International: The Architectural Magazine of Alusuisse Composites
International: The Architectural Magazine of Alusuisse Composites
International: The Architectural Magazine of Alusuisse Composites
Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology Building 220,
Building Owner
Royal Melbourne Institute of
Design Architect
Wood Marsh Architecture
Project Architect
Pels Innes Neilson Kosloff
ALUCOBOND Distributor
Alucobond Architectural
Pty Ltd
2 A sophisticated combination
of nature and architecture
Cladding Contractor
Minesco Industries Pty Ltd
Year of Installation
Approx. 2700 m2 of ALUCOBOND 4 mm, Colour: Copper Metallic, PVDF quality
Rain screen with tray panels
suspended on bolts
sweeping curve, which allowed facetting of the panels, this provided a more economical solution than
actually curving the panels, without detracting from a
curved appearance.
The panels were also required to create a 3 dimensional effect, and to achieve this, expressed joints 100 mm
wide x 65 mm deep in both the horizontal and vertical joints surrounded each panel. This created an illusion that, when viewed at close proximity, the panels
were not really the faade but protruding elements
attached to the faade, however when viewed at a distance, the exaggerated brick pattern became dominant. No sealants were used, with the only exception
being where the window abutted the panel that encapsulated it, all other joints were self-draining.
The simplest solution to achieve all of the design re-
Federfhrung des Wiener Architekten Martin Kohlbauer realisiert wurde. Sie legten dem mchtigen Betonskelettbau eine leichte Konstruktion zu Fssen, die
das Erscheinungsbild der Bank an ihrem doch sehr prominenten Standort vis-a-vis der Wiener Innenstadt, am
Eingang zum zweiten Bezirk, vllig verndert und ihr
eine neue, signifikante Physiognomie verleiht. Das
herausragendste Element ist ein zylindrischer, 23 Meter hoher, glserner Turm, der in der Erdgeschosszone den Haupteingang birgt. Mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit verwandelt sich der Turm in eine ihre Farbigkeit kontinuierlich verndernde Lichtskulptur. Schon
von weitem erregt das rhythmische Spiel der Lichter die
Raiffeisenlandesbank NiedersterreichWien
Martin Kohlbauer, Sieglinde Lurger,
Hannes Venturo, Wien
Verarbeitung + Montage
Metallbau Filzamer Augsut, Betriebs
GesmbH., Wien
600 m2 ALUCOBOND 4 mm, farblos
anodisiert im Naturton
4-seitig aufgelegt, sichtbar genietet,
Fugen schwarz lackiert
Opration de rajeunissement
A Vienne, ldifice bancaire construit dans
les annes 70 au bord du Donaukanal
tait touch par un processus de vieillissement inexorable. Pour son centime anniversaire, la banque Raiffeisen couvrant
Vienne et la Basse-Autriche a donc dcid
de ramnager toute sa zone dentre.
Cest larchitecte Sieglinde Lurger qui a
remport le concours organis cet effet,
et son projet a t men terme en mai
1998 sous la direction de larchitecte
Martin Kohlbauer. Un socle lger et une
Firmensitz der Tobias Grau KG
(GmbH & Co.) in Hamburg-Rellingen
Franziska und Tobias Grau
Hadi Teherani
Bothe Richter Teherani, Hamburg
Verarbeitung + Montage
Kohlmeyer Fassadenbau GmbH & Co.,
April 1997Juli 1998
ca. 1500 m2 ALUCOBOND A2,
Farbe Silbermetallic, PVDF-Qualitt,
sichtbar geschraubt
A pipe as a landmark
Tobias Grau KG (lamp manufacturers)
have set up a new subsidiary in Hamburg. The new building is a result of a
private competition and resembles a
stranded hovercraft. Its two concrete
ceilings are encased with a wooden
truss construction covered with ALUCOBOND. The perfect joints and ornamental screw recesses make the
building look like a high-precision fuselage surface. Once again, this shows
the easy use of ALUCOBOND on
round and bent shapes. The glass between the sun louvres on the side walls
is curved and requires no substructure
despite a width of 2.5 metres. The
south side supplies photo-voltaic energy. The building has two floors: offices
and a cafeteria can be found on the
first floor, while the ground floor houses the store, final assembly and despatch departments. There are 35 members of staff in total. Transparency was
the architects motto. The large pipe
glows like a lantern at night, and during the day it appears like a strange,
dark grey, opaque object surrounded
by green grass. An extension with a
second pipe and a one-storey building
is planned for the future. The construction is a prime example of innovative
architecture chosen as a result of a
competition which not only creates a
building but a landmark ... not least of
all through the use of ALUCOBOND.
1 Pfosten-Riegel-Konstruktion, integrierte
Fenster und Photovoltaik-Elemente strukturieren die Glasfassade im Sden
2 Die glatten Oberflchen aus Glas und Aluminium betonen die schlichte Rhrenform
3 Horizontalschnitt des Plattenstosses mit
sichtbarer Befestigung
4 Horizontalschnitt mit aufgeklebter Versteifung
5 Grundriss Obergeschoss
6 Bewegliche Glaslamellen schtzen whrend
der Sommermonate vor berhitzung
Technocentre Renault La Ruche
Matre douvrage
Franck Priv, Cabinet Valode et Pistre
Matre duvre
OTH Btiments
Structural Rinaldi/Schmidlin
Tim Composites et Schmidlin
Anne de ralisation
Type de matriau utilis
ALUCOBOND gris blanc PVDF 4mm
28 000 m2
ments de faades. Un grand nombre dentreprises soucieuses de leur image tiennent donc lutiliser pour
leurs bureaux et autres btiments.
