix differential opera such that F 1 ( B)F = B
tor A over K and a F GLn (K)
and such that the Stokes maps associated to A are the prescribed
{Std }. (See also the introduction of Chapter 8).
An important tool for the proof is the Stokes sheaf ST S associated to B.
This is a sheaf on the circle of directions S1 , given by: ST S(a, b) consists of
the invertible holomorphic matrices T , living on the sector (a, b), having the
identity matrix as asymptotic expansion and satisfying T ( B) = ( B)T .
The Stokes sheaf is a sheaf of, in general noncommutative, groups. A theorem
of Malgrange and Sibuya states that the cohomology set H 1 (S1 , ST S) classifies
the equivalence classes of the above pairs ( A, F ). The final step in the proof
is a theorem of M. Loday-Richaud, which gives a natural bijection between the
set of all Stokes maps {Std } (with (V, {Vq }, ) fixed) and the cohomology set
H 1 (S1 , ST S). Thus paper is rather close to a much earlier construction by
W. Jurkat [147].
We finish this chapter by giving the cohomology set H 1 (S1 , ST S) a natural
structure of an affine algebraic variety and by showing that this variety is isomorphic with the affine space AN
C , where N is the irregularity of the differential
operator M 7 (M ) BM + M B, acting upon matrices.
Ai,j ,
Vqi Vqj
V , and where the sum is taken over all pairs i, j such that d is a singular
direction for qi qj .
given by a matrix with dim Vqi dim Vqj entries. Thus the data {StV,d} (for fixed
(V, {Vq }, V )) can be described by a point in an affine space AN
C . One defines
the degree deg q of an element q Q to be if q = cz + lower order terms
(and of course c 6= 0). By counting
P the number of singular directions in [0, 2)
one arrives at the formula N = i,j deg(qi qj ) dim Vqi dim Vqj .
Let M denote the quasi-split differential module over K which has the formal
triple (V, {Vq }, V ). Then one easily calculates that the (quasi-split) differential
module Hom(M, M ) has irregularity N . Or in terms of matrices: let B
be the quasi-split matrix differential operator with formal triple (V, {Vq }, V ).
Then the the differential operator, acting on matrices, T 7 (T ) BT + T B,
has irregularity N .
X,d (h) = StW,d
q1 ,q2 , q1 +q2 =q
h StV,d (where h denotes any element of X). The unit element 1 is a 1dimensional vector space V with V = V0 , V = id, StV,d = id. The dual
V is defined as Hom(V , 1). The fibre functor Gr2 VectC , is given by
(V, {Vq }, V , {StV,d }) 7 V (where VectC denotes the category of the finite
dimensional vector spaces over C). It is easy to verify that the above data
define a neutral Tannakian category. The following lemma is an exercise (c.f.,
Appendix B).
Lemma 9.2 Let V = (V, {Vq }, V , {StV,d}) be an object of Gr2 and let {{V }}
denote the Tannakian subcategory generated by V , i.e., the full subcategory of
Gr2 generated by all V V V V . Then {{V }} is again a neutral
Tannakian category. Let G be the smallest algebraic subgroup of GL(V ) which
contains V , the exponential torus and the StV,d . Then the restriction of the
above fibre functor to {{V }} yields an identification of this Tannakian category
with ReprG , i.e., the category of the (algebraic) representations of G on finite
dimensional vector spaces over C.
Lemma 9.3 Tup is a well defined functor between the Tannakian categories
Diff K and Gr2 . The functor Tup is fully faithful.
Proof. The first statement follows from Remark 9.1, the unicity of the multisummation (for non singular directions) and the definitions of the Stokes maps.
The second statement means that the C-linear map
HomDiff K (M1 , M2 ) HomGr2 (Tup(M1 ), Tup(M2 ))
is a bijection. It suffices to prove this statement with M1 = 1 (this is the 1dimensional trivial differential module over K) and M2 = M (any differential
module over K). Indeed, HomDiff K (M1 , M2 ) is isomorphic to HomDiff K (1, M1
M2 ).
In considering this situation, one sees that HomDiff K (M1 , M2 ) is equal to {m
M | (m) = 0}. Let Tup(M ) = (V, {Vq }, V , {StV,d}). One has that
HomGr2 (Tup(M1 ), Tup(M2 )) is the set S consisting of the elements v V belonging to V0 and invariant under V and all StV,d. The map {m M | (m) =
0} S is clearly injective. An element v S has its coordinates in K,
it lies in V0 and is invariant under the formal monodromy V . The multisums
of v in the non singular directions glue around z = 0 since v is invariant under
all the Stokes maps StV,d. It follows that the coordinates of v lie in K and thus
v M and (v) = 0.
We start by recalling the definition and some properties of the cohomology set
H 1 (X, G), where X is any topological space and G a sheaf of (not necessarily
commutative) groups on X (see [13], [101] and [119] for a fuller discussion). For
notational convenience we write G() = {1}. Let U = {Ui }iI denote a covering
Q X by open sets Ui . A 1-cocycle for G and U is an element g = {gi,j }i,jI
G(Ui Uj ) satisfying the conditions: gi,i = 1, gi,j gj,i = 1 and gi,j gj,k gk,i = 1
holds on Ui Uj Uk for all i, j, k.
We note that the last condition is empty if Ui Uj Uk = . Moreover the
second condition follows from the first and the third condition by considering
i, j, k with k = i. In some situations it is convenient
Q to fix a total order on
I and to define a 1-cocycle g to be an element of i<j G(Ui Uj ) satisfying
gi,j gj,k = gi,k on Ui Uj Uk whenever i < j < k and Ui Uj Uk 6= .
Two 1-cocyles g and h are called equivalent if there are elements li G(Ui ) such
that li gi,j lj1 = hi,j holds for all i, j. The set of equivalence classes of 1-cocycles
1 (U, G). This set has a distinguished point,
(for G and U) is denoted by H
namely the (equivalence class of the) trivial 1-cocycle g with all gi,j = 1. For a
1 (U, G) H
1 (V, G).
covering V which is finer than U, there is a natural map H
This map does not depend on the way V is seen as a refinement of U. Moreover
1 (U, G) H
1 (V, G) turns out to be injective. The cohomology
the map H
set H 1 (X, G) is defined as the direct limit (in this case this is a union) of all
1 (U, G). The distinguished point of H 1 (X, G) will be denoted by 1. The map
1 (U, G) H 1 (X, G) is bijective if H 1 (Ui , G) = 1 for each Ui U. This
is Lerays theorem for the case of sheaves of (not necessarily abelian) groups.
These properties are stated and proved in [100] for the case of sheaves of abelian
groups (see also Appendix C). One easily sees that the proofs extend to the
case of sheaves of (not necessarily abelian) groups.
We apply this cohomology for the topological space S1 and various sheaves
of matrices. The first two examples are the sheaves GLn (A) and its subsheaf
GLn (A)0 consisting of the matrices which have the identity as asymptotic expansion. We now present the results of Malgrange and Sibuya (c.f., [13], [176],
[187], [190], [200], [262]). The cohomological formulation of the next theorem is
due to B. Malgrange.
Theorem 9.5 G. Birkhoff and Y. Sibuya
The natural map H 1 (S1 , GLn (A)0 ) H 1 (S1 , GLn (A)) has image {1}.
Proof. We only give a sketch of the proof. For detailed proof, we refer to [190]
and [13].
As in the proof of Proposition 7.24, one considers the most simple covering
U = (a1 , b1 ) (a2 , b2 ) with (a1 , b1 ) (a2 , b2 ) = (a2 , b1 ), i.e., inequalities a1 <
a2 < b1 < b2 for the directions on S1 and U 6= S1 . A 1-cocycle for this
covering and the sheaf GLn (A)0 is just an element M GLn (A)0 (a2 , b1 ). We
will indicate a proof that the image of this 1-cocycle in H 1 (U, GLn (A)) is equal
to 1. More precisely, we will show that for small enough > 0 there are invertible
matrices M1 , M2 with coefficients in A(a1 , b1 ) and A(a2 + , b2 ) such that
M = M1 M2 . Let us call this the multiplicative statement. This statement
easily generalizes to a proof that the image of H 1 (S1 , GL(n, A)0 ) in the set
H 1 (S1 , GLn (A)) is the element 1. The additive statement for matrices is the
following. Given an n n-matrix M with coefficients in A0 (a2 , b1 ), then there
are matrices Mi , i = 1, 2 with coefficients in A(ai , bi ) such that M = M1 + M2 .
This latter statement follows at once from Proposition 7.24.
The step from this additive statement to the multiplicative statement can be
performed in a similar manner as the proof of the classical Cartans lemma,
(see [120] p. 192-201). A quick (and slightly wrong) description of this method
is as follows. Write M as 1 + C where C has its entries in A0 (a2 , b1 ). Then
C = A1 + B1 where A1 , B1 are small and have their entries in A(a1 , b1 ) and
A(a2 , b2 ). Since A1 , B1 are small, I + A1 and I + B1 and we can define a matrix
C1 by the equation (1+A1 )(1+C1 )(1+B1 ) = (1+C). Then C1 has again entries
in A0 (a2 , b1 ) and C1 is smaller than C. The next step is a similar formula
(1 + A2 )(1 + C1 )(1 + B2 ) = 1 + C2 . By induction one constructs An , Bn Cn
with equalities (1 + An )(1 + Cn )(1 + Bn ) = 1 + Cn1 . Finally the products
path 1 . We will see below how to select r small enough to ensure that A1 and
B1 are small and so 1 + A1 and 1 + B1 are invertible. The matrix C1 is defined
by the equality (1 + A1 )(1 + C1 )(1 + B1 ) = 1 + C. Clearly the entries of C1 are
sections of the sheaf A0 and live on a slightly smaller interval. In the next step
one has to replace the path 1 by a path 2 which is slightly smaller. One obtains
the path 2 by replacing r+ by r+/2, replacing a2 +(11/2) by a2 +(11/4)
and finally replacing b1 (1 1/2) by b1 (1 1/4). The decomposition
1 ()
C1 = A2 + B2 is given by integrating Cz
d over the two halves 2+ and 2 of
2 . The matrix C2 is defined by the equality (1 + A2 )(1 + C2 )(1 + B2 ) = 1 + C1 .
By induction one defines sequences of paths k and matrices Ak , Bk , Ck . Now
we indicate the estimates which lead to showing that the limit of the products
(1 + An ) (1 + A1 ) and (1 + B1 ) (1 + Bn ) converge to invertible matrices
M1 and M2 with entries A(a1 , b1 ) and A(a2 + , b2 ). The required equality
M1 M2 = M follows from the construction.
For a complex matrix M = (mi,j ), we use the norm |M | := ( |mi,j |2 )1/2 . We
recall the useful Lemma 5, page 196 of [120]:
There exists an absolute constant P such that for any matrices A
and B with |A|, |B| 1/2 and C defined by the equality (1 + A)(1 +
C)(1 + B) = (1 + A + B) one has |C| P |A| |B|.
Adapted to our situation this yields |Ck (z)| P |Ak (z)| |Bk (z)|. One chooses
r small enough so that one can apply the above inequalities and the supremum
of |Ak (z)|, |Bk (z), |Ck (z)| on the sets, given by the inequalities 0 < |z| r
and arguments in [a2 + , b2 ), (a1 , b1 ] and [a2 + , b1 ], are bounded
by k for some , 0 < < 1. For the estimates leading to this one has in
particular to calculate the infimum of |1 z | for on the path of integration
and z in the bounded domain under consideration. Details can be copied and
adapted from the proof in [120] (for one complex variable and sectors replacing
the compact sets K, K , K ). Then the expressions (1 + An ) (1 + A1 ) and
(1 + B1 ) (1 + Bn ) converge uniformly to invertible matrices M1 and M2 . The
entries of these matrices are holomorphic on the two sets given by 0 < |z| < r
and arguments in (a2 + , b2 ) and (a1 , b1 ) respectively. To see that the entries
of the two matrices are sections of the sheaf A one has to adapt the estimates
given in the proof of Proposition 7.24.
Remark 9.6 Theorem 9.5 remains valid when GLn is replaced by any connected linear algebraic group G. The proof is then modified by replacing the
expression M = 1 + C by M = exp(C) with C in the Lie algebra of G. One
then makes the decomposition C = A1 B + 1 in the lie algebra and considers
exp(A1 ) M exp(B1 ) = M1 and so on by induction.
sion F . This produces a 1-cocycle Fi Fj1 for the sheaf GLn (A)0 and an element
H 1 (S1 , GLn (A)0 ). One sees at once that F and F G, with G GLn (K),
produce the same element in the cohomology set. This leads to the following
Corollary 9.7 (B. Malgrange and Y. Sibuya.)
gi,j = Fi Fj1 . The asymptotic expansion of all the Fi is the same F GLn (K).
We return now to the situation explained in the introduction: A quasisplit differential operator in matrix form B, the associated Stokes sheaf
ST S which is the subsheaf of GL(n, A)0 consisting of the sections satisfying
T ( B) = ( B)T , and the pairs ( A, F ) satisfying F 1 ( A)F = B
and A has entries in K.
with F GLn (K)
Two pairs ( A1 , F1 ) and ( A2 , F2 ) are called equivalent or cohomologous
if there is a G GLn (K) such that G( A1 )G1 = A2 and F2 = F1 G.
Consider a pair ( A, F ). By the Main Asymptotic Existence Theorem (Theorem 7.10), there is an open covering {Ui } and lifts Fi of F above Ui such that
Fi1 ( A)Fi = B. The elements Fi1 Fj are sections of ST S above Ui Uj .
In fact {Fi1 Fj } is a 1-cocycle for ST S and its image in H 1 (S1 , ST S) depends
only on the equivalence class of the pair ( A, F ).
Remark 9.9 Corollary 9.8 and its proof are valid for any differential operator
B over K, i.e., the property quasi-split of B is not used in the proof.
This section is a variation on [176]. We will first state the main result. Let
B be quasi-split and let ST S denote the associated Stokes sheaf on S1 .
The sheaf of the meromorphic solutions of ( B)y = 0 can be seen as a
locally constant sheaf of n-dimensional vector spaces on the circle S1 . It is more
convenient to consider the universal covering pr : R R/2Z = S1 of the
circle and the sheaf pr ST S on R. Let W denote the solution space of B
with its decomposition Wq1 Wqr . Then W and the Wqi can be seen as
constant sheaves on R. Moreover pr ST S can be identified with a subsheaf of
the constant sheaf GL(W ) on P
R. In more detail, pr ST S(a, b) consists of the
linear maps of the form id +
Ai,j , where Ai,j denotes a linear map of the
Wqi Wqj
pairs i, j such that the function e (qi qj ) z has asymptotic expansion 0 on (a, b).
Wqi Wqj
W and where the
sum is taken over all pairs i, j such that d is singular for qi qj .
i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi H (B, ST S) H (S , ST S). The main result is
Theorem 9.10 (M. Loday-Richaud [176])
The canonical map
1 (B, ST S) H 1 (S1 , ST S) is a bijection.
ST Sdi H
Q ST Sdi of ST S(Bi Bi+1 ). Thus {Fi Fi+1 } can be seen as an element
of i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi and has by construction image under h. In other words
: H 1 (S1 , ST S) Q ST S with h h
is the identity.
we have found a map h
Now we start the proof of Theorem 9.11. Using the previous notations, it suffices
to produce a pair ( A, F ) with F 1 ( A)F = B and prescribed Stokes
maps at the singular directions d0 , . . . , dm1 . We recall that the Stokes maps
Stdi are given in matrix form by Sd+ (F )Edi Stdi = Sd (F )Edi , where E is a
fundamental matrix for B and S ( ) denotes multisummation. Therefore we
have to produce a pair ( A, F ) with prescribed Sd+ (F )1 Sd (F ) ST Sdi .
and the statement
Assuming that h is injective, one has that h is the inverse of h
is clear.
The eigenvalues of L are the qi qj and the singular directions of L are the
singular directions for the {qi qj }. A singular direction d for L can be a
singular direction for more than one qi qj . In particular a singular direction
can have several levels.
Remark 9.12 On Theorem 9.10
, d + 2k
), where d is
1. Suppose that (a, b) is not contained in any interval (d 2k
a singular direction with level k, then ST S(a, b) = 1. Further H ((a, b), ST S) =
One Level k
The assumption is that the collection {qi qj } has only one level k, i.e., for i 6= j
one has that qi qj = z k +terms of lower order and 6= 0. Our first concern
is to construct a covering of S1 adapted to this situation. The covering B of
Theorem 9.10 is such that there are no triple intersections. This is convenient
for the purpose of writing 1-cocycles. The inconvenience is that there are many
equivalent 1-cocycles. One replaces the covering B by a covering which does
have triple intersections but few possibilities for equivalent 1-cocycles. We will
do this in a systematic way.
Definition 9.13 An m-periodic covering of R is defined as a covering by distinct sets Ui = (ai , bi ), i Z satisfying:
i }i=0,...,m1
Lemma 9.14 Let G be any sheaf of groups on S1 and let U = {U
be a cyclic covering
of S . Let C denote the set of 1-cocycles for G and U. Then
i U
i+1 ), given by {gi,j } 7 {gi,i+1 }, is a bijection.
the map r : C i=0 G(U
i }
Proof of Theorem 9.10 The cyclic covering that we take here is U = {U
In the proof of the induction step for the case of more levels, we will use the
following result.
Lemma 9.15 The elements , i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi are seen as 1-cocycles
for the covering B. Suppose that there are elements Fi ST S(Bi ) such that
holds for all i. Then = and all Fi = 1.
i = Fi i Fi+1
Proof. We have just shown that = . In proving that all Fi = 1 we will work
on R with the sheaf pr ST S and the m-periodic covering. The first observation
is that if Fi0 = 1 holds for some i0 then also Fi0 +1 = 1 and Fi0 1 = 1. Thus all
Fi = 1. In the sequel we will suppose that all Fi 6= 1 and derive a contradiction.
follow that Fi = 1, since the interval has then length > k . Thus (i) (i).
The equality Fi = i Fi+1 i1 implies that Fi also exists above the interval
, di + 2k
) (d(i+1) 2k
, d(i+1) + 2k
). Therefore d(i) + 2k
min(di +
(di 2k
From Fi+1 = i1 Fi i it follows that Fi+1 is also defined above the interval (di
A choice of the covering U. As always one assumes that 1/2 < k1 . Let
i } be the cyclic covering of S1 derived from the m-periodic covering
U = {U
{(di1 2k2 (i 1), di + 2k2 + (i))}, where (i) = 0 if di has k2 as level and
(i) is positive and small if the only level of di is k1 .
i does not contain [d , d + ] for any singular point d which
One sees that U
i can be contained in some (d , d + ) with d
has a level k2 . Further U
i cannot be contained in some (d , d+ )
singular with level k1 . However U
with d singular with a level k2 . From Remark 9.12 and the nonabelian version
1 (U, ST S) H 1 (S1 , ST S) is a bijection.
of Theorem C.26, it follows that H
A decomposition of the sheaf ST S. For k {k1 , k2 } one defines the subsheaf
P groups ST S(k) of ST S by ST S(k) contains only sections of the type id +
Ai,j where the level of qi qj is k. Let i1 < i2 < i3 be such that qi1 qi2 and
qi2 qi3 have level k, then qi1 qi3 has level k. This shows that ST S(k1 ) is
a subsheaf of groups. Further ST S(k2 ) consists of the sections T of GLn (A)0
(satisfying T ( B) = ( B)T ) and such that T 1 has coordinates in A01/k2 .
This implies that ST S(k2 ) is a subsheaf of groups and moreover ST S(k2 )(a, b) is
a normal subgroup of ST S(a, b). The subgroup ST S(k1 )(a, b) maps bijectively
to ST S(a, b)/ST S(k2)(a, b). We conclude that
Lemma 9.16 ST S(a, b) is a semi-direct product of the normal subgroup
ST S(k2 )(a, b) and the subgroup ST S(k1 )(a, b).
Proof of the surjectivityQ
of h.
1 (B, ST S) H 1 (S1 , ST S)
By Lemma 9.14 the map h : i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi H
i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi H (U, ST S) is injective. As before, an element = {i }
of the left hand side is decomposed as i = i (k2 )i (k1 ), where i (k2 ) and i (k1 )
are elements of the groups ST S(k2 )di and ST S(k1 )di . For another element in
the set on the left hand side we use a similar notation. Suppose that and are
i ) = ST S(k1 )(U
i ) such that
equivalent. Then there are elements Fi ST S(U
i (k2 )i (k1 ) = Fi i (k2 )i (k1 )Fi+1 = Fi i (k2 )Fi Fi i (k1 )Fi+1 . It follows that
i (k2 ) = Fi i (k2 )Fi+1
and i (k1 ) = Fi i (k1 )Fi+1
. From the latter equalities and
Lemma 9.15 we conclude that i (k1 ) = i (k1 ) and all Fi = 1.
In the general case with levels k1 < k2 < < ks (and 1/2 < k1 ) the sheaf
ST S is a semi-direct product of the sheaf of normal subgroups ST S(ks ), which
contains only sections with level ks , and the sheaf of subgroups ST S( ks1 ),
which contains only levels ks1 . The cyclic covering U, is associated with the
m-periodic covering of R given by Ui = (di1 2ks (i 1), di + 2ks + (i)),
where (i) = 0 if di contains a level ks and otherwise (i) > 0 and small enough.
d = di . This implies Fi i (ks )Fi ST S(ks )di and ends the proof.
The injectivity of h is also proved by induction with respect to the number of
levels involved. The reasoning is rather involved and we will make the case
of three levels k1 < k2 < k3 explicit. The arguments for more than three
levels are similar.The sheaf ST S has subsheaves of normal subgroups ST S(k3 )
and ST S( k2 ) (using only sections with level k3 or with levels k2 and k3 ).
There is a subsheaf of groups ST S(k1 ) consisting of the sections which only
use level k1 . The sheaf ST S( k2 ) has a subsheaf of groups ST S(k2 ) of the
sections which only use level k2 . Further ST S is a semi-direct product of ST S(
k2 ) and ST S(k1 ). Also ST S( k2 ) is a semi-direct product of ST S(k3 ) and
ST S(k2 ). Finally every section F of ST S can uniquely be written as a product
F (k3 )F (k2 )F (k1 ) of sections for the sheaves ST S(ki ).
One considers two elements , i=0,...,m1 ST Sdi and sections Fi of the
i ) = ST S( k2 )(U
i ) such that i = Fi i F 1 holds. Then
sheaf ST S(U
i (k3 )i (k2 )i (k1 ) = Fi i (k3 )i (k2 )i (k1 )Fi+1
. Working modulo the normal sub1
groups ST S(k3 ) one finds i (k2 )i (k1 ) = Fi i (k2 )i (k1 )Fi+1
. This is a situation
with two levels and we have proved that then i (k2 ) = i (k2 ), i (k1 ) = i (k1 ).
From the equalities i (k2 )i (k1 ) = Fi i (k2 )i (k1 )Fi+1
, we want to deduce that
all Fi = 1. The latter statement would end the proof.
Working modulo the normal subgroups ST S(k2 ) and using Lemma 9.15 one
obtains that all Fi are sections of ST S(k2 ). The above equalities hold for the
covering U corresponding to the intervals (di1 2k3 (i 1), di + 2k3 + (i)).
Since the singular directions d which have only level k3 play no role here, one
may change U into the cyclic covering corresponding with the periodic covering
(ei1 2k3 (i 1), ei + 2k3 + (i)), where the ei are the singular directions
having a level in {k1 , k2 }. The above equalities remain the same. Now one has
to adapt the proof of Lemma 9.15 for this situation. If some Fi0 happens to be
1, then all Fi = 1. One considers the possibility that Fi 6= 1 for all i. Then Fi
has a maximal interval of definition of the form (e(i) 2k2 , e(i) + 2k2 ). Using
the above equalities one arrives at a contradiction.
Remark 9.17 In [176], Theorem 9.10 is proved directly from the Main Asymptotic Existence Theorem without appeal to results on multisummation. In
that paper this result is used to prove that an element F GLn (K)
F ( B)F = B for some quasi-split B can be written as the product of kl summable factors, where the kl are the levels of the associated {qi qj } and so
yields the multisummability of such an F . These results were achieved before
the publication of [197].
