Project Report ON Job Satisfaction: Harman
Project Report ON Job Satisfaction: Harman
Project Report ON Job Satisfaction: Harman
Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his /her job. The happier
people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not
the same as motivation or aptitude, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to
enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement,
job enrichment and job re-engineering. Other influences on satisfaction include the
management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous
work position. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured
by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales
where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to rate of pay, work
responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities, the work itself and coworkers. Some questioners ask yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on
1-5 scale (where 1 represents "not at all satisfied" and 5 represents "extremely
satisfied").. So, job satisfaction, over the long term, requires careful planning and effort
both by employers and employees. Skills should be given to employees so that they can
perform those tasks more efficiently and effectively thus relieving boredom and gains
recognition. Employees should be creative, ready to take initiative and work in team, as
large part of success in job is the ability to work well with others to get the job done.
Employees should known how to accept people with their difference and imperfection,
and how to give receive criticism constructively in the same organization. Employers and
employee should learn to de-stress. They should plan to avoid burnout by developing
healthy stress management techniques. Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to
a stimulating, challenging, supportive and rewarding work environment is vital. Because
of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries
be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to performance rather than
Whether your work is a job, a career or a calling, you can take steps to restore meaning to
your job. Make the best of difficult work situations by being positive. Doing so will help
you manage your stress and experience the rewards of your profession. Apparently,
assuring job satisfaction, over the long term, requires careful planning and effort both by
employers and employees. Skills should be given to employees so that they can perform
those tasks more efficiently and effectively thus relieving boredom and gains recognition.
Employees should be creative, ready to take initiative and work in team, as large part of
success in job is the ability to work well with others to get the job done. Employees
should know how to accept people with their difference and imperfection, and how to
give and receive criticism constructively in the same organization. Lastly, employees and
employers should learn to de-stress. They should plan to avoid burnout by developing
healthy stress management techniques. Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to
a stimulating, challenging, supportive and rewarding work environment is vital. Because
of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries
be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to job responsibilities and that
pay increases be tied to performance rather than seniority.
This study was aimed to describe the overall level of job satisfaction among
teaching staff in Himachal Pradesh University, Patiala, and to understand the working
conditions and opportunities to present problems and views and also to study the
importance of maintaining balance between work and personal life through different
factors which influence the performance of the employees such as the working condition,
the salary, the job tasks, the relationships between employees and managers including
levels of their communication between them etc. (Hoppock, 1935; Greenberg & Baron,
employees. As a person imbibes, interprets and disseminates the relevant items of culture
and traditions of the past, he creates new knowledge, promotes innovations, critically
appraises the past and its traditions and cultures, sifts the grain from the chaffe,
strengthens social and economic fabrics of the nation. Education is basically the influence
which the teacher exerts on the students entrusted to his care. Effective Company
employees are required in the classroom because even the best curriculum and most
perfect syllabus remain ineffective in the absence of a good teacher. The teaching
profession, according to Daniels (1973) inherently entails certain well-known self
obvious and implicit obligations, commitments and expectations from its members. The
society bestows its trust on all the professionals to rise to the demands of the profession.
In order to perform his role of paramount and vital significance effectively, a teacher
should be professionally aware of professional demands and obligations placed on him by
the profession. Further the role of Company employees in influencing the future of our
advancing national development is becoming increasingly important. Development of the
country requires a high rate of production and fullest possible utilization of both human
as well as material resources.
Nowadays, there is, however, a general feeling that the Company employees do not have
satisfaction in their job. There seems to be growing discontentment towards their job as a
result of which standard of education are falling. Company employees are dissatisfied in
spite of different plans and programs, which have been implemented to improve their job.
Job satisfaction consists of total body of feeling about the nature of job promotion, nature
of supervision etc. that an individual has about his job. If the sum total of influence of
these factors gives arises to feelings of satisfaction, the individual has job satisfaction.
Under such circumstances it is essential that the proper understanding concerning
satisfaction emanating from the job life be obtained.
to enjoy the talents of people as job satisfaction fosters a pervasive residue of public
goodwill towards the organization.
