Genesis Machines Computing Code of Life Amos

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Genesis Machines: Computing with the Code of Life

Edited transcript of talk given on 21 May 2008
Manchester Memoirs: The Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and
Philosophical Society 146, p.p. 91-96 (2010).

In 1959, a great personal hero of mine, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman,
gave a ground-breaking speech1 titled There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. In his speech,
Feynman outlined the possibility of individual molecules - even individual atoms - making up the
component parts of computers in the future. With that one talk, Feynman laid the foundations of the
field we now know as nanotechnology. At the time, computers filled entire rooms and were tended
by large teams of lab-coated technicians, so the idea that one could compute with individual
molecules was considered fairly outlandish.
However, around the same time the microbiologist A. J. Kluyver argued that The most
fundamental character of the living state is the occurrence in parts of the cell of a continuous and
directed movement of electrons. At their most basic level, computers work in exactly the same
way; by funnelling electrons around silicon circuits, and the links between computers and living
organisms have been well-documented and explored by von Neumann, Turing and others.
It wasn't until 1994, however, that the feasibility of actually building computers from
molecular-scale, organic components was demonstrated. Feynman's vision had waited, not only for
the technology to catch up, but for a person with the required breadth of understanding and insight.
In 2002, Len Adleman, of the University of Southern California, won a share of the computer
science equivalent of the Nobel Prize for his role in the development of the public-key encryption.
Adleman has a long-standing interest in biology; when Fred Cohen, one of his students, showed
him a program that could take over other programs and force them to replicate it, Adleman observed
the similarities between the program's behaviour and that of a biological virus. Cohen subsequently
made the first ever reference to a "computer virus" in an academic article.
In the early 1990s, Adleman read the classic textbook "The Molecular Biology of the Gene"
co-authored by Jim Watson, who, together with Crick, discovered the structure of DNA. He came
across the section describing a particular enzyme inside the cell that reads and copies DNA, and he
was struck by its similarity with an abstract device in computer science known as the Turing
Machine. By bringing together two seemingly disparate concepts, Adleman knew at once that, in his
own words, Geez, these things could compute.
He founded a lab at USC and began building a molecular computer. He knew that DNA, the
molecule of life that contains the instructions needed to build every organism on the planet - from a
giant redwood to a blue whale - can be thought of, in abstract terms, as a series of characters from
the set A, G, C and T (the letters representing the initial characters of the different chemical bases of
DNA). Molecular biology has always been about the transformation of information, usually inside
the living cell. This information is coded in the AGCT sequences of genes and in the proteins that
these genes represent. Adleman immediately saw how this mechanism could be harnessed, not to
represent proteins, but to store digital data, just like a computer encodes a file as a long sequence of
zeroes and ones.

Adleman decided to use this fact to solve a small computational problem. Readers may be
familiar with the Travelling Salesman Problem, and Adleman's was a variant of that; given a set of
cities connected by flights, does there exist a sequence of flights that starts and ends at particular
cities, and which visits every other city only once? This problem is easy to describe, but fiendishly
difficult to solve for even a relatively small number of cities. This inherent difficulty is what made
the problem interesting in Adleman's eyes, interesting being, to a mathematician, a synonym for
Adleman decided to build his computer using the simplest possible algorithm; generate all
possible answers (right or wrong), and then throw away the wrong ones. He would build a
molecular haystack of answers, and then throw away huge swathes of hay encoding "bad" answers
until he was left with the needle encoding the correct solution (of which there may be just a single
copy). For Adleman, the key to his approach was that it is possible to synthesise DNA in the
laboratory. A machine the size of a microwave oven will sit in a lab connected to four pots, each
containing either A, G, C or T. Type in the sequence you require, and the machine gets to work,
threading the letters together like molecular beads on a necklace, making trillions of copies of your
desired sequence.
Adleman ordered DNA strands representing each city and each flight for his particular
problem. Because DNA sticks together to form the famous double helix in a very well-defined way,
he chose his sequences carefully, such that city and flight strands would glue together like Lego
blocks to form long chains, each chain encoding a sequence of flights. Because of the sheer
numbers involved, he was confident that a chain encoding the single correct answer would selfassemble. The problem then was to get it out. In a way, Adleman had built a molecular memory,
containing a huge file of lines of text. What he then had to do was sort the file, removing lines that
were too long or too short, that started or ended with the wrong words, or which contained
duplication. He used various standard lab techniques to achieve this, and, after about a week of
molecular cutting and sorting, he was left with the correct solution to his problem.
The example that he solved could be figured out in a minute by a bright 10-year-old using a
pen and paper. But that wasn't the point. Adleman had realised, for the first time, Feynman's vision
of computing using molecules. After he published his paper 2, there was a flood of interest in the
new field of DNA computing, a tide on which I was personally carried. The potential benefits were
huge, since we can fit a vast amount of data into a very small volume of DNA. If we consider that
every cell with a nucleus in a human body contains a copy of that individual's genome - 3 gigabytes
of data, corresponding to 200 copies of the Manhattan phone book we begin to understand just
how advanced nature is in terms of information compression.
After a few years, though, people began to wonder if molecular computing would ever be
used for anything important. They were looking for the killer application, the thing that people
are willing to pay serious money for, like the spreadsheet, that persuaded small businesses to buy
their first ever computer. The fundamental issue with Adleman's approach is tied to the difficulty of
the problem; as the number of cities grows only slightly, the amount of DNA required to store all
possible sequences of flights grows much more quickly; a small increase in the number of cities
quickly leads to a requirement for bathtubs full of DNA. Indeed, it was estimated that if Adleman's
algorithm were to be applied to a map with 200 cities in it (rather than seven), the DNA memory
required to store all possible routes would weigh more than the Earth.
It would appear, then, that DNA-based computing has reached the end of the line, if we
insist on applying it to computational problems in a head-to-head battle against traditional siliconbased computers. When DNA computing first emerged as a discipline, I was dismayed to see a rash