Furthermore, combining Theorem 9.10 with Corollary 9.8, one seesQthat there is
a natural bijection b from {( A, F )} modulo equivalence to i=0 ST Sdi .
This makes the set {( A, F )} modulo equivalence explicit. Using multisummation, one concludes that b associates to ( A, F ) the elements
{Edi Stdi Ed1
|i = 1, . . . , m 1} or equivalently, the set of Stokes matrices
The idea is to convert this cohomology set into a covariant functor F from the
category of the C-algebras (always commutative and with a unit element) to
the category of sets. For a C-algebra R one considers the free R-module WR :=
R C W and the sheaf of groups ST SR on S1 , defined by its pull back pr ST SR
on R, which is given by pr ST SR (a, b) are the R-linear automorphisms of WR
of the form id+ Ai,j , where Ai,j denotes a linear map of the type WR
(Wi )R R (Wj )R
WR and where the sum is taken over all pairs i, j
(qi qj ) dz
z has asymptotic expansion 0 on (a, b). In a similar way one
such that e
defines the subgroup (ST SR )d of the stalk (ST SR )d . The functor is given by
F (R) = H 1 (S1 , ST SR ). Theorem 9.10 and its Q
proof remain valid in this new
situation and provides a functorial isomorphism d singular (ST SR )d F (R). It
follows that this functor is representable (see Definition B.18) and is represented
by the affine space AN
C , which describes all the possible Stokes matrices.
In [13], the following local moduli problem is studied:
Fix a quasi-split differential operator B and consider pairs ( A, F ) where
and F 1 ( A)F = B.
A has entries in K, F GLn (K)
Corollary 9.8 states that the set E of equivalence classes of pairs can be identified
with the cohomology set H 1 (S1 , ST S). We just proved that this cohomology
set has a natural structure as the affine space. Also in [13] the cohomology set
is given the structure of an algebraic variety over C. It can be seen that the
two structures coincide.
The bijection E H 1 (S1 , ST S) induces an algebraic structure on E of the
same type. However E with this structure is not a fine moduli space for the
local moduli problem (see [227]). We will return to the problem of families of
differential equations and moduli spaces of differential equations.
Chapter 10
Universal Picard-Vessiot
Rings and Galois Groups
Let K denote any differential field such that its field of constants C = {a
K| a = 0} is algebraically closed, has characteristic 0 and is different from
K. The neutral Tannakian category Diff K of differential modules over K is
equivalent to the category ReprH of all finite dimensional representations (over
C) of some affine group scheme H over C (see Appendices B.2 and B.3 for the
definition and properties). Let C be a full subcategory of Diff K which is closed
under all operations of linear algebra, i.e., kernels, cokernels, direct sums, tensor
products. Then C is also a neutral Tannakian category and equivalent to ReprG
for some affine group scheme G.
Consider a differential module M over K and let C denote the full subcategory of Diff K , whose objects are subquotients of direct sums of modules of the
form M M M M . This category is equivalent to ReprG ,
where G is the differential Galois group of M . In this special case there is also
a Picard-Vessiot ring RM and G consists of the K-linear automorphisms of RM
which commute with the differentiation on M (see also Theorem 2.33).
This special case generalizes to arbitrary C as above. We define a universal
Picard-Vessiot ring UnivR for C as follows:
1. UnivR is a K-algebra and there is given a differentiation r 7 r which
extends the differentiation on K.
2. The only differential ideals of UnivR are {0} and UnivR.
3. For every differential equation y = Ay belonging to C there is a fundamental matrix F with coefficients in UnivR.
Finally, the affine group scheme G such that C is equivalent with ReprG , can be
seen to be the group of the K-linear automorphisms of UnivR which commute
with the differentiation of UnivR. We will call UnivG the universal differential
Galois group of C. The way the group UnivG of automorphism of UnivR is
considered as affine group scheme over C will now be made more explicit.
For every commutative C-algebra A one considers the A C K-algebra
A C UnivR. The differentiation of UnivR extends to a unique A-linear differentiation on A C UnivR. Now one introduces a functor F from the category
of the commutative C-algebras to the category of all groups by defining F (A)
to be the group of the A C K-linear automorphisms of A C UnivR which
commute with the differentiation of A C UnivR. It can be seen that this functor is representable and according to Appendix B.2, F defines an affine group
scheme. The group UnivG above is this affine group scheme.
The theme of this chapter is to present examples of differential fields K and
subcategories C (with the above conditions) of Diff K such that both the universal
Picard-Vessiot ring and the differential Galois group of C are explicit. One may
compare this with the following problem for ordinary Galois theory: Produce
examples of a field F and a collection C of finite Galois extensions of F such
that the compositum F of all fields in C and the (infinite) Galois group of F /F
are both explicit. For example, If F = Q and C is the collection of all abelian
extensions of Q, then the Galois group of F /F is the projective limit of the
groups of of the invertible elements (Z/nZ) of Z/nZ. Other known examples
(a) F is a local field and F is the separable algebraic closure of F .
(b) F is a global field and C is the collection of all abelian extensions of F .
See, for example, [62] and [260].
singular differential module has a basis such that the corresponding matrix
y = Bz y with B a constant matrix. The
differential equation has the form dz
symbols UnivRregsing and UnivGregsing denote the universal Picard-Vessiot ring
and the universal differential Galois group of C.
Proposition 10.1
1. C is equivalent to the neutral Tannakian category ReprZ and UnivGregsing
is isomorphic to the algebraic hull of Z.
b a }aC , ].
2. The universal Picard-Vessiot ring UnivRregsing is equal to K[{z
3. UnivGregsing = Spec(B) and the Hopf algebra B is given by:
(a) B equals C[{s(a)}aC , t] where the only relations between the generators {s(a)}aC , t are s(a + b) = s(a) s(b) for all a, b C.
(b) The comultiplication on B is given by the formulas: (s(a)) =
s(a) s(a) and (t) = (t 1) + (1 t).
b a }aC , ] is defined
Proof. We note that the K-algebra
UnivRregsing := K[{z
by the relations: z
= z z for all a, b C and for any a Z the symbol
b The differentiation in UnivRregsing is given
z a is equal to z a as element of K.
d a
by dz z = az
and dz = z . From the fact that every regular singular
differential module can be represented by a matrix differential equation y = Bz y,
with B a constant matrix, one easily deduces that UnivRregsing is indeed the
universal Picard-Vessiot ring of C. This proves 2. The formal monodromy
is defined as the K-linear
automorphism of UnivRregsing given by the formulas
(z a ) = e2ia z a and = + 2i. Clearly UnivGregsing .
The solution space VM of a regular singular differential module M is the space
VM = ker(M , UnivRregsing Kb M ). The action of on Rregsing induces a
C-linear action M on VM . One associates to M above the pair (VM , M ). The
latter is an object of ReprZ . It is easily verified that one obtains in this way
an equivalence C ReprZ of Tannakian categories. According to part B of the
appendix, UnivGregsing is isomorphic to the algebraic hull of Z.
For the last part of the proposition one considers a commutative C-algebra
A and one has to investigate the group F (A) of the A C K-automorphisms
of A C UnivRregsing which commute with the differentiation on A C
UnivRregsing . For any a C one has z a = h(a) z a with h(a) A . Further h
is seen to be a group homomorphism h : C/Z A . There is a c A such that
= + c. On the other hand, any choice of a homomorphism h and a c A
define a unique F(A). Therefore one can identify F (A) with HomC (B, A),
the set of the C-algebra homomorphisms from B to A. This set has a group
structure induced by . It is obvious that the group structures on F (A) and
HomC (B, A) coincide.
The differential field is K = C({z}), the field of the convergent Laurent series
b = C((z)) we will use the differentiation
over C. On both fields K and K
= z dz . In this section we will treat the most interesting example and describe
the universal Picard-Vessiot ring UnivRconv and the universal differential Galois
group UnivGconv for the category Diff K of all differential modules over K.
Differential modules over K, or their associated matrix differential equations
over K, are called meromorphic differential equations. In this section we present
a complete proof of the description of UnivGconv given in the inspiring paper
Our first claim that there is a more or less explicit expression for the universal
Picard-Vessiot ring UnivRconv of Diff K . For this purpose we define a K-algebra
b as follows: f K
b belongs to D if and only if f satisfies some
D with K D K
linear scalar differential equation f + an1 f (n1) + + a1 f (1) + a0 f = 0 with
all coefficients ai K. This condition on f can be restated as follows: f belongs
b generated by all the derivatives
to D if and only the K-linear subspace of K
of f is finite dimensional. It follows easily that D is an algebra over K stable
under differentiation. The following example shows that D is not a field.
Example 10.3 The differential equation y (2) = z 3 y (here we have used the
b given by a2 = 1
ordinary differentiation dz
) has a solution f = n2 an z n K
and an+1 = n(n 1)an for n 2. Clearly f is a divergent power series and
Lemma 10.4 The universal Picard-Vessiot ring for the category of all meromorphic differential equations is UnivRconv := D[{z a }aC , , {e(q)}qQ ].
Proof. The algebra UnivRf ormal contains UnivRconv and UnivRconv is generated, as a K-algebra, by the entries of F and det(F )1 of all fundamental
matrices F of meromorphic equations. The entries of a fundamental matrix are
expressions in z a , , e(q) and formal Laurent series. The formal Laurent series
that occur satisfy some linear scalar differential equation over K. From this the
lemma follows.
For an affine group scheme G, which is the projective limit lim Gj of linear
algebraic groups Gj , one defines Lie(G) as the pro-Lie algebra lim Lie(Gj ).
Suppose that G is connected, then we claim that any finite dimensional complex
representation of G yields a finite dimensional representation of Lie(G). Indeed,
this statement is known for linear algebraic groups over C. Thus Lie(Gj ) and
Gj have the same finite dimensional complex representations. Since every finite
dimensional complex representation of G or of the pro-Lie algebra Lie(G) factors
over some Gj or some Lie(Gj ), the claim follows.
Now we return to the pro-Lie algebra Lie(N ). The identification of the affine
group scheme N with a group of automorphisms of UnivRconv leads to the
identification of Lie(N ) with the complex Lie algebra of the K-linear derivations
D : UnivRconv UnivRconv , commuting with the differentiation on UnivRconv
and satisfying D(g) = 0 for g = z a , , e(q). A derivation D Lie(N ) is therefore
determined by its restriction to D UnivRconv . One can show that an ideal I
in Lie(N ) is closed if and only if there are finitely many elements f1 , . . . fs D
such that I {D Lie(N )| D(f1 ) = = D(fs ) = 0}.
We search now for elements in N and Lie(N ). For any direction d R and
any meromorphic differential module M one has defined in Section 8.3 an element Std acting on the solution space VM of M . In fact Std is a K-linear
automorphism of the Picard-Vessiot ring RM of M , commuting with the differentiation on RM . The functoriality of the multisummation implies that Std
depends functorially on M and induces an automorphism of the direct limit
UnivRconv of all Picard-Vessiot rings RM . By construction Std leaves z a , , e(q)
invariant and therefore Std lies in N . The action of Std on any solution space
VM is unipotent. The Picard-Vessiot ring RM is as a K-algebra generated by
the coordinates of the solution space VM = ker(, RM M ) in RM . It follows
that every finite subset of RM lies in a finite dimensional K-vector space, invariant under Std and such that the action of Std is unipotent. The same holds
for the action of Std on UnivRconv . We refer to this property by saying: Std
acts locally unipotent on Rconv .
The above property of Std implies that d := log Std is a well defined Klinear map UnivRconv UnivRconv . Clearly d is a derivation on UnivRconv ,
belongs to Lie(N ) and is locally nilpotent. The algebra UnivRconv has a direct sum decomposition UnivRconv = qQ UnivRconv, q where UnivRconv, q :=
D[{z aP
}aC , ]e(q). This allows us to decompose
d : D UnivRconv as direct
sum qQ d,q by the formula d (f ) = qQ d,q (f ) and where d,q (f )
UnivRconv, q for each q Q. We note that d,q = 0 if d is not a singular
direction for q. The map d,q : D UnivRconv has a unique extension to an
element in Lie(N ).
Definition 10.8 The elements {d,q | d singular direction for q} are called alien
We note that the above construction and the term alien derivation are due to
J. Ecalle
[92]. This concept is the main ingredient for his theory of resurgence.
The group UnivGf ormal UnivGconv acts on Lie(N ) by conjugation. For
a homomorphism h : Q C one writes h for the element of this group
is defined by the properties that h leaves z a , and invariant and e(q) =
h(q) e(q). Let denote, as before, the formal monodromy. According to the
structure of UnivGf ormal described in Chapter 3, it suffices to know the action
by conjugation of the h and on Lie(N ). For the elements d,q one has the
explicit formulas:
(a) d,q 1 = d2,(q) .
Define now W,d := qQ W,d,q . This is easily seen to be a nilpotent map. Define StW,d := exp(W,d ). Then it is obvious that the resulting tuple
(W, {Wq }, W , {StW,d }) is an object of Gr2 . The converse, i.e., every object
of Gr2 induces a representation of M UnivGf ormal , is also true. The conclusion is that the Tannakian categories ReprMUnivGf ormal and Gr2 are equivalent. Then the Tannakian categories ReprMUnivGf ormal and ReprUnivGconv
are equivalent and the affine group schemes M UnivGf ormal and UnivGconv
are isomorphic. If one follows the equivalences between the above Tannakian
categories then one obtains an isomorphism of affine group schemes M
UnivGf ormal UnivGconv which induces the identity from UnivGf ormal to
UnivGconv /N
= UnivGf ormal . Therefore induces an isomorphism M N
and the rest of the theorem is then obvious.
Remarks 10.11
(1) Let W be a finite dimensional complex representation of UnivGconv . Then
the image of N UnivGconv in GL(W ) contains all Std operating on W . As
in the above proof, W can be seen as an object of the category Gr2 . One can
build examples such that the smallest algebraic subgroup of GL(W ) containing all Std is not a normal subgroup of the differential Galois group, i.e., the
image of UnivGconv GL(W ). The above theorem implies that the smallest
normal algebraic subgroup of GL(W ) containing all the Std is the image of
N GL(W ).
the above Galois group is a profinite completion Fb of the free non-abelian group
F on S. This profinite completion Fb is defined as the projective limit of the
F/H, where H runs in the set of the normal subgroups of finite index of G such
that H contains a co-finite subset of S.
Chapter 11
Inverse Problems
In this chapter we continue the investigation of Chapter 10 concerning the differential Galois theory for special classes of differential modules. Recall that
K is a differential field such that its field of constants C = {a K| a = 0}
has characteristic 0, is algebraically closed and different from K. Further C
is a full subcategory of the category Diff K of all differential modules over K,
which is closed under all operations of linear algebra, i.e., kernels, cokernels,
direct sums and tensor products. Then C is a neutral Tannakian category and
thus isomorphic to ReprG for some affine group scheme G over C. The inverse
problem of differential Galois theory for the category C asks for a description of
the linear algebraic groups H which occur as a differential Galois group of some
object in C. We note that H occurs as a differential Galois group if and only
if there exists a surjective morphism G H of affine group schemes over C.
The very few examples where an explicit description of G is known are treated
in Chapter 10. In the present chapter we investigate the, a priori, easier inverse
problem for certain categories C. This is a reworked version of [229].
It is interesting to compare this with Abhyankars conjecture [1] and its solution.
The simplest form of this conjecture concerns the projective line P1k = A1k {}
over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p > 0. A covering of P1k ,
unramified outside , is a finite morphism f : X P1k of projective nonsingular curves such that f is unramified at every point x X with f (x) 6= .
The covering f is called a Galois covering if the group H of the automorphisms
h : X X with f h = f has the property that X/H is isomorphic to P1k .
If moreover X is irreducible then one calls f : X P1k a (connected) Galois
cover. Abhyankars conjecture states that a finite group H is the Galois group
of a Galois cover of P1k unramified outside if and only if H = p(H) where
p(H) is the subgroup of H generated by its elements of order a power of p. We
note in passing that p(H) is also the subgroup of H generated by all its p-Sylow
This conjecture has been proved by M. Raynaud [243] (and in greater generality
by Harbater [121]). The collection of all coverings of P1k , unramified outside ,
is easily seen to be a Galois category (see Appendix B). In particular, there
exists a profinite group G, such that this category is isomorphic to PermG . A
finite group H is the Galois group of a Galois cover of P1k , unramified outside
, if and only if there exists a surjective continuous homomorphism of groups
G H. No explicit description of the profinite group G is known although the
collection of its finite continuous images is given by Raynauds theorem. We
will return to Abhyankars conjecture in Section 11.6 for a closer look at the
analogy with the inverse problem for differential equations.
Examples 11.1 Some easy cases for the inverse problem.
1. Let C denote the category of the regular singular differential modules over
the differential field C((z)). Corollary 3.32 states that the Galois group of
such a module is the Zariski closure of a subgroup generated by one element.
Conversely, given a constant n n matrix D, let C be an n n constant
matrix satisfying D = e2iC . Theorem 5.1 implies that the local monodromy of
zz Y = CY is given by D and that this coincides with the formal monodromy.
Therefore, we can conclude that a linear algebraic group G is a differential
Galois group for an object in C if and only if G is topologically generated by one
element (i.e., there exists a subgroup H of G generated by one element which
is dense in G for the Zariski topology). This also follows from the results of
Section 10.2.
2. Let X be a compact Riemann surface of genus g and S X a finite set
of cardinality s. The differential field K is the field of meromorphic functions
on X. Let q X be a point and t a local parameter at q. Then the field of
the locally defined meromorphic functions Kq at q is isomorphic to C({t}). One
calls a differential module M over K regular or regular singular at q if M K Kq
is regular or regular singular (over Kq ). Now one defines the full subcategory C
of Diff K whose objects are the differential modules M over K which are regular
for every q 6 S and regular singular (or regular) at the points q S. The
answer to the inverse problem is:
Let 1 (X \ S) denote the fundamental group of X \ S. A linear algebraic group
G is a differential Galois group for the category C if and only if there exists a
homomorphism 1 (X \ S) G such that its image is dense in G for the Zariski
topology. In particular if s 1 then G is a differential group for C if and only
if G is topologically generated by at most 2g + s 1 elements (i.e., there is a
Zariski dense subgroup H of G generated by at most 2g + s 1 elements).
The proof goes as follows. The solution of the weak form of the Riemann-Hilbert
Problem (Theorem 6.15) extends to the present situation. Thus an object M of
Although the universal differential Galois group has been determined for
Diff K and the differential fields K = C((z)) and K = C({z}), it is not at
all evident how to characterize the linear algebraic groups which are factors of
this universal differential Galois group. Theorems 11.2 and 11.13 give such a
characterization. In this chapter we shall assume a greater familiarity with the
theory of linear algebraic groups and Lie algebras. Besides the specific references
given below, general references are [45], [141] and [279].
For the formulations of the solution of some inverse problem by J.-P. Ramis,
C. Mitschi and M.F. Singer we will need constructions with linear algebraic
groups which are not standard. Let C be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.
Definition 11.5 The groups L(G) and V (G) = G/L(G).
Let G be a linear algebraic group over C. The subgroup L(G) of G is defined
as the group generated by all (maximal) tori lying in G. The group V (G) is
defined to be G/L(G).
Since two Levi factors are conjugate, these numbers do not depend on the choice
of P . The results of Ramis are stated in terms of the group V (G) whereas
the results of Mitschi-Singer are stated in terms of the defect and excess of a
connected linear algebraic group. We wish to explain the connection between
V (G) and the defect. We start with the following lemma.
Lemma 11.7 If G is a connected linear algebraic group defined over C, then
d(G) = dimC Ru /(G, Ru ).
Proof. We note that Ru /(G, Ru ) is a commutative unipotent group and so
can be identified with a vector space over C. As in the definition of defect,
we let P be a Levi factor and write Ru /(Ru , Ru ) = U1n1 . . . Usns where
each Ui is an irreducible P -module and U1 is the trivial one dimensional P module. Since (Ru , Ru ) (G, Ru ) we have a canonical surjective homomorphism : Ru /(Ru , Ru ) Ru /(G, Ru ). We shall show that the kernel of this
homomorphism is U2n2 . . . Usns and so d(G) = n1 = dim Ru /(G, Ru ).
First note that the kernel of is (G, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ) and that this latter group
is (P, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ). To see this second statement note that for g G we may
write g = pu, p P, u Ru . For any w Ru , gwg 1 w1 = puwu1 p1 w1 =
p(uwu1 )p1 (uw1 u1 )(uwu1 w1 ). This has the following consequence
(G, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ) (P, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ). The reverse inclusion is clear.
Next we will show that (P, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ) = U2n2 . . .Usns . We write this latter
group additively and note that the group (P, Ru )/(Ru , Ru ) is the subgroup
of U1n1 . . . Usns generated by the elements pvp1 v where p P, v
U1n1 . . .Usns . Since the action of P on U1 via conjugation is trivial, we see that
any element pvp1 v as above must lie in U2n2 . . . Usns . Furthermore, note
that for each i, the image of the map P Ui Ui given by (p, u) 7 pup1 u
We now introduce the normal subgroup (Ru , Go ) of G generated by the commutators {aba1 b1 | a Ru , b Go } and the semi direct product S(G) =
Ru /(Ru , Go ) G/Go of Ru /(Ru , Go ) and G/Go , with respect to the action (by
conjugation) of G/Go on Ru /(Ru , Go ) (see [209]).
Proposition 11.8 (Ramis [234])
Let (V (G)o , V (G)o ) denote the normal subgroup of V (G) generated by the commutators {aba1 b1 | a, b V (G)o }. There is an isomorphism of linear algebraic
groups S(G) V (G)/(V (G)o , V (G)o ).
Proof. (1) We start by proving that a reductive group M has the property
L(M ) = M o . We recall that in characteristic 0, a linear algebraic group is
reductive if and only if any finite dimensional representation is completely reducible (see the Appendix of [32]). It follows at once that N := M/L(M ) is also
reductive. Thus the unipotent radical of N is trivial. By construction N o has
a trivial maximal torus and is therefore unipotent and equal to the unipotent
radical of N . Thus N o = 1. Since L(M ) is connected, the statement follows.
(2) Let G be a connected linear algebraic group and Ru its unipotent radical.
As noted above G is the semi-direct product Ru M , where M is a Levifactor. We note that a maximal torus of M is also a maximal torus of G.
Let 1 : G = Ru M V (G) := G/L(G) denote the canonical map. Since
L(M ) = M , the kernel of 1 is the smallest normal subgroup of G containing
M . The kernel of the natural map 2 : G = Ru M V (G)/(V (G), V (G)) is
the smallest normal subgroup containing M and (G, G). This is the same as the
smallest normal subgroup containing M and (Ru , G), since G = Ru M . Thus
the map 2 induces an isomorphism Ru /(Ru , G) V (G)/(V (G), V (G)).
(3) Let G be any linear algebraic group. We consider V (G) := G/L(G) and
S (G) := V (G)/(V (G)o , V (G)o ). The component of the identity S (G)o is easily
identified with S (Go ) and according to (2) isomorphic to the unipotent group
Ru /(Ru , Go ). Further S (G)/S (G)o is canonically isomorphic to G/Go . Using
that S (G)o is unipotent, one can construct a left inverse for the surjective
homomorphism S (G) G/Go (see Lemma 11.10.1). Thus S (G) is isomorphic
to the semi-direct product of Ru /(Go , Ru ) and G/Go , given by the action of
G/Go on Ru /(Ru , Go ), defined by conjugation. Therefore S(G) and S (G) are
To finish the proof of Proposition 11.8 (and show the connection between
the defect of G and V (G) in Corollary 11.11), we need to prove Lemma 11.10
below. We first prove an auxiliary lemma. Recall that a group G is divisible if
for any g G and n N {0}, there is an h G such that hn = g.