4. Individuals can live with the organizations
A happy and satisfied individual can find it easy to live within the organization as well as
outside it. On the contrary, a chronically upset individual makes organization life
vexations for others with whom he interacts.
5. Reduces absenteeism and turnover
The calculable costs-employee turnover and absenteeism are sufficient to accept
the importance of job satisfaction. Higher job satisfaction reduces labor turnover and
absenteeism, and the managers are compelled, if they are unconvinced about the merits of
job satisfaction, to give priority, and adequate weightage to job satisfaction. A serious
consequence of job dissatisfaction can be the employee turnover.
Non financial rewards (appreciation of ones performance, due recognition, more
responsibilities, respect and regard, recognition of skills and talent etc.) often have more
impact than financial recognition in attaining job satisfaction. In the contemporary
workplace of today, leaders are empowering employees, flattening organizations,
encouraging staff participation in decision making, enhancing productivity and shifting
from 9/5 to 24/7, with only one objective of attaining high performance outcomes for the
organization. Many leaders in their quest for organization success often overlook one
very valuable motivational tool in their arsenal i.e. job satisfaction.
Staff rewards
Rewarding staff appropriately is important. Experienced human resources consultancies
and practitioners who are engaged in staff selection, assessment and recruitment are often
able to evaluate and assess the needs and wants of individuals fairly accurately. By
having them, especially those with many years of expertise and experience, organizations
can develop strategic and creative benefits and wages to attract, retain and motivate talent
who will achieve high performance for the organizations and job satisfaction for
themselves. Job satisfaction is often achieved where performance is recognized by
Strong motivator
Job Satisfaction is often a strong motivator in work endeavors. Research has shown that
Job Satisfaction can lead to high job performance especially for professionals and highlevel employees, commonly known as talent. As jobs and work in the new economy shift
to professionalized knowledge based, info-tech, info-com and bio-science characteristics,
job satisfaction will increasingly become a key driver of individual motivation and effort.
Research has also shown that there exists a relationship between individual performance
measured at a certain time and later job satisfaction. However, this relation is conditional
to performance being family rewarded in appropriate form as perceived by the recipient.
Quality of work-life
One of the hallmarks of a socially responsible organization is its success in achieving not
only high performance outcomes, but also in helping its team members experience a high
level of Job Satisfaction. Quality of work-life (QWL) is a key indicator of the overall
quality of human experience at the workplace. QWL expresses a clear way of thinking
about people, their work and the organization in which their careers are fulfilled. QWL
establishes a clear objective that high performance can be achieved with high job
High job satisfaction
Achieving high job satisfaction needs some simple strategies. Offer your team members a
variety of meaningful tasks. Repetitive routine work often leads to job dissatisfaction. As
a leader, think about introducing application of creativity in their work. Rotate the staff of
different task at regular intervals so that their work remains challenging. If you have to
supervise do it unobtrusively. Give more responsibility by empowering your teak
members. Allow them opportunity to self.
Improve your job skills. Imagining yourself in your dream job, you might envision
yourself as an excellent project manager-a confident communicator and a highly
organized person. Why not work on these skills in your present job?
Develop you own project. Take on a project that can motivate you and give you a
sense of control. Start small, such as organizing a work-related celebration, before
moving on to larger goals. Working on something boost your confidence.
Mentor a co-worker. Once youve mastered a job, you may find it. Becoming
routine. Helping a new co-worker or an intern advance his or her skills can restore
the challenge and the satisfaction you desire.
Break up the monotony. Take advantages of your work breaks. Read. Listen to
music. Go for a walk. Write a letter.
Cross-training. Does your work consist of repetitive tasks, such as entering data or
working on as assembly line? Talk with your boos about training for a different
task to combat boredom. Once you have completed the training, you can switch
back and forth.
Volunteer for something different. If you hear that you company is launching a new
project, volunteer for the work team.
Keep in mind that boredom can literally be deadly if your job involves working with
machinery or caring for people. If your mind wanders to the point that you put
3. Stay Positive
Use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job. Changing your
attitude about work wont necessarily happen overnight or increase your job
satisfaction overnight. But if youre alert to the view of work that brings you down,
you can improve your job satisfaction. Try these techniques.
