Tata Steel Report Submitted

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Tata Steel is an Indian multinational steel company headquartered in Mumbai. It has manufacturing operations in 26 countries and employs around 80,500 people. Its largest plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. In 2007 Tata Steel acquired UK-based steel maker Corus which was the largest international acquisition by an Indian company till that date.

Tata Steel was founded in 1907 as Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO). It is the largest steel company in India and a subsidiary of the Tata Group. In 2007, Tata Steel acquired Corus Group, making it a global steel company. Its largest plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand with an annual capacity of 9.7 million tonnes.

Coal carbonization is the process of converting coal into coke by heating it in the absence of air. This drives off the volatile constituents of the coal and fuses the fixed carbon content. The key steps involve coal preparation, charging, heating and pushing the coke out of the oven once ready.



Tata Steel Limited (formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO)) is an
Indianmultinationalsteel-making company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, and a
subsidiary of the Tata Group. It was the 12th largest steel producing company in the world in
2012, with an annual crude steel capacity of 23.8 million tonnes, and the second largest privatesector steel company in India (measured by domestic production) with an annual capacity of 9.7
million tonnes after SAIL.
Tata Steel has manufacturing operations in 26 countries, including Australia, China, India, the
Netherlands, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom, and employs around 80,500 people.
Its largest plant is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. In 2007 Tata Steel acquired the UK-based
steel maker Corus which was the largest international acquisition by an Indian company till that
date. It was ranked 471st in the 2013 Fortune Global 500 ranking of the world's biggest
corporations. It was the seventh most valuable Indian brand of 2013 as per Brand Finance.
On February 12, 2012 Tata Steel completed 100 years of steel making in India.

Incorporated in 2005, Hooghly Met Coke (HMC) is a joint venture involving Tata Steel and the
West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC). Tata Steel holds a 98-per cent stake
in the company.
HMC is setting up a greenfield project at Haldia, West Bengal (in eastern India) with a proposed
capacity of 1.6 million tonne of metallurgical coke. The project will supply metallurgical coke to
the blast furnaces of Tata Steel at Jamshedpur, and for sale in the domestic and international
market. Designed to meet stringent environmental norms, the plants waste heat will be
harnessed for power generation by Tata Power Company.

What is Coal?
Coal is a fossil fuel formed from plants that were buried millions of years ago. The high
temperature, high pressure conditions underground transformed the plants physically and
chemically forming coal.

Based on rank

Based on physical changes

Coking coal
Non coking coal

Petrographic constituents of coal:

The organic components of coal observed under microscope are classified as maceral. It
describes the shape and nature of the microscopically recognizable (organic) constituents of
coal. Each macerals has a distinct set of physical, chemical, and technological properties.
Macerals are divided in three groups
1) Liptinite: Relatively enriched in hydrogen in compared with the other two groups, black
in colour.
2) Vitrinite: It has a greater carbon content, medium grey in colour.
3) Inertinite:It has an intermediate chemistry in between liptinite and intertinite, white in
Groups are distinguished from each other by their reflectance and fluorescence.

Fig-1(Different components in coal)


Two types of analysis are done:

Proximate analysis:In proximate analysis volatile matter, moisture, fixed carbon, ash content are

Ultimate analysis:In ultimate analysis nitrogen,carbon, hydrogen, phosphorous, oxygen, sulphuretc are

COAL USED IN HOOGLY MET COKE DIVITION:Coaking coal, semi soft coking coal

PROPERTIES OF GOOD COAKING COAL:1.Size;>90% -3.15 mm, &>25% -0.5 mm

2.Grindability:It is denoted by HGI.
HGI test:+Grinding Media
Speed of rotation
Weight applied on driving spindle
Coal sample
No. of rotation
HGI = 359.5

Steel balls (25mm, 8 nos)

19-25 rpm
29 kg
50g (-14 mesh & +25 mesh)

Where, W=weight of coal retained on 200 mesh

3.PlasticityIt is a property of amaterial to undergo a non-reversible change of shape in response to

an applied force. On heating above around 4000C coal goes to plastic state (thermal
stress) coke making is a plastic change.
Plastic Tests:

crusible swelling number / Free swelling index

It measures the degree of free swelling, makes a preliminary separation of
coking and non-coking coals. Test involves rapidly heating one gram coal (-60
mesh ; 0.25 mm) in a translucent silica crucible with a lid to 8200C for 1.5 in an
electric furnace minutes. The profile of the coke button obtained is compared
with a set of standard profiles numbered 1 to 9. Lower number means lower
free swelling or coking power of coal.
Lower number means lower free swelling or coking power of coal. Lower limit
for coking coal is 3.5 . CSN is not additive.