Lemma 11.9 Let H be a linear algebraic group such that H o is abelian, divisible
and has a finite number of elements of any given finite order. Then H contains
such that H = HH
a finite subgroup H
Proof. We follow the presentation of this fact given in [302], Lemma 10.10. Let
t1 , . . . , ts be coset representatives of H/H o . For any g H we have that ti g =
= {g H | a1 a2 . . . as = 1}.
ti ai for some ai H o and permutation . Let H
is a group and that the map : g 7 that associates each
One can check that H
to the described above maps H
homomorphically into the symmetric
and (g) = id then ai = g for all i and so g H o and
group Ss . If g H
of finite order s. Therefore the kernel of is a subset of the set of elements of
is finite.
order at most s in H o . Therefore the kernel of is finite and so H
o . The inclusion HH
o H is
To finish the proof we will show that H = HH
clear so it is enough to show that for any g H there is a go H o such that
Let ti g = ti ai and let go H o such that g s = a1 . . . as . Such
ggo1 H.
an element exists because H o is divisible. We then have that ti ggo1 = ti ai go1
We will prove the above statement by induction on l(H). The cases l(H) = 0, 1
are trivial. Suppose l(H) = n > 1 and let M denote the closed subgroup of
H generated by a1 , . . . , an . The induction hypotheses implies that the natural
homomorphism M H/Hno is surjective. It suffices to show that M Hno .
Take a H o , b Hn1
and consider the element aba1 b1 Hno . One can
write a = m1 A, b = m2 B with m1 , m2 M and A, B Hno . Since Hno
1 1
lies in the center of H o , one has aba1 b1 = m1 Am2 BA1 m1
m2 =
1 B
1 1
m1 m2 m1 m2 M .
Corollary 11.11 The linear algebraic groups S(G), V (G) := G/L(G) and
V (G)/(V (G)o , V (G)o ) have the same minimal number of topological generators
(for the Zariski topology). Moreover, for connected linear algebraic groups, the
defect d(G) of Definition 11.6, coincides with the minimal number of topological
generators of G/L(G).
Remark 11.12 Lemma 11.10.1 can be partially generalized to arbitrary linear
algebraic groups. The result (due to Platanov; see [302], Lemma 10.10) is: If C
is an algebraically closed field and G is a linear algebraic group defined over C,
then G = HGo for some finite subgroup H of G.
To prove this, let B be a Borel subgroup of Go (see Chapter VIII of [141]) and
N be the normalizer of B. We claim that G = N Go . Let g G. Since all Borel
subgroups of Go are conjugate there exists an h Go such that gBg 1 = hBh1 .
Therefore h1 g N and so G N Go . The reverse inclusion is clear.
It is therefore enough to prove the theorem for N and so we may assume that G is
a group whose identity component is solvable. We therefore have a composition
series Go = Gm Gm1 . . . G1 Go = {e} where each Gi /Gi1 is
isomorphic to Ga (C) or Gm (C). By induction on m we may assume that there
is a subgroup K of G such that K/G1 is finite and G = KGo . This allows us
to assume that Go is itself isomorphic to Ga (C) or Gm (C). One now applies
Lemma 11.9.
Platonovs Theorem, combined with Jordans Theorem, can also be used to
prove Proposition 4.18 (see [302], Theorem 3.6 and Corollary 10.11).
In this section we give a proof of Ramiss solution of the inverse problem for
Diff K with K = C({z}) (c.f., [234, 240, 241].
Theorem 11.13 (J.-P. Ramis) The local theorem.
A linear algebraic group G is a differential Galois group over the field C({z}) if
and only if G/L(G) is topologically (for the Zariski topology) generated by one
The proof of the only if part is more or less obvious. Suppose that G is
the differential Galois group of some differential module M over C({z}). The
differential Galois theory implies, see 1.34 part 2. and 2.34 (3), that G/L(G)
is also the differential Galois group of some differential module N over C({z}).
The differential Galois group of C((z)) N , and in particular its exponential
torus, is a subgroup of G/L(G). Since G/L(G) has a trivial maximal torus,
Corollary 3.32 implies that N is regular singular and so its Galois group of
C((z))N is generated by the formal monodromy. This element corresponds to
the topological monodromy in the Galois group of N so G/L(G) is topologically
generated by the topological monodromy of N . The latter is the image of the
topological monodromy of M. This proves the only if part of Theorem 11.13
and yields the next corollary.
Corollary 11.14 Suppose that G is a differential Galois group over the field
C({z}), then G/L(G) is topologically generated by the image of the topological
The proof of the if part of Theorem 11.13 is made more transparent by
the introduction of yet another Tannakian category Gr3 .
Definition 11.15 The category Gr3 .
The objects of the category Gr3 are tuples (V, {Vq }, V , stV,d ) with
1. (V, {Vq }, V ) is an object of Gr1 .
2. For every d R there is given a stV,d qi ,qj Hom(Vqi , Vqj ), where the
sum is taken over all pairs i, j with Vqi 6= 0, Vqj 6= 0 and d is a singular
direction for qi qj .
The morphisms of Gr3 are defined as follows. We identify any linear map Ai,j :
Vqi Vqj
V . In this
way, Hom(Vqi , Vqj ) is identified with a subspace of End(V ). A morphism f :
(V, {Vq }, V , stV,d ) (W, {Wq }, W , stW,d ) is a linear map V W satisfying
f (Vq ) Wq , f V = W f, f stV,d = stW,d f for all d.
The tensor product of two objects (V, {Vq }, V , stV,d ), (W, {Wq }, W , stW,d )
is the vector space V W with the data (V W )q = q1 ,q2 ;q1 +q2 =q Vq1 Wq2 ,
V W = V W and stV W,d = stV,d idW + idV stW,d . It is easily seen
that Gr3 is again a neutral Tannakian category. In fact, we will show that the
Tannakian categories Gr2 and Gr3 are isomorphic.
Lemma 11.16
1. The exponential map exp : Gr3 Gr2 induces an equivalence of Tannakian categories.
the algebraic subgroup {exp(c)|c C} of G. Let h denote the Lie algebra generated by the algebraic Lie algebras t and C for all g with 6= 0. Then
h is an algebraic Lie algebra. (see [45] Proposition (7.5), p. 190, and Theorem
(7.6), p. 192).
Take an element t T such that all i (t) are distinct. Then clearly t exp()
is semi-simple and lies therefore in a conjugate of the maximal torus T . Thus
exp() = t1 (t exp()) L(G) and lies in the Lie algebra of L(G). This
proves that the Lie algebra h is a subset of the Lie algebra of L(G).
On the other hand, h is easily seen to be an ideal in g. The connected normal
algebraic subgroup H Go corresponding to h contains T and therefore L(G).
This proves the other inclusion.
The above object (V, {Vq }, V ) in Gr1 is made into an object of Gr3 by choosing
arbitrary elements stV,d g , where = 1
i j and 0 d < 2 is a singular
direction for qi qj . The number of singular directions d modulo 2 for qi qj
is by construction sufficiently large to ensure a choice of the set {stV,d} such
that these elements generate the vector space 6=0 g .
associated to the object
Finally, we verify that the algebraic group G,
G and by definition
(V, {Vq }, V , stV,d ), is equal to G. By construction G
is the smallest algebraic group with:
The Lie
By construction, the exponential torus is equal to T and lies in G.
Again by construction, each g (with
algebra t lies in the Lie algebra of G.
In fact the choices (m, a0 )= (0, z), (0, z 2 + 3z + 5/4), (1, 0), (0, z 4 ), (0, z 2 ),
3 2
(0, 16
z + z 1 ), (0, 14 (1 + ( nt )2 )z 2 ) with nt Q produce the above list of
differential Galois groups.
Proof. The Tannakian approach implies that there exists a differential module
N in the category Diff (X,S) with differential Galois group V (G) = G/L(G)
(see 2.34 (3)). Consider a point q X with local parameter t, which is singular
for N . Let Kq denote the field of meromorphic functions at q. Then Kq
C({t}). The differential Galois group of C((t))N over C((t)) can be embedded
as a subgroup of V (G). Since the maximal torus of V (G) is trivial, we conclude
that every singular point of N is regular singular. Now Example 11.1.2 finishes
the proof.
For non-empty S one defines the full subcategory C of Diff K to be the subcategory whose objects are the differential modules M such that M is regular
for any q 6 S and M is regular singular at p1 , . . . , ps1 .
Theorem 11.21 (J.-P. Ramis) The global theorem.
A linear algebraic group G is the differential Galois group of a differential module
M in C if and only if G/L(G) is topologically generated by 2g + s 1 elements.
Proof. The only if part is proved in Proposition 11.20. Consider a linear
algebraic group G such that G/L(G) is topologically generated by at most 2g +
s 1 elements.
One chooses small disjoint disks X1 , . . . , Xs around the points p1 , . . . , ps . Let
Xi = Xi \ {pi }. In Xs one chooses a point c. The fundamental group 1 (X0 , c),
where X0 = X \ {p1 , . . . , ps }, is generated by a1 , b1 , .., ag , bg , 1 , .., s and has
one relation a1 b1 a1
1 b1 1 s = 1. The element s is a loop in Xs around
ps and the other i are loops around p1 , . . . , ps1 . The differential module over
X is constructed by glueing certain connections M0 , . . . , Ms (with possibly
singularities), living above the spaces X0 , . . . , Xs .
Let pr : G G/L(G) denote the canonical homomorphism. One chooses a
homomorphism : 1 (X0 , c) G GL(V ), such that the homomorphism
pr has Zariski dense image. Consider the algebraic group G = pr1 (<<
pr(s ) >>), where << a >> denotes the algebraic subgroup generated by
the element a. The group G contains L(G) and so G /L(G ) is topologically
generated by the image of (s ). According to the Ramiss local theorem, G is
the differential Galois group of a differential equation over the field Kps . One
can extend this very local object to a differential module Ms , living above Xs ,
with only ps as singular point. The solution space at the point c Xs and
the action of G on this space can be identified with V and G GL(V ). The
topological monodromy corresponding to s can be arranged to be (s ) G .
The usual solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem (in weak form) provides
a differential module M0 above X0 such that the monodromy action is equal
to . The restrictions of M0 to Xs and Ms to Xs are determined by their
Corollary 11.23 Let G GLn (C) be an algebraic group such that G/L(G)
is topologically generated by s 1 elements. Then there are constant matrices
A1 , . . . , As1 and there is a matrix A with polynomial coefficients (all matrices
of order n n) such that the matrix differential equation
y = (
+ +
+ A )y
z p1
z ps1
Examples 11.24 Some differential Galois groups for Diff (P1C ,S)
1. (P1 , {0, }) and equations of order two.
The list of possible groups G SL(2) coincides with the list given in Examples 11.18. This list is in fact the theoretical background for the simplification
of the Kovacic algorithm for order two differential equations having at most two
singular points, presented in [231].
2. (P1 , {0, 1, }) and equations of order two.
Every algebraic subgroup G of GL(2) can be realized for this pair, since G/L(G)
is topologically generated by at most two elements. More precisely, every algebraic subgroup G GL(2) is the differential Galois group of an equation
y +
a1 (z)
a2 (z)
y + 2
y = 0,
z(z 1)
z (z 1)2
where a1 (z), a2 (z) C[z]. This equation is regular singular at 0, 1 and has an
arbitrary singularity at .
Characteristic p > 0
X/k curve, finite S X, S 6=
equation with Galois covering of X
ramified point (in S)
inertia group
tamely ramified
wildly ramified
finite group
(p) (X \ S) G/p(G) surjective.
In this section the differential field is C(z) where C is an algebraically closed field
of characteristic 0. The aim is to give a theoretical algorithm which produces a
linear differential equation over C(z) which has a prescribed differential Galois
group G. If the group G is not connected, then there is not much hope for an
explicit algorithm. Even for a finite group G it is doubtful whether a reasonable
algorithm for the construction of a corresponding linear differential equation
over C(z) exists. However for special cases, e.g., finite subgroups of GLn (C)
with n = 2, 3, 4, a reasonable algorithm has been developed in [232]. In this
section we describe the work of C. Mitschi and M.F. Singer [209] (see also [210])
which concerns connected linear algebraic groups. The main result is:
Theorem 11.28 (C. Mitschi and M.F. Singer [209])
Let G GL(V ) be a connected linear algebraic group over C with defect d(G)
and excess e(G). Let a1 , . . . , ad(G) denote arbitrary distinct points of C. There
is an algorithm, based on the given structure of the group G, which determines
matrices A1 , . . . , Ad(G) End(V ) and a polynomial matrix A C[z]End(V )
of degree at most e(G), such that the linear differential equation
y = (
+ +
+ A )y,
z a1
z ad(G)
has differential Galois group G. In particular, the points a1 , . . . , ad(G) are regular
singular for this equation and is possibly an irregular singular point.
Remark 11.29 This result is rather close to Corollary 11.23, since we have seen
(Corollary 11.11) that d(G) is the minimal number of topological generators for
G/L(G) There is however a difference. In Corollary 11.11 there seems to be no
bound on the degree of A . In the above Theorem 11.28 (only for connected
G) there a bound on the degree of A . The proof of the above result is purely
algebraic and moreover constructive. The special case of the theorem, where
the group G is supposed to be connected and reductive, is rather striking. It
states that G is the differential Galois group of a matrix differential equation
y = (A + Bz)y with A and B constant matrices. We will present the explicit
proof of this statement in case G is connected and semi-simple. This is at the
heart of [209]. The general result is then achieved by following the program
given by Kovacic in his papers [163, 164]. We refer to [209] for details.
We now return to the problem of insuring that the differential Galois group of
our equation is not a proper subgroup of G. Suppose that H is a proper subgroup
W such
of G, then there exists a representation (W, ) of G and a line W
that H stabilizes W and G does not (c.f., [141], Chapter 11.2). The differential
module (C(z) W, ) has as image in ReprH the space W with its H-action.
corresponds with a one-dimensional (differential)
The H-invariant subspace W
submodule C(z)w C(z) W . After multiplication of w by an element in
C(z), we may suppose that w C[z] W and that the coordinates of w with
respect to a basis of W have g.c.d. 1. Let us write dz
for the differentiation on
The idea for the rest of the proof is to make a choice for A(z) which contradicts
the equation for w above. For a given proper algebraic subgroup H of G
one can produce a suitable A(z) which contradicts the statement that H lies
in a conjugate of H . In general however one has to consider infinitely many
(conjugacy classes) of proper algebraic subgroups of G. This will probably
not lead to a construction of the matrix A(z). In the sequel we will make
two restrictions, namely A(z) is a polynomial matrix (i.e., A(z) C[z] g)
and that G is connected and semi-simple. As we will see in Lemma 11.32
the first restriction implies that the differential Galois group is a connected
algebraic subgroup of G. The second restriction implies that G has finitely
many conjugacy classes of maximal proper connected subgroups.
Lemma 11.32 Let W be a finite dimensional C-vector space and let A0 , . . . , Am
be elements of End(W ). Then the differential Galois group G of the differential
equation y = (A0 + A1 z + + Am z m )y over C(z) is connected.
Proof. Let E denote the Picard-Vessiot ring and let Go = the component of
the identity of G. The field F = E G is a finite Galois extension F of C(z) with
Galois group G/Go . The extension C(z) F can be ramified only above the
singular points of the differential equation. The only singular point of the differential equation is . It follows that C(z) = F and by the Galois correspondence
G = Go .
As mentioned above, the key to the proof of Theorem 11.30 is the existence of
G-modules that allow one to distinguish a connected semi-simple group from its
connected proper subgroups. These modules are defined below.
Definition 11.33 A faithful representation : G GL(W ), in other words a
faithful G-module W , will be called a Chevalley module if:
(a) G leaves no line in W invariant.
(b) Any proper connected closed subgroup of G has an invariant line.
We will postpone to the end of this section the proof that a connected semisimple G has a Chevalley module.
Proof of Theorem 11.30: We now return to the construction of a differential
equation of the form y = (A0 + A1 z)y having as differential Galois group a
given connected semi-simple group G. We shall describe the choices for A0 and
A1 in g End(V ).
The connected semi-simple group G is given as an algebraic subgroup G
GL(V ), where V is a finite dimensional vector space over C. We recall that G is
semi-simple if and only if its Lie algebra g is semi-simple. For the construction of
the equation we will need the root space decomposition of g. This decomposition
reads (see [107] and [142]): g = h ( g ), where h is a Cartan subalgebra
and the one dimensional spaces g = CX are the eigenspaces for the adjoint
action of h on g corresponding to the non-zero roots : h C. More precisely,
the adjoint action of h on h is zero and for any 6= 0 one has [h, X ] = (h)X
for all h h.
We fix a Chevalley module : G GL(W ). The induced (injective) morphism
of Lie algebras g End(W ) is also denoted by . The action of h on W gives
a decomposition of W = W into eigenspaces for a collection of linear maps
: h C. The s are called the weights of the representation .
For A0 one chooses 6=0 X . For A1 one chooses an element in h satisfying
conditions (a), (b) and (c) below.
(a) The (A1 ) are non-zero and distinct (for the non-zero roots of g).
(b) The (A1 ) are non-zero and distinct (for the non-zero weights of the
representation .)
(c) If the integer m is an eigenvalue of the operator 6=0 (A
(X )(X )
on W , then m = 0.
It is clear that A1 satisfying (a) and (b) exists. Choose such an A1 . If A1 does
not yet satisfy (c) then a suitable multiple cA1 , with c C , satisfies all three
conditions. We now claim:
The differential Galois group of the proposed equation is a connected algebraic subgroup H of G by Remark 11.31 and Lemma 11.32. If H 6= G, then
by definition the group H has an invariant line in W . Furthermore, there exd
ists an equation similar to Equation (11.1), that is an equation [ dz
((A0 ) +
(A1 )z)]w = cw with c C(z) and a non-trivial solution w C[z] W such
that the g.c.d. of the coordinates of w is 1. It follows that c C[z] and by
comparing degrees one finds that the degree of c is at most 1. More explicitly,
one has
((A0 ) + (A1 )z)]w = (c0 + c1 z)w,
c1 wm
c0 wm c1 wm1
c0 wm1 c1 wm2 .
this component is zero, the integer m is an eigenvalue of the operator
6=0 (A1 ) (X )(X ). It follows from our assumption on A1 that m = 0.
This leaves us with the equation [ dz
((A0 ) + (A1 )z)]w = c1 zw and w W .
w = 0, one finds that Cw is invariant under (A0 ) and (A1 ). The Lie
Since dz
algebra g is generated by A0 and A1 ([49], Chap. 8, Sec. 2, Ex. 8, p. 221). Thus
Cw is invariant under g and under G. Our assumptions on the G-module W
lead to the contradiction that w = 0. The proof of Theorem 11.30 is completed
by a proof of the existence of a Chevalley module.
complete solution of the inverse problem over C(z) was given by Ramis and, for
connected groups over C(z), by Mitschi and Singer.
Another approach to the inverse problem was given by Goldman and Miller.
In [111], Goldman developed the notion of a generic differential equation with
group G analogous to what E. Noether did for algebraic equations. He showed
that many groups have such an equation. In his thesis [205], Miller developed
the notion of a differentially hilbertian differential field and gave a sufficient
condition for the generic equation of a group to specialize over such a field to
an equation having this group as Galois group. Regrettably, this condition gave
a stronger hypothesis than in the analogous theory of algebraic equations. This
condition made it difficult to apply the theory and Miller was unable to apply
this to any groups that were not already known to be Galois groups. Another
approach using generic differential equations to solve the inverse problem for
GLn is given by L. Juan in [146].
Finally, many groups have been shown to appear as Galois groups for classical
families of linear differential equations. The family of generalized hypergeometric equations has been particularly accessible to computation, either by algebraic
methods as in Beukers and Heckmann [33], Katz [153] and Boussel [50], or by
mixed analytic and algebraic methods as in Duval and Mitschi [88] or Mitschi
[206, 207, 208]. These equations in particular provide classical groups and the
exceptional group G2 . Other examples were treated algorithmically, as in Duval
and Loday-Richaud [87] or Ulmer and Weil [291] using the Kovacic algorithm
for second order equations, or in Singer and Ulmer [273]. Finally, van der Put
and Ulmer [232] give a method for constructing linear differential equations with
Galois group a finite subgroup of GLn (C).
Chapter 12
The aim of this chapter is to produce a fine moduli space for irregular singular differential equations over C({z}) with a prescribed formal structure over
C((z)). In Section 9.5, it is remarked that this local moduli problem, studied in
[13], leads to a set E of meromorphic equivalence classes, which can be given the
structure of an affine algebraic variety. In fact E is for this structure isomorphic
to AN
C for some integer N 1. However, it can be shown that there does not exist a universal family of equations parametrized by E (see [227]). This situation
is somewhat similar to the construction of moduli spaces for algebraic curves of
a given genus g 1. In order to obtain a fine moduli space one has to consider
curves of genus g with additional finite data, namely a suitable level structure.
The corresponding moduli functor is then representable and is represented by a
fine moduli space (see Proposition 12.3).
In our context, we apply a result of Birkhoff (see Lemma 12.1) which states
that any differential module M over C({z}) is isomorphic to C({z}) C(z) N ,
where N is a differential module over C(z) having singular points at 0 and .
Moreover the singular point can be chosen to be a regular singularity. In considering differential modules N over C(z) with the above type of singularities,
the topology of the field C plays no role anymore. This makes it possible to
define a moduli functor F from the category of C-algebras (i.e., the commutative rings with unit element and containing the field C) to the category of sets.
The additional data attached to a differential module (in analogy to the level
structure for curves of a given genus) are a prescribed free vector bundle and an
fixed isomorphism with a formal differential module over C((z)). The functor F
turns out to be representable by an affine algebraic variety AN
C . There is a well
defined map from this fine moduli space (which is also isomorphic to AN
C ) to E.
This map is analytic, has an open image and its fibres are in general discrete
infinite subsets of AN
C . This means that the level data that we have added
to a differential equation, is not finite. The level that we have introduced
can be interpreted as prescribing a conjugacy class of a logarithm of the local
topological monodromy matrix of the differential equation.
In Section 12.2 we introduce the formal data and the moduli functor for the
problem. A special case of this moduli functor, where the calculations are very
explicit and relatively easy, is presented in Section 12.3. The variation of the
differential Galois group on the moduli space is studied.
The construction of the moduli space for a general irregular singularity is somewhat technical in nature. First, in Section 12.4 the unramified case is studied
in detail. The more complicated ramified case is reduced in Section 12.5 to
the former one. Finally some explicit examples are given and the comparison
with the local moduli problem of [13] is made explicit in examples.
We note that the method presented here can be modified to study fine moduli
spaces for differential equations on PC
with a number of prescribed singular
points and with prescribed formal type at those points.
Lemma 12.1 (G. Birkhoff) Let M be a differential module over C({z}). There
is an algebraic vector bundle M on P 1 (C) and a connection : M (a[0] +
[]) M, such that the differential modules C({z}) M0 and M are isomorphic over C({z}) (where M0 is the stalk at the origin). If the topological
local monodromy of M is semi-simple then M can be chosen to be a free vector
Proof. The differential module M can be represented by a matrix differential
equation y = Ay such that the entries of the matrix A are meromorphic functions on some neighbourhood of 0 having only poles at 0 of order a, for
some integer a 0. Thus M extends to a connection on some neighbourhood
U1 = {z C| |z| < } of 0, having a certain singularity at 0. This connection can be written as 1 : M1 (a[0]) M1 , where M1 is an analytic
vector bundle on U1 with rank equal to the dimension of M over C({z}). The
restriction of this connection to U1 := U1 \ {0} has no singularity and is therefore determined by its topological monodromy T . More precisely, let V denote
the local solution space of the connection 1 at the point /2 U1 . Then
T : V V is the map obtained by analytical continuation of solutions along
the circle {ei /2|0 2}. Put U2 = P 1 (C) \ {0} and consider the
connection 2 : M2 ([]) M2 above U2 given by the data:
(a) M2 = O C V , where O is the sheaf of holomorphic functions on U2 .
(b) 2 is determined by the requirement that for v V one has 2 (v) =
= T.
z L(v), where L : V V is a linear map satisfying e
We will show that the translation of F (R) in terms of maps implies that F
is representable by some affine scheme Spec(A) over C (see Definitions B.8 and
B.18) .
Proposition 12.3 The functor F described above is representable.
Proof. Indeed, fix a basis of V and consider the basis {z s dz| s = 1, . . . , k}
of H 0 (P 1 (C), (k[0] + [])). The connection or, what amounts to the same
data, the linear map L can be decomposed as L(v) =
dz Ls (v)
s=1 z
where L1 , . . . , Lk are linear maps form V to itself. The entries of the matrices
of L1 , . . . , Lk and the n for n 1 (with respect to the given basis of V ) are first
seen as a collection of variables {Xi }iI . The condition (id ) = 0
induces a set of polynomials {Fj }jJ in the ring C[{Xi }iI ] and generate some
ideal S. The C-algebra A := C[{Xi }iI ]/S has the property that Spec(A)
represents F .