Stop negative thoughts. Pay attention to the messages you give yourself. When you
catch yourself thinking your job is terrible, stop the thought in its tracks.
Put things in perspective. Remember, everyone encounters good days and bad days
on the job.
Look for the silver lining. Reframing can help you find the good in a bad
situation. For example, you receive a less than perfect performance appraisal and
your boss warns you to improve or move to another job. Instead of taking it
personally or looking for another job right away, look for the silver lining.
Depending on where you work, the silver lining may be attending continuing
education classes or working closely with a performance coach and having the
satisfaction of showing your boss that youre capable of change.
Learn from your mistakes. Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many
people let failure defeat them. When you make a mistake at work, learn from it
and try again. It doesnt mean that youre a failure
Be grateful. Gratitude can help you focus on whats positive about your job. Ask
yourself, What am I grateful for at work today? find at least one thing you are
grateful for and savor it.
Whether your work is a job, a career or a calling, you can take steps to restore meaning to
your job. Make the best of difficult work situations by being positive. Doing so will help
you manage your stress and experience the rewards of your profession. Apparently,
assuring job satisfaction, over the long term, requires careful planning and effort both by
employers and employees. Skills should be given to employees so that they can perform
those tasks more efficiently and effectively thus relieving boredom and gains recognition.
Employees should be creative, ready to take initiative and work in team, as large part of
success in job is the ability to work well with others to get the job done. Employees
should know how to accept people with their difference and imperfection, and how to
give and receive criticism constructively in the same organization. Lastly, employees and
employers should learn to de-stress. They should plan to avoid burnout by developing
healthy stress management techniques. Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to
a stimulating, challenging, supportive and rewarding work environment is vital. Because
of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries
be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to job responsibilities and that
pay increases be tied to performance rather than seniority.
Bharwani. "Effective communication about how individual pay is determined and about
companies' overall performance will become more and more important as the job market
becomes more competitive,'' he added.
The survey also found that 83 per cent of Indian workers have confidence in the longterm success of their companies while 81 per cent intend to stay with their current
employer for at least one more year. A significant 74 per cent of Indian employees say
their work gave them a sense of personal achievement while 72 per cent felt the amount
of work they are required to do is reasonable.
asserted that participating in the management, having the decision making power,
independence on the job and the unit where the individual works, have positive impact
upon the job satisfaction. The job itself (the work conducted), and achievement and
recognition at work result in satisfaction while the management policy, relations with the
managers and colleagues result in dissatisfaction. Factors related to the job itself such as
using talents, creativity, responsibility, recognition have influence on the job satisfaction.
Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Studies conducted in five different
countries prove that the elder workers are more satisfied. Kose has also found a
meaningful relation between the age and job satisfaction.
There is a strong connection between feeling secure and saying one is satisfied with a job.
People who state their job is secure have a much larger probability of reporting
themselves happy with their work.
Similarly, by some researchers, sex is also found to have an influence on job satisfaction.
Besides, Wahba has found out that male librarians give more importance to personal
development and free decision making in their jobs than the female librarians, and the
female librarians are more dissatisfied than the male librarians.
Job satisfaction and devotion to the job, affected each other reciprocally, and they have
great impact upon performance. The most significant of the factors affecting performance
are economical, technical, socio-political, cultural and demographical ones.
However, most efforts to improve performance seem to center on improving the
conditions surrounding the work. These are worthwhile efforts, but they usually result
only in short-term improvements in attitudes and productivity, and the situation often
returns quickly to normal.
There is no strong acceptance among researchers, consultants, etc., that increased job
satisfaction produces improve job performance -- in fact, improved job satisfaction can
sometimes decrease job performance. For example, you could let workers sometime sit
around all day and do nothing. That may make them more satisfied with their "work" in
the short run, but their performance certainly doesn't improve. The individual's
willingness to get a result, his/her endeavour and expectation of maintaining the result
will push him/her to show the highest performance.
Job satisfaction varies a lot. (Researches suggests, the higher the prestige of the job, the
greater the job satisfaction). But, many workers are satisfied in even the least prestigious
jobs. They simply like what they do. Most workers like their work if they have little
supervision. The least satisfied workers are those in service occupations and managers
that work for others. Ethnic and religious orientation is associated to work attitudes, and
job satisfaction is related to education.
