Company Car Program Example

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The document outlines Company X's policy for its Company Car Program, including eligibility, use restrictions, vehicle markings, and accident/citation reporting procedures.

Employees must be full-time, have field responsibilities, perform on-call duties, or need to mount equipment in their vehicle. They also need approval from their business unit VP.

Personal use is strictly prohibited, including evenings/weekends not for business or carrying non-business passengers. Modifications and towing are also prohibited.






This policy applies to all employees of Company X and its subsidiaries who
participate in the Company Car Program.
Policy A.
1. The Company may assign Company vehicles to eligible employees via the
Company Car Program. The Company has the sole right to determine eligibility
for participation in the Company Car Program and the use of a Company vehicle.
No employee is entitled to the use of a Company vehicle.
2. Definition - The Company Car Program covers a Company car assigned to a
given employee/contractor for the purpose of conducting authorized Company
business and driving, if necessary, between work and home. The Company Car
Program does not include specialized work vehicles or vehicles assigned to
3. Employees who may be eligible for the program are those who are fulltime
employees, have field responsibility, perform rotational on-call duties and/or are
required to mount Company equipment in their vehicle. Written approval from
the business unit Vice President is required before employees may participate in
the Company Car Program and take home Company vehicles.
4. In addition, the Company may authorize the use of Company vehicles if an
employee's business usage exceeds 18,000 miles annually or for other special
designated reasons, with written approval by the business unit Vice President.
5. Employees must at all times hold a valid driver's license that is not revoked or
suspended in any state. As a condition of participation in the Company Car
Program, employees are required to authorize the Company to check their
driving records at any time.
6. The Company reserves the right to cancel an employee's eligibility to
participate in the Company Car Program if such employee, in the sole discretion
of the Company, has a record of repetitive accidents, revoked or suspended
licenses, citations, extensive abuse of vehicles or a pattern of reckless or
careless driving.
7. This policy does not alter any of the provisions covered by a collective
bargaining agreement. Where conflicts between this policy and a collective

bargaining agreement occur, the collective bargaining agreement takes
B. Assignment of Vehicle
1. A Company vehicle subject to this policy may be assigned to:
a. Employees, with approval from the business unit Vice President.
b. Contractors, with approval from the business unit Vice President and the
Legal organization.
C. Use of Vehicle
1. A Company vehicle subject to this policy may be driven only for authorized
Company business by the employee to whom the car is assigned; or another
employee or contractor possessing a valid driver's license which is not revoked
or suspended in any state, for on shift use only, as designated by the business
unit Director.
2. Personal use of a Company vehicle under this policy is strictly prohibited.
Prohibited personal use of a Company vehicle includes, but is not limited to:
a. Evening or weekend use not specifically related to Company business.
b. Carrying any passengers in the vehicle who are not there for purposes
specifically related to Company business.
3. The Company strictly prohibits any modification to the vehicle not approved
by Fleet Operations; the use or attachment of trailer hitches; the towing or
pushing of a car, trailer or any other device; or the use of the Company vehicle
for any means other than basic transportation unless required for Company
4. Additional requirements regarding the use of Company vehicles are covered
in Company X Energy Policy X, Driver's Licenses and/or Certification and
Company X Energy Policy X, Fleet Management.

D. Vehicle Markings/Accessories
1. All Company vehicles designated, as part of the Company Car Program will be
clearly marked with the Company X Energy approved corporate logo. Removal of
corporate logos is strictly prohibited and could result in disciplinary action up to
and including discharge.
2. All markings or vehicle accessories must be in compliance with established
law and/or regulations.
E. Vehicle Accidents and Tickets
1. Traffic violations - Any citations, fines or charges issued against the driver on
or by a court of law as a result of driving violations while operating a Company
vehicle are strictly the driver's responsibility, regardless of whether incurred on
or off duty. The driver will be required to pay for his or her own penalties and
obtain and pay for any legal defense in connection therewith. Variations from
this rule will be at the discretion of the business unit Vice President.
2. Citations or accidents minor in nature must be reported to both the driver's
direct supervisor and Fleet Operations within 24 hours of the occurrence. If the
citation or accident occurs outside of normal working hours, the report must be
made on the next business day following the occurrence.
3. Serious accidents or accidents involving the public must be reported
immediately to the driver's direct supervisor and Fleet Operations, and also
reported per the guidelines established in Company X Energy Policy X, Driver's
License and/or Certification.
4. In addition, incidents involving physical damage to vehicles and/or objects
must be reported per guidelines established in Company X Energy Policy X, Fleet

F. Responsibilities
1. The Fleet Director is responsible for coordinating and updating all changes to
this policy.
2. Fleet Operations, Corporate Services, and management of the business units
utilizing the Company Car Program are responsible for policy enforcement.
3. Management from each business unit is responsible for ensuring awareness
of and providing guidance concerning this policy, and taking appropriate
corrective action as necessary.

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