Gieseler fluidity
Coking coals on heating through successesive transient stages of softeningswelling-semi plastic/plastic-solidifying. This behavior has been termed as fluid
behavior.during coke making coal melt and fuse into coke.This permits the
fluid constituents to combine with The non melting fraction to form a strong
coke. Fludity is measured by Gieseler parameter.

Fig-2 (Effect of
temperature on fluidity)

4. Reactive macerals:Vrinite is generally the most frequent and accordingly,the most important maceral
group occurring in bituminous coals in the form of vitrin layers. For a good coking
coal precentage of vitrinites is important parameter as it is the reactive maceral
and among which V9 V14 is reactive part.
5. Roga Index:1g coal sample(-2.0mm in size) is mixed with 5 g anthracite and heated in a crucible at
800(+-)10C for 15 mins.The coke residue is subjected to abrasion in a drum of std. size
for 5 mins at 50 rpm and % of the +1 mm fraction , is reported as a rogaindex.Prime
coking coals generally have a RI >30.
6.Mean max reflectance: Vitrinite reflectance is measured by using polarized but monochromatic light of known
wavelength. The amount of light reflected keeping the polarizer at 45 position by the
vitrinitemaceral is measured.the mean of 100 readings for any single seam coal and 250
readings for any blend is taken as the reflectance of coal.The mean of these reflectance is
termed as mean max reflectance.
In coke oven naturally occuring coals are converted into coke which is suitable for use in
blast furnace.Coalcant be use as such in blast furnace because of

Its poor crushing strength

Poor combustibility

Presence of volatile matter

Swelling propeerty
It is therefore transforms into a hard porous mass, devoid of volatile matter
called coke by carbonization process. Depending upon its properties coke is
known as hard coke.Metallurgical coke is also known as blast furnace
coke,a macro porous carbon material of high strength , is produced by
carbonization of coal of specific rank or of coal blends. To get coke having
the above quality, the coal which is used for carbonization is called
metallurgical coal.

Properties of Good COKING COAL:i)


CNS(crucible swelling number)

9 approx
21 23
300 1000 ddpm

What is Coke?
Coke is a fuel with few impurities and a high carbon content usually made from coal. It is a solid
fuel made by heating coal in the absence of air so that the volatile components are driven off.

Different types of coke based on size:i)


Metallurgical/ BF coke
NUT Coke

+30 to -100 mm
+10 to -30 mm



<10 mm

In Blast furnace
COREX plant/Fondry
In Sinter plant

Properties of BF coke:

Mean particle size (MPS)

High carbon content

Coke strength after reaction (CSR) & coke reactivity Index (CRI)

Abrasion resistance strength

Coke Stability


Coke Oven:
A coke oven is a device used to produce coke, a product that is derived from coal. The
mixing and heating of bituminous coal at temperatures ranging from around 1000 c to
2000 c within the airless oven yields the coke byproduct. This device is a crucial part of
the coke making process.
There are mainly two methods of coke production;

Recovery type
Heat-Recovery type

By- product Recovery coke ovens:

In this process selected coals are blended and crushed for proper bulk density control,
blended coal is charged into a no of slot ovens shares a common heating flue with
adjacent oven. Coal is carbonized in a reducing atmosphere and the off gas is collected
and sent to the by-product plant to recover various by-product. Hence this process is also
known as by-product coke making. Here combustible gases are available for downstream
processes as fuel.

Coking phenomenon in recovery ovens:

In recovery type ovens the charge of coking coal is heated in the oven, the coal particles
surface of the chamber wall become plastic starting at about 360-4750C . In the
temperature range of 475-6000C , there is a marked evolution of tar, and aromatic
hydrocarbon compounds, followed by re-solidification of the plastic mass into semi coke.
As the heat front advances to the next layer, the layer closest to the hot surface
solidifies. The sequence continues, layer by layer, and the plastic layers from the both sides
of the wall forming an envelope, advance and meet at the centre of the charges as layers
near the hot surface get transformed from semi-coke to coke. In the temperature range 60010000C ,the coke stabilization phase begins. This is characterized by contraction of coke
mass, structural development of coke and final hydrogen evolution. Gases and vapor from
the inner layers escape, through fissures developed due to shrinkage in the layers of semi
coke and coke.