An Example
2 d
+ z (Ti,j ).
Exercise 12.5 Compute the moduli space and the universal family for the
functor F given by the same data as in Theorem 12.4, but with D replaced
by any semi-simple (i.e., diagonalizable) linear map from V to itself. Hint:
Consider the decomposition V = V1 Vs of V according to the distinct
eigenvalues 1 , . . . , s of D. A linear map L on V will be called diagonal if
L(Vi ) Vi for all i. The map L is called anti-diagonal if L(Vi ) j6=i Vj holds
for all i. Show that the universal family can be given by z 2 dz
+ D + zA1 where
A1 is the generic anti-diagonal map.
2 d
The map associates to this differential operator its collection of Stokes matrices
(i.e., this explicit 1-cocycle) and the latter is again a point in Cm(m1) . We will
show later on that this map : AC
E = H 1 (S 1 , ST S) = Cm(m1) is a
complex analytic map.
The image of and the fibres of are of interest. We will briefly discuss these
issues. Let a point (M, ) of H 1 (S 1 , ST S) be given. Let M0 denote the C{z}lattice in M such that C[[z]] M0 is mapped by the isomorphism to N0 N .
We denote the restriction of to C[[z]] M0 by . The differential module
M0 over C{z} extends to some neighbourhood of z = 0 and has a topological
monodromy. According to Birkhoffs Lemma 12.4 one chooses a logarithm of
the topological monodromy around the point z = 0 and by gluing, one obtains a
vector bundle M on P 1 (C) having all the required data except for the possibility
that M is not free. At the point 0 one cannot change this vector bundle. At
one is allowed any change. In case the topological monodromy is semi-simple
one can make the bundle free. Thus the point (M, ) lies in the image of . In
the general case this may not be possible.
It is easily calculated that the Jacobian determinant of the map at the point
0 AC
is non zero. In particular the image of contains points (M, )
such that the topological monodromy has m distinct eigenvalues. The formula
(see Proposition 8.12) which expresses the topological monodromy in Stokes
matrices and the formal monodromy implies that the subset of E where the
topological monodromy has m distinct eigenvalues is Zariski open (and nonempty) in E = Cm(m1) . The image of contains this Zariski open subset.
The surjectivity of the map is also related to Birkhoff s Problem of representing a singular differential module over K by a matrix differential equation
involving only polynomials in z 1 of a degree restricted by the irregularity of
the equation at z = 0.
We consider now the fibre over a point (M, ) in E such that the topological
monodromy has m distinct eigenvalues 1 , . . . , m . In the above construction
of an object (M, , ) AC
the only freedom is the choice of a logarithm
of the topological monodromy. This amounts to making a choice of complex
numbers c1 , . . . , cm such that e2icj = j , j = 1, . . . , m such that the corresponding vector bundle M is free. Let c1 , . . . , cm be a good
P choice. Then
c1 + n1 , . . . , cm + nm is also a good choice if all nj Z and
nj = 0. Thus
the fibre 1 (M, ) is countable and discrete in AC
since is analytic.
In other cases, e.g., the topological monodromy is semi-simple and has multiple
eigenvalues, the fibre will be a discrete union of varieties of positive dimension.
We now illustrate the above with an explicit formula for in case m = 2.
The universal family is given by the operator in matrix form
1 0
0 a
2 d
0 2
b 0
The 1 , 2 C are fixed and distinct. The a, b are variable and (a, b) C2 is
a point of the moduli space. In Example
weshowed that
the equation has
1 x1
1 0
two Stokes matrices of the form
. Moreover (x1 , x2 )
0 1
x2 1
is a point of E
= C2 . Furthermore the calculation in this example shows
Proposition 12.6 The map : A2C E = H 1 (S1 , ST S) = C2 has the form
, 0)}.
2. If x1 6= 0, then 1 (x1 , 0) = {( 2i
3. If x2 6= 0, then 1 (0, x2 ) = {(0, 2i
2i sin( x x2 )
= 1}.
particular issurjective. For the topological monodromy matrix
1 + x1 x2 x1
one can distinguish the following cases:
1. (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0) and the monodromy is the identity.
2. x1 6= 0, x2 = 0 and the monodromy is unipotent.
3. x1 = 0, x2 6= 0 and the monodromy is unipotent.
4. x1 x2 = 4 and the monodromy has only the eigenvalue 1 and is different
from id.
5. x1 x2 6= 0, 4 and the monodromy has two distinct eigenvalues.
Let S C2 denote the set of points where the map is smooth, i.e., is locally
an isomorphism. The points of S are the points where the Jacobian determinant
f (ab)(f (ab) + 2abf (ab)) of is non zero. The points where this determinant
is 0 are:
1. f (ab) = 0. This is equivalent to ab 6= 0 is the square of an integer.
2. f (ab) 6= 0 and f (ab) + 2abf (ab) = 0. This is equivalent to the condition
that 4ab is the square of an odd integer.
A point (a, b) where the map is not smooth corresponds, according to the
above calculation, toa pointwhere the eigenvalues of the candidate for the
0 a
monodromy matrix
has eigenvalues which differ by an integer 6= 0.
b 0
Let S C2 denote the set where the map is smooth, i.e, the Jacobian
determinant is 6= 0. The above calculations show that (S) = {(x1 , x2 )| x1 x2 6=
4}. Then (S) is the Zariski open subset of E = C2 , where the monodromy has
two distinct eigenvalues. The fibre of a point (x1 , x2 ) (S) can be identified
with the set of conjugacy classes of the 2 2-matrices L with trace 0 and
with exp(2iL) being the topological monodromy of the differential equation
corresponding to (x1 , x2 ).
Another interesting aspect of the example is that the dependence of the
differential Galois group on the parameters a, b can be given. According to
a theorem of J. Martinet and J.-P. Ramis (see Theorem 8.10) the differential Galois group is the algebraic subgroup of GL(2) generated by the formal
monodromy, the exponential torus and the Stokes matrices. From this one deduces that the differential equation
has a 1-dimensional submodule if and only
with z 2 dz
and the differential Galois group is the standard torus
0 2
in GL(2) (assuming 1 and 2 are linearly independent over the rationals). We
return now to the moduli space and the universal family of Theorem 12.4 and
investigate the existence of invariant line bundles as a first step in the study of
the variation of the differential Galois group on the moduli space.
+D+zA1 ,
z 2 dz
We continue the moduli problem of Exercise 12.5 and Section 12.3.3 and keep
the same notations. Our aim is to investigate the variation of the differential
Galois group on the moduli space AN
C . The first goal is to define a natural
action of the differential Galois group of an object (M, , ) on the space V =
H 0 (P 1 (C), M). For this we introduce symbols f1 , . . . , fs having the properties
fi = i fi , where 1 , . . . , s are the distinct eigenvalues of D. The ring
z 2 dz
S = C[[z]][f1 , f11 , . . . , fs , fs1 ]/I where I is the ideal generated by the set of all
polynomials f1m1 fsms 1 with mi integers such that m1 1 + . . . + ms s = 0.
The differentiation z 2 dz
on S is defined by z 2 dz
z = z 2 and z 2 dz
fi = i fi .
In this way S is a differential ring. For any M := (M, , ), the solution
space Sol(M) can be identified with the kernel of the operator z 2 dz
+ D + A1 z
on S C[z](z) M0 = S C V (note that our assumption on the formal normal
form of the equation implies that there is no formal monodromy and so the
equation has a full set of solutions in S C V ). This space has dimension m
over C. The ring homomorphism C[[z]][f1 , f11 , . . . , fs , fs1 ] C, given by
z 7 0, f1 , . . . , fs 7 1, induces a bijection Sol(M) V . The smallest ring
R with C[z](z) R S, which contains all the coordinates of the elements
of Sol(M) with respect to V has the property: R is a differential ring for
the operator z 2 dz
and the field of fractions of R is the Picard-Vessiot field of
M over C(z). The differential Galois group Gal(M), acting upon this field of
fractions, leaves R invariant. Thus Gal(M) acts on Sol(M) and on V according
to our chosen identification Sol(M) V . We note that the formal Galois group
at z = 0, which is a subgroup of Gsm,C , is a subgroup of Gal(M). We can now
formulate our result.
Proposition 12.9 For any algebraic subgroup G GL(V ), the set of the M :=
(M, , ) AN
C with Gal(M) G, is a countable union of Zariski-closed
Proof. By Chevalleys theorem, there is a vector space W over C obtained
from V by a construction of linear algebra and a line L W , such that G
consists of the elements g GL(V ) with gL L. This construction of linear
algebra can be extended to a construction of an object (N , , ) from (M, , )
corresponding to new formal data at z = 0 (of the same type that we have
been considering here) and regular singularity at z = . The invariance of
L under the differential Galois group is equivalent to the existence of a line
bundle L N , invariant under , such that N /L is again a vector bundle and
L0 /zL0 = L N0 /zN0 = W . If we bound the degree s of L by s d then the
existence of L defines an algebraic subset of the corresponding moduli space, by
Lemma 12.7. The proposition now follows.
2. The question of how the Galois group varies in a family of differential equations is also considered in [269]. In this paper one fixes integers m and n and
considers the set Ln,m of linear differential operators of the form
n X
ai,j z j )( )i
i=0 j=0
We introduce some notations. R((z)) will denote R[[z]][z 1]. A linear map
will mean linear with respect to the ring R((z)). For a linear map L : R((z))
V R((z)) V one writes L = (Lji ) where the Lji : R((z)) Vi R((z)) Vj
are again linear maps. For a linear map Lji one writes Lji for the linear map
with matrix (w.r.t. bases of Vi and Vj ) obtained by applying = z dz
to all
the coefficients of the matrix of Lji . Further z dz : R((z)) V R((z)) V
denotes the obvious derivation, i.e., this derivation is 0 on V . Then clearly
Lji Lji z dz
. Write the prescribed 0 as z dz
+ L where L = (Lji )
Lji = z dz
is linear. According to the definition of N0 one has Lji = 0 if i 6= j and
Lii = qi + li . Write, as above, h = (hji ). Then 0 h h0 = 0 implies that
hji + hji li lj hji + (qi qj )hji = 0 for all i, j.
Suppose that hji 6= 0 for some i 6= j. Let n be maximal such that hji 0
modulo (z n ). One finds the contradiction (qi qj )hji 0 modulo (z n ). So
hji = 0 for i 6= j.
For i = j one finds hii + hii li li hii = 0. Write hii = n0 hii (n)z n where
hii (n) : RVi RVi are R-linear maps. Then nhii (n)+hii (n)li li hii (n) = 0
for all n 0. The assumption on the eigenvalues of li implies that a non zero
difference of eigenvalues cannot be an integer. This implies that the maps
End(R Vi ) End(R Vi ), given by A 7 nA + Ali li A, are bijective for all
n > 0. Hence hii (n) = 0 for n > 0. Since h is the identity modulo z we also
have that all hii (0) are the identity. Hence h = 1.
now the concept of principalP
parts. The principal part Pr(f ) of
P introduce
rn z n R((z)) is defined as Pr(f ) := n0 rn z n . Let L : R((z)) V
R((z)) V be R((z))-linear. Choose a basis {v1 , . . . , vm } ofPV and consider
the matrix of L with respect to this basis given by Lvi =
j j,i vj . Then
by Pr(L)vi =
j Pr(j,i )vj . It is easily seen that the definition of Pr(L) does not depend on
the choice of this basis. Any derivation of R((z)) V has the form z dz
where L is an R((z))-linear map. The principal part Pr() of is defined as
z dz
+ Pr(L).
Lemma 12.14 To every g G(R) one associates the derivation Pr(g0 g 1 ).
Let H(R) denote the subset of G(R) consisting of the elements h such that
Pr(h0 h1 ) = 0 . Then:
1. H(R) is a subgroup of G(R). Let di,j denote the degree of qi qj with
respect to the variable z 1 . Then g G(R) belongs to H(R) if and only
if g 1 maps each Vi into sj=1 z di,j +1 R[[z]] Vj .
2. Pr(g1 0 g11 ) = Pr(g2 0 g21 ) if and only if g1 H(R) = g2 H(R).
3. For every differential module (R((z)) V, ) such that Pr() = 0 there is
a unique h H(R) with h0 h1 = .
We note that Theorem 12.4 and Exercise 12.5 are special cases of Corollary 12.15.
= C((z)). We define : N N by = d .
Let (N, ) be a connection over K
z dz
by some AN
C . Moreover, the Galois group of C((t))/C((z)) acts on F and its
which maps ei to ej . Using this convention one defines the map Lj,i : Mi Mj
by (ei mi ) = ej Li,j (mi ). It is easily seen that Li,j commutes with the s
and Lj,i (f mi ) = (f )Lj,i (mi ). From the description of Vi and Vj it follows that
Lj,i (Vi ) = Vj .
We note that Lj,i need not be the identity if qi = qj . The reason for this is that
C/(Z) and C/( 1e Z) do not have the same set of representatives. In particular,
and a set of representatives
a regular singular differential module N over K
that we have defined is invariant under .
On the other hand, starting with a -invariant element of F (R) one has a equivariant isomorphism : C[[t]] V M0 with 0 = id. After taking
invariants one obtains an isomorphism : C[[z]] W N0 , with 0 = id. The
given induces a : W H 0 (P 1 (C), (k[0] + [])) W . In total, one has
defined an element of F (R). The two maps that we have described depend in a
functorial way on R and are each others inverses.
Corollary 12.17 There is a fine moduli space forPthe standard ramified case.
This space is the affine space AN
C , with N equal to
i6=j degz 1 (qi qj ) dim Vi
dim Vj .
Proof. We keep the above notations. The functor F is represented by the
affine space i6=j Hom(Vi , Vj )di,j , where di,j is the degree of qi qj with respect
to the variable t1 . On this space acts in a linear way. The standard ramified
case is represented by the -invariant elements. From the description of the
-action on Vi and the last lemma the statement follows.
Proof. The map is defined as in Subsection 12.3.2 and associates to a Cvalued point of AN
C , represented by (M, , ), the pair (M, ), where M :=
C({z}) H 0 (P 1 (C), M) with the connection induced by and where is
the isomorphism C((z)) M C((z)) N0 induced by . Write U for the
algebra of regular functions on AN
C and write (gu , u ) G(U ) for the universal
element. Then 0 = z dz
+ A0 and u = z dz
+ A, where the matrices A0 and A
y Ay = h, where A and h have coefficients in C[z 1 , x].
Let a formal solution f which has coefficients in C[x][[z]] be given and suppose
that z dz
A is equivalent, via a g GL(m, C[x][[z]]) such that g is the identity
modulo z, with a (standard) differential equation over C[z 1 ] (not involving x).
A and S the fixed sector with bisector
Let d be a nonsingular direction for z dz
d, given by the multisummation process.
Then the multisum Sd (f)(z, x) in the direction d is holomorphic on S Cn .
Proof. It suffices to prove that Sd (f)(z, x) depends locally holomorphically on
x. This means that we must verify that Sd (f)(z, x) is holomorphic on S {a
Cn | kak < } for the required sector and some positive . The analytic way
to produce the multisummation Sd by formal Borel and Laplace integrals (see
Example 7.45 and Remarks 7.62) will imply the required result without too
much extra effort. Indeed, the various Borel and Laplace transforms of f are
given by integrals and these integrals depend locally holomorphically on x. In
our more algebraic setting of multisummation, we will have to show that after
each step in the construction the result depends locally holomorphically on x.
We only sketch the procedure.
The Main Asymptotic Existence Theorem (Theorem 7.10) has to be adapted
to the case of parameters x. For this one considers the scalar equation (
q)f = g with q z 1 C[z 1 ] and g = g(z, x) depending holomorphically on
x. A version of the Borel-Ritt Theorem (Theorem 7.3) with parameters can be
applied to f and this reduces the problem to the special case where g is flat,
uniformly in x in some neighborhood of 0 Cn . One then extends Lemma 7.13
to the case of parameters. A somewhat tedious calculation shows that the
estimates of the integrals, involved in the proof of Lemma 7.13, hold uniformly
Chapter 13
Positive Characteristic
Linear differential equations over differential fields of characteristic p > 0 have
been studied for a long time ([139], [151], [152], [8],...). Grothendiecks conjecture on p-curvatures is one of the motivations for this. Another motivation
is the observation that for the factorization of differential operators over, say,
the differential field Q(z) the reductions modulo prime numbers yield useful
In this Chapter we first develop the classification of differential modules over
differential fields K with [K : K p ] = p. It turns out that this classification is
rather explicit and easy. It might be compared with Turrittins classification
of differential modules over C((z)). Algorithms are developed to construct and
obtain standard forms for differential modules.
From the view point of differential Galois theory, these linear differential
equations in characteristic p do not behave well. A completely different class
of equations, namely the linear iterative differential equations, is introduced.
These equations have many features in common with linear differential equations
in characteristic 0. We will give a survey and explain the connection with p-adic
differential equations.
for any a0 , . . . , ap1 K p . Every derivation on K has the form g dz
for a unique
g K.
last equation. This yields (b) = 0 and so (b) K p . We are looking for a
b K such that (b) = a. The answer is the following.
Lemma 13.4 (see Lemma 1.4.2 of [226] )
(1) (b) = b(p1) + bp .
the lemma, any other solution b of the equation (b) = a has the form b = b+ ff .
Thus the differential module obtained from the choice b is isomorphic to F (N )
with the choice e = be.
(iii) N = K p [T ]/(f ) with f monic, irreducible and inseparable.
Then K K p K p [T ]/(f ) = K p [T ]/(f )[X]/(X p z p ). Since K p K p [T ]/(f )
is inseparable, there exists an element g K p [T ]/(f ) with g p = z p . Let s
Examples 13.7
(1) Suppose p > 2 and let K = Fp (z). The differential modules of dimension 2
over K are:
(i) I(T 2 + aT + b) with T 2 + aT + b Fp (z p )[T ] irreducible.
(ii) I(T a) I(T b) with a, b Fp (z p ).
(iii) I(T a, 2) with a Fp (z p ).
These differential modules can be made explicit by solving the equation (B) =
A in the appropriate field or ring. In case (i), the field is L = Fp (z)[T ]/(T 2 +
Algorithmic Aspects
Making Theorem 13.5 effective has two aspects. For a given K p [T ]-module N
of finite dimension over K p one has to solve explicitly some equations of the
form b(p1) + bp = a in order to obtain F (N ).
The other aspect is to construct an algorithm which produces for a given
differential module M over K the K p [T ]-module N with F (N )
= M . We
introduce some notations. Let V be a finite dimensonal vector space over a
field F and let L : V V be an F -linear operator. Then minF (L, V ) and
charF (L, V ) denote the minimal polynomial and the characteristic polynomial
of L. Let F (N ) = M and write tN and tM for the action of T on N and M .
Thus tM = p acting upon M . One has the following formulas:
minK p (tN , N ) = minK (tM , M ) and charK p (tN , N ) = charK (tM , M ).
For N of the form K p [T ]/(G) with G monic, one has M = K[T ]/(G). Thus G
is the mimimal polynomial and the characteristic polynomial of both N and M .
In the general case N = ri=1 K p [T ]/(Gi ) and the mimimal polynomial of both
tN and tM is the least common multiple of G1 , . . . , Gr . Further, the product of
all Gi is the characteristic polynomial of both tN and tM .
Suppose that tM and its characteristic (or minimal) polynomial F are known.
One factors F K p [Y ] as f1m1 fsms , where f1 , . . . , fs K p [Y ] are distinct monic irreducible polynomials. Then N = si=1 (K p [T ]/(fin ))m(fi ,n) and
M = si=1 (K[T ]/(fin ))m(fi ,n) with still unknown multiplicities m(fi , n). These
numbers follow from the Jordan decomposition of the operator tM and can be
read of from the dimensions of the cokernels (or kernels) of fi (tM )a acting on
M . More precisely,
We note that the characteristic and the minimal polynomials of tM and are
linked by the formulas:
minK (tM , M )(Y p ) = minK p (, M )(Y ) and
charK (tM , M )(Y p ) = charK p (, M )(Y ).
For the proof, it suffices to consider the case M = K K p K p [T ]/(f m )e with
f K p [T ] irreducible and m 1. The equalities follow from the observation
that the element z p1 e is a cyclic vector for the K p -linear action of on M and
also for the K-linear action of tM on M .
Thus, a calculation of the characteristic polynomial or the minimal polynomial of the K p -linear operator on M produces the characteristic polynomial
or the minimal polynomial of tM and tN .
if n 6 1 mod p.
In the special case, where F is irreducible and separable, the kernel of 1/p :
(p1) 1/p
+ f0 } + {(f1
+ f1 h
For explicity we will suppose that K is either Fp (z) or Fp (z). In the first case we
will restrict ourselves to differential modules over K with dimension strictly less
than p. In the second case the field K satisfies the requirements of Theorem 13.5.
For a given differential module M over K we will develop several algorithms in
order to obtain the decomposition M
= I(f, n)m(f,n) which classifies M .
R(n 1, i) i +
R(n 1, i) i+1
R(n 1, m 1)i i ,
and thus R(n, 0) = R(n 1, 0) R(n 1, m 1)l0 and for 0 < i < m one has
R(n, i) = R(n 1, i 1) + R(n 1, i) R(n 1, m 1)i .
The expressions for Rp , Rp+1 , . . . , Rp+m1 form the columns of the matrix of
t = p acting upon D/DL. Indeed, for 0 i < m the term p i e equals
Rp+i e = R(p + i, 0)e + R(p + i, 1)e + + R(p + i, m 1) m1 e.
For the calculation of the minimal polynomial of t one has also to compute
Rip for i = 2, . . . , m. In the sequel we will write T = p . Thus T = L + Rp
and T 2 = L + Rp p =
= L +
R(p, i)
R(p + i, j) j .
R(p(k 1), i)
R(p + i, j) j .
The minimal
polynomial F K p [T ], satisfied by the p-curvature, is
Pm0 monic
1 m0 m, ci Fp (z p ) and cm0 = 1. We note
i=0 i
that i=0
ci T i (with 1 Pm0 m, ci Fp (z p ) and cm0 = 1)P
is the minimal
polynomial if and only if ( i=0 ci T i )e = 0. This translates into i=0
ci Rpi = 0.
The latter expression can be seen as a system of m linear equations over the field
Fp (z) in the unknows c0 , . . . , cm0 1 . The solution c0 , . . . , cm0 1 (with minimal
m0 ) has the property that all cj Fp (z p ).
For the classification of the module M := D/DL one has to factor F K p [T ].
Let F = f1m1 fsms with distinct monic irreducible f1 , . . . , fs . The dimensions
of the K-vector spaces M/fia M (for i = 1, . . . , s and a = 1, . . . , mi 1) determine
the multiplicities m(fi , n). The space M/fia M is the same as D/(DL + Dfia ).
Further DL + Dfia = DR, where R is the greatest common right divisor of L
and fia .
This equation is the second symmetric power of Lp . In case (iv) the p-curvature
is 0. For the moment we will exclude this case. The 1-dimensional kernel of
the Fp (z p )-linear map on Fp (z), given by y 7 y (3) 4rp y (1) 2rp y, is easily
1 f
1 f
e0 e1 + ( ( )2 + ( ) r)e20 .
2 f
2 f
with u := 12 ff E 1/2 . For m = 2 the generators of the 1-dimensional submodules are (e1 u+ e0 )2 , (e1 u e0 )2 , (e1 u+ e0 )(e1 u e0 ).
Case (iii). For m = 1 the unique 1-dimensional submodule has generator
1 f
2 f e0 ) .
In case (iv), the p-curvature is 0 and this leads to a large set of factorizations
of Lp . This occurs in particular when the differential Galois group of L is finite.
One can still try to produce lifts of factorization of Lp with small terms.
A better method seems to refine the notion of p-curvature. One calculates in
characteristic 0 (or alternatively modulo p2 ) the operator p acting upon D/DL.
1 p
The operator (p) := p!
has a reduction modulo p, which we will also call (p) .