The difference between the results that the individual desire and those s/he maintained
will affect his/her satisfaction. There is a consistent relationship between the professional
status and the job satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction are observed in those
professions which are deemed of good standing in the society.
The workers usually compare their working conditions with the conditions of the society,
under the variable of social conditions. If the social conditions are worse than the
individual's working conditions, then this will result in satisfaction of the individual, as
the workers deem themselves relatively in good position.
No meaningful relationship between the job satisfaction and age, professional experience,
education level, level of wage, sex and professional group was found. On the contrary,
professional experience has been claimed to increase job satisfaction.
on government policies brought him greater job satisfaction than structuring a financial
deal for a client, Prasanna did not mind sacrificing on the salary.
There are many Indians like Prasanna who have switched not just jobs but the industry
altogether. In fact, many are aspiring to start a firm of their own to realise their dreams.
The survey shows over 50% professionals switched their industry after their first job. The
reason for the switch was not just money as 34% complained of lack of growth and
opportunity in their current profiles and 33% had either lost interest or realised their own
There are yet another 45% of professionals who would like to switch industry and pursue
something different from their field of specialisation34% say for job satisfaction, 28%
for monetary reasons and 21% say their parents forced them to get into the educational
specialisation and hence theyd like to switch.
Simply working and earning money is something that does not satisfy todays youth or
professionals. The youth today act as careerpreneurs and for them being completely
satisfied with their work and growth is very important. They take risk in their careers like
an entrepreneur does to reinvent themselves, says the survey by that has
over 3 million users. The survey finding points to an increasing trend of young workers
looking for careers that provides job satisfaction, which will enhance productivity of
Indian industry. But for the industry, this trend poses a question: Whether this will leave
the job market chaotic and starve the industry of skilled professionals?
Meeting the overarching demand for skilled workers is one of the major headaches not
only for some industries but for the government as well. Of the army of 500 million
workforce, hardly 7% is in the formal sector and a small fraction of that has the requisite
skills. Economic pundits warn that, for the Indian economy to grow by 8-10%, the
country has to upgrade skills of its workforce rapidly. Even if skills are upgraded, one
cannot ignore the aspirations of the young workers.
A survey on global CEOs revealed that human capital is one the main challenges of
MNCs in India followed by global political and economic risks, innovation, operational
excellence and government regulation. If you do not have the right approach in place on
the human capital side of the organisation, you will struggle to be innovative, customer
friendly, and operationally sound, said the CEOs survey report prepared by FICCI and
The Conference Board drawing responses from over 700 CEOs across the globe, 60 of
them from India.
In a clear indication of the stress across the global talent market and the scarcity of
quality talent available on the open market, particularly in Asia, where wage and title
inflation are rampant, growing talent internally is the top strategy of company CEOs in
India. The five top strategies selected by CEOs to tackle their human capital challenges
grow talent internally, provide employee training and development, raise employee
engagement, improve performance management processes and accountability, and
increase efforts to retain critical talentare all internally focused and put an emphasis on
current employees, it said.
major sectors poised for growth makes India a very critical and important marketplace for
human resource management."
He went on to say, "As domestic companies reach out globally they will need skilled
human capital to be competitive with established market leaders."
Looking at the world from the employees' point of view, Lee said, "Leadership, job
satisfaction, communication, teamwork and work environment are the top five
commitment drivers. While India has a strong advantage with a net labour cost saving of
around 40%, future growth trajectories will depend on sustaining the people & cost
In a hot labour market the human resource challenges corporate India faces are:
Sharing an overview of Watson Wyatt's WorkIndia study, Anita Belani, country head,
Watson Wyatt India, said, "In most categories, Indian employees rate their companies
more favourably than employees in other Asia Pacific countries. Indian employees give
more importance to the company's growth prospects and reputation when evaluating the
'leave or stay decision' as compared to their Asia Pacific counterparts. Indian employees
rated above average on two norms versus their AP counterparts: employee alignment with
corporate goals and higher accessibility of information."