of papers making claims that within a few years we would be cracking military codes using DNA
computers and building artificial molecular memories vastly larger than the human brain. I was
dismayed because I knew what had happened 30 years previously to the embryonic field of artificial
intelligence. Again, hubristic claims were made for their discipline, ranging from personal robot
butlers to automated international diplomacy. When the promised benefits failed to materialise, AI
suffered a savage backlash in terms of credibility and funding, from which it is only just beginning
to recover. I was very keen to avoid the same thing happening to molecular computing, but I, like
many others, knew that we needed to look beyond simply using DNA as a tiny memory storage
The next key breakthrough was in realising that, far from being simply a very miniaturised
storage medium that can be manipulated in a test tube, within its natural environment the cell
DNA carries meaning. As the novelist Richard Powers observes in The Gold Bug Variations, The
punched tape running along the inner seam of the double helix is much more than a repository of
enzyme stencils. It packs itself with regulators, suppressors, promoters, case-statements, if-thens.
Computational structures, that is. DNA encodes a program that controls its own execution. DNA,
and the cellular machinery that operates on it, pre-dates electronic computers by billions of years.
By re-programming the code of life, we may finally be able to take full advantage of the wonderful
opportunities offered by biological wetware.
As Oliver Morton3 observes in his book Eating the Sun, The world is not just a set of
places. It is also a set of processes. This nicely illustrates the shift in thinking that has occurred in
the last few years since the human genome has been sequenced. The notion of a human blueprint
is outdated. A blueprint encodes specific locational information for the various components of
whatever it is intended to represent, whether it be a car or a skyscraper. Nowhere in the human
genome will you find a section that reads place two ears, on on either side of head or note to
self: must fix design for appendix. Instead, genes talk to one another, turning each other (and often
themselves) on and off in a complex molecular dance. The genome is an electrician's worst
nightmare, a tangle of wiring and switches, where turning down a dimmer switch in Hull can switch
off the Manhattan underground system.
The human genome project (and the many other projects that are sequencing other
organisms, from the orang-utan to the onion) is effectively generating a biological parts
catalogue; a list of well-understood genes, whose behaviour we can predict in particular
circumstances. This is the reductionist way of doing science; break things down, in a top-down
fashion, into smaller and smaller parts, through a series of levels of description (for example,
organism, molecule, atom). The epitome of this approach is the very well-funded physicists
smashing together bits of nature in their accelerators in an attempt to discover what some call the
God Particle.
Of course, smashing together two cats and seeing what flies off is only going to give us a
very limited understanding of how cats work, so the reductionist approach is of limited use to
biologists. Systems biology has emerged in recent years to address this, by integrating information
from many different levels of complexity. By studying how different biological components
interact, rather then just looking at their structure, as before, systems biologists try to understand
biological systems from the bottom up.
An even more recent extension of systems biology is synthetic biology. When a chemist
discovers a new compound, the first thing they do is break it down into bits, and the next thing they
do is try to synthesise it. As Richard Feynman said just before his death, What I cannot build I
cannot understand. Synthetic biologists play, not with chemicals, but with the genetic components
being placed daily in the catalogue. It's where top down meets bottom up break things down into

their genetic parts, and then put them back together in new and interesting ways. By stripping down
and rebuilding microbial machines, synthetic biologists hope to better understand their basic
biology, as well as getting them to do weird and wonderful things. It's the ultimate scrapheap
As we all must recognise, the planet is facing a very real energy crisis. A major effort is now
under way to engineer microbes that degrade plant waste to produce clean, cheap fuel. Other
important challenges revolve around health - Jay Keasling, a colleague in California, has recently
been awarded 43 million dollars by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to persuade E. coli to
make substances that are alien to them, but which provide the raw ingredients for antimalarial
drugs. The drug is found naturally in the wormwood plant, but it is not cheap providing it to 70
per cent of the malaria victims in Africa would cost $1 billion, and they can be repeatedly infected.
Drug companies would need to cover an area the size of the entire state of Rhode Island in order to
grow enough wormwood to satisfy global demand, so Keasling wants to produce it in vats,
eventually at half the cost.
If we told someone in the field of nanotechnology that we had a man-made device that
doesn't need batteries, can move around, talk to its friends and even make copies of itself and all
of this in a package the size of a bacterium they would sell their grandmother for a glimpse. Of
course, we already have such devices available to us, but we know them better as microbes.
"Biology is the nanotechnology that works", according to MIT's Tom Knight. By modelling and
building new genetic circuits, synthetic biologists are ushering in a new era of biological
engineering, where microbial devices are built to solve very pressing human problems.
1. Feynman, Richard P.: There's plenty of room at the bottom. The Pleasure of Finding Things
Out ( Allen Lane, 1999) 117-140.
2. Adleman, Leonard M.: Computing with DNA. Scientific American, (August 1998) 34-41.
3. Morton, Oliver : Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet (Harper, 2008).
4. Amos, Martyn: Genesis Machines: The New Science of Biocomputing (Atlantic, 2006).
5. Endy, Drew: Foundations for engineering biology. Nature, 436 (2005) 449-453
6. Jones, Richard: Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life (Oxford University Press, 2004).

Dr Martyn Amos is in the Department of Computing and Mathematics,

Manchester Metropolitan University

correspondence to [email protected]

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