Maximizing Protection Coordination With Self-Healing Technology
Maximizing Protection Coordination With Self-Healing Technology
Maximizing Protection Coordination With Self-Healing Technology
Much of the Smart Grid initiative includes the
installation of new recloser and switch controls
as part of an overall reliability improvement on
the distribution system. These new controls offer
communication options that support fault isolation
and restoration systems, load optimization, and
integrated voltage and VAR control. These new
controls often offer multiple setting profiles that,
when used properly, improve coordination of
protective devices. The setting profiles can be
used to define sectionalizer and switch mode
options that can also greatly simplify coordination
of the circuits. These profiles can then be better
utilized by self-healing software to maintain
coordination of the circuitas it dynamically
changes to restore outages and optimize circuit
loading. This paper will discuss features of the
most common controls and self-healing systems
that offer practical solutions for every utility.
On the electrical distribution system, overcurrent
devices are the predominant protection equipment
used. Distribution feeders are generally radial
circuits with predictable fault current flows
without the need for impedance or differential
protection schemes. Until the large scale
deployment of self-healing technology, keeping the
protection schemes simple has benefited utilities.
Some distribution systems are better equipped
to handle this change because of circuit topology,
load levels, and existing infrastructure.
The challenge that distribution engineers face is
the ability to segment a feeder into as many zones
as possible to maximize the effectiveness of a
self-healing system. One of the basic principles
of coordination and improving system reliability
is restricting outages to the smallest section of
the system as possible (1). Engineers are also
faced with many new circuit configurations that
were not considered during the initial design
of the feeder protection. The time interval
between the transformer damage curves and
Miscoordination correction
Miscoordination correction is a technique
used in many different automation systems
across multiple vendors (3) (4). It is a simple
concept thatuses fault detectors and known
circuit topology to determine fault location.
Miscoordination correction will allow the selfhealing system to properly isolate a faulted line
segment when the wrong recloser clears a fault.
The fault current must flow from the substation to
the fault on a radial line. On a properly coordinated
line, the fault-side device must clear the
permanent or temporary fault before the sourceside device interrupts the circuit or operates to
lockout (1). When miscoordination occurs, multiple
protective devices will trip for the same fault or a
source-side device will overreach and clear faults
outside of its intended protective zone. Most
recloser or switch controls provide one or two fault
indicators. The first is the traditional fault target
that is latched on the protective device when
it trips. The second target is an instantaneous
fault pickup indicator used to annunciate when
the protective device is actively timing toward a
trip. A target asserting on a downstream (loadside) device within the reclosing sequence of the
protective device that clears the fault is a good
indication ofmiscoordination.
Daniel P. Roth is a distribution automation technical manager in the
Energy Automation Solutions business unit at Eatons Cooper Power
Systems in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The business unit is responsible
for creating and providing Smart Grid solutions. He previously held
application engineer positions in protective relays for Cooper Power
Systems and Schweitzer Engineering Labs. Mr. Roth received his
Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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Eatons Cooper Power Systems
1045 Hickory Street
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2013 Eaton
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Printed in USA
Publication No. WP1180-11035 / Z14255
September 2013