"On the other hand, ratings on dissatisfaction with compensation are similar to their AsiaPacific counterparts with compensation rated as the biggest reason why people leave,
followed by better career opportunities and better utilization of skills. While employees
do recognize that pay is linked to the company's performance, they are not satisfied with
their pay or benefits," he added.
Ramadorai spoke about the evolution of TCS from a domestic to a global company. He
described how the company has created a favourable work culture for over 59,000
employees. "There are five essential elements that make a good team: A common goal,
team spirit, expertise in diverse areas within the teams, acting when necessary and, most
importantly, effective leadership. These five elements, when working in tandem, make for
an effective team," he said.
"What employees look for are credible managers and leaders that they can rely on,
treatment as professionals in their field of work, a work culture that provides stability and
is free of politics," said Misra, while providing an insight into some key employee
The forum was attended by business owners and senior corporate executives, including
Godrej Group chairperson Adi Godrej; Tata AIG managing director Dalip Verma; ICICI
Prudential associate VP (operations) Ashok Suvarna; Bajaj Electricals CEO R
Ramakrishnan; Novartis CEO Anil Matai, TCS chairman of F C Kohli, and Wockhardt
chairman Huzaifa Khorakiwala.
Anita Belani added, "The success of this forum affirms our growing belief in the
advantages of developing entrepreneurs and leaders who will take India and its
businesses to supremacy in global markets. Recognising this potential, we have
centralised the Watson Wyatt human capital consulting business in Mumbai to meet
growing rapidly demand for advice on efficient corporate structures, benefits and
retention strategies."
Lee also shared some global trends in work that include:
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well
managed organization sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity .An
effective organization will always promote a sense of commitment and satisfaction
among its employees. The significance and importance of the concept of organizational
commitment in terms of leading to beneficial organizational and desirable outcomes such
as increased productivity, reducing absenteeism and turnover, has been documented by
many studies such as those of Steers (1977); Porter et al. (1974); Reiches (1985) and Tett
and Meyer (1993).
One way to address issue of employee turnover is to understand the job satisfaction and
commitment level of employees. Organizations often try to foster commitment in their
employees to achieve stability and reduce costly turnover. It is commonly believed that
committed employees will also work harder and be more likely to go the extra mile to
achieve organizational objectives. Research has consistently demonstrated that
commitment does indeed contribute to a reduction in turnover. Motivated employees are
needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations
survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to
understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. A lot
of studies are conducted separately on commitment, satisfaction and motivation but very
few studies are there on IT sector linking these three .So it is crucial to conduct a study on
job satisfaction and organizational commitment in information technology industry and
also to identify the important motivating factors to retain the highly talented workforce.
The review of related literature on Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction and
Motivation has helped the researcher to identify the gap and has provided an insight to
the direction of current study. The population for the study was all technical employees in
the Information technology Industry in Bangalore city. For the present study data was
collected with the help of structured questionnaire from 300 employees working in
software industry.
The study is concentrated on Bangalore IT industry. The researcher used non probabilistic
sampling (purposive sampling) method as sampling design. Samples were selected from
Top IT multinational companies. Samples were drawn from three levels of management
including entry level, middle level and top level employees. The pertinent information for
the study is collected from both primary and secondary sources.
The independent variable in this study is job satisfaction. The overall Job satisfaction was
measured using the 15-item questionnaire developed by Prof.Harold Andrew Patrick in
Designed to measure 15 aspects of job. The aspects of overall job satisfaction are job
security,interest,opportunity for advancement,appreciation,company policy and
practises, intrinsic aspects of a job,salary,supervision,social aspects of job, working
conditions,communication,hours,ease, benefits ,and fair treatment. Responses were
with the help of 7 point likert scale.