Le nuancier ALUCOBOND offre par ailleurs un vaste
choix de couleurs standard et de teintes spciales la
demande. La qualit exceptionnelle de rsistance
lallongement des laques PVDF favorise le faonnage
et lusinage. Elles sont trs rsistantes aux influences
atmosphriques, aux rayons ultraviolets, lenvironnement industriel agressif ainsi quaux salissures et
lhumidit. Ce standard de qualit leve permet lutilisation de laques mtalliques trs apprcies.
Pour raliser le btiment la Ruche, il a fallu non seulement un architecte de gnie comme Franck Priv du
cabinet Valode et Pistre, mais aussi les quipes bien ro-
Technozentrum fr Renault
Die erste Etappe des Technozentrums von
Renault in Guyancourt en Yvelines wurde
im Oktober 1997 fertig. In diesem viergeschossigen Komplex befinden sich Bros,
Werksttten und Personalrume.
Die Architektur gibt sich funktionalistisch.
Die zurckhaltenden, gerasterten Fassaden sind 208 m lang und und 30 m hoch.
Nach zwei Jahren Planung wurden
19 000 m2 Fassaden- und 5500 m2 Untersichtsplatten montiert. Sie bestehen aus
4 mm dickem ALUCOBOND grauweiss
von Standardfarben und Spezialwnschen. Es widersteht aggressiver Umluft und der ultravioletten Strahlung.
Zur Realisierung von La Ruche brauchte
es nicht nur einen genialen Architekten,
Franck Priv, sondern auch die gut eingearbeiteten Mannschaften der Firmen
Structural Rinaldi und Schmidlin. Bei keinem anderen Bau in Frankreich wurde
mehr ALUCOBOND verbaut als hier. Eine
zweite Etappe folgt zum 100. Geburtstag
der Firma Renault.
San Diego International
Terminal 2nd Expansion
Design Architect
Gensler of Santa Monica,
Architect of Record
SGPA Architecture & Planning
of San Diego, California
Distributor & Installer
Center Glass Company,
La Mesa, California
Year of completion
ALUCOBOND color silver
metallic 4 mm, 150 000 ft2
Attachment Method
Rout & Return
Aluminum composite material was used inside and out as part of the
new San Diego Lindbergh Field Terminal 2 expansion, completed in
January 1998. Coil-coated ALUCOBOND Material and spray coated
perimeter mouldings were installed by Center Glass Company, La Mesa, California. The project included 150,000 sq. ft. of ALUCOBOND
material in 4 mm custom color silver metallic.
Applications of the material involved: custom entry portal structures,
projected awnings, radius sloped eyebrows, sloped-spoked wheel
ceilings, segmented and true radius wall panels. The material was installed in the Center Glass System CGD-2000 to meet the project requirements. The architect of renown is SGPA Architecture & Planning
of San Diego; and the design architects, Gensler of Santa Monica, California.
Gensler selected ALUCOBOND for its aethetic and hard-wearing qualities and because of its good value. The design concept was supported by the crisp, skin tight, high-tech appearance of the canopies, portals and walls and adds a significant feature to the gateway design of
the terminal.
System features include: rout & return, captured edge; 5/8" dry joints;
internally guttered and swept; direct attachment to standard stud
Hundreds of custom panels were required to accommodate varying
as-built conditions; panels were field verified, produced and installed
within a five-day span, according to Ron Leaverton, Vice President and
Project Manager at Center Glass Company.
The ALUCOBOND Material for this project is manufactured by the
Benton, Kentucky plant of Alusuisse Composites, Inc.
La porte de laroport
Quelques 14 000 mtres carrs dALUCOBOND (couleur: argent mtallique) ont
t requis pour lextension de laroport
de SanDiego, les plaques de faades incurves ayant t utilises des entres aux
avant-toits, et ce aussi bien lintrieur
qu lextrieur. Le projet a t confi aux
architectes de SGPA, San Diego, alors que
lbauche voquant une porte imposante
provenait de Gensler, Santa Monica, qui a
choisi le matriau en raison de son effet
high tech. Des centaines de plaques ont
t travailles sur place et montes en
cinq jours sur des constructions standard.
Windsor Casino, Windsor,
The Webb Zerafa Menkes
Housden Partnership Architects, Toronto
Sobotec Ltd., Hamilton,
Year of completion
ALUCOBOND three-coat
finish color special white
4 mm, 375 000 sq. ft
Attachment Method
Custom rain screen dry reveal
Skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, walking: winter sport fans have the
time of their lives in the snow of the
Swiss Alps. Right in the middle of this
magnificent mountain landscape you
come across a futuristic cable lift station
with 6 mm thick ALUCOBOND panel
cladding, featuring state-of-the-art building and transport technology. It is yet
more evidence that ALUCOBOND satisfies the most exacting requirements; in
this case it is used over 2500 metres
above sea level. Why? Because ALUCOBONDs temperature stability spans
from -50C to +80C. Because the unlimited formability, the low weight and
colour fastness even when subjected to
strong ultraviolet light mean
ALUCOBOND is especially suitable for
use in mountain regions. The sound-proofing qualities of the material are appreciated by the lift constructors as the motor noise is not so loud externally.
Publisher: Alusuisse Singen GmbH Composites Division
Editing and coordination: Fredy Bolliger, Niederglatt ZH
Design and production: Hochparterre AG, Zurich
Lithographie: Reprotechnik St. Margrethen
Printing: Gasser Print AG, Chur