Case Study-Group 9
Case Study-Group 9
Case Study-Group 9
The Worthington steel company founded 1955, essentially invented the steel processing industry as
it exit today. The company, head quartered in Columbus, Ohio, operated 53 plants in 11 country and
boasted 7.500 employees. John H. McConnell founded the company in 1955.
An established leader with more than 1.000 customers. Worthington steel served a broad range of
markets, including automotive, lawn and garden, construction, hard were, furniture, and office
equipment, electric control, leisure and recreation, appliances and farm implement. The company
offered the widest range of services in the industry, from slitting and blanking to hydrogen
annealing, hot dipped galvanizing and nickel plating.
The Administrative systems of Worthington company are considered under the following sections :
values, organization structure, human resources polities and reward systems.
Evaluate the management system at Worthington industries from the standpoint of how they help
the company to outperform its competitors.
The Worthington steel company have four key success factors and have Worthington industries'
Philosophy to help to outperform from they competitor, as follows :
1. Value
The company have developed the company' values and as result the Worthington was very
customers focused. Workers produced high-quality products and gave attentive services.
Worthington's sales people worked not just to meet but to exceed customers' need.
2. Organizations Structure
The company considered its organization structure to be flat for profit-sharing plan with four basic
levels: production, administrative, professional and executive. Plan managers enjoyed considerable
autonomy, operating their facilities as individual profit center.
3. Human resources polities
In this company, managers weren't the only key decision makers but production workers on the
employee councils also participated in various managerial decisions. Relationships between councils
and managers were cordial. They enjoyed working with them as team members. Employee in turn,
responded with trust...
Case #6
Case summary
The Worthington steel company founded 1955, essentially invented the steel processing
industry as it exist today. The company, head quartered in Columbus, Ohio, operated 53
plants in 11 country and boasted 7.500 employees. John H. McConnell founded the
company in 1955. An established leader with more than 1.000 customers. Worthington steel
served a broad range of markets, including automotive, lawn and garden, construction, hard
were, furniture, and office equipment, electric control, leisure and recreation, appliances
and farm implement. The company offered the widest range of services in the industry,
from slitting and blanking to hydrogen annealing, hot dipped galvanizing and nickel plating.
The founder developed a the company's values through Worthington industries' Philosophy
as follows:
Our golden rule
At the core ofof these values is the golden rule : treat others the way one wanted to be
The Administrative systems of Worthington company are considered under the following
sections : values, organization structure, human resources polities and reward systems.
Evaluate the management system at Worthington industries from the standpoint of how
they help the company to outperform its competitors.
The Worthington steel company have four key success factors and have Worthington
industries' Philosophy to help to outperform from they competitor, as follows :
The company have developed the company' values and as result the Worthington was very
customers-centric. Workers produced high-quality products and gave attentive services to
their customers. It resulted in the company's sales force having a better understanding of
their customers need and exceeded the customers' expectation and requirement.
The values stated that the first priority was to shareholders(where employees are also
encourage to become shareholders through the profit sharing plan), it implied an underlying
culture in which customer, suppliers and employees are treasured assets. The values are
reinforced through the company philosophy which spells out the position and expectation
of the management.
Worthington expected the employees to work hard in helping it to succeed by treating them
well as one of the core believe is people would be fair and honest if they are treated
similarly. Employees are encourage to develop their skills, practice open communication and
resulted in high level of trust between workers and management.
By having strong company values which promotes mutual respect was translated into
quality service and better product offerings and service to their customers, Worthington
Industries has created a strong corporate culture of serving their customers. The company
also have the profit sharing plan which acted as an added incentive for the employees to
help the company to succeed.
These high customer focus is an added advantage which resulted in good reputation among
the customers, foster strong customer relationship, built trust, contribute to brand equity
and most importantly, result in loyalty amongst the customer. In the long run such strong
customer relationship and trust in itself supported by strategic marketing initiatives, will
become a competitive advantage for Worthington Industries over their competitors.
The same value is also used in creating strong working relationship with their suppliers
which help them to execute their plan and be competitive in the market.
2. Organizations Structure
The company considered its organization structure to be flat for profit-sharing plan with
four basic levels: production, administrative, professional and executive. Plan managers
enjoyed considerable autonomy, operating their facilities as individual profit center.
Accept for several functions which are standardize throughout the organization or more
economical to be centralize, Worthington essentially was decentralized.
"We believe in a divisionalized organizational structure with responsibility for performance
resting with the head of each operation. All managers are given the operating latitude and
authority to accomplish their responsibilities sighing our corporate goals and objectives. If
procedures are necessary within a particular company operation, that manager creates
them. We believe in a small corporate staff and support group to service the need of our
shareholders and operating units as requested".
With high level of mutual trust and relatively less hierarchal structure, Worthington is able
to be effective and efficient through empowering the decision making process. The
structure enables the employee and managers to have free flow of information faster ideas, feedback, instruction will be transferred faster and accurately. In other words, this
also enables for problems be rectified and resolve at site . This helps in decision making in
term of speed and it's quality(accuracy) which is and important control mechanism and can
further serve as a critical competitive advantage in the market place.
Named as 100 best places to work' by Fortune magazine, Worthington Industries, founded
in 1955, grew from humble beginnings to a multi-billion dollar metal processing company.
The companys success is credited to its customer-centered philosophy, based on the
Golden Rule. This philosophy, in addition to an unwavering commitment to the customer,
and one of the strongest employee/employer partnerships
serve as the companys
foundation in their continued success. There are clear contribution of several key success
factor as a result of strong commitment by both manager and employees in realizing the
company's objective.