The dependant variable, organizational commitment was measured using the revised
Organizational Commitment Scales (Meyer, Allen and Smith 1993) that is, the Affective
Commitment Scale (ACS), the Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS) and the
Normative Commitment Scale (NCS) with 24 questions on 7-point Likert scales. The
Kovach ten jobrelated
factors developed by kovach , Kenneth (1999) were used to determine what motivates the
employees in software industry. The respondents were asked to indicate the degree of
importance of the factors and relative ranking according to motivational importance. The
statistical technique used to analyse the data were descriptive statistics, The Pearsons
correlation, ANOVA, Regression and Friedman test. Data was analysed with the help of
driving force of all firms so it is essential that organizations strive to motivate and hold
on to the best employees (Harrington, 2003). Employee commitment, productivity and
retention issues are emerging as the most critical workforce management challenges of
the immediate future, driven by employee loyalty concerns, corporate restructuring
efforts and tight competition for key talent. For many firms, surprise employee
departures can have a significant effect on the execution of business plans and may
eventually cause a parallel decline in productivity. This phenomenon is especially true in
light of current economic uncertainty and following corporate downsizings when the
impact of losing critical employees increases exponentially (Caplan and Teese, 1997;
Ambrose, 1996; Noer, 1993).
People dont quit companies, they quit bosses. (Kaye and Jordan-Evans, 1999). By
focusing on leadership, organizations improve employee retention (Buckingham and
Coffman, 1999). Yu (1999) reported that in order to reduce labor turnover and retain
productive employees, management has to improve working conditions and keep the
employees properly motivated. Employee motivation, therefore, is an important
determinant of performance at the workplace (Houkes 2002). Organisations may differ in
the priority they attach to the human resource component, in their efforts toward
achieving high productivity and competitive advantage, yet they all recognise the value
of a qualified, motivated, stable, and responsive team of employees (Huselid,
1995). Morrell, Loan-Clarke and Wilkinson (2001) argue, there is yet no universally
accepted account or framework for why people choose to leave. According to Maritz
(1995) excellent organisations begin with excellent leadership and unfortunately the
reverse is also true. He argues that some leaders believe the performance of an
organisation depends upon the quality of its personnel. He claims that this is a flawed
premise for, in reality, it is the quality of the organisations leadership, which will dictate
whether or not the talents and commitment of its people will become manifest and
expressed in the work of the organisation.
Scope of the Study
Building a knowledge base on what causes an employee to choose to leave an
organization gives organizations the opportunity to curtail voluntary turnover and /or to
manage the turnover process more effectively. Aspects of the work environment and
employee retention strategies can then be created. Very little research exists on the topic
of retention, attrition, or job satisfaction in home electric appliances industry of Turkey.
Presently, there is no system in place in Air India Ltd to determine which personnel leave
the profession or why they leave; the numbers can only be speculated.
This study could provide groundwork for possible changes in the reward strategy of Air
India Ltd by analyzing the factors that lead to job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction and
by making recommendations at both departmental and organizational levels to enhance
the retention of Air India Ltd employees.
Rationale of the study
The main scope of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of employees satisfaction
and various methods to increase the sales volume of the concern. The methods include
regular information to the buyers creating a brand position in the market and taking
measures to make the brand remain in its position. One of the important aspects of this
study is also to increase the market segment for the product.
2010) that Indian males in the workplace continue to recycle the stereotype images of
In addition to desk research, discussions and interviews, a structured questionnaire was
served to different categories of women workers in 40 star-rated Delhi hotels. Out of 330
questionnaires distributed, surprisingly 308 were returned. Six were rejected on the basis
of inadequate information. Dr Hamid wrote, The response to the study was encouraging
and leads (the researcher) to believe that women in India are slowly learning to become
vocal about what they want and deserve both at home and workplace. In order to
monitor the variation among responses of different categories respondents, chi-square
test was used according to requirement and suitability.
The study categorised the respondents thus: A: Unmarried; B: Married, with children; C:
Married, without children; D: Unmarried, managerial status; E: Married, without
children, managerial status; F: Married, with children, managerial status.
It said, Todays fast paced lifestyle calls for managing high levels of competition, stress,
tension and work/life balance. The high price to pay for this lifestyle wreaks havoc on
human minds and results in stressed-out individuals. People are not able to manage all the
demands on them and buckle under pressure. Stress brings failure and failure brings more
stress which becomes a vicious cycle, eventually resulting in falling performance.
As further pointed out by the author, the individual member goes through humiliation as
he is not able to match the performance level of others and since performance alone is the
key for any hike in salary or winning an award, under performance at work leads to low
level of morale and job satisfaction.
