National Precinct Alliance
National Precinct Alliance
National Precinct Alliance
INSIDE THIS ISSUE We also knew that 30 people was not enough make the
changes we wanted to make, but we had just attended
1 Why we do what we do – Nevada “Winged it”
a Tea Party with over 1000 patriots gathered in a park
protesting on April 15th. Tea Party people, our kind of
3 We “Winged it people, all demanding the government listen to us. But
how to bring them together for a single goal was the
4 State Directors - welcome aboard! - “Filing Deadlines” question. We reached out to them using the internet
and word of mouth. We used Facebook,,
5 What if seat is filled? – “What is Coming!” and any conservative group we could find in our area
by searching the internet. Our plan was not met with
overwhelming enthusiasm, but enough people listened
ATTENTION! and agreed to give it a try.
Newsletter 1
Trust under the United States". Yet, much of the The Tea Parties and the 912 Project have energized
legislation in the last 80 years passed through millions of concerned Americans. But even after the
the House and the Senate, address provisions magnificent September 12th, 2009 march on
that are clearly outside the Constitutional Washington D.C. – in which over 1.5 Million
Authority of the federal government. participated in the nation’s capital – most participants
The words most overlooked are the words have an uneasy feeling that nothing essential has
binding the members of the “several State changed. And they are right…
Legislatures and all Executive and Judicial Something is missing!
Officers, both of the United States and of the
several States”. Our Founding Fathers placed Millions of Americans are asking: “What can I do?”
this required Oath or Affirmation, to support the And almost no one will give them the answer.
Constitution, to bind State Legislatures and all
Executive and Judicial Officers from acting The Answer is the Missing Action
outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution. Ingredient…The Precinct Strategy!
They also knew the state legislatures would
choose the two U.S. Senators representing their The Precinct Strategy is the only peaceful and
state whose representation embody the constitutional way to take back our nation. It’s been
sovereignty of each state. In 1913, through around for over 200 years – but it’s been
ratification of the seventeenth amendment of the “obscured”... hidden through ignorance and the lack
U.S. Constitution, the sovereignty of the of diligent citizenry for many years. Now that we
individual states was relinquished and our great know, it is time to move this silent majority GIANT
Republic morphed into a Mass- Ruled into action to locate and elect individuals into the
Democracy. This was not the intention of our office of “Precinct Executive”… individuals that will
Founding Fathers. Article 1 Section 3 of the adhere to the constitutional principles of limited
Constitution was included purposely as a check- government, free markets, and individual freedoms.
and-balance to thwart any attempt of the Federal
Government to repress the people. Why run for Precinct Executive?
George Washington said: Government is not What do we want to accomplish by this? How do we
reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, as a nation get back to constitutional principles of
it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. limited government, free markets, and individual
freedoms? We see the candidates. But where do the
Why do I say all this? candidates come from?
My intention is not advocatory for the repeal of The candidates, democrat and republican, who win
the seventeenth amendment, but to say this; the public office will almost always be the candidate
time is now at hand which will determine whether endorsed by the local PARTY LEADERS. One of
Americans are to be free men or slaves. those two candidates, either the republican or the
democrat, will be elected in November, and go to
What does this have to do with what we do? Congress to make the laws, and determine much of
our country’s future. This is very obvious to most
Not only did our Founding Fathers establish a Americans. What is not obvious is what is happening
Republic, they established a Republic Of By and at the grassroots level. Every two years there is an
For the People. They intended for the grass- election most Americans are not aware of… the
roots citizens to rule precinct-by-precinct. In the election of our Precinct Executives. The Precinct
way our states’ sovereignty was hijacked, Executives elect the Party Leaders and the Party
through lack of commitment to our system of self- Leaders endorse the candidates for office. Hence,
government, in an equivalent way, the whole of the only way Americans can fire the current local
our country has been hijacked and the process of county Party Leaders is through the Precinct System
self-government hidden right under our nose due by electing like-minded Precinct Executives.
to apathy, lack of participation and commitment.
We are not stupid people but have chosen How does this effect change?
stupidity and to ignore the process of policy.
So, what is the answer? What are we to do? continued on page 3 see WHY
The solution is really very simple... Get involved!
Newsletter 2
Rule # 1: • Our friends are elected to the Executive
People Are Policy. What that means is this… if you Committee;
want to change the law, if you want to change policy; • Our friends win the primary;
you have to change the people that make the policy. • Our friends can get on the ballot in the
The Precinct Executive is where policy will start. November General Election;
• Our friends win and change policy.