The space where the latter operates is the 2-dimensional Fp (z p )-vector space
W , given as the kernel of on Fp (z)e0 + Fp (z)e1 . The field Fp (z p ) is made
into a differential field by the formula (z p ) = 1. Then (W, (p) ) is again a
differential module. The p-curvature of (p) is an Fp (z p )-linear map on W .
Lifts of the eigenvectors for this new p-curvature on symmetric powers symm W
provide candidates for 1-dimensional submodules of symm D/DL.
Differential modules in positive characteristic have, as we have seen, some attractive properties. However, the absence of a Picard-Vessiot theory and suitable differential Galois groups is a good reason for considering other theories in
positive characteristic. The basic idea, proposed by B.H. Matzat, is to consider
higher differentiations and corresponding higher differential equations. The
most elementary setting of this reads as follows:
On the field K = C(z) one considers the higher derivation { (n) }n0
, which is
. One
a sequence of additive maps given by the formulas (n) z m = m
verifies (at least for f, g powers of z) the rules:
(i) (0) is the identity.
(ii) (n) (f g) = a+b=n (a) f (b) g.
(iii) (n) (m) = n+m
If we assume that the
are C-linear and that these rules hold for all f, g
C(z), then the (n) are uniquely defined. We remark further that (1) is the
ordinary differentiation and that (n) is a substitute for n!
( (1) )n . Higher differentiations, or here sometimes called iterative differentiations, were invented
and studied by H. Hasse and F.K. Schmidt [125]. The definition of an iterative
differential equation over say C(z) is most easily formulated in module form.
An iterative differential module over K is a finite dimensional vector space M
over K equipped with a sequence of additive maps M : M M having the
(a) M is the identity.
(b) M (f m) = a+b=n (a) f M m for all f K and all m M .
(c) M M = n+m
After choosing a basis of M over K one can translate the above into a sequence
of matrix equation (n) y = An y, where each An is a matrix with coefficients in
The theory of iterative differential equations has recently been developed, see
[204]. In this section we will give a survey of the main results. It was a surprise
to learn that (linear iterative) differential equations were in fact introduced
as early as 1963 by H. Okugawa [216]. He proposed a Picard-Vessiot theory
along the lines of E.R. Kolchins work on linear differential equations in characteristic 0. His theory remained incomplete since efficient tools for handling
Picard-Vessiot theory and differential Galois groups were not available at that
differential module M over K is defined by the rules (a)(c) above. Let M have
dimension d over K.
We want to indicate the construction of a Picard-Vessiot field L for M . Like
the characteristic zero case, one defines L by:
(PV1) On L K there is given an iterative differentiation, extending the one
of K.
(PV2) C is the field of constants of L.
(PV3) V := {v L K M | (n) v = 0 for all n 1} is a vector space over C of
dimension d.
(PV4) L is minimal, or equivalently L is generated over K by the set of coefficients of all elements of V L K M w.r.t. a given basis of M over K.
After choosing a basis of M over K, the iterative differential module is translated into a sequence of matrix equations (n) y = An y (for n 0). Consider
a matrix of indeterminates (Xi,j )di,j=1 and write D for its determinant. The
] is given an iterative differentiation, extending the one of K, by
ring K[Xi,j , D
putting ( Xi,j ) = An (Xi,j ) for all n 0. An iterative differential ideal
J K[Xi,j , D
] is an ideal such that (n) f J for all n 0 and f J. Let I
denote an iterative differential ideal which is maximal among the collection of
all iterative differential ideals. Then I can be shown to be a prime ideal. Fur1
]/I inherits an iterative differentiation.
ther the field of fractions L of K[Xi,j , D
The field of differential constants of L is again C and the matrix (xi,j ), where
the xi,j L are the images of the Xi,j , is a fundamental matrix for the above
iterative differential equation. The C-vector space V generated by the columns
of (xi,j ) is the solution space of the iterative differential equation. The differential Galois group G is, as in the characteristic 0 case, defined as the group of
the K-linear automorphisms of L commuting with all (n) . This group operates
on V and is actually a reduced algebraic subgroup of GL(V ). In short, the
Picard-Vessiot theory can be copied, almost verbatim, from the characteristic
zero situation.
Exercise 13.9 Verify that the proofs of Chapter 1 carry over to the case of
iterative differential modules.
In contrast with the characteristic zero case, it is not easy to produce interesting examples of iterative differential modules. A first example, which poses
no great difficulties, is given by a Galois extension L K of degree d > 1. By
a theorem of F.K. Schmidt, the higher differential of K extends in a unique
way to a higher differential on L. Let the iterative differential module M be
this field L and let {M }n0 be the higher differentiaton on L. One observes
that {m M | M m = 0 for all n 1} is a 1-dimensional vector space over C.
Indeed, since C is algebraically closed, it is also the field of constants of L. We
claim that L is the Picard-Vessiot field for M . This has the consequence that
the differential Galois group of M coincides with the ordinary Galois group of
. From this sequence one can produce a unique iterative differential module
(ps )
structure {M }n0 on M by requiring that M is zero on Mn for s < n. If
one changes the original basis e of M by f e with f K , then the element
in the projective limit is changed into f . We conclude that the cokernel Q of
the natural map K lim K /Ks describes the set of isomorphisms classes of
Zp /Z.
(2) A reduced linear algebraic group G over C is the differential Galois group
of an iterative differential module over K if and only if the following conditions
are satisfied:
(a) G is a solvable group.
(b) G/Go is an extension of a cyclic group with order prime to p by a p-group.
an iterative differential module over K, which is regular outside S, has a PicardVessiot extension L K which is a finite Galois extension with group G. Then
the corresponding cover Y X is unramified outside S. In particular, according
to the work of Raynaud and Harbater (see section 11.6), Conjecture 13.12 holds
for finite groups. However we have not found an independent proof.
The conjecture can also be seen as a characteristic p analogue of Ramis
Theorem 11.21. One of the main results of [204] is:
Theorem 13.13 The conjecture holds for (reduced) connected linear algebraic
groups over C.
A special case, which is the guiding example in the proof of Theorem 13.13, is:
The group SL2 (C) can be realized as a differential Galois group for the affine
line over C, i.e., X = P1C and S = {}.
We note that this is a special case of the Conjecture 13.12. Indeed, one easily
verifies that p (SL2 (C)) = SL2 (C).
A p-adic differential equation is a differential equation over the field L(z) or over
its completion F . These equations have attracted a lot of attention, mainly because of their number theoretical aspects. B. Dwork is one of the initiators of the
subject. We will investigate the following question which is rather importance
in our context.
Which p-adic differential equations can be reduced modulo p to an iterative differential equation over K?
We need to introduce some terminology in order to formulate an answer to this
question. Let M be a finite dimensional vector space over F . A norm on M is
a map k k : M R having the properties:
(i) kmk 0 for all m M .
(ii) kmk = 0 if and only m = 0.
(iii) km1 + m2 k max(km1 k, km2 k).
(iv) kf mk = |f | kmk for f F and m M .
Any two norms k k, k k are equivalent, which means that there are positive
constants c, C such that ckmk kmk Ckmk for all m M . For any additive
map A : M M one defines kAk = sup{ kA(m)k
kmk | m M, m 6= 0}. In general
kAk can be .
An R-lattice M is an R-submodule of M generated by a basis of M over
B. Dwork and others. Using Dworks ideas (see [89], Theorem 9.2) and with the
help of F. Beukers, the following result was found.
Theorem 13.17P
Put A = P
a, B = b,PC = c and let the p-adic expansions
of A, B and C be
An pn ,
Bn pn and
Cn pn . The hypergeometric equations
with parameters a, b, c satisfies the equivalent properties of Theorem 13.14 if for
each i one has Ai < Ci < Bi or Bi < Ci < Ai .
Appendix A
Algebraic Geometry
Affine varieties are ubiquitous in Differential Galois Theory. For many results
(e.g., the definition of the differential Galois group and some of its basic properties) it is enough to assume that the varieties are defined over algebraically
closed fields and study their properties over these fields. Yet, to understand
the finer structure of Picard-Vessiot extensions it is necessary to understand
how varieties behave over fields that are not necessarily algebraically closed. In
this section we shall develop basic material concerning algebraic varieties taking
these needs into account while at the same time restricting ourselves only to the
topics we will use.
Classically, algebraic geometry is the study of solutions of systems of equations
{f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) = 0}, f C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] where C is the field of complex
numbers. To give the reader a taste of the contents of this appendix, we give
a brief description of the algebraic geometry of Cn . Proofs of these results will
be given in this appendix in a more general context.
One says that a set S Cn is an affine variety if it precisely the set of zeros of
such a system of polynomial equations. For n = 1, the affine varieties are finite
or all of C and for n = 2, they are the whole space or unions of points and curves
(i.e., zeros of a polynomial f (X1 , X2 )) . The collection of affine varieties is closed
under finite intersection and arbitrary unions and so forms the closed sets of a
topology, called the Zariski topology. Given a subset S Cn , one can define
an ideal I(S) = {f C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] | f (c1 , . . . , cn ) = 0 for all (c1 , . . . , cn )
Cn } C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]. A fundamental result (the Hilbert Basissatz) states
that any ideal of C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is finitely generated and so any affine variety
is determined by a finite set of polynomials. One can show that I(S) is a
radial ideal, that is, if f m I(S) for some m > 0, then f I(S). Given
an ideal I C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] one can define a variety Z(I) = {(c1 , . . . , cn )
Cn | f (c1 , . . . , cn ) = 0 for all f I} Cn . Another result of Hilbert (the
Hilbert Nullstellensatz) states for any proper ideal I C[X1 , . . . , Xn ], the set
Z(I) is not empty. This allows one to show that maps V 7 I(S) and I 7 Z(I)
define a bijective correspondence between the collection of affine varieties in Cn
and the collection of radical ideals in C[X1 , . . . , Xn ].
Given a variety V , one can consider a polynomial f in C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] as a
function f : V C. The process of restricting such polynomials to V yields a
homomorphism from C[X1 , . . . , Xn ] to C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I(V ) and allows one to
identify C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I(V ) with the collection of polynomial functions on V .
This latter ring is called the coordinate ring of V and denoted by C[V ]. The
ring C[V ] is a finitely generated C-algebra and any finitely generated C-algebra
R may be written as R = C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I for some ideal I. I will be the
ideal of an affine variety if it is a radical ideal or, equivalently, when R has no
nilpotent elements. Therefore there is a correspondence between affine varieties
and finitely generated C-algebras without nilpotents.
More generally, if V Cn and W Cm are affine varieties, a map : V W is
said to be a regular map if it is the restriction of a = (1 , . . . , m ) : Cn Cm ,
where each i is a polynomial in n variables. Given an element f C[W ], one
sees that f is an element of C[V ]. In this way, the regular map induces a
C-algebra homomorphism from C[W ] to C[V ]. Conversely, any such C-algebra
homomorphism arises in this way. Two affine varieties V and W are said to be
isomorphic if there are regular maps : V W and : W V such that
= idV and = idW . Two affine varieties are isomorphic if and only if
their coordinate rings are isomorphic as C-algebras.
We say that an affine variety is irreducible if it is not the union of two proper
affine varieties and irreducible if this is not the case. One sees that an affine
variety V is irreducible if and only if I(V ) is a prime ideal or, equivalently,
if and only if its coordinate ring is an integral domain. The Basissatz can be
furthermore used to show that any affine variety can be written as the finite
union of irreducible affine varieties. If one has such a decomposition where
no irreducible affine variety is contained in the union of the others, then this
decomposition is unique and we refer to the irreducible affine varieties appearing
as the components of V . This allows us to frequently restrict our attention to
irreducible affine varieties. All of the above concepts are put in a more general
context in Section A.1.1.
One peculiarity of the Zariski topology is that the Zariski topology of C2 =
C C is not the product topology. For example, V (X12 + X22 ) is not a the finite
union of sets of the form {pt} {pt}, {pt} C, C {pt}, or C C. We shall
have occasion to deal with products of affine varieties. For example, the Galois
theory of differential equations leads one to consider the affine groups G and
these are defined as affine varieties where the group law is a regular map from
G G G (as well as insisting that the map taking an element to its inverse
is a regular map G G). To do this efficiently we wish to give an intrinsic
definition of the product of two varieties. In Section A.1.2, we show that for
affine varieties V and W the tensor product C[V ] C C[W ] of C[V ] and C[W ]
is a C-algebra that has no nilpotent elements. We define the product of V and
W to be the affine variety associated with the ring C[V ] C C[W ]. If V Cn
and W Cm then we can identify V W with point set V W Cn+m . This
set is Zariski-closed and has the above coordinate ring.
The Basissatz implies that any decreasing chain of affine varieties V ) V1 )
) Vt ) . . . must be finite. One can show that the length of such a chain is
uniformly bounded and one can define the dimension of an affine variety V to
be the largest number d for which there is a chain of nonempty affine varieties
V ) V1 ) ) Vd . The dimension of an affine variety is the largest dimension
of its irreducible components. For an irreducible affine variety V this coincides
with the transcendence degree of C(V ) over C where C(V ) is called the function
field of V and is the quotient field of C[V ]. These concepts are further discussed
in Section A.1.3.
Let V be an irreducible variety of dimension d and let p V . We may write
the coordinate ring C[V ] as C[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/(f1 , . . . , ft ). One can show that the
(p)) has rank at most n d. We say that p is a nonsingular point of
matrix ( X
V if the rank is exactly nd. This will happen at a Zariski-open set of points on
V . The Implicit Function Theorem implies that in a (euclidean) neighborhood
of a nonsingular point, V will be a complex manifold of dimension d. One can
define the tangent space of V at a nonsingular point p = (p1 , . . . , pn ) to be the
zero set of the linear equations
(p)(Xi pi ) = 0 for j = 1, . . . , t .
This formulation of the notions of nonsingular point and tangent space appear
to depend on the choice of the fi and are not intrinsic. Furthermore, one would
like to define the tangent space at nonsingular points as well. In Section A.1.4,
we give an intrinsic definition of nonsingularity and tangent space at an arbitrary point of a (not necessarily irreducible) affine variety and show that these
concepts are equivalent to the above in the classical case.
A major use of the algebraic geometry that we develop will be to describe linear
algebraic groups and sets on which they act. The prototypical example of a
linear algebraic group is the group GLn (C) of invertible n n matrices with
entries in C. We can identify this group with an affine variety in Cn +1 via the
map sending A GLn (C) to (A, (det(A))1 ). The ideal in C[X1,1 , . . . , Xn,n , Z]
defining this set is generated by Z det(Xi,j ) 1. The entries of a product of two
matrices A and B are clearly polynomials in the entries of A and B. Cramers
rule implies that the entries of the inverse of a matrix A can be expressed as
polynomials in the entries of A and (det(A))1 . In general, a linear algebraic
group is defined to be an affine variety G such that the multiplication is a regular
map from G G to G and inverse is a regular map from G to G. It can be
shown that all such groups can be considered as Zariski closed subgroups of
GLN (C) for a suitable N . In Section A.2.1, we develop the basic properties
of linear algebraic groups ending with a proof of the Lie-Kolchin Theorem that
states that a solvable linear algebraic group G GLn , connected in the Zariski
topology, is conjugate to a group of upper triangular matrices. In Section A.2.2,
we show that the tangent space of a linear algebraic group at the identity has
the structure of a Lie algebra and derive some further properties.
In the final Section A.2.3, we examine the action of a linear algebraic group
on an affine variety. We say that an affine variety V is a torsor or principal
homogeneous space for a linear algebraic group G if there is a regular map
: G V V such that for any v, w V there is a unique g G such that
(g, v) = w. In our present context, working over the algebraically closed field
C, this concept is not too interesting. Picking a point p V one sees that the
map G V given by g 7 (g, p) gives an isomorphism between G and V .
A key fact in differential Galois theory is that a Picard-Vessiot extension of a
differential field k is isomorphic to the function field of a torsor for the Galois
group. The field k need not be algebraically closed and this is a principal reason
for developing algebraic geometry over fields that are not algebraically closed.
In fact, in Section A.2.3 we show that the usual Galois theory of polynomials
can be recast in the language of torsors and we end this outline with an example
of this.
One could develop the theory of varieties defined over an arbitrary field k
using the theory of varieties defined over the algebraic closure k and carefully
keeping track of the field of definition. In the next sections we have chosen
instead to develop the theory directly for fields that are not necessarily algebraically closed. Although we present the following material ab initio, the reader
completely unfamiliar with most of the above ideas of algebraic geometry would
profit from looking at [75] or the introductory chapters of [124], [213] or [261].
Affine Varieties
Basic Definitions and Results
We will let k denote a field and k an algebraic closure of k. Throughout Appendix A we shall assume, unless otherwise stated, that k has characteristic zero.
We shall occasionally comment on how the results need to be modified for fields
of nonzero characteristic. A k-algebra R is a commutative ring, having a unit
element 1, and containing k as a subring such that 1 k. A homomorphism
: A B of k-algebras is a ring homomorphism such that is k-linear (or
what is the same, the identity on k). A k-algebra R is called finitely generated
if there are elements f1 , . . . , fn R such that every element in R is a (finite)
k-linear combination of the elements f1m1 fnmn with all mi Z, mi 0. The
f1 , . . . , fn are called generators for R over k.
Suppose that the k-algebra R is generated by f1 , . . . , fn over k. Define the homomorphism of k-algebras : k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] R by (Xi ) = fi for all i. Then
clearly is surjective. The kernel of is an ideal I k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] and one has
k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I
= R. Conversely, any k-algebra of the form k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I is
finitely generated.
A k-algebra R is called reduced if rn = 0 (with r R and n 1) implies that
r = 0. An ideal I in a (commutative) ring R is called radical if rn I (with
n 1 and r R) implies that r I. Thus k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I is a reduced finitely
generated k-algebra if and only if the ideal I is radical.
The principal definition in this section is
Definition A.2 An affine variety over k is a pair X := (max(A), A), where A
is a finitely generated k-algebra and max(A) is the set of all maximal ideals of
A. This affine variety is called reduced if A is reduced.
is the opposite (i.e., the arrows go in the opposite way) of the category of the
finitely generated k-algebras.
For an affine variety X, the set max(A) is provided with a topology, called the
Zariski topology. To define this topology it is enough to describe the closed sets.
A subset S max(A) is called (Zariski-)closed if there are elements {fi }iI A
such that a maximal ideal m of A belongs to S if and only if {fi }iI m. We
will use the notation S = Z({fi }iI ).
The following statements are easily verified:
(1) If {Gj }jJ is a family of closed sets, then jJ Gj is a closed set.
(2) The union of two (or any finite number of) closed sets is closed.
(3) The empty set and max(A) are closed.
(4) Every finite set is closed.
(5) Any closed set S is of the form Z(J) for some ideal J A.
Statement (5) can be refined using the Hilbert Basissatz. A commutative ring
(with 1) R is called noetherian if every ideal I R is finitely generated, i.e.,
there are elements f1 , . . . , fs I such that I = (f1 , . . . , fs ) := {g1 f1 + +
gs fs | g1 , . . . , gs R}.
Hilbert Basissatz: If R is a noetherian ring then R[x] is a
noetherian ring. In particular, this implies that k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is
noetherian and so any finitely generated k-algebra is noetherian.
We refer to [169], Ch. IV, 4 for a proof of this result. Statement (5) above
can now be restated as: Any closed set S is of the form Z(f1 , . . . , fm ) for some
finite set {f1 , . . . , fm } A.
The above definitions are rather formal in nature and we will spend some
time on examples in order to convey their meaning and the geometry involved.
Example A.3 The affine line A1k over k
One can generalize Example A.3 and define the n-dimensional affine space
Ank over k to be Ank = (max(k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]), k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]). To describe the
structure of the maximal ideals we will need :
Hilbert Nullstellensatz: For every maximal ideal m of k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] the field
k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/m has a finite dimension over k.
Although this result is well known ([169], Ch. IX, 1), we shall give a proof when
the characteristic of k is 0 since the proof uses ideas that we have occasion to use
again (c.f., Lemma 1.17). A proof of this result is also outlined in Exercise A.25.
We start with the following
Lemma A.4 Let F be a field of characteristic zero, R a finitely generated integral domain over F and x R such that S = {c F | x c is invertible in R}
is infinite. Then x is algebraic over F .
Proof. (Rosenlicht) We may write R = F [x1 , . . . xn ] for some xi R and
x1 = x. Assume that x1 is not algebraic over F and let K be the quotient field
of R. Let x1 , . . . , xr be a transcendence basis of K over F and let y R be
a primitive element of K over F (x1 , . . . , xr ). Let G F [x1 , . . . , xr ] be chosen
so that the minimum polynomial of y over F [x1 , . . . xr ] has leading coefficient
dividing G and x1 , . . . , xn F [x1 , . . . xr , y, G1 ]. Since S is infinite, there exist
c1 , . . . , cr S such that G(c1 , . . . , cr ) 6= 0. One can then define a homomorphism
of F [x1 , . . . xr , y, G1 ] to F , the algebraic closure of F , such that xi 7 ci for
i = 1, . . . , r. Since R F [x1 , . . . xr , y, G1 ], this contradicts the fact that x1 c1
is invertible in R.
Note that the hypothesis that F is of characteristic zero is only used when we
invoke the Primitive Element Theorem and so the proof remains valid when the
characteristic of k is p 6= 0 and F p = F . To prove the Hilbert Nullstellensatz,
it is enough to show that the image xi of each Xi in K = k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/m
is algebraic over k. Since xi can equal at most one element of k, there are
an infinite number of c k such that xi c is invertible. Lemma A.4 yields
the desired conclusion. A proof in the same spirit as above that holds in all
characteristics is given in [203].
= g(X1 , . . . , Xn , Y ) (Y f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) 1)
g (X1 , . . . , Xn , Y )f (X1 , . . . , Xn )
In connection with the last exercise we formulate a useful result about the
image f (X) Y of a morphism of affine varieties: f (X) is a finite union of
subsets of Y of the form V W with V closed and W open. We note that the
subsets of Y described in the above statement are called constructible. For a
proof of the statement we refer to [141], p. 33.
In the sequel all affine varieties are supposed to be reduced and we will omit the
adjective reduced. An affine variety X is called reducible if X can be written
as the union of two proper closed subvarieties. For not reducible one uses the
term irreducible.
Lemma A.10
1. The affine variety X is irreducible if and only if O(X) has no zero divisors.
2. Every affine variety X can be written as a finite union X1 Xs of
irreducible closed subsets.
3. If one supposes that no Xi is contained in Xj for j 6= i, then this decomposition is unique up to the order of the Xi and the Xi are called the irreducible
components of X.
Proof. 1. Suppose that f, g O(X) satisfy f 6= 0 6= g and f g = 0. Put
X1 = {a X| f (a) = 0} and X2 = {a X| g(a) = 0}. Then X = X1 X2 and
X is reducible. The other implication can be proved in a similar way.
2. If X is reducible, then one can write X = Y Z with the Y, Z proper
closed subsets. If both Y and Z are irreducible then we can stop. If, say, Y is
reducible then we write Y = D E and find X = Z D E, and so on. If this
process does not stop, then we find a decreasing sequence of closed subsets, say
F1 F2 F3 of X. By Exercise A.9.5, this cannot happen. Thus X can
be written as X1 X2 Xs , which each Xi closed and irreducible.
3. Suppose that there is no inclusion between the Xi . Let Y X be a closed
irreducible subset. Then Y = (Y X1 ) (Y Xs ) and since Y is irreducible
one finds that Y = Y Xi for some i. In other words, Y Xi for some i. This
easily implies the uniqueness of the decomposition.
of A with respect to the multiplicative set of non-zero divisors of A (see Definition 1.5.1(d)). Note that the definition of localization specializes in this case
to: (r1 , s1 ) (r2 , s2 ) if r1 s2 r2 s1 = 0. We say that f k(X) is defined at
m max(Z) if there exist g, h A such that f = g/h and h
/ m.
1. Show that if X is irreducible, then k(X) is a field.
2. Show that for f k(X) there exists an open dense subset U X such that
f is defined at all points of X.
3. Let X = ti=1 Xi be the decomposition of X into irreducible components. For
each i we have the map g O(X) 7 g|Xi O(Xi ). This induces a map k(X)
k(Xi ) sending f k(X) to f |Xi . Show that the map k(X) k(X1 ) . . . k(Xt )
defined by f 7 (f |X1 , . . . , f |Xt ) is an isomorphism of k-algebras.