Although men and women both have proved their mettle in the corporate world globally
but the fact remains that women are in the minority and invisible to quite an extent in
leadership roles in India. They also face pressure of social and role constraints imposed
upon them by society, family and quite surprisingly by women themselves. This is
because women in India are still juggling between being man on the job and the
otherwise conventional role of a homemaker. There is no kudos for her exemplary
performance at work unless she is a perfect wife, mother and daughter and so on. Another
social reality in India is that there is an increased need for womens earnings consequent
upon rise in family expenses. She has been readily accepted as co-breadwinner but not
yet unburdened from her exclusive domestic responsibilities.
Heavy Workload
Concluded Dr Hamid, It is evident that category B and F have registered high degree
of domestic stress and most of them find it difficult to manage domestic and professional
responsibilities without any stress. However, employees of other categories are facing
lesser domestic stress as they have lesser domestic responsibilities. From the responses,
category B, C and F have confronting domestic and professional commitments. On
the other hand, remaining categories are less affected by work/life conflict.
It is clear from the statistical information that majority of category B, C and F find
it difficult to face the challenge of their hotel job and domestic responsibilities due to
heavy workload at both the fronts. Women employees of other categories rarely face such
a conflicting situation. Women workers from category B, C and F strongly feel that
their efficiency at work could be more if they can get more support from home.
Therefore it is indicative that domestic stress is adversely affecting the workplace
responsibilities of most of the married women workers in star hotels at Delhi. The other
categories under reference are less affected by domestic stress. However, it is universal
that domestic stress and workers efficiency are negatively correlated.
Dr Hamid wrote that most of the respondents in category B, C and F feel that they
are caught in a vicious circle. Degree of stress is highest in case of category F. It is
lowest in case of category A. Married women workers are more stressed than unmarried
women workers. Furthermore, category F is more stressed than category E. Category
D has also shown some symptoms of work related stress.
The survey cited 81 respondents from category B who said they are unable to sleep. 60
respondents of category C are facing the problem of restlessness and insomnia and all
respondents from category F have shown these symptoms. Category A has shown least
symptoms of stress. The degree of stress in married women workers is more in
comparison to unmarried women workers. The same is true in case of category E and
category B and C.
Keeping the House, Not Housekeeping
The survey said that majority of category B respondents show signs of low level of selfesteem and job satisfaction. Category C has also registered the same pattern of feelings
regarding job satisfaction and self-esteem. Out of 37 workers under category F, 6
workers have not shown high level of job satisfaction and high level of self-esteem.
Women workers of all categories except category A are experiencing low level of self
esteem and low level of job satisfaction, the survey showed. Most of unmarried women
workers in star hotels at Delhi have registered negative responses regarding low level of
job satisfaction. However, 75% women workers in category B have agreed that they feel
held back in their professional life. 57 women workers in category C have expressed
similar views.
The research study added, :Literature regarding working women in the Indian scenario
supports that women still face gender-bias and continue to do the softer jobs. This is
evident in the results of the study. Secondly, (the fact that) they have to struggle hard to
prove their worth at home and workplace is substantiated by the result of the study that
all married women workers have reported overload of responsibilities owing to their
status as working women. The success of a woman is mapped by the way she keeps her
house and not the housekeeping she does at the hotel.
She said the need to address this issue becomes imperative as negative emotions can have
a negative impact on job performance and eventually job satisfaction. Further research
needs to be done to evolve effective stress management techniques for married women
workers in star hotels at Delhi and especially for those who have parental/managerial
status or both.
Suggested solutions
According to Dr Hamid, Stress levels can be controlled through effective relaxation
techniques. In order to build physical and emotional resilience, married women workers
need to take charge of their emotions and time both. They have to become conscious of
their state of mind and spend time on activities that can help in beating fatigue. Such
activities can be:
Indulging in physical exercise/yoga/sports which aid good health and positivity of
attitude. This can be done either at home or even at the hotel.
Allotting a relaxation time for them in daily schedule, and indulging in activities that
can provide a sense of joy and happiness. It could be listening to music, reading a book or
gardening. Such activities can make the married women worker a well oiled engine to
meet the rough road ahead.
