Pre-Reading Questions.: Reckoning Meteorological
Pre-Reading Questions.: Reckoning Meteorological
Pre-Reading Questions.: Reckoning Meteorological
gy conditions
astronomi relating to the scientific study of เกี่ยวกับดำรำศำสตร์
cal the stars
Recalling Information
1.From paragraph 2 how long did a season
last in the Roman calendar?
Suggested answer : Three months
2.From the next paragraph when did the
spring in Northern hemisphere begin?
Suggested answer : March 1.
3.When did the summer in Northern
hemisphere begin?
Suggested answer : June 1.
4.When did the autumn in Northern
hemisphere begin?
Suggested answer : September 1.
5.When did the winter in Northern
hemisphere begin?
Suggested answer : December 1.
6. Based from the passage given is it true
that all the seasons begin the same time
both in the Northern hemisphere and
Southern hemisphere?
Suggested answer : No.
7. So if they are winter in Northern
hemisphere it should be what season in the
Southern hemisphere?
Suggested answer : Summer.
Pre-Reading Questions.
1. What are the midpoints of summer and winter?
Suggested answer : The solstices and equinoxes.
2. What does “ insolation ” depend on?
Suggested answer : The amount of the light from the sun.
3.What do we call the days of greatest insolation?
Suggested answer : "Midsummer".
4. What do we call the days of least insolation?
Suggested answer : "Midwinter".
Reading Passage
Now read the passage below. You can look up the meaning
of the words in bold in the Vocabulary Study Section that
3.2 Traditional
Traditional seasons are reckoned by insolation, with
summer being the quarter of the year with the greatest
insolation and winter the quarter with the least. These seasons
begin about 4 weeks earlier than the meteorological seasons
and 7 weeks earlier than the astronomical seasons.
In traditional reckoning, the seasons begin at the cross-quarter
days. The solstices and equinoxes are the midpoints of these
seasons. For example, the days of greatest and least insolation
are considered the "midsummer" and "midwinter" respectively.
This reckoning is used by various traditional cultures in
the Northern Hemisphere, including East Asian and Irish
cultures. In Iran, Afghanistan and some other parts of middle
east the beginning of the astronomical spring is the beginning
of the new year which is called Nowruz.
So, according to traditional reckoning, winter begins
between 5 November and 10 November; spring between 2
February and 7 February, ; summer between 4 May and 10
May ; and autumn between 3 August and 10 August, The
middle of each season is considered Mid-winter, between 20
December and 23 December,; Mid-spring, between 19 March
and 22 March,); Mid-summer, between 19 June and 23 June,;
and Mid-autumn, between 21 September and 24 September, .
Vocabulary Study
period of time
of a group
Recalling Information
Reading Passage
Now read the passage below. You can look up the meaning
of the words in bold in the Vocabulary Study Section that
Vocabulary Study
the sun
Recalling Information
1. How many key dates are there from
paragraph 1?
Suggested answer : There are four key
2. When are they?
Suggested answer : 21 of March, June,
September and December.
3. What is the beginning of spring in the
Northern hemisphere and when ?
Suggested answer : The Vernal Equinox
on 21 March.
4. What is the Midsummer’s Day in the
Northern hemisphere and when ?
Suggested answer : The Summer Solstice
on 21 June.
5. When did the sun cross the Equater going
south ?
Suggested answer :The Autumnal Equinox
on 21 September.
6. When is the shortest day in the Northern
Suggested answer : 21 December.