4. Show that, for f k(X), f A if and only if f is defined at m for all
m max(A). Hint: Let I A be the ideal generated by all h A such that
there exists an element g A with f = g/h. If f defined at all m max(A),
then I =P
(1). Therefore there exist g1 , . . . , gm , h1 , . . . , hm , t1 , P
. . . , tm A such
that 1 = i=1 ti hi and, for each i, f = gi /hi . Show that f = i=1 ti gi A.
(v1 w) + (v2 w)
(v w1 ) + (v w2 )
If {vi }iI is a basis of V and {wj }jJ is a basis of W , then one can show that
{vi wj }iI,jJ is a basis of V W .
= (V1 /V2 ) W .
Let R1 and R2 be commutative k-algebras with a unit element. One can
define a multiplication on the tensor product R1 k R2 by the formula (r1
r2 )(
r1 r2 ) = (r1 r1 ) (r2 r2 ) (one uses the universal property of u to show
that this is well defined and gives R1 R2 the structure of a k-algebra). In
the special case R1 = k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] and R2 = k[Y1 , . . . , Ym ] it is easily verified
that R1 R2 is in fact the polynomial ring k[X1 , . . . , Xn , Y1 , . . . , Ym ]. More
generally, let R1 , R2 be finitely generated K-algebras. Represent R1 and R2 as
R1 = k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fs ) and R2 = k[Y1 , . . . , Ym ]/(g1 , . . . , gt ).
Using the Exercise A.15.4 one can show that R1 R2 is isomorphic to
k[X1 , . . . , Xn , Y1 , . . . , Ym ]/(f1 , . . . fs , g1 , . . . , gt ).
We wish to study how reduced algebras behave under tensor products. Suppose
that k has characteristic p > 0 and let a k be an element such that bp = a
has no solution in k. If we let R1 = R2 = k[X]/(X p a), then R1 and R2 are
fields. The tensor product R1 R2 is isomorphic to k[X, Y ]/(X p a, Y p a).
The element t = X Y modulo (X p a, Y p a) has the property tp = 0. Thus
R1 k R2 contains nilpotent elements! This is an unpleasant characteristic pphenomenon which we want to avoid. A field k of characteristic p > 0 is called
perfect if every element is a pth power. In other words, the map a 7 ap is a
bijection on k. One can show that an irreducible polynomial over such a field
has no repeated roots and so all algebraic extensions of k are separable. The
following technical lemma tells us that the above example is more or less the
only case where nilpotents can occur in a tensor product of k-algebras without
Lemma A.16 Let R1 , R2 be k-algebras having no nilpotent elements. Suppose
that either the characteristic of k is zero or that the characteristic of k is p > 0
and k is perfect. Then R1 k R2 has no nilpotent elements.
Corollary A.17 Let k be a field as in Lemma A.16 and let q be a prime ideal
in k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]. If K is an extension of k, then qK[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is a radical
ideal in K[X1 , . . . , Xn ].
Proof. From Exercise A.15.4, one sees that K[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/qK[X1 , . . . , Xn ]
is isomorphic to k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/q k K. This latter ring has no nilpotents by
Lemma A.16, so qK[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is radical.
We note that one cannot strengthen Corollary A.17 to say that if p is a prime
ideal in k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] then pK[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is a prime ideal in K[X1 , . . . , Xn ].
For example, X 2 +1 generates a prime ideal in Q[X] but it generates a non-prime
radical ideal in C[X].
We will assume that the characteristic of k is zero or that the characteristic of k
is p > 0 and k is perfect. As we have seen there is a bijective translation between
reduced affine varieties over k and finitely generated reduced k-algebras. For
two reduced affine varieties X1 and X2 we want to define a product X1 X2 ,
which should again have the structure of a reduced affine variety over k. Of
course the product Ank Am
. For reduced affine varieties
k should be Ak
V Ak , W Ak the product should be V W , seen as reduced affine
subvariety of An+m
. This is true, but there is the problem that V and W can
be embedded as reduced subvarieties of the affine varieties Am+n
in many ways
and that we have to prove that the definition of the product is independent of
the embedding. This is where the tensor product comes in.
Definition A.18 Let X1 , X2 be reduced affine varieties over k. The product
X1 k X2 is the reduced affine variety corresponding to the tensor product
O(X1 ) k O(X2 ).
2. Show that the Zariski topology on A2k is not the same as the product topology
on A1k A1k .
3. Let k be a field of characteristic zero or a perfect field of characteristic p > 0,
and let K be an algebraic extension of k with [K : k] = n. Show that the ring
K k K is isomorphic to the sum of n copies of K.
Let k be the algebraic closure of k. The following Lemma will give a criterion
for an affine variety V over k to be of the form Wk for some affine variety W
Remark A.23 Since we are using the action of the Galois group in Lemma A.21
and Exercise A.22 we need to assume that either k is a perfect field (i.e., k p = k)
or replace k with the separable closure k sep when the characteristic is nonzero.
empty) subsets of X. It is, a priori, not clear that d exists (i.e., is finite). It is
clear however that the dimension of X is the maximum of the dimensions of its
irreducible components. Easy examples are:
Examples A.24 1. If X is finite, then its dimension is 0. 2. The dimension of
A1k is 1 .
3. The dimension of Ank is n since one has the sequence of closed irreducible
subsets {0} A1k A2k Ank .
The dimension of Ank should of course be n, but it is not so easy to prove this.
One ingredient of the proof is formulated in the next exercises.
Exercises A.25 1. Integral elements
If A B are rings, we say that an element b B is integral over A if it is the
root of a polynomial X n + an1 X n1 + + a0 with coefficients ai A and
n 1, ([169], Ch. VII, 1) .
(a) Show that if b B is integral over A then b belongs to a subring B A of
B that is finitely generated as an A-module.
(b) Show that if b belongs to a subring B A of B that is finitely generated as
an A-module, then b is integral over A. Hint: Let b1 , . . .P
, bn be generators of B
as an A-module. There exist ai,j A such that bbi = j=1 ai,j bj . Therefore,
the determinant
b a1,1
b a2,2 . . .
d = det
. . . b an,n
most be zero. This gives the desired polynomial.
(c) The ring B is said to be integral over A if each of its elements is integral
over A. Show that if B is integral over A and C is integral over B the C is
integral over A.
(d) Let B be integral over A and assume that B has no zero divisors. Show
that A is a field if and only if B is a field.
2. Noether Normalization Theorem
In this exercise, we propose a proof of
Suppose that the field k is infinite and let R = k[x1 , . . . , xn ] be a
finitely generated k-algebra. Then for some 0 m n, there exist
elements y1 , . . . , ym R, algebraically independent over k such that
R is integral over k[y1 , . . . , ym ].
Let R = k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I for some ideal I in the polynomial ring k[X1 , . . . , Xn ].
(a) We say that f k[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is in Weierstrass form with respect to Xn ,
This statement implies that R1 and R2 have the same maximum length for
increasing sequences of prime ideals. In the situation of Noether normalization k[X1 , . . . , Xd ] O(X) where X is an affine variety, this implies that the
dimensions of X and Adk are equal.
Finally we will prove by induction that the dimension of Ank is n. Let V
Ank be a proper closed irreducible subset. Apply the Noether Normalization
Theorem to the ring O(V ) = k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/I with I 6= 0. This yields dim V
n 1 and thus dim Ank n.
2. Let k[X1 , . . . , Xd ] O(X) be a Noether normalization. Then the fraction field of O(X) is a finite extension of the fraction field k(X1 , . . . , Xd ) of
k[X1 , . . . , Xd ]. Thus the transcendence degree of the fraction field of O(X) is
d. By 1., the dimension of X is also d.
(d) Suppose that the above s is minimally chosen. Prove that s is equal to the
dimension of MP /MP2 . Hint: Use Nakayamas lemma: Let A be a local ring with
maximal ideal m, E a finitely generated A-module and F E a submodule such
that E = F + mE. Then E = F . ([169], Ch. X, 4).
Under our assumptions, a point which is not smooth is called singular. We give
some examples:
Examples A.29 Let k be algebraically closed.
1. We will identify Ank with k n . For P = (a1 , . . . , an ) k n one finds that
MP = (X1 a1 , . . . , Xn an ) and MP /MP2 has dimension n. Therefore every
point of k n is smooth.
2. Let W k 3 be the reduced affine variety given by the equation X12 +
X22 + X32 (and suppose that the characteristic of k is not 2). Then O(W ) =
k[X1 , X2 , X3 ]/(X12 +X22 +X32 ) = k[x1 , x2 , x3 ]. Consider the point P = (0, 0, 0)
W . The dimension of W at P is two. The ideal MP = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and the
dimension of MP /MP2 is three. Therefore P is a singular point.
We shall need the following two results. Their proofs may be found in [141],
Theorem 5.2.
Let W be a reduced affine variety.
(a) For every point P W the dimension of TW,P is the dimension of W at
(b) There are smooth points.
We formulate now the Jacobian criterion for smoothness:
Proposition A.31 Let W Ank be a reduced affine variety and let W have
dimension d at P = 0 W . The coordinate ring O(W ) has the form
fi i=1,...,m
k[X1 , . . . , Xn ]/(f1 , . . . , fm ). The Jacobian matrix is given by ( x
. Let
j j=1,...,n
1 , . . . , s denote the set of all the determinants of the square submatrices of
size (n d) (n d) (called the minors of size n d). Then P is smooth if and
only if i (0) 6= 0 for some i.
Proof. The ideal MP has the form (X1 , . . . , Xn )/(f1 , . . . , fm ) and MP /MP2
equals (X1 , . . . , Xn )/(X12 , X1 X2 , . . . , Xn2 , L(f1 ), . . . , L(fm )), where for any
f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) we write L(f ) for the linear part of f in its expansion as
polynomial in the variables X1 , . . . , Xn . From the above results we know that
the dimension of MP /MP2 is at least d. The stated condition on the minors of
the Jacobian matrix translates into: the rank of the vector space generated by
L(f1 ), . . . , L(fm ) is n d. Thus the condition on the minors is equivalent to
stating that the dimension of MP /MP2 is d.
The Jacobian criterion implies that the set of smooth points of a reduced
affine variety W is open (and not empty by the above results). In the sequel we
will use a handy formulation for the tangent space TW,P . Let R be a k-algebra.
Recall that W (R) is the set of K-algebra maps O(W ) R and that every
k-algebra homomorphism R1 R2 induces an obvious map W (R1 ) W (R2 ).
For the ring R we make a special choice, namely R = k[] = k 1 + k and with
multiplication given by 2 = 0. The k-algebra homomorphism k[] k induces
a map W (k[]) W (k). We will call the following lemma the epsilon trick.
Lemma A.32 Let P W (k) be given. There is a natural bijection between the
set {q W (k[])| q maps to P } and TW,P .
Proof. To be more precise, the qs that we consider are the k-algebra homoq
morphisms OW,P k[] such that OW,P k[] k is P . Clearly q maps MP
to k and thus MP is mapped to zero. The k-algebra OW,P /MP2 can be written
as k (MP /MP2 ). The map q : k (MP /MP2 ) k[], induced by q, has the
form q(c + v) = c + lq (v), with c k, v (MP /MP2 ) and lq : (MP /MP2 ) k a
k-linear map. In this way q is mapped to an element in lq TW,P . It is easily
seen that the map q 7 lq gives the required bijection.
We begin with the abstract definition. Throughout this section C will denote
an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and all affine varieties, unless
otherwise stated, will be defined over C. Therefore, for any affine variety, we
will not have to distinguish between max(O(W )) and W (C).
C[x1 , x1
1 , . . . , xn , xn ], The C-algebra homomorphisms m and i are given by
m (xi ) = xi xi and i (xi ) = x1
4. The group GLn of the invertible nn-matrices over C. The coordinate ring is
C[xi,j , d1 ], where xi,j are n2 indeterminates and d denotes the determinant of the
matrix of indeterminates (xi,j ). From the usual formula for the
of matrices one sees that m must have the form m (xi,j ) = k=1 xi,k xk,j .
Using Cramers rule, one can find an explicit expression for i (xi,j ). We do
not write this expression down but conclude from its existence that i is really a
morphism of affine varieties.
5. Let G GLn (C) be a subgroup, which is at the same time a Zariski
closed subset. Let I be the ideal of G. Then the coordinate ring O(G) of
G is C[xi,j , d1 ]/I. It can be seen that the maps m and i have the property
m (I) (C[xi,j , d1 ] I) + (I C[xi,j , d1 ]) and i (I) I. Therefore m and i
induce C-algebra homomorphisms O(G) O(G) O(G) and O(G) O(G).
Thus G is a linear algebraic group. In general, if G is a linear algebraic group
over C and H G(C) is a subgroup of the form V (I) for some ideal I O(G)
then H is a linear algebraic group whose coordinate ring is O(G)/I.
6. Every finite group G can be seen as a linear algebraic group. The coordinate
ring O(G) is simply the ring of all functions on G with values in C. The map
m : O(G) O(G) O(G) = O(G G) is defined by specifying that m (f ) is
the function on G G given by m (f )(a, b) = f (ab). Further i (f )(a) = f (a1 ).
Exercise A.35 Show that the linear algebraic groups Ga (C), Gm (C), T , defined above, can be seen as Zariski closed subgroups of a suitable GLn (C).
Exercise A.36 Hopf Algebras.
1. Let A = O(G). Show that the maps m , i and e satisfy the following
commutative diagrams:
A k A
A x
idA p
A k A
m idA
A k A xk A
idA m
A x
idA i
A k A
p idA
Axk A
Axk A
i idA
Axk A
some Sn .The next proposition gathers together some general facts about linear
algebraic groups, subgroups and morphisms.
Proposition A.37 Let G be a linear algebraic group.
1. The irreducible components of G are disjoint. If Go G is the irreducible
component of G which contains the point 1 G, then Go is a normal open
subgroup of G of finite index.
2. If H is a subgroup of G, then the Zariski closure H of H is a Zariski
closed subgroup of G.
3. Every point of G is smooth.
4. If S is a Zariski connected subset of G containing 1, then the subgroup of
G generated by S is also connected.
5. The commutator subgroup (i.e., the group generated by all commutators
g1 g2 g11 g21 , g1 , g2 G) of a connected linear algebraic group is connected.
6. Let f : G1 G2 be a morphism of linear algebraic groups. Then f (G1 ) is
again a linear algebraic group.
Proof. 1. Let G1 , . . . , Gs be the irreducible components of G. Each of these
components contains a point not contained in any other component. For any
fixed element h G, let Lh : G G be left translation by h, given by g 7 hg.
The map Lh is a morphism of affine varieties and, given any g1 , g2 G there is
a unique h G such that Lh (g1 ) = g2 . From this it follows that any element
of G is contained in a unique component of G. Therefore G contains a unique
component Go containing 1. Since the components of G are disjoint, one sees
that each of these is both open and closed in G. For every h G, the above
isomorphism Lh permutes the irreducible components. For every h Go one
has that Lh (Go ) Go 6= . Therefore Lh (Go ) = Go . The map i : G G,
i.e., i(g) = g 1 for all g G, is also an automorphism of G and permutes the
irreducible components of G. It follows that i(Go ) = Go . We conclude that
Go is an open and closed subgroup of G. For any a G, one considers the
automorphism of G, given by g 7 aga1 . This automorphism permutes the
irreducible components of G. In particular aGo a1 = Go . This shows that Go
is a normal subgroup. The other irreducible components of G are the left (or
right) cosets of Go . Thus Go has finite index in G.
2. We claim that H is a group. Indeed, inversion on G is an isomorphism and
so H
= H 1 = H. Moreover, left multiplication Lx on G by an element
x is an isomorphism. Thus for x H one has Lx (H) = Lx (H) = H. Thus
Lx (H) H. Further, let x H and let Rx denote the morphism given by right
multiplication. We then have H H and as a consequence Rx (H) H. Thus
H is a group.
3. The results of Section A.1.4 imply that the group G contains a smooth point
p. Since, for every h G, the map Lh : G G is an isomorphism of affine
varieties, the image point Lh (p) = hp is smooth. Thus every point of G is
4. Note that the set S S 1 is a connected set, so we assume that S contains
the inverse of each of its elements. Since multiplication is continuous, the sets
S2 = {s1 s2 | s1 , s2 S} S3 = {s1 s2 s3 | s1 , s2 , s3 S} . . . are all connected.
Therefore their union is also connected and this is just the group generated by
5. Note that (1) above implies that the notions of connected and irreducible are
the same for linear algebraic groups over C. Since G is irreducible, Lemma A.19
implies that G G is connected. The map G G G defined by (g1 , g2 ) 7
g1 g2 g11 g21 is continuous. Therefore the set of commutators is connected and
so generates a connected group.
6. Let H := f (G1 ). We have seen that H is a group as well. Let U H be an
open dense subset. Then we claim that U U = H. Indeed, take x H. The
set xU 1 is also an open dense subset of H and must meet U . This shows that
= u2 holds for certain elements u1 , u2 U . Finally we use that H is a
constructible subset (see the discussion following Exercises A.9). The definition
of constructible implies that H contains an open dense subset U of H. Since H
is a group and U U = H we have that H = H.
We will need the following technical corollary (c.f., [150], Lemma 4.9) in
Section 1.5.
Corollary A.38 Let G be an algebraic group and H an algebraic subgroup.
Assume that either H has finite index in G or that H is normal and G/H
is abelian. If the identity component H o of H is solvable then the identity
component Go of G is solvable.
Proof. If H has finite index in G then H o = Go so the conclusion is obvious.
Now assume that H is normal and that G/H is abelian. In this case, H contains
the commutator subgroup of G and so also contains the commutator subgroup
K of Go . By Proposition A.37 this latter commutator subgroup is connected
and so is contained in H o . Since H o is solvable, we have that K is solvable.
Since Go /K is abelian, we have that Go is solvable.
Remarks A.40 If one thinks of linear algebraic groups as groups with some
extra structure, then it is natural to ask what the structure of G/H is for G a
linear algebraic group and H a Zariski closed subgroup of G. The answers are:
(a) G/H has the structure of a variety over C, but in general not an affine
variety (in fact G/H is a quasi-projective variety).
(b) If H is a normal (and Zariski closed) subgroup of G then G/H is again
a linear algebraic group and O(G/H) = O(G)H , i.e., the regular functions on
G/H are the H-invariant regular functions on G.
Both (a) and (b) have long and complicated proofs for which we refer to [141],
Chapters 11.5 and 12.
Finally, the above proof is valid without the restriction that C has characteristic 0. We note that the Lie-Kolchin Theorem is not true if we do not
assume that G is connected. To see this, let G GLn be any finite, noncommutative, solvable group. If G were a subgroup of the group of upper triangular
matrices, then since each element of G has finite order, each element must be
diagonal (recall that the characteristic of C is 0). This would imply that G is
The Lie algebra g of a linear algebraic group G is defined as the tangent space
TG,1 of G at 1 G. It is clear that G and Go have the same tangent space
and that its dimension is equal to the dimension of G, which we denote by
r. The Lie algebra structure on g has still to be defined. For convenience we
suppose that G is given as a closed subgroup of some GLn (C). We apply the
epsilon trick of Lemma A.32 first to GLn (C) itself. The tangent space g
of G at the point 1 is then identified with the matrices A Mn (C) such that
1+A G(C[]). We first note that the smoothness of the point 1 G allows us
to use Proposition A.31 and the Formal Implicit Function Theorem to produce
a formal power series F (z1 , . . . , zr ) = 1 + A1 z1 + . . . + Ar zr + higher order terms
with the Ai Mn (C) and such that F G(C[[z1 , . . . , zr ]]) and such that the Ai
are linearly independent over C. Substituting zi = , zj = 0 for j 6= i allows us
to conclude that each Ai g. For any A = c1 A1 + + cr Ar , the substitution
zi = ci t for i = 1, . . . r gives an element f = I + At + . . . in the power series ring
C[[t]] with f G(C[[t]]) (see Exercise A.48, for another way of finding such an
f ).
In order to show that g is in fact a Lie subalgebra of Mn (C), we extend
the epsilon trick and consider the ring C[] with 3 = 0. From the previous
discussion, one can lift 1+A G(C[]) to a point 1+At+A1 t2 + G(C[[t]]).
Mapping t to C[], yields an element 1 + A + 2 A1 G(C[]). Thus for
A, B g we find two points a = 1 + A + 2 A1 , b = 1 + B + 2 B1 G(C[]).
The commutator aba1 b1 is equal to 1 + 2 (AB BA). A calculation shows
that this implies that 1 + (AB BA) G(C[]). Thus [A, B] = AB BA g.
An important feature is the action of G on g, which is called the adjoint action
Ad of G on g. The definition is quite simple, for g G and A g one defines
Ad(g)A = gAg 1 . The only thing that one has to verify is gAg 1 g. This
follows from the formula g(1 + A)g 1 = 1 + (gAg 1 ) which is valid in G(C[]).
We note that the Lie algebra Mn (C) has many Lie subalgebras, a minority of
them are the Lie algebras of algebraic subgroups of GLn (C). The ones that do
come from algebraic subgroups are called algebraic Lie subalgebras of Mn (C).
Exercises A.47 Lie algebras
1. Let T denote the group of the diagonal matrices in GLn (C). The Lie algebra
of T is denoted by t. Prove that the Lie algebra t is commutative, i.e.,
[a, b] = 0 for all a, b t. determine with the help of Lemma A.45 the algebraic
Lie subalgebras of t.
2. Consider A = 0a ab GL2 (C) and the linear algebraic group < A >
GL2 (C). Calculate the Lie algebra of this group (for all possible cases). Hint:
See Exercise A.41.
A2 2 A3 3
t +
t + . . . Mn (C[[t]])
1. Show that if exp(tA) G(C[[t]]), then A g. Hint: Consider the homomorphism : C[[t]] C[] given by t 7 .
2. Let I be the ideal defining G in C[X1,1 , . . . , Xn,n , det
] and let P I. Show
(Xi,j ). Hint: Since
that if A g(C) then
1 + A G(C[]),
P P we have P (X(1 + A)) I C[]. Furthermore, P (X + XA) =
P (X) +
Xi,j (AX)i,j .
Let G be a linear algebraic group over the algebraically closed field C of characteristic 0. Recall from Section A.1.2 that if k C, Gk is defined to be the
variety associated to the ring O(G) C k.
Definition A.49 A G-torsor Z over a field k C is an affine variety over k
with a G-action, i.e., a morphism Gk k Z Z denoted by (g, z) 7 zg, such
1. For all x Z(k), g1 , g2 G(k), we have z1 = z; z(g1 g2 ) = (zg1 )g2 .
2. The morphism Gk k Z Z k Z, given by (g, z) 7 (zg, z), is an isomorphism.
The last condition can be restated as: for any v, w Z(k) there exists a
unique g G(k) such that v = wg. A torsor is often referred to as a principal
homogeneous space over G.
g g (f )
g h
i g (fi )hi = 0. Since
det(g (fi )) 6= 0 (c.f., [169], Ch. VI, 5, Cor. 5.4), each hi = 0.
Let Z be any G-torsor over k. Choose a point b Z(k), where k is the algebraic
closure of k. Then Z(k) = bG(k). For any Aut(k/k), the Galois group
of k over k, one has (b) = bc() with c() G(k). The map 7 c() from
Aut(k/k) to G(k) satisfies the relation
c(1 ) 1 (c(2 )) = c(1 2 ).
A map c : Aut(k/k) G(k) with this property is called a 1-cocycle for Aut(k/k)
acting on G(k). Two 1-cocycles c1 , c2 are called equivalent if there is an element
a G(k) such that
c2 () = a1 c1 () (a) for all Aut(k/k).
The set of all equivalence classes of 1-cocycles is, by definition, the cohomology
set H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)). This set has a special point 1, namely the image of the
trivial 1-cocycle.
Take another point b Z(k). This defines a 1-cocycle c. Write b = ba
with a G(k). Then one finds that c() = a1 c() (a) for all
Aut(k/k). Thus c is equivalent to c and the torsor Z defines a unique element cZ of H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)). For the next Lemma we shall need the fact
that H 1 (Aut(k/k), GLn (k)) = {1} ([169], Ch. VII, Ex. 31; [259], p. 159).
Lemma A.51 The map Z cZ induces a bijection between the set of isomorphism classes of G-torsors over k and H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)).
