A Numerical Blowdown Simulation Incorporating Cubic Equations of State
A Numerical Blowdown Simulation Incorporating Cubic Equations of State
A Numerical Blowdown Simulation Incorporating Cubic Equations of State
The development of a numerical simulation, based on cubic equations of state for blowdown of vessels containing high pressure
hydrocarbons is described. The models performance is evaluated by comparison with experimental data relating to the blowdown
of a condensable hydrocarbon mixture in a full sized vessel at a starting pressure of 118 bar. Typical output data including
timetemperature profiles for the vapour and liquid phases as well as the wetted and unwetted walls are reported. These are
shown to be within 95 K of experimental data. In general, it is found that the choice of the cubic equation of state has little
effect on the data. 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Blowdown; Depressurisation; Numerical simulation; Computer modelling
1. Introduction
The rapid depressurisation or blowdown of process
vessels or sections containing high pressure hydrocarbons is contemplated when emergencies arise, particularly in offshore operations where there is a fire or
escape of flammable gases. In recent years however,
such operations have presented process and safety engineers with a dilemma.
The primary purpose for blowdown is to reduce
pressure and remove inventory in the least amount of
time possible. However, rapid depressurisation results
in a dramatic drop in the fluid and hence the vessel wall
temperatures. If the wall temperature falls below the
ductilebrittle transition temperature of the vessel material, rupture is likely to occur. Low fluid temperatures
can also lead to the formation of solid hydrates in cases
where free water is present. The presence of solid
hydrate can cause great difficulties in operations (Katz
& Lee, 1990).
Clearly the optimum blowdown time requires a delicate balance between the maximum permissible depressurisation time (see for example, API Recommended
Practice 521, 1990) and the minimum wall and fluid
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-171-4193835.
0098-1354/99/$ - see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 1 3 5 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 9 6 - 3
Ti,Z1Ni 1,Z1
Two-phase mixture:
Si,Z1 =
3.2. Validation
Fig. 1 presents predicted vessel pressure time profiles
for the condensable gas mixture based on BLOWSIM
and BLOWDOWN (Haque et al., 1992b) as compared
with experimental results. The data indicate that
Table 1
Experimental conditions for the condensable gas hydrocarbon mixture prior to blowdown (Szczepanski, 1994)a
Composition (% mole)
P0 (atm)
T0 (K)
dC (mm)
Fig. 4 shows the corresponding predicted and measured bulk liquid temperatures vs time profiles. As
before, the data indicate that BLOWSIMs performance is insensitive to the choice of the CEOS used.
Also during the first 600s of blowdown, where the rate
of formation of condensed liquid is most rapid, more
accurate liquid temperatures are predicted compared to
those during the subsequent period. This is likely due to
the actual proportion of the heavier hydrocarbons in
the vessel during the latter stages of depressurisation
being greater than the predicted values. Consequently,
the estimated boiling liquid temperature will be lower
than the measured value.
In general, BLOWSIM performs better than BLOWDOWN. It is interesting to note that the experimental
data indicate that the formation of the liquid phase is
nearly instantaneous while BLOWSIM and BLOWDOWN predict liquid formation :30 and 100 s following blowdown, respectively.
In Fig. 5, the measured temperature time profiles for
the wetted wall are compared with the predicted profiles based on BLOWSIM and BLOWDOWN. Interestingly, although liquid formation is instantaneous (see
Fig. 4) no wetted wall temperature is recorded until
:100 s after commencement of depressurisation.
coefficients are in the same range as those recommended by Overa et al. (1994) in carrying out their
blowdown experiments. In order to avoid congestion,
only the data generated using the TCC CEOS are
shown here. Clearly as the heat transfer coefficient is
decreased a better agreement between simulation results
and experimental data is obtainable.
4. Conclusions
where the vessels inventory is assumed to expand adiabatically, the minimum bulk gas temperature is underestimated by 80 K. This result clearly demonstrates the
importance of taking into account the effects of heat
transfer from the vessel wall on the fluid temperature.
The observed slightly lower (:5 K) predicted wetted
wall temperature as compared to the experimental
value is most probably a consequence of a too high
boiling heat transfer coefficient obtained from Rohsensows correlation. By assuming constant liquidwall
heat transfer coefficients in the ranges recommended by
Overa et al. (1994), we obtain more accurate wall
temperatures as the heat transfer coefficient is
Based on the assumption of negligible temperature
gradients across thickness of the vessel wall, we are able
to obtain reasonably good predictions for both liquid
and average wetted wall temperatures. However, boiling heat transfer between the liquid phase and vessel
wall is expected to result in a rather significant temperature difference across the vessel wall. For example, by
assuming a boiling heat transfer coefficient of 3000
W/m2K and steady-state conduction, the estimated
temperature difference across the wetted vessel wall is
:10 K. This value can be far higher in a fire situation
where the resulting hoop stress may easily lead to
catastrophic rupture of the vessel during blowdown.
Hence a useful extension of this work would be simulation of the temperature gradients across the vessel wall
under such adverse conditions.
It is interesting to note that the measured liquid
temperature time profile indicates that the formation of
the liquid phase is nearly instantaneous while BLOWSIM and BLOWDOWN predict liquid formation sometime later. The earlier formation of liquid phase
predicted from BLOWSIM as compared to BLOWDOWN is attributed to the use of different types of
EOS rather than the assumptions of instantaneous formation and immediate settlement of liquid droplets
condensed from the vapour phase as employed in the
former model.
In conclusion, we believe that the value of this study
can be significantly improved by comparison of our
models predictions with a wider range of hydrocarbon
systems and conditions. Such data would be important
for validation as well as being directly useful for modelling purposes. The latter is because blowdown involves a large number of relatively complex interactive
processes that may be extremely difficult to model on a
purely theoretical basis. It is therefore inevitable that a
robust blowdown model will rely, to some extent on
empirically obtained correlations.
Unfortunately experimental data of this nature are
often difficult to obtain due to the high capital equipment costs involved as well as the associated safety
implications. Industry seems to be the only source with