Heat-Recovery coke ovens:

In heat recovery ovens also known as beehive ovens, coal is carbonizedin large oven chambers
under negative pressure. The carbonization process takes place from the top by radiant heat
transfer and from bottom by conduction of heat through the sole flue.Since the by-products are

not recovered, the process is called non recovery coke making. In some cases, the waste gas exit
into a waste heat recovery boiler which converts the excess heat into steam for power generation,
hence the process is called heat recovery coke making.

Coking phenomenon in Heat-Recovery ovens:

In the heat recovery beehive ovens, the coking proceeds downwards from the top & upward from
bottom, during which the coal at increasing depths, passes through a plastic state as the
temperature rises, leading to vertical shrinkage. This results in expansion and contraction of the
charge. The coke is criss-crossed by large numbers of irregular vertical fissures, which imparts
long volumetric structure . The structure provides an indication by which non recovery oven coke
can be distinguished from by product oven coke.

Attractive features of heat-recovery coke oven:

Operation of carbonization chambers under negative pressures.

Less pollution, environment friendly,
No carbonization wall pressure
Ability to work on single coal, wide range of blend tank, allows higher amount of
low rank, non coking coals.
As majority of is direct radient heating from coal VM combusting above charge,
hence higher temperature, Coaking time adjustable without affecting productivity,
Lower installation cost and simple operatation system compared to recovery tipe
coke ovens
Flat bed carbonization
Supply of air in both carbonization chamber as well as in sole flue.

Fig -3(Heat Recovery Process flow diagram)

Coke Oven in TATA STEEL Plant : -


Material Balance for Heat recovery type coke ovens:



(0.92 TONS,DRY)


AIR: 4.91 TONS

DRY 0.66

Energy balance for heat recovery coke ovens:

FLUE GAS: Co2,So2,H2O,N2,O2

ation)0.533 M

0.533 KCAL(21.1 %)

Sensible heat: 1433 Mk(57 %)

Latent heat: o.27 MK(10.7 %)

Combustion heat
liberated 2.525 M
Kcal,100 %
0.284MKCAL(11.2 %)



In this plant heat rocvery type coke oven is used.

COKE 0.66 T


Carbonization process:-

Fig-4( Carbonisation in HR oven)

It occurs in 3 stages.

Pre- plastic stage:

Low temperature volatilization occurs, moisture & evolution of CO2 occurs at a
temperature less than 1200C . Temperature in between 120-3750C initially
methane,CO, nitrogen evolution started.

Plastic stages:
At a Temperature range between 375-4750C coal becomes plastic encompassing
extensive molecular disruption and expulsion of volatiles. Volumetric changes starting
with initial contraction followed by expansion and a 2nd contraction occure with
rise in temperature.

Post- plastic stage:

At a temp. range 475-6000C re-solidification of plastic mass into semi coke and
evolution of tar and aromatic hydrocarbon occure. Temperature rangr in between
600-10000C contraction, structural development of coke and finally hydrogen
evolutions occurs.










Fig -5(Physically changes during carbonization of coal)

Design Parameters Of The Plant:

1) Dry gross coke production at 95% oven utilization- 1.6 MTPA

2) Type- Heat recovery typew adopting stamp charge technique
3) Coal blend-a) prime coking coal- 45-55% & b) semi soft coking coal- 45-55%
4) Proximate analysis of coal blend: moisture- 9% , ash- 8-10% , volatile matter- 2224%, sulpher- 0.6%
5) Coking properties of coal blend: a) CSN- 5-6 & b) Mean reflectance of vitrinite-1
6) Coal bluk density: 1.05- 1.1 ton/m3
7) Coal size: a) fraction below 0.5 mm- 35% & b) fraction below 3.0 mm- 90%
8) Coke quality requirement: a) moisture-4% b) ash-11% c) volatile matter- 1% d)
sulpher- 0.6% e) M40- 80 f) M10- 7 g) CSR- 68 h) CRI- 18-23
9) Gross carbonization time- 64-66 hrs
10) No of oven pushing per day- 132
11) Gross coke yield over dry coal- 75% with 24% VM coal
12) Waste gas generation- a) flow- 10,08,000 Ncum/hr b) Temparature- 1000 c


Calculations for coke :Yield = 100 coal VM + coke VM 3% burning loss

Coke = yield * dry coke
Yeild = 100 -23 +.6 3
Coke = 74.6 * 50*(8%)
= 34 tonns
If 50tonns of coal is charged, 34 tonns of coke can be got.