Proof. The map Z cZ is injective. Indeed, let Z1 and Z2 be torsors,
b1 Z1 (k) and b2 Z2 (k) two points defining equivalent 1-cocycles. After
changing the point b2 we may suppose that the two 1-cocycles are identical.
One defines f : Z1 (k) Z2 (k) by f (b1 g) = b2 g for all g G(k). f defines an
isomorphism (Z1 )k (Z2 )k . By construction f is invariant under the action of
Aut(k/k). Therefore Exercise A.22 implies that f is induced by an isomorphism
f : Z1 Z2 of G-torsors.
Let an element of H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)) be represented by a 1-cocycle c. The
group G is an algebraic subgroup of GLn (C). Since H 1 (Aut(k/k), GLn (k)) =
{1}, there is a B GLn (k) with c() = B 1 (B) for all Aut(k/k). The
subset BG(k) GLn (k) is Zariski closed and defines an algebraic variety Z
GLn (k). For Aut(k/k) one has (BG(k)) = (B)G(k) = Bc()G(k) =
BG(k). Thus Lemma A.21 implies that Z is defined over k. It is clear that Z
is a G-torsor over k. Further B Z(k) defines the 1-cocycle c. This shows the
map Z 7 cZ is also surjective.
We have already noted that H 1 (Aut(k/k), GLn (k)) = {1} for any field k.
Hilberts Theorem 90 implies that H 1 (Aut(k/k), Gm (k)) = {1} and
H 1 (Aut(k/k), Ga (k)) = {1} , [169]. Ch. VI, 10. Furthermore, the triviality of
H 1 for these latter two groups can be used to show that H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)) =
{1} when G is a connected solvable group, [259]. We will discuss another situation when H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)) = {1}. For this we need the following
Definition A.52 A field F is called a C1 -field if every homogeneous polynomial f F [X1 , . . . , Xn ] of degree less than n has a non-trivial zero in F n .
It is known that the fields C(z), C((z)), C({z}) are C1 -fields if C is algebraically closed, [168]. The field C(z, ez ), with C algebraically closed, is not a
C1 -field.
Theorem A.53 (T.A. Springer, [259] p. 150)
Let G be a connected linear algebraic group over the field k of characteristic 0.
Suppose that k is a C1 -field. Then H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)) = {1}.
Appendix B
Tannakian Categories
In this section we examine the question: when is a category the category of
representations of a group G and how do we recover G from such a category?
When G is a compact Lie group, Tannaka showed that G can be recovered from
its category of finite dimensional representations and Krein characterized those
categories that are equivalent to the category of finite dimensional representations of such a group (see [52] and [181]). In this section, we shall first discuss
this question when G is a finite (or profinite) group. The question here is answered via the theory of Galois categories (introduced in [118]). We will then
consider the situation when G is an affine (or proaffine) algebraic group. In this
case, the theory of Tannakian categories furnishes an answer. Original sources
for the theory of Tannakian categories are [250], [81] and [82] (see also [52]).
The very definition of Tannakian category is rather long and its terminology
has undergone some changes. In the following we will both expand and abbreviate a part of the paper [82] and our terminology is more or less that of [82].
For the basic definitions from category theory we refer to [169], Ch.I 11.
Galois Categories
as follows: Let G = Gi be the product of the family. Let each Gi have the
discrete topology and let G have the product topology. Then lim Bi is the subset
of G consisting of those elements (gi ), gi Gi such that for all i and j i, one
has m(j, i)(gj ) = gi . We consider lim Bi a topological group with the induced
Remarks B.3 1. The projective limit is also known as the inverse limit.
2. There are several characterizations of profinite groups (c.f., [303] p.19).
For example, a topological group is profinite if and only if it is compact and
totally disconnected. Also, a topological group is profinite if and only if it is
isomorphic (as a topological group) to a closed subgroup of a product of finite
X2 for i = 1, 2.
2. For any
` pair of morphism bi : Xi Y , there is a unique morphism
c : X1 X2 Y such that bi = c ai for i = 1, 2.
Let Fsets denote the category of the finite sets. There is an obvious functor
: PermG Fsets given by ((F, )) = F . This functor is called a forgetful
functor since it forgets the G-action on F . An automorphism of is defined
by giving, for each element X of PermG , an element (X) Perm((X)) such
that: For every morphism f : X Y one `
has (Y ) (f ) = (f`
) (X).
One says
X2 ) on
(X1 X2 ) = (X1 ) (X2 ) is the sum of the actions of (Xi ) on the sets
(Xi ). The key to the characterization of G from the category PermG is the
following simple lemma.
(G4) There exists a covariant functor : C Fsets (called the fibre functor)
that commutes with fibre products and transforms right units into right
(G5) commutes with finite direct sums, transforms strict epimorphisms to
strict epimorphisms and commutes with forming the quotient by a finite
group of automorphisms.
(G6) Let m be a morphism in C. Then m is an isomorphism if (m) is bijective.
One easily checks that any category PermG and the forgetful functor satisfy
the above rules.
One defines an automorphism of exactly the same way as in the case
of the category
of G-sets and uses the same
definition for the notion that
preserves . As before, we denote by Aut () the group of the automorphisms
of which respect Q
. This definition allows us to identify G = Aut () with
a closed subgroup of X Perm((X)) and so makes G into a profinite group.
` B.6 Let C be a Galois category and let G denote the profinite
group Aut (). Then C is equivalent to the category PermG .
Proof. We only sketch part of the rather long proof. For a complete proof we
refer to ([118], p. 119-126). By definition, G acts on each (X). Thus we find
a functor : C PermG , which associates with each object the finite G-set
(X). Now one has to prove two things:
(a) Mor(X, Y ) Mor( (X), (Y )) is a bijection.
(b) For every finite G-set F there is an object X such that F is isomorphic to
the G-set (X).
As an exercise we will show that the map in (a) is injective. Let two elements
f1 , f2 in the first set of (a) satisfy (f1 ) = (f2 ). Define gi : X Z := X Y as
g := idX fi . The fibre product X Z X is defined by the two morphisms g1 , g2
and consider the morphism X Z X X. By (G4), the functor commutes
with the constructions and (pr1 ) is an isomorphism since (f1 ) = (f2 ). From
(G6) it follows that pr1 is an isomorphism. This implies f1 = f2 .
Examples B.7 1. Let k be a field. Let k sep denote a separable algebraic closure
of k. The category C will be the dual of the category of the finite dimensional
separable k-algebras. Thus the objects are the separable k-algebras of finite
dimension and a morphism R1 R2 is a k-algebra homomorphism R2 R1 .
In this category the sum R1 R2 of two k-algebras is the direct product R1 R2 .
The fibre functor associates`with R the set of the maximal ideals of R k k sep .
The profinite group G = Aut () is isomorphic to the Galois group of k sep /k.
2. Finite (topological) coverings of a connected, locally simply connected,
topological space X. The objects of this category are the finite topological
coverings Y X. A morphism m between two coverings ui : Yi X is a
continuous map m : Y1 Y2 with u2 m = u1 . Fix a point x X. A fibre
functor is then defined by: associates with a finite covering f : Y X the
fibre f 1 (x). This category is isomorphic to PermG where G is the profinite
completion of the fundamental group (X, x).
3. Etale
coverings of an algebraic variety [118].
In Section B.1, we studied categories of finite sets on which a finite group acts.
This led us naturally to profinite groups, i.e., projective limits of finite groups.
In the next section we wish to study categories of finite dimensional representations of a linear algebraic group G over a field k. We recall that G is defined
by its coordinate ring O(G) which is a finitely generated k-algebra. Again projective limits, this time of linear algebraic groups, are needed. These projective
limits correspond to direct limits of the coordinate rings of these linear algebraic
groups. A direct limit of this sort is in general no longer a finitely generated
k-algebra. Although one could proceed in an ad hoc manner working with these
limits, the natural (and usual) way to proceed is to introduce the notion of an
affine group scheme. We shall briefly introduce affine schemes (over a field).
Then specialize to affine group schemes and commutative Hopf algebras (over
a field). In addition, we shall show that an affine group scheme is an projective
limit of linear algebraic groups. In the application to differential Galois theory
(see Chapter 10), affine groups schemes arise naturally as representable functors
(from the category of k-algebras to the category of groups). We shall define this
latter notion below and show how these objects can be used to define affine
group schemes.
For a k-algebra homomorphism : B A between finitely generated kalgebras, one has that for every maximal ideal m of A the ideal 1 (m) is
also maximal. This fact makes the geometric object max(A), introduced in Section A.1.1, meaningful for a finitely generated k-algebra A. In the sequel we
will work with k-algebras which are not finitely generated. For these algebras
max(A) is not the correct geometric object. Here is an example:
Let B = k[T ] and A = k(T ) and let : B A be the inclusion. Then (0) is
the (only) maximal ideal of A and 1 ((0)) is not a maximal ideal of B.
The correct geometric object is given in the following definition.
Definition B.8 Let A be any commutative unitary ring. The set of prime
Remark B.9 In the case that A is an algebra over the field k, one calls
(Spec(A), A) an affine scheme over k. In the extensive literature on schemes
(e.g., [94, 124, 261]), the definition of the affine scheme of a commutative ring
A with 1 is more involved. It is in fact Spec(A), provided with a topology
and a sheaf of unitary commutative rings, called the structure sheaf. These
additional structures are determined by A and also determine A. The main observation is that a morphism of affine schemes (with the additional structures)
f : Spec(A) Spec(B) is derived from a unique ring homomorphism : B A
and moreover for any prime ideal p Spec(A) the image f (p) is the prime ideal
1 (p) Spec(B). In other words the category of affine schemes is the opposite
of the category of the commutative rings with 1. Since we will only need some
geometric language and not the full knowledge of these additional structures
we may define the affine scheme of A as above. Further a morphism of affine
schemes (Spec(A), A) (Spec(B), B) is a ring homomorphism : B A and
the corresponding map f : Spec(A) Spec(B) defined by f (p) = 1 (p). A
morphism of affine k-schemes : X = (Spec(A), A) Y = (Spec(B), B) is a
pair = (f, ) satisfying:
1. : B A is a k-algebra homomorphism.
2. f : Spec(A) Spec(B) is induced by in the following manner: for any
prime ideal p of A, f (p) = 1 (p).
This will suffice for our purposes. We note that the same method is applied in
Appendix A w.r.t. the definition of affine varieties.
G k G k G
idG my
G k G
idG py
G k G
idG iy
G k G
k G
k G
k G
By definition, the m, i, e in this definition correspond to k-algebra homomorphisms : A A k A, : A A, : A k satisfying conditions dual to
(B.1), (B.2), and (B.3). According to the next definition, one can reformulate
the data defining the affine group scheme G = (Spec(A), A) over k by: A is a
commutative Hopf algebra over k.
Definition B.12 A commutative Hopf algebra over k is a k-algebra A equipped
with k-algebra homomorphisms : A A k A (the comultiplication), : A
A (the antipode or coinverse) and : A k (the counit) making the following
diagrams commutative.
A k A
A x
idA p
A k A
A k A xk A
A k A
p idA
k A
k A
k A
For the special case that G is a linear algebraic group over k and V is finite
dimensional, one recovers by Exercise A.43 the earlier definition of a representation of G, namely a homomorphism : G GL(V ) of linear algebraic groups
over k. The general situation of the above definition is obtained by taking (direct and projective) limits. We note further that the set Mor((V1 , 1 ), (V2 , 2 ))
of all homomorphisms between two representations is a vector space over k. The
trivial representation, i.e., a one-dimensional vector space over k on which all
elements of G act as the identity, is denoted by 1.
Definition B.15 Let G be an affine group scheme over k. The category of all
finite dimensional representations of G is denoted by ReprG .
the right hand
side reads j aj (vj ). So (vj ) = i,k i,j,k ak vi . Thus (W ) A k W .
We note that this projective system of linear algebraic groups has an additional property, namely f : GB1 GB2 is surjective for B2 B1 . Indeed, it is
known that the image of f is a Zariski closed subgroup H of GB2 . Let I B2
be the ideal of H. Then I is the kernel of B2 B1 . Thus I = 0 and H = GB2 .
In general, an affine group scheme H over a general field k (or even a linear
algebraic group over k) is not determined by its group of k-rational points H(k).
We now define an object which is equivalent to a group scheme.
Let G = (Spec(A), A) be an affine group scheme over k. One associates to G
a functor, called F G, from the category of the k-algebras to the category of
groups (as usual, by a k-algebra we will mean a commutative algebra over k
having a unit element). For a k-algebra R we put F G(R) = G(R), i.e., the set
of k-algebra homomorphisms A R. For two elements , G(R) one defines
equivalent to ReprG for some affine group scheme G. In other terms, this affine
group scheme has the same set of algebraic representations as the ordinary
representations of H on finite dimensional k-vector spaces. The group G can
be seen as a sort of algebraic hull of H. Even for a simple group like Z
this algebraic hull is rather large and difficult to describe. Again this situation
occurs naturally in the classification of differential equations over, say, C(z) (see
Chapters 10 and 12).
Tannakian Categories
One wants to recognize when a category is equivalent to ReprG for some affine
group scheme G over k. We start by recovering G from the category ReprG .
We will now formulate and prove Tannakas Theorem. In [279], Theorem 2.5.3,
this theorem is formulated and proved for a linear algebraic group over an
algebraically closed field. We will give an exposition of the general situation.
The main ingredients are the tensor product and the fibre functor : ReprG
Vectk . The last category is that of the finite dimensional vector spaces over k.
The functor is again the forgetful functor that associates to the representation
(V, ) the finite dimensional k-vector space V (and forgets ). In analogy with
Galois categories, we will show that we can recover an affine group scheme
from the group of automorphisms of the fibre functor (with respect to tensor
products). If we naively follow this analogy, we would define an automorphism
of to be a functorial choice (X) GL((X)) for each object X ReprG such
that (X1 X2 ) = (X1 ) (X2 ). This approach is a little too naive. Instead
we will define G := Aut () to be a functor from the category of k-algebras
to the category of groups and then show that this functor is isomorphic to the
functor F G.
Let R be a k-algebra. An element of G (R) is given by a collection of elements
{(X)}X , where X runs over the collection of all objects in ReprG . Each (X)
is an R-linear automorphism of R k (X) such that the following hold:
(i) (1) is the identity on R (1) = R.
(ii) For every morphism f : X Y one has an R-linear map idR (f ) :
R (X) R (Y ). Then (idR (f )) (X) = (Y ) (idR (f )).
(iii) The R-linear automorphism (X Y ) on R (X Y ) = R k (X) k
(Y ) = (R (X)) R (R (Y )) is obtained as the tensor product of
the two R-linear maps (X) and (Y ).
It is easy to see that G (R) is a group and that R 7 G (R) is a functor from
k-algebras to groups.
this map with R A
R k = R then the result is : A R. Since we
require that (A, ) = (A, ) the k-algebra homomorphism
(A, )
Rk =R
and prove that the latter is 1. In other words, we may suppose that R A
R k = R is equal to R A
R k = R and we have to prove
that = 1.
One also has to consider the G-module (A A, ) with = idA . Let
{ai } be a k-basis of A, then the G-module (A A, ) is the direct sum of the
G-modules A ai . Each of those modules is isomorphic to (A, ) and therefore
(A A, ) = (A, ) idA .
The law for the comultiplication shows that : A A A is a morphism
between the G-modules (A, ) and (A A, ). Now we must relate the various
arrows in the following diagrams to the morphisms they represent.
(A, )
idR idA
the first path. We recall that our assumption on is R A R A
R k = R is equal to the map idR . Further (A A, ) = (A, ) idA .
The composition of the two arrows in the lower row is therefore idR idA .
The rule A A A A A = idA implies now that the other path yields the
identity map on R A.
id u
u : V k and the composed map : V A V
A k = A. One
easily verifies that is a morphism between the G-modules (V, ) and (A, ).
By taking a basis of d elements of the dual of V , one obtains an embedding of
the G-module (V, ) in the G-module (A, ) (A, ). From (A, ) = id
one concludes that (V, ) = id. Thus = 1. This shows that the functor gives
a bijection F G(R) G (R)
For a fixed differential module M over K, one considers the full subcategory
{{M }} of Diff K , defined in Section 2.4. This is again a neutral Tannakian
category and by Theorem 2.33 equivalent with ReprG where G is the differential
Galois group of M over K.
For a general differential field K, these equivalences are useful for understanding the structure of differential modules and the relation with the solution
spaces of such modules. In a few cases the universal Picard-Vessiot field UnivF
and the group G are known explicitly. An important case is the differential field
K = C((z)) with differentiation dz
. See Section 10 for a discussion of this and
other fields.
The conclusion is that the affine group scheme G is the algebraic hull of
the group , as defined in example B.19.
2. Let X be again a connected Riemann surface and let S be a finite subset of
X. A regular singular connection (M, ) for (X, S) consists of a vector bundle
and a connection : M X (S) M with the usual rules (see Definition 6.8).
X (S) is the sheaf of differential forms with poles at S of order 1. If S is
not empty, then the category of the regular singular connections is not abelian
since cokernels do not always exist.
3. C denotes an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. Let X be an
irreducible, smooth curve over C. The category AlgConnX of all connections on
X is again a neutral Tannakian category over C. In general (even if C is the field
of complex numbers), it seems that there is no description of the corresponding
affine group scheme. The first explicit example C = C and X = P1C \ {0} is
rather interesting. We will discuss the results in this special case.
Let K denote the differential field C({z}). One defines a functor from the
category AlgConnX to the category Diff K by
(M, ) 7 (K C[z1 ] H 0 (X, M ), ), where is the extension of
d(z 1 )
Appendix C
3. Let an open set A, an open covering {Ai }iI of A and elements ai F (Ai )
for every i I be given such that for every pair i, j the following holds
Ai Aj ai = Ai Aj aj .
If F satisfies all above properties, with the possible exception of the last
one, then F is called a presheaf. We illustrate the concept sheaf with some
examples and postpone a fuller discussion of presheaves to Section C.1.3 .
Examples C.2
1. X is any topological space. One defines F by:
(i) For open A X, F (A) is the set of the continuous maps form A to R.
(ii) For any pair of open sets A B X the map B
A is the restriction map,
i.e., B
R to a map from A
to R.
2. X = Rn and F is given by:
(i) For open A Rn , F (A) is the set of the C -functions from A to R.
(ii) For every pair of open sets A B, the map B
A is again the restriction map.
3. X = C and OX , the sheaf of holomorphic functions is given by:
(i) For open A X, OX (A) consists of the holomorphic functions f : A C.
(ii) B
A , for open sets A B, is again the restriction map.
We recall that a function f is holomorphic
on A, if for every point a A
there is a convergent power series n0 an (z a)n which is equal to f on some
neighbourhood of a.
4. X = C and M, the sheaf of meromorphic functions, is given by:
(i) For open A C, M(A) is the set of the meromorphic functions on A.
(ii) B
A is again the restriction map.
We recall that a function f on A P
is meromorphic if for every point a A
there is a convergent Laurent series nN an (z a)n which is equal to f on
a neighbourhood of a. Another equivalent definition would be that for every
point a A, there is a disk around a in A and holomorphic functions C, D on
this disk, D not identical zero, such that the fraction D
is equal to f on this
disk. We remark that D may have zeros and thus f has poles. The set of poles
of f is a discrete subset of A.
5. X is any topological space and D is a nonempty set. The constant sheaf
on X with values in D is the sheaf F given by: F (A) consists of the functions
f : A D such that there exists for every point a A a neighbourhood U
with f constant on U . (In other words f (U ) is one point of D). B
A is again the
restriction map. The elements of F (A) are sometimes called the locally constant
functions on A with values in D.
6. Direct sum Let F1 and F2 be two sheaves on a topological space X. The
presheaf U 7 F1 (U ) F2 (U ) is actually a sheaf, called the direct sum of F1 and
F2 . The notation F1 F2 for the direct sum will also be used.
Remark: For most sheaves it is clear what the maps are. In the sequel we will
omit the notation and replace B
A f by f |A , or even omit the A completely.
3. TheP
ring C{z} is a rather simple one. The invertible elements are the power
series n0 cn z n with c0 6= 0. Every element f 6= 0 can uniquely be written
as z n E with n 0 and E a unit. One defines the order of f = z n E at 0 as
the above n and one writes this in formula as ord0 (f ) = n. This is completed
by defining ord0 (0) = +. The ring C{z} has no zero divisors. Its field of
fractions is P
written as C({z}) . The elements of this field can be written as
expressions na cn z n (a Z and the cn C such that there are constants
C, R > 0 with |cn | CRn for all n a). The elements of C({z})
P are ncalled
convergent Laurent series . Every convergent Laurent series f =
fn z 6= 0
has uniquely the form z m E with m Z and E a unit of C{z}. One defines
ord0 (f ) = m. In this way we have constructed a map
ord0 : C({z}) Z {}
with the properties
1. ord0 (f g) = ord0 (f ) + ord0 (g).
2. ord0 (f ) = if and only if f = 0.
3. ord0 (f + g) min(ord0 (f ), ord0 (g)).
Every convergent Laurent series can be seen as the germ of a meromorphic
function at 0. Let M denote again the sheaf of the meromorphic functions
on C. We conclude that the stalk M0 is isomorphic to the field C({z}). For
any other point u C one makes similar identifications Ou = C{z u} and
Mu = C({z u}).
4. Skyscraper sheaves
Let X be a topological space where points are closed, p X and G an abelian
group. We define a sheaf ip (G) by setting ip (G)(U ) = G if p U and ip (G)(U ) =
0 if p
/ U . The stalk at point q is G if q = p and 0 otherwise. This sheaf is called
a skyscraper sheaf (at p). If p1 , . . . , pn are distinct points the sheaf ip (G) is
called the skyscraper sheaf (at p1 , . . . pn )
1. F is a sheaf.
2. There is a given a morphism : F F of presheaves.
3. For any morphism of presheaves f : F G, with G actually a sheaf, there
is a unique morphism of sheaves f : F G such that f = f .
We note that this definition is formulated in such a way that, once F and exist
they are unique up to (canonical) isomorphism. One calls F the sheaf associated
to the presheaf F . The construction is somewhat formal and uses the stalks Fx
Q the presheaf F . Define, for any open A X the set F (A) as the subset of
xA Fx , given by:
An element (ax )xA belongs to F (A) if for every point y A
there is an open neighbourhood U of y and an element f F (U )
such that for any u U the element au Fu coincides with the
image of f in the stalk Fu .
h (O/Z)(U ). This element h is not the image of some element in O(U ). This
proves the statement. Compare also with Example C.16 and example C.18.
Let A and B again be abelian sheaves on X and let f : A B be a
morphism. Then one would like to define a kernel of f as a sheaf of abelian
groups on X. The naive approach would be kerf (U ) := ker(f (U ) : A(U )
B(U )). This defines an abelian subsheaf of A. In this case one does not have to
make the step from presheaf to sheaf. Moreover, the stalk (kerf )x is equal to
the kernel of Ax Bx . The cokernel of f is the sheaf associated to the presheaf
U 7 B(U )/(imf (U ) : A(U ) B(U )). In this case the step from presheaf
to sheaf is necessary. The image of f is the sheaf associated by the presheaf
U 7 im(f (U ) : A(U ) B(U )). Again the step from presheaf to sheaf is in
general needed.
Moving Sheaves
Definition C.10 The inverse image of G,f G is the sheaf associated to the
presheaf P .
One rather obvious property of f G is that the stalk (f G)x is equal to the
stalk Gf (x) .
A rather special situation is: X is a closed subset of Y . Formally one writes
i : X Y for the inclusion map. Let F be an abelian sheaf on X. The sheaf
i F is easily seen to have the stalks (i F )y = 0 if y 6 X and (i F )x = Fx for
x X. One calls i F the extension with 0 of F to Y . For a sheaf G on Y ,
the sheaf i G on X is called the restriction of G to X. The stalk (i G)x is
equal to Gx . One can extend i G with 0 to Y , i.e., i i G. There is a natural
homomorphism of abelian sheaves G i i G on the space Y . We will return
to this situation later on.
Exercise C.11 1. Let X be a topological space whose points are closed. Take
a point p X and let i : {p} X be the inclusion map. Let G be the constant
sheaf on {p} with group G. Show that the skyscraper sheaf ip (G) is the same
as i (G).
