Tratado de Abuja (Africa)

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Article 4


1. The objectives of the Community shall be:

(a) to promote economic, social and cultural development and the integration
of African economies in order to increase economic self-reliance and promote
an endogenous and self-sustained development;

(b) to establish, on a continental scale, a framework for the development,

mobilization and utilization of the human and material resources of Africa in
order to achieve a self-reliant development;

(c) to promote cooperation in all fields of human endeavour in order to raise

the standard of living of African peoples, and maintain and enhance
economic stability, foster. close and peaceful relations among Member States
and contribute to the progress, development and the economic integration of
the Continent; and

(d) to coordinate and harmonize policies among existing and future economic
communities in order to foster the gradual establishment of the Community.

In order to promote the attainment of the objectives of the Community as set

out in paragraph 1 of this Article, and in accordance with the relevant
provisions of this Treaty, the Community shall, by stages, ensure:

(a) the strengthening of existing regional economic communities and the

establishment of other communities where they do not exist;

(b) the conclusion of agreements aimed at harmonizing and coordinating

policies among existing and future sub-regional and regional economic

(c) the promotion and strengthening of joint investment programmes in the

production and trade of major products and inputs within the framework of
collective self-reliance;

(d) the liberalization of trade through the abolition, among Member States, of
Customs Duties levied on imports and exports and the abolition, among
Member States, of Non-Tariff Barriers in order to establish a free trade area at
the level of each regional economic community;

(e) the harmonization of national policies in order to promote Community

activities, particularly in the fields of agriculture, industry, transport and
communications, energy, natural resources, trade, money and finance,
human resources, education, culture, science and technology;

(f) the adoption of a common trade policy vis-a-vis third States;

(g) the establishment and maintenance of a common external tariff;

(h) the establishment of a common market;

the gradual removal, among Member States, of obstacles to the free

movement of persons, goods, services and capital and the right of residence
and establishment;

(j) the establishment of a Community Solidarity, Development and

Compensation Fund;

(k) the granting of special treatment to Member States classified as least

developed countries and the adoption of special measures in favour of land-
locked, semi-land-locked and island countries;

(l) the harmonization and rationalization of the activities of existing African

multi-national institutions and the establishment of such institutions, as and
when necessary, with a view to their possible transformation into organs of
the Community;

(m) the establishment of appropriate organs for trade in agricultural and

cultural products, minerals, metals, and manufactured and semi-
manufactured goods within the Community;

(n) the establishment of contacts and the promotion of information flow

among trading organizations such as State commercial enterprises, export
promotion and marketing bodies, chambers of commerce, associations of
businessmen, and business and advertising agencies;

(o) the harmonization and coordination of environmental protection policies;


(p) any other activity that Member States may decide to undertake jointly
with a view to attaining the objectives of the Community.

Article 5

General Undertakings

1. Member States undertake to create favourable conditions for the

development of the Community and the attainment of its objectives,
particularly by harmonizing their strategies and policies. They shall refrain
from any unilateral action that may hinder the attainment of the said

Each Member State shall, in accordance with its constitutional procedures,

take all necessary measures to ensure the enactment and dissemination of
such legislation as may be necessary for the implementation of the provisions
of this Treaty.

Any Member States which persistently fails to honour its general

undertakings under this Treaty or fails to abide by the decisions or
regulations of the Community may be subjected to sanctions by the
Assembly upon the recommendation of the Council. Such sanctions may
include the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership and may
be lifted by the Assembly upon the recommendation of the Council.

Article 6

Modalities for the establishment of the Community

1. The Community shall be established gradually in six (6) stages of variable

duration over a transitional period not exceeding thirty-four (34) years.

2. At each such stage, specific activities shall be assigned and implemented

concurrently as follows:

(a) First Stage:

Strengthening of existing regional economic communities and, within a

period not exceeding five (5) years from the date of entry into force of this
Treaty, establishing economic communities in regions where they do not
(b) Second Stage:

(i) at the level of each regional economic community and within a period not
exceeding eight (8) years, stabilizing Tariff Barriers and Non-Tariff Barriers,
Customs Duties and internal taxes existing at the date of entry into force of
this Treaty; there shall also be prepared and adopted studies to determine
the time-table for the gradual removal of Tariff Barriers and Non-Tariff
Barriers to regional and intra-Community trade and for the gradual
harmonization of Customs Duties in relation to third States;

(ii) strengthening of sectoral integration at the regional and continental levels

in all areas of activity particularly in the fields of trade, agriculture, money
and finance, transport and communications, industry and energy; and

(iii) coordination and harmonization of activities among the existing and

future economic communities.

(c) Third Stage:

At the level of each regional economic community and within a period not
exceeding ten (10) years, establishment of a Free Trade Area through the
observance of the time-table for the gradual removal of Tariff Barriers and
Non-Tariff Barriers to intra-community trade and the establishment of a
Customs Union by means of adopting a common external tariff.

(d) Fourth Stage:

Within a period not exceeding two (2) years, coordination and harmonization
of tariff and non-tariff systems among the various regional economic
communities with a view to establishing a Customs Union at the continental
level by means of adopting a common external tariff.

(e) Fifth Stage:

Within a period not exceeding four (4) years, establishment of an African
Common Market through:

(i) the adoption of a common policy in several areas such as agriculture,

transport and communications, industry, energy and scientific research;

(ii) the harmonization of monetary, financial and fiscal policies;

(iii) the application of the principle of free movement of persons as well as

the provisions herein regarding the rights of residence and establishment;

(iv) constituting the proper resources of the Community as provided for in

paragraph 2 of Article 82 of this Treaty.

(f) Sixth Stage:

Within a period not exceeding five (5) years:

consolidation and strengthening of the structure of the African Common

Market, through including the free movement of people, goods, capital and
services, as well as, the provisions herein regarding the rights of residence
and establishment,

integration of all the sectors namely economic, political, social and cultural;
establishment of a single domestic market and a Pan-African Economic and
Monetary Union;

implementation of the final stage for the setting up of an African Monetary

Union, the establishment of a single African Central Bank and the creation of
a single African Currency;

implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structure of the
Pan-African Parliament and election of its members by continental universal

implementation of the final stage for the harmonization and coordination

process of the activities of regional economic communities;

(vi) implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structures of
African multi-national enterprises in all sectors; and

implementation of the final stage for the setting up of the structures of the
executive organs of the Community.

3. All measures envisaged tinder this Treaty for the promotion of a

Harmonious and balanced development among Member States, particularly,
those relating to the formulation of multi-national projects and programmes,
shall be implemented concurrently within the time period specified for the
attainment of the objectives of the various stages outlined in paragraph 2 of
this Article.

4. The transition from one stage to another shall be determined when the
specific objectives set in this Treaty or pronounced by the Assembly for a
particular stage, are implemented and all commitments fulfilled. The
Assembly, on the recommendation of the Council, shall confirm that the
objectives to a particular stage have been attained and shall approve the
transition to the next stage. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the
preceding paragraph, the cumulative transitional period shall not excess forty
(40) years from the date of entry into force of this Treaty.


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