Humor is said to be a great stress reliever. Sharing jokes, reading funny storybooks or
watching comedy shows on television can be a good idea. Even watching cartoon
channels with children at home can be an effective way to recharge them.
Follow an action plan. When one is better organized, ones efficiency increases. Making
a daily schedule, making a list of activities and prioritizing them should be done on
regular basis. Carrying personal problems to work and thinking about work at home is the
worst thing to do. Spending quality and fruitful time at hotel and home both is strongly
advised to married women workers.
Better time-management can be displayed by securing family support. Married women
workers should make their children more responsible and should not hesitate to ask for
spousal help in domestic chores. In Indian context, even today, home is the special or at
times exclusive responsibility of the woman. Married women workers need to influence
this mindset and tending the house should become the joint duty of both the partners.
Married women workers should learn to make a simple thing like laying out the dinner
table, an enjoyable and continued family affair.
Employee Counseling Cell/Employee Assistance Programs with a woman counselor on
board for assistance in sorting out work/life conflicts amongst women employees. If
women workers get a chance to voice their personal/professional concerns in a
confidential manner then they can feel relaxed. Also they can get sound advises from a
counselor that can help them sort out their day to day issues. Married women workers are
recommended to try and secure top management commitment and support for such
Organization should try to adopt certain measures to enhance team spirit and coordination among the Company employees.
Managers should recognize that a certain amount of conflict will almost always
exist between professional and hierarchical authority and control systems. The
key is to transform this conflict into motivation by structurally insulating these
workers from organization pressure, while simultaneously making them aware of
the importance that their work holds for the firms well being and its continued
competitive advantages.
They should study the change process and learn from their experiences from
change owing to internal and external factors, including departures from tradition,
new leaders with new visions, crisis or other starting events, key decisions on the
part of senior management, or tests, of their infrastructure ability to accommodate
change. Firm also change because of change. But professionals and other hightech workers must clearly see the need for change, otherwise, they may not
support the change, or they may even sabotage it, therefore communication must
be reemphasized.
They should design jobs and work relationship to take advantage of technical
specialties. For example, rotating professionals through multiple role and job
responsibilities can sensitize them to new ides and opportunities.
They should utilize a menu of salient relevant that are relevant for high tech and
professional workers. These reminders ideally should be linked to performance,
but in some culture they might be liked so effort, risk taking, or other relevant
Every employee will work for his own and for the success of organizations growth. The
reason why job satisfaction is important is that it motivates other co-workers to be active
in their job to carry on the success of their organization. The managers will have to look
at the profits of their organization as well as have to focus on the employees well being
who are laying the foundation for the growth of their organization. The manager at the
top most level must have to eradicate the atrocity of paying more work load to the
employees. Surely a well focused manager or boss must have to implements the standards
for improving the satisfaction level of employees. In the sense it makes the employees get
more involved in their job, typically we can say it as a job involvement. Once employees
get involved in their job they can easily maintain their psychological emotions and assure
of success in their work life balance also. The key factor is to maintain the employee
interest in his particular job. The deviation of mind set of the employee surely brings
destruction to the organization. Every step taken by the manager for the growth and
productivity of the organization has to reflect the source of the satisfaction to the
employee. On the other side which may be a money factor or promotion or other benefits.
To develop a healthy organizational environment, employees must feel happiness in their
job. A famous say "Happy Workers are Productive Workers" will surely have to take
place in every organization. Different environment in the organization seem to be a
challenging task for an employee to fit to the conditions. But the interesting fact is that it
gives them opportunity to get variety of job tasks, training, work hours and control on
their tasks. As compared to the routine tasks this will surely bring satisfaction to most of
the employees who feel.
The other thing that an employee values most is the compensation and benefits. Money
does not motivate people. But he should have to get reward for his job done. Employees
working in shifts are expecting such benefits. But once comfortable living is reached the
need for job satisfaction gets vanished. Jobs that are compensated handsomely have
average job satisfaction level no higher than those that are paid much less.
Factor That Would Help In Increasing Job Satisfaction Of Indian And Indian