2. Let X be a closed subset of Y , F a sheaf of abelian groups on X and U an
open subset of Y . Show that i i F (U ) = F (U X) if U X is nonempty and
is 0 otherwise.
f i+1
f i+1
This last notion needs some explanation and some examples. We remark first
that an exact sequence is also a complex, because im(f j1 ) = ker(f j ) implies
f j f j1 = 0.
0 F (A)
F (Ai )
F (Ai Aj ) ,
1. (f ) := (f |Ai )iI .
2. d0 ((fi )i ) = (fi |Ai Aj fj |Ai Aj )i<j .
(a) Prove that the above sequence is a complex.
(b) Prove that F is a sheaf if and only if the above sequence (for all choices of
A and {Ai }iI ) is exact.
an n+1
n0 n+1 z
f (z) is an integer (see [40]), one can easily show that H = Z.
Cohomology of Sheaves
F i1 F i F i+1
on X is called exact if for every point x X the induced sequence of abelian
f i1
is exact.
We remark that the literature often uses another equivalent definition of exact
sequence of abelian sheaves.
For a given exact sequence of sheaves, as above, and for an open set A X one
finds a complex
F i1 (A)
f i1 (A)
f i (A)
Examples C.18
1. X = C and Z, O, O are the sheaves on X of the constant functions with
values in Z, the holomorphic functions and the invertible holomorphic functions
(with multiplication). The exact sequence
0 Z O O 0 of abelian sheaves on X is given by:
Z O is the inclusion map f Z(A) 7 f O(A) (i.e., a locally
constant function with values in Z is considered as a holomorphic
O O is defined by f O(A) 7 e2if O(A) .
In proving that the sequence is exact we have to show for every point x X
the exactness of the sequence of stalks. For convenience we take x = 0. The
sequence of stalks is
0 Z C{z} C{z} 0.
An element f C{z} has the form f = a0 (1 + a1 z + a2 z 2 + ) with a0 6= 0.
log(1 + a1 z + a2 z 2 + ).
Choose b0 with e2ib0 = a0 and define g as g = b0 + 2i
In this we use for log the formula log(1 + u) = n>0 (1)n un .
It is clear that g C{z}. It is also easy to see that any solution h of e2ih = f
has the form g + n with n Z. Thus we have proved that the sequence of stalks
is exact.
Consider an annulus A = {z C| r1 < |z| < r2 } with 0 r1 < r2 . Then
0 Z(A) O(A) O(A)
is exact, but the last map is not surjective as we have seen in Example C.16.
2. The circle S1 can be seen as a 1-dimensional C -variety. We consider three
sheaves on it:
R, the constant sheaf with values in R.
C , the sheaf of the C -functions.
P the sheaf of the C -1-forms.The sections of (A) are expressions
fi dgi (finite sums, fi , gi C (A)) obeying the rules d(g1 + g2 ) =
dg1 + dg2 , d(g1 g2 ) = g1 dg2 + g2 dg1 .
Let A be chosen such that there exists a C isomorphism t : A (0, 1). Then
(A) = C (A)dt, in other words every 1-form is equal to f dt for a unique
f C (A). This brings us to an exact sequence
0 R C 0,
in which the first non trivial arrow is the inclusion and the second non trivial
arrow is the map f 7 df = f dt.
We will quickly verify that the sequence is exact. Let a 1-form be given in
a neighbourhood A of a point. As above we will use the function t. Then
= f dt and f can be written as g t, where g is a C -function on (0, 1).
Let G be a primitive function of the function g. Then G t C (A) and
d(G t) = (g t)dt = f dt. The functions G and G t are unique up to a
constant. This proves the exactness. The sequence
0 R C (S1 ) (S1 )
is also exact, as one easily sees. The map C (S1 ) (S1 ) is however not
surjective. An easy way to see this is obtained by identifying S1 with R/Z.
The C -functions on S1 are then the 1-periodic functions on R. The 1-forms
on S1 are the 1-periodic 1-forms on R. Such a 1-periodic 1-form is equal to
h(t)dt where h is a C -function on R having the property h(t + 1) = h(t). Let
= h(t)dt be given. We are looking for a C -function f (t) with f (t) = h(t)
and f (t + 1) = f (t). The first condition yields f (t) = c + 0 h(s)ds with c any
constant. The second condition is satisfied if and only if 0 h(s)ds = 0. In
general the latter does not hold. We conclude that the map is not surjective.
In fact the above reasoning proves that the cokernel of the map is isomorphic
with R.
0 Z O O 0
on X = C. It can be shown that for every open open subset A C one has
H i (A, O) = 0 and H i (A, O ) = 0 for all i 1 (c.f., C.26). The long exact
sequence of cohomology implies then H i (A, Z) = 0 for i 2 and the interesting
part of this sequence is
0 Z(A) O(A) O (A) H 1 (A, Z) 0.
The cohomology group H 1 (A, Z) measures the non surjectivity of the map
O(A) O (A). One can show that for a connected open subset with g holes
the group H 1 (A, Z) is isomorphic to Zg . For A = C one has g = 0 and
H 1 (A, Z) = 0. For a ring domain A one has g = 1 and H 1 (A, Z)
= Z. This is
in conformity with the explicit calculations of example C.18.
2. Consider the exact sequence of sheaves
0 R C 0
on S1 . One can show that the cohomology group H i with i > 1 is zero for every
sheaf on S1 . Moreover the two sheaves C and satisfy H 1 is zero. The long
exact sequence of cohomology is now rather short, namely
0 R C (S1 ) (S1 ) H 1 (S1 , R) 0.
Moreover one can show that H 1 (S1 , A) = A for every constant sheaf of abelian
A groups on S1 (c.f., Example C.22 and C.26). This confirms our earlier explicit
Given are a sheaf (of abelian groups) F on a topological space X and an open
covering U = {Ui }iI of X. We choose a total ordering on the index set I, in
5. d0 ((fi )i ) = (fj fi )i<j . We have omitted in the formula the symbols for
the restrictions maps.
6. d1 ((fi,j )i<j ) = (fi,j fi,k +fj,k )i<j<k . Again we have omitted the symbols
for the restriction maps.
7. And in general: dn ((fi0 ,...,in )) = (Ai0 ,...,in+1 )i0 <<in+1 , where
Ai0 ,...,in+1 =
(1)j fi0 ,...,ij1 ,ij+1 ,...,in+1 .
Or in words, the alternating sum (i.e., provided with a sign) of the terms
f , where is obtained from the sequence i0 , . . . , in+1 by omitting one
A simple calculation shows that dn dn1 = 0 for all n 1. Thus the above
sequence is a (co)-complex.
0 (U, F ) = ker(d0 ).
For n = 0 one adopts the convention that d1 = 0 and thus H
According to Exercise C.14 this group equal to F (X).
Consider now n = 1. The ker(d1 ) consists of the elements (fi,j ) satisfying the
fi1 ,i2 fi0 ,i2 + fi0 ,i1 = 0
This relation is called the 1-cocycle relation. The elements satisfying this rule
are called 1-cocycles. Thus ker(d1 ) is the group of the 1-cocycles. The elements
of im(d0 ) are called 1-coboundaries. The first cohomology group is therefore the
quotient of the group of the 1-cocycles by the subgroup of the 1-coboundaries.
We illustrate this with a simple example:
Example C.22 Let X be the circle S1 and F be the constant sheaf with group
A on S1 . The open covering {U1 , U2 } of X is given by Ui = S1 \ {pi }, where
0 A A A A 0,
with d0 ((a1 , a2 )) = a2 a1 . One easily sees that the cohomology groups
n (U, F ) of this complex are A, A, 0, 0, . . . for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . .
This gives some impression about the meaning of the group H(U,
F ) for a
For good spaces, for example paracompact, Hausdorff spaces, the Cech
ogy groups H (X, F ) describe the correct cohomology and we write them as
H n (X, F ). We recall the definition and some properties of paracompact spaces.
Definition C.25 A topological space X is called paracompact if every open
covering of X can be refined to a covering {Ui }iI by open sets which is locally
finite, i.e., for every point x X there is an open neighbourhood V such that
V Ui 6= holds for at most finitely many i I.
Appendix D
Partial Differential
The Picard-Vessiot theory of linear ordinary differential equations generalizes
to certain systems of linear partial differential equations. In the first section of
this appendix we characterize these systems in terms of k[1 , . . . , r ]-modules,
systems of homogeneous linear differential polynomials, integrable systems of
matrix equations and integrable connections. In the final section we sketch the
Picard-Vessiot theory for this setting and give some indications concerning other
aspects of integrable connections.
In the ordinary case, if I k[], I 6= (0), then the quotient k[]/I is finite
dimensional k-vector space. This is not necessarily true in the partial case.
For example the left ideal generated by 1 in k[1 , 2 ] does not give a finite
dimensional quotient. We therefore define
Definition D.4 The rank of a left ideal I k[1 , . . . , r ] is the dimension of
the k-vector space k[1 , . . . , r ]/I. We say that the ideal I is zero-dimensional
if its rank is finite.
where A = P
(ai,j, ) is an m
P m matrix with entries in k. If u = i ui ei M,
then u = i ( (ui ) j ai,j, uj )ei (note that u denotes the action of
on M while (u) denotes the application of the derivation to an element of the
field). Therefore, once a basis of M has been selected and the identification
M k n has been made, we have that the action of i on k n is given by
u 7 i (u)Ai u, where i (u) denotes the vector obtained by applying i to each
entry of u. In particular, for u k n , u is mapped to zero by the action of i if and
only if u satisfies i (u) = Ai u. Since M is a k[1 , . . . , r ]-module, the actions of
i and j commute for any i, j and so (i Ai )(j Aj ) = (j Aj )(i Ai ).
This is equivalent to
i (Aj ) + Ai Aj = j (Ai ) + Aj Ai for all i, j.
These latter equations are called the integrability conditions for the operators
i Ai .
Definition D.7 For i = 1, . . . , r, let Ai be an m m matrix with coefficients
in k. We say that the system of linear equations {i u = Ai u} is an integrable
system if any pair of matrices Ai , Aj satisfy the integrability conditions (D.4).
We have shown in the discussion preceding the above definition that selecting
a k-basis for a k[1 , . . . , r ]-module leads to an integrable system. Conversely,
given an integrable system, one can define a k[1 , . . . , r ]-module structure on
k m via Equations (D.3), where the ei are the standard basis of k m . The integrability conditions insure that the actions of any i and j commute.
We end this section with a description of the terminology of integrable connections. In the ordinary case, we have encountered this in Section 6.1 and this
setting most readily generalizes to give a coordinate-free way of presenting linear
differential equations on manifolds.
In Section 6.1 we defined a universal differential module but noted that for many
applications this object is too large and restricted ourselves to smaller modules.
All of these fit into the following definition:
Definition D.8 Let C k be fields of characteristic zero with C algebraically
closed. A special differential (, d) is a finite dimensional k-vector space
together with a map d : k such that
1. The map d is C-linear and d(f g) = f d(g) + gd(f ) for all f, g k.
2. The kernel of d is C.
3. is generated as a k-vector space by d(k).
4. The k-linear vector space der(k) := {l d| l Homk (M, k)}, consisting
of C-linear derivations on k, is closed under Lie brackets [ , ] (i.e., for
D1 , D2 der(k) one has that [D1 , D2 ] := D1 D2 D2 D1 der(k)).
In this section we shall reexamine the material in the first part of this book
and discuss to what extent the theory developed there generalizes to partial
differential equations.
Our main object of study will be an integrable system {i u = Ai u} where the
Ai are m m matrices with coefficients in some -field k (see Definition D.7).
We shall denote such a system with the notation u = Au.
One begins this study as in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 with the study of -rings and
-fields. As we have shown in the previous section, there is a correspondence between integrable systems and zero dimensional right ideals in k[1 , . . . , r ] which
is analogous to the correspondence between differential equations Y = AY and
operators L k[]. The results of Section 1.2 carry over to the case of integrable systems. A small difference is that one does not have a wronskian
matrix. Nonetheless, there is a result corresponding to Lemma 1.12 that is
useful in transferring the results of Chapter 1 to the case of partial differential
equations. In Remarks D.6.2, we defined to be the free commutative multiplicative semigroup generated by the elements of . We denote by (s) the
set of elements of of order less than or equal to s.
Lemma D.11 Let k be a -field with field of constants C and let y1 , . . . , yn be
elements of k. If these elements are linearly dependent over C then
det(i yj )1in,1jn = 0
However, if (n 2) then (n 1) and so nj=1 (cj )yj = 0. In
particular this holds for = i , 1 i n 1, as defined above. Since any row of
M is P
a k-linear combination of the rows (i y1 , . . . , i yn ), 1 i n 1, we have
that nj=1 (cj )yj = 0 for any (n 1). Therefore, ((c1 ), . . . , (cn )) V
and we can conclude that ((c1 ), . . . , (cn )) is a k-multiple of (c1 , . . . , cn ). Since
cj = 1 and (cj ) = 0, we have that each (ci ) = 0. This holds for all so
each ci C.
Remark D.12 1. In [161], Kolchin proves a result (Ch. II, Theorem 1) that
gives criteria similar to Lemma D.11 for a set of n elements in k t to be linearly dependent over C. The above result gives these criteria for t = 1 and the
proof is the same as Kolchins but specialized to this situation. Lemma D.11
is sufficient for the Galois theory of partial differential equations. For example, Corollary 1.40 can be stated and proven for partial differential PicardVessiot extensions. In this case, the use of the wronksian matrix W (y1 , . . . , yn )
and reference to Lemma 1.12 are replaced by a nonsingular matrix of the form
(i yj )1in,1jn for some i (i 1), 1 i n.
All of the results of Chapter 1 remain true for integrable systems and the proofs
in this context are easy modifications of the proofs given there.
1. Picard-Vessiot extensions exist and are unique up to k-isomorphism.
2. If R is a Picard-Vessiot ring then the set of -k-algebra automorphisms (kalgebra automorphisms of R such that i ((f )) = (i (f )) for all f R)
has a natural structure of a linear algebraic group. This group is called
the differential Galois group of the A and is denoted by Aut (R/k).
In particular, if V = {v Rm | i v = Ai v for all i = 1, . . . r} then V is left
invariant by Aut (R/k) and the image of Aut (R/k) is a Zariski-closed
subgroup of GL(V ).
3. We define a Picard-Vessiot field for the integrable system A to be
the field of fractions of a Picard-Vessiot ring for this equation. As in
Proposition 1.22, one has that a -field L k is a Picard-Vessiot field
for A if and only if the field of constants of of L is C, there exists
a fundamental matrix B GLm (L) for this equation and L is generated
over k by the entries of B.
4. There is a Galois correspondence precisely as described in Proposition 1.34.
5. As in 1.28, one can show that a Picard-Vessiot ring over a field k is the
coordinate ring of a G-torsor, where G is the Galois group of the equation.
6. Given -fields k K, one can define t K to be an integral (of an
element of k) if t k for all . Similarly, one can define an element
t K to be an exponential (of an integral of an element of k) if t/t k
for all . With these definitions, the results of Section 1.5 can be
generalized to -fields. In particular, Theorem 1.43 holds.
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List of Notations
A1k , 354
Ank , 355
An, 246
A(a, b), 194
A(S(a, b, )), 194
Ad , 194, 200
A0d , 194, 200
A k1 (S), 196
A01/k (S), 196
A0 , 194
4 , 133
A5 `, 133
Aut (), 387
Aut(k/k), 382
Gal(R/k), 19
E(L), 47
E(L1 , L2 ), 47
F , 200
F {S}, 276
F (), 200
Fsets, 387
f F , 409
f G, 410
Fp , 149
GLn , 371
GCLD(L1 , L2 ), 40
GCRD(L1 , L2 ), 40
Gr1 , 81
Gr2 , 254
Gr3 , 289
Ga , 371
Gm , 371
B(L), 91
Bk , 216
b(L), 91
b(N (L), 91
H, 221
n (U, F ), 417
Homk[] (M1 , M2 ), 45
H 1 (Aut(k/k), G(k)), 382
H 1 (S1 , ST S), 256
H j , 412
C{z}, 406
C , 405
C((z)) k1 , 198
C((z)) k1 , 198
C1 , 383
C({z}), 87, 406
k((z)), 63
CI , 207
I(n), 123
i F , 410
i G, 410
, 423
, 65
d , 275
d,q , 275
Der(L), 128
Diff Kb , 81
d(G), 285
J(f ), 196
J(n), 123
Kconv , 87
Kconv,m , 87
D, 39
k[1 , . . . , r ], 424
k(X), 359
KA , 220
KB , 220
k , 107
kq , 107
LCLM (R1 , . . . , Rs ), 59
LCLM (L1 , L2 ), 40
LCRM (L1 , L2 ), 40
\ 277
Lie{S}, 276
lim Bh , 419
lim Bi , 385
LocalSystems(X), 168
L(D), 170
L(G), 284
Lk,d , 216
L1 L2 , 51
max(A), 353
M(A), 404
M (D), 170
M (s), 173
M (s), 173
ML , 46
M alg , 171
M an , 171
, 165, 427
D , 165
, 173
N (L), 91
N alg , 171
O(X), 357
OW,P , 368
OX (A), 404
, 414
P (D), 170
A/k , 164
X , 167
O(n), 171
S(a, b, ), 153, 194
OP (n), 169
PermG , 386
Qt(A), 359
SolnK (Li ), 40
Spec(A), 390
ST S, 254
std (
v ), 239
Std , 246
symd (V ), 126
S4SL2 , 133
Symd (L), 52
T , 371
, 424
Trip, 81
TW,P , 369
Tup, 247
UnivF, 270
b , 77
UnivG, 270
b , 75, 77
V (G), 284
VO , 207
VK , 364
Vq , 80
V k W , 361
dI (L), 55
d (L), 52
dI (L), 55
W (y1 , . . . , yn ), 9
wr(y1 , . . . , yn ), 9
X(R), 360
X1 k X2 , 363
accessory parameter, 140, 190
additive group, 371
adjoint action, 379
affine group scheme, 391
representation, 392
affine group scheme over k
G-module, 392
affine line, 354
affine scheme, 390
affine scheme over k, 390
morphism of, 390
product, 391
affine space, 355, 356
affine variety, 353
defined over k, 365
dimension, 365
irreducible components, 359
reducible, 359
Airy equation, 83, 99, 238, 250
alien derivations, 275
analytic continuation, 149, 150
associated operator, 54
asymptotic expansion, 194
asymptotic lift, 196
canonical form, 78
character, 374
Chevalley module, 300
C - variety of dimension n, 407
cocycle, 382
cohomology, 382
groups of a complex, 412
set, 256
companion matrix, 8
complementary submodule, 59
completely reducible, 59
completely reducible G-module, 59
completion at infinity, 107
composition series, 60
C1 -field, 383
connection, 427
for A/k, 165
integrable, 428
irreducible regular singular, 178
irregular singular, 172
regular, 166
regular connection on a Riemann
surface, 167
regular singular, 166, 171
constant, 4, 423
convergent Laurent series, 406
coordinate ring, 357
m-periodic, 262
cyclic, 263
cyclic vector, 42
defect, 285
-field, 423
linear -ideal, 425
linear dimension, 425
-ideal, 423
-ring, 423
derivation, 3
derivative of L, 128
differential, 164
holomorphic, 167
universal, 164
differential equation
eigenvalue, 81
equivalent, 7
Fuchsian, 154, 173
quasi-split, 87, 204
regular singular, 68, 150, 154
split, 87, 204
differential extension, 3
differential field, 3
differential Galois group, 19
differential homomorphism, 4
differential ideal, 12
differential module, 6
submodule, 44
direct sum, 44
eigenvalue, 81
morphism, 44
quotient, 44
tensor product, 44
differential operator
quasi-split, 87
split, 87
differential polynomial, 4
order, 4
differential ring, 3
of a variety at a point, 368
of an affine variety, 365
direct limit, 419
direct system of abelian groups, 419
dual differential
module, 45
eigenequations, 121
eigenring, 47
e(G), 285
epsilon trick, 370
excess, 285
inverse limit, 386
inverse system of abelian groups, 385
irreducible, 359
irregular singular, 68
irregularity, 228
Jacobian criterion, 369
Jordans Theorem, 123
older Theorem, 60
k-algebra, 353
Kovacic Algorithm, 131, 134
k-summable, 225
k-summable, 199
k-summable in the direction d, 199
k-summable in the direction d, 225
k-Summation Theorem, 219, 223
Laplace transform of order k, 216
lattice, 67
Laurent series
convergent, 87
convergent in z 1/m , 87
formal, 63
level, 261
Lie algebra, 6
algebraic, 379
of a linear algebraic group, 379
line bundle, 166
of holomorphic differentials, 167
linear algebraic group, 371
G-module, 376
character, 374
faithful representation, 376
morphism, 372
reductive, 59
representation, 376
unipotent radical, 59
linear differential equation
eigenvalue, 81
linear differential operators
eigenvalue, 80
Fuchsian, 174
greatest common left divisor, 40
greatest common right divisor,
least common left multiple, 40
least common right multiple, 40
of the same type, 46
order of an operator, 39
reducible, 47, 58
ring of, 39
liouvillian extension, 33
local exponents, 106, 108, 187
local ring, 368
of a point, 368
local system, 168
localization, 5
LocalSystems(X), 168
matrix differential equation, 7
moderate growth, 153
moderate growth on S, 153
moduli functor, 307
data, 307
objects, 307
group, 150
local, 150
map, 150
morphism, 357
defined over k, 365
multiplicative group, 371
multisummable, 225
Multisummation Theorem, 226
Newton polygon, 91
slopes, 91
length, 91
Noether Normalization Theorem, 366
noetherian, 354
nonsingular, 369
1-coboundries, 418
1-cocycle, 418
open sector, 153, 194
order at infinity, 107
order of f at q, 107
paracompact, 419
partial differential operators, 423
Picard-Vessiot field, 16, 430
Picard-Vessiot ring, 12, 430
ucker relations, 118
Platonovs Theorem, 288
points, 360
presheaf, 404
primitive, 135
principal homogeneous space, 380
pro-Lie algebra, 274
representation, 274
product of affine varieties, 363
profinite group, 386
projective limit, 385
projective space, 170
q-adic expansion, 107
radical ideal, 353
rank, 424
rational functions, 359
reduced, 353
Reg(X), 169
regular functions, 357
regular singular
differential module, 68
operator, 69
representable functor, 394
Repr1 , 168
Riccati equation, 28, 74, 110
Riemann surface, 407
ringed space, 407
R-points, 360
scalar differential equation, 8
semi-simple, 59
sheaf, 403
associated to a presheaf, 408
cokernel of a morphism, 409
constant sheaf, 404
direct image, 409
direct sum, 405
exact sequences of sheaves, 413
extension, 410
image of a morphism, 409
inverse image, 410
kernel of a morphism, 409
long exact sequence, 415
morphism, 407
of C -1-forms, 414
of C -functions, 405
of groups, rings, 406
of holomorphic functions, 404,
of meromorphic functions, 404
quotient, 408
restriction, 410
skyscraper, 406
short exact sequence, 411
simple differential ring, 12
simply connected, 150
singular direction, 215
singular point, 369
apparent, 187
weight, 188
smooth, 369
solution space, 7, 9
contravariant, 48
covariant, 48
solution space of a differential module, 13
special affine subset, 368
special differential, 426
special polygon, 91
spectrum, 390
stalk, 405
Stokes direction, 206
Stokes map, 246
associated to a module, 247
Stokes matrix, 246
Stokes multiplier, 246
Stokes pair, 206
negative, 206
positive, 206
Stokes phenomenon, 238
additive, 240
Stokes sheaf, 254, 259
subvariety, 358
symmetric power, 52, 126
of a vector space, 126
tangent space, 369
Tannakian category, 399
neutral, 398
tensor product, 51, 361
topological monodromy, 248
torsor, 380
isomorphic, 381
trivial, 381
torus, 371
universal differential Galois group,
universal Picard-Vessiot field, 270
universal Picard-Vessiot ring, 75
vector bundle, 166
defect, 183
free, 166
geometric, 167
line bundle, 166
type, 169
Watsons Lemma, 213
relative form, 226
wronskian, 9
wronskian matrix, 9
Yoneda Lemma, 394
Zariski topology, 354, 390
zero-dimensional left ideal, 424