Six-Step Audit Process
Six-Step Audit Process
Six-Step Audit Process
Requesting Documents
After notifying the organization of the upcoming audit, the auditor typically requests
documents listed on an audit preliminary checklist. These documents may include a copy of
the previous audit report, original bank statements, receipts and ledgers. In addition, the
auditor may request organizational charts, along with copies of board and committee minutes
and copies of bylaws and standing rules.
Conducting Fieldwork
The auditor takes information gathered from the open meeting and uses it to finalize the audit
plan. Fieldwork is then conducted by speaking to staff members and reviewing procedures
and processes. The auditor tests for compliance with policies and procedures. Internal
controls are evaluated to make sure they're adequate. The auditor may discuss problems as
they arise to give the organization an opportunity to respond.
Drafting a Report
The auditor prepares a report detailing the findings of the audit. Included in the report are
mathematical errors, posting problems, payments authorized but not paid and other
discrepancies; other audit concerns are also listed. The auditor then writes up a commentary
describing the findings of the audit and recommended solutions to any problems.