605 Warwick Road Sub-Division Hearing and Vote

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Preserve a landmark property

*Approve more inappropriate development

Our Planning Board has the authority to deny this application. The Planning Board must evaluate all the ramifications of
this sub-division and decide what is in the best interest of the community they represent. The decision cannot be
predicated only on the parameters of an outdated zoning ordinance and to avoid litigation by the developer.
The application to sub-divide the property at 605 Warwick is not about the impact on ONE NEIGBORHOOD! For 7
months citizens from all sections of town have attended the meetings to denounce the proposal. Not one individual has
come forward in support of the sub-division. The message is clear Stop the inappropriate over development of
Haddonfield. Stop allowing investors to benefit at the expense of Haddonfields character and charm.
On December 2nd a vote to approve or deny the application may take place. There is no going back. If approved the
Planning Board will no longer have any control over the final outcome of what is developed.

How can the Planning Board vote to approve a sub-division that by the developers admission is largely
No architectural renderings of the 3 homes to be constructed have been submitted, only conceptual footprints.
Will the homes be compatible with existing homes in the neighborhood? Will the homes improve the visual
attractiveness of Warwick, a gateway road to Haddonfield? Both are mandates of our Master Plan.
The proposed storm water drywell system so critical to the storm water runoff issues that already plague the
neighborhood, is not only conceptual but the calculations used to predict effectiveness were not done using the
methods recommended by the State of NJ. A storm water system where the town has no clarity on who is
responsible to maintain it and no method for enforcement.

Flooding that already exists on an adjacent property

Example on Gill Rd. where a drywell system is failing and

flooding a neighbors property.

How can the Planning Board approve a proposal that:

Increases impervious coverage in excess of 50%, something which the Master Plan is clear on preventing and
yet it is increasing throughout town.
Eliminates open space, the preservation of which the Master Plan speaks to.
Allows the significant loss of mature shade trees and shrubbery which provide a natural storm water abatement
system. A mature tree can absorb 100 gallons of water per day
Compromises the safety of the neighborhood with a driveway location at the intersection of Gill and Treaty
Elms, which is on a curve and without a stop sign. How can our borough engineer approve something that
endangers our citizens?

The majority of trees surrounding the

property will be eliminated once home
construction begins.
The intersection of Gill Rd and Treaty
Elms Ln. is this a safe location for a

How can the board approve an application that remains incomplete?

A violation of borough ordinance occurred in July when the board conducted a vote on the completeness of the subdivision application when the developer was delinquent on taxes in an amount of $48,000. Borough ordinance
specifically states:
no municipal action can be taken as to any application requiring approval of the Planning or the Zoning
Boards unless there is verification that all monetary payments legally due to the Borough for property
taxesare fully paid in accordance with the law.
A re-vote should have occurred in September when the taxes were paid. In the absence of a new vote, the application
remains incomplete.

Be There on December 2nd

Citizens continue to SHOW UP and SPEAK OUT passionately in objection to the sub-division. Now its time for the
Planning Board to STAND UP and show allegiance to community and follow the foresight and wisdom of our Master
Plan to preserve, protect and improve all that makes Haddonfield unique.
*Photo is a what if scenario in the absence of architectural renderings from the developer

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