Total coke manufactured yearly = 1.6 million tons.

Per shift charging = 34/3 = 11 or 12

Overall Process Flow Diagram Of the plant:


Coal& Coke SampleTesting:

A Q.C. Laboratory is present in the plant where coal & coke sample is tested to calibrate the
property and the composition of the sample with respect to other one. For testing coal sample,
here proximate and analysis have been done. Also HGI & plasticity test is done for testing the
coal samle. The equipment used for this purpose is Hot air oven, LTGK Furnace, Muffle furnace.
In case of coke sample testing, the experiment done in the laboratory is CSR, CRI Test , ARS
test. The equipment used here is eye drum, pulverizer, vibrator sieve, roller crusher, jaw crusher,
micum drum.

Raw material(Coal) handling section:

Wagon Tippler & side arm charger

Coal stacker cum reclaimer

Blending bunker
Moisture addition
Crusher house
Coal conveyor
Belt scale
Cross belt magnetic separator
Hanging magnet
Metal detector


Fig-6(Layout of HMC Coal circuit)

Coal blend used:Fivetypes of coal are used for economical optimization;1.


Bhelatend (25%)
West bokaro (20%)
Saraji (30%)
Kestral (15%)
From these, Blelatend& west Bokaro from own coliary&Saraji, CSS, Kestral
are imported.

Basic description:
a) The coal is unloaded in underground hopper of wagon tippler of adequate capacity, from
rail wagon by wagon tippler. One tippler complete with the side arm charger is installed
for this purpose.


Fig 7(Wagon Trippler)

Fig 8(Side Arm Charger)
b) The above stream designed for continuous duty of 24 hrs. per day for any of following
flow routes.i) the tippler complex to coal stock yard. ii) tippler complex to blending
bunkers iii) from coal stock yard to blending bunkers iv) from blending bunker to coal


Fig 9(Coal Stacker cum Reclaimer)

Conveyor CL-1 conveys coal to conveyor CL-2 at junction house(JH-1).
Conveyor CL-2 conveys coal to conveyor CL-2A at junction house(JH-2) via pent
CL-2A shall feed coal to CL-3(ground conveyor ) at JH-2A.
CL-3 conveys coal to CL-4, JH-3.
Conveyor coal from CL-4 discharge to CL-5 at JH-4.
CL-4 discharge coal at blending bunker building.
Coal from blending bunker is discharged to CL-6 through 8 nos.
One no of moisture measurement transmitter MG-1 is provided on CL-6 for continuous
moisture measurement of coal before entry of crusher house.
CL-6 feed coal to crusher house. MD-1 is provided on CL-6 to detect magnetic material.


Fig 10(Parts of Conveyor)


Coal from CL-6 at crusher house passes through 3 sets of rodgates.

Crusher coal from crusher of sizes (-) 3mm is discharged to CL-7 at crusher house.
CL-7 drops coal on to CL-8 at JH-5. MD-2 is provided for this purpose.
CL-8 discharge crushed coal to one no of RCL-1 at JH-6.
CL-9 & CL-11 discharge to either coal tower 1 or CL-10 & coal tower 3 or CL-12
through RCL-2 & RCL-6 respectively.
q) CL-10 and CL-12 feed crushed coal to coal tower -2 & 3 respectively through RCL-4& 7
respectively. Two belt scale BSCL-5 & 7 are provided on conveyor CL-10 & CL-12

Coke Oven Section:

Battery Construction:
The coal coke is firstly heated by the heat accumulated in the fire tunnels of main
walls and oven bottom and fleu gas then separated, which is burnt incompletely by
adjusting the primary air door on the oven top. Due to inadequate air introduction
retaining atmosphere from with in the chamber top constitutes a protective layer for
coal cake. The remaining flue gas goes down through the descending fire tunnels to
four linked arch tunnels. There are four secondary air tunnel, by adjusting the


secondary air door fresh air is introduced into the sole to burn the flue to produce
heat. The temperature of oven bottom is controlled by means of thermocouple so as to
control the quality of introduced air and secure a uniform temp rise of carbonization
chamber. The temp of the chamber is 1050-1300 c.

Fig11(Cross Section of HR oven)

Fig 12(Longitudinal cross section of oven)


Oven top is of barch structure in order to avoid burning- out of coke the primary air
doors are installed on the oven top so as to form a protective layer between coal
burning zone.

