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Interjection is a big name for a little word.

Interjections are short

exclamations like Oh!, Um or Ah!They have no real grammatical value
but we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than inwriting. When
interjections are inserted into a sentence, they have no grammatical
connection to the sentence. An interjection is sometimes followed by an
exclamation mark (!) when written.
Interjections like er and um are also known as "hesitation devices". They are
extremely common in English. People use them when they don't know what
to say, or to indicate that they are thinking about what to say. You should
learn to recognize them when you hear them and realize that they have no
real meaning.
The table below shows some interjections with examples.
interjection meaning



expressing pleasure

"Ah, that feels good."

expressing realization

"Ah, now I understand."

expressing resignation

"Ah well, it can't be heped."

expressing surprise

"Ah! I've won!"


expressing grief or pity

"Alas, she's dead now."


expressing pity

"Oh dear! Does it hurt?"

expressing surprise

"Dear me! That's a surprise!"

asking for repetition

"It's hot today." "Eh?" "I said

it's hot today."

expressing enquiry

"What do you think of that,


expressing surprise

"Eh! Really?"

inviting agreement

"Let's go, eh?"


expressing hesitation

"Lima is the capital"

hello, hullo

expressing greeting

"Hello John. How are you


expressing surprise

"Hello! My car's gone!"

calling attention

"Hey! look at that!"

expressing surprise, joy etc

"Hey! What a good idea!"

expressing greeting

"Hi! What's new?"





expressing hesitation, doubt

or disagreement

"Hmm. I'm not so sure."

oh, o

expressing surprise

"Oh! You're here!"

expressing pain

"Oh! I've got a toothache."

expressing pleading

"Oh, please say 'yes'!"


expressing pain

"Ouch! That hurts!"


expressing hesitation

"Uh...I don't know the answer

to that."


expressing agreement

"Shall we go?" "Uh-huh."

um, umm

expressing hesitation

"85 divided by 5"


expressing surprise

"Well I never!"

introducing a remark

"Well, what did he say?"

Interjections are words used to express strong feeling or sudden emotion. They are included in a sentence - usually at the
start - to express a sentiment such as surprise, disgust, joy, excitement or enthusiasm.
An interjection is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence.

Hey! Get off that floor!

Oh, that is a surprise.
Good! Now we can move on.
Jeepers, that was close.

Yes and No
Introductory expressions such as yes, no, indeed and well are also classed as interjections.

Indeed, this is not the first time the stand has collapsed.
Yes, I do intend to cover the bet.
I'm sure I don't know half the people who come to my house. Indeed, for all I hear, I shouldn't like to. (Oscar Wilde)
Well, it's 01 a.m. Better go home and spend some quality time with the kids. (Homer Simpson)


Some interjections are sounds.


Phew! I am not trying that again.

Humph! I knew that last week.
Mmmm, my compliments to the chef.
Ah! Don't say you agree with me. When people agree with me,I always feel que debo be wrong. (Oscar Wilde)

Interjections: Showing the Author's

Here are some examples of interjections and their definitions:

Ahem - The sound of someone clearing their throat and means attention or
Aah - This is used as a call for help or when someone is scared
Boo - Used to scare someone or to voice disapproval
Eh - This is used when you didn't hear or understand what someone said
Eww - Ahows dislike or disgust
Hmm - This can mean you are thinking or hesitating
Jeez - Could mean you can't believe something, or you are exasperated
Ooh-la-la - A slightly comical way to refer to something as fancy or special
Oops - An exclamation people use when they accidentally do something
Phew - This expresses relief or that you are glad something is over
Whoa - This can show surprise or amazement
Yahoo - Expresses joy or happiness
Yeah - This shows a very strong affirmation or approval
Yoo-hoo - This is used to get someone's attention and is usually used by women
Zing - This is similar to a rim shot used in comic acts and emphasizes a clever
statement or comeback

Interjections in a Sentence
Here are some interjections with an accompanying sentence:

Ahh, that feels wonderful.

Alas! Im lost in the wilderness.
Bah! That was a total waste of time.
Bless you, I couldnt have done it without you.
Its time for me to go. Cheerio!
Congrats! You finally got your Masters degree.
Crikey! Do you ever think before you speak?
Gesundheit! Are you starting to get a cold?
Good grief! Why are you wearing shorts in the winter?

Grrr! Im going to get back at him for that.

Humph, he probably cheated to make such good grades.
Oh dear! I dont know what to do about this mess.
Pip pip! Lets get moving.
Shoot! I forgot my brothers birthday.
Well, duh! That was a stupid thing to do!
Yowza! That is a beautiful ball gown.

More Interjection Examples

Here is a list of other interjections:


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