Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow
Fern foot
during our days and in our nights. No matter where we are, the shadow that
trots behind us is definitely four-footed." Clarissa Pinkola Ests
In a parallel way, giving in-the-moment creative expression to shadow
-selves, thoughts, or impulses offers insight, releases energy, and makes us
feel more whole. Hidden aspects of self come into the light slowly revealing
their power to transform our lives. By making art in the service of
knowing ourselves more fully, we can slowly turn up the light and see
what shadows reveal themselves because where there is bright light there
is also shadow.
Shadow outline
Pick a bright day for this activity. Begin your session by setting an
intention (see the Create Cycle in the Introduction to Creative by Nature
Art PDF). To intend originates from the French entendre, intendre, to
direct ones attention (in Modern French, principally to hear), from the
Latin intendere 'turn ones attention, strain, literally to stretch out,
Record your intention, then let it go. Literally. Setting an intention is like
dropping a pebble into a still well of water and watching the ripples blossom
outwards. By dropping your pebble into the well, you can then trace the
meaning of your journey back to its source when you are finished. Dont
consciously hold on to the original intention, rather just carry on and create.
Take a few moments and write down what you are curious about or
what you are drawn toward today.
Take your art supplies (see Creative by Nature Art Eight- Day
Practice PDF) as you wander outside and open to a plant, animal, or tree
whose shadow really appeals to you. Ask permission to engage.
To begin this activity, it is probably enough to simply focus on tracing shapes and staying present to what
is happening in the moment. Draw
and paint by balancing the use of each
hand, creating with both hands for
part of the session and painting relatively equal amounts of time with
your eyes open and closed. Close your
eyes to choose the paint colours at
least half of the time. Work slowly.
Here is a video taken at the Cortes
Island Childrens Forest where
I drew with light and shadow and the following narrative describes an
encounter with the shadows of an apple tree in my front yard.
Top: paintings
Middle: tree banner
Bottom: banner painting
Now I invite you to draw and paint spontaneously on a new page. Follow
what attracts by tracking the flow of what fits easily in the moment. Begin an
image by closing your eyes and drawing random shapes and lines. Use both
hands at least part of the time. After five minutes or so, bring your paints out
and close your eyes to choose the colours. Keep your eyes closed as you paint
with wild abandon, alternating hands and having fun. Do this for as long as
youd like. If its easier to paint in pitch darkness rather than closing your eyes,
I invite you to try that. When you feel finished open your eyes. This is like
turning on the light to better see a shadow image - the one created in the
'dark'. Using coloured watercolour pencils, or permanent marker (wait until
the paint is dry before using marker or the ink will stop running) outline
interesting areas, define shadowy shapes, deepen and darken colour. Just as
you outlined light and shadow in Part I, outline and define shape and colour
in this new image. What is asking to be illuminated? Watch this video to learn
more about how to extend your drawings and paintings in this way.
To finish, you can dialogue with a shape, a being, a colour, a natural
shadow. You can ask, Is there anything youd like to share? Also, take a few
moments to record anything you noticed while you were creating and
anything you wonder about. Revisit your original intention. Are there any
new insights, observations or questions you have? Close by expressing
gratitude in some way.
Consider sharing your images and creative experiences with members of
the Creative by Nature Art blog and enjoy a supportive community of likeminded creatives.