Oven Door:
Oven door is divided into two parts. The upper door is fixed and lower door is flexible. Such
design can reduce dust emission and operating weight of oven doors.


Path of Fluegas:

Oven top

Boiler Inlet

Oven sole


ID Fan



Fig-13(Top View of Combustion Chamber)



Bridge pipe


Bridge pipe

Branch Header


Coke oven Machines:a)


Coal tower
Stamping station
Coal charging cum coke pusher car
Coke receiving cum quenching car

Fig-14(Stamping Station)

Fig 15(Coal Charging Cum Coke pushing car)

Coke Quenching System:

Function of quenching station is to quench the hot coke coming from oven carried out by hot
coke quenching car. Coke quenching system is consists of a coke quenching tower with
dedusting equipment and overhead water tank, two sets coke quenching pump, one set of slurry
pump, fresh water tank, coke breeze deposit device, coke breeze dehydrating platform and
electrically opetaredtelpher grab bucket with single grider EOT crane.


Coke handling section:

Fig-16(Diagram of Coke Circuit)

Brief description:
a) From four rows four no of wharf conveyor WCK-1,2 & 5,6 feed coke to two common
wharf conveyor WCK 3&7 at JH-A&C respectively .
b) At JH-B&D coke is discharged to RCK-1&3 respectively which feed coke either to
WCK-4&8 or to CK-1 respectively.
c) Ck-1 discharge coke to RCK-2 at screen house.
d) RCK-2 feed coke either to VS-1&2 or to CK-3.
e) The screened coke of size 10mm is discharged from screen to Ck-2.
f) Screened hard coke of size 10mm is by RCK to yard conveyor CK-3.
g) At JH-8 one surge hopper having 100 cum is provided. One vibrating feeder is provided
to withdraw the material from surge hopper. From the vibrating feeder material is feed to
wagon loading conveyor CK-5 at JH-8.


Why Refractories are used?
To resist material loss and mechanical failure during the interaction between deferent state of
material at elevated temperature in oven/ kiln/furnace so that we can get desired product

Material loss process

Process of material loss due to interaction between
different states of material and atmosphere:

Erosion: A process of material loss while a solid interacting with fluid (Liquid/Gas).

Abrasion: A process of wear and tear resulting from the interaction between two solids.

Corrosion: A process of decay of solid because of chemical reaction


Thus suggested definition of refractory:

An inorganic material which can offer resistance towards corrosion, erosion and abrasion
process without mechanical failure even at elevated temperature.

Thus, Refractories should be thermally, mechanically and chemically stable when it get

Some metals are also showing high refractoriness like

Refractories Selection parameters

General Refractory Selection Parameters:
1. Interacting atmosphere of Furnace/Kiln
2. Degree of interaction and criticality of Zone
3. Operating Temperature & Pressure


4. Size of Furnace/Kiln
5. Economic consideration etc.

Refractories Properties & Tests

1. Chemical Analysis
2. Apparent Porosity (AP)
3. Cold Crushing Strength (CCS)
4. Refractoriness Under Load (RUL)
5. Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE)
6. Abrasion Test
7. Permanent Linear Change (PLC)
8. Thermal Conductivity Etc.

Refractory classification
There are two ways of classifications of Refractories:

Physical Classification:

Shaped Refractory


Chemical Classification:


Example: Bricks,PCPF,Ceramic
Board etc.

g Refractory tap hole clay etc.




Refractories used HMC coke oven:SL


Type of Refractories

Area of Application

Silica Bricks

Interior lining of oven except mouth portion of


High Alumina Brick

Oven mouth wall

Fire Clay Bricks

Battery areas directly exposed to air

Insulation Bricks

Flue gas carrying pipes

Refractories Mortar

Act as an adhesive between two Bricks joints

Ceramic Board

Oven door and flue gas pipe back up lining.

Acid resistance Bricks

Wharf & other High Abrasive area



PCPF Refractories


Castable (LC-45)

Oven Door Lining

Why silica refractory?

Silica is an Acidic Refractories

Very Low thermal expansion coefficient(0.33X10-6/Deg C)

Volume stability in certain range of temperature (after 600o C)

Very Good thermal conductivity.