Rule # 2:
If Your Name is not On the Ballot, You're Not Going to If we want to change policy it’s our responsibility to
Win. For our Senator or Representative to win the be elected members of our Party's Central
November General Election and begin to reverse Committee. And that's why we're asking you to run
policy we have to get their names on the ballot. We for Precinct Executive so that:
must ensure they win the Party Primary election. If we You become a member of the Central
want to change the people who change the policy, it Committee; you will decide who becomes a
becomes our job to make sure that our Senator or member of your Party's Executive Committee.
Representative wins the primary.
Because there can be only one member of the
Rule # 3: Central Committee from each of the precincts, it is
Only Candidates Endorsed By The Party Win The imperative that we locate, and encourage
Primary. Republicans and democrats alike trust their individuals that will adhere to the constitutional
Party Leaders to make the correct decision in principles of limited government, free markets, and
endorsing their candidate. If we are going to change individual freedoms to join with us.
the people who make policy, we must ensure that our
Senator or Representative is endorsed by the Party so That is why if each of us would do this in our own
their name will appear on the ballot. precinct then we will succeed. And so we conclude
Where do endorsements come from? The party is
made up of members of the Executive Committee. Rule # 4
And it is the Executive Committee that gives the He who holds the office of Precinct Executive is he
Party's endorsements. who holds the Power of the People...
Both Democrats and Republicans have their own
Executive Committee in every county. This Therefore it is vital that freedom loving people who
Committee decides whose name will go on the ballot believe in our Charters of Freedom run for the
at the primaries. The endorsed candidates consistently office of "Precinct Executive"...
win. It is vital that we understand this process. It is
through this process we regain control of our country.
Terminology – Precinct Executive
If we want change, we must take control at the
grassroots. It is our job to elect Precinct Executives There seems to be some confusion as to correct
that will adhere to the constitutional principles of terminology of the Precinct Executive. What we
limited government, free markets, and individual have is a cluster-mess of terminologies throughout
freedoms... and Precinct Executives that will elect the country that mean the same thing. Instead of
Executive Committee members that will adhere to the Committeeperson, or committeeman, or
constitutional principles of limited government, free committeewoman, or committee captain, or
markets, and individual freedoms. precinct chairperson, or precinct chairman, or
precinct chairwoman, or etc., etc., I think you get
It is the Central Committee that elects the members of the idea. In light of that, we will use the
the Executive Committee. The Central Committee is terminology Precinct Executive. So, when you
made up of one person from each precinct in the hear one of us mention “Precinct Executive” We
County. Each one of those members is called a mean all of the above!
Precinct Executive. The terms "Precinct Executive"
and "Member of the Central Committee" are
synonymous. This Central Committee meets once
every two years where the Executive Committee is
elected "by" the Central Committee.
Newsletter 3
Winged State Directors!
meeting. Call it perfect timing or just call it Las Vegas State Directors - welcome aboard! Your first task is
luck, but the old party RINO’s had no idea what had to confirm the two key dates for your state, namely
just hit them. They welcomed us with open arms and your Filing Deadline and Primary Date. Our NPA
celebration fitting a Trojan horse, thinking they had just website has dates listed, but you can also confirm
boosted their membership numbers with naïve them by referring to the website for the Federal
unwashed children who would be easy to lead. But we Election Commission
had other plans. The old guard was clueless to the fact
that we were as mad at them as we were with the
Socialist Liberal Progressives. Great! Once you have confirmed your key dates,
what is the next step?
To fully understand what happened in Nevada, you
must know the demographics. Southern Nevada is If your state filing deadline is within 6 weeks, it is
about as liberal as it gets, the rural counties are solid URGENT – do anything you can, quickly, to meet
conservative patriots and the Reno/Carson City area is fellow conservatives and get them involved.
a split between liberals and moderates. The key to Identify the most heavily populated counties and
changing the State GOP was Las Vegas, the most focus on finding County Coordinators for each.
populous part of Clark County and the State. Unknown If your state filing deadline is more than 6 weeks,
to us at the time, we were at ground zero of the you still need to get busy getting but you'll have a
conservative explosion that would sweep across bit more time to get your County Coordinators in
Nevada and would soon catch on fire across the place. Check with your Area Director - they might
Nation. need your temporary assistance with the State
coordinators of other states now in the URGENT
The time-line of events: zone. For example, KY, WV, NM, IN, OH, NC all
has filing deadlines in Jan or Feb.
March – April: Nevada Patriots and NAC at separate What if your filing deadline has passed? Don't give
meeting started examining How to join and influence up hope - County party leaders still have empty
the CCRP (Clark County Republican Party). Grassfire seats to fill, so the challenge is to identify precincts
members encouraged to join the other local groups to with open seats and put forward conservative
communicate and promote the coalition idea. The individuals who can then be appointed as Precinct
leaders of the separate groups formed a coalition (The Executives.
