Paul McCartney SongWriting
Paul McCartney SongWriting
Paul McCartney SongWriting
PaDl Mccarttey jn .:a.j
versation with Gearye
Georgel.Jlrke lo lake ore
afyour song:;.nd therl talk
abaDt the way n *artec|
Paul Shall we pick one
that you loow a lot aboul
as well so that you can nll
)n? Ebony and lvoq,?
Georye .\'on,iow drd &at ::tart? What was the
LhouEritp.o.ess di.l yau thrtu af the tune ad
tha stut ta thFk abaut words haw di.l you
Paul I was r,r Scotlandand, as can sometines
happen one gaod hme to wrjte sonqsts when
you re not jn a very sood s like a kind ol
psychlalrist s couch in a way and oiten whai you
do is take your !:turtar or piano, your musLcal
'cruich' and qo off in a roon ard sort of sulk
almosl you sr k to the sonq lr makes you feel
better becaNe youre gellng x oul And as l
.ecall l wasn t leelmq urat bnlliant so l thouqht
oh heli so dd get away, dd so I went mio a
liLtle stLrdiol've qol lhere and I sat aLthe plano
the Rhodes With me it s always piano or !:tuitar
thals the only two viaysI witei I rcrely wile jn
I'd had th's lLue lymq aroud lor a wh'le the
whole thin!:t goes back quite a lew years wnen
on TV, or on the Fdio I heard Spike Mnliqan
make this analoqr wLthbtack and whxe noles on
the prano he d saLd you loow s a frmy k'nd ol
't andyouneedto
thnq black noies whjtenotes
play the two to make larmonr folks He tusl
nade a httLejokeout olil I thoughr yes,thisis a
qood analoqy for harmory belween people
becauseif youve jut qot the black noiesyoure
limited and rf youve just qot ihe whles yourc
limited evertually youve !:totto qo inio fieln
both So Iwas thrnknq. ril was qroinqto wiie a
song about lhat what mrqht it be called? And I
came up vnth ihe rdea ol ebony and
'voryofl I
thinkinq whal are those actual thjnqs made
dont krow
actuallymade ofebony
George ?lrer
l]sed lo bei &ey rc nat any mare,
jwt Fnjnted waad Theyre tat wary ejther
plasttc naw: thats wtty they datt ga yelow!
Paul So l ihouqht ebony and
sounds nce
Black is easilyassocialedwjti'!ory
ebony theres a
naqazrnecalledtbon), lvory Iv/9sn11ookeer
on us com'rq tuomelephant'stusksbut I thouqht
lh'nq ebonyandrvory sorvhenI satdo! n jn thN
by L ndnlvccarh.y )
PaulMccartneyandGeorgeMartn (Pholograph
The problem I was talknq about before I had Pau.l We did backtnq vocab wnl Slevje and we
dLdour technjque of both slnqirg the same Ine
ielt wirh the chorus: ]d almost sard x alt Then
when I d qot that verse I thouqht well I ve reallj/ ll wasvery mucha co thinlt Itmsone of thenice
said n all now there s no way lorward unLessI hy thinqs about lalkinq about the sonq the oiqinal
and try and 1ry I realy couldn'tqei anythinqI Npmtion being a black fellow ard a whLte
lellow Anolher very ntereshng lhinq I thouqht
ws happy wjth so then your modulatjon be
aboutthe sonqat the time is that,when I played
came anotherpart oi L\e song
Georye,Votl I remen\er haw it develape.! the nelody on the piano ebonyhappenedto be
trom ure: at the studio n Manlseral il t1,asiusl two black notes and lvory happened to be a!
you and Wander rcally
whjle noles which is somethnq l kepL meaninq
building it lrom naLhns. The r, teresftg &dsl 10 ro brns out in video clips I hjed jt but ihey
me is that both oI yau were multi talented drdnt lret it lo look iqht but thats dmys very
people and, tar ne, jt was Dnique ta have these encourasrns when you get a bit ol masic lrke
two p--ap\-bstatltng alonsede each ather and that jtsljke oohHe s on our sLde,jt'sworkng lor
goingrpatallel yau on the rcal pjano and Stene us And eventually when you sajd lets keep it
nro people Ithinkilsmcer jtsabetteridea its
an uE Fentler ed sradually we built up tam
more conplete that way I was happy 10do that
So this theme thal starLedjust il the Mnnq
Paul Slevie on druTrs and me on bass and l
iqht lbrough to the recodns and even
remember it rvas
ol us, becauseat a cetain point we,,verethLnk crazrly enouqn i!:lhl throuqh io the video itself
inq we miqht get somebody else in to help with We had those bjq hang ups when Steviecolldn t
the namonies or whaievei Butwe decrdedno come ior lhe vjdeo and n was ajmosl gonq to be
a big wash out the q'hole lhins l Ianq him od
lefs jusl make jt a Mcc.artneyWonder job.
said were all waiting and he sajd he coLrldnt
Georye And when we came away fram Mant
seftat tt was nnually fimshed -.xced hr the make it lor nve days (v/hich was all we had in L\e
schedule),so we did all our ljdeo brt jn Lordon
and he did his bi1 in LA Not the sonq thouqh
Pau.l Yes we'd
sme peoplehavesjncesaid1ome Isx truethat
GeorEe'faD putanlnsjc pjano,bass adgutaa
and Steyrena.l dore Fende/ nnodes CS80and you recordedyou bit olthe songjn London.ancl
Maaq svnthesjze$ ad dnms ard ,'ou drd the Iis bit nrles anavt The sonqrisellwasnl dore
lrke thal was a lve pelion'ance
dtums an lhe ather ane.
woke q
lLte tkig
ten or rwenty songs but none ol
rere really rery good The rearesl anv of
ro anythingwasthe stai ofi,ore Me
_ I r:!ch rr/asa titue bit taier, but Lhatwas abort
_:: .:aJest I itunk There was a sons caled/ust