Excellent spalling resistance at high temperature

High Abrasion Resistance

High Creep Resistance & RUL

Prolong life

Thermal conductivity comparison

Below graph represent a comparative thermal conductivity figures:



General Specification of Silica Bricks:General Properties

Some facts about silica refractory

Raw materials: Quartz, Quartzite, Ganister, Sand Stone

In spite of low Raw material cost it is costlier due to lower yield i.e high rejection.

Heating and cooling should be super controlled and very slow to avoid rejection.

Prolong inhalation of silica dust may cause of chronic disease like silicosis. Effect
respiratory system

Generally use at Oven like Hot Stove, Coke oven, Regenerator of coke oven, Glass
melting furnace crown etc.


Silica Polymorphs: Quartz, Trydimite, Crystobalite

There are two ways Silica changes its phase:

1. Reconstructive: Caused by breaking of bond in lattice. Example Quartz, Tridymite,

2. Displacive: Caused by shifting of atom/bond from their lattice : - Quartz, -Quartz, Tridymite, -Tridymite, - Cristobalite, - Cristobaliteetc





As long as temperature variation is very slow the above conversion is fully reversible

Increase in temperature resulted in more vibration of atoms in the crystal which require
more space hence it starts expending during temperature increase.

Trydimitephase is most desirable phase in coke oven silica refractory.

Best operating temperature range of Silica Bricks is 8700C to 14700C i.e in trydimite
phase, However in worst condition it should not be lowered than 5730C 6000C.

The above constraint compel to carry out refractory repairing job at high temperature.

Hence, we should maintain the permissible temperature range by optimizing time of oven
door changing, opening, closing & other activity caused temperature drop.


Safety Management in this plant:

Conveyor Safety:
Conveyor are efficient method of transportation. However, they can also be one of the
most dangerous elements of plant in a workplace if safe operating and maintenance
practice are not maintained.

Twelve Fundamental Conveyor Safety Rules:

a) Dont perform service on conveyor until motor disconnect or is locked out.
b) Service conveyor with only authorized maintenance personnel.
c) Keep clothing, fingers, hair, and other parts of the body away from conveyor. Loose
garment shall be avoided.
d) Dont climb , step, sit or ride on conveyor at any time.
e) Dont load conveyor more than the design limits.
f) Dont remove or alter conveyor guards or safety devices.
g) Know location and function of all stop/start controls.
h) Keep all stopping/starting control devices free from obstructions.
i) All personnel must be clear of conveyor before starting.
j) Operate conveyor with trained personnel only.
k) Keep area around conveyors free from obstructions.
l) Report all unsafe condition & practices to your supervisor.

Unsafe conditions & environmental causes &prevention:

a) Moving conveyor in a open gallery are a crucial safety breach that can be minimized
with good training and employee awareness.we are equipped with adequate conveyor
guarding in every situation.
b) Defective conveyor equipment is unprotective and dangerous. When conveyor are not
running at correct speeds, belt tensions or in other ways accident can result. People
shall be trained to avoid these situations.
c) Conveyor that are arranged hazardously can be a source of accidents. The conveyor
layout is made so that it allows foot traffic safely with moving conveyor training can
help them avoid injuries.
d) Another possibility is that overhead or elevated conveyors may result in conveyed
items that fall possibly causing injuries. To avoid this, conveyors shall be guarded
either with railings, safety netting or other fall protection metods.


e) At times people will deactivate safety devices to expedite work or to quicken the
pace. We should understand what devices are installed on a conveyor to make it safer
and be sure those are always operational and in place.

Use of personal protective equipments:

Helmet with chin strip tightly fitted.

Safety Goggles.
Safety Shoes.
Hand Gloves.
Mask for protection from dust.
High visibility vest

1. Health and safty policy
ISO 18001:2007
2. Environmental policy
ISO 14001: 2004
3. Quality policy
ISO 9001 : 2008



The visit to the plant was highly interesting and it was a wonderful learning process.
Raw material unloading to coke loading through carbonization process everything
done here is in very well defined way. Safety level in this plant is very high. Regular
monitoring & maintenance of coke oven system gives an idea of health carbonization
process, formation of coke. Lastly the most important feature of the plant is that the
process of the plant is eco-friendly. The emitted flue gas from the chimney do not
pollute the environment.


1. Hooghly Met Coke training manual
2. Internet
3. "History of Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.". FundingUniverse.com. Retrieved 31
August 2013.
4. "History of Tata Steel". steelonthenet.com. Retrieved 31 Aug 2013.
5. Tata steel-wikipedia,the free encyclopedia.

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