Leadership Coalition) and started working together in
order to be more effective. The Las Vegas Glen Beck The next step is most crucial of all...oops - out of
9-12'ers came on board with the idea and all members space - we'll cover that in the next newsletter!
were encouraged to join the GOP to achieve the
needed numbers. Kevin Williams – Central Area
Director, National Precinct Alliance
June- October - Coalition was successful in electing
members as officers to CCRP. We started filling
commission district seats for the State convention with
coalition members. Note: The commission district reps
are the Nevada equivalent of Precinct Executives for
this purpose. CDR's are members of and have a vote
Patriot & Citizen of the United
on the CCRP Executive Board. STATES of America
November - Coalition successful in changing Nevada
State GOP leadership with grass roots conservatives.
"If there is trouble, let it be in my day,
that my child may have peace"
Present: With 15 active coalition groups and growing,
and over 200 Precinct Executives, all from the
Thomas Paine
conservative grassroots movement. We continue to
work within the system to influence the Republican
Newsletter 4
What if my Precinct seat is already filled? Am I done?
Absolutely NOT! The Fun Begins!!!!!
Troy says why, and what is coming!
Well? Many of the precinct seats across this
country sit completely vacant. And if yours is one of those Like you, my personal involvement with the
your task is slightly easier. However, even in that National Precinct Alliance is a direct result of the
situation you really do need to get yourself on the ballot. Progressive march now underway in our nation’s
Here is the why. You could talk to your County Party capital (as well as many state and local level
Leader and ask to be appointed. And they may even governments). One can wonder how these
agree to do that. But remember if you were appointed, assaults on our Constitution could be allowed to
you can be un-appointed. And also in some places if you happen. The fact is this occurred because people
are appointed you do not get a vote at the central like me were too complacent. But I believe the
committee meetings. This, kind of defeats our entire work of the National Precinct Alliance is the
purpose of even doing this. So where you can, get on the answer, and is grassroots politics at its best. I am
ballot period end of discussion. encouraged by the results in Nevada, and looking
forward to doing all I can to assist NPA in
Ok you have found out someone is already
spreading this plan throughout the nation.
occupying the seat you wanted in the party you wanted.
This is why it is an elected position. You will have to run One more personal observation: Our Progressive
against that person. But keep in mind even though a seat opponents have succeeded in using technology
is filled, that person might only be an appointee. And that (specifically the internet) to their advantage in both
is more often the case them not. So it is very possible fundraising and campaigning. While numerous
that that person will have no idea you are on the ballot. groups and websites have sprung to life in
So if they do not realize that some one has filed a petition response to this current political threat many
to run for the seat. You will be the only one on the ballot improvements are needed, and are available. As
and you will win by default. Another reason you need to the administrator of other website efforts, I have
be on the ballot! agreed to assist Phil in developing a site upgrade.
Our goal is to provide ease-of-use and added
Let’s say you are on the ballot and you know you
functionality. This is to place our members in the
are running against someone else. In this case,
correct location (state and precinct) as soon as
“Welcome to the World of Electoral Politics on the
possible, and to provide each member with the
information needed for their respective precincts as
this as fun! Because it probably will be! Imagine sitting
quickly as possible.
election night waiting for returns and you are in one of
those races! You have to admit the thought of it sounds a Thanks and here is to a great 2010!
little fun! Win or Loose! But you should in this case mount
some kind of campaign. Get yourself on Network news or Troy Hudgins
Meet the Press, rent the Goodyear Blimp or just pay Mountain Area Director
everyone that is voting for you or threaten them, use your
own discretion! Yes! That was all a JOKE! Look this is
the smallest unpaid office in the nation, but it is an
important one when looked at collectively. But all you are
running for is the opportunity to represent the people that
belong to the same party as you, vote where you do and
live where you do. All you need to do is simply take your
walking list. That is arranged by addresses of registered
voters in your precinct. If you have a petition to get
signed to get on the ballot you will probably have to do
this anyways. Simply introduce yourself. Tell them what
you are doing and why you are doing it. Tell them you
believe in the Constitution of the United States and that
you want to help insure your party’s candidates up hold
those same values. Ask them to sign your petition. And
simply ask them for their vote. Be honest. And I for one
hope you are doing this because you really do want to
represent ‘We the People” that live in your precinct as our
founding fathers intended us to do! We have sat by too
long; it is time for the American People to reengage in May God bless you all!
our Government. And May God Bless The United States of America!
Precinct Impact 5